THI riBBElRTON iOViMdt jw iii i iii«i< W[ inMiMi»iai m]i ^ <it ESTABLISHED 1881 ^ho Advance l|<JBU8]IEI) WEtiKLV AT TUB OFFICE, 8VI)- BNUAM STKKET, FLKHIIEUTON, O.NT., DV W. U. TUfKSTON. %t per aiinuni,s(ri<-tl>- in ndrnnce Adveitismg Rates : OnsUolaoin.l year, $liO : half col., 1 yoar, 927 quarter col., oue year, tl5. TraniloutailvortiBcment charged at the rate Of I uaatH i>or line for first InBortiou &u^ 3 couts each subuoqueut iuftertiou. From press reports we gatlicr that crops of all kinds are good this year Ihroiighoul Caimda, with rare esccp- tious over Biuall areas. Fruit is moat bountiful and grain will yield above tbfl average. The recent political revolut ion in Canada is not followed by a "clean Bweep" of ofiico-lioldcrg. As the civil service in the provinces is practically on a uon partisan basis, there will bo little disliubance of public positions. 4ftcr being in the minority during a period of eighteen years, ilie Liberals as-sume power ; but no "spoils system" will drive out, and drag in, men who lose and gain ofl'ice for political reasons, irrespective of merit. To these victors belong toil, and not spoil. Re- sponsibility to th peo'^'lifor a proper use of power, rather than a rich opportunity to profit at tlie expense of thecountr}, ii the chief fruit of this trinmph. Txuo patriolibui demands this in anj country.- -Youth's Companion. The Toronto World dosiroE the press of the country to discuss the qaestiou of calling a dcminion conven- tion of Liberal Conscivativcs. Our idea can be compressed into a few words. Don't. The time is not op- portune, The party has not got the dust rubbed olT ita back ami out of its eyes after the late tumble, and docs not yet clearly nndorstand the species of game it has to «uu for. The bird, you know, lias not been seen in this country for the past oighiecu ycaia in knylhiiig but a helpless condition. Let UB see what kind of scratching it will do now that it owns the barn- yard, bcfoio " shooing " it. In plain English, lot ua have one se.sKioii uf parliament, and in tiie nicantimo watcb and wait. Then a convention for organization and aggressive war- fare nmv be talked of. illuutriouB (adopted) son of Spain, Columbus, repose in the cathedral at llavanna. Wo believe there are few countries and fewer people who do not sympathize with the Culians in theirjstrugglo to throw oflf the grind- ing yoke of Sn.'iin. Any person who reads the bloody history of Spain can- not but wonder that she baa been permitted to hold her possessions as long as she bus imd retain her posi- tion among christian powers. But retributive justice appears at last to be after her slowly but surely. For many months now the natives of Cuba have been making a brave slrugjjle for liberty and itjdependeiicp, and the contest, it is believed, is near- iji|^ the end. All correspondents iu the islutid concur in the belief that it is only a mutter of a short lime until Cuba will bo freed from tlio tyrannical aad grinding yoke of Spain. Tliif unfortunate island was colonized by Bi>am in 1GI1, and the colonization was marked, as were all of Spain's conqiiest.s, witti rapine and bloodshed. It haa remained a colouy of the Span- ish crown ever aince, but, the piescnt is not the firat insutrootionary war the island has lean, one haviii;; broken ont iu 18(W, eonliiiuiiig iiiteiinitteutly until 1878. Slavery was abolihhed only It-ii yiava ogo. The island is VeO miles in length, from 20 to 120 miles widt; and conlains 43,220 square miles. It will go hard with Spain to r^liuquiiih this mast valuable posucs- siun, because not only docs the island jjuy her own cost of government, but it has helped the mother couutry largely in her wars and gives fat sal- a.iiesto Spanish giandoes, who, octo- rata- like, have been draining lier vitals, t'l^tpoly Ibis, but tj^e. aiihoa of that Entrance and Leaving Results The followiin; in the cowploto lint of the Entrance mid Leaving e.iiulidateK who pnsKed cxiiininaliuiis or were recuiiiiiiondeil by the Board of Kx.ani- inors for the centreu named. The murks requiiud to pasH were : Kiitrancc 422, Leaving (>37, be.sideK une-tiiird of the iiiarkH in eutli Huhject for both exnmiiia- lioiiH. One third of the niiirkti in eacli subject was required licfore a candidate was Hwardud an Kntraiice certificate on the Leaving Examination. The Educa- tion Department will confirm or disallow tlie adniiKKion of recommtmled caiidi- <luteH. Certilieate.s will be sent to the teachers in due time : K1M15EULEY Entrance. â€" 17 wrote. Passed â€" Abercronibio E. M'2, Aborcrouibie N 551, t.'lmrtors E. 404, Kelly J. 487, Caniack A. 457, Hiimmoiid 1!. 531, E. 475. Liwhou E. 574, Wt-ller M. 4!»4. Iteconimended,â€" Bell J., Itaby L., Kelly A. I'. S. Lea\ing â€" 13 wrote. Paisc<l â€" Birch it. A. «;{", Gilbert J. Co."), Hui-d K. M. 734;, Huid C. 752, .Scott A. E. 7-*l. Entrance â€" Camack E. CiOll, Wickens A,. E. 004. Itecomm ended for El trance â€" McCaunlau II., Bawlingti A. W. DUltllAM E.STBASCE â€" 55 wr(jto. I'ttssedâ€" Blair A. bO:i, Byers J. 555, Cameron M. 453, iMvidson F. 510, Duvidson U. 482, Gadd L. 471, Greenwood G. 594, Hunter .1. 504, Hunter M. 48.'J, Ilutton J. 054, .JoiichM. 451, McGilvary B. iW, Mc- Gilvray C. 420, Mc(!ilvrity M. 48(1. riuicr B. 4(14, Uenwick J. 500, Reynolds V. 650, Hol.ert.son E. 472, SuundeiH M, 477, Scarf K. 532, .Scott L, 511, Stinson M. A. 458, Wliclan M. 545, C.-mieroix H. 470, Gordon It. 513, Hunter A. 555, Krei>.s II. 533, Meredith A. 435, Moffat II. K. 400, SUplos G. A. 444, Watson (J. It. 430. Itucomuiended â€" Sins A., Munro J.D., WUlis W. • I'. S. Li;avinoâ€" 7 wrote. Passedâ€" Banks M. iai, P^iith J. \V. <»74, Firth T. 034, Uitchie W. J. 872. Beconunended â€" McKechuio C. Entranceâ€" Little J. A. Rocoiuiuended for Entrance â€" Cainp- btU Ivui. MA UK DALE Entuaxcr -Xi wrote. Passed â€"Cole- man G. 447, Elliott V. 497, Ford E. R. 54r., Heath S. 500, Irwin E. 462, John- sou C. 451, Luc.18 L. 5,'{8, Lyons L. 482, Miller K. 5;!4, Barker 0. 401 , Buchanan E. oa--^, Lamb Jo.s. ph 4(!3, Lucas E" 400, Maim \V. 481, McI e<id W. 430, Stam- buhki J. 533. P. S. liBAViNaâ€" 15 wrote. Pa.s.scdâ€" Biulmnan T. 707, Douglas E. 877, Hulo II. 073, Hill G. 744, Ji.lui.ston, M. iW, JIathews L. 783, Neely M. 704, Steplaiis K. 752, Plewe.q A. (kJ7. Ueconnuended â€" Brodio T. J. Entrance -Morrow 1)., Murdoch J. Uecommonded for lintraucoâ€" Hill, 11. Leiteh II. FLE.SI1EIIT0N. E.NTBAseEâ€" 15 wrote. Passed â€" Akitt L. 500, lUlUmy C. 470, Johnson II. 4fi7, Sheardown A. 517, Strain C. 422, Wil- c(.i A. 404, iladill J. 440. P. S, Lbavinuâ€" 3 wrote. Passedâ€" Irwin, y. 040. Entrance- Hill J. Ueeonnuended for Entrancerâ€" Arm- E DIINDALK. ^EnrKANCKâ€" 25 wrote. Passedâ€" Mc- Atday B. 404, McLood D. 528, Noithur- cnt 15. 422, Nel.iun E. 40.3, Wilson W. 601, Cornet E, 405, Mootlio 1*. A. 648, MoAulay T. 400, Mcllao S. 470, Stew- art E. 528. 1'. S. Ln.wiNQâ€" 12 wrote. Pas.sedâ€" Bull O. 727, Johnston A. 084, MoAulay A. L. 002, Nicholas T. F, 703, Oldfiold B. 045, Robinson N. 603. Kecommendod for Entrance â€" Han- bury G., Johnston W. J., McDowell M, HANOVER. Entbanckâ€" 18 wrote. Passedâ€" Becker K. 430, Irvine C. 408, Raist S. 448, Adams W. 470, BwjU F. 617, Bruego man L. 534, Demerling E. 548, Hauch C. 50.'), Henderson U. 488, Ii-vine A. 494, KeiHjke 0. 583, Mitchell G. «iC, Thomas M. 400, Wootlward L. 598, H. Chittick 435. P. S. Leavis<iâ€" -5 wrotOj Passed â€" Damni E. 827, HiUis S. 918, Stephen A. 97.^, WocKlward C. 858. Iteconniiended â€" Thomas A. NEU8TADT. Entranceâ€" 10 wrote. Passedâ€" Brown M. 4;{2, Seebtr It. 452, Spielmacher W. 443, \Vahn A. 4»8, Weber E. 427. . Reconuiieiided â€" Ijani; O. Inlstiose From Oil/- Own Corretpmulent Mrs. Sc*tt of Angus is visiting rela- tives in this li'cality. tir. Winters of Bundalk was the guest of Miss Maud Armstrong one day this week. MiH« Kate Moore of Owen Bound spent a few days I.tst week renewing acquaint- ances here. HuMiorH of waddings hare been the order of the day here for the past few tnontlia, and it r<^allj- seem* that the ru- mors niTe not mtirely groundless. On TuBiida} ot last week (}. A. Hutchinson and Kate AclieMOn wero made man and wife, and on the same day R. G. Ache- sou unci Emma Moore were married. Uev. Mr Fallis officiated. We wish the young people all prosperity. Abuut two weeks awo, at the home of her paretics neai Hamilton, occurred the death of Mrs. Warner. .She had beeu ill for icreral months with consumption and her recovery was hopeless. Mrs Warner was a member of the MetlK.dist church hero, and ]>roved huraelf a christian in patience during prolonged and intense sutl'ering. Klic leaves a husband, two children and a large circle of friends to eunilale her beautiful character. The Scripture text uaod by Rer. Mr. Fallis last SabViath was her own selection : "Forme to lira Is Christ and to die is Ijain." Gaeg^|gEflgg ^a =^r±=^r=^f=-'r^/=^/^ 5^ I w # WARNING Thapnbllcire berebv wsrued Ikit I bar* losHod the Klf-shcr Iproj.nrty, known as the l'aili,lQ tliiiicarporstloii, Bod tbat trcspasters thereon will be imutfbvil to the full extent, ot tbu law, J. n. heaicd House and Lot For Sale Kor Bale clicAp. on oasy toruis that comfort- ablo ru»i(luuce on Mtury St. t'lt'Hiierton, eontttiu- li.K H i-non<a iiiitl wood Bhed, with hanl ami [»oft, wutor .punifo. l>oth uuder cover, buautiful ^iinluii aiidoirhai'd also well Unit^liod «ta)>le and drive houoe i94x 21 n. Ai>|ily to J.E. MOOUK Turiilture doalur. CATTLE STRAYED 8triiye<1 from tli« iiromUoK of the undarsiiia' ed, about tbt' Arnt rf .luu«, Ave ywArling Bt««re â€" throe roil t«tefli'8, one Rr«y liuifcr and liue- baok Htucr. red niul white. Information as to their whoreabotitH ^Till he tbankfully rucaived by tbo uaduraiiiuod or at Thu Advance oOlee. . JOHN WINTERS, Uatbertoa P. O Equal Rights House jii .»»«. Jif*. vM«i^«.^iJ&^&:S!&^!<j ^^^/i^fi^'i' -Jli- tii- '/iS" •»!«• iitf GBEil CLEtBllE SUE We are weeding from our stock all Summer Goods and are ({iving great bar- gains in â€"LIGHT PRINTS â€" CREPONS â€"FANCY LAWN â€"LADIES' BLOUSES â€"SUMMER CORSETS â€"REMNANTS â€"ODDS AND ENDS All through the store. We do not leave goods on the shelvea from year to year for the moths to play peek-a-Hoo through as some store* do, but put the knife in and cut deep and quick sales is the result. Our 2ic COTTOX is all sold out, but wo are seUiug MOSQUITO NKTT ai a substitute, it costs more but is double the width. H as o z? Look Out Our Grocery Dep't Is still to the front in Canned Cum, Raisins, Rice, Tapiixa. Wc are giving almost as much as a roan can carry away for 81. f hir TEAS sfMkk fur thuaaselves and never tell a falsehood. A large stock of Baud-nude Boots arriTed. TRY A PAIR ! B. McDonald FARM FOR SALE I,nti lia, Ut Biiil l.A con. 3. K. of Toronto and hy.loidmm Hob.I, loe acrea, 80 clearad ; good orchard and well watered. Will bo sold on uKRy teriiiH. I*'or further particulars apply to I'luibeitou, July W. lnufl. IIF.I'.CUOFT & TALBOT. TENDERS FOR BRIDGE H,)ale«1 toLdot.t will ho received by tb« under* hifn)e<l up to Monday, 'JOth lust., 4 o'clock p. ra. for tlio I xti'ii«i''.tuii'id ropairiny of bridge orer lieavor river, at lol :i."i, con. 8, Arteuiosla. Plans arid ttpiHMnDat-ioiis mav be rteuu ut uir house, lulfn, con.8, N. D. It. Tb* lowest or auy tender not usoekssrily accepted. UEOItQE THOJarSON, July llib, 16SIG Oommisslonsr Ward t k^f^^Ji^h^ T^ f S j r ^t-ir -jJiâ€"iiâ€" ii -r f^ . 9l^e Tjouch U/iG Spot/ SOMETHING FALLING It is IB Millinery this week tumbling down in prices 25 to 50 per cent. All to be cleared out by this month. Hats, Bon- nets, Ribbons, Trimmings, Laces, Eto. And a big snap in pARASOLS Men's and Boys' Straw Hats 'naak go- slso. Price no object. We want the- room they occupy. We ^.ttor Dress Silks Blouse Silks Trimming Silks AT CLEARING PRICES. We are .selling Dress .S^.toens ut 12 tr 15 cents, regular price .'SO ;.?nt8. All wc a«k is about half the coht. but we want. Done CKrrietl over to another aeasna. Our Bi^^est Drive Fnaii now until SoptciMbtr wiil bo in Men's and Boys' CLOTHING. Men's Heavy Tweed Suits, Ilopeack,- Pattem, 17. OO. Men's All-wool Suite, Square Cut, 17.75. Men's Heavy Serge Suits, Square Cue, 9S.»5. Men's Heavy Serge Suits, Sack Coat, •5.00. Men's Heavy Halifax Tweed Suits, •0.75; We have a few Light Colored Suits left, worth 96 50. We will sell cliem fee •1.50 this week. FOR PRICES On seasonable goods,, and have full supplies in th* fol- lowing lines : FLY NETS-Leathcr aad Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, ' BINDER WHIPS, RIDINO SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLB OREASS. 10 im IT mir coiceei KOTUUC !• hereby Rlveu that I will not be roKpoi>«iblo for any dobts contracted for ma or In uiy name, without e.xprcas authority Iu writiug, JOBUn UAMEY, Townahip of Ofiproy, Farmer Pated at FlcHbortou this IHth d ay of June A.u. isse. Lot For Sals. V'or sail! ohonp and 011 oany terms In Pleaher- toil. Splnudi'l lar).'o, solid brick dwelling, with uootl Btunu collar, HiiinnKU' kltrhen ami wood- houne. also Kood frame Htablo, hriuk lined. l'io<iilHoscni>iaiiiatwolarKuliit.Haiid>>ood young cruhard.bcariiiM. Uoiixe aud outhnudliDjB are BJcciitioiinllv Willi lliiished aud vury cODveui- tiitly laid out. Apply to lt,J, 8enQvi.B,Fle3her(on, FLESMBimi STEIH LIDIDIT, I have opened tip a coinploto stoari) laundry 1« Plualiortoii, and am prepared to take in auy quantity of laundry work at lower priooa thau aril cbargod olsewhera. I have put Iu the latest aud most iuiprqved iintohinery to that end Kiudly give uie a call. liutir* satiafaotiOB guarautoed, and prices low, Uai. 8bo. Uoobbuovm Gonie iij and Exaniioe H&rnigsmaker, Fleshsrtoii Uo Vhe SPublie THE BEST OF^""" Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO ^rar\, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Orangw. 2 bottles Pickles for 25câ€" best brand. Don't buy anything but the LEADER CHURN, it is the best., I sell it. A choice line of , HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR EHILDBEI'S : ClOTBIIC We can supply you in any price ani£. quahty from 92.60 the Suit. A few BLOUSE SUITS are otfereil be- low cost to clear out the line. Come and k«e them before they are picked up. M«n's Rertdv-Made Tweetl Panta, •1.25 ]>air. Men's Overalls, any pattern, 50c pair. Uar assortment of sizes, patterns and- qualities is complete and up-to-ditte. Hardware J Dep't. Just Grand Mr. J. CuUons and several other fanners who used Aiaerie<u<. Staiidanl Twine last year say thiit it works as nice and runs as far aa thu highest priced TWINE you can buyv Tiy it and wo will yuarantcc satisfaction. PRICE, 7ic A LB. If You Need A good Turnip or Gar- don Hoe, Hay Fork or Fork Handle, Scytht or Snaiihe, Grain Cra- dJe or Finger we can supplj you at the lowest figiirua. SPECIAL PRICES On Pieservirg Kcttlea for a short time. â€" 4 quart at 36o â€" 6 quart at 40c â€" 6 quart at 45c -7jt quart at 50c -10 quart at 60c -12 qu.ut at 86c , \