Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1896, p. 5

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Jl rai risHiiToi isriici Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the P»st Week Careftiliy CBlle4 r*r the raritfiis. Pftrtridifa «ra ditto fuonen. plentiful ih'iM )<Hir- Atneric«u kiid CaiiadiAn mI* at F. G. K»ntedt't. e<ial uil fur S-uiHeii Mitic'j among locaU kUI bt fJiorged at tiie rate of lOe per line for ettch iiMertiott. A rtd^ictum ivill be made on e-yfitracU fur 100 Uium or aver. Dr. H . Uanley of Owen Sound ia dead MTe are [jleasaU to baar that Hra. Ilanry Hnlmau ia recovering after H«ime w*ek'( tieaiiueiit in Torciuto Hukpiul. Dr. E. K. Richardsun baa buuK uat hi* abingle in TuroDto aad will practice hia l^rafesaixu there, ihyj ha bo auccesa- ful. Big rvmiuht tale at M. Riehaixlaou'R on Frida.T, bargain day. Very apecial iiiduceiiieiila in all department*. Soinh Oray Taachera' convention i» ba' iiig bald ill Dundxlk tu-d«yaad to-morniw, Thursday and Friday. Our tbanki are due aoina friend for opies of Cbicai;* newapaperi. Thay are filled iheae days irilh red-hut litara- tHra. Mr. S. IrwtB ef 71e«berton embarked upon the nma, of iiuitrimoDy laat week. The niiniflter who lied the knot baa not supplied UK with the usual notice, but wo understMod that the lady was a Miss Wright of fHprey towasbip. Here guea an lU shoe tliat wa have saved up purposely for this occa«iiin. Rav. k. J. Darroch, M. A., will oc- cupy the pulpit of the Baptiak church usxt Salibalh. Collection on behalf of tataVJa Miaaions. The followipg book bare been added this week to ih« public library : " The End af the Warld," "The mystery of Matropnliiivdle," and " Tlia Mexican Princp, the story of Montezuma," by Et^ffbaton, and "Stock Breedini;," by Myl.s. James Grant, a vagrant, w;^8 found dead in the county jail on Friday. The jury S4i<{ death from Batumi ciuiet. Grant was sent up from Oaprey township The M SHion Band in connectiau wiih tba Baptist church will give an cnter- taiamont un Friday evening, Oct. 23, to comiDcuce at 7.30. All are invited. Silver collectioa. The gram market here is bv^iuning to ham. Oalis it will bo seen by our mar- ket report, have advance to 18 and 22 cunts, and on Tuectdn; a load 8i>ld for 25 eeot^. Peas have also made a slight ad vaace on Ust week. Mr. J jseph RaUley of Osprey towu- â- hip divil at the <{enuralh<ispital, Toronto, ou Friday, 16tli iust., at the age of &7 years. Tba ram-iins wvre bruiiyht to this stitiun on Monday and the inter- losiil took place at Maxwell cemetery. Maator Uuy Orr brought in a fairly gui.'d sized bird on Monday, having found it dead in the bush. It was a nice specimen of the bruwn eagle and measured 7 ft. 2^ inches from lip to tip. It bad not been dead long aad baa beaa placed in a taxidermist's hinds for laount- in;:. The spirit of destruction is Dtirriag our Incal niinrod.i these days. Weapons are h«ing biimiHhed ap, cartridges filled and the wallet clusaty examined fur the ne- cessary two "doe skins " to obtain a |>ermit. Those who undertake tuevade the law thia fall will likely find things made prttty interesting for them. Will the parties who tu<jk a copy a i>f Harper's Monthly and copies af the Youth's Compauinn froua tba public library without anthority kindly return the same to the librarian ikiid prevent trouble. Somevne will suffer fer this kind of work if it ia not stopped im- mediakrly. M. Richardson ik Co , aa will have been noticed in their advertisement for • cnup!e (if weeks past, have instituted > bar;{»iu day when all remnants and bnrgains in every line will be run nft'. This is a genuine Wookly event aad last Friday crowds visited the stnra. Sea their snnouucemaat this weak. Tlia Grey Review puts this conundrnro : "Why is Durham and vicinity not like heeven r' lea answer is, ''Because they neither marry or are given in Marriage there." In our opinion this ia not ss good aa answer us might be given. There sre other much stronger contrasts, but it might be ax much as oar life is worth to name them. The congregatioB ef St. Mary's church, Maxwell, intend holding their anaual harvest-home festival on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Fowl stopper will be served ia Hickling's Hall from S to 7 p. m., and a concert in the Orange Hall at 3 p. m- It is expected that Dr. Sproule, of Maik- dalo, will occapy the chair. â€" J. O. FiftRUB, Rector. Squire Stewart of Euphrasia dropped ill Monday sftern«on and had a social ehat. Mr. Stewart kssps himself well posted on municipal matters, althsugh he has not beea in the couacil for the past faar, and has aow his e;a apon the uounty couDcillorabip. Mraford, St. Vincent end Euphrasia are in a group, and there are numereat aspiintnts for the rspresentatireahip, including, wa believe, the proaent Reeve, Mr. T. Gil- ray, and Mr. C. B. Slug of Meaford. The townshipa should not allow tno many mea to b* biuaght into the field or they may come out minus a represent- ative. We believe Mr. Stewart would make » good representative and wish him suecess in the event af his becoming a candidate. All baehelors and prodigal sons know jiuti how difficult it is to sew on a button, and how many times the finx«rs are speared in blind attempts to touch the spot. This has all been obviated now. W. Richardson sells a button that fastens Itself without needle, thread or bad wards. Anythiag that will nsks the lat'.er unnecessary is a boon to humanity. Mr. Jas. Stewart » Kimberley sends ua a curiitsity in the apple line. One (quarter of it is bk>od red an4 three quarters is the CuHiert apple, light in color The line of demarkation is very diatinot and symmetrical, looking almost as thoujfh the scctioa bad been Ut in by some artifical means with geometrical prec sioo. Il is a curioaity, indeed. A siailar phenomena ww reported in the Clarksburg paper a couple of weeks ago. PeR30NAL3 Mrs- Dr. Washingt'.n, Toronto, ia the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. Kichaidsun. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong retaraed home nn Saturday after a lanj^thy visit with friends in Tcrontu. R«T. Mr. Mahaii is eonductiag a four- days' nieetiiift at the Meafurd Road ap- pointment this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy visited friends in NotCawasags fur a few days during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompsnii. of Toranlo, were guests for the post week of the latter 'a mother, Mrs. E. Thump- son, near the village. Mr. W. Elder and son, Eddie, left on Tuesday to take up their abode with Mr. Elder's brothur, aj Arnott, noar Chats- worth. Mr. A. M, Oibaon will occupy the residence vacated by Mr. Elder. Mr. and Mrs Jai. McLaugnlin of Dur- ham were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Mark NVilsoii for a few days last weok. It was a short wedding trip, snd The Advance Lenders congralations. The many frieuds of Mrs, Richard Strain, Baisaevain, ManitoVia, will be pleased to hear that she is able to attond to her diimeaiic d utiea aeaiii aftera two month's medical treatment at Brandon. AT THIS SEA50N . . o Of the y«ar health and eomfari demands that yoa should be well shod. No one cen supply yoa btiteiaud cheaper tbau we can We have a lot o( BOOTS for fall that we are sellhig cheap. Alio RUBBERS and all FOOTWEAR. Costom work and repairing promptly done at CLAYTON'S nMlhfcry Fer Ril New hats at Mrs. Ti imble's millitiary r>oms thia week. Done up in the Utest Parisian styles. The prices here are right in line with the hard'timea. Next door to D. B. Trimble' • store. Several farmer* and business men of Eagsoitt and vicinity have formed thrm- •elvea into a game protection association and «;iQ soe that the Taws iu< their vi- cinity are strictly enforced. They purpose holding a scrub hunt later on ia theataaou. Win. Stewart, Kiinberley 1*. O., is president, and P. Munshaw, Eagenia, ia secretary. Mr. Munshaw has madjt applicatioa for the office of license vendor and expects the appoint uiont any day. The deer shooting •aaauii will open on Nor. 1, and all deer hu-ntara will have to pay a license of two d< I'ar*. B«;ry man iaaspe:i. L cttnslable who oaa demand the lioeaao fi^ni any other mail whom Jie, m^ts in the bush, and in caee bheie is » retusn^ to ahow up the mass a||i». refusos. oaa be |»/«eeow(ed. It wUl bo dangerous thi* ff^T to ge unartuodi srirtt, a Itooiiae aa I WJ M a igJU.^ Dr. Henderson of Toronto will pmich missionary sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday next, mormui{ and evoniog. Dr. (ieadersoti is acknow- ladgvd to be one of the moat eloquent preachers on this coiitineiit. The public is cordially invited. Good music will be furnished by the choir, assisted Viy foreign talent. Colleotiona in aid of the fun*] of the missionary society. A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. McCallum, Meaford Rosd, yrstarday (Wednesday ) evening, when Ut. Wealey KclN, son of Mr. T. Kells, waa united in marriage to Miss Bessie McCallum. The ceremony was performed by Rov. Mr. Monisou of Corbctton. The happy young, eouple have the congratjlatbn* of very iiMtngi friends, ourselves among the number. Mrs. MiUJgo Dand of Osproy died of diphtheria last week. Tbreo children of the family were also atSicted with the terrible disease but are rocovering. Mr. Daad acted heroically in his attempt to keep the disease from spreading, not allowing nuyone to- approach the house He s£«k his widowed) sister laid out the body lati took it to tfas coinotery where neighbors kindly aasi.sted in the inter- ment. Mr. Dand ia the recipient of much sympathy. noBcy to Loan A. S. Vaadnsen, Diwiao* Court Clark, TlaahsrtoQ, bavinK been appointed agent for tho Scottish Cauadiaii Loan aad In- vestment Company, ia now prepared to place any amount i>t muaey on good real estate property at the following rates, vix : at 4^%, at 5^{ and 6% per annum, aceoruing to ameu:it loaned. Tho only cost (be borrower i« put to is 95.00 on loani up tu f 1000 and flO on I'muis exceeding SIOOO providing the title is yood, and in event of application f'>r lean being rejected, the daposic money ia returned. As high rates of inteioet are being paid by many, the above low rates and favorable ternse ought to nieet the oanis of those re<)uirinK to borrow money and secure or the above agent a share of tho business in this line. Wa have one or two sorrcspendents on our ataff to whom we havn supplied stationery and atampa and who not withstanding seem to tliiuk that if they send in: a little news every month or two their whole duty ia performed. Henceforth we can only give suppUes te those who will agfee to send us the newA of thaJJ: neighborhood avf ry two week's hojr.over small tha- llud|at aiay bo. ttesBS covering a period ef four or five netim '» not nows^ »ai it ia. to purvey- new* that thia paper e »i M w i Wo- â- pyilar aad lif oorreagowj a»i> » MAI L CONT RACT SRALIi'D TKXDKHS. addroHsedto th« Pott^ mantflr (isottral, will b« recttivaJ at Ottawa uutil tioou, on FBItiT, I3tl lOYEliEII, 109! for tbe convoTanceofHer Ua;»8by's mails, on yro|)OAAd contracts for {ox%r yaars from tb^ l9( anuarir ti«xt. 1, Betw«cn UarkdaU anid Tiftrertton, 3 tlmei par weak each way. a. Tiotwean Tomoua aud Prieovilla, 3 timoa par weait each way. Printed aoticas'contaiuitift further i'lforuia* ' tioR an to cotulitiuna of propo«a<l coatraota may ba seen and blauk foriua of tander may ba obtained ut tha Po^t Offluai along tbe raipaotiv« routes aud at tbia office. U. (4. HOPKIRK. Xfoet Office Inspector. Poii Offloo Inapeotor'a Office, buatford. 1 October, 18U0. Cxecutor* s Oa/e -OFâ€" PROPERTY â€"m THEâ€" Village of Flesherton Tliors will !>• oSSred for «»!• by public KUclioD at Mimshaw's HoM, Flesherton at one o'cloek in the aftaruoou on FiUii, Ui 30111 hj m., lasi VitlR4;e lot uuinbor 3 on F.IixHbnth fltr*oi In the villiiKa of Kleshartou. u|>oii which in ersctnd » tmbif^atiait ova ntorv briitk TinMrad cott^go, contKiiiiaci rooiua and suiuoK^r liitoheu, good loctJtfioa, spleudid viow^ TsBMB or sii.aâ€" 10 per o«nt. at tba purchase roonoT to be piuil tn the Vatidorisffeut at the tlineof Kale, and the balniioe wllbln 14 ilajs tboroafter without intoreftt. For fortWur particulars appIV to Ranry Piper, BiMt..Tp.or Arleuiesia, or totlh>ander> •ignsd. K Jt SPROUIiir. PB03T jk BATBOWt Mteieaa*. riasbaetan^ V««rior'a saitoitor, i>w«a)tau4M»>%. Agent for Dominion Etxpres Money Orders 77futuaiit/ Snterested Last week we wild Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Plates, etc., 30% less than regular prices. Cnstomers, who bought tbein. were highly ploooed. There is some left at same price. This week we are selling ^ Tobacco at 35c per Pound W^ JJVj Just what you want. Also in stock Men's, Women's, Misaes and iV%? Children's !SS5 HEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING M At right prices. SfsS Casla. ox* Trade fox* Hides ^^ T. HILL ^1^ . .a;*- ^{. jtt. jK; . m 'c " i/ii^ht >• Solace J TO GET THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IS AT THE ^ Vhi (pilesliQrion furniture Stall FURNITURE reductions this month. We are offsring extraordinary BAR<iAI>'.S in Bedding. Sea this, a line of g<xx< Mnt tresses, tille«l with Hua grass and wool, at ifi.M each. Woven Wire Springs for onlinary full size beds aa low as Sl.tfO. Chairs, TaUeu, Lounges, Sideboards. Parlor Suiiea, iu fact, everything UKUuIly kept in a lirat-claMi Furni- ture' store at the same CLOSE PRICES, Sewing Ma«:hinee, Sewing Machine Needles, Curtain ^jf Call aud see us. Dndertaiking and Picture Fraaung in oar usnal first siass stjie and low jdces. I ^5^ J. E. nOORE iuclnding Organs, Pulea, Blinds, Jkc. ,}•!. â- }>â- (â-  â-  I TO THE PUBLIC ^ Wo Lare now opeued our uow store opposite Cairn's Hotel, FLESHERTON STATION And have a choice stock of â- (llS,ESB,iE,iB,[ic. We have also a select stock of Boots and Shoes and Dry Goods Of all Itiuds, wliicb we are prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Small profits and quick returns is our motto. Call and esamine stock and be convinced. All kinds of farm produce taken io ex- change. Highest market prices paid. TRir the: nf^vii store: RXook, - Flesherton Station QkKDim Ihara pntlhe PiiouTille curding mill Into AraHolftM reimir »nd am eniiiloymg a good cirdar, ciaod work done promutlT R. McGowaa. friceTUIo. Jake 1, 'Ml FARM FOR 8A£E: Lote Itfl. 140 end UW. oon. S, R. of Toron^e and Bydanlikiii Rnsi). 100 soro, 80 cleared : ytood orchard and wall watered. Will ba eol4 OS eaar tarnit. Kor further partlsulMBsaBohr to - â-  Mfii. xms. â- naeaBW flt'BUMMar 801 'r House to Rent Good hrick hoaiis end 'ot >^ rent Iu tbe â-¼ lags of Plealiert«B. Aspir to Wm. U. Halbs â- â€¢P- tT » iMuerton P.O» Ch)od Fki'iu^ for sale or Rent'; Lots?, BOD.S, Arteneeia, oontAieioR \4Gi aoi more or 1e«e,40 eorot oloared. ebotit S^ mi! troia Ple«liarlon. There are a coed lox bi aa4 staMa on the premtssii. Qood run rerfntlwrparUsalarii a^iilT to W. At Aamiraemo. nasMai liHk aidliHl

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