Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1896, p. 1

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txlon Xh^antt & " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRLNXIPLES NOT MEN. VOL. vn, m 8u FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1896 W. H. THURSTON, E3ITCR * PSOPRiETCa ' Special Lines For the Ladies "~\ S'-.w-'tliing verj noijbv in BELT BLCKLES and BLOl'SE SETTS. very ch--!ip iind '•fetchicg." and stie tiiem. Call BROOCHES ! in endless variety. -Ui elc^fint line of WEDDING UlXliS just in. Ndw id the time t'l iuvcst. Never buy to-morrow what you can buy ciieaper to-day. -â-  V^. ilRrt^ STRONG Jeweller ^'ilh^i â-  - - - 4. I 6 ©""^^ S^^^*^^^^ directory 3!u5inf5$ Cuv(l$. M CULLOUGH 4 VOCSQ, BwAors. Markrtale. do a general banking bus- tie's. Mou«yloan«d at a roasonabl* rate. Call on 11'*. AS. V.\NDVSEN. J. P. Clerk 5th Uiv Court. Co Grey Iiaucr of Marriage Licenses. CommiMioner in IL C. of Justice, Aactioaeer, etc. FUtSUEBTOS P. O. T\EBTS COUiKCTED. The unclerwignod Ii prepared to nnJertake the col'ection of all kluds of debts. Notea bou^bt. accountrf collected, etc B. N. UENDBBSCN â- â€¢ FiJisBtBTOS TCHISLETT -• ' • Flesberton Station Postmaster. CoAuisslouer in H. C. J.. Cou- veyancer; deedis, uiorttiagea. leases and wills drawu. Charges moderate. Business letters written. dcl9 R. J. SPROULB, Postmaster, Fleshertou, Coaimi«ioner in B. K., Licensed Auctioneer, Convoyaucer, A - praisor and Money Lender, Real Kntate and Insurance .^guut. Di'cJs, Mortgafjcs, Leases, and Wnu drawu 01) aad Vahi-itions made on Bb'jitcst notice, .\uotion sales attcudol to in any part of fbe County, ilouey to loan at low- est rates of interrst. Collections attended to «-ith prouintue«s and despatch Charges low. Accnt for the Dominion Steamship Company, cheap tickets f»om Fle!>hortou to Lircrpool. iTla-itjow, London or any of the British ports. Parties iuteudiuy to visit England. Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates before parcbasiug their tickets elsewhere ^oci.'tic'J. AO.U.W. â€" tneets every first and third Men • dav i!i eiwh nioiitb,* in their lodge room Strain's Klock, Klcsberton. stSp. m. W. H. Walker, M.W.; W.l. Bellamy, flnaiH:er W, Irwin Kecordar. Visiting Urettieru invited. ROVAL THMPLARS OF TF.MPKU.VNCE. â€" Kegular Council inccM every tlrst and th'r I Tueslay eveniu;; in each month, in Sproule*s MoclJ at K p. in. Select decree iiunranctl meets luonthly. the Wednesday preceding the ^ud of each luoitth. SONS OF TEMPnR.\NCE.â€" This sotletT meets in Dr. Christoo' Hall Bist Wed I'.eiida? in each mouth at Spin. Visitiiig brutheren invited. Insurance in couuectiou. UF. B. A., meet !• their hall, Chrlstoe'* Block cver> second Thursday in each month. L G. Brown, W, U., T. Clayton. Sec- retary, .- FISCEAliTHVRLOP()K.No,'Wl. A F ft A M, moot in the MuiOLic Hall, Strain's Block, Floshertou, every Fri.lay on or before the tiillimoou, Geo. Mitchell, W M, W J Uellam] , secretary ^ DVFFEKIN LODGK, No ISil, I O O F, meets iu Clayton's Hall every Tuea- tlav evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited AS VasDfskn.N a Wm kloo&B. See Pnceville From <nu oicti CurrfiponJ-ntt. \ Bright and early last Mond.iy niomiug Mr. Robert Rei.l of the O. D. R. walked Into our sanctum and handed um the fol- lowing notice for publicatiua in our eorresjwndence. After reading it wo in- formed Bob that a chorgu was usually made for inioerting such an articlu but a.s thid w:is an exceptional case perhaps the rule could be broken thin time. We might alao add that it is Bob's private opinion that the first word of the notice cotdd bo properly left out. Here is the contribution, Terbatim ot Uteratim and orthography to boot â€" 'â-  Strayed or stolen on or about the 18 of augu.st from hugh Walters field one black ; Spanish hen With hie single coaib .tnd a â- young clutch of chicken's belonging to * mn R. H. roid infonnatinn aa to their where a'tjouts thankfully received. MR^ R RBII> priceville po Sept the 7 liJlM!. " Perliaps it is also neceesary to say that the aforesaid cackler (the hen) had "white ears" We trust the thief will be- discovered and condign punishment follow. It his b«en susgested that a conveo- tioii be held at an early daCe m this burg for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the new Co. Council. Last week one of oar citizens was burdened with a surplus supply of kit- '• '%-V%^^%^%«-^'%^ '•â- -•- V-^ V'%'%%.'%%. «r'%.'%-«.%^% V%'%'%^« • A SUIT ? Then be sure and. see as fine a line of Worsted Goods as you ever lookied. at and. at F*rices impossible to beat. We have some si:)ccial values in Blue and Black: Serges. See them I C. J. LEITCH Merchant Tailor •'%^'V'«^«^%^«'% V%/%%.^^%'%''W'%^%-%%'%/%^^%^%%^%'%^% « ^cuti^mr. J p. MARSHALL, L.D.S..M. D. S. Dentist. Visits Markdale the 1st and :trd Wednesday of each month. Fleshertoaâ€" Hach trip on the dar 'ci.wwing. T G. CAMPBELL, I' D S, DD S, Denul Surgeon, Uarkd.ale. Ofllceover McCullough ft Yonng's bank . Hours â€" S.."© a.m. to 6 p. m. Visits Klesherton everv second Thursday as followsâ€" dune 11 and i'l. .fulv U and £i, .^ug. 13 and 37. Other dates will follow. Tl HUNDERSON D D S. M D 8, Dentist of Toronto i;4old medalist) will visit Flesbertoo protession- aily the first We,lnesday of each month and Ouadalk the day fullowiug (Thm-sday.) |:ej)al. pKOST * BATSOM Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. Office â€" Next to pes office. Sproule's block Flesberton.evcry Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Puulett St. Uact. T ICABft WKKiUT, Barristers, SoUoitors, Convovancors, etc.. Owen Sound. Out. - • Markdale, Out. W. H. Wkwht. I. B. LiCAS. N. B.â€" Flesherton office, UitcheU's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKER A- FATTFRSON. Ban i-itets. Kolicitors. etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson iUrtica!. D« HUTTON MDCM, MPPAS Ont, Priceville OfUce next doer to Brown's store; residence one door we-it ol Methoilist church, Kierossbt. OtUce days, Tnes<lays aud Saturday TJK C.\KTER M C P vt S Ont., Physician, Surgeon, eto FloshertDU oBicoâ€" Strains b'ock. Itosideneeâ€" .Muushaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT MB Member College Physic, ft Surgoons.Ontario C>raduata in Ue»liciue of Toror i Vnivorsity Fellowsbii> Diploma, Post Oiaduato Medical School aud Ho.'is'ital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear, nose and throat specially treatnl. Kesi- deuoo, MftXweU, visits Fevcrsham Thurs lavs I -i J P OTTEWKLL Veterinary Surgeon. Gradnato of Ontario Veterinary College. Boi>'donco â€" Next door south of Moore's planing factory. form 1. Millie Hard, Annie Soott. Herb. Fawcett, Clara Hurd. Full primary certiacites, John Hammond, h'>nors: Jamee Walker. The above speaks well for the work of the principal, Mr. Pent- i laud, for the past year and we under- stand that his cla.ss f^r the coming year I is even more promising. Mrs. KaT, who has been Ti.siting Mr«. T. Wickens for the \>ax': two weeks, haa . returned to her home in Uiuiic<>. te..s,s.>he quutly proceeded to distri- 1 Mr. Walter attended the e:thi'mti<,u in bute them gratnitimsly amoa^ his neigh- bors, oiiM of whom did not reUsh liis Torout" last week. Dr. Ego i.f Markdile was a caller in '•enerosity aud so pronipfly rt'stcred the n ». , = •; f f J I our viUafie on Monday, youHK feline to its formei owner. How- J »r d . i . * tj i. ^ '' * • t , , â-  , i **''• *''"â- ' -Armstrong of Flesherton wns ever, our euKruulic burgher determined ,, . , , , ,,., . ^r i » ' , , • * , . , I the yuest of Mrs. Ihurstou on Moudav of to gat rid of that cat and according.y ' ii ,, „ ,i. t)x>k it bick to the same place. Some of ^, ... „ i , , ,. „ , , , ... , 1^'"* Jlisses Bishop, who have been the villagers had by thu time caU'jht on .. . t ». «â-  . , ^,- â- ,, " '' , , '"** guests of Mrs. Bishop of this villiige, to tie I'ke and they sent some bovs after , . i .. .i. â-  l • ,:,l , â- â-  â- ' „,,,', ' â- '**• returned to their home lo Sher- ihe kitten distributor. The lads r* i u i. covered the little auiiual and dropped it near its owner's home who was astoodsd to see it back so soon. Bui his blood was up. A>.:aiu he retraced his stepij, and again the boys followed him with the Times are rather quiet around Eu^'enia same result, ,ind an on t:ll he had carried ' at present. Mostly all of the city visitors that dioiiniitive quadruped away fi'r the ' have returt'ed to their homes, now tliat | fourth time. It is likely he is wondering | the cool weather hiw comp. yet how that o'her vilager managed to | Bornâ€" Ti- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fisher return the young mouse catcher without on August the 28tb. a son. beiui{ seen, unless someoue has "let the Mr. Thompson Wilson has had a fine Eiisi'iiiu. GET YOUR School Books â€" ANDâ€" School = Supplie5 OF EVERY KIND W.E.Richardson's not large. A most enjoyable time wa5 »p;ul. Pr<jceeds SI I. Mr. Wm. J. Somers is seriously ill with infiamation. Dr Ego is iu attend- ance. BootIi>iUe Bell h.is taken a situation in Mr. Hogg's store. The Rev. Mr. Crow preached at the H:ill on Sunday, Mr. Wells heina absent. Miss Ada Sloan c<f Fh-shcrt jii is vijir- iu>» hpr mother at Eugenia at present. We are pleased to see by the papers that the railroad we are so anxiously cat out of the hag." Mrs. Moore and her s,)ns, \yil!iain and Ch.irlie, of Iristioge wera the guests of Mr. and Jlrs. D. Henderson lately. Mrs. Thomas Ferguson retiiraedto her home in Ciieboyaau, Mich., hist week. Mr. Henry Hos*'"''^ h's iiecided to spend two weeks at Niagara onthe-Lake as a volunteer. Mr. John Coburn is attending to the business of Mr. C. McMillan of Dromore while the latter is vLsitin'.' the Qneen City. Mr. James Watson visited friends in Inistioge the fore part of this week. .\ number of Foresters from the Price- ville Court attended the funeral of their hopiim for is t â- > be built soon, '.ate lamented bi'i'ther. A'ex. T.iylor of. Mr. Peter Sherwood is having erected Dromore. : a very pre' ty house on his lot to replace Di', McNeil of Chicago is payinst a visit • the one that was burned d.-wn last fall. to his father at present. The Dr., who j ,„«.â€" is an enthusiastic cycler, brought hisj wheel with hiui but the wet weather has | prevented him from takine many excur- 1 sions into the country, La-st week we were s»rry to lose one of our finest young men in the person of Mr. James Atkinson, who has s;ono to | -'^I'''*- J>^i>n Boland is visiting friends iu Mt. Forest to learn dentistry. We wUh 1 Toronto, him succcs*". We are glad to state that Mrs. Hum- phreys, who has been so seri.)usly ill, is now convalsceut. W, J. lUakeslon received a letter fro-n shed erected at his mill the past week. jFrotn our otcn correajwmhnt. ^ Ho is also enlarging his mill dam and Nearly M the grain is gathered inta making other neoiled iinpnnements *''« barns. Tho graiu i.s rather light but which his increasing business re<tuires, etraw is plentiful. We are pleased to welcume Mri, Bell Mr. D. McCoU met with a bad iccident and family to our village. She i-! coinit while "tihitehing a horse from a w;igon. to reside in the house formerly occupied D""- Smith waited upon him, aud w e are by Mr. H. M. Bowerinan. Mr. Willie; glad to learn that he is rapidly recovering. Vaiidflour From our oum Correspoixdent. Tho acreage of fall wheat will be larger than usual in this section. Mrs. Kenton and Mrs. Wilson of Dro- more paid friends a short visit last week. Miss Maud Dale of Dur.dalk paid friendi in Bothville a short visit. Miss Eira iK.oth bad a saeceesful quilting bee. Musters Willie. Arthur .ind Noble Wilson left f»r Sydenham last wvok. to tIki: their cousins. ^ General Xews piUCBVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE, Durham stage loaves Flesherton Station at 7.15 am., returns 4.4.5 p.m. Priceville stage leaves the name placa at t4.:i0, returning at 4. to. Fare to Priceville aud return, 'iO cents: Durham, »1.50 for return. 7"io. single faro. Livery in con- nection. Ordersma be left at either hotel. A. McCAULSY Pre Mr. D. Henry of Tn^ereol is visiting her father, Mr. T. Kells. Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson is visiti«g her daUithter at Emery. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson presented her . . â- â-  , â-  V f hiisliand with a daughter 'i short time aur i I' r»nC!S SmitO, one ot the pioneers hs father this week .announcing his safe iiusuana wiuiau,uigncerasm>rt tiraeagc. \. ,, ,, He sailed The Ladies' .iid of the Meth. church ""^'S*''"" "" '"» t.corgion Bay, was gave an entertaiHmein in the Foresters' ^u^Bd »' Collingwood on Sunday. .. ^...,.,. .J â€" r>, e» tho 16th, During the past four weeks 22.1X1 btirrbls of apples were shippeil from Montreal to England. Mr. Pattullo was elected in Noy;h Oxford to succeed Sir dliver Mowat in the Ontario Legislative Assembly by .t majority of "53, with five places to hear from. Dr. Adani.s InJependeut, was his opponent. Geo. P>arrett of Mehucthon fell f« ^ stone-boat and broke his collar boue. The (lid steamer Caltic, once tho Francis Smith, one of the pioneers of arrival in Yorkshire, Enidand. fron: Qaebec on SuiuUv mcrniiig, Aug- aud arrived in Liverpool hall on Monday erening hut. The pro- 1 Harry O'Rrien, the eldest son ci usfc , â€" . I Tuesday morning, Aug. 25th, after a very «"»"-'""'"''*''^'"f 8.'" Vs'oyMis.Kes J.,lui- j Deputy Reeve O'Br.en ot Collirgwoo<^, I salt vov'i'e *'*" """^ Kelts, reott.iticns by Miss Sin- 1 while out drivisg with a young hidv thr ___" . ».»ii» clair and Rev. Mr. Mihan, itistniuiental i other diy tried to cross the railway nerr KimlM'rleT ' '""•'* ^y Mrs. Hutchinson and Mi-s. Al- Duntroon in fnint of a train. The bneyy â€" cux, speeches by Mr. J. Bidaiid, Mr. J. ' was smashed by the locomotive but tl e The following students were successful Davis, Mr. Wm. Buchanan and Rev. Mr. o;.'<;upant8 miraculously escaped »eri"i » I in the recent primary examinatiim : For Mahan, Altogether the attendance was '"jti''y.--Slayner Sun. i i teMM 1!

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