Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1896, p. 4

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THI FLI8HBET0N IDVAMCI I' » ESTABLISHED ^As Advance WAUSHHD WKEKLY AT THE OFFICB, 8TD- C3IUAM STREET, FLEHUERTOK, ONT. , 8Y W. H. THURSTON. lil per auiiuiu,8lrictly in advance AdveitiBing Bates : â- a Column, 1 year, (50 ; half col., 1 year, $27 quarter col., ona yoar, (16. Transient adTertUoment obarged at the rata «>t 8 tenta per line (or flrat insertion and 3 centu each subsequent innertioo. Sir CLarles and Lady Tapper •cclcbr&ted their golden vredding on Tuesday of last week, The presents received were very numerous and •costly. One, representing the gift of the Senate, was valued at consider- «bly over $1000. The Liberal Con- servative members of the House of -Commons also presented an equally valuable gift in gold. Wo invito farmers to test the Flesbertoo Rraiii market this year. If keen competition and all modern facilities for handling grain can create • good market, then we ought to have one here seccnd to none in western Ontario. Urain has not yet begun to move lively, and probably will not oiutil the prices Lave advanced soine- whate,and fall work is completed. Laat week oatH, peas and wheat took an upward jump of condiderablo propor tioiis and still liavo an upward iendeucy. Peas and oats are the staple product) in grain in this section, -and are now felclung 40 to 42 cents and 17 to 18 cents respcc^vely. Hon. J. Idrael Tarte has been, perhaps, the best applauded man in the Liberal parly for the past few months. Uc was the white robed angel of purity which has been specially designed by hearcn to cleanse tlio Augean (Conservative) stables of their lilth. He was a "knight of the nineteenth century" sent us to champion the cause of poli'ital purity ; the bwoiu enemy of eveiytliiiig savoring of iniquity in politics ; the great organizer of (juebcc, the man to whom the eountiy looked for great work of re- form iu the civil service. He "Jired" men right anil lift because they did not attuin to lii»8taiidard of righteous iicss ni administeiiug the work of tUeii departments. Ho had a great pose for scentiiiig out cori'upl and festering spots in the ConFCivative parly, and has been their terror for yo.irs. Tho Globe lately publishod a glowing ciilugium upon this gifted, good and great man, and raised him inmiiaEurably in our estimation. IJiit tho horror of it now when wo road Lis own adniission that ho re- ceived from \ic9 President Shaugli- liessyoftho C. 1". K. $;)00O for expenses in his own election iu L'Islet ! Tho glamor is gone ! The wolf has lost i'.B slicrp-skin I Tarle \ Qh, Tarte ! yon are a tarter 1 Go back to the Islet and bct up a horiiiilugo among the rocks, where honortt men will never attempt to bi-eak Ihrough aud steal your moral code.. Ofprcy Foil Fair HurHel Clms l,Drau«l(t--Pftir D^mnjlil Horses, (Joo IJ. linstow, Jss. Thomsiiii. Biood Marc, Win. liruwster. Two, year ciM Ci.ll, tieo, Whowsll. Oue >»»!• old Cult, Thos. MarptT, Win. liKwster. Hiiiiii^ cult, Wni. RrewHter, Class 2, Gt-nBfHl Purposaâ€" Pair gsld- uif(s wc mare* w Q. MMUtginnery, U. AUaniH. P <i<id in»> ', Wni. Dt»Kst«r. ^jl^n T**' oU vqlt, R. Miiii^an, MuKgu Dand. One year old eolt, ,?, J, Kaiting. Spring colt, \Vui. Uruweter, Class 3, Ruadittrs â€" Pair (geldings or marss, J. A. MiUs.VV. H. Holley. Uruud mire, L. Wilson, Irwin Morrison. One year old wild, J no. Hudson. Sprinp colt, L. Wilson, Wni. Scutt. Class 4,CaiTia<;e Hursesâ€" Pair guldinus or uiareti, D. McAig, A. Currie. Brood mare, Jiio. Hawton. 2 year old colt, M. Dand. One year old colt, Qeorge Whewell. SpriUj; Colt, J, Hawtun. Sni^le driver, lr»iu Morrison, Ambrose Saigeon. Special for siii);le driver, Irwin Morrison. Special, L. Wilaon. Cattlu Class 5, Durhamâ€" Bull aged, Wm. Brewster. Bull 2 years and under.Oliai. Ui'g\,', Wm. Motfat. Cow, Cbas. Hcgg, Wni. HowUng. Ono year old hei^, Wni Rowling, Clias Hogg. Heifer calf, Chas Hogg. Class 6, Hulstein â€" Bull a^ed. Nelson Scott. Class 7, Gmdea â€" Cow, CUas Hoga, R. Hilligan. Two year old heifer, Alex. Saigeon. One vear old heifer, A lei Saigson, F Spolford. Heifer calf, R Mllligau, Chas Hcjtik;. Sheep Class 8, Shropshire â€" Ram a^ed, Jns Fletcher. Riiiu slii-iirling. Win Scutt, Wm Hodgins. Kani lamb, Jas Fletcher, Nelson Scott. Pair aged ewM, Nelson Sett, Jas Fletchei. Pair shcarlirg ewes, Nelson Scott, Win Scutt. Pair ewe lambs, Nelson Scott, J Fletchir. Class 9, Cotswold â€" Ram shearlin:,', Jns Speers. Pair aged ewes, Win Julian, F Spotford. Clasb 10, Leicesters â€" Ram aged, Wm Scutt, J A Kunmhan. Rvin shearling, K MilligAli, Jiu Douiilax. Ram lanili, Jas Doujjilas, Ocu Alexander. Paif at'ccl •Tes, Chas Tuiilin, Win Julian. Pair ewe lambs, ChasTuplin, Jno Huwtoii. Class 11. Sonthdowns-Ram aged, Albert Hollin^hcud. Swine Class 12, Beikshirf'S â€" Boar a^ud, D Sinclair. liuar pig 18'J6, Geo Ross, Sam Coli|net. Sew aged, Alen Saigeon. Sow pig 18%, F Spofford, 1st and 2iid. Ci:.si 13, Y'prk<hir-8 â€" Boar agdd, Geo Alexander, W W Meek. Sow aged, Ja.s Speerd, Jas DiiU){lap. Sow pi|; 189(i, Jas Speeis, Jas Doui'las. Poland China- Boar aged, Will iludiiins. B^ar pi if 18%, Will Uoduins. Sow aged, Wiu Hodgins. Sow pig IK'JG, Win Hodgins. Poultry Class 14, â€" Ptt'r ciichins, Win Scutt. Pair |ilyinonth rocks, U D Meldrum 1st and 2iid. Pair duck.H, Win Scutt, .Tno Keilini. Pair ucese, Jno Kertoii, Win Scutt. Pair turkeys, Jno Kert^iii, Alex Saigeon. Grain CIbhh 1.5,- Fall wheat, red, R Adnnis, Geo .Alexaiiiler. White, J A Kcrimlian, Jas Douglas. Spring wheal, white fyfe, R Adiinis. Ali-x Siii):eun. Red fyfe, (>ho A Miller, Nelson Scott. Barley, John Kerton. Black nats, Geo A Miller, NeWin Scott. White oats, R Adams, Will HiHlgiiiH. Pensâ€" Small field, Neil Ferguson, C Tlioinaon. Peas, large Held, Goo Whewell. Timothy sued, R Adams, J Hi.;Uini;. CIovit, alsike. Nelson Scolt. Clover, red, Nelson Scott. Flax seed, Nelson Scott, J Hlukl Dg. Spoci.'il on black cat', G A ililler. Sjiecial uu early frame peas. .Iiio Hudson. Roots and Vej;t tables Class 10, -Potitoes, Carter's Kiiitf of RnsHet, lia 11 I'eiigo, J Hiuklini;. Knipiie Stale, Wiu HowMng, Jns Uongl»n. Wliito Klepliaiit, Wm Conn, J Joliii^on. Collection of piitaloes, Wm Huell, Win Conn. Mniiguld ,'"ig,GeoBB istow.IlY Burl'. Mat g i!ds,H ol)e,K.\dniiiH Turnipi, Swede, WniJuli.ni, Jan liuokiiiuhani. Turnips, Alienleeii, Isaac Huwtoii, <»«o Whewell. Blood Beets, loiiif, John Hudson, J A Keriiahan. Beets any oilier variety, R Ilerou, Win MofTat. Cariot!<, li'iii£ talile, Jno Grillin, Thos Coiijier. Early Il»rn, R Adivnis, Win MollHt. Field, Jhs D.iuylas, U Adams. Parsnips, NuUon Scott, Jno Kerton. Onions froniceid, U Y Burk.F Spidl' nd. Potato Onions, R M.'rrison,^ Spotrmd. Top Onions, Wm Mollat. ISnitis, bUek, Win Ci'iin, Nelsiiti Scott. P>e;ins, white, Win C' nil, Alex Sai^.tin. Taldo Ciirn, (!ri3 Thomson, R Y Buik. Cablmgc, Wintiingslead, ('has Hogn, D Sinclair, Calilmge, red, J Ji liiison, R Y Bnrk. Ciiljbn:»o liny otliiir variety, Isnac Haw- ton, (loo B Biisiow. Cauliflower, .Jno lIudHon. Tomatoes,' Wm Conn, J Hicklii g. Sipiasli, K Adsms, GcortiH Alexiinder. Pumpkin, N Scott, J Msdden. Vojjetalilo M irrows, J J. din- sun, ('Itroii.i, ,] Jtdiiisnti, R .VdaiiiH, Cucumbers, J Johnson, Gon B l.'riHtow- Fiuitiind Floweri Class 17,â€" Fall Apples, Alex S.iiiioon, R Adams. Winter Apphm, R .^clnma, J Hicklini;, Plums any other viirii ty, J Jo'iiisoii. Pear.*, li Adhiiis, .1 Jolinsun. Collection of fruit, It Adams, J Clinton, Cidlrclion of flower.-, in jiots, H Alex- ander, Miss S Inkstcr. Diiry and other Pmduce C!ans 18,- Kxtracted Honey, R Heron, Honey in coinli, II Heiini, Butter, roll. Mis W MolViit, Mrs V Spoin.rd. Bnt'cr, crock, Mrs Thus Cnopor, Mrs MotTiit, Faoloiy Cheo.so, Clms Stewnit, llrend, home made. Mis Jas .Spuers, Mis N KerKUiiDn. Maple Sus^ar, Neil Fereuaoii, U A Miller, Mnple Syrup, Nell Ferguson, Wni Hodpiiis Oollm- tioii of Jt'llit'S and Pi-tsuirus, Mrs Jas Douglas,. .Mri (i A Millor, Special or butter ill Nh, Mrs Jus Tlioinpaoii, Special Oil liuMer in crock, Mrs Thomas Cooper, Special for best Fruit Cake, M M Itukbii^. Special for bet.t Puinkin Pii"„ Mrs Win Conn, Domestic Mnnufactur«ia and Ladiaa work Woollen Mitis, Mrs Conn, Mrs Ne 1 Ferguson. Woollen Socks,. Mrs O A Miller, Mrs Thoi Cooler Patch woik Quilt, Miss S luk>ti.r, Mrs fAfu, J^|m!',. Knit or crochet Qirilt, ffiss Madden,. Mrs F Spofford, Quilt of any t-ther kind, Miss Madden, Miss S Inkster. Gents White Shirt, Mrs W W Meek. Berlin w«ol work other than wreath, Mis J A Keriiahan, Mi^s Perigo. Berlin wool wreath.Mrs M Dand, Mrs \ Kentner. Fancy knitting, Mrs W W Mcok, Mrs D McTavi.«h. P.iaidnig in cotton, Mrs W W Meek. Mis D Mc- Tavisli Embroidery, Miss Madden, Mrs D McTavish. Sofa Cushion, nioiii.ted, Mrs J A Keriiahan, Mrs W W Meek. Foot Stool, Miss Periiro, Mrs H Alexander, Hearth Rug, hooked, Mrs F C Bruce. Mrs G A Miller, Mat of any other kind, Mrs G .4 Miller, Miss Stouteubnrg. Bag Oarput, B Y Burk, Kiert Spofford, Crochet wool work, Mrs U McTavwh, MrsN Ferguson. Pair Pillow ShRins. Mrs Jno Hudson, Miss Madden. CoUectii-n of fancy work, Mr» D MiTuvish, Miss Madden, Mrs F (J Brace, Special for host woollen uiits, Mrs Neil Ferguson, ,M'-8 Oris Thompson. M,>iiuructares â€" Gent's Suit, tailor made, 11 Alexander. Wa^ou, D McTavish, Bnggv, D MoTaviph, Democrat, D McTavish. Cart, U Mc- Tarisb. County Jail Figures Governor Jliller ot the jail has been engaged this week in the preparation of his annual report for the year ending Sept. 30th, and an interesting docuc- aient it is. Some of the figures given are very sufgestive. The total nuinhor of prisoners in custody during the year was 165- - made up of 14 in cu.-»tody on Oct, 1st, 18U6, and 151 committed since that time. Of the number committed during tho years, 138 were males and 13 females. Tho number commitlea under sixteen yeara of age was 16, tho number committed of sixteen years of age or over, 135. The nunilier comniitte- ed for the fir.-t time was C3, for the seo«nd time 44, for the third time 23, and for more than the third time 21. Twenty-two of the 15l were acquitted 'ni being brought to trial. Of those who were senle'ced C were sent to the Central, 8 Lo the Penitentiary, 2 to the Mercer Reformatory for women and 7 to the Reformatory for bojs, Eiaht wera- of unsound initid, 37 were illiterate, 73 wore temperate, 78 intemperate. Sixty- one were married and 00 unmarried .^s regards nationality, Canadians led with 80, tlie Eni-lish came next with .'i(, then the Irish with 17, wliilo there wore 11 â- Scotchman, 5 Aniericnns and 3 from other countptsH. The record of rctiKious denomination showx 43 Episcopalians, 30 PresbyteiiMis, 28 Roman Cuthulics, 22 MethiKlists and 18 of other denuniina- lions. The daily cost of each pris mor for rations was 9 cents 8i mdls. The cost of 66 of the piiaoiiers coiniuitted was dcfiayud by the t'overnnisnt and' the cost of Ofiwfuideffayi'lJby the mnnicipalit- ies. The g)sl expenditure for the vear, viz .- fur food, cluthing and ad' other items of niniutennnce, except salaries aid repairs, was f3023,48, while salaries amounted to J1800 and repairs to ^3(i-- mskiiig the total cost $4850,48, The greatest nuniksB confined at any one timo was S-i, the lenat 12, Though the iiutii5sr of prisoners this year was 27 less than b.st, the nggrci;»te wf days served was 506 grenler, sliowini; thtt tho •entuiicos must have been heavier this year than lott. â€" Times, On Munday Ciowa Attorney McKay went tu MaEkdulo t.u attend to the prose- cution oP an obi niOM named Win, Allen, charged with having carnally known a fourteen year old girl, Mary .lane 0»er- field. Allan, it aprears firom the •Tidenco, wits courting iIm giiTs mother at the timo of t^iu offence. The matjii'trates committed the prisoner fur trial and he Was lodged in tlui jail here on Monday Iiij4ht,-â€" Times, We Uouch TJhe Spoti FOR PRICES On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETS-Leather and Corded. DU.STERS, nUBBKlt DASH APRONS, BINDER WIHPS^ RrDtJTO SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE. (UREASE. Ron]e \\\ aiid Exaiiiine VUr. MOORE Htrne$p(lK«r,. Flo^erton Equal Rights House 7///S SJORl Is filled up with New Drcsa Goodi, Mantlings, Tweeds, Hata and CajjB, Furs and everything that is required for man, woman or child. It would be folly on our part to coniinence telling you whore these goods were manu- factured, whether they have betu im- ported from England, Germany or France, or that we bought them at great reduction in price, C^ WSat will interest YOU "THE M(WT will bo the astonishing low prices for these GOODS. A few quotations in our i WUI Convince You There is no one in our line of busfncsf, whether great or small, that can give bet- tor bargains, %^!W 2 Ihs. .Inpan Tc.i for 25c, You may bo paying 20c per lb. for tho same and think you are getting a snap. 3 Ibi. Black Tea for 50o. If you are using Black Tea and mi-'S this chance of purciiiksing you will loose money by it. Todet Soajia, 10c per box (only half the oiginal price). C ScrubBiiig BruT^Iie."! f»f 24c, 3 Brooms for 2oc, Now is your time to buy GRAIN BAGS, We are selling tl. em at $1,90 per dozen. Men's Biacea, 2 pair for 25c, Woni'-ii's Coarse Boots at 75c, Men's Long Boots, #1,50 and upwards. B. Mcdonald A New . * Departure Following the example of tl ef largA stores of great cities we have decided to stt aside one day of each week as a P^irgaiB Day until further notice. Henceforth r-« • J WILL BE Friday â€" â€" ^ Bargain Day With us. Y'cu can get splendid Talue for your traile or cauh from us at any time, but you will come to us on FRIDAY for the SNAPS, Here are some prices for NEXT FRIDAY Clothing Cndit Auction Sale -OF - SHORTHORNS AT DURHAM ON TQBslay; Octok 20tli, Mi A.T-1 O'CLOCK 1». M, THIRTY-FIVE HEAD InohuUng Cows, HoifBra and Voiiiii! Bulla TuniiB of Ra!u :â€" Twxlve uioiitlis' crulit on a})|iruvu(l joint notos, orttiscoutifc at tho rate uf 6 per cunt, lor cash. CntalogueM will be ready about tlio Ut of October. It. r.YUKKR. Durham, Bcpt. 16*.b Uo Tjhe iPublie THE BEST OF â€"â€" »â-  Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND, ALSO Brain, Sfwrts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. On Friday we will clear cut some otld lines to niake room foi our ex'ensivefall puichasea- We offer a ftw Twcd Suite* all-wool and well fuithtd at $6,25, usual price J7.50. Serge Suits from $;i.9o. Heavy Tweed Suit.s, well cut, Jf4 VO. Heavy Frieze Overcoats . . Some splendid values in th'a line now offering. Wo have purchased veiy Imgtly and want to uuloisd. Come in i.ud get our figures on thete goods before the cold weather. Dress Goods. Wt have en exbibitii ii abeauti^ ful range of Dress cihls, no two alike. Silk and Wool, 85c, worth if 1.25 per yan.l. All-wool CuihuisKS Seigea, 23Ae. A line of 42-inch Flake Miltitns, in 5 diti'erent sbaden,. 28Ac per yard. â-  42-iuch Pl.iin Melton, 22c per yard. 42-inch Twill Meltpn, 21ic per yard. 40-inch Striped Foule, 13ic per yard. 40-inch Check Foule, 17o per yard, and other popu'ar iiues loo numerous tu mention- Linings and Dress Trimm- ings with quaity, style and cheapness combined. A line of Fibre Interlining at Cc per yard lo clear. OuB salesmen will be plo;ised to quote and show goods and furuish suinplus. Staples 36- inch Cotton, usual prio«, 5c, for 3^0. Towelling from 5c per yd. 32-incli Flannolett.s, heavy- fast colors, good jHitterus, 7ic. Grey Flannels in all prices, shades and weights. Gent's Underwear Special line, 4S>o the suit. Wixil^ at 86c and Â¥1.0<) the suit,, exti-» value. Men's Heavy Knit Socks, 2 ^lairs 25c, Choice stock of Grocerio.>t, Ijciuous and Oranges, 2 bottles Pickles for 25c~be8t brand, Diui't buy anything but tho LEADER CHURN, it is tho best, I soil it. A choice lino of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR Farm and Mill Site tor Sale For sale very ohcai> and on vary oaay terms, TIniOor lariii, 18eai!i««, two iiiiloH (loui Fle»l4 eiton, known as the Wui. HuggBawiullI priu- jiorty.audoi. whiohinan oxeeHuui watvr |>uh«i. louuilatiou ot saw mill, Uaiu and |>ond auc) watur wheel 111 \>\iMe and all ready, tar putliiiij mill on. About 15 aorus cloaied, Maoriiii timber, most off, 'jalanoa well tiuiburud.ukiiud timber Thin farm will be sold at, a, barKain 1( lald at once, bmall naymoutdoiui, bi^aues ou ««*t e«sy turtub, Ai>pl; t(|, :^.J« Braocui, rieabtttoD. Ou Boots & Shoes Genuine Heavy Plough Boot.i, Bellows tongue, 95t, Men's Kip Gr.-ingerft, wholet foxed. Bellows tongue, SI. 25. Men's Whole Stock, Blu- cher cut, ?1.40, Women's Good Heavy Laca Boots, 9oe, Misses' Union Balmorals,. 90c, Child's Uniau Balmorals, 75c, Long Boots, a few mora. only, l?l,75. nillinery niSS KLINE Is with UB ayain this season and is in rcadinvBS to fill orderr_ Thii. det^mnent is fully enuip- yeiP ftip taming out new and B((yli«h nulfinery. Stock well selected and pi-iccs right. Dori'^t Forget To come in on FRIDAY and inspect our stock. We knuwr we can show you sonietliing to^ iutoiest you. Hardware Dep*t Bargain Day on FRIDAYS ia-. this dep't as well as u|>staira. HIGHEST PRICES paid for^ all kinds of. farm and d.iir^. ptotlijiofi. laa

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