Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1896, p. 5

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THl rLlSBlATOM AOViNGl V*- •y- n-'^ â- â- t mm BANKING OFFICE OP GE O. MIT CHELL â- - ^- FLEMHERrON Ageueral bauking busiceae trauBactol Drafts llisuft«l and i^Ueqaub ca»;ied at u>iiial rates. Mon9y alwaya avaiLiblu for legimat? busiDosa Miterprlso. otUse two dotfrs aoitli of Mlahard- â- ondsCo's. Vicinity Chips. characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Called for the Curious. B-wiien iioucs among locals will be chiirged at the rate of 10c per line for each iiuiertimi. A redur.tion will be made on cnntracti fur 100 lines or over. Hunday Inst was the Liugent day of tha ye»r. Duaiinion Day cuniis on Wednesday next. The puWic schooU will close on Tues day of next week fur t!ie auiuuier buli T â€" Fresh liino for salo at 10 ccnii per bushel, ou lot 29, N . U. R. , Arteiiiesia W. J. Meads, As Dominion day fa!U on Wednesday' of next wtfk The Advance will not bo printed and mailed until Thursday. The NorthGrey Farmtri*' Institute will run an excursinn to Guelph by C. P. II •n Monday, June 29. Soe advertisement fi>r rales, ete., in anodier column. A inretint; uf the arbitritors appointed to form a union school section between Prutun and ArteiueRia, will be held at Proton Station on Friday, 2t)th iust., at 1 o clock p. m. Mr. T. Bradbury of this place claims that in the absence of tha family some one entered his residence in broad day- light one day last week and reliered him uf 911^ which was contained in a p<jcket- bouk in a bureau drawer. Tha Rev. James Farrior, who has recently been appointed by Bishop Baldwin of the Diocese of Huron to take charge of the united parish of Maxwell and Duiidalk, will preach (D. V.) at St. Mary church. Maxwell at 10.30a.m. and inDumlalk at 3.30 on Sunday, Juno 28. Ayer's Pills promote tha natural motion of the bowels, without which th%r« can be no regular, healthy opera- tions. For the cure of biliousness, indigestion, sick hssdache, con.itip.itioti, JHUudicu, and lirer comprint, those pilU have no equal. Every dose elfectiire. The Adfance coiiKratulatos Mr. Geu. Soblo vf Markdale upon his appointment to the County hv^h constabJe»hip. Mr. Noble has boen a constable in this county fur 26 years, and by rip.ht of seniority was therefore entitled to the added honor and extra salary, which is worth t200 and some perquisites. Not tnany business himnvs in the Uuitfd Statts can boast of fifty ytars standing. The business of Dr. J. C. Ayer's ifc Co., Lowell, Mass., whose in- conipiu-ablo Sarsapafilla i.i knuwn and used everywhere, has passed its half- ceuteniiiiil and was never so vigorous as at pres-Jiit. The Flesh.«rton Advance, ona of our best exchanges from the north, celebrated its li>th anniversary last week. The proprietor, Mr. Thurston, is an active newspaper man and a good job printer and has worked up a very succexsful busiiiens. We wish him success.- -Shel- burue Free Press. The followini; officers nf Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. and A. M., were ii.stalkd by M. W. Bro. Dr. Carter for the current year : M. W., G. Mifchell ; S. \V., U. Mc(Jill ; J. W., J. A. Bnyd ; Chap., Rev. J. Wells ; Tress., A. S. Vand'Jsen ; Sec, W. J. BeHamy ; S. D,, A. M. Gibson ; J. D., F. Vandnsen ; I. G., R. Henderson ; T. -las. Sullivan. A few shares of Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. (limited) stock fully paid up for sale. Apply to R. J. Spboulb, Flesherton. Mr. H. Flesher has the contract of making tbs repairs to tka Methodist church, and the work is now under way. Service will be held in tha baaament fur tha next few weeks On Friday evening at 7.30 a Servicd, according to the rites of tha church of England, will be conducted in the Orange Hall, Fleshertnn Station, by the ReT. M. M. Goldberg, of Markdale. All church" of England people in or near Flesherton take note. Particulars wil» be announced from the pulpit. Dr. Christoe of Flesherton occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here iabu "l^***''''' •ui'.t'Jii'ig and evening. The Dr. is a very pleasing speaker aZy^ _" always a large .ind attentive audience to speak to when it is known that he fills the pulpit. He was the guest of Mr. T. Hanbury while here. â€" Ducdalk Herald. The .Ladies .Vid of the Methodist church will hold their annual garden party ou Dominion Day on tha grouuds of Jlr. K. N. Henderson. The program will Consist of uamos of different kinds. Flesherton Brass Band will be iu attend- ance. Ti:a served from 5 to 7. Admission 15c. Ice cream and lemon- ade. * Do the Hies bi>ther you 1 An exchange gives the fullowing receipt for ridding the bouse of them. It is worth trying : Take a small stove shoral, heat it red hot and pour ou it a few drops of carbolic acid, havin<;; prsviously ch>sed the doors and windows. In a few minutes open the rooiu and the Hie* will be found to have entirely d'sappeared. Only a faint odor of til* fumes of carbolic acid will remain. Tha fool killer could find remcneratiTe employment in this town at the present moment. Uis game last week would have been an imbecile who tied down Beecroft & Talbot's whistle about ten o'clock ona night anil caused the whole town to turn out, tliinking it was a fire. It is a great pity that tlie orauk oauld not be discovered, so that justice could be moted out to him. Did he ever read ..£«»p's Cable of the boy and tha wolf ? The Public School Leaving and High School Entrance Exaniinatiun will be held in Markdale, Dundalk, Flesherton and Kimberley, on Tliur»day, Friday and Satarday of next week, July, 2, 3, and 4. Mr. Ruwe of Markdale will be the presid- ing examiner here, Mr. Glendinning goes to Markdale and Mr. Irwin to Dundalk. The Primary Examinations bekiinaing on Tuesday, July 7th, and continuing until the middle of the following week â€" Examiuatiuits will be held in Durham and Kiuiborleyâ€" Principal Irwin presides in Durham. The final draft uf stations made in conference last wtek gave the following changes for this district : Owen Sound West street church, A. T, Ingram ; Brnokholni, R. Strachan ; Euphi-asia, J. G. Scott ; Markdale, J. M. Simpson ; Dundalk, R. J. Follis ; Holland, R. B. Baynon, B. A. ; Priceville, J. W. S. Humphreys. Rev. Mr. Hartley^ late of Pricaville waa superannuated. We be- Savt he purposes raaidiM^ in Palmenten. Mr. Thos Croft, whose denth notice appeared in last issuf, was born in Lincolnshire, Kiigland, and came to Canada 45 years ago, settling iu Picker- ing township, where he remained two years, and then removed to Osprey. He took up land in the then forest and raised a family uf seven children, three sons i):\d four daughters. These children are Tlios. and .Joseph Croft of Artemesia, Chas. W., who lives on the old home- stead, Mrs. J. Hales uf this village, Mrs. C<>ber, Mich., Mrr. Gill spie, Shelburne, and Mrs. McKerchnie, Maxwell. Dactased was a uonsistant member of rha Methodist church for twenty years, and the funeral, which took place to Maxwell cemetery on Sunday weak, was very larwely attended. For several years ptst there seems to have been very little local interest taken in the celebration of Dominion Day in Flesherton. Those « ho do not go else- where for amusement seem ta hang around and wouJur what they have lost. Hence, we are glad to learn that some effort is being made by our military men to provide a little diversiuu forthu.ie who will come to the town in the afternoon. The prograinnio for the day we under- stand will consist uf a baseball match in the morning, target practice in thn early afternoon, by No. 6 Coy., field move- ments to illustrate, amongst other manoeuvres the attack and defence of a position, to wind up with a triumphal march uf the victors through the village headed by Flesherton Band. Refresh- ments will be pruvided for members of No. 6. Cox- bom a distanoa.. PBRMNAL5 Rev. R. Keefercame up from Preiton to cast his ballot for Dr. Landerkin. Mr. W. Sinclair oarae down from Owen Sound to vote, but ho had bis ride for nothing, as the poll was olueed wheii he arrived. MiM Chriataiw Richardaon leftTuaaday to spuud a few weeks with friends in (ialt. Dr. E K. Richardson has returned hoin« for a short r«at after oomsleti^ig his term at the children's hospital, Toronto, and previous to settling down in aregular practice. Dr. R. Henderson, L. D. S , D. D. S., was in town last week, and favored The Advance with a pleasant call. Dr. Henderson has located in West Toronto Junction, where wa trust he will meet with success. Mr. Jol n Irwin and Miss Rabt'eca Irwin of Heathcot«, wero the guests of ^â- >ioiiialIrwiu ov.er Sunday. • ^ ^u * Mr. and Mr. W. Fetch attenaeu <.^.. wedding of the former's brother, near Georgetown, last -veek. It ROW transpires that the gentleman who recei ved t lie telegram referred to in last week's paper was mistaken in be- lieving it was delayed as stated. AI. though the date on the telegram would lead one tcj|believs the facts were as stated still it is explaii:ed that the message was a night message and did not leave the Toronto office until the morning of the day on w'bich it was received, and was delivered as soon as it was possible to be delivered. We therefore have a humble apology to offer the telegraph people one and all. At tha same time our complaint was not altogether out uf place, because of the necesoary delay in every esse, when a message is received over the C. P. R. line, which has no otBce in the village, messages having to b* Mivered by tha 'bus driver. We have suffered personally owing to this oondition of afiUirs, and kaow whereof we speak. Ou one occasion this vtB" ' Mt a Uve dollar job owing to this deS^, which of course was a very serious mattar to a poor country printer. The country edibir is a combination of the entire staff of a city newspaper. His sphere of usvCulneae, although not so ubiq;uitoua^ iw <{uita as imporTAnt as that of the great cuntcinporaries. Hi-s single weekly paper is in miniature the seven issues per week of the great dailies. Hi.s constituency is often the most moral and high-minded to be found in the domain uf history. He reuches the homo uf brain and brawn tliat send to colleges and cities the great, well balanced men of the ago. He may not uproot scandal, expose corruption, tear down religious and poUtical i>arties, create eiupirus on crush dynasties, but ho roaehos and in- tiuences the majority of the array of boys who in after yeui'S tight the great battles uf life in the pulpit, at the bar, in the huepitjtl and even become his most distinguished co-workers in journalism. â€" New York Dispatch. EXCURSION -= -: TO IN BY WAY OF C. P. R. North Grey Farmers' Institute win inn aUtatsp BxcurBion from tbefollowitig stations to tlia Muvlel Farm, Quel|ib, on MONDA Y, JUNE 29, '96 BxcursioD Trains will leave as follows: Fare for Tlmo of Adults Children Leaving Owen Sound •! Sft Hookford 1 33 Chatswortli 1 35 Holland Centre 1 35 Berkelev 1 90 Markdale 1 'ij Klesberton 1 20 Proton 1 15 Dundalk 1 15 Corbotton 1 05 MulaiiotboQ 1 OS Shelburna I Oi Oran^eville 95 Harriston 1 30 Mount Korast 1 20 Kanilwortb 1 15 Arthur 1 05 Qrand Vallsy I 00 Waldemar t 00 Too T 00 a m TOfl 71.') '• 70o 738 " TOO 7 40 •• 050 7 50 " eso SOS " 8oo 816 " SOa 8 39 'â-  80o 8.19 " SGc 8 40 " 5.10 854 " 560 90S '• 50o 930 " 65e 626 â-  600 650 " 60o 7 06 '• B-'K) 7aO " 60o 7 46 •• 50o 762 " The F.xcursion Train will leave Guelpli at 7 p m. Ti<'k«t9 good to return on anjr regular train next lia-y. Cninpleto arranReiuonts liave bi'On luado for the reception of Gxcnri^ioiiitifts at the Model Farm. This is a good opportnnitv for seuiug the Model Farm, as well as tbe beautiful scenery of the Credit Valley. QEO. DONAtD, President. JA3. SMITH, Soorcjtary. ad Lilt Far Sals. For sale cheap and on easy terms in Flesher- ton. Bplendid large, solid brick dwelling, with I good stono cellar, sunimor kitcheu and wood- I house, also f^ood frame stable, brick linod. ! P.eniinon contains two large lots and good yonng orchard, bearing. Houhq and outbuildings aie exceptionally well finished and very oouvani- I uitij laid out. Apply tO' * B. J. SMODLB.rUsliaitoa. IP YOiJ ARB THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF ^= Boots or Shoes for Summer TpLCLAYTON'S Wo have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" aa fine an aaaortnmut as you can get at from f 1 per pair and upwardis â€" Black or Tan. Also MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from $1 per pair. P>' Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to ^^ HELOI What's All The Noise AlKJUt At HILLS ? A Great SL-tughter is taking place. Goods are cut and torn and prices are away down. Prints, 6 and 7c., now 5c. Prints, 9 and 10c., now 7c. Prints, 10andl2ic., now 8c. Crinkle Goods, 25e., must go at 15U. Ceylon Flannels, 13c., present price, 10c. Black Dress Goods, 25c., to $1.10 per yard. Lace Curtains very low. Curtain Poles, 25c. We Always Keep the Best Groceries jn the Market Pure Lanl, 10c. lb. 4 cans Beans, 25c. Com Starch 8c. Long Clear Bacon alway.s on hand, .^bo Bbl. Salt, ^y Any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Hides, Ac. wanted in exchange for goods. We also keep P. Loucke's No. Manitoba Flour on hand. . . Try It ! «:e»#c-i^^-ie4^#^^»##^^s^^€-f^ ;;^S!S!SS v//////// Flesherton T^arerooms Furniture â€" â€" BIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON 9^atross9s, SS&d Spriny and iSadroom Suiiea OUR WHOLE STOCK is very complete in every line with goods of ijuite new design, coiiibiiid: with excellsut workmanship and Anish. Goods soli by us are delivered and set up all complete Our line of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES are aitractini{ attention, and custi'Uifrs are pleased when a practical hand is sent to adjust and tix up each parcel sold. PICTURE FRAHINQ IN GREAT VARIETY Best persiinal attention given to every case of UNDER- TAKING entrusted to our care. RESIDENCE over shop. J. E. nOORE, Proprietor ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLENJilLLS Openagain and are paying more than the highest price for WOOL. FREE! FRSEir WiU give to extra for, black sheep wool . And are in a better position to meet the wants uf the public than ever before. Notice our extremely low prices for oustum work : Oiling i Carling Bolls, Jc II CariliDj & \im\, 19g 11) All Kinds of WiiAVLN(i in Propom-iob Cash For Wool TBSTjLltfa Preserve y.,ur eyesight by having theia< ptopBrly toi^tud by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sate Fur t»ftIo very ulieap aiul on very oaay torma* Tlnjbor farm, irK) acres, t'^vo milon (voiu b'leah oitoii, known ad the Win. HoRRsawtnill pro- perty, nnil OL which iR an excuUent water jiowar. fonndntiun of saw mill, <1nm and ponil and water whtiol iu place and all roa<ly for pufcttng mil! on. About Ij aorun uh»>reil,;H) acres tiiiibttTi mast off, ')alanco well tlnibi)ri>l,inix«d timber. TblB farm will be nnld at. a bar^'ain if suldak ouoe. SniHU pay tiient down, balance ou TOry e<kfly terms. Apply to E.Jr SrKoOL». Ftesberton.Ca â- ^ Cash : for : HidesI Sheepskins and all kinds of fura pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sausages on hand, alse all kinds of meats. FLESUBRTON UBAT BMPORIUM Carpet Weaving The iindorsignoi] li.as pUced in tioiltion a first ulaKs li^oin for oarput and Hannel w«avlng and is preparod to give satisfaotiou. Bring ia* your BAGS or TARN to A. T. HEBOK. Flosherton, April 7, "SO. Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot 27, oon.ft, Artemesin, containing 146 MrM- raore or le'B.'M) acroB cluarad. about 3) mlUr from F'oHli«rton, Tbere ftrft a cood log barv and Rtable on tbe praminea. Good ruasiag.' water. FortaUiarpartlciilara apply to W. A, AjUfSTaoN» neakedeei &- •* '%

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