Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1896, p. 4

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Til riiiiiitffii iDTiiiB t y K ) i \ . 1 I ,.t: MITABUSHKD 1881 ^Ao Advance IWSM8IUP W«KE1.T AT THl ornCK, 8TD- IHHAM 8TBMT, rUUIBBBTON, OUT., BT W. H. TBUB8T0N. •1 per auiaMtStrlcUy in adrance AdTertiBing Bates: ta* Oolama, 1 year, tSO ; halt ool., 1 jaur, quarter eol., ooa y aar, tit. •97 Traaalaot adrartlsement charged at the rate «{ S acDta par Uoe for flnt inaartion and i oenti ••eh aubseqoeat InaartioD. A Remarkable Offer T* Nmt Sabacrtbara and Thoaa Wha Pay la Advaac* far Next Year â- a eluding three jreara iu the CuuntyCuunotI pUoea me in a puaitiim to coinprehaiid the oiAtler fulW- 8hoti)d yon hunor me wfCh yuar conndehce, 1 «haU discharK* ujy duty to I he best of my »hiliiy. Your vote aod inteteat respectfully solicited. Your* truly, TuoRT Wright. Flesherton, No, 23, "96. election Notice To the Electors of LHat)-ict No 6. Gkntlkmkn, â€" At the requeBt of a laree iiuinbur cf ratepayers I Imvb consmited to become a camliuate for County Coun- cillor for this district. Haviiii; consider- able inuiiicipitl experience iti>d a member of the county council for the last two years I feel confident that I can serve you salisfaclorily iii that capucity. Should ynu honor me ^\in your conKdenoe, I will do oiy utmost to merit the sume Your vote and interest respectfully solicited. Your obed't servant, GEO. WATSOM. Swinton Park, Dec. 7, '96. KlnlN'rley 8 AND COME SEE THE B.\RGAIN8 ARE GIVING IN WE As an inducement for new sufaacribers we have decided to yive dun'ny the month •/ Deeember utily, the Toronto WveVly San and Advance one year for only one dollar and fifteen centt. And in order that old subacribers may have no com- plaint to make, those who pay their sub- scription for next year on or before the first day of .lauuary, 1897, will receive the same terms. The 8uu is a 7 ool. 8-psge paper de- voted to the farm and home. It is inde- pendent in tone and just what every farmer and business man, too,should have in his home. The weekly articles by ^ Byitaader " (Qoldwin Smith) are very valuable oontributiens to current topics. Yon oMiitot afford to miss this offer. It wHI h» withdrawn after the prssent month, and possibly before if we thimk aaCSciant subscribers will nut take ad- tantaio of it to pay us. We want to get 400 paid up subwribers before the first day of January. If you owe for the past year send two dollars and fifteen rents. Thi* is a caah offer only, and you l^ave only three weeks at the outside in which t» take advantage of it. D* 9ot delay. JFrotn our ouni corretpmuietU. Rumors have reached us that there ia sleighing in Fleshurton. Please pa^s it <m The building lately used as a public library has be>'n removed to the lot be- tween Mr. Hammond's and Mr. Carruth- er's stores, and is to be used as a tailor shop by Mr. Geo. Burritt. Mr. Pentland preached at Zion and Eugenia on Sunday laxt. Mr. Beccruft and family, who have been roeidents of Kimherley for the |>a8t few years, have removed to Thombury. Miss F. Bowumian of Eugenia and Mr. W. H. Thursion of Flesherton, were the guests of Mrs. Tliurston over Sunday Miss B. Mageu, who has been in To- ronto, returned homo last week and will remain till New Years. Mr. Gilray of Epping occupie<l the pul- pit of the Methodiat ohuroh very accept- ably on Sunday Inat in alwenco of the pasti>r, Mr. Balfour, who in holidaying with frieuils in Parry Sound. Your cor. , who has been so successful in prophecy in the past, bears the diatant sound of wedding bells. More anon. â€" ^^ ••â-  -•- m ^^ â€" The Free Press says a pedlar was in Chxsley the other day selling some cheap spectacles which he claimed to have found. Proaumably the aaiue coon was in Flesherton a month or so aj{o di>ing â-  ho same act. He should be looked after. Two men named Bruder and Page were arrested at Mt. Foreac last week for aliened burglary in Berlin and taken to the county jail for trial. A revolver was found in Bruder's jxwsession and he is isrving a SO-day sentence f»r carrying eancsaled weapons. , GrandValley Met>.odiata have expend- ed t8600 on their church, bifsides Kratuitous work. There were still $4400 to be raised, and at a big meeting this amouut and $600 additional was raised. riantling Cape Cloths Dress Goods Overcoats Ready-made Clothing Hats and Caps Long Boots Etc Etc M. Richardson & Co 7/fiiiineri/ Aa this department will close this month for the seaaon «e are offeriug the balance of its well as- sorted stock at clearance prices. Hats, BouDcts, Tama, Ribbous, Flowers, &c., ka. Ait must go I These goods were bonghl to sell THIS seasou â€" we positively will not cany them over. 7/fanties . We ate clearing off tlie bal- ance of the mannfaetnrei's stock tA- vertised last week â€" you known how cheaply wc BOlKinT them (\ oil first cost). Come aud see how cheap- ly we SELL them. The price of oar regular sto<:k of Gapes, Mantles and Jackets will be reduced \ to clear. Sales iu this departraeut have baeil booming und December will bo tbt Banuet moDth for the Mantle trade. BLOXJSS: SILKS SHOTS AND FIGURES AT I9c, 22c AND 25c PER YARD. VALUES AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. r T SPLENDIB JUST IN For the balance ef tliia month we will give you big reduc- tioui in price* for caah. B. ncDONALD Election Forecastf As MMfoatien day approohss, the f arious catididales are beginning to de- i}lare thMnsclvM. The three districts iu which ««r«aaders are mostly iulerested are Nos. 5, 6 and 7- No. 6 is our own and thus far only three candidates have declared theniselvna through our ooluinus, vis. : Messrs. Richardson, Wright and Watson. The latter gentleman places hia card in this issae. We uiidersiaiid. however, that at least one more candidate will bo forthcoming from Proton, vis. Mr. Corbett. In No. 6 the three candidates so far announced are Messrs. Siuelser, Mc- Oolman annd Preston. In No. 7 there is more fun centreing than in any other division in the county, and the names «f the candidates is Isuion. Aninnu them are T. Gilray, J.F. Davis, O. R. Sing, Jas. Bowrs, NiohoUs Reid, Julm Clark, et nl. Boar for Service or for Sale Tlis onderilcnad has a flue narknbire Iloar tor Hervlce on )ii» premiiiea for the aeaaou of IBH'7. Tamil Sl.OO. N. B,â€" Tills Aua animal ia alw offered for sale. A. WICKKNB, PleihartOQ. Daaambar 7, ISM. BOAR FOR SERVICE I hkva a well bred Berkabira boar tor ssrvloaoii lot ITS, T. B. R., Artaiaeaia. Tanna n caDlB. OUT ORU Remember i>eo. the Date I i»*** Tho»e who hafe (Catarrh and who oall oo th« above dato, will be f^lvoii a Oormtolde Iii- halur, and laedlcine, for the cure of that dlfleaie, without haTins to pay one eont Id advanco. Aftor afalr trial at voiir owu home, and the remedy pruveH suncon^ful S3 unn be re- mitted us tu pay the lanie. If not Hatisfactorv in evnry roBpeot.the Inhaler <mn l>e naiirned at our expuiifto, and no charijo will be made. We have tnouaaude of letters from all Horte and oondltions uf men and women, telllnfi of cureft, not only remarkable, but In many caHaa miraoulouB. liriuK no money with vou . JuHt luava your name and address, and our ro<> nresentatlvo will kWh you the remedy ou abore liberal terms, by efillinu at !Siankets and J^iahnelettes at 75c, 85c and S>5c per piir. Another gnod colois, to sell at C^c, 7^0 and B^c. These are seasonable goods, quick sellers and esceptiunally good values. OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Watches â€" good time keepere, given away with Clothing. Kid Gloves â€" t-ini* and browns, given away with Dress Goods Tea SfHions â€" electro silver platett, givon away with Ten. J^ UNTIL CHRISTMAS ONLY. Atjother case BLANKETS to sell case FLANNELETTES, 32-iuch. « > Our TEA S.^LES have been increasing every week. Our 20 lb. Caddies of Japui Tea are selling faster than ever. Our customers run no risk in baying a quantityâ€".^ every pound we sell ia guaranteed to give satisfactioik Only Two Weeks to Christmas In township matte--s Euphrasia is not behind any other in the way of aspiring men, ai^d the folloMinu have been named as candidates for next township parlia- ment : Reeve â€" Ja*. Erskins. V. J. Saton, W. Stftwart and John .1. Kerr. Dep. Reeve â€" J Miller (rumored), â-². a all, Second Dep. -J. R. Fawcett. tuncillorsâ€" 0. Knoitand J. Miiler. l^rpni Osprey wu have got nothing but run((ors, but we believe the reeveship is likely to be bftweet^ Messrs. M<mahan and Clark. Artemesia is vary (juittt. Mr. Boland if likely to b« returned, by acclamation aiiJ it is doubtful i( any opposition will Im) forthcosninK to the present council. Wn have receive<l no informatiol> as to t(rwp*hip probabilities in PrntoD. EI«ction Card To t/k« *<«<•« of the Covnty OoH.neii; ' I)m»on No: B, County of Orey. liAniKS ANI> Obntumin, In accqrdatif e with the osprostbo wishes iifn nuinbor o( rsteuayers I have decided tfi run aa a miidi<i«l« for the County Oounoil for this diriaion for the, year 'H7 and '98, Mv long rpaidencs, in the •lunty.of over 4ft years„. logetliar with tf^ yawr, e' ((lOQioipal, wpariapoa, i^i- RICHARDSON'S Durgstore, ^^ Flesherton, Dec. 19th. This offer ffood on above dato ctnly. Notice to Creditors yit tAe 9^ait»ronh9 €stat» of yaramiah tPiper, lat« of tk» township of jfriemasia, Sroy County, ^acaased, Notice In bereby given, iiurcuant to R. 8.0. laST, chapter 110, Bwtlon 96, and amendnients thereto, tlitt all oreititors anil otbar personB haTliiK eUlnis afjainnt the uatate uf the lairi Jeremiah Phior. ilecoaiit"!, who died on or about the twentioth dav of Octoliijr A. D., laoC arere- quired'to nenil by poet , pronald. or deliver to tbeimdei-Kigned, SolicUors tor Heury Piper, KH|uir«, tile eiecutur for iialil oatato, on or lie. fore the Itlth day of Deceiiibor, A. D., IBOO, tlioir ohrietiau and aarnaninii, uddrussue, and deaoription,aiid full partluiilam and gtatenienti of their ctttiuifi, demandn niid accountft, and the nature of the Beeurioty, if any, held hy them. And nollco iahureb\ fuithiir (livtin that after the Baid lath day of December next, t'O »ald t'leoutor will proceed to distrihute the auoetB of the »,<id Im oaved auioi'K the partioe thereto entitled, hsvinu regard only to those claiini el which i.otleo »hall thon Imvo boon received, and the Baidoxecutor will not bo liable for the Baid aitBelMO' any part thereof, «o distributed liy hlui a« aforesai I, to an y piTBon orpurBoiia of whofle olainiHor iluuiandH uoBhHllnot have had notice at the time of ruch diBtribution. Dated thiaUh day of Novnmber A. D. IHue PR()Si'& HAl'SON, 39 Ponlett St. liaat, Owen Sound Solicitor for tbo Bxeontor. NEW UAISINS, NEW CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEELS, Ac, *o. NEW FIGS. NKW Xmas Fruits Don't spoil your Xmas Cakes and Puddings with poor fruit. No stalks, no stones, no grit and no dirt in the fruit you buy from us. We have lately pur- chased one of the best fruit CLEANEI^ on the niarkrt and thoroughly clean every pound of fruit sold. Latest Arrivals Lemon and Vanilla Extracts, 5« bottle. Good Large Brooms, 3 for 26c. Good Raisins, 20 lbs. for fl.OO. Good Figs, 20 lbs. forSl.OO. The Gramophone styls. Com* Is ia runnmg and bear in splendid it t Friday Bargain Day as Usual D. CAMPBELL & CO., Dhuooists, Dvndalk. Dear Bibs,â€" During the last four years I have been a sutferer of this dreadful disease, Dys pepsia, and have suffered untold agony, wishing often for death. During these years I hare tried all the noted dyspepsia cures and numvrous phy- sicians' prescriptions, but nil without re- lief until I. tried Dr. Hunt's Dyspeiisia Rometly , The first dose gave me relief. Before takiiiK this remedy I had to take sodaai^d niilk about 8 times a day, now I take it. only once and some days not at all. This IS the result after taking the remedy for about two weeks. Now I am feeling like a hew man. thank* to t lie above remedy. For farther information regarding my otiiRdiUon, address W, J. GRBENAWAY, ,^ ItflHTIOOB P. O. . Dr..Bant'« Dyspep^ Remedy, 25 cents ibpttk.. Sold by all Dnigi^sts^ PROPERTIES FOR 5ALE â€"BY- I. ]. SPBODLE, FIESMBTIII IF YOU WISH TO BUY PROPERTY CONSULT THIS SPACE. FOR SALE cheap and on easy ternis, one mile from Flesherton, 9^ acres land and on which is a g(Hi<l 7 nionis framu dwelling, well and comfortably (iuislicd stoiio cellor underneaUi, and good wall and pump in kitchen, good frame stable aud driving house, also biick lined liun house, small orchard coniuiuncing to lieur. Apply to R. J. SPRt^ULK, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month. Two improved farms, one a mile from Pricevillu and the other same distance from Wnrohani. Small payment down, bali ,noe on VERY easy terms. Also a V.undred and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Flesher- ton, princijially hardwotnl hush, 26 acres cleared and frame dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decidetl bai;gain apply quiok to above^ . htarcware: department Christmas Presents WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN CHINA, FANCY QLAI^ AND SILVERWARE SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING. Gramophone We have none in our deiiartment, but wo are making the prices talk : 7-inch liovely Glass Fruit Dishes at 15c 1 Sett Smoothing Irons for 76c Large White Bowls at 7c Squire Story Cake Tins, 26c sett Side Platters from tt to .35c each Blue Cui>s and Saucers, $1.00 dozen 1924 Rolls A Rink Of course wo will have a rink. How are your skates 1 We sell : No. 5 Acme Spring Skates, 05o pr. No. 5) Acme Spring Shates (plated) «il..S6pr. No. 10 Acmo Spring Skates (plated) $1.76 pr. Skates Straps, 10c, I60 and 20c pr. It is Tb« Of WALL PAPER left, going because it can't help it. prices are so low. Oc paper in brown and white, S|c 10c paper with silt pattern, 7o 15c paper, extra value, 101c 25c paper, heavy lots of gilt, 17^ Come at once as we have only a few rolls of each pattern left. Any Timei Covered Self Bastiitg Roasting Pans are used, but in TURKEY TIME they are indispensable. ty Prices each 46c, 66c and 76o TRY ONE and if not satisfactory return it. Ox*ea,t Values. AND in X-Cut-Sa.iiiri M. Richardson & Co

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