Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1896, p. 4

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I â-  ni w uMMum I ' â-  â€" wiwmjW! THl FLfSHllTOS iOVil(6B tufinsamam â- 0TABLI8BBD 1881 tVfB'.ianKD WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE, 8YD- INaAH STREET, FLEHHEKTON, ONT., BT W. H. THURaiOM. ^ per aanum,8lrictl7 in advance Adveitiaing Rates: aa Column, 1 year, tSO ; bait col., 1 year, $87 quarter col.ons year, SIS. TranaloDt adrertlsement charged at tba rate «(.8 ceDta per line far flrit Insertion anil 3 ceota each aubaequeDt iunertioD. Borne time ago a conple of Tor- onto oflicials caused an illegal arrest of Que Kelly. Mr. Kelly weut to court aud secured a good round lum for damages. Now the nnboly sight is seen of that city coDDiving with the two ofioiooB oScials iu an endeaTor to do Mr, Kelly out of his money. Beally, tb« moral shocks thitt the city of Totonto has been giriag n> during the, paEt few mouths are sufficient to superinduce hystericB in the most phlegmatic constitution. Mr. Tarte has been in the North- west aud has disooTernd that separate •chools are injurious to the Catholics of that province, anyway. Ue quotes figures, and tlicn plaintively remarks, "Are these not terrible?" They are terrible, Mr. Tarte. But say, is it not strange that the Catholic pre- lates of the Northwest did not dis- cover lhos« things long ago, when they were drummed incessantly into the ears of politicians by the protest- aut press ? Aud is it not strange that Mr. Tarte would not believe theu^ until he had gone and in- vestigated for himself ? Mr. Tune's peculiar blindness appears to have been of such a nature that it could only bo remedied by governmeat office salvo. Tlie Reform party is now about to enter upon a revision of the tarilT, or rather an investigation to see if it uct^ds revising. While tliny arc tak- ing evidence we would suggest that Mr. Thorp Wright of this place be givni a hearing. This giiitlein.iii liaH for some time had grievanous on this quesliun which sliould bo attended to. For iiiKtaiJCO, he has been obliijcd to puiohuiio tarred twine in Detroit be- cauco be could buy there, pay duty and fieiglit,aiid lay it down here cheap- er tlinu tlio home manufaotined article could lic bought in Toronto. This is a case where the protected inauufaotur- er has been standing in the way of his own success by over ohargiiig, and the government should pass a legislative measure making such things iiu- poBsible. Mr. W. could ahio give the cpminissioners a few other valuable poiuters hce of charge. numbered. Every student of history has Dotised this slow but certain move- ment throughout the past fe n 0enturie<l< I he rianltoba School Question Settlement VViuiiipeg, Nov. IB. â€" (Special) The Tribune, recognized as the official mouthpieca of the Green way Govern- ment, publishea the followiiii; outline of the school settlement, which in regarded liere as authoritative ; '' All ichoolg are to be national, un- der provincial control, and subject to the snme reglationa and inspections. The same text books will be used and all teachers will be properly qualified by passing the provincinl examinations and taking the prcHcribed Normal school course. School work of a purely secular character will occupy the whole of the •chool day, except the lust half -hour, when the rcpreaontatives of any religious denominations will be allowed to come in and instruct tbe children belnnginf; to tlieir own deiiomiDation, provided the parents are willing to have them rem^iin. In case where the people decide not to have this relistious instruction the re- gular school work will no on till the close of the achocd hours. The principle of local option is rncoKliized throughout. The proviso that is intended to make the â- chcils satisfactory to the minority is that districts having an average attend- ance of 25 Roman Catholic childreu shall be entitled to have a teacher of their own dencjuiination, who most be fully qualified according to provincial or nsti'inal school standards. In dintricts where the children apeak French wholly, they are to have a teacher speaki.ig both French and En);lish, so that they will learn English as rapidly as possible. The reader UHed in such school will be bi- lingual, so that the children will prow up fruui the 6rjt n3:ust')inud to Easlish. Bystander, in the Sun, bolievee that the general destiny of the world's government is democracy, and that tconarshics are doomed. D-ystander ii\ right, and as ho points out, there are only two or three monarchies to- day of the old-time do spotio kind iu existence. The general trend of tlin world is altogether in tlio line cf government "of the people by the people foi' |.he people I" Before many years the last despotio monarchy will have passed away ajid only a memory remain ; when the. Assyrian will no more 'â- come down like a wolf on the fold," and " Abduls the Damned " wjlj have lost thiir tenor. We may I(yrp the oi'uameutal figure head for »nany luoon*, out of respect to dceeas- e^ »^eMtora». aud from a. love of aptii^uarian mementoa> but the t]|^jrt of ^te ^nVpAratu mouarolij are Life at Washing^ton The inau^^uralioM of a PreHiiloiit, the selection of his Cabinet, and the sealing ot a new Congressâ€" national events of of the coniin); yearâ€" sujfKest the question, what are the powers and dutios of these high oSicials 9 Durinu 1807 it will be answered throuyh the Youth's Compan- ion, in a remarkable series of articles by Secretary Herbert, Post-master (ienrral Wilson, Attorney-Ocneral Harmon, Henator Ijodge and Speaker Rccd. The illuatratcd aiiiiounceinentfor 1897(nialled free on application to the Youth's Cnnipanion, Boston) shows that the above is only one of many brilliant " features " by which the Companion will HiKnali/o its seTenty-lirst year. Three noralists who at present fill the public cyo â€" Ian Maclaren, Kudyard Kipling and Stephen Cruneâ€" will con- tribute some of their strongest work. Practical affairs and popular interests will he treated by Andrew Carnegie, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Dr. Lyman abbott, Madame Lillian Nordica, Hon Carl 8cluirz, Charles Dudley Warner, Mra. lUirtoii Harrison, and a hundred olliur fuinuus men and wonifu. Four fascinat- ing seri.ils, mure than t^ro hundred short stories, and ton timeii as many akt'tchcs and ancrcloteswill be printed iluring 1897; and all till' Jupnrlments will buniaiiitain- ed at the liiuh slandard wliiuh hn.s made the Coinpaiiion'H iiaino a synnnym for impnrtiHl accuracy. Tho cost of the Cotnpniiion in but $1.7.5 a year, and we know of n<> investment that will give so Kroat roturna for so small an amount of money. New subscribers will receive the p.tper froo from the time the suhcriplion i» received until Januaiy 1, 18!»7,and for a full year ti> Jaimiry ]8«8. New subscribers also receive the Com- panimi four pii^e Calendar, lithoijraplied in twelve colors, which is the most oxpeiiHivB color production its publishers have ever oft'ered. Address, The Youth's Companion, 20f> Columbia Ave., Boston, Mass General News Ray MoDonnId, of Sanlt Ste Marie, Sfin of Mr. Hector McDonald, lute of Meaford, has fallen heir to $12,000 J)y the death of his |vktrnii, Mr. John Buck. Mra. R. Liiiin of Colxiurg drank a cup of coal oil and then poured a lot over her cliilhing and sot Hte to it. She died from her injuiios, Tho writ for tho bye-uloction in Brandon has been forwaided. It calls for nomiDniion on November 27 and polling, if any, December 4. An explosion of about thirty pound i>f dynamite at the contractors' office of the Niagara Falls Power Company killed two moil and fatally injured a third. Jud^e Uurnhsm of Whitby is dead. Brennan, the slayer of Mr. Strathy at Barrie, is reported to be in a very low state, and >t is doubtful if he will live till the day set for his hanging. Qeoreina SontI, five years old, was accidentally hurnt to death in a Dei^h- bor's house on HsKerman street,Toronto, on Saturday morning. Deer were an plentiful as evsr in the Bruce Peninsula this fall, but not so many were shot owing to le|[al restric- tions. • â-  COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS WE ARE GIVINO IN riantling Cape Cloths Dress Goods Overcoats Ready-made Clothing Hats and Caps Long Boots Etc Etc Fur the balance «f this mouth wo will gire you big reduc- tions in prices for cash. B. HcDONALD BOAR FOR SERVICE Tboroughlired Berksbire boar (or aarvloe on lot 166â€"167, Toronto suil Hydeubaui Hoad. Aitauieala. Teriua : 7t cauta. I'edigrea en amilloation. _ PRANK CHAKD. FleabertoD P. 0., Nowmbar 9tb. NOY. 2lBt Remember the Date I Tboi-o who bav« Catarrh ani' who call on tho above ilato, will bo (tlvon a QormioUle Inhaler, and medicine, for the cure of that dliii-»«<', without haviiiR to pay one cent iu advance. Alter a (air trial at >our own bonio. and tho remcirijr iiidvos Buccesaful SU can be r«niUta<l iia to jiajr tho name. If tiot aatUfac- tory in every reapect. the Inhaler can be roturned at our oxiietiRP, and uo charye will ho made. We have thouRanda of lettire from all aorta and cunditionii r.t men and wuuieii, tullinK of I lOfH, not only rpumrkahle, but in many cuaea nuraculoua llrliiu no money with you. juBt loavo )0ur name and addreaa, and our reiMohButativa will give you tho r-juicdy on above liberal toruia, by calling at R ICHARDSON'S Drugstore, Flesherton, Nov. 21st This offer Rood on above date only Notice to Creditors Sn the 9^aii9r9tihM €stai9 of ^eromiah !Pip9r, iaie of ihe township of jfrtemes/a, Sr^y Countjf, 7)oceased, Notice iB hereby Riven, piirsuant to U. 8.0. 1N87, cliaiitor 110, section 30, and aiuondinuntn tiioreto, that all croditorf) and other petsoim haviMK idniinfl aKn>ii):^t tho estate of tlio aaii) .h<r«uual) riiiur. deceased, who died on or about tho twentlutn day of October A. D., 1890. arere^ quiredt^o send by poat, prepaid, ov deliver to theiindorsiKued, HoliciiorH for Henry IMpor, RHquiro, the executor for naid estate, on or bo- fore tho 12th day of DoceiuhLr, A. U.. 1HU6, their ohrintlan and RnrnaiiiuR, ad^lreiiHCH. aud doAoription.and full particulava aud atatemcnts of their claiina. domanda and accounts, and the nature of the Becurioty, if any, held bv tbeni. And notice Is herobv further given that after tho Baid lUth day of I)ec<Mnbur next, the said LOxflOutor will proceed to dlKtribute the annseta ot the aaid ioceacod among it* parties tbor«to entitled, baviUK reganl only to those claiom of which iiotico shall then havi» been reoeived, aud the tiaidexecutor will not l)e liable for the said assets or any part thereof, so distributocl by biui as afurosaii, to any person ori»«rsou^ of whose olainisor deruauda ne Phall not bav had notice at the time of pucb distriUuiion. Dated tbia 4th day of November A. D. lfl96 FIIU8T <ft HA rSON. A3 Poulett Bt. Gaat, Oweu Sound. Bolloltor for the Uxeoutor. SHEEP LOST Btrayad from the )ireuilaea of the nnder- eigned. near flesherton, on or about, Oct, 91, one Leioester raKi. Inforinatloii aa ta his wherfsbouta will be thankfully raoalved. 0»»- »«"*«.. M. Richardson & Co 2 INTERESTING . . FACTS . . F'a.ct M^o. 1 We believe we are «afe in Atating: tliat ttie purcliasins power of a Dollar was never •o creat as it is to-day. Faot M'o. 2 We know that we are, to-dajr, stiowiuf; more complete lines and ofTering bigger values in every dcp.ir6- ment of our store than at any time duriug our Inisiness history o( th» past thirty years. Put 2 and 2 together, pause and ponder, c«m« out and look at our stock, ask our prices, compar* them with other places, and you will at once admit the truth of our assenions. Wo can promise you a jtood lively market for yt>ur produceâ€" three graiiT buyers on the jump for your grain wi h two lag granaries and anew elsvator to store it, and rx^Ta the P You can bring and will give you the Highest Market Price for it every time Seasonable Sentences Winter's coming apace. Careful people prepare for it in good lime. How are you off for winter things ? Ilead through the lists of our doptrtment« and coma and do some business with us. We are making a specialty of Sua3ouu.Ue Gootls. Clothing Every garment Hea.«onaHe and " up-to-dHtu " â€" made by the beat firms in Canadaâ€" we sell as we buy, CHEAP. One of the best assorted stocks north of Toronto. Overcoats All weights, qualities, aizea and prices. Some of the best values shown in tho Dominion. Tweeds Heavy weight at bottom price* a speoialty. We are offering a line of heavy all-wool tweeds at prices hitherto unheard of, 30c, 35c, 4«c and 50c per yard. Fine and imported goods at equally low figures. Buy y<>ur made to order goods from us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dress Goods We import direct from Franc*, Germany and Britain â€" in fact we buy thn best vaJnes procurable from every available sonrce. C«me and get our prices and look over our selections for the season. Mantles and nillinery We have alwuys enjoyed a reputa- tion for New and Stylinh Mantles and Millinery. We are excelling our foniier efforts this seasonâ€" no need to say more. Underwear We can fully equip you for the coining winter. Prices beyond competi- tion, from 49c per suit up. Staples Grey Check Flannels and Flan- nelettes at popular prices, 32-iiich width, &Jc, OJc and 7J per yartl. We do a great buninesH in those linos and carry a stoofc to correspond. Our Blan- ket priceH have croatetl a sensation this season. You should not fail to see and price them. Boots & Shoes One of our leading departmer.-« â€" one of our many strong points^-the care- ful shopper always at homo here â€" splendid inducements to careful people always offering. We can suit YOU in Style, Quality, Size and Price. No matter whether you're man, woman or child. We sell F001'WFJV.K to every- one. Prices at the lowest ebb cousistent- with wear-resisting (luality. Groceries Wore headquarters for SUGARS, buy 'em by the carload, and always give you big values for your t. Wo are direct importere of TEAS and can offer you some exceptional tea bargains. W» bought before the recent advance in new RAISINS and can give you the advant- at»e of our forethought Satisfaction accom{>anies every purchase you make in this department. jffardware V)epartment f Last but not least ! In this department we carry tho mo<t complete stock of HARDWARE in this district. Building Hardware is a special feature with us. Get our quotations if you think of building at any time. Our prices are right ! Axes and Saws Wo are showing a stock of AXES and CROSS-CUT-SAWS from' the best Canadian and American factories. Try us for any kind of Tools needed on the farm or in the workshop. Qualities and values O. K. Stoves Heating or Coeking STOVES new â€" All up-to-date designs from the leaaiiig manufactures. Anyone needing a good general purpose stove should see what we are offering this season. A full line of Tinware, Groniteware, Stove Pipes and Fittings to select from. Crockery and Glassware Always a grand display on our shelves Some special drives in Dinnec and Bedroom Setts this month. For variety and good value our stock is unsurpassed. Cutlery and Silverware Come here tor Xinae and Wedding Presents. We have an elegant rang* and can please every one. Good Cheap Cutlery is one of onr specialties. When youVe house fitmishing or cleaning don't forget that we are headquarters for new Wall Papers, Window bhades, Cuttaiit Poles. M. Richardson & Cq n «>«-v l^ tiniiiaiiiM Wm

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