Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1896, p. 1

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V \. V, ksfttrtrrn jLtrirana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN. VOL. XVI, NO 807 FLESHERTON, ONT^ THDRSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1896 W. H. THURSTON, proprietor Special Lines '_y For the Ladies X. Soniothinji; very nobby iu BELT BUCKLES ttiid BLOUSE SETTS, vury choap and "futuhing." Call anil sou thorn. Port Law BROOCHES I in endless variety. An clcgint line of RINGS just in. Now to iiivost. Never buy to-morrow what you can buy cheaper to-day. WEDDING is tho timo Jeweller ; 'I'JTc^a''** {^VLT ^usinoss ^irectorxj Um\m €mb. WrCULLOUGH «:'yOUKG, Bankers, Markrtale. do a gonoral banking bus- lae«B. Money loaiieJ at aioasonable rata. Call on as. A8.VANDU8E.N. J. P. Clark 5th Uiv Court, Co Grey Lfliuor of Marriaije LiconsoH, Commlssionor iu H. C. of Justice, AucUouuer, etc, FLIiKHKBTOK P. O. J^I=:BTS COLLECTED. Tbe uiMlersijjneil in prepared to undertake the colk'ctiim o( all kinds of debts. NotoB bought, ac'jounts oollectud, etc B. N. HENBEKSON » Fi-ESBEKTON TCHISLETT • Flushertoa Stiition Vostmaeter, Comiuissiouer in H. C. J, Cou- veyancer; deodft, mortgaijes, leases aud wills dTawu. Cbargu? modurato. Business letters Written. <lcl9 p J. SPROULE, â-  Postmaster, Flesherton, Coinmissionor in B. B., Licensed .Auctioneer, Couveyancer, A - praiser and Money Lender, Beal Estate and Insurance Aiicnt. Dneds, Mortganea, Leases, ojjfl WUU drawn up aud Valuations made on Bhortest notice. Auction sales attended to in auy pait of the County. Money to loan at low- set rates of interest. CoUoctious attended to with promotness aud despatch Charges low. A^ent tor the Dominion Steamship Compauy, ehoap tickets from Fleshertou to Liverpool, Ulasb'OW, London or any of tho British ports, Parties iutcndioK to vi.sit ISuijlanJ, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask ratea before purchasing tbelr tickets elsewhoro ^oci?tif^. AO.U.'W.â€" meets every first and third Mon • day in each month, in their lodge room Strain's HlocU. kloshertou, atSp. ui. W. H. Walker, M.W., \V..J. )i:;llaniy, flnanc:«r W. Irwiu Koeordc:-. Visiting Urethorn iuTitod. ROYAL TKMFLAKS 01' TEMPEBANCE. â€" Begnlnr Council meets every flrrt and third Tnes lay evening in each month. tn Sproulo's block at H p. m. Select degree insurance) liU'Ctii iMonthly, the Wednesday preceding the '2'2ud of each month. SONS OF TEMPER.VNCE.â€" This society meets in Ur. Christoe' Hall first Wed- nesday in each month ut H p.m. Visiting brathereu invited. Insurance iu couuavtiuu. UP. B. A., meet in their hall, Christos's Block everv second Thursday in each month. I. G. Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, Sec- rotary. PBINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No 33!), A F & A M, meet In the Maaoi.ic Hall, Strain's Bloidt. FloHherton, every Fri.iay on or before tho fullimoon. Goo. Mitchell, W M, W J Bellaui} , secretary DUFFERIN LOOGR, No 186, t O O F, meets in Clayton's Hull every Tnes- day evoniufi at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren oordially invited AB V\nDu8KN, N G Wm Uoobb. Seo gcuti$trit. J p. MARSHALL, L. D. S., M. D. S , Dentist. Visits Markdale the Ist and .'h'd Wednesday of each month, Pleshertonâ€" Each trip on the dav C. owing. T O. CAMPBBLL, L O S, UD S, Dental Surgeon, Markdale. Office over MoCullougb <fe Young's bank. Hoursâ€" ».:iO a.m. to 6 p. m. Visits Kleshorton every second Thursday as followsâ€" June 11 and'io, .Tulv !) and 'Si, Aug. 13 and 27. Other dates will follow. T. HENDERSON D D S, SI D S, Dentist of Toronto (gold medalist) will visit Flcsherton profession- ady the first Wednesday of each month and Duudalk the day following (Thursday.) fcgal. pROST & BATSON " Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyances, etc. Offleoâ€" Next to pes oflice. Sproulo's block Flcsherton, every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office, Frost's block Poulett St. East. From our oion Correspotulent. Harvesting is the order cjf the day here at present. The farmers in this aectiou claim that while the straw in more plenti- ful than it was last year the oat yield is going to bo far below the average, owing lo tlie rust. Mr. Francis and Miss Bella Thompson were visiting friends in Sunuidale. Duriu); the past week the trustees of S. S. No. 8 have let the contract of putt- ing a usw roof on their Hchool and other necessary repairs. Messrs. Buyce and ' Haney are the contractors. We are sorry to note that Mr. Geo. Thompson, Councillor, is having a very hard tinne of it lately. Al.ng with his other troubUs ha has had a very severe attack of erysipelaa during the past week. ! We are glad to note that unrfer the skil- ful treatment of Dr. Suott the disease is under control aud Geo. is once more on the way to rec.avery, ] Mr. and Mrs. .John I'.)land drove over [ from Viindfleur on Sunday to vi»it Mr. Geo. Thtmipson ; also Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1 Hest and many otl)er f ricndii and well : wishers called on Mr. Thompson and were glad to see lliat he was somewhat improving. I That dreaded diseace, diphtheria, has oni'o more viai'.ed this locality, tliis time. clnimin<; for its victim Miss Polly Orr, â- )f i Toronto, who was Aisiting with her grundiua, Mrs. Morton. Mr. Joseph Watson is at proKeut sufi'eiin^ from a sevoro attack of cjuiusy. Well, Mr. editor, your oorreapondei t thinks tlmt it i« quite a slur on the in. tolligence of the people of Noith Gioy to have tho Govert:mcnt place Sir. Pater- son in thelield to contest the by-eleotion, and we do hope that the people of that riding will look at it in tliat light and not simply be turned over by any little wharf.-joe fee that Mr. Paterson will be prepared to offer them. We lire sorry to note tlmt Mr. W, R. Dyson, has been souiewhat under tho weather for tho past few days. We hope that he will soon bo on the way of re- covery. Mis Honiijhill of this locality has been vi8itin'4 with-htr sister, Mrs. John Spoers, of Osprey. A SUIT ? ../ Then be sure and. see as fine a line of Worsted. Goods as you. ever looked at and at Prices impossible to beat. W^c have some sj^ccial values in Blue and Black Sergfes. See tlieni ! C. J. LEITCH Merchant Tailor (^ 0'^^«^-V^%'«.'%^V^-%'«'^'^'»'«/%%-%/%--%%%^/%^%'%^%%/«^b/%^a â- J UCAS& WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound, Out. - - Maikdale, Out. W. H. WmoHT. I. B. Lucas. N. B.â€" Fleshorton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. Lady Bunk TUCKER & PATTERSON. Barristeis, solicitors, etc. Molsou's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson |H<?rtical D ,R BUTTON MDCM, MPP&S Out, Priceville OflQce next dcor to Brown's store: residence one door west of Methodist church, Kinross st. Office days, Tuesdays aud Saturday rvR C.VRTER M C P & S Ont„ Physician, Surgeon, etc Flesherton ollicaâ€" Strains b'ook. Eesidenceâ€" . Munshaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Moiuber College Physio. & SuvgoonB,Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Torov> University Fellowship Diploma, Post Giadiiato Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Liisoaaos of eve, ear, nose and throat specially treated, Resi- dence, Maxwo'.l, visits Foversham Thursdaiw 1 2 J P OTTKWELL VotorUiary Sui'goon. Graduate of Ontario Vetor'nary College. Rep'donoeâ€" Next door south of .Mooro's planing factory. JRICKVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE. From our oioii Correspomlent On the 20lh ult. , at the age of 44, Margaret, wife of Richard Fisher, and youngest daughter of the late George Davidson, passed away at her houio near Staynor. For many years she was a resident in the Bri.itow settlement, Osprey. She will bo much missed by a large circle of appreciative friends. Her disposition was quiet, tolerant, kind. Quite recently she visited her Ofprey friends. None suspected her end was so near, though it was apparent she could not recover. She tilled the relation of wife, mother and friend in a most oxompl.-iry manner. A husband, four sons and three diUi(htors mourn their irreparable loss. "Blessed are tho dead who die in the Lord." " That they may rest from their labors and their works do fellow ihem." have been afflicted, including Mr. Buck- ingham himself, but with the exception of the two mentioned all nrj improving. One or two other families in 0«prey are also artiotad to a les^ier dogrco. The dis- ease was brought in from Collingwood township. Stringent measures are being taken to cuntine it to its present limits, which your correspondent fervently trusts will be successful. Tlie members of the CO. F., Fevor- sham, attended divine service at the Uuckii.gham church last Sunday. There were some Sf'.y members in tbe pruces* I siori and they presented a fine appearance. j Tho Rev. Mr. Legate of Maxwell preached a powerful sermon to the order assembled. Wo are glad to see R. J. Cnl<|uet around again after his late severe illness. Mr. Ed. Paul spent a couple of weeks in the city, returning last week. j The Rev. Mr. Galloway, brother of ' Mr, W. 15. Gallowaj', pnmchod iu the Pretbyteria:! church here on Sunday last. Cnpt. Parker of the S. A. is at present I away visiting his parwnts at Gravenhurst. Mr. J. Alexander, who has been woik- iug up the lakes this summer, returned homo last week, also Mr. Geo. Burk. Mrs. Wismer of Mnnitoulin spent a couple of weeks visiting her parents here. Engrnia. FIELD •.-> <o> * ^ - Durham stng« loaves Flesherton Station at T.l.'i a in., returns 4.4") p.m. Priceville sta^e loaves the same place at 1'2,.'!0, returning at â- l.J.'). Faro to PviouviUeaudretnrn.fiOoonts; Durham, I , ,. - , .. i i *l..'iO for return. 7'.e. single fare. Livorv in con- ' A younger daughter IS also not e.tpeotea nectiou. Orders ma be left at oitiw hotel. ; ,. ,;„^ Seven members of tho family Fcvershain. From our own Correspimdrnt Harvesting is in full swing here. All crops are above tho average, although rust has appeared on some of the late onts, but it will not bo serious. The first threshing of the season took place on tho farm of J. A. Kornaghan one day last week. Fall wheat and oats averaged about 25 and 60 bush, respectively. Mr. Mark Murphy, who met with a painful accident last week, caused by his horse running away on tho Heaver hill, IS improving slowly, bur will nufc be able to work for some time yot. Your cor. i.s sorry to chronicle this week the death of a bright little girl, a daughter of Mr. John Buckinf!hain,agod 13, from th*t terriblo disiiaso, diphtheria A. MoCAULBY, Pro â-  "> «»•• From our own CoircsiMindent. The union Sunday school held their annual picnic in the grove here on Wednesday. Both old and young turned out and beeined to enjoy tho day thoroughly with swinging and games, and best of all by a splendid tea prepared by the ladies. Tho heavy thumier storm which came uo in the evening was a great mar to the fun, compelling all to go home at an early hour. Mr. McLeish, of Toronto, has been spending a few days visiting at Eugenia. He canid up for a little lishiiig and preached Sunday evening. Quai'torl.y meeting .'services were held in the Methodist church on Sabbath morning by the pastor, Mr. Balfour. A good conci'ogation was presont. Mr. Robert Purvis has gone to Tor- onto for a visit. Miss Tily Poole, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Purvis'. Mr. Robert Campbell, of the Valley, biought a corn stalk to Eugenia last week which measured nine feet eight inches. It was planted the latter end of M.iy. That beats Mr, Caswell's record. Master Herb. Coney, of Toronto, who is visiting friends here, rodo from Tor- onto by way of Brampton on Wednesday last on his bike, malting ihe distance of 110 miles in ton hours. Pretty good for a hvd of fourteen years of age. Mr. Blair, of Toronto, is spending a few da.ys visiting his grandfather, Mr. Meldrnm, poatm.i.ster, .at Eugenia. Mr. Will Purvis, of Toronto, is visiting his parents at present. Mrs. Walton Williams has gone to To- ronto to visit her mother. Rev. Mr. Balfour is spciiding holidays this week dt Mitchell. AND Garden SEEDS -^^^.^^m large quantities at W.E.Richardson's Priceville From our oivn L'orrcfpoHdent, A very succes.sful garden pai-ty was held on the grounds of the Mothoifist parsonage last Friday afternoon. Tho principal feature of the evening's enter- tainment was an exhibitioa of superior views by magic lantern on tho life of John Bunyan and the Pilgrims Progress, together with somo very amusing colored pictures for the boys and girls. Owing to the generous supply of p-ovisions it was found necessary to hnve a social on Monday evening to got rid of the surplus. The social was a grand success as tar as the program is concerned. A number of very beautiful scenes of China were exhibited and ware thoroughly ap- preciated by tho audience. Mr. Robert Blakestoii intends starting for England this week. Ho sails from Montreal on Saturday by tho steamer "Scotsman." As it is thiity-nine years since ho left the ohl sod Mr. B. will find many changos in bis native land. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Watson and family, of Walters' Falls, paid a visit to the friunf's in this village last week. Mrs. D. MoUonald ia visiting her daughter. Mis. Marlatt, of Sholbunie. Miss Singer, of Metz, ia tho guest of MIm B'aniiy James. Mr. and Mrs. William McDowell o^ Toronto and family are visiting with tho former's father. Mr. Hunry Ho-garth took a crip on his wheel to Whitby lately. Do not throw away old preserve jars which have lost their covers or whose edges have been broken so that tho coveis will not tit tightly. They are ex- cellent for holding pickles. When filled tie a piece of cotton cloth over the top to keep out insects and put tho jars away in tho storsroom closet. Tlia Shelhnrne flax mill buildiiv.; i.-4 completed and the machinery is being placed ill )ioaition. The Free Press Siiys largo-quantities of tiax are already beinf; broucht in.

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