Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1896, p. 4

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TAB FLE8HBRT0N ADVANCE" Kstam^sam !;â-  ESTABLISHED 1881 (^ke ^^ vance rV«U.-jlIEU WEEKLY AT THK OFFICE, SVD- tSIIAM .srllEUT; KI.F.KHIinTot», ONT., CV W. II. TUL'USTON. r jiiiiiuiii.slriftly in ndvuiu-e Advertising Kates: uo Column, 1 >oar, S'.O ; half col., 1 year, $27 (luarlor col., "iie year, 915. Transient advoitiaouicut ctiareoil at tUe rata •f i cautii i>«r liua for first insortioii and 3 cauta each suU3aquout iuAeition. Mr. Lauriur has announced tha t be will take a pi-ohibiliou plebiscite as soou as it is possiblo to do so. These plebiscites are not niucli iu favor since uotiug liow the one taken iu Mani- toba a few years ago has been treated. TLey do not amount to much. The B. C. K"^'^ uiuiea continue to boom. We have not yet made our in- vestment, and have about decided not to puicliase more than 8-'>000 worth of stockâ€" that is providing the boom coutiuues until we have laid by that amount. At present prospects lor biijiug are not b'-iglit. Ouo hundred thousuud people, it is estimated, visited the Toronto fair on Monday. The attraction which drew this crowd was the great Chinaman, Li Iluiig Chaug. He came to the Euburbs of Toronto, visited the fair aad started oa his jouruey across the contiueut all in tht space of two hours. It was a great visit â€" for the ahoY. It reprebcnted possibly $25,- 000 of an income for that day. Phew! Why didn't our East Grey directors endeavor lo secure His Peacock Fea- ther and Yellow Jacket Excellency to •vait for our exhibition ! Great Britain is apparently getting tired of the continued Aiiuoniau strug- gle in Turkey and has sent a strong note of protest to the Hultau, and also d.spatched an ambaHsadur to person- u|ly interview that gentleman. Let UB trust that the protest will be fol- lowed by vigorous action and that Turkey tnny be foieed into submission. It is a ciying and bloody disgrace to humanity that this inbnman poten- tate should have been allowed to con- tinue at' long as 1.0 has the butchery of Chriblian men, women and bab s ill his realm. It is tiin<3 the lien awoko, and the bear and the ea;.!le should bear hitn company in a right- eous cruKadn against this iniquity. Talk about the cunojity of fouigii- ars causing them to inspect the be- longings of European travellers, aud dai kies pinching white men's skins to sec if it wore gciiiiino ! The people of thin country have it down to a line art. Wo know thiongh the press fc'verything about I.i iluiij;. We know his breath is rank, that he gruiins in his slctp, the material his elothcs are made of, what he eats and liuw ho can wink like a white man. Wo know ho likes to look at ballet girls in suinmor clothes, and that ho is a t^eiKiral all-round cuiiosity when OJUiiarod with omsekes. Coluiuns up.ou coluunia of the daily press aro uspd up in iiiforniing us of these iui- portiint iiuttlerH, yat we laugh at him btcauso he asks overyone their age. What would our eduoalion bo if we had no daily press '.' repairing wuHhout oo road, $4.50 ; Jolin Te«tor, for gravel, 82.75 ; 11. Stuart, fi)r gravel, ^5. Potiti(jn of Win. Strain mid 22 (itliern •skiii<; some a.sniHtinict; for Mm. John Flyn, «lie boiui; in indiguut eircum- stiinces ; Ap]>lica(ion from Jolin Wright, Sr., for api'ointuicnt of collector in Dir. ;t fur IKltC ; IJykwM Nos. 5L'7 appointing D. McConiiick, Wm. I'lair, John Wriglit iind .T. JJ. Sloan colluctorH fur 18iK>, and l)yluw 528 to levy a nito for tlio police village of Fleshertoii were iiiliruducud and read a tiiiit and bscoikI time. Council went into coiuiniUoe on bylaws SL'li, .027 .aid 528, Mr. Kflls in tliu chair. Cointiiittoo rose and reporter bylaws as above lilkd up iu ciimmitteu. Council resumed, the reeve in the chair. Thoinps,on--Kcllsâ€" That bylaws 520, 527 aud 628 bo now read a third time, signod, sealed and entered iu the bylaw book. â€" Carried. KclIs-McMillen â€" That the ciminiis- siouurs of tlio difl'eri^nt wards repair all tlio hills that have been badly 'washed by recent rains and report to this council ne.xt meeking. â€" Carried. Tlioinpson - Kulls - That the petition of Wm. Strain aud others ro Mrs. J. Flyu bo euteitainod and that the said W. Strain be and in hereby authorized hy this council to sujiply Mr». Flyu with 10 .cords of 2 foot liard wood, likewiie 100 lbs. of flour, said 100 lbs. of flour to be granted monthly until fuxthcr ad- visod, he to report monthly to this council. â€" Carried. Kulls-- Thompson â€" That the engineers award ru drains lot 180,3 S. W. and 45,3 S. D. U. aud other hiiids having been read be adopted and likd with the clerk. â€" Carried. Best- Ktll3â€" That a grant of $8 be given to improve Oiavel Koad, S. E. of Fleslu'iton. â€" Carried. Thompson â€" Kelts- -Tliat John Holl^my lie paid $11.70 being amount of his ac- count for fencing Town Hall lot and picking stones otf .same. â€" Carrifd. Thompson â€" McMillan â€" 'I'liat J. Teeter be paid i?2.75 for 55 loads of gravel.. â€" Carried. KelU -Thompson That T. Mercer's hill of lt'4.50for repairing wa.shout on 100 sideroad ;{rd I'lnst and for two days .sliovi'Uing gra\el he paid. â€" Carried. McMill.iuâ€" P.efit -That John McFay- deu be paid ;gl for removing fallen tim- ber off Gravel llond west of Fletiherton Station bo paid, thcBamo bein;,' certified liy coiiimi.isioner Ward 1. â€" Carried. Ivell.i MeMillaii- That ths Co. Gen- eral and Marine Hospital manager be paid liis liill of $ti for the keep of Jolm liriton fer two weeks. Th« reeve to issue his order for payment. â€" Carried. Krl!s Thoni|isoii- That coiiimi.ssioner of Ward 1 be paid JfLMIti, being 8 per cent, on Ji.'tT.OO special work. â€" Carried. Council adjouiiRd to meet 1st Monday in October, IHllli. An exchange says : Th* latest postal lawK|<iru such that newspaper publishers can arrest any one for fraud who tskck a [«p«r and refuses to pay f.r it. Under this law the man who allows hi.i sub- scription to run along fer some time un- paid and then orders it discontinued, or orders the postmaster to mark it " re- fu«ed," and have a pnstal card sent notify'n^ the publisher, lajs himseif liable to arrent ami tine, same ns for theft. Toronto rejoices in a baby girl, tivu day.'i old, who weighs ten pounds. Now there is nothin({ stran^^e in that, but when we learn that the hnby's father is over seventy aiid the baby's mother is over sixty years of age we certainly be- gin to take an iutereut in the yuun<! hidy so recently arrived. She is her modi, r's twenty first cliilil, and her oldest brother is tliirty-ieTcn years old. Notice to Creditors y/i the 9^attor ofiho €statc of Charios Croft, lato of the Tjownahi'p of Osprej/, in the County, farmer, deceased, Notico ia horoby givuu, imrBimnt to It. 8. O. 1H87, Chapter UC, Kucviuii 36, aud atiieudmeDtB tlieifto, that all creditors airi othiT I'urHont haviiif^ rUiniH againHt the entato of the ^vdA. ('hai les Oi'oft, (]e<'eut*«d, wlm dioi ou or about tbo i:Hh day of June, A. D. IH'J*, ar« rc'iaired to veud by poHt, prepaid, or duliver to tho uuder- •tiljuud, BulicitorB for William Guy aud Juslab Gamer, tha exucutor»i for tbo said estutB, on or liotoretUu2ndda> of October, A. D. 1H<J6, their chriHtian aud Huniauiutt, addrwHei^ aiu) duBcrip- tioUH aud full particulars of their claims and detuandH, and htatetueutB of tliuir accouuts and the nature of their fiocurity. if auy, held by them. And Qotlcu JH hereby further givnn that after thu said *Juil day c/ October, A. !>â-  18<>5, the Raid I'xecutors will proceed to distribute the assetb t>f tlie Raid deceaBtid ainoug tho partioH thereto outitltid, having rM^ard only tu ttio.^ o claiuiB of wliich notice uhall tlieu nave beon received, and the ttaid oxucutorB will not bu liable for the ?nd ariseth or any part thereof, no di>*trib- uted by them as aforuBalt), to any person or purfi'jufl of whoKo etaiui or demand they shall not have iiad notice at tho time of such dis" tributiou. Dated this 1st day of S«ptembcr, A.D. 1890. FUUhT & HATSON, 3^ Ponlett st. E. Soltcitoru for the ETecutors* Owen Sound OWEN SOUND JlEJi ^ â- Â«â-  ^, .jfe 4!& JK. Jfe^^!fe^'?l^«t^<i^'fe ^?'/i? •av^K- ->if 'lif 'h^' "yiV -Si*- "ii^ .Mi. Equal Rights House <.!/, .\'». '•i:<? <â- >• ^''^ .JM. '•ti' % .M<. '*.â- â€¢ ^iif Ji?«, .»'<. .>»«. J'«. ^t-!. .MS. Al<. vM/.. â- H'i.i^'A ^li'^if '/!? W" ViO 1>if W^n'^*' W 1 Winter Barley and Winter Oats Reopens Tuesday, Sept. 1st. One of th« iSest Oquipped Schools in the !Prouince, STAFF OF NINE SPECIALISTS. Special atteution (fiveti to caudidattB for TcKchsrs' Cortilloates aud Uulvorsity Matiicu-. latiou. REfOKBâ€" 1S9C t First Form K.vae:iuation 38 i'artl.of Korui II lit Primary ('«rtiUcatoB £1 Juuior LaaviuK Certificatus hi Souior Loavint; Corfcificates VI ruuiur Uutriculatiou f> I'M] st Year Toronto Universitj 4 Alt Hclioul C'ei'tifluates SUU W.H. JKNKIN8, D.U.DOIIIK, rrincipal. Hecrotary ODD SDMiEB IBy£ Ha.s exceeded onr expectatioiw and we will put forth greater e.\ert:on.l to if..--.kj the lai-gest tu rn over thi,s f--.il tlial evor has been done in the hi«'o:-y of ti-.is store. In order to do this we h:>.ve made some very largw purchases in cs^xi department and will endeavor to e r.- viuce the public that we luive witho. ; doubt tho fre.shcht and best a8.soitul stock in the trade. One e< onr m.i:'y spcciahtiee Ls ladiea' 11 ill Sreat ^ ^^ Cxcitcment AMONG DRY GOODS DEA LEUS OVER THE "Uremencioiis - breakdown In prices of Canadian Flannellettes. The Toronto Boanl of Trade wtrn con- vened to discuss the situation .and if possible stop the ruinous coiiip.-tition of Huvend mills slauglitering surplu.s stoc'.i :iway below cost of pixxluction to raise niiiuey. The hre.ikdown was .stopped but we made large purcha.se3 while ic Insted and have cut down prices of st<ick on hand in some instances to HALF cost PRICE. We will sell Flannellettes at prior* that will simply ASTONISH THE NATIVES. I'urchaKLng at first hand under these excepti(jnally favorable circumstances we can place with our customers better values than they ever got and possibly better tli;in they get elsewhere. Every garment ic stamped I'mitan .-.nd if your dealer hasn't them don't hiiy uny other as they are the best and will be found in this store in large and srar.ll Hizes at close prices. Bring along your Butter & Eggs AitenicNiu t'ouiicll. This council met at Town Hall, FUsh- erton, Monday, Septeniliur 7th, IHlHi. Thy mumhorB wnrs all present, tho reove in ,the chair. The ininiitus of last session ^ere rsad and euniirmsd as read. Tie following coinmunioutionH were read by thy roovo : Accounts â€" (). Suund (Jen- It dues not soeui prudent for the Oiitaiia faiiuot lo invest ixny inomy in winter barley or iu winter oata iu the present Blulo of our knowledge .Many years ago the claima of winter oiilis were prcssi'd niion the hiiniera in Kuiue localitieB of the province. Tlioy weie tried, and iu every instance proved a failuie. Ever and anon boiiie farmer meets with the claims of winter oala and also winter barley, and ill the imlnral hope of getting Homell.ing good he aendj for seed. lUil thus far the results have been much the Hauie irUerever these crops Imve beeu triid. The experiment btations at Ottawa and Uuelph are the places really where such grama should bo tested. Aud they are being tested at those BlatioiiH, as is manifest IVom tlio reports made coiicciniug them. Beed has been im- ported from Europe, the Sjutliern blales, and the Western 8lates, and tried on lue station graundd, and lit- tle ui no succcis has liitlierto resulted fioiii the work. Of course, we are not to conclude that winter barley aud wuiler oats will never be grown in thi.-i country. Such a conchusion would not bu jusli- liablo. Ear fioiu it. Expoinuenta lion should go on. Tliero is uo say- ing what may not yet arise from such expsriuienlution. Other varieties may be iutroduood, more hardy thau the sorts hiihcito tried, and aeclnnati'iiation may yul bo made lo ,voik wonders with iliose crops. The young farmer of to-day inuy yet live long enough lo »co great revuhiLioiia broiigiit about in tbo in- troduction and adaptatiou of crops oiher than those that we now have, but, ill the mean tune, the furmer should light shy of wiulei oala aud winter hurley. Those who will per- sisl. m handling thorn will probably find that their ..fingers will be biuucid riortgage Sale ! â€" OJf â€" Villagfe Property â€"IS THE-- K/7/5^e o/" Flesherton Uiiilcr at.<l by virtue of a i)o\r«r of aaTo con tfiitifiii in a ciutftin inoiti;nt;o nuitlo by HuKh Mi-Koc-hiiie, ot ux. to tho vohcb-r which will l)ti ]>ri)(luct'(l lit time of rh1«, tbero will bo ulToruil for ttalo bjr imbHc aiutiuii uu FtiJay, tie Stii Jaj of Oct., '58 â€" AT â€" nUNSHAW'S HOTEL Kle<lioitoii, lit one o'oloek p. in., village lot nun bor ohm. N. K. ai>ln (it Mftrr Ktrflot, MiU'Hhaw'n Hiirv( y, (»f tho vilU^o of FloBhur- tiiii, conlaiiiiii^; onu rood, ten i>urchoa mora or h'Rt*. On tlu) jiroporty (iro uruutoU a briuk dwoUiiis uuil iiamo Btuhle. TKKMH: 10 por oont. tn be pttiil to tho Tcn'lor's a>;«nt ou day of Kale aud the balnucu in caHh within t«n (layn. For further particularn ayjply to W. J. BPLL.VMT. Fhmhorton A^ent for Vontlor B. McDonald 2^e Tjouch Tjhe Spot/ FOR PRICES On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. LINEN5 Kvery housekeeper wants acme mora or less nml where to buy thoiu right is an interi sting ([Uestion. %^W Come iu and see our stock and our prices. â€"Our 5t)-inch Heavy Tubie Diunask at. -3 cents is a daisy. â€" Our o8-ii;ch Satin Finish Damask at 30 cents ia bettor. â€" Our 60-inch Super Dniua.sk at 40 cents is best. -Table Napkins, Towels, Towelling", DowUs's Apron Linens in great variety. Dl'STEUS, Rl'BBEK D.\SH APRON.S, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING S.\DDLES, SWKAT IWDS, .\XLE ORK.\SK. Coiiie in and Exaiiiiue KEEP IN MINT) OUR. Scoots and OAoes " ^ We are d*irig a- remarkably - fine trade in this dejiart- ment. We keep Styles up- to-d ite and at prices not easily matche<l. Ja// ^ ^ i)ress Soods Are coming to hand and this week we show a large range of Itlack Dress (.ioiids in plain and figured ^!o<xls hi Cashmeres, Ijustres, Henriettas, (."repong, Serges and a variety of olhor new fabrics. In this department we aro fear- less of e<impetion in prices. We buy at first hand from mamifacturers iu Britain and import (ierniau aud French gotnU and are in position to give our customer* good values. Hard^v.are X DeiD't. BIO SACRIFICE Harncssmaker, Flesherton Z^o Xj/iq iPubiie a.||l IIoHiiital for treatimmt of John Breton a* uidigont, ^ ; Tho«. forcer,, mort or 1«8«.â€" Farming for Sept.. CleaiX?in^ Sa.le As my WHOLE STOCK must be Hold b( fore Ist N"ovemher, current buy- ers will S.'WK MONKY by c,-\lling upon luo before going anywhere else. Will . GREAT BARGAINS . . bo given for Cash or Trade. t3r CALL EARLY "^J 5. A/. O^BOHHl fivoimii, 8Ta Sbpt. 'J)6 , THE BEST OF â€" â€" ' « Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Brar), Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Oranges. 2 bottles Piekles for 2f)eâ€" best bran<l. Don't buy anything hut tho LJLADEU CHURN, it is tho bo.st. I sell it. A choice lino ot HARDWARE and GLASSWAI5E. R PEDLAR Dead Shot I WHO IS SHOT DEAD/. No One I Dutwe sell De.td Shot Powder. If. you rciinire »nylhieg iu th» ammuuiiiun lino w» can supi Ijr you at bottmii price-v A beautiful Dtu'olo l)arreUB(i Ureech Loading C.un, with lauiiiiateil steel bar- leN, pibtol giip, one barrel choke bore, other barrel mo«iti«d, rebouiidiiii; locks, top action, 12 f.u.ig«, CjJI r\ r\r\ worth $12.00, tor . . iPxU.KJKJ SMOIELESS PIdEB Fli SHE A Big Run Ou Cioekoiy last week, but we l\»»e still a lot left. Now ia your ctiauco t» get a nood Sit of dishes. Price* nevtr were so l«w. Stovea and Tiiiwar*, M.Miute forks. Plow Lilies and Chains, and ovory.hing else iu the Hardware lins. Carload of Windsor Fiu« Salt just to baud. d 7 . f «r ijiiTfifi

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