Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1896, p. 1

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-. I ^* yiesl^^rimi ^birana. TRUTH BEFORE FAYOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. VOL. XVI, NO 816 JUSEBRTON, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTeBER 15, 1896 V^.fl. THURSTON, ^°'^°p%'opr,etc. I'M SLOW I'M FAST.. OR Is an expre«siun often heard when a man Ioo1c3 at his watch. He'll r.ot h» slow or fnf t if he carries one ol AriimCronK's watckea, but lie will be jast mi time alwayi>. Our line of £i>ud time keepers is exteiisire, all at reason- able prii?«s. ' JUST FOR TODAY SILVERWARE A liiree cousijjnnipn* of HeJiutifully desi^neil Silverware just to hand. For tlie qu.iliiy of ttieso gooils the prices f.e exceediufcflv low, i:i fiict the cheapest that we ha»o ever shown Y'ou majr not have aiiotlter such a cbauce to buy good Silverwnia at s«i loMT a price. Examine them. J^ ^uli and 2£/e// jissortael StooA Ijhrouykoitt Give us Your Repairing to do jeweller (^ur "business ^irGctorx^ mjCCLLOUGH 4YOUNG, Ban\ars, Markdije. do a iisnaral banking bai- Iiiees. yonsyloaD«d at a reMoaabU rat*. Call on as. A8. VANDU8EK. J. P. Clerk 5th DiT Court, Co Orey Iisner of Uarriaga LiceuBes, Commisaioner Id B. C. of Juttioe, Aaclionrer, at^. Flbsbebtoh P.O. .â- â- aKBTS COLLECTED. Tbe undsrwgBecl is preparad to andartake tha collection of all kindi of dabta. Kotat bought, accountif collected, etc U. K. HENDKBSON • Fl.»SHiBTO» TCHtSLETT • Flesbertou Station t^>»tm•Bter, Commiaaiouer in H. C. J.,Cou- vayaocer: deeds, mortgiiKei. leaasa and wille drawn. Charges uoderato. Ousluaaa letters written. ^oU gcutijStvii. J p. MABSBALL, L. 0.8.,M.D. 8, Dentist. Visit) Markdale the lit and -Ird Wednesday o{ each moutli, riestaertouâ€" Kach trip ou tba 4aT tci..<wing. T G. CAMPBELL, L D S, DD 6, Dental Surgeon. Uarkdale. Offlcaover UcCuUou^h A Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.30 a.3). to C p. m. Visits Flaeherton cbe second and fourth Tbursdajr ot each montb. Office at Uuusbaw's hotel. •J HENDERSON D D S, M D 8, Dentist ot Toronto (gold medalist) will visit Flesherton protession- ailjr the first Wednesday of each month aud Oundalk tha day fallowing crhursday.) ffOal. pB OST * BATSON R. J. SPBOULB, Posttua!>ter, Flesborton, ComraissioBer in B. B., Liceiisrd /uctiouaer, Con»eyancer, A - l>raiser sad Mcney Leudcr, Baal Batata aui lasurauce Agent. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases, •ad Wills drawn up aud Valuations made ou ahortest notice. Auction sales atteudod to in any part of tbe County. Honey to loan at low eat rates of iutercat. Collections attended to with promotuoss au-.l despatch Charges low. AiSant for tbe Dominion btuamsbip Company, cheap tickets from Fleshertou to LiTerpool, Glasgow. London or any of tbe British ports. Ptirtias intending to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask ratos before purchasing their tickets elsewhere foci:tifS. AO.U.W.â€" m -"ots every first sod third Mon â-  day iu each mouth, iu their lodge room Strain's Hlock. Kleshertou. at 8 p. m. W. H.Walker, M.W,; W.J. Mellaiuy, flnancrer W. Irwiu Becuidor. Visiting Bietberu invited. ROYAL TKMPLABS OF TEMPEBANCE. â€" Kegiilar Council meets every first and th*r^l Tues.lAV eveuint* in each mouih. In Sproule'a bloi-k at 8 p. ui. Select degree Insurance) meets raoutbly, the Wednesday preceding the 82nd of each moiitb. SONS OF TEMPEBANCF..â€" This sotlety meets in Dr. Chrlstoe' Hall first Wed- nesday in each mouth at 8 p.m. Visiting bretbaren invited. Insurance iu conuection. UP. B. A., meet iu thair ball, Chriatoa's Block ever\ second Thursday in eacb mouth. I. Q. Brown, W. U., T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PniNCE ARTHUR LOD(iE, No .'WS, A F A AM. meet iu the Masoric Hall, Strain's Block, Fleaherton, every Friday o" or before the tiill-moon. Geo. Mitchell, W M, W J isellam) , secretary ^^ DUFFKRIN LODGE, No IW. 1 (10F. meets in Claylon'B Hall every Tues dav evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited ABVAKDtiBitM, NG yfu Uowius. S«c Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyancers, etc. Office â€" Next to pos office. Spronle's block Fltsberton.avsry Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST U-. B. M. B. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Poulatt St. East. 1 UCAS A WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen liound. Out. • Markdale, Out. W. H. Wmoht. I. B. Lucas. N. B.â€" Flashcrton office, Uitchell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKER A PATTERSON. Barristeis. solicitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson ^ACKAY A HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officesâ€" 30 roulette St. Owen Sound; and Main St. Uundaik. every Saturday. S.H.â€" Alwavs in attendance at Flesherton and Dutidalk Division Courts. A. U. Mai-Kat, M. A.. W.J. Hattok County Crown Attoruey. PtAirat. 1\K HUTTOif MDCM.MPPftS Pnt, Priceville Office ne.\t door to Brown's &tore; residence one door west o' Methodist church, Kinross St. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturday TJK CARTER M P * 8 Out., Physician, Surgeon, etc Flesherton officeâ€" Strains bock. BesiUeuc*â€" Munsbaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Physic. Jt Surgeons.Ontsrio Graduate iu Medicine of Toro»> • University Fellowstiip Diploma, Post Giaduate Medical School aud HoKpital, Chicago. Disea.«es of eve, ear, nose a.ul throat specially treated. Besi- denve, Maxwe 1, visits Fsversham Thursdays 1 it Ju'-t for today, dear, let as stand apart And let tbe world rush on. Oh, I could weep To be so haypy, here, against your heart ; Let others yearn and fail, or fall asleep. Or mingle in tbe strife as beet tbay may. Just fur today. Just 'or today, love, let there be no light. Save in my eyes for you and yours for me. Shut out tbe troubled gaze, tba lips grown white, Tbe dreadful cry of thf world's af;ony, The dnil and sodden earth, tbe sky's dim gray. Just for today. Jn^t for today, together stand and rest : Time ha£ bean wingec* with us since first we uiet. Now iu tbe ecstasy of love confessed, Tha voice still broken aud the lashea wet, Tbe veil of silence gently drawn awayâ€" Jast for today. Jast for today, my dearest, hand in hand. With pulse osd heart iu tuna, for these brief hours, Joy pauses on her pinnacle, we stand Eack in tbe other's heart, among love*a flowers. We. in our naw-foond EJen. lose our way; Just for tod^y. â€" LccY Weblikg. naxwell f ;:il..ii 'â- iii.;..,;i OUR MOTTO IS :i!llliu>...Milllll!'lllii! ^es^ Soods ""'^ SSesi il/orkmanahip J^s that Conatitutts SSeai Values MERCHANT TAILOR or<{:inizatioa ago. haviny su<:cds.sful since cheic about fourteen luonthi From our oum ( *or, e«w.t dcU. ^^.^ something over »80. The quarterly wn-.c.- in coi.nectiou j j^;,^ Fheohe and Lila Gilmy return- with the PreAbytorian church was held* [ ^ i^,,,,, i^,^ ^^^^ f^oni Batavia. N. Y.. wher« they have been for the last mv«d week ago la-st Sunday aftHruunn. Mr. mid Mvt. John Kertou returned home a week ago lags Tuesday, from i/arkbam. Mr. Alex. Clark and family from b«r«, moved to Sini;hampti>D on Thursday of last week. A number from h<.'re attended the fair at Duiididk IsRt Aiday. The Rev. Mr. Farrier intcndstn preach to the young people next Sabbath moru- inj». The Rev. Mr. Farrier changed pulpita with the Rev. Mr. Graham «f Shelburne last Sunday. Mr. Field fnmi flavenna visited friends here last Sunday. Mrs. Tuck from near Afarkdale is visit ini; her mother, Mra. Clark, in this vicinity. Miaa Louisa .P^eld from Ravanua visitiug her friends hare. â€" «^ â€" Taiidelear or eight months. Kimberley. From our oicn t'orresi>otide}it. Whooping couch ia prevalent iu this neii:hborhuud. ifrs. Geo. Pritcharl is very ill at pre- sent. MisH Annie Kella is visiting frieuds at Caledou. Afr. and Afrs. Russell, of the fourth line, visited at Mr. Rubett Wright's last week. 3/r8. Carson, of Tyrone, is visitini; with her daughter, .Vfrs. Sum Gilbert. Mr. John Warliiig and Mr. Sarn Hemphill spent Sunday at Mr. R. G. VVurlinij's. Potato diitging is the order of the day here. The tubers are large and plentiful. Mr. Richard Doug'aa had a paring bee t'B Fnd.iy evenin<.: of last week and Mr. 'worth League convention at Thornbury D.Ave Graham had one on Jfonday night. Tuestlay of this week. From our oicn Curreapoitdenl. Kimberley is not waiting for evidence of the electric railway but has already commencrd operations in the buil>li:is; line. Mr. Ben Smith is erecting a n>)W house on Centre street. The town hall ia als* being completed and will present a fine appearance when finished. Last Thurslay while Mrs. Knott and Mrs. Dr. Shepherd were driving an ac- cident occured which might have resulted seriously. Just as the huiies were driv- ing up Mr. Gilbert's lane the horse's collar became diaarrangetl and the horte commoDced to back down the hill. Tbe cart was overturned and the <.>ccupants were thrown to the ground. Mrs. Knott received a severe bruim) on the arm but Mrs. Shepherd cijcaped ulinost unhurt. Miss Maggie White, who has been teaching ou the East Moimtaiu. ha« been engogfd as atjsislant teacher in our school for 1897 at a salary of f210. Mr. Ja.<». Wallace, who graduated from Kimberley school last July, has been en- gaged as teacher of Duncan school, the salary being $290. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Camithers, of Fair Villa, entertained their Sunday School classes last .V/onday evening. .\ very pleasant time whs spent by all. ikfr. Wolfe, of .\rk Wright, viiited his sister, 3f rs. Ht'wgill, l-.iHt week. ATiss Ada Burritt and 3fiss Alma Lewis have gone to Toronto to spend the winter. Rev. Mr. Balfour attendwl the Ep- GET YOUR School Books .VND- School - Supplies OF VERY KIND A.T W. E. Richardson's Carpet Weaving Who will be the next ? On September the 30th, Afr. Will Sonera of this place was united in mar- riage to .Visa Lizzie She«rs of Euphrasia. We Bnderstand they will reside in this neighborhood, and we wish them success io life. Eppine ^Voni Our Own Correspondent Every one is busy getting up roots which are a fine crop this season. We a'e gliid to be able to say that Afrs. AfcConnell is recovering from a rather severe attiick of fever. Afrs. Boy (I is also on the mend after a aeiious illnass. The Lsdies, AiJ society held a bazar and had a lunch tahle on the fair i;iound. Ml: t>8wald ami Afr. Geo. Wickeu.s, of Fle.sherton, hiked it over to Colling- wotxl on Sunday and were callers iu our village on their return trip. Afr. Geo. Walter returned on A/onday from a trip to Loudon, Stratfonl, St. Thomas and Townto. Mrs. T. Coland, J/i-s. Bertrand and ATiss Bourdman, of A/arktlale, and Mrs. W. Armstrong, of Flesherton, were the guests of Mrs. James Stewart on Friday aveiiiug 'ast. Fleskerton Station The undersigned has pi >ced in positioB • first class louui for carpet and fiannal weaving and is prepared to (nvs sstisfactiou. Bring iu your BAtiS or YARN to A. T. HEROD. FlesbartOB, April 7, 'M. JP(. TTEWELIi Veterinary Surgeon. Graduato of Ontario Veterinary College. Retnlaneoâ€" Xext door Ki^tb ot Moore's planii; ^ factory. Froniinir utou coi'rc'uofiJfiit. We have the b«-8t grain iiiaikct noith of Townto. Buyers have baeii pnyinjt fniin forty-nne to forty four for peas and Rocklyii. Wednesday last, when in spite i from seventeen to twenty for oa's. of the foul weather, th^y did consider- i Afr. Cole shipped a carload of pens able bu-tiness. They hU<> ^ave a ten cent from here this week, social in the church i*riday eveninc, and j A gentleman from Csprcy brouuht in from the proceed.t of both realized ; ft load of oals which tested 39 pounds tu •nou.;h to make the htst payment on tha the bushel. Pretty good fur this year'* •rgan, leaving a nice little balan'.* to Oats, thtir crifUit. TUb Mies hure been very! Jtfr. MjA'.B;r, o:" Ci« •more, is spending a few days with Mr. m. Kennedy. Mrs. Burnett visited friends in Duu- Jalk last week. Mr. R McGill returned an Saturday froti. his holidays of a couple of weeks. W« are gl.vl to learn that Mr. Mark Caiius is able to be around again. Mr. D. Miidill was upset out of his bngay coming fiom Piioeville fair and received a shaking up. The Thornbury school boaitl, at their last meeting decided to ask all (i.eir ti'scliors t.) leisigu at '.he cloeo of the present term. Geor>;e Langtree, William Neil and John Menick, of the Oth concessitn <•( Ci'lliiigwood, were arraigned befor i Messi-s. S. WibW, S. L. Howe and K. Rajuiond, J. P*., ou a charge of high- way lobhcry. Tlnuias Hoory Miller, plaintitf. Uiwyer Biriiie appeared on behalf of the priaouers. The offenders were each lined one dollar and ci'i-ts. â€" Clarksber;^ RtUector. This case surely needs iMve«tii?atiiig. A paltry fine fi.r committing hiuhway robbery is »oiu^» thing ne«r iu criminal law.

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