Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1896, p. 5

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â- ^ IMP THB riSHIlTOI ADVIMCE M Vicinity Gliips. Viiaracteristics of the Post Week Careniily Csilled for the Cunoun. ffHiiHMS nitiica among lucah will be charged at the rate of 10c per line for each insertion. A re.dur.tion icill be viiide on extracts for 100 lines or over. Road Hogiirt!»'« kdvertiaement iu this issue. lantern. Mr. McFudyon hnd gone out- side the barn to taku out some teed tu the cattle, leaviiis the lighted laiitera in- side. VVheii he went bick to the door the inside »f the barn was all iu a blaze. Any quanti(y of w«»ited. T. Hill. dry two foot wood Proton A'^ricultural Sociaty will only fay 50 per cert, of their prize money. Wikitolâ€" 10>J ordt dry cordwuod and »t.>va wool. Ap.)'y to M. Richauusox. Rev. Mr. C'rozier, of Grand Valley, rill take tlie Presbyterian services here fiif the next two Srfbba'hs. Wanted â€" Men to cimtraot fur the cutting <if fr.ini 200 ti. 500 cords of cord wood. ^^. A Arnistr-Mig, Fleshtrton. PGRSONAL.5 W. V»ii Du«ien of Tars, D. D. G. M. W., paid Flesherton A. (). U. W. L..d^e an otiicial viait on Tuesday eveuiuK, Nov. 17. Mr. W. J. Howard, who has been workin;; in M.arkdalt: during the past Hummer, has been home for a few days with a cold. Mrs. HndginR, of Homing's Mills, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. G. Karsted, fur a few days during the past week. Mr. Elmer Lindsey, of Flesherton, spent Sunday at his home here. â€" Shel- buane Economist. Mr. C. J. Leitch retnrncd on Tuesday from a fortniiiht's trip up the lakes as far as Bruce Miuea. For sale or exclmnge for wood, hay <ir lumber, a fine laru», liot air stove, «I- nio«t new. Apjjly at residence to VV. M Clark, Flesheiton. Mr and Mrs, Wm. Ward have re- mi.ved to the vicinity of B'itiin, where they will m.ike their future home with rrlatirei. M. RichardHoii & Co. doubt* their »dv»ttising apuce tins week, not havinj; •ttSicient space >ii one column to enuiner- •t« their baiiniiiiH. Prince Arhur Loiigo, A. F. & A. M., attended in a hoiiy the funer<d of the late H. J. Middaugh in Durham on Thurs- day latt. A liandsoni'i m mument was orocted in tlie cuineiery here last week to the memory of the lite J. W. Armstrong. The stonu was purchu^<cd from Guillet &, Stmt, Toronto. Mr. Dennis <.)'Hare, while hani(ini! up » pig one day last week, cracked one of tiii ribs, and had to lay up for a couple o' days. Just how the '.hiogwas dune is whal puzzles Dennis. If you want money chU and get it from A. S. VaiiDuaen, in new office opposite jhe Town Hall in Flesherton, interest only five per cent., payable yearly, expenses only $5 and returned if applica- tion not accepted. A number of bicycles have been sold in town during the past couple of weeks. And the prospect is that next summer will tee a sufticent number of wheals ui tawn to form a nice bicycle club. Mr. J. Kickaby has sold out the Mt. Forest Confederate to a Mr. G. B. VanBlaricum, of Belleville. The new proprietor took possession last week and gives evidence of being an able writer. The deer, hunters, Messrs. Geo. Mit- chell, P. Munshaw, Jacob Williams and S. Pedlar, returned from the wilds of Muskoka on Saturday last. Thoy brought homo with them five " dear." The party shot eight or nine altogether. We have to thank Mr. Munshaw for a nice "hunk" of the venison. There having been some diffurence of opinion throughout the country as fo the proper date for holding nomination under the new act. Clerk Albery of St. Vincent wrote to the Attorney General, who replied that nominations must take place two weeks before the day of polling. This makes the dAt* of nomination M«n- day, Dec. 21. Mr. M. Richardson, merchant, has an interesting diplay of apples in his store, c>nsi>tting of 22 varieties, including all thobesi i::iowu kinds and several that are not common. Thoso wore presented to Mr. Richardson by Mr. J. I. Gra- ham of Vandeleur, and were all grown in his orclmrd. Clubbing: List Advance and daily World t2 80 News 1 80 " Montreal Herald 180 " " Witness 1.80 " Youths' Companion 2.35 " Weekly Globe 1.50 A frame l>arn belonging to Mr. Hugh McFadyen, lot 12 and 13, 3 N. D. R, Artemesia, was lurned to the ground on Tuesday evening. The barn contained all of the season's bay aod grain and inipUroenti. The building rai iutured Imt eonteiita were not, and Mr. McFad- yen's Iom. will be «oi.miderable, The fire i^wippfW^.,t» ,b^t» c«tigUt fcum .» Vandeleur From our oicti Vorre.'pimdent. We are having n foretaste of winter at the time of wiiting. Mr. Hanna, teacher of Eugpgia school, visited our school here a short time »?o. Mr. York Richardson, from Chata- worth, is visiting friends in this neigh- borhood and trying to bag a little gamx. Mr. Reid, from Lindsay, is visiting hia daughter, Mrs. Jos. Buchanan and family. Mrs. William Milligan, from Moose Jaw. arrived hern last week. She in- tends making her homehere in Vandeleur. Bom. HuTTOKâ€" la TbotDbnry, on VTwIneUsy, Nov. II, ctao wile of Ur. Jco. E. Button, of a soo. REweiLL-Ou Mo_day, Nov. 9, tba wife of Tbos. Huw^ll, lOth liae Collins-wood, of a sou. Died HcTTONâ€" In Tbornbury, on Wodneadsj, Nov. 11, th* inf&iit son of Mr. and lira. Jao. E. liuttou. John Pay* Hary $aoo Law at Orancevllleâ€" Alex. Pawcstt, Duii> tfalk, Qati One j»mr. Hard times do not appear to have caused any perceptible falling off of litigation in Oraugeville .nd vicinity, judging by the iuteresti'jg and varied dishes served up at the Fall Assizes in that town. Urangeville has probably more law to the s<)iiare foot than any •ther similar town in Untario has tu the yard. Among the many mturesting cases tried last week there were two from this northern part, viz : McDon- ald vs. U'Hanley, mentioned in Inst week's Ad ranee, and the Fawcett se- duction case of Dundalk. We quote from the Advertiser's report of these cases : FOR BnBACH Ot PB0.1USK John U'Hanley, a young farmer, of Glenelg township, county uf Grey, courted his secuud cousin. Miss Mary A. McDeuald, of the same township. Mary reciprocated and on the 26th of December last the couple became en- gaged. It is at this point that their stories drift apart. Mary says that John's promise of marriage wasi uncoti- diiiunal and that it was agreed that the happy event was to take place six weeks from the date of the engagement. Act- ing upon this understanding Miss Mc- Donald purchased her matrimonial outtii and willed fur the coming uf the biido- jtronin. But J>ihn ta'-ried. He is a ddvout member uf the Uoiuan Catliolic church and, when he propused to marry Mary, he says he tenderly told hur that the coiisunuualioii of the mania^'u depended entirely upnn the sanctiun uf the church, which. It appears, does not as a rule ap- prove of the marriage of cousins. Ac- cordingly, U'Hunley set out to ascertain whero ho was at in this connection. His parents told him that he couldn't marry his couiiiii Mary and the parish priest concurred in this view. U llanley, thore- foro, decided to abandon his malritnunial ambitioiifi so far as Miss iVlcDoiuld was Cfiicerned. Ho continued to viuit the jLung lad)', however, during the fallow- iu!^ month but never hinted of any change in his plan.?. Two weeks before the date which she alleges was fixed for the marriage O'Hanlfy paid his last visit to Miss McDonald and then suddenly cca.<<ed his attentions. She mot him at a dance afterwards and he was still silent as a SjihiiM. Nuw Mary is an essential y practical maiden, and, although she, too, is a good Catholic, Rhe doesn't believe in the church iiiterferving in her little love af- fairs. So wh'-n her tickle lover faltered in his devotion she hastened to the ueighboring villaKO of Markdale and consulted Lawyer Lucas. Hs wrote a letter to O'Banley, who, in his turn, went to the parish priest for advice. The priest, Father Hawk, wont with O'Hanley to see Miss McDonald au4 'uld the young lady that tite relatioimhip was distant enough to allow of the marriage taking place under a dispensation. But O'Hanley evineea no desire to take ad- vantage of this privilege and the wedding w^ evideutly aa far o& •» erer. Theu Mary sued John for damage* f«r breach of premise. At the trial on Monday Miss McDon- ald did not prove a model witness, even her own cuunsel, Mr. Lucas, failing to extract much informatinii from her. She told Mr. McK»y, of Owen Sound, who appeared for the defendant, that she was 23 years of age and that O'Hanley was the owner of a farm that ww worth about fflOO. O'Hai.ley himself admitted the promise of marriage but claimed ihat it was conditienal upnn the consent of the church. He said the priest told Mits McDonald in his presanco that they were too closely related to" get married. O'Hanley admitted, however, that bis own sister had married her cousin. Judge MoMahon, who is himself a Roman Catholic, charti:ed strongly in favor of the plaintiff and" in half an hour's time the jury returned with a verdict of |200 in her favor. THK PAWCKTT CA8B The Grand jury tound a true bill against Alex. Fawnett, of Dundalk, fur the seduction of Margaret Black, a 16- year-old ^drl of Melancthon township, and the trial of the accused was com nienced on Tuesday and concluded yes- terday. Mr. G. G. 8. Lind»ay, of Tor- onto, was the Crown prosecutor, Messrs. Myers and Uushson appearing for the defence. The story of the seduction as told* by the prosecutrix and by other witnesses was to the effect that Fawcett had paid Miss Black consider- able attention, passing himself off as an unmarried man and promising to marry her, and hid finally accomplished her ruin. As a nutter of fact, Fawcett is married ana the father of two children. He went into the witness-box in his own defence and denied any iinprsper connection with Miss Black, who, he alleged, had herself invited familiarity by immodest conduct on mere than eno occasion. Mr. Lindsay's cress examin- ation of Fawcett was the feature of the trial. Judge McMahon granted a re- serve case un two points at the request of the accused's counsel and charged against the prisjner. The jury was out about three hour, and returned with a verdict of guiltys The judne sentenced Fawcett to one year's imprisonment in the Central prison at hard labor. tar A despatch from Owen Sonnd dated Monday says : William Smith, Alias Johnston, only a few weeks ago releassd from the Central Prisen, Toronto, came up this morning before Judge Creasor for trial upon a charge of burglary and was sentenced to five years in Kingston Penitentiary. Smith i« a well known criminal character, and it is generally conceded 'that he fnlly deserved the punishment now given hiiu. Theoffence of which he was eharged was that of entering the residence of Father F. X. Grannotier of St. Mary's R. C. Church he-e a few niuhts aijo and carrying off with him a demijohn uf sacramental wins. In the spring of 1805 Smith was cauiiht red handed at midnigl.t ransf c' • ing the residence of B. Allan, Division Court Clerk, and on hi* arrest it was dis- covered that the clothing he had upon him was part of what had been stulen (rom the gsnts' furnishing establishment ofT. W. Douglas a few nights before. Of these offences he was proven guilty and sentenced to 18 months in the Central Prison, which sentonce recently Hxpired, and immediately on regainin>; his liberty he seems to have ro engageil himself at his old profession with the above result. MAKRY THW QIRL QUICK r paper tliat a 1,1 jr»sr old boy iflrstlunr beworkod BuIIinRthB I'»aw in yotir made $1.36 the I'orfoction Motal Ti|. Lampwick. I ordered a «aiupla and wont to work and the flrst wpf k I cleared »10, tliu second week I clo«re<l ais 1 Bxpoct to ran up to *25 a week in the near ruture, an the I'orfootion Metal Tip Lampwiok makes such a bcautiiul white IlRht and rtooR away with smokey cbLinne.vs and bad odor and save oil. It is easy to soli. If you wish to try It feud 13 two cent stamps to MIhs A. M. Frit/., Sitation A., St. Li'iii.s, Mo., and slio will sond yon a sample ontflt, this is a good way to make mouoy aronud homo Miss Tina W DISSOIDTIOI OF PISTIEBSOIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existins between OoorRe Lawlor. of the village of Maxwoll, in the County of <Uey, and , Johnson Little, of the same place, black- sinitb, has this day boon by mir.ual consent dissolveil. All accounts due the above Rnn must be paid to Mr. Lawlor by Dec. 1. )8U0, who will also assume the paymeut of auy debts cou~ traotod by the said firm. GBIO. LAWLOR JOHNSON LITTLK. Dated at Maxwell this 5th day of Nov. 1800. Now is ThR Winter ~" Of Our Discontent Says Shakespeare. There will be no discontent if you deal with me, and Shakespeare won't be in it. TIIVIELY GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, Bell8,BlanketR,Circinglei, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cow Chains, and evetything in harnessmakors' goods. Am elegant GOAT ROBE from $7. 50 to 99, othiT robes higher ~if you want them. Con.e and look at my things, anyway. Always glad to ((uote prices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in •xphauge. wn. nooRE •%%%%%^%%^^^^^%%^^%»%^^%%/%^%^^/%%%%^^%^%^a AT THIS SEASON Of the year health and comfort demands that you should be well shod. No one can supply you better and cheaper than we can. We Lave a lot of BOOTS for fall tliiit we are selling cheap. Also RUBBERS and all FOOTWEAR. Custon work and repairing promptly done at ^CLAYTON'S"^ T. HILL Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders .SU. Jtt. JK. .Mf Jtt. AW. JK. .Mt. .M. Jifc .SK. â- Jte JMi DRY GOODS •9I«> GREAT CLEARING SALE THROUGH NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER FOR CASH. WE WILL GIVE FROn lo TO 40 PER CENT. OFF ^^ OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Chithing, Men's and Boys' Fur and Tweed Caps, Men's and Boys' Rubbers and Overshoes, Women's and Misses' Rubbers and Overshoes, Mantles at half price. Groceries ^arc Can't be Beat 33 Iba Bright Sugar Syrup, |1 00. 40 Ibe. Baking Syrup, »1 00. 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1.00. 4 boxes Axle Grease, 25o. 4 boxes Matches, warranteed goed, 30c. 55 Iba Corn Meal, fl.OO. 9 lbs. Genua, 26o. Clothes Pins, lo dozen. Louck's Flour alwars on hand. Cash or Trade for Hides and Skins. Kindly Call on T. HILL f Special Barg^ain Sale for Novemlwr We have a few lines that have occupied our floor space a little longer than wo think they should, so we fall gracefulfy into line with the larger merch- ants of the town and offer special bargains of these goods. See these as a sample of what we are doing : No. 1. LOUNGES, good, well made up-tu-date,- at $6, good value at 97.50. No. 2. SIDEBOARDS, walnut finish, 6 feet 2 inches high, 2 drnwer^, 2 cupboani doors, 12x20, plate mirror, regular price $8.60, selling for $7. SIDEBOARD without price f7.75, reduced to glass, Ki.50. usual J. E. MOORE Purnltare Dealer and Undertaker J21 11 ^ . r,' All you people who are looking for bargains. I have got a large stock which must bo disposed of reganlless of my own feelings. It has all got to go and the public will get the benefit, cash purchiiHi'i-H being particularly favored. 1 am prepared to give u special ten per cent, discount on purchiujes of five dollars and over in dry goods Here are some of the lines I have in stock : Srocorias, 'Drtf Soods, !Soots and Shoes, Sfardware, Slassware and iPatont 9^ediomas Try me in any of these lines and you will never regret it. Everything must go cheap, so come along while these romarkablo bargains are on the move. . rioney to loan from 4 â- â€¢> per cent, and upwards. Cordwood and farm produce taken In exchange. CARDIN& 1 have puttbe Priceville oardina mill class repair and am employin work dona promptly first class repi cordor. Good into g a good li, McaowB:<. f I'ioevillo, Jube 2, 90, FARM FOR SALE Lots 148, 149 and \sa. con. ,1, R. of Toronto and Sydnn'bAni Koad, 100 acres, SO cleared ; good orchard and well wstorod. Will be sold on easy terms. For further particular* apply to rieshwten, htij IS, ISM. House to Rent Qood brick bouse and lr)6 to reul in tho vi> lage of Flosbertou. Apply to Wm.H. Halr Sop. IT I'loahortou P.O CATTLE LOST Lost from tbe premises of tho undorainnAd lots.'iSand.'M) S \. D. K., Osprey township, on or about .Tuno 30 last, four head of cattle, all vearliuKS. Ono grey ccoer. one red ntuer, one beifor, red and white, and one hoifcr straw- berry color, whitu and black. Information as , to their whoreabouts will bo thankfuil* r«..>L oalvad. JOBK HANNON, \ 3i^Miii&.r

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