Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1896, p. 8

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.- â- â- :5>»'" Tfll 9LI8H1IV01I iDTilCl «i D* HcTavish ^LESHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND •^QtaiTS Fir M»8iej-H«rriii, and Moton, Flear; and Wilkinaoa form implements. Plriitfy and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Gnttera, Sleigbs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. ><%â-  %%%^^%%%%^^^%%^/%'<k%%%/%^^»%%'%^%%%' ^^ FALL SALES . . ^^^ NOW RUSHING 1 ^ This is the Reason of year when you want to buy a cutter or ileigh. I have them â€" beauties â€" and will sell on your own terms â€" if they ar« not all one-sided. Painting and re-trimming done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN ;%«^%«/%%%%^k%^%%^%^%%%^/%^k««%«^^<Mi^i : .',.-v^.:«»S5 GO TO WW If J.H.HEARD FOR THE BEST ^^ SUOGIES, W»i{K<in«, Carta. Spriiift Ti)olh and Iron Harrnwra. Frosts and Woods' Bindors, Mowers, Uome RHkes nnd Ploughs. Fleury Plouuhs, Scufflfra and Turnip Saed Drills. Dick's Ploughs and Land Rullors. Shnres for all Icinds of Plouiilis. H irae Shntii'ii; snd al> kinds of Blacksmithing. Wood, Luml>cr, Cedar PoMts a.id ShiiiultM. f^z^!^rj^zj^i!^';:^r,'j^jli.r/i?j^^^^ m 'A 'A I 1 BARNHOUSE The Floor ind Fruit Man Wishes tu draw the attention nf the public til the following specialties : DoaSKIN MITTS and LEOGINOS madu to order, or « ill ssll out of Stuck. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONKRY OYTrER.S IN SEASON Try our broakf>tat CEREALS. Flour of mII grades in stock. Photos ^*- m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Boot and Shoe business «lso attdiided lo as usual. W. BarnhouM, Flesherton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. C krriagOB made and Repaired, also Placing and Bdatohing, Band Saw- lag, vVood Turning of every das- oriptloa. Planing and Oram Chop uiDgdoae Willie you wait, for th» Beaver tarna the wheel. *r. Vr. WII'SON Maliager TIIAOB â- AKU. oiaidha, OOPVHIOHTS *•â-  ADTon* Hndlns » (kstab and dMortption msj •aloklr aaoartatn, f ras, whslbar an InTsMliHi H Sii«idwitM. OMiut ambeyliirMMiirtns nlmts ill Ansrie*. W» hs»» » Wuklutoa oSlc* PatmU Ukm ttaroaah Mona A Co. TsoslfS •iDOtlMlatba SOIENTIFIO AMERIOKN, tUtullJ I totmillk api totmillla lounial. WMkiT, twiu|iarii/*Wl njOlU manthi. SpMlman eo|rlM wi4 tian j^^j. . â€" .^. nunial. WMkiT, twnu . „ hi, SpMlasn eoptSL ^ ^ OK oa Patsnts Mot f rss, Addrws MUNN * CO.. Ml â- vaatlwair, Maw Vsriu Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class myle and at lowest rates. Special attention given to copyine. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER idI Lot For salo. For the Lut Time For Hals olieap ami on pasy tarmii la Flontinr toil. Bplaudid Urxe.aolirl brink dosllluii, with »ooi1 itoD* csllar, •iinuner kltchan an<t noud- liouaa, aim goiid fiaiuo utiibln, brick linixl P e'liloM oonlainatwolai'golotiiiiniliiood yoiinii orchard. bXKriuK. Ilounu anil uu'biiridinRi »rr axoaplloiiillr wall flniahcd and Torj coovcui- tutly laid out. A|i|>ly to R.J. BraoDLB. PUsherton. Oa/iij look here Did yo over tee the like o' that bread ? It's (ae Uniny an' whito an' flaky, an' ii» juist s« awe<-t asa nit. It wa'd gmce Li HuiiK Chunk's lahlo nr ovvn o'or ain uiuU Queen's, and its a pleaxure to (mke it Nao wonder Hendt rson said ho wa'il warrant it lo nisk' glide bread Caudnn' be better broad than that. Yor'o riidit, â- Jfniiie, it does ane uude to look at it, lut wlane eating it. They lull m«< be has Home ral* eude TEA. an' 8UOAR an' other QROCERIEH, an' hit SWEf^TIES wad inak' ynur mouth water to Idok at them. He has some uudn Trunks and VALISES rale chei\p. Tatn. a' think it'ill l)e to o'or ad«-antaKn to ]mtranix» him. Ye'ro rioht, .loiiiii-. Tlio undur- nigiied thAiiks Jniinie nn' Tnin for their gude and truthfu' rocomineiid We sell O'fiilvie's Hungarian and Strong Baker's Flour, tbu best in the market. 2i/m. Jf(9ncl*rson OWBN BOUND, ONTARIO, \m tlte -crepy Bent PLAOB IN CANAl>A TO tIET A Tlironjli BqsIdoss ElDcatlon. Take a Round Trip XrVCmo*.*: â€" Colloaaa and Onmmsroial Dopartnieiiti hi Canada, tliuii vlait lb* Nnrtharn Hiieinaaa Oollnffe i uxanilna nvcry- tlilail thnrouHbly. If we fal] to iirrnliion the â- a'lti thorouili,aoin|>l»ta, prautliial And o«ten- sly* course of itiidy : tliH tiont oollafiH |ironili<ni •ni th* boat and mo«' nniaiilots and innat lult- •tolsfurnlturaandall liannea. w« will )>|ve vnu • dill sonrss KMRil. Vat Annual Aonoiiaca. ai «l,|l«ln| fall parMenlara free, addraa C. A. FLEMING, rnactpal Cash : for : H ides! Orsy Csvaty'a Farllaaaat la SMSlon Laat Weak For the last time the County Council of Orey, uuier the old regime, with ita nM!rober»hip of fifty five and it* ponder- ous and expeuaive but hivlily educ»tive luauhiney, is in n«»iun st the court house this Wfek. When the Council next assembles it will .have a smnewhat attenuated appearance In place of tifty-five nieiobers Ihcro will be but sixteen. Many luen prouiinent hervto- fore in county politiot will be no longer heard of.aiid r.bo familiar haunts in Owuo Sound that have known them ttirice a a year will know them no more. The seasioD opened at 7.30 o'clock Monday evening. Warden Anderson prcsidinv. Otiunty Clerk Rutherford called the roll, when the ftilluwing moinbors responded : Messrs. Allan, Bodijiirow, Balterinan, Bt-at'in, Bl'II, Binnic, Brown. Bye, Chishnlm, Clark, Corbet. Davis, P. Dick- son, S. Dickson. Erakiiie. Fox, Gilrsy, Graham, Griur, Hainpion, Hari>C8B,Henry, tlowe, Irwin, Kellx, Lemon, May, Messinger, Mills, M<>nauhan, Morice, McDonald, McCireKor, McMillan, Palmer. Preston, Quinlan, Itae, Read, Hies, Shute, Scheiik. Siiiir, Smelser, Snider, S(iarling, Staples, Wation, Wosiaway, Willi^mft, Witlhun. Messrs. Bolaiid, McKinley and Thouipsoii arrived later . The Warden on riaini! to aJdresa tbe council, was received wiih spplaune He said it ntforded hini plciuiure to welcome his felliiw-niemi.ers back to their dutie..i ut this iho last session of tbe old council, and to obKOrvn that ibey appeartid in t!o< id health uiid spiiitH â€" ready anU able to attend to their dunes. Since the last seHsioii dnath had removed two trusted uUiuiai<9 â€" Mr. Robert Edgar, uuuiity auditor, and Dr. Manley, jail suriteon. Tbe first of these vacancies it Would be necoasary for the present council to fill until audi times as tbe new L'tiniicil met. With retcard to tbe jail Nurneoiisbip, be had appointed Dr. McCuUongh to attend to tbe duties teinporarily.hut it would be nece.»aary for ibd uouiicil ti piss a bylaw and h>«ve tbe iinme of its spiMontee tilled in in tbe re- gular nninner. Ill acc'iidaiice with tbu county council act, the warden aaid, be lind appi'iiitHl noininatiii^' officers fur tbe iliffort-nt divisions He lioped the would tfive ^eiittial satisfaction. Referiiig to thp largo iiumlwr of pimwners â€" ninfltly vafjiantsâ€" at present confined in the county jiiil, he said that he had arranged with thccliaiinian ot tbu County Property Coiniuit'.eo to have tendcrx called for the gutting out of stone for tlio priaondrs to hr«>ak during tbe winter niontlis, and ti.ese telident would be laid before the council. Tbe warden iben referred in appropriate terms to the death of the late JohnOlttik, M. P. fi>r N-rth Grey, who for many yuars had bwn a nicniburof the county council ai.d bud KTved a.s warden. He suggiKted that a c>inmii<lul>v appoint- ed to draft a rjiuliii ion of coniloluiice to Mr Claik's wife and fHUiily. The war- di-ii roncluiled bis ri'murka ninidit np p'aiise The wnrduii tlu'ii read a large number of accounts and eoiiiniunica'ioiis, includ- ing letter form (>0'>. H>dnifn, nakilii; pt'liniKHinii to pbntO'jrnpb ibo council ; an ii|>plicntiim from Ia>'ut, Col. Tcll'ord, c. jnui'indm; officr of ihcSlst battalion, Hkiiit; for H auppleiiK-iilHry ifraiit nf 25 enis per day for eicli member of the Ba'taiioii iitlendii'g the nniiunl camp, bounty treiisurer'H aniiunl rtaleinont of iiUL'tionerra' and pfdlai*' licriiscH; copy of preHentinent of Grind .lury presented to Mr. Justice Stroi t at fall n«^iz«s ; applicaliniiH for the position of jiiil aurgeon from Drs. T. H. Middlebru, G. R. BainliHrl. .1. G. M. Sloane and W. OforveD'iw. The comiiuinioHtions were referred lo the appropriate cunmiitteea for action. Oo motion of MessrA.Uead and (Jilray, •bo reeves of Keppi-I, (ilenebj, Osprey, Artemeaia, the waiduii and tbu mover were appointed a romuiitteo to draft a resoltition of cnndoltnce io iiie widivw and family nf the lat.o John Clark, M. P. Conncll thou adjourned till 2 p. in. on Tuoeday, TCSII'AV ArTKBNOOir. The wardin took ibe shair at 2 p.m. After routine prneaodiiiga a number o( ao- â- â- onnts and the f.'tlpwini: curomunioaliona were read : Invitation Iroin OaTid Comely, proprietor nf the ('oinrly Himcn. to a fare- .<eli oyatar atippcr in bnnor of tbe wardsn »nd conpcil, lo be ln-lil Friday evenirg;a|i- lilicaiioni) (nr the pix'itinn of \\\\ surKi'on trom Oil. J. II. Mul'nlluHKb, C. M. Lang, W . Qbo. 1)..w and W. ,). Karley. Sheepskins and all kinds of fura pur- uhasud, for which highest market price will be paid. Homomndo sautages on hand, alue all kinds of meats. M. lArnLiSOiT, Fleslicrton Meet Enipoiium pUICnVILLR AND UL'KKAM STAOK. nmham atait" loavs^i Fle«)iortnn Rtatinn st 7. IK am., raturna 4.45 |> ni. Pilceville nlnna laavoa the aaniK plnnn at I3.W, niluinlna at I 4.\ Fara tn rrlruvlllt. and return, tlO oanta ; Durliair, • 1.80 for ralnrn 7Vi. alnple fare. I.lvery In oou- naatloa. Ordsrama be Ufa at either hotel. A.MaOAi;;iKY rre Die aaid that thoM who bad sat for a long time with ibe late resvs of Keppel m the Council, and were specially ac4uaii.ted with the maa and his cbaraetar, were thoroDghly impreaacd ttiat John Clark wsu a man in every aeiiae of thr. word. Tiie speaker had flrat besame acnaaiiit»d with Mr, Clark six ysura ago. lie oould say tba: no men ever impressed biin more fATorably. His informa ion waa ample and brnad, and hia »yu>patbiea were as broad aa his ioforinatiou. John Clark took nn narrow vi*iw on any snbject ; but if ho fonnd hi-iiBelf miRtakaD bn was the first to acknowle<l(.>« W\% error. lu debate he was eminently fair, never descending to per- snnali'.iea. It would 'b« well ware all to take a leis-iu from hia life. Tlie speaker felt tliat the biKneat tribute to Mr. Claik wonld be tbe imitation of bis character. A toucbiiii; scene was DOW enacted. Mr. Niotiolss Read, the veteraot deputy reeve of Ht. Viuornt, who wai (.asocate I ao \anM and on BUub intimate tern^s with Ur. Clark in county connoil work, roue to attempt tc pay hia derea'sed friend a triKuM ; but his voice choked vrith emotioo and b« waa un- able to procee.l. All he conid mana^e to aay waa that if he were to attempt at tbe preoent in ni>-iil to express binmalf, iiiH failure, ho fpured, luiKhl be cooanlered as â-  ffeotation. H) couid only ibaak tbe couno.l lor aaxoeiiuing his namewi'b the prenentation of tb<i rreolation. Outeide of hia owu family be had never felt tr.e doa;h of any tat-a as ha felt the death of .fuhu Clark and perhaps never wonid aiiai'i. A tiecp rilence pervaded the chamber daring Mr. Read's t>rief and simple but lonchiog and eloquent ttstimuny to bia friend. Mr. WhiitnuD, reeve of K»ppel, briefly thanked tbe council ou l'«half of the town- ship and on behalf ot Mr. Cbirk'a family for ibo resolution and al>o thinked tbi.m fur abSiicidiiiiK hia mime thereni'.b. Mr. Sing re-echoeil the opiuiona of the pr.eediuK Teakeia. He was in tbe cnnncil when Mr. Clark waa firi<t elected. H.- had never met a man whom he reapected more. Everyone felt whenever Mr- Cla'k aaid aoyttiing ha meant i'. It was a asd thing that altar so much labor and anxiety, .Mr. Clark had tweu unable to enj >y bin bonora, but as the resolution expressed it, Uod'a waya arc not our waya It would tie well for all to emulate Mr. Clark's ohsracter. Mr. HaroeHS also spoke briefly, I'omipg aaheilidfrom ao a i«inini; municipality he biid a f2oo,i deal to do with Mr. Clark and had a ways found in taim a atrai);blf<ir- ward, upr tilit man, worthy ot all imilaiion: Mr. liianie hern read a stauxa composed by Mr, Rta>l. Tiie verse he said hal not be. n iutciidad to be made public, bat some of hia Inenda tu <vho Mr. Uaad bad shown ii, hadthoDgbt ao much nf it they consider- ed it might be read. The slaazs is as follows : John Clark &a county councillor Waa honest and dikcreet ; In the I>oruii'ion rarllauient llU fneoda gave hiui a seat, riis Maker koo»ins be waa fit l^or a nitich biuhor poat He tcok bitu to lliuiMilf and plae'il Hiui 'moogst tlia beav'aly boat. Mr. Uinnie sugKCatad that the verse should acooiupany tne reso uiion of on- dolenoeâ€" a propoaal which met with the approvil of the conncil. Mr. Harness iuiri;duced bylaw .^2:1 lo ap- point n jail sur(;eon. Mr. Urabam intro- duced liylaw 074 tooanlirm bylaw 17 of tbe year 18*J5 ol tbe lo«nahip of Suawjk, re- specting a roa<l deviation. Mr. Irwin io- tro.luceu by:aw r>'Ji> Iq appoint an auditor on the I'.omiuatioD of the warden instead of tile late Ro'iert Kdgar. Theao bylawa were rtad a first and second time and then went into oomm.tten of ibe nhole, Mr. Shuie in the cliair. The bylaw to appoint a jaii snrKeon niia fiiie i up with the name of Dr. T. II. Mi'bilebro, on the tbira ballot. Theaalaiy of the jail surgeon waa finally after a lengthy disouMiim fixed at V'.'.'Kl â€" tifty do) Hrs less tbtn formerly. There was a vigorous uisoussion on a clause in the bylaw foi'oidtiing the aiir^jeon to preictibe Intoxicating liquor for prisoners "except in extreme eases." The majority ot the o< nnod tooK tbe view that this was an ua- ncceasary m'erfereaca with the aurgso.i to whose liincrelion all aucb matteis sboull be le' t, snd the olause was struck out. The bylaw to appoict an auditor on the Uominatiunof warden was filled in with the uaroaofCA. Foming, tbe rrmuueraiion being fixrd at VA per day and mileage. Having covered all the bylaws, the e->m- luittee ruse and r.poried progress. I>l.-col. Telford and capt. MoKoight on b«half of the Slat L'att. addresaeil the council, asking that a grant of 20 oonta per day be made to each member of the battalion for the tim>' spent in the camp, ii> aooordanos with tha caatomary praotioa. The gentlemen showed abundant reaiona why the grant should be made this year aa heretofore. A: ( o'clnok tbe connoil adjonrnsd till 7 p. m. Weduosday eveuinfi. â€" Timet. Mr. Preatiin presenii'd lbs leport nf tbe a|soial committne, uppoiiitsil to draft a rraolnilon of rnololenne m the wiHoT and fniolly of tho lata John Clark, M. P. I'ul. lioaini; ia ilie reioliitmn : •' The county loniuvl (if the county ol O^ey tnke this npporiiinity to express their eoni olenox with the widiiw mil family of the Into John Clark, M. 1'., ex-reeve of Keppel, who was du eateonieil iiiember of this rounoil frnui ti'ii year ISMO up lu and iiiClndinE the year 18!),''. •• Pnring thn many years that bo occu- pied a eeui at tbii lionvd lie waa ronixrk- abl« for hie ability, earnittneas, oaiidour, O'-eerfulnosa and courtesy. No m«n evor povaof soil nmio thoronKhly the esteem nnd confidence ot bin o«llnn|;nca, and no man was ever iiioro sincerely mourned by his fellowmouiher'. " To tbe widow »\A children, this cnnn- cil can only a\tend Ibeir boRrtfelt sympa- ihy to ibeir bBrra<'einent, and command them In ilio rmo nuil k'epinK of their Heavenly Faber, uh'i knoweth what la best for thi'in and whose ways are not man 'a w>ya.". The repurt reootnmnnded that tho rcso- briin bn aui ibly print 'd nnd fr^ms.t, tigni d by Ilia wanlen and cUrk and pre> aentnd t<. Mrs. Clark \j^ tb« i-snvo and first doputy reeve of Keppsl and tlie reeve of Ht. Vinoent, Reveral members spoke feelingly of Mr. Clark's many excellent >|u»lltie«. Mr. Bin- A symlioate of Blythe farmers ship- ped applvs to tbu old country and cleared 70 cents sliarrel. /Vokv /s ThB Winter Of Our Disconter)t Says Sbakeapoare. There will be no dmc«iiitent if yv>u drat with â- no, and Shakospsare won't be in it. 'riMEI^Y GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, (tc11s,111ank»ts,Ciroiiig1«:s, Whips, Curry Combs, Bru.shes, Cow Clinins, and everything in harnessmakers' An olt-Ksiit GOAT ROBE from $7'{>0 In $1), othor rnbuj higher if you want tln'ni. Con.o and look at my tbiiiss, Miywty. Always )(Ud to (|uute prices. Dry cnrdwood and stove wood take in exobangs. wn. nooRE Harnessi&&ker - • - fklwrton. Gray's iftSynip of Red 'z£Xt Spnice chitis. Sore Piim throat, etc. UUIII KCRNV. WATMR* CO., Moarasea. I IsteoaosoeoeDSoaosoaosBaoeQeosc The Markets. Carerallr Corrected Earh Week Flour «3 80 to f4 40 Oats 17 to It Wheat 76 to 80 Barley 20 to 30 Peas 38 to 33 Butter 12 to 12 Eyua. freah 15 to 1.1 Potatoes bai; 2b uo Ub Pork S 50 to 4 2d Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 400to 500 Shuep.skins 2a to 60 ( leese 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 tc 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 2^ Ducks per pair 40 to M Wool 17 tu SO TIME TABLE OOINO SOUTH. Markdaleâ€" C.40 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Flesherton â€" 6.63 a. m. 4.53 p. m. OOINO NOKTH. Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. lu. 9.17 p^ m. Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. 9.30 p. m. BOAR FOR SERVICB Tboroucbbred Ttarkshira boar for sarvioe oa lot 106â€"167, Toroiitu aud Kydaiihaiii KoaJ, Artoineala. Terms : 75 eenta. reOieree oa application. FRANK CHAbD. Fteabertou P. O., Noveuber <Kb. Ne Farm and MUl Site for Sale For Mie very cheap ftud on Tei'j efts|- t*nn«. Timber tarin, 150 acie'<, two miles from Fivsb ertoii, known a«i tb« Wui. nogRBawtutll pi^o- i>«rty.»i)() ou which is au excoDent w«tor pow«^ fouiidntlon of saw utUK daui aud pond *utl water vrbvvl in i>!aco rihI all ready for putting milt 01). About lSacrt>« clt)Mr«il,;Aiacrt>a tiusb«r. luoat off. *>alauce well tiuibvrtd, mixed tiiub^r. This farm will be sold at a barxain if aold at ouo«. Kmall paymenl down, balauca on â-¼â€¢Ty e.»By term*. Appl> to R.J. BPBOCLA. FlesbrrtoB.Os CARPET WEAVING The nodsraigaed has pi ice<I la peaiUen a first olasa loom tor carpet and Bantial weaTiag and la prepared to t;tve satiafaotloa. Brlog ia your RA08 or TARN to A. T. HEBOM. FleahertoB. April T, tO- FIESIEITOI mi IMEDIT. I have opened up a complete steani lanndr.v la Fleaberton, aun aiu pntpa ed to take tn anV quantity of lauudry worli at lower prii-aa thaa are obarfied elaewberr. I have put lu Ibe la'eat and most Unproved maobloery to that end. Kindly give me a call. Kntus sttlafaetlea guaranteed, aad pileea low. Mas. Qao. Mooasaovsa Flesherton 5aw Si Planing: Mills The undersigned are placing in po-. Bition a first class sawYnill for oDstom sawing, which will be ready for opera- tion in Jauuarv. We have also added A CHOPPINQ niLl For llie coiivcnieuce of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 ceuts per 100 lbs. The sash and door faotorv, band and aoroU sawing bosiuess ooutiuocd as nsnal. Pile in yonr orders. BBKCBOFT * TALBOT

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