Flesherton Advance, 17 Dec 1896, p. 5

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«.i "IIIWW mwrnnff^' THfi IKSHIlTON ADVANCE Vl«3iiiiiy Chips. dharaeteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the <-urioKs. A-wt/KU* iiotic'j aiiiimg UkoU will be e/iiiiv/eii at tke rate of 10c per line far ettch ituertion. A rttdiiclion will be MMtie on c-<ntract» fur 100 liiuta or over. Oyatertt, oraiii^eii aud lt!ini>o« at Bara- hoose's. The waek lias Keu quiei in business circles. Anuthur Eugenia baclicUir's poem will •ppear lu-xt wt-elc. Tbe atiiie and pest-'l&ce at Stantcn, near i$b<?ii4Uriie, waa burned Ulely. lu- •uroii tor $1000 Oct your lU'irri.igo lioensci f rooi A. S. VaaDust^ti, Heshccuiti. Fbr watch and elock repairs go to J.F. VauDaaeu, B'lcMhert-ui, DiTiai>>u C</art will be held in the Town Hall hisre on, Friday. ^^meiuWr the Orniigu Siiii<!e at Pm- tuu iSati^n <<n Friday eveiiin;{. Mr. W. P. Mid lil»s Eihel Cruisley •peul Suiidity iu C»llin.i;wi>od. Tonnnhip Council met on Tuesday. The u;uiuti-s will appear ucxt nevk. Nomination fur County Cuuncillors will i>e he. I ivt Duiidaik ou Monday of lioxt we^'k. The iiuiiies nil the Couuty Cnancil bal- lot ill tins divibioD will hv Rngers, Wat- ton, Kicliardsun and Wnvhc. This is autheuiii:. Mr. R. P. Legale has btarted a flour aiid feed business at his uii;!^, Plesher toll Siaiiun- He kee|.-s ihe bv&t grades at luwuet prices. Christmas advertist^rs have a atron:; eali c'U uur culuuins tor acuuple of weeks. Smaller typ.-, hoaever, allows a fair auiouut of leadiiiit matter. Twenty two FIfsherton young people drove over t.i Markd.tie on Fridty even- ill;; to lioar Kelly sing. Marlcdal-j will no doub'. re'urn tliu c<>mphuieul wlivu the opportunity arrives. Tbe model school examinations took place last Week. There were 20 candidates in Durham, 23 in Owen Sound and 14 in Meafoid. All paxsed except one of the Meaforil cmididateH. The Meaford •uhuol t-Kik hi)!hust marks: Mr. John Johnston of VVareham sold a hunilrrd acre futm lost week for S3750. Mr. Johnston purchased the farm live years ugo for S3300 The present pur- chasers are Hfssrs. Wui. and Charles Dwlphiu of Pickeriiii( township. Fur Sale Cheap â€" One oabiuet Sunday 8cbu<d organ, four large (brimzed) six lamp chaiidelieis with 24 lamps complete and ten laige goihio church windows with stained iclaes margin Apply to Wb. Clayton, or to ju. Hichurdson, Flasherton. For the benefit of our Manitoba and Northwest subscribers we wnuU intimate that we hare jut yet had suUicieut snow here to make sleighing. Last week â- prinx wi'ather prtvailed. So far this week the Kmuiid is hard fruzea and wbeeling excellent. Mr. H. Flesher has secured the con- tract of paiiiiiiig the Union church, near Healhcote, and enters U(X>n the work this week. The ulhcials of the church will, we feel sure, be highly pleased when the Work is done, as Mr. Flenhor is a very painstaking and artistic workman. Fle^iherton Siatioii union Sunday â- ch<Kil will hold its anniversary services on Sunday, Dec 13. A tea and etiter- taiuiiient will be (liven ou Fiiday even- ing, Dec. 18(to'Uiori«w), for which a rich program has been prepared. Tea from &30. See bilk. Mr. Peter Dow of the Old Durham Road, ADenitisia, died on Monday of last waek, aged 71. Mr. Dow was a native of Scotland and came to Canada forty years ago. A wife, three dauuhters and four sons survive h<m. The funeral tmik place to Swiutou Park on Thursday last and was largely attended. Maxwell L. O. L. No. 666 held a banqoet and fowl supper on Monday •veDiiig. After the supper a plea.sing prugraiu was gone through with. Mr. Taylor, district master, occupied ti.e uhair. The speakers were Kev. Mr. Legate, Mr. Hudson and Mr. Farrier, Dr. Scott, the reeve and deputy reeve and others. Good niu^^ic was supplied by Messrs. Heron aud Robertson, and s<>]o8 by Miss Sirachau and Miss Mc- Kee. There were about 100 people present and a very enji'yable evening was spent. Have you noticed the gn.at subscrip- tion otfer we are uiviiig in another column I We want to miHS at least four hundred dollars by the lirst day of January next and take this method as an inducement for new subscilbers and fur old ones to pay up. The offer will be withdrawn after Jan. 1. It is a " hard times ' offer of the first niagniluda, and we lose money on every payment, but are willing to do so fur threw weeks more in order to get in the cash. Do not ue- gieot it, do not forxet it, and do not put it off until Jan. 2 and then KrumbU when your fifieeu cents is r«turned. All sub- scriptions to the SuD will start with the fint iasut9 in Jauuarjr, . AT THIS SEASON . . Of the year health and comfort demands < > that yon shonld be well shod. No one can * ^ supply ;oa better aud elieaper than we can. ^ \ We have a lot of BOOTS for fhil tha^ we are selling cheap. Also RUBBERS and all FOOTWEAR. Custom work and repairing promptly done at ^CLAYTON'S^ Agvot for Dofflimon Express Money Orders <> «^%)«^%/%%^/%^^^^%/%^ t ji Christmas or Wedding ^Present IS ALWAYS BETTER APPR ECLATEDâ€" if the article pre- sented be of real use as well as ornamental â€" no more ap- propriate GIFT could be made than a nice Easy Chair or Fancy Table We have a large assortment of these g<M)ds which we are selling at lower prices than ever heard of before. Our sales of cheap BEDROOVl SUITES, BEDDING and SIDEBOARDS stUl continue till Xmas if present stock lasts until then. COME ALONG AND SECL'RE SOME OF THE OKEATEST BAROAINS EVER OFFERED J. £:. moore: Ttas People's Hooia Famislicr, Undertaker and PIctnra Pi f,""'MT717T°VFWhe''r'Z'''o'^ WE WANT S|l"ro.r^^S?i::?,^.t„o'f 111 the Methodist church, rleshertou, on Sunday, the 27tti inst. AGENTS f"'*r""'"*'J.'°"ve. Pemianont The 21st anniversary of the Presbyter ian Sabbath school, Flesherton, will be held in Cl.almers' church on Christmas evening, Friday, Dec. 25. The manage- ment hope fur a full charcb and feel con-| lident a treat is in store for all who avail themselves of this eveninu's entertaiu- 1 nieut. An inlerestius; pnigrani is brinit i prepared which will consist of solos, I chiiice Christmas choruses, a character nketch of famous women, also dialogues i and recitations in which many of the ; little folk will take part. Tea from 5 to 730, program at 8. On Sunday morn-1 inif, Dec. 20, Mr. R. Martin, if Knox! College, Toronto, will preach the anni- versary sermon to the Sabbath school, when parents and children are all invited to be present. Ye Advance man wasextreiuely surpri* ed on Tuesday to see a hue armed office cha'r delivered at the sanctum by Mr. .Vleldrum. the Feversham stage driver. A note which accoiopaHie<lxhe chair fn formed us that it was a Christmas present troui Mr. Guy. blackumith of Maxwell, and was nianufMCtured wholly by his own hands, although he is over 70 years 'if aise. The nste also expressed the wish that the editor might live long to enjoy it â€" " St leas' as many years as the , maker is old." We fear this ciin scarce ly tie, yet we feel safe in proinisinit that if the chair will hoM together fur tbe next 70 years we will try to do likewise. I We bel'evo we never received a nift that ' liokled us quite so much as this chair, aud our warmest thank are tender- ed Mr. Guy. It is such hearty evidences of good will as this that maktss life worth liviug aud Christmas something more than a name. positiuD, wbole or part tiraa. Lil>eral terma. Yon csu majie tuo JoUara a weak or better witb uit, for every week you work. No ez)>eri**nce neceaaary. Brown Brothers Company. Contiaeutal Nunerie^. TOU'JNTU, OXT. IS Moh. Hear Dem Bella Aringins Publk Notice I NOTICE ia hereby RiTsn forbiddlnit any paraoo or penoua trespasBtiig nn or cutting. loterfarlnti witb or ramoviDg any timber uH lota St. OQ tbe 9tb and lUth coucensittn. .\rteinoHia. and lots 14.1. 144 aott 145 as nay ami a'l pemona doing M> will be iiroaacutaU acoordiog tu law. K. J. BPROULE. Agent, liMetLartoa. Deoamber, IS, '98. NOTICE Tbe annual Bcbool roeetins of Section No. 5, Flesberton, will be beld in the Scboolbouae on Wodno8ilay, Dec. .Vtb, iDBt.. at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive tbe reports aini elect a trustee and auditor to fill tbe place of tho«e reti.-itiK. W. S. CH1U8TOB. Soo. 'Treas. Election Card To the Elettort of JFarxl A'o. S, JiU- Ladisb and OBMTt.BiiBX,â€" At the sai neat requpat of a larite number of tbe electors of above ward, to allow my name to come bpfore >ou for councillor f'T bai 1 ward for the coming year, I have cousen ed to ruu for «ticb and if o.ected I can only say 1 hall feel and cnnnider it my dutv to serve your intero*>tA to the Ims: of uiy ability, kbowiug that wbilat looking closvly attor your interesta, 1 am alao further- ing Qiy own as a ratepayer of Kaid ward KespectfuUy soliciting your vote and iuflueuoe during tho campaign, 1 remain, your obed't servant, GEO. SW.4NT0N. Dated at FlosbartOD Deo. 14. '96. A rery happy wedding party gathered at the house of Mr. W.J. Wilson i>f Wfiothville on Wednesday Ih.sI, Dec 9th. The guests, which were numerous, wore nearly all Wilsons, aud when they meet ' they are a very happy i,-n>wd. Smilet and pleasantry were the order of the day. { The two who were the bonniest of allj were Miss Wilson, daughter of Mr. W.J. , and Mr. Hugh Wilson of SInghauiption. The bridesmaid was Miss .\lice Wilson, sister of tho bride, who now claims the | tide of Miss Wilson. The host man was Mr. Alex Wilson, brother of the groom. Tho bride was prettily dressed in bluette aud the bridesmaid was in etjuaily be- coming attire. Tho ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. S. Humphreys at 4 p. m.. after -vhich the merry party did full â-  justice to the elaborate spn a I prepared | fur 'he occasiou. Miss Wilson wjis aj me'uber of a Toronto Methodist chuich, J in which city she has lately resided, and | tho noiKhborhood ar<iund Bnolhvillo, and ' also her many friends far and near, wish j her all the good things that life has to < afford. I Election Notice To the Elettors of Dittrict No 5. Gbntlbmen, â€" At tho request of a targe number of ratepayers I have consented to become a candidate for County Coun- ciUiir for this district. Havim; consider- able municipul experience and a ineinl>er of the county council for the la-^t two years I feel confident that I can serve you satisfactorily in that capacity. Should you honor me with your contidence, I will do my utnuist to merit the .same Your vote and interest respectfully solicited. Your obed't servant, GEO. WATSON. Swintoii Patk, Dec. 7, "96. Election Card Clubbing List Advance and daily World 92 80 News 180 " MoBtr«aI Herald 1 80 " " Witness 1.8« '^ Yautha' Companion 2.36, Weekly Globe I.Mb ** Suit 1.4flr To tlie Electors of the Covnttf Council, Ditison No: 5, County of Grey. Ladixs and Gbmtlsmbn, In accordance with the expressed wishes of a number of ratepayers I have decided to run as a candidate for the County Council for this division for the year '97 and '98. My long residence in the county of over 46 years, together with ten 5[ears »f monicipid experience, iu- eluding three yean in the CouutyCuuncil places me in a position to comprehend the matter fully. Should you honor mo wikh your contidebce, I shall disch.trge u>y duty to the best of my ability. Your Tute and interest respectfully solicited, Yuura truly, Taoar W&iaar. Flesherton, No, &, '9lk. L^ r ' 001 NG OUT OF ^> BUSINESS AND \ MEAN IT €fur ( In order to show 'you frtir earnestJ- ness we cut off ^ profits on our entire stock. TWs means Dollara Saved to the Purchaser. This is no Pake or Catch game. Come along and see what we are offering: Dress Goods 42-inch Serge, price 50c for 36c 42-inch Colored Cashmeres, 50c for 35c 40-inch Diagonal, 40c for 'JTc 40-ineh Heavy Serge, 25c for 18c 40-iin;!i Meltons, 22c for 17c 42- inch Black Henriettas, 25c for 20c 42-inch Black Henrietta, 35c for 27c 42-inch Black Henriettas, 50c for 35c 44-inch Black Henrietta, 70c for oOc 46-im-h BUck Henrietta, fl.lO f<'r 80c 42-iuch Figured Henrietta, 55c for 36c ^y 25 per cent, off PRISTS ! Yatisi Corsets, 9125 for 81.00 Qebeh Corsets, $1 00 for 80c May Corsets, 50c for 38c Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 25c for 15c Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 56c for 374c Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 70c for 50c ^y 40 per cent, off RIBBONS Silk Spools, all colors, Sc Ready-made Clothing a a Men's Tweed Suits, double breast, tllOO for $8.50 Men's Tweed Suits, double breast, $6.50 for $6.00 Boys' Tweetl Suits, $5.75 for $4.00 Men's Tweed Pants, $1 50 for $1.00 Men's Tweed Pants, $1.75 for §1.26 I Men's Tweed Pants, $2.00 for $1.50 Hen's Heavy Full Cloth Panta, $1.79 for $1.25 Men's Fine Black Worsted Coating, 92.76 for 92.00. Men's Worsted Panting, 91-25 for 9o« Men's Uvercoats, $4 50 for S:l.50 Men's Overcoats, $7.00 for fo.OO ^y Boys' Overcoats at your owti> prices, but don't get too low. Men's and Boys' Tweed Caps, 25o going at 1 5c. 2 Sett Ladies' Furs below cost. To welling, He for 8o. Towelling, lOo for 7c. 33-iuch Flannellelt«8, S^c. Twill Flauaellettes, 8c. Qioy Halt Wool Sheeting, 2 yards wide, 70« for 65c. Druggets, 25c for IBo. Men's Underwear, 45c frr 35c. Men's. Underwear, 91.00 for 76c. Boots & Shoes Rubbers and Overshoes Rubbers and Stcckiugs combined. We can't give yoa all tbe prices, but yon i will find them 20 to 30 per cent, lower than regular prices. Lots of Small- ware, Tooth Brasiics, Hair Brushes, Purses, Collar aud Cnff Buttous, Per- fumery, Combs, Curling Tonges, Nail Brushes, Silver Tea Spoons (warranteed same all throngli). 1 Sett China, 97 00 for $1.50. Crockery. Plain Stoneware (Meakinsi, Caps aud Saacers, 40c doz. Plates, 40o to 65c doz. Pitchers, Platters, Vegetable Dishes and other lines. JLlBTJLir DOIOTN Groceries - Si rocertes 3 bottles Pickles, 25c. Sulphur, 3c. Soda, 3c. Sunlight Soap. 6c bar. Tobacco, 35c lb. Baking Molasses, 2c lb. Bright Sagar Syrup, 2^ lb. Clothes Pins, Ic doz. 6 Iba. 20c Japan Tea, 91 00. 5 lbs. 25c Ceylon Tea, %\M^ 6 lbs. 26c Japau Tea, $1.00. 45« Ceylon Tea reduced to 3oc lb. 14 lbs. Corn Meal, 2^0. Matches 7c box. Figs, 5c lb. Raisins Currants.. Spiws, 7c tin. Slates, 3c and 5o. My Books are Closed The present SaLG is for CASH or its equivalent. Butter, Eggs, Hides, Sheepskins, Etc. taken at CASH PKICES. AU Acoounto must be paid by Jiuiuary 1st, 1897 jlm hit â- â-  %

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