Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1896, p. 4

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THl rilSfillTOK HrViMU â- â€¢TABLIBHID 1881 ^Ao Advance (MVUSiriD- WMKl-T Mt TWt OFFIOB, STD- â- MHAM BTBIIT, FLBHHKBTON, ONT., BT W. H. THUK8T0K. 41 p«r aiuium,stricUT in advance ID iha matter, m\h ynj 1mm accept- ad than what was demanded by the minerkj or than was granted by the Bemedial Bill. Among other thing! it ii nnaatbentically stated that it provideafor the employment of Ca- tholic teachers in schools where ' thirty Catholic children attend, with half an hour for religious instraotion at the close of the day's beaching. Provincial coBtr»( 0I (he sefaools is recognised. AdvertiBiBg Bates: a* Column, 1 year, t«8 ; bklf ool., 1 year, 4uu^r (ol., 0D» ysar, SIS. •27 Transient adrertiBauient ebarged at the rate «( B eante per liae (or fint ioMrtion and I ceati •aoh anbieqoaul luaartlon. BURIAL REFORy A meeting of th» Litwral Gonser- Tatives of Ontario will be held in Toronto on the 27th inst. for the purpose of discuaaing matters of general importance to the party. These conyentions are being held in each of the provinces. devotional sacrifices which the native Cubans are making in this straggle.- The women have talceu np arms and are fighting like ligrpssva for tiieir homes, and butdier Vfeyler is capturing theoa when lie can and put- ting all to tfce sword. We are told that one wamau martyr died with tha shout apon her lips : "Vive Cuba Lrbre" â€" Long live Cuba and liberty. Too mnch execration cannot be heap- ed upon the fiend who can enact such scenes, and the government which sanctioBs them. The reading of it causes oneV blood to boil with in- dignation. There are n<ore tbau the poor bleeding Cubans who are sayinft fervidly â€" Vive Cuba Libre. The American election eootest is waxing warmer amJ warmer as elec- tion day draws near. McEiuleyitea claim that Bryan is losing ground and tliat McKiuley is sure of election with 68' votes to spare. Every now and again the demand Ibr burial reform crops out lu the f ublic press, but it has always hereto- fore produced little fruit. There was always something wanting to make it • success. PoEsibly the " lost chord " which was required to bring the qnes tijOn to a satisfactory climax lias been discovered in the church of England Burial Society, of which branch soeieties have been formed in some of the larger Canadian cities, where the mortuary abuses are most in evidence. Xhe other churches should take the matter op and assist in the good work. Speaking on this subject " Mack," in Saturday Night, makes (he following pithy and trnthtal re- Qiarki: •♦This thing, if adopted aTarywhere andoatriad out, would w«rk a mighty re- furm. At praeaat wharevar daath poinia its fiuKer ha nut only loavea a victim, but ha impoMa a tai tuch aa no other tyrniit could lafy in thesa daya. Wh«n a p«r- •on dial the head uf the fumily, in hiN kuur af Krief, calU in an undertekar, who practically has a free hand to provide wUat ha thinka fit and charge what lie thinks fit. Whatever the theory may be, this is,, ia effeot, the practice in the average caae. A father will net hacglu over the price of a ctifliii fur his child, qor try eUewher* fur a hcarae that will oust leai than the una offered. If pricai are lirwaehed at all, the voice uf the uadertaker vifaeataa withao disap a feel- ing and has tuch a raligioua unction that the grief stricken pitrent feeli that it would be sacMlege to cumpliin. Therp Biutb be luch-and-iuch a coltin, lo much erape, lo many pairs uf gloven, so many carriages for the {lall-bearers and mourn- era, and lu many for friend* who deaire tu follow after. I know of a clerk whe Ust a child a few years mo, and kite funeral; enat him over one hundred 4i,llarH. Three-quarteia of this sum was apent in unnecouary ahow, quilu dis- tantttful to the young parenU, hut they had in their hour of trial left the whole iiiatturiii the handa uf an experisiiced undertaker, whuse great kindneaasoMthod Uiam at the time but kept them in daht for niuntha afterwarda. This aort of tiling probably happens every day. Peo- ple Heem to think â€" aad the idea is en- aoaraKed by interested pacbieaâ€" that it is positively indecent to have a funeral without a row of hired oarriaKM to follow Ihs hearseâ€" aa many carriages aa So and- se had when Ihey had a funeral. Gen- erally death follows aiv illness, sonietimea a h>iig^ illness- for doctors, who caniiet Mve life, are generally fortunate in pro loaging one's illnessâ€" and ao the af- fliolod family is not in a position to iadulgeinthe wssteful vaaities of fun •rals. If assuoialioDs are formed, and if well-to-do people join them, the fashion will soon chaiiRe from laviah display to severe simnjicily, and uruat (jood will be the uutoume." Manitoba farmers ought to be happy this year. With good crops and prices sailiug sky high there should be agiand Thanksgiving jubi- lea in the Northwest. Wheat has gone up with a bound during the psst week, as high as 90 cents having, been paid by the O'Gilvie and Lake of the Woods Milhng Co. The Chicago market touched 79J on Monday. Farmers in this county are not gain- ers by the rise, however, as very many of them have to buy their wheat. They would like very much to see a stir ma^e in oats, but there appears to be no immediate likeliliood of this. Islam is only following out her old policy â€" her national policyâ€" of sword 'and ire for everything that opposes IsluDiism. Toleration is a word without meaning to her. It may be interesting fur some to learn that af ter the conquest of Persia in C41 by the Mohammedans the same iden- tical scenes wore enacted that we are witnessing at the pioseat day. The Pai'sis of PersifOi,. jsliu worshiped the oue true Uod and had one of the purest religions the world has ever seen,, were after the conquest hounded like dogs, persecuted in every way evoB to the point of death as are the Armenians to-day, and those who did not accept compulsory conversion were forced to fly to India for safety. They were even there followed and driven farther. Perhaps no religious people were ever as a church more bitterly persecuted than these Znroas trians of Persia and Gujarat. To-day, under the benign rule of Victoiia, ' they number in Western India 85,&(X) souls. Lilt Persia, within a space uf 200 years of Mussulman rule, became totally converted to Islam. This is only one iusident among many of the manner in which the murderous .orescent has marched throughout the East and stalks abroad to day appar- ently as vicious and victorious as ever â€" victorious because the nations of the nortii and west are too fearful and too jealous to touch her. The Manitoba school qn«8tion ap- |»ears actually to have beeu oeHled at bst. this Laving boon aocoroplisiied at a. cabinet meeting on Friday and 9*turdsy i^ which delegates weia gresoutfrom the lUuitoba goveri:- went. TJie details havw not. been i|iad« public,, but it ia hinted that «tl9i^i(K<iC)q&t^Ali4« (rf;*,v»ni5roniiH Poor, sufFering Cuba ! Weyler, the murderer, ia stiil at his bloody work, but it ii) said the contest can- not last but a liXtla time longer. What with rebellion at home and in the Phillipiua lelands and enormous national debt8,.Bpaiu cannot maintain Uie wanCare. It ia also announced that President Cleveland is about to reooguieo the independence of Cuba, and when that is done farewell to Spanish rule on that fair but ravished island. Antonio Maoeo is the hero of Cuba, and his name will ba im> mortalized in future history. Wliat a rush of assistance would ba hia were I^resident Cleveland toi make his threatened declaiatiou>. and what a â- bout of J9y wouldi go up from the throats of a hundred million people qn this oontlusni at the overthrow of Spanish rule ip Cuba I, It ip. simply ^9artr«Qdiu£;ta lo^d of; Uink terrible We meotionr in our local columns the fact of a large American eagle having beeu fonnd dead in the hush near this town. The bitd ia very rare in Canada, and it is etill rarer to have one come nortli to die. Many causes have been assigned for this particular specimen passing away to its fore- fathers. It is thought probable that it had listened to Bryan's great Chicago address and findiug itself outscreamed by the wild-eyed audi- ence decided that it could live no longer, and that its bones would not rest in peace on its native soil. Uthors say its mysterious death por- tends a disroption of the American aoramouweaUh and that sorrow killed It. It is our own oproion, however, that the United States is so poverty stricken at the present luomeut that even the birds find scant picking and that the pool thing came north to find food, but died before it could recuperate. Possibly the change to peace and plenty was too sudden for its nervas. Althoosk tbero were na prizes offered for implements ai the Clarkaburg Fair, yet the judgea were au favorably talon with J. Artloy's I. X. L. Pump that they awarded h>m a Siphima. One of the j«<l)(as aaid it was the best thing he ever saw. There were thirteen pumpa shown a^iait hini. He alau got firat prize at Fleahertuii Fair, where a dozen was shown againat him. jiuction Sale / orâ€" Valuable Farm Property â€" IS TBIâ€" Topship of IrteiOBsia UNDBQ and br Tirtueot the power of lale In • carOalu nioittiaK* 'roui William Hniith tn the Veiidora, whi. Ii nil) be proilucod at tiineot Rale, and on il«(«ult bnlng niK<le in payment of the moneya thereby aecurod, there will be oCTdreo fur sale by I'ubllo Auction, by A. 8 VANl>i.'aKN, Anctioueer, at MUNSHAWS HOTEL â€" IN THKâ€" Village of Eugenia â€"OKâ€" Tuesday, the 3rd day iS Nov., 1896 At i o'clock p. m. The'tollowinf! property, namely : Lot number forty in the tenth- conceaaion of the Raid town- Bhip of ArteuieaiA, coutalning 100 acres more or leaa, abont sixty BKid to be cleared and cultivatml. On the premiaea fcre aald to be a hewed log hounu and bare, alao eu orcharrl. The property is situated In a Bret class district. TKBM8 : 10 per cent, at tinne of aale, and for the balance tertuB will be liberal, and will .' be made known at time of eaJe. j For further particulars appl; to iUesara. DBLLAMY A HRNDBRaOM FLaaHKUToM, or to UOSH. IIARWICK It PRANKS Venilora Solloitora, Toronto. Dated Sth day of October, INO. IS III To Creditors RE ESTATE OF MARY BURNS Motioe la hereby given porauant to Chap. 110, It. 8. O., tiiat all parsona having clalnia RgRinat the eatate of llary Burn , late of the Tciwnahip of Osprey, Conniy of drey, widow, who died on or about the- Slid day of August, KM, are rouulred to deliver their clalioa and full partfoulara of anohi olaima properly rertifled to the undersigned Admiiilatralor 01 to hla Bollcltore before the 15th day of Hoy., 1896 And thak after said ISth day of November, IBSB, the Adininlatrator will dlatrlbnte tha asartti ofUie aaid dei-uased among the partlea entitled tharrto, having regard only to the oiaUuB of which they have bad uotlee. PATIUCK BITRN8, Feveraham, admlotatrator. Br BBUCB A rAnt, ColUogwood; hla Soliotlora l^areiu. QilM at CalUDiweo4« t)ia, IStt^ dai otOet... Equal Rights House THIS STORE Is filled up with New Dress Goods, Mniitlinga, Tweeds, Hats and Caps, Furs and everything that is required for man, woman or child. It would be folly on our part to commence teliing you where these giKxls were manu- factured, whether they have been im- ported from England, Germany or France, or that we bought them at great reduction in price. C^* What will interest TOf THE IffOiST will be the astonishing low prioea fur these GOODS. A few quotations in our I : ill MANTLES THIS WEEK I Will Convince You There is no one in our line of Buafnese, whether great or small, that can give bet- ter bargains, f^^ 2 lbs. Japan Tea for 25c. 1fou may he paying 20c per lb. for the same and think you are getting a snap. 3 lb«. Black Tea for 60c. If you are using Black Tea and mias thfa etuinve of purcha.sing you will loose mnuey by it. Toilet SoaiM, lOo par box (only half the ui-ginal price). 6 Scrubbing Brushes for 24c. 3 Brooms for 25c. Now is your (rime to buy GRAIN BAGS. We are selling thcui at Sl.yO per dozen. Men's BracoM, 2 pair for 25c. Women's Coarse Bi'ots at 75c. Men's Long Boots, $1.50 and upwards. B. Mcdonald Uo Vhe iPubii'i ie THE BEST OF- Roffer Flour ALWAYS ON HANB. ALSO Bran^ Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice atock of Groceries, Lemons and Oranges. 2 bottles Pickles for 25c â€" best brand. Don't buy anything but the LEADER CHURM, it is the beat. I sell it. A choice line of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. Re PEDLAR FOR price: s On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DA«0 ibPRONS, BlNDEIi WHIPS, aiDINQ SADDLBSv SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. %m!^ in and fixaiiiine IV. BffOOREI It's chilly weather jaa* *ow, and w« must expect it cooler and cooler aa October slips away. It's just the proper time to talk aboat Mantles and Cold-Weather Clothing I Syaee us fire minutes, please, we know we can interest you. We bought a lot of MANTLES this season â€" bought them right tooâ€" but we think we have ainioat too many, and want to reduce our stock Come in and see the exceptional bargains we are offer- ing in this line, and remembor, fira* comers get the best selections ! We are offerins a Heavy Serge Mantl* with newest sleeves, large lappols, inlaid velvet collar, latest style thrungh<:ut, fvr $4 25, worth 1600. Mantle, same style as above, plain cellar, $3.85. Beaver Mantles, browns, blus* aatl Uaeka, frenlS-.aO; A few Mantles bought last scascn are offered regturdlers of cost. We want nothing bi'.tnew goods in stock, so thesu nSUST GO Clothing r We have been going through our larg^ stock very carefully and ha^e ntseded out any odd sizes and Imea which we offer M sacrifice prices, while they last. •3 75. Men's Sbrge Suits, 93.50, 94.25, 94.75, 95.15 and 96.U0i Heavy AU Woul Tweed Double Breaated Suits, 95.85. You can't affurtl to pass these values without buying. Friere Overcoats, Tweed Lined, 95.S5, 95.75, 96.00 and |« 60. Real Irifib Friezes, 910.00, 9lX UO and 913.00. Pea Jackets. A splendid range in stock o£ this popular and useful garment. Bn^'s Suits. All sizes, prices Mid patteruih Our Friday Bargain Day Is a grand success â€" busy from morn- ing till night-crowds of purchaser*.! Special Inducements for next Fridaj Remnant 3S.i!.rofc *d at ruck bot- • • torn PRICES. BARGAINS in Groceries, &c., &c. Come in and see for yourself â€" you won't bo disappointed. Sale Htircl\srare Dep't HRSe How is yeur Cooking Stove ? Does it bake well, or does it leave the bread doughy 7 If the latter Look Out ^ For Rows Your husband will have Dyspepsiit, Then come the doctor's bills. We sell S<rOVES that are g)iarante«d to gpr« Bfti«faotion and h»Ting Steel PUte Ovens, use 60% 1mm wootl. The makes we handle are :. Isffat's Pearl Sfovis Stmrfs hoi Ckesr Stoves l(Clai|'s FaiDiis Stiiios CALL AND INSPECT THEM. We will give some vsrjr speoi^I' StMp» ii^.^awM* aod Croct^q^. DOMXrH^.ITt. 1 wm \ »

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