Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1896, p. 1

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â- ^K^ ^ " ». *»"^Bv eBljerl0n l^iirana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN,' VOL. XVI, NO 801 FLESEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1893 W.H. THURSTON, ^='%",£p»^o« \ ^> \ :f W Special Lines 'y For The adies Something very BL'v.'Kf.tlS and T<;:-y c]'>ai» aud .'ill I HC8 tliern. nol>by in BELT BLOUSE SETrs, "fetching." C'lilJ BROOCHES I in endless variety. An flu-,'Hnt line of WEDDING RINGS just in. Now is the time • to iuvest. Never buy to-morrow what you can buy cheaper to-day. Jc^^el!^r â-º; C< RuoMtvtUe Mr. A. IffcCauneU had a bad run awaj ill Durham on TueaJsy, nomination day. His horses est.iped mjury, but his wagon, whicit w,ie a now oi<e, wsat badly broken. ! j A bicy.'ie was the cmisa. ; I M*. Nichdl. "«ur popular achool â-  I teuchar," inturds (hvibg rhs tcbolars a{ I picnic on Tuesday, June oOth, in J, Mc i (Juuen'a woods. ; Mr. S. Todd aud Uiu E>a Booth ^ to>ik in the C. P. R excumion to Owen ijuuiid. I --R.Y. Wilson spent Sunday at himie. ' He report* good times at the bachelor's j cam pa. ' | Mrs. J. McQue«'n left Wednesday mornini; for Xuttawa.'soyn wb«re she in teoda spendin'^ a couplu of week*. [ Too late for last week. â€" Ed] C3^ [iS^Hru Just opened Out { A. X.INE: OF Maxwell e UT ^usinQQS ^utsinrs;,? (Sat^ljK. MCULLOUOH A YOUKS, Uauken. Mark.laitf. do a ^nuflral bankiurf hus- iiiOJS. UuQsyioacuJ at a r»«soa<bl« rate. Cul! on us. AaVANDl'KF.N. I. P. Clork M\ Uiv Court, Co Orey I«iior of srarrU^jo Mcuiisoa, ConimiiMiioner in H. C. of Justiei?, .V.i.rtioutcr, etc. Fl.EllllXUXO!l P.O. •nKBTS COtiLECTKO. Tlie tin<ter«iKii«iJ is proparad to undertake t^c collpttion ot all kinds of Utbta. Noton l»on;!ht. nccoxiiitrt twMcjtod. eto* n. X. hi;ndbi:80J( - rM^BEnxos TCHlSIiKTT • Kloahsrtoa Statloa t'ostiuaster. Cou5iui?-!locer lu H. C. J.. Cou- voyancer; deuOa, murtgagos. leases aud wills drawn. Chiisjos modercte. KoslnoM Ictti-rs wrlttou. •'«•â- â- ' R. J. SPKOULE, ro.itmiistor,Ftesk«ito;i. CoTnmisMOuer in B. j;., I.ici.M'd iuJtloo-er, Couv»yivncor, A â-  pralser iiii.J Honey Loiiiler, K«al Kstate and In-.uiar.-.- A^-dttk " I^cads, Mort:;«4?ca. Lcisid. sii.l Wllladijwuup and Valuations uiarlo on liliorteet notice. Auction sales sltaii.ljd to in any part of tin- County. Mousy to lo.'io at low eit ratia of iulersst. Collections attoudcl to witli proumtuusa and despatch ClurROS low. Aiiouttoi- llio DouiiniOD t>tcauialiti>e'c)!op.i;:y, cVieap acL^ts fioiu Flcobcrteu to I.Lverpool. UlaiKOw. Ijoiulc.u or auyrf tlio HrllieU poits. PartiiB I'.ili uHiii, to viBIt Fi^KUnd. Scollsuil or. Ireland, will ploasu ask ratea bctoru piivcUiaing tUt'ir tickets elsowhera Soct'itir.si. AO.l'.W.â€" meets every first an^l tbird Mnu - day ill each month, in their lo,il!?9 rixmi strain's Wiock. Kl«wli«it.>ii. st^f. m. W. H.\Valkar, M.W.; W..I. Hellauiy, auarc-er W. li wiu Buoordsir. Visliiug Uisthurn invited. I->OYAL TKMPLAKS OF TEMPKIIAXCK. \ â€" j;i'ii;!iir l.OHUcil meet'" ovuvy flr»t and ** thM.i 'I'lios.lay cvoniiiK In each uiou.h. In Spronlc'a b ock at 15 p ul. Select de(;ruo insui&acci meets. lui'Uthly, tlie WeJuosilay preeodliK tho 22nd of each oioiitb. SONfl OF TRMPRR.\NCR.â€" Tbi'i society ni«et4 in P". t'hristue' Hall ftvRt Wort neaO»v i(» each nioiiili at H p.m. Vltltii.g l>rutl^*raulu^'itâ- l•l. lns»iauc<- in wmiioctiou. â- JTP.J.. A., mnet in their luill. C'hri» Flgck ovpr\ scond Thnr»<la> in tnoutb. Wui. '.'hirp. Siajter. T. Clavtcn. i-otary. •acll FRINCRABTHUK.r.ODCJE.No.lM, A.P * AM,mo.>t in tha Masoiic Hall, Strain's lilock, Fle«ltTirti)n, every Kri lay on nr h.'faro tho fn'l;moi>n. Goo. Mitchell, W M, W J JHallsuit , I' jcretary Dl'FFERlN I.OPCF., No IHC. I OO F, meets iu Clapton's Hall every TneS' davovvuiuR at 8 o'clock. ViititiiiK bratbreuoordiailj ^nvitod AS VanI^vsrs, N O Wm Moom. See From our oini Corrrsp<.i)iJenl. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brownridji* fri>ni i?ce',!'7""' '''"*"^ *'""' ^"'""''' '""'iL^terDay Saint bi-.rya.,- «r»mid. The '' ' 'â-  ! bereaved f*inily lij»ve the deep sympathy Mrs. Tho*. (iuy and Miss Annie 1 ^ ^j,^ ^,.,„^„,„,y Nitracban spent a c.mple of d»y. in j j^j^^j j,, ,^ts •«•, whiU Mr. (.uolph lately. j j^^,^^^ gonrlet. his wife and child and his Mr. Robert lleion, jr., spent a week 1 ^ â-  . _ i â-  . u d w . â- * ' f â- " -^- I (,»(, Slaters were urivinj; to Mr. tt. Wit- Sold G^vGJ^ywlxGi^G etii $15. Our* px*ices to clear* them out quick $13.50. ^ C. J. LEITCH, ,,: ; Merchant Tailor J p. MAUaOALI-, L. D.S.U. r. S, Dootist. Visits MarkJale •:be Ist aud .li'd Wedui'sJay of each uiontLi, ii' lusUcrtoo â€" Kaeh Iri y ,^n tlu dm y ^„^wm^ . T G. CAMPBELL, I. D S, VD S, Dent.!! Surgeon, klarkdals. OfUceover McOuliough it YoUDg's bauk. Hoursâ€" S.;!0 a.ni. to p. ut. Visits Floshorum ev..rv Recond Thursday aa followsâ€" Juao 11 aud '^^ inlv 9 aud 'A Aug 1.1 aud '.rr. Other dates will follow. T. HCNDUBSON D D B, 11 D 8. Dcutist of Toronto (gold medslititi will visit b'luslierton ptetession- ally the flr^t WwdnvH'iay of each moutb aud Unudalk the day following (Tbarsday I Sh^i -Mf- PUOST ft BATHOS Barristers, Solicitors, CouTeyancers, etc. Offlce-Next topos oCiee. Sprouls's block FJfsberton.everyThurKday until further notice, ex. B.VTSON J. W. FBOST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Scand oCice, Frost's block Poulett St. East. T LC^SftWUIOHT, Barristers, So'icitom, Conveyances, oto.. Owen Sound, Out. â-  Markdale, Out. W. H. WmoHT. I. H. Litis. N. B.â€" Floshcrton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. TL'CKER A PATTFKSON. Uatiisicus. Milicitors. eto. Molson's Bauk, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson giUairal nil HUTTOJC M D C M, Pricevllle Offlce neit door to Brown's store; vosidonce onudoor west o> Methpdifit church, Kluiosa at. OtUoe days, Tuesdays aud i^aturdaya. M P P A S Put, ir to Brown's store; D« CAnTi:u M C P A S Out.. Physician,. Surgeon, etc Flesbortou office â€" tjtraius b'ock. Kasideace â€" Munsbaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT MB Uoinber CollpeePliynic. A Surgeons. Ontario Graduate iu Uedlcine of Tbron o University Fel1owHt:ip Biplouia. Poht Giaduate Medical School aud Hu 'pital. Chicago. Pisea^esof eve, oar, nose aifd throat .specially truntod. Kesi- deuce, M^wcll, vii^tts Feveisham Tbnrs-iaysl 4 ngi> last Friday in Owen Sound. i Messrs. Bruce anJ Paul from Fever- shiiu gare us a call a week a^o last Sun- i day. Mr. C 3L Field returned liume a week i a:jo last Saturday fr in liliuois. i Miss Crosby fronj i.ear Sin^hampt' n i visited the hotua nf Mrs. Wui. Kertou '• last Week. | Mi«s McTavish finn Fleshertou gave, us a call lately. . . ! A Mr. Waid l«ok ctiargo of the service I in the English church a week ago last ! SunJay aft^rmioii. 5Tr. Wo.'d from ArtemesJa spent a fetr ^days in tuwijiuJ, son's, grttrel ruad, to attend thfl barn raisin;, h« begnn rnciiigwith some others, which resulted in upsvtting the rii;, throwinz them oil out, seriously itijunii°; Mrs. Scarlet and child. Miss Scarier was also hurl but n<>c seriuaaly. Mrs. t^carlet and child have been under the doctor's aire .ihd are slowly recoveriiia. The barn raising of Mr. J»s. Kiun came off Friday afternoon last. Th* buy.'* worked like Tntkn, *hila the jxirls did their purl in the waiting line of busi ne<s. Mr. Richardson and L. Fi'<»'k were cht>a<ja aa captains, W. winning receiitiy. Tlie Rev. Mr. and Mrs. liudaen leic Ust Monday to visit '.heir dau;;hter, Mr.s. Crawford, in Paris. . ^ Tlie Presbyterian people have prjaniz- eil a Sabbath School here lately. t,haitc a number of our Oraiigomen at- toiid«d tho district meeting at Singlianip- tf» a week ago last Friday. •; Our Sabbath School picuio wa»- well atcen<Iod. It ifat a pic.isant day and everybody seemed to enjoy tlu-uwelvcs. The Messrs. Madill and McDonald re- turned home from the Son last Saturday. The Orangemen are g<'iiig to celebrate (he 12th here thia year. Rov. Mr. Logi'e will preach to them on Sunday ' ill Mrs. Long's bush. They expect to have a grand time oil M'>n«l:ty the 13th. Qiiite a largo iinraber from here atloiiiioil the For.'Stsrs last Thursd:ky. Mrs. D. Mc>KKan nid Mrs. J. Me- Millun are visiting fiicnds in Eupl-.rasia this week. Misses Bella Ferris and Rachel Fergu- son reiutued home from the Queeu Ciiy lately. Mr. S. R. and Mis* Annie M. Parslow left last week to visit friends in Muskoka. Mrs. John Hatlienngcon. of Walker- ton, is visiting friends and old .V(]uaint- ances in ^nd around hare. FIELD AND' Garden SEED5 t^ ;" tu-ge quantilies at W.E.Richardson's picnic at Eugenia ~ â€" - ^â- Â»ie» I < Kwiutou Fark Pru-e^ille » , From uur mm Oirrefpoiuient. We truet that C('iiinii»»i<>ner McDonald will not get his leg broken while walking on the sidewalk at the west end of the burg, Verbum sut aapiiiiti. The refresliiiig rains of Ute have revived (he drooping spirits of f.itiners Rots, of Midland ; .Teimy J:imes, of CIsvsring and Fanny James, nf Met^. (Rev. ) Mrs, McLeod returned lact week fri'iii Gait, whero she has been Tisttipi' friends. %'^aadi'leur From our oictt Curreiispomfi'*. Ri ait work is the order of the day her*.. Mrs. .M. PcurJ, Jr., vifitcd her f ither, Mr. J'as B>>yJ, EuphraKi^i. last week. Mr. John Sliaunou of Owen. Souni whs hnuie for a few days last week. .Mr. John I. Graham, Wallace Hlra- haui and Harry Douglas took in the and amateur irftrJen'n.. We hope erery I «<:urstoii to Guelph last' MonJ^vy. grasshopper has been drowned or con incted rheuni.ltisHi. U. is so disappointed over the result ^ ' of the election that ho intends migrating to Uncle Sam's domains. Are von goiiiir to bring bouie CaiisJiana, 11. t 0k. g-tye everylhiii'^ looks green sitiCB the 33rd. ferhaps " green " haiuls at J P OTTEWF.LL Veteriuary Surgeon. Gradnate of Ontario Vetcr'nary Collego. ItosiJencoâ€" Next door soutb of Moore's planing factory. pBICKVlLbB AVD DURHAM BTAGB, Ourham stai{A loaves Fle-^hertou Station at 7.15 am., returns i.*3 p ui. Priccvilla stinie leaves tt « anie place at li.lO. rotn: nliig »t <Vt. Faro to P-locvilloand return. SO cants ; Durham, t\.Hi for rolurii. Tie. single fare. Livery In con- Beotiou, Orders lua be left at eitbor hotel. A.MaOAULKT, Pr<'p From ihir (.)\n\ Currrnpondmt Picnics are the order of the' day. «sry succe.ssful picilic was held in Hope- j ville on Friday. .Mso a union picnic of P. S. No. 7 and 13 will be held in J!r. , Geo. Black's hush, Wednesd.iy. ,JWy 1. , The Rer. Mr. HaitK.y preached hia j ''>• ^«1'" •'•'"'« »'''«>-'''-'J '»» ^i-^u"! org.in.s. farewell sermon Sabbath ni;^ht last. We ««•• J- ^- l^'"*" *<^"'' *» «*t"i8've are sorry to part with our pastor and i ^"P ""'''* '*'»«''' last week, family, who. during t'leir sl«y amongst | i^'*"** ^''^^'^ """^ V.mxaa. Riibertsim, of us, have won the l-ive and esteem „f 1 Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Joseph many, and thi.uyh We will greatly feel Aussem at present. their loss iu Christian work wo trust ihati Tho Rey. Mr. Hartley, who has labor- God will prosper them in doiu;; His Jvd faithfully <.ii this circuit fot three Work elsewhere. We a)so welcome our j years, preached his farewell sermon last future minister whom >d has sent ti' â-  Sund.'iy. Mr. Hartley was suporaiinuatoil labor Hmon;;st na f.-t a time and hope at the bust Conf-rcnce after thirty niiio that he will prosper in his work during ; years of ministerial work. The family his stay. "* ♦ ; are mevinn to Palmerston this week. A s,id accident happened while Mr. | Two of Mr. Allsti Mclnnis' sons-had a Hugh Wilson and »iie and infant child, providential escape from death at that «b<>ut three weeks old, were dri\ing to' terrible accident ••Victoria, B. C. They Mr. J. McMui-do's. After reaching the ' tried to got on the ill fated car at tile gate Mr. Wilson gave Mis. Wilson tho | bridge but the crowd was so groat they lines to hold while he opened the pate, couldn't get room. Tliey were therefore Whi'e shutting it the hmses became.; eye witnesses of that unprecedented frii>ht«ued, running up the lane, making ..di-'^astcr. a short tuin at tha lam, which upset j Mr and Mrs. Grimes, of th'.% Pacific the rig, throwing Mi-s. Wilsou and child Flotel, O. S., are the guests of the lat- out, instantly kdlling the child and ter's pr,ronts, Mr. aud Mis. McRae. •ariously nijum.g Mrs. Wilso-j. The The following teachers are spending i funeral took place on Friday to the , their holidajs at home : Miss** Alice Robert Shannon, from Pri'ton, visited .his soil, George, last week. Masi(?r Rob. Pritch.-u'd is with Mr. Turner, drugtiist, Markdalc, for a short tune. Timber men from Proton .ire cnn5iged taking ship timber out of Win. Carter's swamp. Mr Win. Hutchinson had th<» niic. f>riuiie to lusea cow last week by il be- ing uored by ^nother siiimal. Court VaBdel.>ur, C. O. F., joined Co'irts "^ith Kinibeiloy. Feversham and Ms.xwell on a picnic at Eugenia. Some few around h^e have coiniuenc- ed luiTing. .\ very pitinful accident happened â- \X. Oiillia yesterday morning, wheroby Mr. U. J. Kilhonni, one "f Owen Sound'.s mo.sily hiiihly respeoti-d citizen?, was pei'ioitsly injured. Wo understaml that Mr. Kil'oourn w:is in Orillia for a few days on business and wits staying at a hotel, arose in his sleep, slept lAxt of ih* window to tl>e roof of ibo verandah and walked off the latier, falling a consider able dist'.tnce. One ot his arms wa.s broken tn two pl.icos and b.a back was injured, the extent of the latter injury not being yet known. Dr. .\llnn Cam- eron was telephoiied yesterday, and in company with Mr. R. J . Doyle left here Inst evening for Meaford, whir^ lh#y took this morning's train for Onllitt. We trust that Mr. Kilbourn's injiirii's are lot so serious «« rep<irted.â€" tV. S. Advertiser. \- II * -J ^\ / ^ /J

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