Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1896, p. 5

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THI PL18HI1T0M kLUHQl BANKING OFt^ICE OF GEO. MITCHELL â- ^- â€" -^ FLE:^UiLUrO!9 As«ncri>.t bankin-^ butiiuesR rranHaute<J D^'afto ltiiU'9'1 antt -jhi!i|:iot cached at tisual ratuii. Money always ^rail.^blo for le^imat-j busitibKtt •ntari'risa. Ufitau twv doura uorUi ul Uicbiud- »a & Co'». Approntice wanted to learn drMsmak- iua- Apply to Mrs. Gjerdrum, Fl«ih- Vicinity Chips. CiTaracteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the rurioas. B'tsiilf*! uoiiC'j anunuf locals tcUl be almrijf-d at the rate of 10c per line fur e(tch iiiscrt'fjn. J reducthn u-iU fc«( made on f.fatruLcU for iUOUiirji or our. Mailoiale'a new electric liglit plant is now being pliicol in position. Stayner races tako place on July 31st. Oar thanks ne hereby teadared fur pass sent Us. We do not know what authority tha Grey Rttvianr has f»r .he following fore- iia^t, as the matter iias not yet been can aideied, ttiil it will likely be found pretty nearly correct ; "Already coming events ca3t their sh.-ulow.s before, and the diatriutti into which our ctiuiity is to be diridt-d is to be connidered. Nornianby and Ei^runiunt we beliefe are to le iU!Uud. Durham and Bentinck will make a tc.iin, Glencl^aiid Holland likely, while Proti.n, Duiida'k and Artcme^ia will unile Onuii Sound i« to have two niu- nici|:Hliti83 put with her, likely Sarawak and Kepple. The nainra of RHe?es Liinnle and Uesaen^ur and Dep. Keuve Allan ara frculy nieji'ioned as probable . candidate!." Services are now held both morning and evduing every Sunday in tho Bop tisl cbikpolâ€" 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Nottawaaaiia river csniptrs have all returned home and report a meat tn joyable two wneks' outing. I wish to think the people who woiked ao heroically to savj- tho building ;i8cd by me as a waruhouse, on Sunday niornins during 'ha fire. J. E. Moore. Tliri^sliim; niachiuo for wik â€" Dew Mc- Pheisi.u Advance sep.-irator and drive belt, ei'ifine in jocd repair. Easy t;;ri:is. Apiilyto J. [nkitar, .Maxwell. New fitationery just in. Mourning nr.to I'&per, \isiting cards, pence on- vclopes for churche*. bill huadii, state- ments, note heads, ordinary envelopes, etc. The Advivnco office. Inspector Campbell has lust no time this year in getting the school eiamina- tion returir^^iipo the printer's hands. ThroBnh his courtesy the results will be foond els«whertt in this insue. At a meeting of the board of trustees of theUethodist chnrcb, held List week, it was decided tu purchase a p'p« organ for the chuich, and will b.tTs the same placed in posiiiott in time for tha reopen- ing of the church, which will take place oil or about the IClh of August next. The instrument has been purchased from a Hamilton firm, and from tho fi>llowing figures it wilt b« underbtoud that it is a fine on* : Height, 10 feet ; width, 10 ft ; depth, 6 ft. 4 in.; 5 octave, »nd has 400 pipes. The value is ifOOO. Ar iiitarsstm^ gtine of baseball was played htsre on Siiiurday afternoon be- tween the Vandeleur and Fleshcrlon clubs. Vandeleur hud heretofore won two bsila from Fleshurton this season, bat the latter succaoded in getlinij back at them this time, but only by a very narrow majority. It was a close tjaine and quite ujcitiiig. At the end of the ninth iiininK the score stood 22 to 22. lu the taiith inning Vaiidoleui' went lirst t'3 bat and made four runs. FleViierton then rolled up six runs, with one man still to but, thua winisini; by 2, the score being 2G to 28. The frame building used by Mr. Lind- say as n bakeshop, ikiid owned by Mr. John Wrijjlit, sr, was burned to Uie zruuiid about 2 'j'clock Sunday inuritiii^', to<{«ther with all its contents, includinnta patent bske ovun .worth ?12i). Mr Lindsay's total Kirs wiilTuot up to about 9200. Tho cause of th«t>4re is a mystery,. as there wa» no tire around the building; after 1) a.iD. Saturday. Much sympathy is «.\preiised for Mr. Lindsay, who is an exemplary young man and hE>s won many fiieuds uincu coming here from Sheiburno a few weeks ago. It is altogether likely that Mr.'Lindnay will start iu business .•i^ain rij^'.it away. Over twenty-one years ago a gentleman iiamech^M'm. Armstrong, near Eugenia, hsd a p.-iralytic atruko which alfectod his bruin. One day he took his gun and wandered away fi'iu hoins. Not rcturii- iiij! that night, large numbers of iioigh- l-on turned out and after a lengthy search in the bush diHCOveretl him in a dazed condition, minus tho gun. One day lust week Mr. James Aiin.itrung, a 8. Ill, while working in a swamp disoov- er«d the eld gun. Of course it was badly rustod, but it will nevertheless bo carefully boai-ded as a valuable meeinnto of a deceoaod father. The ftreani'. in its ](i!my days wa.s a apleiil^^ double-bar- wllud aUotguu o{ IStiaiilk maiiufiMture. â-  Mr. H. Flesher, who is uiakins; im- prurenienta to the inside of the Metho- dijit eliureli, has erected a scalTld which is a marvel of in-jenuity and nimplicity. It it BO ere^'tcd tiiat it tits the shape of the ceiling tu a nicely, and by the aid of a crank caa be run from end to and of the church by one man in a few mo- ments. Mr. Flesher claims for the in- vent iou, which emanated wholly from his fertile brain, that it look very little InngttfT to erect than an ordinary scaffold, caused a saving of at least 20tX) feet of lumber, makes the handling of boards unnecessary, prevenu du>it; from flying and is much moru convenient to work on in every way th.in ai ordinary scaf- fold wuuld be. It is manipulated by a crank and ropes running over small pul- leys by an in>!eniou.sandi>ri'^inal method. The whole affair is em ircly original and rnnks as an inveiiti'iii of merit. It is wxrth exaniiniut(. Stewart Pocock, a Dundalk Ud, ran away a couple of weeks ago. Constable Peterson, after a pretty chase, arretted the younsster near Brampton. " It ap- pears,' says the Herald, " the lad on leavine; Duudaik traded Mr. Sharpe'a outfit for a horse and cart ten miles be- low Oraiigeville. With this be druve to Turimtu, returning a'.{aiu to tha vicinity of Branipt-jn, where he exchanged the horse fur anelher one. He afCerwaida traded horse and cart for a watch, which was found in his possussion when arrested. C instable Peterson succeeded in return- ing the various animals to their owners and truciii); Sharpe's horse snd rig to Aberfuyle, near Guelpb, in possession of a farmer with whom Pocock h.td made the first trade. Peterson returned by the noon train on Tuesday, bringing the prisoner with him, who was arraigned before McGregor, J. P., and by him com- luitled to Owen Sound jail for trial." Pi::(50NAL5 Mr. Will Sinclair is home from Col- legiate. Miss Mary Neil is visiting with friends in Feversham and GoUingwood. Miss McMillen returned on Monday to her duties at tho postoliice. Mrs. (Kev.) J Mnhan left lasc week to visit relatives at Wyoming and Petrolea. Mrs. II. E. McNeareturiiod to her borne iu Budaio on Saturday, after a leogtby visit with her mother, Mrs. R. Lever. Rev. Mr. Lediard of Owen Sound, lepreseuting the Children's Aid Society for this county, called »n us one day last week. The society has several childrea in this district and 30 within this county over whom Mr. Lediard has a fatherly eye. _ ^ Mr. lisrt Ariuatj^ong drovedowa toths Nottawasaga river on Itekntday to ipeed a couple of days wiih the boys in camp there. Mr. Joseph Stafford, science master in the Morrisburg high school, accompanied by Mis. Stafford, is visiiiug ttienda and relatives here. Master L'raiik and Misses Maud and Uita Irwin are visiting with their grand- parents at Hcathcote, Dr. Earlo r>train and Mrs. Strain ar- rived home on Moutlay after a two year's sojourn in riormany and ccnaiderable time spent iu travelling on the continent. Mias Emma Wright mot the party iu Moiitronl aud returned boiue with thent. A incotin" of directors of the Huron A Ontario Electric Railway Co. was held iu Toronto hu-t week. Tho president and secretary reporced that they had gone to New York and interviewed Miller Broe. with a view to construction. That firm told them to go on and survey tb« road, get levels, etc , and then submit their maps, when the firm would sond a man to make an ,»ainiuation of the route r»j its own satisfactioa. Aixsordingty the en- gineer, Mr. Bruuell, his been pla«ed . at work, starting at Port Perry on Monday last, and expects tu complete the woik in ab<mta month. A mure interesting mat. ter before the board was the disposition of certain funds nn band, some $2000, Osprey and Sugema had paid over tu the trcaiursr. Dr. Ilolstln of Shelburne put in a little bill of $12(X} for promoting the road through Osprey, and supported his claim with an eloquent speech. This small item was ignored by the president. There was, however, no difficulty over the payment of accounts for directoni' expenses, disbursements being made fi r the lost three meetings of the board. Thus it may be said that the prospects of the road going through still hang in the balance, but progress can be reported. If Miller Bros., upon receiving Mr. Bru nell's report, think well of the scheme, then we may look for the r«ad, but it will take at least two months to arrive at that stags of the proceedinus . In the meantime we will live on in hope. -1^1, â€" The Tale of a Cow. A. S. Vanduaen and M. Richardson, J. P's., were enga);ed Monday evening and Tusaday morning hearing a criminal case of considerable intereet. Benjamin and Alfred Scanlon, of the 14th con., Artsmesia, were accused by one Irwin Fawcett with the theft of a cow. Faw- cstt, it seensa, bought a cow from the prisoners' father, irivini a note therefor at two montha The prisoners claim that the cow belonged to them and that their father had no right lo sell the animal. The parents both tlatly repudiated this claim but two sisters gave evidence in favor of it. On Sunday afternoon last, during Fawcett's absence from home, the two young men went over to the latter's place and took the cow out of his stable. Young Scanli>ii had sold the cow on the previous Friday to a buyer under contract to deliver her at Flesher- ton Station on Monday before 10 a. m. Monday morning one of the bays started •ff with the cew and the other went to Mark dale to get some legal advice, meet- ing his br<ither with the cow just east of this villag.e. They then attempted to tal(e a roundabout way to reach the sta- tion but before going far were arrest ud by Constable Wbittsn snd arraigned be- fore the magistrates. Mr. Batson ap- pearetl for the pliautiff and Mr. W. Wright for defendants. The case was adjournod until Tuesday morning in order to secure certain documentary evidence. After sifting the matter as thoroughly as possible the magistrates decided that there was sufficient evidence for committal, and placed bail, the pri- soners to furoisb flOO and two sureties of SlOO ea«h, wjiich xas immediately forthcoming. The cow will remain in Constable Whitten's charge, but as sh* does not give milk her guardian cannot consider her as a luxury. Harried^ BtiTewsliiioiiâ€" AcBJMonâ€" At the hom« of «><• brido. OD Jul; M. by Rsv. B. J t'allis. Mr. Q*arg« A.Hutcbinsod.ut Ar'eineiia. to Miu Catta*rina Autae«oo. daugbtsr at Ur. Wm. AobMOD. Proton. JoRDAKâ€" DoNisâ€" At ibs Mettaoriist parsonexs. FlesbartoD.on Jub» 30, by th« ueT. John Mabaii. Mr. Jaiiiea Jordan to MLss Minnie Douis. t>otb of Mulancibou. Vxai^no â€" BasaNâ€" At th* residenoe cf the brida's ps>«nt(, oh th* lOth inii^, by the Hev.Johu Maliaa, Mr. Uacar liiigland of Coldifoter to Miu Louisa A. M. Bre«ii, youuKOftdsughtar of Mr. and Mrs. John Braau. Flasii«itou. ACHSsoNâ€" Moeasâ€" At the boma of tha brida, on July U by Bav. K. J. Fallis, Mr. Kobeit G. Aobaaon ofPretaa, tn Mini I'niin i Muura. eldaat daugbtar of Mr. George Moora, Arte- masia. AoHBsoxâ€" WtuooETâ€" At the Bethel MaSbodiat ctaarch, by Bar. B. J. Fallin. Mr. Jftiucs Aobasoo to Miss LouiM M. Wra^KoC, both of Protou. •oBDOKâ€" BoBKBTTâ€" At thi rastdauoa of the , bride's motbar, Markd&je, on Tuaaday. July 14, bytbsBav J. Huulav. K. U. UordoD. foramac la Baonia's laad stoax. Toronto, to Miss Ma«gia Burneit. Epplng From our own curre»pondenl. We were so surprised, Mr. Editjr, at Ike result of the Domirtion elections that d/Ws gathering was quite out of the queetion for a few weeks. The fall wheat harvest has connne need. A number of our farmers are cutting. The hay crop has not been very heavy tbis yeac and is bein^ saved with much difficulty, owing to the showery, weather. Miss Alios Gilray of Toronto, accuin- pauied by her brother's children, is visit- ing at Braebuiu Place. Miss UagAtie Black is spending her va- cation at home. Miss Maggie McCoiinuU is visiting friends in Siiucoe. Mr. Metcalf of St Vincent preached here Sunday niomieg. Owing to the fact that a large nuiaber u.' the young minis- ters are attending college this year the chairmar. of the district haa beea unable to supply this districs as yet. Mr. Tom and Miss Daisy Reid, who have been visiting their fatheCj purpoee returning this week, we belierai^ ta their hoMS in Batavia, N.Y.. IF YOU ARE THINKLNG OP GETTING A FAIR OF Boots or Shoes for Summer IJZ-CLAYTON'5 We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" as fine an assortment as you can ;,'et at f rom .SI per pair and upwarflsâ€" Black or Tan. Also MENS BALS, OXFORDS and PLOOJH BOOTS from $1 per pair. Custom Work and R«pairing Promptly Attended to m^ HELLO! >Vhat's All The Noise H ELLO I ^*^^^ ^^ HILL'S ? A Great Shiiighter in taking place. Gi^mIs are cut and torn and prices are away down. Print*. 6 and 7c., now 5c. Prims, 9 and l<)c., now 7c. Prints, 10andl2io., now Sc. Crinkle tjooils, 26c.. must go at 15o. Ceylon Flannels, 13c.. present price, 10c. Black Dre.s.s <i.jo*lH, 25c.. to Sl.lH per yaixl. Lace CurtaiiiM verv low. Curtain Poles, :iljc. ^^:m We Almys Keep the Best Groceries' in the Market Pure Lanl, lOe. lb. 4 cims Beans. 25e. Coin Starch 8c. Long Clear Bacon always on hand. .Mso Bbl. Salt, t^ Any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Hides, *o. wanted in exchange for goods. We also keep P. Loucku'.s No. 1 Manitoba Flour on luind. . . . Try 'It ! T HILL t, .jH. .^'«^ .,'0< .j' t. .?' <. vM«. ..t'^ >"'• j><'^ .s'l^ .i"- â- >"â- â€¢ •>"' •:"- J'«-<^i?"ii."-i'ii";i''ii": Still Ahead ALW.WS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices We cannot aud will not be beat in our own bv.smess. Our facilities fur buyiug and haudliug FURNITUliE were never so good ss at presaut time. We have a pride in beiuy able to gay our stock baa been bought with ii ihoroiigli know- ledge gained in experienoe of the markets, the times, aud our cuBtoiuers needs. Euyiag aud selliug Furniture at the best values and on ibe oloscst possible margins is our one stndv. Be sure to see us if you need anythiug in liOUSE FUliNITUKE line. J. E. m:oo5ie. House Furnisher <Sc Lndertaker Flesherton Fimiiture Warerooms. Residuuce.at Store. > Ml. M^t. Jib -«»«. .»i'>oifc -ste..}!'.. .&t«. w. :J"ii"i:J'i^i'<:4'«t:J!?:4'«;dfe^ ? WW^i? w'l^if^'s? iw'hi- w '/It- VI«- '/!«• 'ni- '«<• "it^Trii- -SiF^C 'rt^^ ;,\.' ' ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLEN KILLS Open again and are paying more than the hiyhe«t price for WOOL. FREE ! FREE ! ! Will give Ic extra for.- black sheep wool . .And are in a better jjositiou to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Motiffie oui- e.\tremely low pricea for custuni work ; [ariliij Rolls, Sc lb Carfifl^ i Spiling, IOg II) All Kiwds of Wkaviso is Phopobtios :>4LJ^ Cash For Wool NUHN Cash : for : Hidesl Sheepiikins and a!! kinds of furs pur- olinsod, for which hijjhost market price will be paid. Homemade sausages ou hand, alee all kinds of meats. KLBSBBRTON. IttBAT KUPORI^M TSSTING Preserve your oyesixht by having them properly tested by W. \. ARMSTRONG, - 0PTICI.4S Farm and Mill Site for Sale For sulo vory choop aud on very oasj tonus. Timber fanii« tJO acres, two mileg fioiu KleoU Oitvn, kuown as tlio Wtu- Ho»;fisa\vn)iU pro- imrty. aiiilou wliicb i»ati excollu'tt wa&tir power (ttuiuiation of saw mill, ilivin au<l \><rttd and watur whtitil in placu aud ali rt>udy for putiiut; miiJ <>n. Aboull5n<rr«sclHHreil,30ai:reH '.inibor, inoAt otT, balance wtill timbered, mixt;*) tiiubui-. TliiH form will btf sold at a bai^iaiii if Bout fti:< 0[ic«. Small uayiiiuut duwu, bnlauco on very o.A5y toruis. Appij to K.J. Spuor:.R, FUHbtrtou.OD Carpet Weaving Tho nndorsiKaad biia placed la position • Itrst class loom (or carpot aud Onuutil wearing and is prepui'cil to ijiv* satisfaotiuu. liriucin jour KAItS or T.\BX to A. T. HXROS. PloshertoD, April 7, 1)6. Good Farm for sale or Rent IjOt27. non.Ci. ArtMnesin, coQtiJnini; I tS aorea more iir lu,!8,40 aoros olearad. about -i) miloa fioin KIcsliortou. There ara a good log barik and stablo on tUtt prouiisua. Good manlli^ water. I'or lutbur yartioalai'S ap^ly to W, A, A<uiaTuoN» Iftaakettoata -'naitaniN iO j i ' II^i -»!.«- ••â- Â«Â«Â«ir-'

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