Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1896, p. 4

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MM iP THf rLISHBKfOf ADTllfaf Coanty and District ESTAULI8HED 1881 ^Ae Advance ^"BLISICED WEEKLY AT THE OFKICE. 8VI>- KNUAM HTEEET, FLBKUEKTON, OJ»T., BY W. H. TUfKSTOK. $1 per anniiin,slrictly in advance Advertising Rates: no Columa, 1 jetr, 8S0 ; half col., 1 year, 927 qaartercal.,ouo year, 31S. Transient ailvorliiuiuoat cliarpod at tho ratis il 6 coiiti [Jul- lino lor lirst insertion and i cents eacU aubsuquout iuaertiou. > . . It is a case of Hobsou's choice in Nortb Grey â€" biscuiU or nothing. The Patrons of Industry will issue a call for a couveutiou to bo held in Toronto in September, with the object of finding out just what degree of auimatiou still reuiaius in the order. The Weekly Suu, or Farmers' Sun as it has been known in the past, is made very iuterestiug and iu- struc'.ive by tho clever pen of Dr. Ooldwiu Smith ("Bystander") who comments weekly on cunent events. Tho Sun has been remodelled and is now an excellent literary and news- paper. A mad bovine ran amuck in tho streets of Toronto last week and created havoc for an hour or so. The World called it a heifer and the Globe said It was a bull. Now it is evident that both oould not be right. If the respective editors will accept of our hospitality for two or tiuee days we will undertake to make the bovine goudcr so plain that in future it will be impossible to make any nii.stake of this nature, and as an extra in- ducement will throw in a few hints upon how to diiliuguish the businens end of a mule from tliat of a honey beo. Mrs. Wm Cowan, Egremant, died last week of cancer. Waller ParRonn fell on a Dundalk aide- walk and brciko hia lug. AVill this be anathar damage case? F. N. I'oolo, pliotographer, waa drowned ftoui a, ruwboat ofif South- ampton. D. Uedferii, Durham, has purchased the barber businuRS of the lata H. J. Legard, Markdnlu. Frank RobirjKon, Duudalk, is lyin;; dangerously ill at Orangeville from blood [xiiHonin^. A sulinon trout weighing; 50 Iba. and mcnsuring ten inchea through w.is caught at Vail's I'uint, neai Owen Sound, last week, with aui>jht line. Jos. Love, Proton, had his left Ifg fractured by being tbrowu from a wa^ou. Tho bit drojiped from his horse's mouth and the nsiinial ran away. Councillor Bcntley of Minto had his spine permanenily injured by a well- house, wliich he wn.s removing, falling upon him. Hu h pnralyzed below the waiit. Durm^j the past week Mr. Samuel Kouers, »f Ccdaii>villo, threshed his fhll wheat and had a return of 350 buahuls ofTt) acre.s, an averafje of 3!) bushels to acre. The whe;it is a splendid saniple. â€" Mt. Forest Itop. Mr. Flicks, storekeeper at Mar, a liani- let eight miles from Wiarton, died on Fridijy in a (If. Ho was subject to fits from the effeut of Kunstroko, received years ago. At 20, whuM a man isyiung, he bftinks he knows it all, hu likes to wag hisaetivu tonuuo and exercise his gall ; he struts around in noble rage, tho world is all hifi own ; he l.'kUglis to scorn the world of age, and lists to self aUmc. Ho wears a window in his eyes to tee his whiskers grow ; be thiokK the ladie? pine and dio bucau.se they love him bo. At 40, as you may suppose, lie's knuckled down to biz ; 'tis not till GO that ho knows how big a chump he is. GcEicral News and Fritz was entered. Fronrthe ranch he hauled all the trnpa of hia owner thirty mile* to the nearest raUway. An ordinary freight car held them the next thirty-six hours going the six hundred and fifty miles to Sydney. There were only two days for a reKt, and to try the track, and tho race camo c^n. Fritz trotted away frfmi tlie champion, winn iog *bo first lieat easily in 2.19, the second in 2. U>, and the third in 2.14 The track was poor, with weeds and sand- holes, and the pace was very fast con Biderinj; tho C(mditions. Fritz is a big, racy-Iuoking gelding, nutat all handsome, hut ho mu.st have a wondotful burst of speed, and may make an interesting race for any American wlio accepts thn chiilleiigo and crossoH the Pacilic to try a race with him. â€" Farming for August. â- sse Assignee's Sale â€" OF â€" Stock in Trade, dc. There will be solj by pultlic auction at my oni<:o in tho ViUnpi) of FltiBliertou, iu th« Cotiuty of Oiey, on Wednesday, the niiietot*nili ilay ol An^ust A. U IHOfl, at tlio hour of 'i i>'clock p. ni tliu assets of tb* Estate of Joim W. Hhorc. Kjii'ing, ccnsihiing of : Getioral Merchandise. Uoots and Shoes, io ... 9M0 fiO Ho<ik Debts ISl.T) Prou) iHHory Notes i3:M Total *5;;7.:i TI'.RXIS; Ten per c< ut. oseh at time of sale and tho bilance, satibiactorily secured, la thirty days. S'ock sheets and couditious of sale may be had ou ui>j>lication to LLCAS & WHIGHT, â-  Assignee's Kulicitors, Uweu Bound. The past week has been » curiosity in terrperature for this cliinaio and would almost lead one to believe wo had moved south to the torrid regions where daily thunder storms and heavy electrical displays aro native born. Tho thermomotcr has registered here about ninety for the past week and wo think it hot. Tliis is cool, however, when compared with many American cities, whcro tho thermo- meter haa coquetted- above the Inuidreds, rnuniiig up in fiouio cases to 110 dogrcca of misery. Let us not give way to jealousy bccaiiso we do not enjoy the same dcgvoc of hciil that our American oousins do. They can grow wateimielou.i and bananas but our cool atmosphere in summer time makes them gieen with envy. North Grey is now in the thick of another political contest. Mr. Mc- Laughlin, tho lately defeated Conser- vative candidate, and Win. Pateraon of DiantforJ, are the opposing forces and the war will bo a mony one. Mr McLuughlin will he a stronger man than ho vsas in the Into contest, not having any Uemedial Hill to pull him down, and ho will have tho practical nssislanco of Dr. Bpioiilo and other strong aiiti-roincdiuli.stg. Un the other hand Mr. Pateraon has tho gOTorumonl " pull," but judging from past experience, and to uao a slang expression, that will not cut much of a figure with Notth Gioy eleolors, who uro Conservatives first, last ond all » the time, excepting when tliey are forced out of the ranks as in tha Itvte olcction. Wo confidently look for jVIr. McLaughlin's return, and believe that this sountry is doomed to have another Wandering Willie on its Mrs. Nicholas Awrey died at Grimsby Park. Lady Tennyson, widow of tho lato poet laureuie, ^s dead. The Roman Catholic church at IJrad ford was destroyed by lire. Tho stoamcr Vancouver and Ijike Ontario collided near Father Point, in a dense fog. Hoth vessels were injureil about the bon-. .\ great many denlhe have tnlten place in American cities from the exccssivo heat. TIio temperatura in St. Louis Monday was !•!> degroes. Cecil Uhodos, whose councctioii with the Piitish South Alrica CoUipaiiy and his allcg.d cdiiipliciti in the Transvaal raid of Dr. .lameson are well known, will undoul)tcdly shortly be brought to book for the part ho took in bringing about an invasion of the territory of a friendly State. Comparatively a ihoi l- time ago Mr. Rliod«',>j w.is made a msmb.-r of Her Majesty's Privy Council, but his name will be stricken from the list of tlie Councillors and ho will bo summoned to give ovideiicu bcforo the Parliaiiieiitaiy Sulcct Commilteo of lu- (piiiy into the Cliarlored Company's do- ings.- Ifut there ii to be no repetition of till! Jamioson trial in his case. It '\» known that Mi-. Chambuihiin, tho Cohmial Secretary, desired to »eo him in the dock iuid has discussed tho ijuostion (if indiclmoiit with Arthur J. »alft»ur and tlio Attorney (leneral. There aro ample reasons for indicting Rhodes as for tha conviction of Jameson, but a Irialand its |ir«liminaries would have involved a dohiy of six months in the proceedings of the Conimittuo of Iii(|uiry. So Rhodes haa, meantime, escaped the ordeal ho challenged. When lie reappears in Eng- land it will be with ruined prestige and as a ccnnparatively poor man. An Australian Trotttr Tliny claim to have a good trotter in Australia, and a diallenga has been issu- ed to any Amniicim horse txi go over and race for a «!10,0(K) stakn. Thi.s Aus- IrBllan hnrso, named Fritz, was sired by an Aintoieati horso muntd Vanclnre, by Harold, from the famcJUK Woodburnstrrd. Fritz was brod bark on a ranch, several huMdred miles froi», Sydney. As a three year-old ho troated in 2..W, and kept steadily improving under tho care of his owirer. Tho host raccn in this line were tha tr-odor, Osterloy, and a pacing mare, Mystery, both with records of 2.25. Some lime ago a big purse was ofTered for a triJttiirg m^tuh.at the Sydney races, AoRUht lOtti, 1890. A. B. V.\nDUSEN, Assiunen, Flesberlon. Voters' List nUNICiPALITY OFARTEMESIA 1 B OCi Notice lA liorel>v »;lven that I have tranBoiit- tod or duliv' rrd to the purHotm luciitioiiod in HMciioiih 5Hii'i ti itf ttteOutaiio Vnturit' Li»t Act, IH^vj. tho copiuH rt'(]uire»! by Krtiii sectionrt to ho hu transiiiittud or dellvoreil of the list made, liiiri<r.unt to nnid Act, of all persons appearing by tlie last revihod asse-Biiu-iit roll of tnu said mutiicipality to bo eutitti-d to vote hi the H»id iiiuLiciputity Ht elections foi- uit-niburH of tho [.<«f<i»lativt) AHKL'iiiblv ati<l at Municipal FJoc- tfouci. and that Haid lint wnf) t\rst postud up at, my ollico at JS'-tthui'tun oiilliu lOat day of A ly. IHVt), and runiuius chore fur inwpoction, KlectorH are called upon to oxauiin^ tho Raid liBt and if any omishioits or any other I'rror.t nro foiinrl therein to take Ininjodiatt* procuod inK»i to havo tho said orroiH conocted acoordint; telaw. W.J. HKl.l.AMY, Cloik Municipality of Aitemo»ia Dfttoa August 10th. ia>5. f slk, Rights St House St, â- Â»</, •&!«• *'<< -ilt' <t'' y^ •»'«• 'J;i:>'*; ^»?^i? W W WW^i? '/!«• ">«• '*•''• EVEB [ilElT HJPPllG Notice to Creditors In tlie Matter of John Wesley Shore, of the Township of Bup<irasiB, In the County ol (Jruy, nerchant. Notice is hereby j^iven ttiat thi» abOTO-naiuoJ .loliii Wesley Slioro ha?, niailonn assi^ninent to nu! of all his ostato an>l efl'ucta for tho i;uneval hent'Ilt of his ero.hto'-s. untlertho provisions of K. .S. O. ls,-(7, Call. I'Jl anil amoniUnfi acts. A lOHotiofjof the creilitorsof tho said assignor will ho lielil at niv (tlics in tho vilhifju of Klosherton. in tho Conjitvof (Iroy, on Woiluos^ (lav, tlio &th .lay of AuKUst, A. 1). 18U0, at the hour of two o'elock in tho afternoon, for tho np|iuintnit>nt of iii8|ioctors am) tho nivi"R of liiniiiidiia with refureuoe to tho ill iposal of tho said estate. All creditors of Mio sshi ostnto aro lioicby reiiulru.l to lilo tl.iii.- ilaims. vurihi-.l hy adl- ilavit, as recjiiiro.l hy siild Acts, with too on or bpfoio the 1st day of Soptembor. A. 1). WM, after whiih hist niontionod dsto I siiall jiro- coed to dlHtribnto tho said estate, having lo- Kard only tosnidi clninm as I then shall havo noticu or. aru' 1 shall not be rosponsiblo lor tho sBsetsof the said oKtiitoor any part thoriof, to ftuvptr-ion or iiersous whoso claim shall not havo been tiled. Dato t July LWli, A.l). 18%. A. 8. VanDUSI'.X, Assignee, LUCAS A WUItlHT, Fleshertou. Out. Selloltors for Assignee, Owen Souud, Ont. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of Samuel n. Osborne ol the villaKC ol UuKcnla. In the County ol Urey, Merchant. Notice is hereby eivcn that tho above named Samnid M.Osbornohas niailo an asslRuinont to loo of all his <!state and iffocts for tho eoneral heoellt of his croditors nndor tho provisions of It. S. O., 11*7, Cap i-M anrl anieudloy Acts. A rneotinuof tho crodltoi-sof tho said as.-;i|;nor will bo held at iny othoa in tbo VillaReot I'loHlipiion in tho County of (Iruy, on Fridnv, the 7th .lay ot AnRust, A. 1). 18U0, at tho hour of ten o'l-loi-k in tho fnroiioon.for tho appointnionc of iispoctorsand HioKivine of diroetions with riforonco to the disposal of tho cstato. All crodltoia of tho f.aid cstato aio hereby vtM|uirid totlle tholi(daini3, verirtod bv athda- vitas lecjuirod by said Acts, with iiio on or hofioo thoHthdny of Koptcuiber, A. D. ISlHl, after which last loontioiiod data I shall proceed to distrlhnts tho said astate, liaviiiK repaid only to such claims as I then shall havo notice of, and Ishall not bo responsi ble fi,r tho i.ssets of the said I state or snv part theieof to any person or i.irsous whose claims shall not havo been tiled. Uatod July !!Oth, A.n. IH'JO. OHOUCiK MITCIUCLL, AssiRnoo, lAJCAfi A WnidllT, Floshorton. Ont Hollcitora for Assignee, Owen Sound, Ont. CAMEJLSTRAY Came to tho promises of the underalRned lot .land 1, con. «, Osprov on or about July 1 ono yearllnR hulfor. Tho owner is rocinost d to prove property, pay exiionsea ami tako tho same away. WM. 00UTT8, Maxwell V O STRAYED YearllnR stoor. spotted, star In forehead, nioBtly read. Information as to his wIiuib- abonts thatiUIuUy received. W, CAMBRON, Eugenia E. a But always alive to b-Kincssâ€" Keeping in view that GOODS well bought nru hnlf sold. Wo havo added to our stock a fine .selection of Ileady-nradu Clothing lit CLOSE PRICES. Boys' Suits at $2.00 AND UPWAUDi. Youtii's - and - Mens IN ALL SIZES. The fir.st wet day call »i;d see what wu have in BLACK \Vt)liSTEU attd NAVY BLUE SERGE. We cin make you a suit in these gotals from SIJ to §18. Buy Your SUGAR . . By tlio Ijairc. or 100 wei-ht It will cost you less. We li.-.vo a good stock on hand. Also â€" Quait Sealers & SLOO dozen â€" J UaUoii Sealers ('i, ljl.20 dozen. â€"Dinner Setts (IW pieces) @ 8<>.50. â€"Tea Setts (44 pieces) ® «2..")0. B. McDonald SW? Uouch Jjho Opoti FOR PRICKS On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, Rriir.ER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS. AXLE OREASE. Conie in ai^d Exaii^iiie ^Wi, IVIOORE Harnessmaker, Fleskrton Vo Vho !Pu6h'G THE BEST OF" Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Bran, Shorts, Roiled Oats, Standard Oat Meai. Choice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Oi-aiiges. 2 hottle.s Pickles {tvr 25câ€" be.st brand. Don't l>tiy nnything^ but tho LEADER CHURN, it i.s the be.st. I sell it. A choice lino of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR Is usually the business holiday MONTH. V/o keep business humming "^ven in dull seasons and have some of the best SNAPS f.)r this month. 111 PINK, CREAM and ELACK- GROUNDS. 5 cer.ls per yard. â€" loo Prill t.s yoing at lOc [)<,r yt-.r-l. â€" 12c ]'rint.H goir.g at 8c perjard. â€" 3c Prints g.<ing ;it 5c pur yard. â€" 18c Crop; 'lis goi!:^,- .t IJu jkt yuid. â€" 10c Do Liiiues goinj^ at 10c per yard. â€" ODoz. Eadits' Undcr\e.stsat 5ccach. â€" 100 jruirs Ladies' Lkck Hose at 4' pairs for t'x:. â€"100 j).ir8 Mcu'.i Wool Socks Rt 2 pail's for "5c. â€" 20c, 25e and 30o Ribbcns clcariiiu out at 10c i>cr yard. â€" 5Uc PitrtwioLs itt ."^Je c.iclti â€" t'5j Piituscls at 4."(o uicli. â€" lac Parasols at iiOc each. â€" Croaiu Laces at HALF PRICE. â€" All -Wool Tweed, nico [xitterng at .'lOo p-.'r \KxA â€" Stylish Suiting TweetLs at ODc per yard. â€"NEW PANTINGS. . . SHOES -Ladies' Dongola O-xfords at 95c per- jjair. â€"Gent's Dongohi Oxfuids at $1.10 per pair. â€" Gent's Buif Oxfords at 98c per pair. JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF Closest Quotations For Quantities. Hardware % Dep't. and TjGmper / Are fro.|ucntly lost by buying a [wr iirticlo because it is chiap. But when you t;eii a jjoix', ivticle. as in the case of oirr HARVEST MITTS at a low price, why you are all O. K. -lO^n lOin lO-in 12-in 14-in -ir>-in -lf)-in -IC-iu Sheep Skin Mitts, 20c pair. Saranao Tan Mitt.><, 25c pair.. Aniion Horso Mitts, 25o p.iif. Savanac Tan Mitts, ;U)c pnir. Hfavy S. Skin Mitts, ooc prur. Heavy S. Skin Mitts, 40c pair. Moose Hide Mitts, 7oc jrair Gunuijie Calf Skin, Toe pair. BINDER TWINE â€" American Stiiirdard at 7ic lb. â€"American Shoaf at 8o Ibf The Above Prices Ai-e For Cash LADIES! sr.rb.n full Dinner Sett of Dishes of tin' newest style and iKittcrn cheap. Only »7. 50. Call and see them. c_ 7 E'^ '.-';

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