Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1896, p. 7

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fHE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. ktcrestinK Itema About Oar Own Country, Great BrIUin, th« United States, and AH Parte of th« Qluiie, Coadensed and Asaortad for Bâ€"y Readlna. CANADA. Cattle shipping from the Northwest is very brisk juat now. Reports from the " Soo " Cainal show a big falling off in business. TbB Majiiiulxi census shcma a popu- lation of 193,125. Add Camaila Fire did »a00,0UO damage at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Immeniie quantities of a{)ples are being aJiaipiied from Montreal to Liver- pool. William H, Stevens, of Providence, B. 1.. is reported to have fallen heir to a Montreal esi:tte. The seized American fishing schooner Fi-ederick Ottering, jun., is advertised to be sold by auction at Halifajc. Plans for tne new Grand Trunk car shupe in Lcoidon will be submitted to the contraclors in a day or two. Hon. Mr. Davis has been selected as successor to the Late Mr. Balfciur in the office o( Provincial Secretary. Mayor Wilson .Smith, of Montreal, he- ttian in Ne.w York, died on Thursday night. He was seventy years of age. Mr. .Tohn Galbraith of Toronto was a.ppointed Vic^-President of the me- chanical and engineering aeclion of the Amerixsin .4ss<x!iaMon for the Advance- mejit of S-ienc«, at Buffalo. The marriage of Mr. Henry Pavni' Whitney to Miae Gertrude Vander')ili was celebrated on Tuesday at the Breakers. Newport, H.I., the summer villa of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt. The locked-out men of the Brown Hoi.sting and Conveying Co's. works in Cleveland, Ohio, have voted to return to work, and the lung strike, produc- tive of riot.s and bloodshed is broken. According to reports from the New- York Ijueinesa agencies, there is prac- tically no change in the general trade situation throughout the United States. Commercial failures this week in the Stat«'3 have been numer<jus and serious. The stqppoge of work continues, in- cluding several Iron and tin concerns, i „_ i^ j • , employing in the aggregate a large I Empress Frederick, who, on the LATEST ROYAL MAERIAGE EIGHTEEN MARRIAGES AMONG THIRTY-TWO GRANDCHILDREN. Wha« I>r»rpn<lanlH of Her .WoiPHly ibe (tni'PB Have Married and Who Tliry Espoaitedâ€" .4 long LiKt. Ascor's London Budget to the New York Mall and Express contains the following Information anent the account of the marriage of Prun»ss Maud of Wales to Prince Charles of Denmark. Queen Victoria has had the hai>j)iness of giving her consent to eighteen mar- riages among her thirty-two grand- children now living. The first of these weddings was that of Princess Char- lotte of Prussia, the eldest child of the 18th numtwr of hands ; and other large firms of February, 1878, was imited in Ber- Ueves that Toronto should forejfo its j "" Tuesday. are ruiming on short time. Boot and shoe shipments are still large, but the de- mand Is slackening, and prices are weak. There is no improvement in the enquiry for woollen good;), but a stronger tone and (Ln som-s special line.3) slightly liet- ter prices axe oljserved in cotton goods. GKNERAL. The late Sultan o£ Zanzibar was poi- «UDed, ao it is now reported. Italy ban ordered the suspension of «tu\gra:.oa of Italians to Brazil. A:u»tn'.iui are reporte 1 Ic Inv' i>ro- voked a aerious riot at Constantinople claim for an international exposition in tavour of Montreal. The Manitoba crop bulletin for Aug- nst estimates the total wlieat yield at 18,565,198 bushels, oat.s 16,633,222 bush- els, and barley, at 3,6!i»',460 bushels. Young Oerhold, who is charged with the murder of Mr. Joeeph Henry, near Rapid City, confessed the crime in a letter written to his parents. Archbishop Begi'n. of Queliet, has is- biuhI a circular to his clergy favouring the antl-Maisoaic congrcsj. whLjh nieeis next month at Trente, in the Austrian Tyrol. The Board of Governors of the Ham- ilton City Hospital h-xve decided to purchase a mi.scro»«'ope and to buy in _ _ _ the market uU the supplies that are circulated maiufesto, to refuse to em not y«>t contracted for ' '' Preu-ier Ito, who m also Minister of the Interior and secretary of the Japan- ese CabineL Las resigned. It is stated that the betrothal of Queen Wilhelmioa of the Netherlands to Prince Bernard of Saxe-Welmar will be announced next month. The Turkish Gwernment has definite- ly accepted, with a few modifications, the propiwals of the powers for the future government of Crete. Prof. Andree has arrived at Tromsoe ticrp Danes island, having abandoned for this .-ear has attempt to crues the Arctic regioz:'^ in a ballixin. Troops at Barcelona now under or- ders to reinforce the Spanish army in Cuba, are Ijeing urged, Ijiy a widely lin to Prince Bernard, hereditary Prince of Saxe-Melnlngen. The next marriage was tkit of the preseint German Em- peror, then known as Prince William of Prussia, who, in Berlin, on the 27th of February, 1>-81, was espoused to Prin- cess Victoria. Augusta of S<.'hJeswig-Hol- steln. Two of the Hessian grand- children â€" daughters of the late Princess \ '^l^ ,h*r ^'"â- th an addres.s, and who al Aliceâ€" were wedded in 1(*84 ; Princess Victoria to Prince Louis of Battenberg, at Darmstadt, on April 30, and Princess Elizabeth, at St. Petersburg, on the line of England was married to the thet: King of Denmark. Thi! wedding was by proxy, in the Chapel Royal, the Danish monarch l)eing personated by the Duki: of York on that day. Then another huii- dri'd years rolled by, and the third Eng lish-Danlsh marriage was celebratedâ€" I glorious event of our own timesâ€" the marriage of Alljert Edward, Prince of Wales, to Alexandra, Princess of Den- tnark. The wedding â€" one of the most magnlfloent pageants of the present reign â€" was solemnized in St. Gex)rge'3 Ch-ipel, Windsor, on the 10th of March, 1863. MiVRLBOROUGH HOUSE. MarllMwough House, since It became Crown property, has been the home of several great personages, and In par- ticular it was gninted by George IV. to Princess Charlotte of Wales at the time of her nuirriage to Prince Leopold of f^axe-Coburg-Govha, afterwards the first King of the Be igiaus, Princess Char- lotte, it will be remembered, was the only daughter of George IV., and heir- ess to the throne of England. She died in giving birth to a boy baby, which lived only a few minutes. At the time of her marriage the newsp-.ipers of the diiy were as full of flattery as the newspapers were recently of adula- , tion of Prmce.sH Maud. Thie Prince.ss ' Charlotte rather protested against the alwurd eulogies she received in the pub- lic prints, and she remarked to the Lord Mayor of that day, who called to pre- At the meeting of the Board of Trus- tees at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Mr. T. R. Glover, M..\., fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, was elected professor of Latin. The Curooer's jury found Harry Bhdgley and Bert Lyons guilty of the bark. It Is announced that Emperor Wil- liam has consented to reform the pre- sent system of military trials, and this concession will probably prevent a Cab- inet crisis. Dr. Nicbolaldes, the official represen- tative of the Cretan Reform Commit- 15th of the following June to the Grand DuJce Serge of Russia. Four years ensued before another marriage took place, and then two grandchildren were united, when Princess Irene, of Hesse was wedded to her first cousin. Prince Henry of Prussia, the auspicious nu|Kial day, being the 21th of May, the natal anniversary of her Majesty the Queen. MORE MARRIAGES. The next year saw two unions â€" that of Princess Louise of Wales, eldest sis- JOTTEST SPOT ON EARTH, THE BAHREIN ISLANDS, OFF PEB^ SIA'S SOUTHWEST COAST. The Thermonieter There fiomellnien 4iaes t'p U I4ue in (h« .tnernuou, and l»llek. Flint III I0«e at Hldulght -Water on ik« truant Onir rWim Suliuiarlne .•iprlBSii. Ail will be glad to know just where t be hottest place on earth is. In times past there has been much dispatatloil i>ver the subject, but the authoritiee are now .igreed on the spot. Curious- ly enough, this territory Is not a des- ert, although a poet described them by declaring that the lost spirits, wander- ing from their infernal abodes, itood on the lK>rder of that region, with eyes blinded by the sun's reflected glare, thien in terror hurried back to their sulphurous lakes to avoid the heat I No, ( hf hottest place in the world Is, with all respect to ocean summer resorts- cm the seashore! The region of maxlmtmi temperature Is an extensive area on the Persian Gulf, a part of the southwestern coast of Persia. This territory includes also tbe Bahrein or Aval, islands. Through- out this belt the heat is something tremendous. June, July, and August luded to the journalistic encomiums: " I rememl)er," she said, " an anecdote | of a German count, who according to I , ... , , , the customs of his country, had a list . ^'^ terrific, unendurable save to the of his wines ; but .is for tbe most obvious I natives. Day after day the mercury reasons his cellar was not very well . will mark more than 100 degrees in furnished, he wrote: ' List of the wines 1 ,h^ „i,„a„ n„ j..„ k.„ : „ „, ,i,„ [ have,' and afterwards added, ' List of ^}^^ ''^' ^^ ."^^ ^'"^ "^ °^«*°' ^^^ I he wines which I have not,' ' Now," | "i^irnal twenty-four hours. Thmk of remarked her Royal Highness, " I wi.sh j it, you look with fearful eyes on tlM some of these goo<l gentlemen would thermometers that register 100 de- tollow the example of the German ^ ., ., , „ „ ,• , â-  .^ x. count, and when they give me a list «"*» ^^ noon time. Imagme the hor- of the virtues which I have, they would : ror of striking a match at mid-night also furnish me with a list of the vir- and reading 100 degrees. It hardly tues which I have not. and I am afraid that, like the list of the wines, the lat- ter would far exceed the former." The royal presents were e'^tlmated at a very large sum of money. One jewel- ler, who was allowed to see them, said that he thought that, if sold by auction seems possible, yet it is declared that this frightful heat is not excessive in that country! OFTEN 140 DEGIiEES IN THE SHADB is attained lu the afternoon. The islands are a small group nam- Fife, on July 27, In the chapel of Buck- | imraii: ThTr^y^M.^ TlwrysValV^g^eat i ^^^ ^â- ''^''^- ^'^^'"'^"'- ^""^^ '^ ter of the recent bride, to the Duke of ' ^^J, ^j^'^'^JT'"''?"" »*7'"«n.875O.000 and , ,,., T 1 x» • L V 1 t T^ 1 I '•"OO.'IOO. One tiara alone is valued at : ingbam Palace, and that of Princess i " scoops " in the way of wedding pres Sophia, of Prussia, to the Crown Prince I 5^*^ >*•. The Queen and her sons and of Greeiv (Ouke of Sparta) at Athens, on the 27th of October. In the year fol- lowing, on the 19th of Novemlier, 1890. wilf^ 'murd«r "of Charles Murray 'in i t**- asserts that five tlM^usand Christi- Toronto last week, and George Badg- ^"^ *"*'« '*''° massacred m Crete, with ley acceeaury beXore the fact. Sejiator Lougheed hae Introduced a bill to ametid the Insurance act, which provides that all policies of Insurance negotiated by I'nite-d States companies la Canada shall be payable la legal tender of the Dominion. Two trolley cars collided about half- past seven o'clock on Tuesday evening, at the corner uf SpeulLiia Ave. and Queen St., I'oruiito, killing one poaseoger, a Mrs. She>ppard, who worked at Brown's hotel, at the Hujubcr. Mr. Robert Blckerdike, (Resident of the Montreal Board of Trade, says that it would not be pLUsible to hold an In- ternational EAhibilion in Montreal next year, as the Premier had told him that the time vraa too short to make it a sucveas. The Moldava, a British tramp steam- er from Cordova for Halifax, was struck bv an iceberg on WedncBdav, and sank almuut immediately. Ihe captain and crew took to the lifeboats, and were piuked up by the Circaesia and taken to New Yurk. News has been received from Turna- vu;k, Labrador, tha.t the steamer Hope, now en route for the Arctic ocean, com- manded by Lieut. Feary, reached there t«i July 20. There are many Icebergs along tie coast, which m.iy seriously in- terfere with tiie progress of tbe expedi- tion. GREAT BJtITALN, Earl Cadogan, Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land, will, it ta reported at Dublin, re- sigu in favor of Lord Duffejui. Whitehead, the Irish dynamiter, who was released tbe other day from Port- laud prison, is undoubtedly in.sane. The aaiount of tbe capitalization of tie new joint slock companiee organ- lied in England during tbe first half of 1896 will aggregate more than $440,- 000.000. Major Coventry, the Jameson raider, wntenced July 28th to five months' im- 'xi-jonraejit, has been released from loUoway prison on the ground of 111- be^Uth. Lieut-Coll. Cotton and Gordon, of Ca- nada, who were examined liefore a mili- tary l-oard at Aldeiehot, on Julv 17, as to their tactical fitaeai to c<:mmand, have, it ia announced, passed with WccetiS. Tbe strike of the engineers in the shipyards at Govan-on-the^Clyde has de- cided the English, Irish, an<l Scotch t<hlpl>uilderB lo force the situation, and It IS resolved that unless the Govan strikers surrender forthwith a whole- sale lock-out will be declared In the Clyde, Belfast, and Tyne shipyards. I'NirED STATES. lliltoni, Hughes & Co., a great dry goodis firm in New York, have failed. A c«Lse of genuine Asiatic cholera, which resulted fatally, is reported in Chicago. The United States cruLser Brooklyn in her official trial made an average speed of 21 92-100 knots. Latest reports state that many lives were lost in the fixe which destroyed Ontonagon, the Michigan lumber town. President Cleveland has announced that ex-Governor Frances, of Missouri, hiw l)een apiwinted Secretary of the In- terior, vice Mr. Hoke Smith. Four of the largest manufacturing establishments in Buffalo, employing nearly two thounand men, have shut down owiig to lack of orders. The temperature fell below the frost lino in Minnesota and the Dakotas on W'eduesday night, but the lowest tem- Serature recorded in Manitoba was 36 egrees. Mr. Powderly, formerly Master Workman of the Knights of Labor, bus announced his intention of supporting Maj. McKlnley in the Presidential con test. Harry Hill, cne of the old-time and mo8t famous of New York dive-keepers, wno gloried in tbe title of tbe wickedest ?i revolting barbarity It is reiH>rted thrit the discoveries made by the University of Pennsylvania expedition to Babylon carry the hist- ory of the Babylonian jjeople back to 7000 B.C., or 2,:iOO years further than previously known. The crUis at Zanzibar is regarded as ended. The new Sultan is expected to follow the peaceful lines of bis prede- cessor, and It is imderstood that Great Britain does not intend making any change in tbe existing furin of govern- ment. It is rumoured that a Russo-BriUsh alliance w:ll be formed for the manage- ment of China. \ great company will be formed to administer tbe affairs of the country and to reform tbe Govern- ment, Russia and Great Hritain to share the profit.s. In consequence of the adoption by the Sp:inish Chamlier of Commerce of the inlls providing for the farming of the tobacco monopoly and the leasing of the Almaden silver muK'S, the Government bis sufficient re8ouro«?s with which to continue tbe prosecution of the cam- paign against the Cuban insurgents. EARLY TRAMPS. Tlic Kick Vrabl>cd the Land and Poor folk Followed Mnll. The dissolution of tbe monasteries had greatly increased vagrancy in the six- teenth century. Rich al>beys. like that of Heading, employed large numbers of workmen and servants, who, when their masters had fallen into evil case, were thrown upon a heartless world, and took to roWjery for a livelihood. The hospital of tbe monasteries in the good old days always provided food and a bed for weary travelers of whatever rank they were, and needy wanderers sorely felt the loss of their kind ho.<tts. The rich courtiers grabljed tbe church's lands and wealth, and the poor follow- L'd 1 heir example by grabbing whatever tbi-y could lay their bands on. Conse- quently, (here were in these purls "a great stoare of stout vagabonds and maysterless men (able enough for la- bour), which do great hurt in the coun- try by their idle and naugbtie life." The unfortunate persons who were robbed could claim compeusiition from the in- habitants of the hundred in which the robbery took place. Tbi.s old law was as ancient as the time of our great Berkshire King. Alfred ; for who is iguorant of tbe fact that when gold bracelets were hung up ly the road- side on account of the enforcement of this law and the fear of the vengeance of tbe hundred, no one dared to remove I hem 1 But when these highway robberies on Maidenhead Thicket were so frequent, the burden of making compensation fell somewhat heavily on tbe inhabi- tants of the hundred of Benhurst. In one year I hey paid us much as £255 for robberies committed on unfortunate wayfarers. Therefore a special act of Parliament was pas.seil in 1597 in order to relieve the inahbitauts from their burdens. another of tbe Empress Frederick's daughters was married in Berlin â€" Prin- cess Victoria to Prince Adolphe of Schaumberg-Lippe. In 1^91 there was a borne wedding of a Queen's grand- child. Princess Louise of Scbleswig-Hol- stein, the younger of the two daughters of Princess Christian, was wedded in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, to Prince Aribert of Anbalt. The next year, and the succeeding year, each saw three weddings of Queen Victoria's grandchil- dren. The first of the Duke of Edin- ween latitude 25 degrees 3d mlik. and 26 degtiees 30 mji. north and longitude 50 degrits and 50 de- dL,„™a> ,„d ,.hi,. and ,»arl. .„r«r,"i. "^^^^ ..S';.»?,1,"'iii daughters l)ptween them have as many di-imonds and rubies and pearls and other preciou.s gems as the Shah of reverses of fortune in the way of revo- lutions they would remain rich, even if they only succeeded in preserving their jewels. THE BAROMETER numoering 75.000 in the group of islands. The natives are for the must part Arabs, governed by a sheik who pays tributs to the Sultan of Om.ui. The island of Bahrein is the one pe- culiarly cursed. In the Interior tbe ground is hilly, with a fertile soil that produces wheat, liarley, dates, figs, and tbe like. There are abundant springs of good water. This is the interior. On the coast there is ibe awful heat » Lrniit Variable ai a Point !â-  tke .allan tie Oeean. Admiral Fltzroy, of the English navy, , , . , , . f , 1 t u >-â-  »i â-  that shrivels this pan of the world, from a large numljer of barometrical , ^^^ ^^^ -^ ^^ ^^ J^ ^^^ ^j^^ undrinlt: observations made at sea, has discov- 3,1,1© ^n waves of the Persian Gulf, ered that near the parallel, of 5 de- j There are no wrings. Those of tbe grees north in the Atlantic Ocean the ' inix^rior are pracLJ.cally unavailable in i_ t.. J L. • I * ! - "^ ' tJiat land oi rude co'iv^^vuik^^h and burgbsdaughtersw^marrvedonJanu- pressure of the atmosphere IS so uni-clumay methods of tr-ansporution. ary 11, li-93. at Signiaringen, to Fer- [^r-m as to afford a uaiural standard j jtj^ .^^.^j. ^^ which the .â- Vniiw here ao- dinand. Crown Prmce of the Kingdom P^ which navigators out there at sea . ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^ curious. Th.-y get It of Itoumania On the 2.5th of the same T^' j^ ^^^ P*^ ^", ^'^ ^''^J^'^'^i^'' »"« "f "»» »''*• J-'h«>- ^"^ O" myster- 01 itoumania. On tbe 2oth of the same their barometers, an.l Prof. Schouw has i^us process whereby the salt is remov- mtmib, the last unmarried daughter of constructed a barometrical curve be- | ^ irom ib' aea water and brine is made the Empress Frederick, Princess Mar- !,J.*S**° 1'^'^"'-'''* 33^ li^gre^s south and j^ thiist-ossuaging beverage. No, tbe garet, was married to Prim* ^reaeriol^-^^^,'^;:^^,^^^;^'^ "^^ ^.^'^^ ""^ "' ''' ^^ Charles of the deposed Hesse (Landgraf) So steady and invariable is tbe pre-i- a mUa from the shore of Bahrein are line. Then came the most Important of all tbe third generation weddings. His Royal Htghneso the Duke of York, only surviving son of the Prince of Wales, was miirried in the Chapel of St. James' Palace to Princess Victoria May of Teck. Fwo sturdy boys have since blessed this union, and the direct male succession to the royal and imperial diadems of Great Britain and India is apparently assured. STLLL MORE WEDDINGS. On April 19, I89t, there was another union of two grandchildren, Ernest, Grand Duke of Hesse, only surviving son of the late Princess Alice, beinf mar- ried at Coburg to his cousin, Victoria, daughter of the Ouke of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg. Then came the greatest match made by any of the granddaughters on No- vember 14 of that year, when Princess Alice of Hesse, sister of the Grand DuJce Ernest, became Empress of Russia by partake of stiuie Western viands, and ter°^r7iage" toThe~C^r* Nkhllas, i f, s^i" ^^ '*,°'^ "^^"^ in^ens'hle to .'^ ...^ . . . f K.i> i>Kn-t<niu rvr \y <:k â-  lira I I ii^i-i 1 1 f^r r\w irfirwl sure lliat after allowing for the six hourly fluctuations to which in all parts of the world the iMrom^iter is sub- ject, the mariner may detect any er- ror In bis Ixiroineter amounting to the two or three thousandth part of an inch. The difference lietweeu the mean height of the equatorial calm belt and tliat in the Tropit of Cancer is only 0.25 inch, and this is permanent. the treasured SPRINGS OF FRESH WATER. The sparkling wells Ijubble up through tbe sundsâ€" m the bottom of the hai^ bor. There is a depih of hundreds of feet of salt sea over them, into which thi'y merge ajid are forever lost at the moment they issue from their subterranean courses. But ihere they are, there ihey have been for hundreds^ even thousands, of years. Hidden in the oceans abyss, lucy have, never- theless, been discovered by man, and from iheir supply the city of Manamab, a thriving commercial centre, and all the other towns, and every separate ,. , .1, .u . 1 u but ot the coast gain all the watea *^_1'*"^:.'^'}.;'".^^.T.?-. i", 'â- i^',''?__,!'5 i that is used lor driaiking purposes.. The means taken for securmg tbs LI DIETS HIMSELF. LI Hung Chang attrlbu'es the excel- lent bealih which he has enjoyed dur- ing his trying progress through Eu- ro()e to hie struct observance of Chi- carries with liiui three Celestial cooks, and a vast store of preserved dainties, such as birds-nests, beche-de-mer, high- ly cued Che-Kiang bams, eggs uf ven- erable antiquity, and Samshoo of the finest brand. His Excellency deigns to MOSQUITOES IN THE NORTH. 'The popular notion that mosquitoes are chiefly resident in tropical coun- tries, is quite a mistake, the home of the mightiest legions being within and about tbe Arctic circle. On coasting Irips to the North Cape even vessels are invaded by maddening swarms at i!very stopping place. It is reporte«l that in Alaska they form clouds so dense that it is impos-siblo for .sporls- nion to aim at objects beyond. Native dogs are sometimes killed by them, and oven the jreat grizzly bear ia said to be occasionally blinded by their it tacks, and finally starved in eonse- qtuenoe. nephew of the Princess of Wales. Final- ly, this year Princt^ss Alexandra of Ed- inburgh and Coburg, was married on April 27 to Prince Ernest of Hohen- lohe-Langenburg, and Princess Maud of Wales recently to Prince Charles of Denmark. 'There are now fourteen unmarried grandchildren of the Queen left of wbotn only four are of marriageable age : Princess Victoria of Wales, Princes Chiristian Victor and Albert, and Prin- cess Victoria of Sohleswig-Holstein. Of the other ten children, IPrincess Mar- garet of Connau^ht is the eldest (14) and Prince Maurice of Battenberg the youngest (4). 'Two of her Majesty's jnarried grand- children are reigning sovereigns, the Emperor of Germany and the Grand Uuke of Hesse. Two are crowned con- sorts â€" the Empress of Russia and the Grand Duchess of Hesse. One will 1» King and Emperor, if God preserves him â€"the Duke of York; and two, if their busl>ands survive, will be Queens â€" the Crown Princesses of Roumania and Greece. OTHER DANISH WEDDINGS. The marriage of Princess Maud is the tbe charms of Veuve Clicquot or good old Scotch. pretty well what they like, except leave the establishment. The only irk- someness is the confinement. The vis- iting justices have decided to absolve Dr. Jim and his merry men from the obligation of taking exercise or attend- ing divine worship with the other pris- oners. They will be permitted to wel- come visitors whenever they pletise, and to write and to receive letters with- out the interposition of the governor fourth Anglo-Danish wedding in a little 1 -wnceesions which it is needless to say, over 200 years. On July 28, 1683, Prince ^^'" *» '»'8.'''>. appreciated. The new DR. JIM IN JAIU Tke Trannvoiil Kalder In ilavinfE a Deltgkt. ftal rime. Dr. Jameison and his companions are 1 . regaining all their old cheerfulness in | "^ the more agreeable surroundings of ^ HoUoway, and it will be leadily con- the springs, and they are the salva- ceived that, compared with Wormwood tlon of the coaat. Without them to Scrubbs, the acc-ommodation of the | - ^^-^^wou^^^ umnh^Utabl^^^^^ new quarters is .eally luxurious. The 1 water by artesian wells, even when the prisoners are to be treated with every I ghafts were sunk to a depth of aUO considerations the regulations will al- f^^.t: have failed, low. They may, in truth, have and do 1 1-1,^ uiost extraordinarv part of tbe water before it mingles with the brine are at once simple and arduous. Divers are sent down from their Ixjats sta- tioned over the springs. The divers invert their goatskin sicks over iba gushing waters, so tliat tbe jets may enter the Ijags' mouths. Each bag when filled ia closed water tight, and the thing ia done. These divers are a nuiuerous class, and one whose em- ployment never ceases, since the de- mands of the thirsty are constant. Ons thousand sacks are filled daily from the submarine wells. The sources of these springs are un- known. They are, perhaps, to be found in the interior hills ot Bahrein, or they may exist in the more distant ridges of the mainland. Anyhow, there ar« George of Deumjurk was married to Princess Anne of England, daughter of James, Dake of York, afterwards James II. Merry King Charles gave his neice away, tbe ceremony being performed in tbe Chapel Royal, St. James', at 10 o'clock p.m. Extraordinary rejoicings took place that night In London, wine flowing freely from fountains, at royal and municipal expense, and sheep and oxen being roasted whole in several of the streets. So many bonfires were lit by people in front of their bouses that soldiers had to be ordered out to re- strain this warm expression of loyalty ; there was fear of a repitition of the terrible conflagration of 1666. The bride subsequently becxune Queen of England. Not one of her children arrived at ma- turity, and so this Danish marriage in- sured the arrival of her present Majes- ty's dynasty to the throne. Nearly a century later, in 1766, "-'- "' qUiirters, which are adjacent to those of tbe medical officer, are the most com- fortable in the whole building. The furniture ordered by thoughtful friends and sympathizers has arrived, and was arranged in I be apartments according to tbe tastes and ccnvenience of the recipients, .\rrangements have been made with the proprietor of a hotel close by to cater for the prisoners, whose ineals will bo delivered by the hotel servanis at the gates, and taken tbenoe by the warders to the apart- ments. Indeed, everything promises to be done to reconcile the raiders to their enforced detention. A BILL-POSTING MACHINE. A bill-poeting machine, which sticks bills on walls, even so high as 50 feet, without the VLse of a Lidder or paste Prlnoes* Caro- ' pot, is doijg successful work iu Euxope. whole matter is the f:ict that these springs were ever discovered. The tuajiner of their finding Is a profound mystery. One savant has suggested that In primeval times the present bot- tom of tne harl>or. where tbe wells :ire, was above tbe surface of the water- According to this theory the springs were known when they were thus al»>ve the sea level, and, as the water moimted gradually, a knowledge of their loca- tion was preserved. The Bahrein islands are famous for their pearl fisheries, known to the an- cients as to the dealers of to-day. They export pearls worth from Jl.OOO.OOO to $1,500,000 annually. it is not unreasonable to suppose that some time in the course of cen- turies one of the myriad divers came up from the fresh water springs and real- ized their oature and their worth. FATAL INVITATION. ' A few days ago one of the visitors to tbe Moscow Zoological Gardens, stand- ing in front ot a monkey's cage, took out a penknife and, oiieuing it, proceed- ed to p;iss the blade backward and for- ward across his throat. Having re- peated this action several times, be threw the knife iilto the cage. .\ few minutes bier the monkey was fuuad with his throat ouU

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