Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1896, p. 4

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THI rLISBllTOM ADViMOS :V ««« aarABtaMBB 1881 '^lio Advance Â¥<JBI.18IIKU WIBKLY AT TlliS OFROB, 8TP- â-  NUAM BTEBBT, ri.B8HBBTUt(, ONt., BV W. B. THUB8T0M. â- tl per aan«Bi««lrletly in advance AdirectiBuig Kates: 9ue Ool«ma, 1 yeftr, (SO ; n«It col., 1 yoar, (97 quuior ool., 0D» you, (15. Traualent kdvertiument eliarged eit tliq rato o( 8 osuU p»r line lor flnt Intertiou and S oeuti •4»ta cubaeqatDt inaerllon. CABINET BREAKING AND MAKING 6ir Gkarles Tupper tendered his )«BiKuation to the Governor General ou WedneadBy of last week and Mr. Eifturier was called npon to form a minislrf. After foar days, on Mon- daj[ last, the Laorier slate was annoanoed as follows ; President ofthe Oonnoil â€" Hon. Wil- frid Lauiier. Becretar; of Btatoâ€" Hon. B. W. Scott. Minister of Trade and Commerce â€" Bir Biobard Oartwright. Minister of Jastiee â€" Bir OUrer Mowat. Minister of Financeâ€" Hon. W. B. Exfildiug. Miniater of Uarine and li'iaheries â€" Eon. L. H. Davis. Minister of Uilitia and Defence â€" Burgeon Lieot.-Col. F. W. Borden. >liQiater of Public Worksâ€" J. Israel Tarte. Minister of Bailways and Canals â€" A. Q. Blair. Minister of Argioulture â€" Bydnej Keber. PoitmsBter-General â€" W. Mulock. Minister of CuBtom" â€" W. PMter- •on. Minister of Inland Revenneâ€" Bir VLonrj Joly do Lotbiniere. Witboit Portfolioâ€" H. R. Dobell of Quehoo and 0. A. GeofTriou of Montreal. Bolioitor-General, with a seat in the Uabinet â€" Obarles Filspatriok. From (he ailmveiist it will bo seen thai Mr. Laurier Itas Lad an eye Hni;)e to Ibe conslruetieu of a strong goTeiumeDt, and lias made the very biest of his opportunities and material at hand. Mowat, Laurier, Fielding, Blair, Seott and Joljr may be con- •idered a pretty strong combination, and now that they have tlieir cotirae so dearly marked out for them by the people, whoso desire for a purification and retrenchment baa been so clearly oxpreMsedat the poils, it will be but rcoklessaess that will make tliip goveruBsent fallow iu the wake of that which has just gone out of existouoe. The portfolio of Minister of the Interior has not yet boeu filled, but it if supposed that it may g». to Mr. Grueiiway orMr. Bifton. •loction for whioh f»ill be held during the coming fall. Mn Bryan ii a yonng man, only 86 years old, and fits the Demooratio idea to a dot. He Is a free silver man. For the mean- ing of this term we rsfer ouf readers to an article which we reprint else- where from the Globe. McKinley is the Republican candidate, and the concensus of opinion appears to point to his election. Canada has her elec- tion disposed of and can now watch with interest Uncle's efforts in that line. Canada For British investments Bo 'liittle Thunder" Arthur Bturgis Hardy is pramicr of Ontario / Little we thought.. when bis silvery tongue was tickling our feelings in the Town Hall littre during the campaign, that the fate whioh has befallen him woul'l have Btruck him so soon. Let us hope that be will worthily fill the alioos of (he hltlo ex-promier with big titles. Bhottid the Q.ncen live until ftuolliur birthday wc Btipposo that Canada will bo presented witli a vcritat>lu "Sir Atlhur of the table round. " The uncertainty in the respect of the future currency system of the United States should give Canada a decided advantage in the competition for European capital, of which there is an enormous amount lacking in- vestment at the present moment. The banks of England are said to be bursting with idle wealth that has been recalled from doubtful or un- profitable epeoulation in various parts of the world. The recent collapse in Australia, the more recent collapse of wildcat schemes in South Africa, and the threatened repudiation iu the United States have all tendered to- ward this result. But capital will not remain idle long. While our friends across the line are iu the throes of a fieioe political campaign, involving vital economic principles, much of this inactive Englieh capital will find investment. At the present moment Canadian industries, especially in the west, offer perhaps the safest invest- ment in the world, and there are many indications that English capitalists are awake to this possibility. Day by day announcements are made of the formation of English syndicates for the purpose of mining, lumbering, farming, railroading, etc., and the re- port of the transfers of real estal'^ show that considerable British capital is finding investment also in the cities. With an unexcelled banking system, with an assured fiscal policy ap- proximating that of Britain, and an undeveloped natural wealth not in- ferior to tbatof any other country on earth, Canada ought to be able to find employment for all the capital and manhood that England could send her. â€" Montreal Witness. A Dciuooi-atio convention of the United Slates was held in Cliioago last week, when W. J. Bryan of Nebraska was choseti as Democratic Mudidate for, tlie presidency, the Coanty und District Mrs. Saiith of Proton met wiih a very bad aooideiit luut w«ak. As she wa* dririiig along th« Otli, and while approach- ioK a bridge, the hnrso bacame frighten- ed and iliitd off to one aide. The bridge, which waa a high one, happened to be unprotected bja rHiliiig, Two of the wheel* weotduwn, throwing Mrs. Smith out and braaking loiue uf her rihs. Wo undentiiid she ia recovering from the eSaeto u( the accident. Alex. Niven started oat on Monday with a party to surrey a line northward OB the boundary between the districts of Nipiaaing aod East Algoina. Tliii line haaaUeady been aurreyed lo a point 30 mtlea north of the Cnnadian Pacific Rail- way. Mr. Niven will continue the line 'tlianoe towards James Hay, and it ia ex- pected that he will coinpleto 100 or l^ii miles of it thin yaar. The preliminary inveatigaliun before Jud^e MoOurry into the circuniatancua of the murder at S«i;uln Falls, Juno 11th, was concluded in Furry Sound, and the .'prisoner, Ohristian Ilnnson, a Swede, oontmilted for trial. Tho murdered man was pored to be James Mullen from tlit* Township of FU>a. He waa on his war to the railway, looking fur employment, and was evidiiitly niurUured for a few dollars that he had about hiiu. He left a family of eight at home, the youoKCbt an infant 4 mouths old<â€" -Stay nor Sun. ; At the recent aeaainn of the London Methndiai Oonforrnco in Stratford Rev. Mr. BuKRin, of Winrton was tniUHferrod to Wallaeeburjf. Tho Motlioilists of WaUacobufK had sorm) Jother ininistor in view and sent a deputation to the Con- ference to interview the Stationing Ooinmiltou »nd if possible have the man of Iheir choice sent them. Tho apprnl wn« in rain, RtTr. Mr. Itag.jjin anivi'd at his new horns on Siitnrd»y ni'^lit last and on lh« following' morning whon he wont to hold service found the church dear looked and there wsa no service. Kenneth Stonehdune.Kon of Mr. Wni. Stoiichouse, Mulinnr; wliiU «rvga);od in liarrsating a horse laai Snndny niorijini.', was kicked in the hvad and face by the animal. lie remained uncouscioua in the stable for aoveral hours, but liually rallied a little and found liia way into the hvuseand laid dowiu Beinp; the only occupant of the phice at the time, he re- mained there uatil some time in the afternoon, when he was found by bis brother Robert and taken to the lesid- ence nf hie father and ihother ou the eaat half of the lot. At Iit4l accounts he waa improving, theus;h still suffering from pains in the head. Fortunately the horse was not shod, and while the contusions are savero there wan neither cut nor fracture â€" Sbelburno Economist. Married. KiDi.STâ€" IIEOOITâ€" At the resilience of Robert Mog^at, Back Line Huet, TownHhip of Ai-te- mesia, on the 13tli July, by thu Uev. Juhii Well8, M. A., Henry Uaker UiJl.iy to Annie Ideggat, botb of the Townsliiii uf (ilonelg. General Nev^s Items. A severe shock of earthquake was felt in Ontario County. Tho late Mr. John Weir, fanner, of West Flauiboro', left an estate of over $90,000 Manitoba crop re{>orta continue to be of a gratifying nature. With favorable weather wheat lias made i;rcit progress, and a good harvest is assured. Thirty-one persona were killed and many injured in a collision on an excur- sion train on the Chicago and Korth- wesleru Railway near hngta, Iowa. MiBS Jemima Kiddio, a young girl adopted by Alex. Olassford of Glenrale, was accidentally killed by \Tillie Wrijjht, an adopted son of Uie saute man, vrho took down the gun to shout a hawk. WARNING Tbo pablio tLr% harebv warued ttiat I have leaiH)d the Flesher proportj, known as tho Park, in this corporation, and that trcBpaseort thoreoii will bepanlfh«d to t)ie full extent of the law. J. H. HBABD House and Lot For Sale For itale choap, oi)eat<\ terms tUat comfort* able re»>i(lence on Mary St. FloHhertoii, contain- ing H roon>a and wood u lit d. with hard and soft, water pnnipit. botb utidor covur, beautiful garden and orchard also well finished BtahU and drive bouse 2HX 24 ft. Ai>ply to J. B. UOOKK Furniture dealer. TENDERS FOR BRIDGE Boaleil toiidore will he receivoil by thn under- â- i||U«d lip tolianilay, aitli iiiit, 4 o'cloi-k p. lu. for tbe ,'itcii«i-n apd ri'iiairiiiK of brld^•e orer nearer river, at lot 35. cu. S, Aiteuiiwia. I'laiis and BpuciftoationH uiav be kucu at my houKe, lot 70. con. 2, N. D n the lowest or aiij teuder net uecotsarilj arceptert. GEORGE rnonrsoN, Jui> lltb, 1S98 Commiesloner Ward 4 CATTLE STRAYED BtrAyft'l from the tMomtsefi of the undersit^a- ed. about the ftrat nf June, five yeurlinfc steera ^tbreo rod ateertt, ono Rr«y huifer and line- back atotr. red aud whitv, Infurniatiou aa to their whureabouts will betliankfully ruceiv«d bj the undorsigaed or at The Advance otlico. JOHM WINTKUS, Hatherton P. O. FARM FOR SALE Lots 148, H« and 150, con. 3. E. of Toronto and Sydenham lt«>a>], 100 acres, SO cleared ; good ori'bard and well watered. Will be sold on eaay teriue. For farther particulars apply to Fleehortou, July IS. IHOO. lIRECUorT A TALUOT. Binder Twine TO ALL USERS OF BINDER TWINE Okkti.fmbh.â€" \i'o arc prepared to supply you with No. \ TWINK at rook bottom prlooR, I^eave your ordor early wllh Mr. Thorp Wrlnht our Agent, Fleebortoo. TU* Farnierii' niudor Twine Co., HIUNTFOUl). TH08. HALKNTINK. President. TO veoii IT m mun NOTfCK i« lierobj- niven that I will not be roapot>iiiblo for any dobts contracted for lue or in my name, without oxpraas authority in wrltiim. JOBIAII (iA»IKY, TowoHliip of Oaprey, Farmer Dated at Fteeherton tLis IHlh day of June A. U. IHiM. anj lot For Sale. For Pftlo rlienn und on oany torins lu TIorIiov- toik. bplundid larco, solid briilt dwelling, with ^'.->e<)8l.,no ci.llnr, Hui,iinor kitcht-u and ivood- liouHo, ivlHo Kood fnnno stable, brii'k lined. I'l innisoH eontnin:) two l.irge iota itudeond youuR orchard, buariiiij. llomB and oviiliundinija are esuoiitionnllv well nui.-lied and vury convcnl- tutly loid out. Apply to It. J. BrnoCLi, FlDilicvton. flESDEBTOll mi IMIDBY, I have open od tip » t-uinploto btonui laundry tu FluHburlon, unit um propai od to take in any qnuntlly of luuudry work at lower pricim tbaii arc charocd tliii'Whoro. I Imvo put In thp lalcst and uioHt luiprovcd machliit ry to that end. Kindly nivo mo a call. Rntiro aatlBfaotion guaranteed, aud prices lo-.y, Mrs. Sbo. UooBKHouaK Equal i Rights t House # ^4. .^!«. .r'*. •iti' .4i^.^'<.^i«. Js^t. -Ati. w^ IBEtT ClEIBIili m We arc weeding from our stock all .Summer Goods and are civing great bar' gains in â€" LIGUT PRINTS â€" CREPONS â€"FANCY LAWN â€"LADIES' BLOrSES â€" suHmkr corsets â€"remnants â€"odds axd ends All through the store. We do not leave goods on tho shelves from year to year for tho mothers to play pook-a-boo through a.s soiiiu Htores do, but put the knife in and cut doop aud (piick. Salo» is the result. Our -Jje COITON is all sold out, but wo are selling MOSQUITO N£TT as a substitute, it costs more but ia double the width. Our Grocery Dep't Is .still to the front in Canned Com, liaising, Rice, Tapioca. Wo are giving ahiioet asniuoh n.s a niau can carry away for ?1. Our TEAS s{>eak fur theuiselvcs and never tell a falsehood. A large stock of Hand-made Bouts arrived. TRY A PAIR ! B. McDonald 9//^ TT^^.^A QO %^t*%jft Vhe Spot/ Wl On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. Coiije ii^ aijd Exan^iiie VST. imeoore: Harnessmaker, Flesherton â- !?HBM9»SHS5S- ZTo Vhe S^ubilo THE BEST OF^ Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Groceries, Lcaions ami Oranges. 2 bottles Pickles for 25oâ€" best liraiul. Don't buy anything but the LEADER CUI.TRN, it is tlio beat. I sell it. A clioico line ^f HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR Look Out SOMETHIHG FALLING ItMin Millinoiy this week tambliag down in price.s 26 to 60 per cent. All *o bo olearotl out by .he 12th. Hato, Bon- nets, Ribipons, Triinminge, Lscea, Eic Aud a big unap in pA^SOLS Men's snd Boys' Straw Ilata msst go also. Price no object. Wo want tke room they occupy. We oS&t Dress Silks Blouse Silks Trimming Silks AT CLEARING PRICES. We are selling Dress Sateens at 12 fo- ld cents, regnlar price 30 cents. All we Mk in atxiut hiilf tho coat, but wu want none carried over to another Reason. Our Biggest Drive From now until the 12TH will be in Me".'L« and Boys' CLOTHING. Man's Heavy Tweed Suite, HopsAck Psttem, 17.00. Meu's AU-vool Suits, Square Cut, $7.75. Mea's Heavy Serge Suita, Square Cut. »i.95. Men's Heavy Sergo Suits, Sack Co«t, $5.00. Men's Heavy Ualifax Tireed Stiits, $5.75. ne hare a few Light 0.>u9#ej'9di» left, werth ^6 50.. Wfc w-iU sell kkent foi. 94.50 this week. CEIIDHEI'S : CUTHilli We can supply you in any price and qualitjr from $2.60 the Suit. A few BLOUSE SUITS are offered be- low cost to clear out the line. Come aad see them before they arv picked, up. Men's Ready-Made Tweed Panta, $1.'25 iMir. Men's Overslls, any pattern, 60o pair. Our assortment of sizes, patterns and qualities is coiupleto and up-to-date. UnrciAsreire 2 Dep>'t». Just Grand Mr. J. CuUens and sovoiul other fanners who lused American Standard Twine last ywir say that it works ss nice and runs as far HS tho highest piiceil TWINE you can buy. Tlry it and wo will gusranteei satisfaction. If You Need A good Turnip or CJar- den Hoe, Hay Fork or Fork Handle, Scythe or Snail hu, Grain Ci-a^ die or Finger we can supply you at the lowest figures. SPECIAL PRICES On Preserving Kettlos for a short tiino. -4 ipmrt at 36c -5 qusrt at 40c - 6 quart at 45o -71 (pinrt at 50c -10 iiUHit at 60o -12 quart at 85c c ~? I

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