Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1896, p. 5

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w THI flsUEEf^t itfjif e •4. , mmsin. 9^ Vicinity Chips. miaracteriulei sf tbc Past IVtek Cwefally Calie4 for the Cmn»m». Bitiueu noitett amumg locaU vcSl he ekargtd at tke rmte of lOe ptr lint for taeli tiMertioH. A TtdwAioik mil b*. Mtade on enntracU for 100 lines or «*er. Mr. Hai>a« of EogetiU school b«dU i*-*iif(a|[e<i for tiaxl jr««r. On* good mileik cow to A. 8. Vandiuca. fur Apply Two girh wmated to kam Uiloriiig. Apiily to F. Tucker, Flcahorton. lupector Oun|ibell intenriewod teach •rs aad {Nipils in th« public achoel on TueacUy. Mr. Bert Armatroo; baa Mcarad iha |iri»cipalship »f Kim bar! j public acbool for ant yaar. The fint snow atorm of the â- aason ar- tivcd an VTedneaday mumin); and made things decidedly unpUaaant. Rav. J. Walls and f;unily left t«wa on Moodi»y, sad have Ukaii up thair abode itt Tnrouto. Tha indiTidiial who brok* luto tb« laaidaDCM of Mrs. Biada a^ Darham on. Sauthji tii«ae w««4 baa awt y<rt b*a» apprahcndad. Judx* MorriaoH held oourt on the 1896 Toler% lists, of Artaiusaia township iu «hal%woakJl!on J*riday last. Three uaasaa-iacre added. liMaiiel Peunyef Owen Sound was â- aokauaad to.iUiaa iBonthp.iu tl^ coanty jail for adTanisinx aD4«*UiiK aauMterfatt Mr. J.. Ht Brown, Pricatilla. has pwckaacd, th* stock of Mr. Colwril Qtvkaa, Duadalk. Mr. Graham has givao np tturtkeepins. Mr. J. L. Wood, Uu taaekar at Max- wail, has bean aafsgwl by th« trvaUaa U S. 8. No. 8 (Tho»paon't) for next Sarrieea will ba eondoctad in the Ibaabytcriaa church bare and at Bugaaia on Sunday naxt by McKanziaat th* osual hours. Bar. Mr. Wednesday's cold, alaety weather was a. dampener on fairs. Those which soffared in this district were Price Ttlle, B«cklyn, Shelburq« and Chatsworth. «av. Mr. Darroch, who baa bean in cha.*g* of the Baptist circuit, bar* during th* past swnssar, raturaed Uat week to his atudiaa at.McMasUr. Ha will supply lh« pulpit her* eTary-^aacuud Sunday until further auaoancad. Th* C. P. B. atrik* ia still suppoaed to b« vn, bat wa baliete that all or moat of th# operator* are back bt work. At all •rants freight ia moving as usual orsr^t^a lin*. BvydBris. hsTastertad grain buying at th* stau<>f>> A good market is ^uarantetd h«r* thw. year as there ar* thrtie h«if«r*<in lb* field- . The Boyd Br,s. ka*a their wsrebousa all completed and nady to store grain in. Soath Grey teacher* will meet in sou- fMttims in the^henl house, Dundalk, on Thniaday and Friday, ,Ott». 22 and 23. Miaa Annie Richardson, eIocutiv°>*t> b<^* enj^gad for tha aveuing autartain- waa found io Brock townahip. Is a aaoipla uf Indian art it is rery valuable, and is one uf the the roost beaatifuUy wruu^br ipecimeDi we bar* aver seen. Of course it will be placed ou tha shelves of the Institute amoog the nmny otlier valoabld finds Mr. Boyle baa made. The. curator has just cuoipleted the excav- aiioD of some srrpvnt mounds near Rica Lake, wliich pruved wonderfully rich in relics uf an unkuuwo race â€" tha Muuiid Builders â€" these inuunds being the ooly speciuieus of their kind kuown iu Cau- ada. The relics found in tht:m weie mostly made up of copper sod slon* implements. The nuuiy friends of Rev. D. A. Hoi- man will be pleased to hear that ha is able to attend to his duties again as pas- tor uf the CuDgregational church, Che- saning, klicb., after a severe illness of typhoid fever. MiUlacry Again a large display of high class novelties meets our admiring gaxe at Mrs. Trimble's luillinery ruouis. Ordeis teem- ing in. Next door to R. Trimble's store. M. Richardson & Co. will have their fall millinery opening Tuesday and Wed- nesday, 13th and I4th. Lad.Wfare cor. diitlly invited to come in and inspect the disQlay of new and stylish millinery/. Se- lections can be mode and orders left for early e::ecution .-^any price. 9i><ne perst>n, or persons, u ia tha â- latbit of takikg magazines and pafers !mto the reading nwm of the public ibrary without beiug entitled theret*. This thing *>..s I cen yoiog uu fur t< me limr.sBd the |«Ttirswho ar« guilty uf the oB'eiise may find thamsalves rudely swakeu«d • luia day by finding them- selves up Urfur* the magislrata for thsft. Tha aniioyaiics has gut t» cease no PUtleci wKsaa reputation laffen. Th* above few- wueds. will be qiti«e sufKcisut fur any ordinarily iatelligeot bnaaan being. Qoldcn Wcddiar Oa Fnday. 25 Sept., Mr. aad Mrs. Jno. Duncan of Lady Bank iavitad a number of their naidhbor* to celebrat* their wedding day. Thsy wer* nurriad fifty year* ago iu tha parish of Partick, D*ar Qtasgow. They an among .the oldest residents in the township of Osprsy, having sume here about forty years asco. Some of the gussta are also pioaaers of ^b* tewuship. Tha fulloaion <*«r« p aasiat : Mr. and Mrs. Hugh SpoAurd, ilk. and Msa. Jao. lukster, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Waldrick, Mr Hy. Hudson, Mr EJ. Hsnlsy, Mr. sod Mrs. Jamss Thomson, Mr. aad Mrs. Jas. Maddtn, Mr. and Mnr Jno. Crawford, Mr and Mr*. Richard Bradbnry, Mr. and Mrs. WhewsU and others. A pleasant and agreeable time was spent Bxpressious of good will wsr* msny sad cordial for tho presperity and hsppineaa of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, who now celebrate the semi caotenuial of their marriage. On Tueedar, Osprey fair day, Mr. Du«caii purchased a valgj^b's praaent for his esteemed partner, in the fnrtu of ahandsomely made )(old-trimmed buggy from D. McTavish of this place, who had several rigs on ths ground. Mr. C. Mills, farav. •»<' th^cahar, «f M«|pnelt)on, last wac1|L left without leav- ing a nan4)>*r af his friends his address. T^yiara vary anxious to hear from him. H^ ha* laf^ ^hind,him fk wife and sasall fa^iily. Mrs. MiU* My* <di* !»• â- >« >4** mhf^ ha is. â€" Pi^dalk, Herald. Every «xchaBg«| t* pick up has more %t l^a^ rafvrei^cea to abnormally develop- ad vegfeubles, Theyar* to \<e found in thia diatrkt ia pUnty, too. Mr. Thomas Wiuk*M* of Kimbe^ljey w*igh«d a cabbage grown by him which tipped tha beam at twanty-fot^r poun4*>., Mr. D. Boyla, .-puMtor of th^ Cai>adiaD .loafcitvt*. Tor«|ito, and Dr. fioyi*, of PrireaTill*, yttp oallar* un Monday. Mr. B*yla has baan paying his son, tha Dr., • viail As It* kM«w Th* Advano* «•• inlwaated ia aNh«e«logi«al rsaiMiak k* teuugkt along wiljh him a baaotiful •p«BiwMi of tton* carving to show us. Tkf aitiola i* a p*rf*ot s p set t ea of a «|[i t«itW.U)4.w*«iiMd M • pip*. It Otprey Fall Fair Osprsy.fall fair has for tha past two or tht-eeyeMrs been (.-otning to tha furo as one of the best township fairs in the county, and tbiwysar took anuthsr big stride in that diractiun which places it un a foouug t<)ual to any of tbeni. Tues- day was I ut a favorable day by any means, threatening rain all day which in tha aftemooit drenched people and out side exhibits thoroughly Notwi'.h- standiuK thii the gate raciapis were several dollars ahead of any year, and amounted to 975. This at 10c a hvad shows a very respectable cro'*'d>aDd there Were also very luaxy ou the ground who did not pay an eatranca fea. There war* 1300 entries this year as sgaiust leas than lOOO last year. Tha society suffers for want of a proper hall, as there was a very large overflow of exhibits outside of roots. t'Hside, tha superiority over last year was iniuediataly notice able iu dairy produce, very particularly, also in cookery and ladies' fancy work, preaerved fruits, etc. The Advance gave a priia for beat pumpkin pia. Ther* wan quit* a oompetition tor thia and Mrs. Wm. Conn of Osprey earriad off the t«d ticket. Osprey is a great stock raiaing town- ship, as well as grain and roots, and some very handsome animals war* shown, Among some of tha first prixa winners in horaefleah were Wm. Brewster tor draught mare and colt ; Irwia Moniaon, singla driver ; Geo. B. Bristow, h««vy draught team ; D. McQttaig, Collingwood, carriage horse ; W. G. Montgomery, Nuttawasaga. general purpuae^; J. A. Myles, Thorn- bury, roadster. The prize thoroughbred Durliam cattle raisers, Messrs. Hojig, Rowling and Brewster, had prime ipeci- menii of their handsume animals on the ground. Mr. Wm. Hodgins exhibited a fine pen uf Poland China piga, for which no pi ize was offered. Ur. W. Brewster's fine draught brood mare took first prize at the Toronto exhibition. Flesherton btuid made things pleasant with their music, and hekl a, very succeaaful coucert in the evening. We will give the com- plete prize list next week. â-  • « A Railway Max's Peatkh.â€" A story is told of a Nickerson railway man, who, after conversion, was asked to lead in prayer at a revival meeting. This is the way iu which he responded :â€" "O Lord, now that I have fioggod Thee, lift up my feet from the rough road and plant them finuly on the deck of the train of salvation. Let me see the safety lamp known as prudence, make all tha couplings in the train with the strong litHl of.Thylo*«, and let my hand lamp be Ae^. B.'o^k Aad, Heavenly Father, keep air switthaa closed that lead to tha sidings, esp^cialty thoee with a blind end. O Lorc'4. if it be Thy pleasure, bare every semaphore block along the . ine show tha white Hght of hope, that I may, mahn the run of life without stopping. And. I^rd. give us the ten oommardments for a scbadsle, .and whan I have finished the run on schedule time and pulled into the great station of De&th, may thou, the superintendent of the universe, say, ' Well done, thou good and faithful servant ; come aiid aiga the pay roll and receive ynur checque for eternal happinaas.' "â€" itail and Breeze. OouNTT GoffsciL Klxctioss.â€" The-- nominatiou fur county councillors wdl this year be on Monday, Dae. Slst, two weeks bafi>ra the first Monday in January, which will be polling day, ( the same as the ordinary municipal elections.) Tha warden wiU appoint a nomination officers for. each district on or.'beforv Nov. 16. Thp nomination for saeh distrvcbjihould S« ia . the UDal centrW poiut. Tha in^mbwra are to b« alectsd by t!w ^o()la. and are' to be distinct from tbsMwna^ip or. town oouncU, so much IO that a man cannot sit in the county council aad ba at tha aama time a member or an officer of another couucil. The altctiooa take place every £.lt«rnnte year, that is, each councillor is elected fur a term of two years. The ume qualifications govern as those now govern ing municipal eftctioos. Bach will have two voles, both of which may ba givrn for ana candidate if tha voter is so m'ndrd. Ifa voter is oa thow-lut in two divisons ha only votes in,0na. Ia ess* of a tie tha nominating officar in tlo*- division bas tha casting vote. Should a vacancy occur by death or otherwise, a new elec- tion is to be held, pruvidin); more than sue cat'didata is nominated for the vacancy. Benjamin Corley, a faimer living near Meafurd, was hoisted b* an en;;ine while cronoiiig ths railway track with a wagen. The railway fence acted as a backstop, anl although Mr. Corley knocked off a few boards iu liis wild flight ha did not KO through, and is recovering. The Mirror de«cril« the scene as follows : " The Iiorttes had just not across the track wheu the wagon was struck by the train in the centre. Mr. Curley, who wikS staudinz up at the time, waa thrown fruin the waifon and hurled with terrifio force against a fence, but fortunately escaped with no worse injuries to his pel sou than a slight cut on the bach, of the head, a acratch on the chin and a bruise on the hip. The wagon was torn away frum the horses, which galloped otf at a mad pace, taking s [Mrt uf the tongue wich them. One of tha. horses sustained aiievere flesh wound.' The wsgon was completely demotiabed with the exception uf one wheel, the tire be- ing twisted into all sha)Hts and the rack converted iul6 a mass of splinters." Farm and Mill Sit& lor Sale. For sale vury cbeap aQ,t ou Terr e&^y t«rttt«. Tiiut>er farm, ISO acrds. (wo niiloft' from KiMb , ertou. koown â- â€¢ tha Wni. Hokk sawuiill pio- THU'tv. and oij whicti in an excvlUtit w.-iter powSk.*' foundatiiiii uf saw mill, dam auU pood and water wbiMjl iu placs and all ready for putting will on. Alwut U aora* cleaiod, M aorv* tiiiitMr, most o(t, balauce well tiuitxjrvd, mixed tiiulwr. This farm will Im at^ld at a bargain if aold at oiioe. Small payment dowo, balauoe on vsej easT terms. AppI; to • B.J. BvaoDLB, riesb^erton. Oa •%%%«^%«%< AT THIS SEASON 'i if i ' Of the jmr hemlA and comfort tU»t 70a fb oald be welt shod. Mo ooo can snpply yoB b*tt«r and ehe»per than w e»a- We bave a lot of BOOTS for foU that §' we are galling cbeap. Alao RUBBERS | ^ and all FOOTWEAR. Castom work sad , 1 repairing promptly done at < ' ^^CLAYTON'S^ if . (' i^t for Dominum l^nss Monaj Ortos (>> : Subacrib* tor Th* Advanc* now and g«t b**t twm*. ,. TJfutuaii^ Snteresied\ fyj^gt Last week we anld Crockery, Cap* and Saoccrs, Plates,, etc., itS'^ 30% less than regular prices. Coatomara, who buughc t ' , war* ^Si liigbly pleased. There is soma laft a* same price. This wej^ iSX sre selling ^ Tobacco at 35c per FEracv^ Just what you want. Alao in stock Men's, Women's, Misses sad ChiWren's 7 HEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING At right pricas. OX* Tx*ade JTox* Kides T. HILL â- C3? 9B * ^^5i!5Sa â- 'zcy Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADINQ IN Quaii'li^.Quant ity aadJVices i^ â-  - â- ' .W« cannot and will iret«,WiMkfcx in .ow ava -bwintw. itOar faeilitsM forlm^iar'«M:^<i>«*liJ«c /U^ITUEE «w« never so good %i »t pr«Mnt;timf»^ . W«- ha)ra>« pride in baiog able to say otir stock. kaa been bongtu witka tboroi}glv. know- ledge gained in experience of the nutcketa, td* timM, and oar customers aeeds. Buying and selling FuaitBra at th* beat values and on the closet possible margins |is our on* itady D4 sure to sea as ^if . joa^ peed .%oj tiling in BOUSE FUiiNITUBE iine... B««Me#«ryiIsbcr * JVMcrtakcr Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. RcaideDea-atStof*. ///M !&i^ TO TTTE PUBLIC We have now opened omr new store opposit* Cairn's Hotel, FLESHERTON STATION And have a ohoio* stook of I » ww»«sssn We hare also a select stock of Bootrand Shoes and Dry Qoods Of all kinds, whieb we are prepared' to sail at tha lowest prieoa. Small profits and quick returns is our motto. Call and examina stock and be eonvinsed. All kinds of farm prodooa taken ia ex- change. Highest market prieas paid. 'TRY XHC: l^SlHr STORE R. Cook,„ - Flesherton Station GARDINe I hsT* put the PricoTills oanlin^ mill laSo Brat class rspair ami am •niv>loTUig a â€" -* cai'der. Good work does pruiuptW. K. Mo&oww. friosvlIls.JaasS.'SS, FARM FQR:«AI.B Ix>«a 148, 149 aad IM, ooa. a â- . of and Svdsnhain Road, 100 aeres, SO olearad; good orchard and wall watered. Will be aoM oa eaajr tarms. For fnrtbar paxilsalan afylT la Flaehertea, July l«. 18W. ^ Hause to R«}t t. Good briek boas* aad la* to >sBt la Vba vH* lag* of rioabartea. Apply to S^r- IT Vi7ikir«iat.O Gooel #am Hm* sale «r ileal ,. Lots;, sea. t,i , eaateislM 14* aama â- â€¢re ar lMa.«* aaiaa aleared. abewt S| miXm as* a wad. lea ^M tran rieskartMi. w*M>. VaaMttsr f::. £t;jsfetfe's.#fe-*

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