Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1896, p. 5

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f "W"P" ni«i T <^«ipi«i mm^imimmm THl FSSHiitTON ADVINGS tricinity Chips. Okaraetcristics oftbe Past Week t'arcfuHy Culled for the Canons. t'ttinesi notidi amtmg local* icill be tJuirjeii at the rate of lOe per Hue for laclt inaertlvfi. A reduction will be maiU OH cmtracti for 100 luies or over. Get bill heads, siatemtiDta And enrel- npe« at this > ffice. Mr. H. U. Boweris.aii, Eugeii'a, scut ua « p> laiu this wiek wliich nejnhed 3j pou ads. TViil all thdse to Kkoni «a supplied piitato seed loiit spring kii dly seiid in teport* of the yield without delay. Weddine preecnts, new^fct (;nods in tilati, china a>id silrrr, at Richardnon'a hardware. A harfeat-honie festival will be h>.'ld in the piihlic hall, Kiniberley, in Wed- Nnesday, 2l9t iiist. Sdj bills |i)r paiti- CUUlB. M'.bh Slack »iid Afiss 3/cifilIen ei:ter- tiiintd their fviibliuth Hohoi'l olii'tM-s .it the residei.ce of Ifr. Geo. Ke.efer o«i Tuaa - dky evening. ThursdaT, Nov. 2C, will bo Thaiiksg:». ing D.iy. Thij is the same day aa that ctlubrafo-l by the r public to the IK uth of us. The niombi-ra <if thu Flpahertou Ep- worth LtaijUci visitdd the Leaiiue at Van- dtileur en Tiia.sd:iy ereniiig, when a very <nj»yab!e time was spent. There are thre4 huiiiiry lu<:)kiii;T f^rain bnyera at the statimi ngw.all rsady and anx'iius to jay the fainiers a littlo mora than tl ry can get in any market in Ontario. Storex, stovepipes, table*, carpels, »ett •ii.'gle h.inicss, saddli^, and a few ot;her articles fur 8:t!e by private sale. A/ust be (old iinmcaiatcly. W. £lder, Flebher tou. Ur. Alf. Thurston of \Toodbridge ia coiuini; to the frt'nt on a bicycle. U* «ou a '.-nuplo of prize's in a G mils ro.vl race at thirt place l.ist Saturday. Tinu : 17 iniuuiut. Wu publish cUevrhere an excellent poem by Mis» Lucy Wtblii-p, who will U» remembered us the youi'^cr of the clever trio of Welling sialera who per- forund htrd a couple of years afco. The f otm ia a gem. Preparatory woi k for protection against theeoiiiiog winter ia now in pro^ruu. Sevtnl huutrs in town have been re- •beated, painted, etc. The pcepent weather di'es not lock inach like wintet, but this kind of thin^ cunnot Inatjoogs The pa.1t week boa auppliod us with •uveral idr-al autumn days, whic'a have been faithfully iuiprnved by the atcriw; of fruit, roots and rnnetablcH. Farwcrs uud others would enjoy a ui'>nih of such wnther. The trustoes of MiikJAlt; public school have eiignyed the foUowtu^ tenchtrs f"r 1897, accordiug to the Standard : Principal Ui we, salary $oOO, being (â- n advance of ?»)0 ; Mis.s Voi 1, §atX}, mi advance of if2i> ; Miss Ida. Irwin, :?2tO ; Misa M. Maun, 9225. .Vll these teachuis hold second class certiHcalcs. Dui.da'k had t^.o ideal days for their fall fair U-it week,^ &ud wa understand from tliiise who wcru present thai it w:.s very succuttful. Dy tile way, the secre- taiy of the Duanlaik soiiety docs not supply t!ic pw** with tickets .i(J-,do other •ociities which wish their exhibilioui wiiltsu i:v- A frame Inrn betoiigiiij); to Mr. Ji'hn (aibsoii, 3J iiiilts north of this village, on ibe giavcl road, was destroyed by tire <.n Monday evpningaboiut 10 o'clock. The barn cuntiiinod hU this season's grain, buy r.iko, plow, bobsleigha, cutter, etc. There was a tnwll insuruiice. Mr. Uibson iff' riM8 ua tlwt the fire was un- doubtedly incendiiiiy, and that an at- tempt was made by. S'tiiie one on Friday iiii(ht < f last w«!«k to set >t on fire. The building was a new one, erictud only last spring. Tiie loss will be heavy on Mr. GibKon, a* he is none too well en- dowed with ihia worUl'si;ood. Hoiue to Reittt Go<d brick house, iu A'leshoitnn, •ighl IUU0U, good stabl* and k11 con- T«|ii«uce6. Apply tv Wm. Elder ur A. £.. Vjtad,ustn. PERSONA1.5 Mr. Alex. Smitk'and 3fiaa T» aie Fan- son, ThornVury, tisited friends in town on Sunday. Miis Tilly White has been engaj^ed for the junior departm^i.t of Kimbtrluy public school. Miia V*'. tAugh ttbe To>ra Line uni«n school last year. Mrs. Rutledge of this place left on Tuesd.ay mornini{ for Mont Clair, N. J., to take up her abode with htr daughters. The Mi.-^ses Roy accouipaniea her. Mr. Jos. Blackburn iii in the city this wsek, having gone d wn on Saturday. Mi&s Uiud left on Tuesday morning f< r Winnipc;;, where she will live with her sister. Mrs. Jf)8. Smith and ^rs. A. McCal- mon fpei.t a few days of the past week visitiui; friends in m'- Fo.estand Varney. Mr. Bert Armstrnn^ ia takinj; ^d van- tage uf the present tii^h school term in Owen Sound previous to taking up Lis 'lu'ies aa principal of the Kimberley pu'ulio achoul. Honor Uotl^- Kimberley public schivd report for September. Names in order of merit. Senior dep.irtmi-nt Class 5 br. â€" Clara Huid, E. Hu:d, J. Gilbert, Geo, Fothcrgill, Herb Fawcett, Edgar Cvnn, A. Scott, L. Graham, M. Mc.'^.uslaii. Clafs 5 jr. â€" Je»se Boll.N. Abercrombie, E. Abercroiubie, B. Ilanimoiid, W, Gra- ham. Class 4- Dora Mundlf, M. \Vall.-»ce, M. Bell, Eva Sfttter, M. Knott, J .Gilbert. Ckss 3â€" Haltio Bell, E. Hud F. Fawcett. C. Stuait, F. Stuart. J. Mngee, L. Fawcett, Leila Latter, W. Rear, J. Stuart, S. Fawcett. Geo. E. Pbxtlasd, Principal. Honor roll of S. S. No. 10. Aitcmeeia, for the month of September. Class 4 â€" Clarry Thompfon, Carrie Rutiei'fge, Clara Cook. Class3 â€" Wm. Sargent.Leasie Rutlcdge, Anna Ciuslitt. Clasi 2 br â€" Frediy Rutledge, Eutrt Waiisbroui^h, Albert Hosrartb. Class 2 jr.â€" Annie Strobell, Maggie Rutledj;*, Myrtle Thompson, Class pt. 2 »r.â€" May Hoijatth, Tho*. McAuley. Jo:ie Ileinphill, Rub Tucker. Junior part 2 â€" R<jy Wan8borough,Koy Piper, Fr«,ddio Chislelt. Si-, part 1 â€" Robby Spicer.Johu Tucker, Stanley McMulleu. Junior park 1â€" B<'bby Strobell, Lizxie Sargent, Millie Strobell. A. L CvsHNiB, Teacher. Varried. Uijssi:â€" UcwiuN -On tbe 'tb iiiBt., at tbermi- ijsiicv of tJu b:lda's psreut». I; tlia Ko .. J. Uaban, Ur. Walter Korko to Miss Surab !Caiiny^ulJeiit dSi^'.iter u( Mr. unci Mrs. C. C. Zlawsoi). FeverKham. From our own Currenpondrnt riev. Mr. Dclttiney, an evaugellst, is couductiiig Services iu Ibe Oiauge Hall this week. Mr. Palmer, of Stayuer. was visit- ing fiietids 111 town last "veek. Mrs. W. J. Uellaiuy, of Fleshertoti, was vibiiiug at R. Meldruiii's for a fjw days last wte't. A fact kr n)liug in couDeciion wiili llie fair last week was tliat all llio cooking tbat took prizes at the fiir was made lium Fuversliam luiil Hour. Mr. J. G tiffin lias moved into the Louse lately occupied by W. Mtiileu. Mrs. M.Daiid of tiie'lOih line, atid t <o uf tlie cLildieu are feriously lii at pt'cseiit. Church Notes A four clans' meeting will (I). V.| be held in NVtsky oliurcli, Meuford Road, comiutncing Tu sday,20ili inst, Theic will be two seivioea eacli day, at 2 30 and 7p m. Miuistei'3 ami others fnm sunoiioding circuits wiil be prost'ut and help. bprcial geimous in the FleBlterton Methodist church next Sunday mon;- i ;.; aiad evening. The morning subject â€" " r:itriolism." Evening â€" " Where should a pcisou be a chris- tian ? " The public is cordially iu vi'.ed. J. Mahan, pastor. fTtuction Sale / â€" OF â€" Valuable Farm Property â€" IN THE â€" TowBsliip of Irtemesia UNDEB and br viitueof the power of sale in a ceitiviu mortgaga from William Smitli to the Vandorn, wbicb will bu produced at tiiuoof sale, aud oa dafiult b.iinii made in payment of the mouays thereby securuil, tbeio will bo olfaroii for aala by Public Auctiun, by â-². S Va-nDvbiin, AuclioneDr, at MUNSHAW'S HOTEL Village of Eugenia â€" ox â€" Tuesday, the 3rd day cf Nov., 1896 At 2 o'clock p. m. The following property, namuly : Lot nnmber forty in tba tenth coucession of the taid town- ship of Artaniesia. containing lOj acres mora or less, about sixty said to bu cleared and cultivated. On the preinistis &ra said to bu a heweil log bou^e and barn, also an orchard. The property ia situati d in a first class Jibtiict. TEKUS : 10 per cent, at time of saJu, and for tbe balance terms will be liberai, aud wiii be maxie known at time of sale. For further particulars apply to Ua!<srs. BELLAMY A nHNUEHBOM Fi.a;>HKnTo.v, ev lo MOSS. BABWITK Jt FRANKS Vendors Solicitors, Toronto. Dated 8th day of October, ISOtl. SOW STRAYED Str&veil from tho n>-Boji es of th* uniler- â- igued, lut :M. con.a.Artomusia, »bout tba Ut of October, a iMrkshiru aow, with wbitd spot un Uft Bhuuliler. W. K. DTBON.Fleaborton P. 0. CATTLE LOST Lost from tba premisea of tba utnlernignod, lotaS«*andi9 2 N C. U.. Osprey towu-hip.on or about Juna-20 last, four head of caltla, a!'. vear]inj;s. One Krey bteer, one red steer, one heifer. ra<l and white, aiil one tieifur acraw- barry color, white and bl tck. Informui >u aa to their wharaabouts wi!l bu tti.^nkfully ra- caived. JoHK HANNUN, Oct 10th. '96 Badseros P. 0, •% «/m^%/%^%«'%/%^%/%^% vv/^^/^^^^^^^^^^'^^^ ^'^'^'^^^ <' AT THIS 5EA50N Of the year health and comfort domancJs that you should be well shod. No one can supply you better aud cheaper than we can We have a lot of BOOTS for fall that we are selling cheap. Also RUBBERS and all FOOTWEAR. Custom work and repairing promptly done at ^CLAYTON'S^ Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders ^utualli/ Snterested f^fif L-iat week we .«oI<l Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Platex, etc., thufi 30"^ Irss than regular price*. Ciistomtirs, who bouylit them, were «^ww, {%fs highly pleaacd. There is soine l«ft at same price. This week we ^^^ r»5 aroaJniiif,' ^i&. ^h Tobacco at 35c per Pound ^rS JJV/,jJ Just what you want. Also in atock lien's, Womcu's, Miaaea aud i**^^ g^^ Cb:WrenH „^^„,„.^.„^ 5^ ^ riEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING ^ dsS At, igb. prices. jjW^ J7^ CasIh ox* Tr*a.dLe fox* Hides ^^ kj%s3 â€" â€" â€" 'T. HILL m m M. AU. Jift. Jtt. JU, M, .>!<. .Sifc MAILJOmACT SnALPD TENDKKS. addraaaed to the Post- maa'ur Geuaral, will be receive! at Ottawa until uoon, on FBIDAT, I]1B lOVEHBEII, IS3S for tho convevftncs of Her Majetfty'fi niails. m 5roiK>iivtl cot.ti&<:Ca far fjur yaars from tbu l»t aiiuarv ni^xt, 1. I)«twi-«K MaikilKle and Travonton, 3 tlui0« pev nuuk each way. 9. Betwcun Pomoua and Prioevillo, 2 timoa p«r wot>k 'acb way. Printed notioi*ti cotitaiiiinu further informa- tion an to tioiitlitious «f prupoi^oil cuiilroctd may bo naeu and Mank foruja of tvtuirr utay b0 obtained «k thj Fo^t Cfflc^s along tho roepoctive routes otid at thii oJ^cc*. u, *;. HOPKinK. Po^t OtMco luapector. Post Offlc** luspector'a omce, Blratford. l „ OcCobar, 1606. ^ FI^3EE I FREE I ! Tit' TSSTIWC Pi-«sorve y'ur eyesight by having lh»iu [.rOjKrly toattd by W A. ARMSTRONG, Optician Hon. Joseph Martin, who is about leaving Oltawu for homo, slates that for the luxt ten 3 ears L» will devols himself to bnsiiuu, %.\d at the end cf t lal tinif if he can afforil ii^ he un j le enter politics. A uegro . uMued HtwusU was shot and killed instantly at. KingstoD pt^iiiteutunry la^t «eek..«ibii^ attempt- ing., to. , stab a gudi'd m^, a pairtfi sl.«ars. The jurjr^ vi^i«U^ed. the guaid'B actiQu, . Oxecutor* s Oaie â€"OFâ€" FROPEKTV â€"IN THEâ€" VIUagG of Flesherlon Thpre will b« oiTetod fur s.Ue by public ituoiioii at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesherton at outi o'clock in tho afturiio^^u ou Friday, lieM fcf ofOG{J}!5 VillaKe lot im; ibiT .) O" l!:iir.nbuUl ftimt in tho TitiAj;o of Klcsliortoii. upon wliieii is* urectnd a !tiitisti\iiti.il I'lte alory biirk vine«*iud cott)ii;o, coiitaiiiiu«< 4 K.uujs aud summer kitchen, Kuod looatioti, splendid «iew. TitHMa or »A'^iiâ€"lO per cent, of the purrhaiw mutiev to be paid to ttie Voiuior''' u^cnt at the iiine of sa)i>. atjil tho lialaiice witbiu 14 daja t'lareafter without inter-jst. For fuithvr tiajrlienla.a appl; to Henry Piper, Kati., Tp.of Artuiuesia, or to tlio under^ Bi||ua-1. U. J. SPROULK F«y.^r Jt H VTSON, Autciobiar, FleNiw^u* Vamlor'a halicilor, Uwau Sound, Out. The OtoJi)et/"iV"''^o** ^hat the tarmi of the settlement :uf.' tbe Jttnitoba ad o<'l qttfrti<»K, .w^i^pfobttbly be kijuii^ »jthi; i^ TO GET THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IS AT THE <*^in^ ARE ROO I«I S ^v Still Fl'RNITl'RE reductions this month. We arc otfering oxtniordinary BARGAIN.S In Bedding. Seu this, a line of good Mat- trennoK, tilletl with sea i{ra.s« ami wool, at f'.i.50 each. Woven W ire Springs for onlinary full sizi: bwls aa low as jfl.90. Chairs, Tables, Lounges. Sideboanls. Parlor Suites, iu fact, everything usually kept in a Hrstclajw Furni- ture" store at tho saiiio CLOSE PRICES, iacludiui; Organ*, Sewin^i. Machines, Sewing Machine Needles, Curtain Polea, Blinds, Ac. Ci^ <-'"" '""d see us. < Und«jtakiBg and Picture framing in cur usual first class style and low prices. J. E. nOORE 'Si? M^ liilRI[il,MaiH3Gt[l(;. TO THE PUBLIC ^' ! Wo have now opened our new store oppoaito Cnitii's Hotel, FLESHERTON STATION And have \ choice slock of % We iiave also a sekct stock of % f)^ Boots and Shoes and Dry Goods ^i| Of ail kinds, winch wn are prepr.rci'. to sell at the lowrst prices. â-º) j 8null profits and quick retniiis is our motto. Call and exmuiiie ^"^1 stock and be couviii3ed. All kinds offarui produce taken in ex- j^ii- cLange. Highist market pi ices paid. \,M. rpf^Y THE NEW STORE >^' l^ R. Cook, - Flesherton Station . , r a. , . fc*il CARDING I havo puttho Piicuvillo canlinij mill luto first class lepair and am einploTwig a ||o«d cmder. Hood woikdoue prouiptW. / U, McGoWBIi. f I'iuavllle. Juka i, 'M, FARM FOR SA^ li^MS. 1«8 and 190. onn. S. B. of Toronto aa4r wOo*!'"^"' Roa<4. iro acraa, HO olearad : goa4-OK:h«rd aiid wall «atare<]. Will bo aol j OB MMr vtnna. For furtbar pariiealara apply to rfM&aitota, July -â- Â»: IW*. House to Reut Good brick honaa and lot to rant in the v.l- lage of Klaaliartoii.. Aiwlr to WM. H. Halrk, Sap. IT Fleaborioa P.O Good Farm m «alte or Rent ; Lot 1^7. ooD.A, iVrtamaaia, ooqtaiving lit aar*! ^ mora o>;Jla>a.40 aorea elaarailv about S4 â- nil** troin rUaUnrton. Thar* ara a lot;^ log itaritt, au4 kt^tbia ,oa the praiaiaaa. ae«d raaMa^ «al«ir. rwfatbair parliaalara avplr to W. A, AMHirnoK*

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