Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1896, p. 4

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fii fiifffftfof iflTi r(f â- >* 4 V # I IS â- â€¢TABLIBHSa 1881 ^VSUaHID WnKLT AT THB omOB, BTD- MBAM arUIT, FLBSHUTOII, OlCt., BT W. H. THVmSTOir. lethM •Ml pN' for tU- Rmt* Town :§! per aiiBaaitMrlcUy ta aAraice Advertinng Rates: lO:balfMM rmtt, Mr 0D« 7«>r, •!(. â- â€¢ Oelumo, 1 qukrtareol. Vr*aal«n''i adTartiMmaot ota«rg(d •* Mm rat* vyC t«M>to par lint tor Arat Inaarti^a anX I Mmta ••oh lubtMiaant Inaartion. The North Qnj election hM been protested. SidasH^BuQi. of Clifford, snd bii |«oapectiTo bride vent to t • «i(BMriean ride to fasTe tba knot tied, < <kfMMMO b" eenld not veit to oomplj with Ae new Csnsdian " fool " mstrimonisl lew. Plenty of other eoaples will do the leme, end JUsflen FsUi is likel/ to become s eeeond Oretna Qreen. It will be s IttcrstiTe point fbr Anaerioan ministers fnd jostioes of the peace to locate. lota IM and 187. oon. S, 8. W, i leads. An rnttomi el |il.l* â- â€¢irted tnm Wm, BichardMB tionery â- appli*d this ooaneil. ThompMDâ€" Bestâ€" That the have iorankDoe placed on the Hall and eontents, -Carried. £••*•â€" SMtâ€"'Riat Wm. RiotiardM>n be paid 91.16, the Amount ol hia bill for paper and ink supplied council to date. â€" Oarried. Beatâ€"McMillanâ€" That a grant of 916 be made hj this council to further improTs the townline ArteHeaia and Oaprey, 14tb con., providing the corpor- ation of Ouprey grant an oqniTalent. â€"Carried. Thompaunâ€" Kella â€" That a giant of 986 be given to repair SO nde road, be- twees IStbaiid 14th cone., and that the Reeve attend to aame.â€" Carried. Kelleâ€" Thompson â€" That whereaa Engi- neer OiUilaDd baa reported and aabmhted his award in connection with the con- â- trueting of certain ditdMS at or near ProtoB Sutton, and whereas this council has accepted and adopted (aid award. Therefore be it reaoWed that the B e e ve be and is hereby appointed to act with the Reeve of Proton in carrying into effect the provisions of aaid award ao far aa this mnnicipality is concerned.â€" Car- ried. Council adjourned to meet on the 1st Monday in November. 1^1 Kiliins: Hofff WTllBiei tWiBtlElE f ! . No country can boast of soeh beau- tifully tinted forests as can Canada at this season of ths year. India has its sacred banyan, Africa its palm, Eng- land its royal oak, and California its giant seqnoias, bat none of tbem ean begin to compare in regal beanty with the many-tinted maple of Canada. This is admitted by all foreign travel- lers who have Tiswed onr forests in their Mitwna beauty. "The ui»ple leaf foreTer I " The pressnt week will end the Mris* of tall iain^ this disttnT M 18M. Taksnasa wbols thej hf»v^ been Tery SMoessfal' this yMi',?i)btfi in quantity and qoality of artiAlei^ exhibited. Several oonditioni serve to account for this â€" ths enormou growth of TSgetablss, the quantity of first quality frnit in the country, and last, but not least,, the dssire of very many to earn a few pennies-oft honest _jOatb in prises. The latter, in fiaet, we belisTe to have wielded the largest influence in this rsgwcd^ â- t> TESTING tllMi Preeerve your eyesixht by having properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIA» Equal Rights House riortgage Sale I â€" or â€" Villajje Propeily M THBâ€" VUlage of Flesherton The weleoms news comei aeross the cable that ao nnderstauding has been arrived at by the European powers whereby the Sultan of Turkey will the oompelled to cease his perseooftioA of tbe Armenian Christians, Mpd; the Sultan has svsn hastened itQ, assert that no furtbeF outrages w.iU' be al- lowed. The, tocsin,, was sounded in V,i(, QUdstone's vigorous spsech a oonple of weeks ago and hearkening to the utteranee^ of, tbjt^ speech tluk powers have apparently agreed to agree in tho cause of Lnmsnily, irrespective of political advancement. Tbe visit of the Osar of Bussia td ths Queen of England is said to havo OODtriboted largely towards a dsoi- •|on. AT}einesl«.Coanell. The municipal ooanoll of the corpor- •tion of the Township of ArUraeaia met in the Town llaU, in the vilUge of rieeharton, oii Monday, Uotober 6th A. D. 18M(: There were preunt the Boevo, John Doland, Esq. ; First IJeputy, Thomas Kells ; Second Deputy, Duimld ' UoMilUn, and ODueqiUova Jntiias Best and Oeofge Thompwm. The minutes of Utt session were read, and- confirmed. .The collectors' bonds were prssented' and read and ordered to be placed oii tile in the olerk'a office. Jiehi. Bradbury waited upon the council preas- iaghis olaitti for a grant of money to iqnprove 30 aide read between tlie 18t^ and 14th conoessiros in order that the Seme might be made' passabU as a winter r9ad. A. Neilson and N. Mofjcan waited tqpM tlM.^C9in>AU^h(,,rfreiem)!i k<( diaV,. To Of Kditor of Tht Advance. Dbas Sis,â€" We are frequently asked, by farmers and stock men, for instruc- tions regarding the killiug a>d kaadliag of hogs, and knowing that yowr valaabls paper rraches a Urge class wW are in> terested, we take the llbeity of using it as a medium for thia purpeae. During this saasan of the year, it is well to i«l*ct, if p«ssi4ile, a cool day for slaughtering. Tbe- Huga ahoulA be- starved] at least SwelVe he w s beftre billine. A great maay fanawa arc experienced baSebers,. and the nambesofi shoulder stueb bnga ie very asaeh Issa, BOW than some-years age ; hewevef, we atronglg. advise that none bat experienc- ed hands shosld be allowed to stick hets. ln}|tmetioas se< to ths seaMtag and Maeftegat tbe- bairr we» ikiole, are, ascsisaiy. What we wish to caK speeia)' .Sttentioa to is the treataseut ef the aarcaaa after It has b«in knag «p. The Jtai» ketweea- tto bind lep^ alse tbf ibreaat beae should be cut throigk, so as to allow the removing uf all the entrails, along with the gallet. This bei^g does. ithe caccaie,»)iau4d be well aha wared luth cold water, and allowed to haag ap twelve to twenty four bears, according te.ths, state of the weather ; if very warm then wiere oold water ehaald be used, apd a jlonfiec time allowed to hang. , I' the hoRiar* varyfat (whiob by way, , is not dusirable, eepccially iu tbe light waigkta) shey abould be, apli^ open through the backbone, to alluw the aaiatal heat to eaeape.; whisli« if net attended le, the ehancee are you w^H. have tainted meat. ,These« o^nings do wot, in any way, interfere with the price in selling, as all jhogs have to be divided in the middle «1»4^, being prepart-d for curing. We (wish te impress this point iu regard te. fat hog* very strongly. Uadsr ne con- dition should a hog be out down f^n the place where it is husg up, te,,oefti; until all the animal heat baa left the body, even should it take thirty ais to forty eight hoars to do tbi^ . Of course U will, be anderatcod' that dariag the, winter weather, the care in regard to ehijling of tbe carcass is not so necessary, but aa^abars are large qaantttiaa being killed during the present season, whea. the weather is not favorable, that is the time that the above precaatien should be taka»h aad ifiha above inslreetions are carried eat, the reeult will, in every case, be satisfactory, and the higheet market pricfe will be obtaiaed for bogs ao prepared. Yrtars trulirt D. QUNM BROS. A 00. trader ai.d t>r virtue of a power of lale cob tsiaed <B a certain anertgaee made by Huch MeSeebais. et ox, to tbe Tender whli-h will be prodaeed at time of lale, there will t>e offered for sale by public enctioD oa FiUai, ill III b] If Oct., '9i nUNSHAW'S HOTEL rimfnttrm, at on* o^ktrek p. 1114 TMtaa« lot namber eae, N. IT. elde nt Uwry Street, MaDibsw'e' Sarvry , of tbe Tinane of Fletber- ten, eontaibinK one rood, ten percbae more or leH. On the property are erected a brick dwelling end frame (table. TKRMa : 18 per cent, to be paid to tbe Tendor's agent on day of Mie and tbe tmlasee in eaab within ten daya. For further partlenlara apply to W. J. BKLXiAMT. FleibeHon Agent tor Vendor Uo TJhe jpubiie. THE BEST OF" â€" ^ Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Bnn, ShortSi Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice atock of Qroceries, Iicmons and Orangee. i bottles Picklea for 2&câ€" best brand. Don't buy. anything but the LEADBR churn; He is the beet. I sell it. A'cfaoioe line of HARDWARE and glasswark; THIS STORE la filled ap with New Dress Goods, Mantling*, Tweeds, Hatn and Caps, Furs and everything that is reqnired for man, wonan or child. It wei»W- b* folly on oar part to coHKwenco telling you where ther« goods -jeerc nwriiu- factured, whether they have hec:i im- ported from England,. Oerniany or France, or that we bought them at l^eat redaetioa in price. ^3^ What will interest 70U THE MOST will be the aatomabisg^ ICiw pricea for these GOODS. R. PEDLAR Credit Auotkn Sale SHORTHORNS MF DURHAM ON TiKlij, Idibit Ittii, 1 AT 1 O'CLOGK P. II. THIRTY-FIVE HEAD Inelndlag Cows, Heifer* and Teunf Balla Tsrme of Bale :â€" Twelve niontba' credit on approved Joint note*, or discount at the rata of Sper cant, loe-caati.' * Cataloguee will be ready about tbe lit of Ootober. n. PABKBR. Durham, Sept. 16th â- â€¢"V, Oebi te. to IiaaAaB-.-Ia ,FlMbartoq,, oa ,tha Ith Mr. aad If re. ii.p. LeOard, a loa. Fananâ€" At Kim^e;-|«r, on Salna^r, 1 iort' lli;.,ait4 Hi;^.<;(j»-.Ferrie, a dauRhtar. Dr. Relatinof 8helbui;ss loat a koraa in a pecnllar way recently. The animal ^ ran away aad cut ita bind feet so badl^ that it had to be,ahRt. ' Oee. BbMke, agjd: savsn, of Owsn loend, bas'. bsfn- airestsd for systamatfcelly robbing the peat effles. Euphraaia townsl^ip is having tveubis with its treasurer. Mr, Jea, Manarey, who ia lasolvent. It ia said the anrstiea will U let in for a few handred dolbin. 2£/e Uouch Uhe Spot/ <On> seasonable goods, and ;haMe £ull supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NBT5â€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. IW. lUiOORES BarnMsnakit, fkBlNrton .% few quotations in our any : hh Will Convince You There is no one in oar lino of bu.sineaa, whether great or Rmall, thjtt can give bet- ter bargains. 1^* 2 lbs. Japan Tea for 26c. You may bo paying 20c per lb. for the same and think you are getting a snap. 3 Ib«. Black Tea for 50c. If you are uaing Black Tea and ini«s this chance o# purchasing you will loose money by it. Tbriet Soaps, 10c per box (only half the orginal price). 6 Scrubbing Brualies for 24c. 3 Brooma for 25c. Now is yonr time to buy GRAIN BAGS. We are aelling them at tl.90 per doxen. Men's Braces, 2 pair for 25c. Women's Coarse B<>ota at 75c. Men's Long Boots, fl.60 and upwards. Be Mcdonald A New e . Departure F'Uowing the example of Urg" stores of great cities we' have decided to set ajiids one" day of each week as a Bargain. Day until further notice- Henceforth Friday -^^^121 Bargain i)»j With us. "foil can get spleodi* -vaftte fee- your trade or cash from us St any time, l»»t yon will come to us on FRIDAY for the SNAPS. Groceries Here are some prices for NEXT FRIDAY 30 Iba. Bright Yellow Cane Sugar, tl.OO 6 Ibe. Good .lapan Tea, fl.OO. 2 faf^ge Bottles Pickles, 26c. 28 lbs. Box G<x>d Raisins, ll.OO. Complexion Toilet Soap, 6e tablet. Twin Bar Oatmeal or Castile Soap, 6c. 4 Dozen Clothes Pins, 5c. Clothing On Friday ws will clcir owt some odd lines to make room for our extensive fall purckanea. We offer a few Twetd SuiU all-wool and well finished at 16.25, usual price $7.50. Serge Suits from $3.95. Heary Tweed Suits, well cut. #4 90. Heavy Frieze Overcoats ; • Some splendid values ia thiw line now offering. W* have purchased very largely and want to ualaadu Come in and get onr figures on these goods beforw-- the cold weather. Sxecutor s Saie -OF- PROPBRXY â€"IS THBâ€" tillage of Flesherton There will lie oHered for sale by public aaollon at Mnnshaw's Hotel, Flesherton at one o'oloek in the afternoon on F% the 30tNai ofOct J19( Village lot number 3 on Eliiatxth itreet in the Tillage of Plenberton. upon which ie erected a • ubetential one etory brick vineered cottajte. containlug 4 ro4)iua and Bummer kitobeu, good location, â- pleudid view. Tkhmi ev ULiâ€" 10 per cent, of tbe purchase moDey to l>e paid to the Vendor's agent at the time of sale, and tbe balenco witbin 14 daye thereafter without interest. For furthtir partieiilar* applj to Henry Piper, Bsq., Tp. of Artenieaia, or to tbe under- signed. K. .1. 8PR0ULE, FROST A B.VT80K. A utcioneer, Flesherton. Vendor's Selicitor. Oweo Bound, Out. BIG SACRIFICE Dress Goods. We have on exhibition a beaati-. ful. range of Dresa-ends, notwAi, alike; 9i\k aad. Wool, 85e, . „, 1^,. worth. 91-86 par yaid. ir: All- wool Cishmere SsTgav, 23ic. A lino of 42-inch FUke Meltoas, in 6 different shades, 21>ic p/tT yard,. 42-inoh PUiu Meltonv titt per yard. 42-inch Twill Melton, 21^ ger yard. 4»*in«b, Striped. Foula. l^e per yard. 40-inch Check Foule, 17c. per yard, and other popular iiwea t9(>'nu>neroua to mention. Linings and Dnss Trimm- . lags with .quality, style a(id . cheapn«sak.oovn;bine>d. ' A line of Fibre InterUning at 6c per , yard to clear. Our salesmen will be pleaacd.itq, quote and show goods and furnish samples. Sta{>les Clea.]:*infiS Sale As my WHOLE STOCK must be sold before 1st November, current buy- ers will SAVE MONEY by calling upon me bufore going anywhere else. . . GREAT BARGAINS . . Will be given for Cash or Trade. ^ CALL EARLY "^ 5. M. OSBORNE EuoBKU, 8th Sarv. '96 Notice to tbe Public Having eeased to work In the oapaoitj of agaut for tho Sydenham Mutual Fire Iniurauea Co.. Wr. A. C. Peterson, of Blantyr* P. C, Euphrasia, hsa been appointed mv laooeseor. 1 hare pleasure In reooniniending |lr. ("atersoo to people throughout the distriot. ' W. A. BlVMaa. Waltan' Falli, Aofuet «th IM 36-tnpb Potton, usual price, 60, for 3^0. , Tvwelliug from 6c per yd. 32-incl} flannelettes, heavy fast colors, good (Mittems, 7tc. Gjrey jlannuls in all pnces,. shkdes snd weights. Gent's Underwear special. line, 40c the suit. Wool, at 85c and 91.00. The auit^ extra value. Ladies' .. .. Ulndferwear From 2O0 the garment. A full linn oMUalabrated Health Brand always in stock. Don't Forget To come ii^ on FRIDAY and inspect . onr stock. We know wf) can show you something to interest you. Hardware Dep't Bargain I)ay on FRIDAYS in this dep't as well as upstairs. HIGHEST PRICES paid for all., kinds of farm aiM dairy produce. I Ilk %< rmf0m»- irrrTinriiiiiiiniiiiiiii'iiiiliiiiii Ki â- miiii.iiiji funmmt fnmismimitMmtwm'mn^

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