Flesherton Advance, 17 Dec 1896, p. 8

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* THE FLlSHlli'Oll ADTiHeE D. flcTavish KEEPS ON HAND '"^e^airs Fn M«8307-H>trrid, and Noxon, Fleary and WilkiDSon'farm implements. Fld'it'y and Verity plows ou baud all the time, also ail kinds of repairs for llti3 S;ime. VVe manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleigbs, etc. Hor!>o<iliooi[ig promptly attunded to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. FALL SALES . . Mk ^^ '^^^^ NOW RUSHING! ^^ This is the Roason of year when you waut to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have tliBHi â€" beautieH â€" and will sell on your own terms â€" if they are not all (inu-sided. Painting an<l re-triinniing done to order. Don't buy without looking in u{H>n my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN r '''''^•^â- 'vyw'ai?.^-;?;-^^^'^?^^^^^ GO XO J. H.HEARD J^OK THE BEST' 1 3 IW Fie-., iVj I'longhH niid yi Sli'>ei'ii! iiiid al l/S^ a. id Rhiiiijlei JtlES, Waggon*, Carts. Spring Tuoth and Iron Harrows- Dita and Woods' Bindttrs, Mowers, Horse Riiken and Ploughs, eury Plouuhs, Scufflfrs and Tuinip Serd Drills. Dick's Land IlnlJDrs. Shares for all kinds of Plouiihs. H >rae «ll kindj of BIscksmithing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts [lus. lgf> BARNHOUSE Tha Floor and Fruit )l»a r W^bes to draw the attention nf the ^wMicto the fnllowiiig specialties : iUi:SU!.SlkSlk^tii«kSllk^llcSlt-^SleeiU-m Photos County Council DOGSKIN MITTS and' LEGGINGS mad<i t(i order, or vi ill sell out of Slock. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYTFEnS IN SEASON Try nnr hninkfast CEREALS. ^fall ^,radesin stock. -TAKEN -AT THE Flour Boot and Shoe busineyi «Iso attended to an usual. W. Barnhouse, Fiesherton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Oarn-xges made and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Baud Saw- ing, Wood Turning -of every des- ciption. Planing and Grain Chop ning done while you wait, for th« Beaver turns the wheel. T.W. WILSON lllniiaiier inllioi TRAD! MAKKtt OBOIONS* OOPVHIOHTS *e. Anrnna ««nd1n« a aketoh and deaarlptinn mar (lulnlily lucertiiln, free, wbctber an InTsntloii M nriilmiilr |)ai«ntiihl«. Commuiilcatloni atrlutlj eonUileiitlil. oldMl ftnat forweurina iwtenti In America. Wo haTe a WuhlMtpn office. Patents Uk«n tbrounh Huun * Co. twwIt* •pwilal uottcd In the SCIENTIFIO AMERICAN, Iwaatlfultir iiiimtrKted. laraeat eiroalatlon ol BnT Bi-lciitlno Jiiuriial. weekly, t«nii»$*.On a Tear; ll.«)iilz miinthii. HpocUnnn oupletand UAMD Book on Fatkntb aent fra*. Addreas MUNN & CO., aOl BrMUturav, Haw Varlu Fiesherton Photograph Gallery are dono in first-clnaa alyle and at IT l.>w«8t rales. Special attention |^ Kivoii to copyiuQ. Babies' photos. j& a specialty. Pictures framed. Ig I MRS. BULMER | aDl Lot For salo. For Rale cbeap and on eaay terma In Fleohpr- tou. HpI«U(iiil liirRP, solid brirk dwelling. wUb i^oorl stnne tiollAr, Kiiminer kitchou and wood- house, alRo Roud frame Rt^ble, hrtck lined. P eiitiwex contains two lar^jn lots and fjood younK orchard, buaiiuK Houho and ou*bMUdiiif{H ar« oxcoptlonnlly wull flni^hod and very conveni<- cutly laid out. Apply to R.J. BPBoui^B.FUjberion. {Jam, look here Did ye ever leo ths like n' that broad ? It'H Hiio bonny an' white an' flaky, an' it« juiHt aa Hwoet aaa iiit. It wa'd grace Li HuiiK Oliuiiit't table ur own o'or nin uude Queeii'e, and ils a pluaaure to bake it Nrt« wonder Elundtraoii aaid ho wa'd warrant it to inak' gude bread. Caudna' lie better liiead than that. Yor'e rit'lit, Jennie, it doca ane uude to look al il, lot tiane eating it. They toll me h« Iihh some rale Kudo TEA, an' SUGAR an' othtT GROCERIES, an' hit SWEETIES wnd niiik' your mouth water to innk at them. He haa aoine Kude Trunka and VALISES ralo cheap. Taiu, a' thii.k it'll! be to o'or advaiitai<n to patinnizu Jiini. Yo'ro rlaht, .Tunni>-. The under- xigiiud thaiika Jennie an' Tarn for tlioir gudo and truMifu' rocnnnnend We Ht-ll O'iiilvio'a Hungarian and Strong Baker'i Flour, the beat in the market, Tifm, Jff»nd»raon OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, lo -tlio ^lirery Best PLAOU I.N CANAU.\ TO ORT A \\m\^ Basinoss EdncatioD. Take a Round Trip Sfitr ",!::„.,*" ^ <N)llof^t>n atid Cimmoreliil nepartinenti In Canada, then vlalt t>i9 i^ortlion Hiii-liinRB Oullaxs | examine ovevy- t>iln'4 cVioron^hly. If wn fall to pro<]iica the cant thovoiiKh.ooniploto, iimoHoal anil MXtmi- liva oonrH«nr4tiiilv : tlio bent oollnnu nienilsea an I t<iu biiHtanil inna'^ aoin|iliila and ninat aiilt- alildf Lirnitn-nanil K||II*nin9«.w« will Rive vo\i a full uonrse KKF':)-:. for Annual Annouuce- )feMt,8lvlug{nll partioulam free, adilrrn C. A. FLEMING. PrlBclpnl Cash : for : Hides! (Continued from la«t week.^ WBDNISaOAT EVENING The Warden took the chair a 7 p. m. Alter routine buainess the following cunimunicaliona »ero read : Application from Geo. Noble, High Coiiatable for the County, asking that hia remuneration be fixed ; application from John Mo- Auley for reward for arrest and convic- tion of a horse tbieft ; report of Public School luapector Qrier of East Gruy ; application from widow of the I ite Dr. Manluy, jail surgeon, fur a (trant equal to one year's salary ; application from Dr Machell fur the position of jail sur- tieon ; from .lohn Armstrong on behalf of Law Aasociation aaknig for additional slieltiiig for law library; teoud annual report ol the Owen Sound Children's Aid Society, and also report of Rev. Jas. Ludiard, county agent o( the aociety. Mr. Howe presented report No. 1 of linancu committee, recomiuvndiut; a grant of 26c per day per man to the Slat Ba'-talion for the tnne tliey were in camp iliie fall.and that this council memorialize the Dominion government to increase the ()ayuient of the Battalion, ho that it may not be inuumOent on the counry to make any HUppleuieniary grant infuturo. The report also recommended that the County Tiea-surer'a statement of pedlar's and auoiioneer's liceuKes iasued during tlie year, be liL-d, and that accouiit<j amoubinig to ff95.45 be paid, Mr. Rnad presented report No 1 of the load and liridgu committee recom- inendmg piiymunt uf the arcoiinis of Tlios. UMrnenH and T. I. Thompson as coinniiaaioners to inspect a bridg<- i>etween Derby and Uwen, Sound amounting to 968.21. The report stated that the com- mittee had equalized t35U0 aet a|.art for bridges on boundary linng under bylaw 363 of 1897 â€" the equalized amiiunt'< l)e- ini; as follows : Arteme»ia $199.U4, Bentiock C233.U, C>liim.'wo<Kl $838.52, Derby $129.79, â€" le-8 JS.'J.IO already expended, Euphraisa $205.20, Egren.unt 9235 89, Uleneli< 9157 85, tiolluml 1|$168 37, Keppel $119.96, Nornmnhv $275.35,Usprey $16.".«2, Pr ton $174 fiS fcaiKW.ik $::9.U4, «t. Vincent $239.05, Siilivan $212.92, Sydeitimm $215 72, Owui. Sound $287.73 less $34. 11 already expended, Muaford $81.72, Durham $35 08, Thornbury $28.06, Markdale $28.07 less $23.67, Dundalk $20.17. Council went into committee of the wliolo on the reoort of the iiuance coiu- mittee, Mr. Sing ill the chair. Vigenius ipposnion was offered to i lie proposed vrunt to the 3l8t Batt., Messrs. Irwin, Allan, P. Dickson, and Davis opponing t, Monara. Bxlaiidg.Pox, Clark. Shule, Inoinpsun, Palmer,. Binnie, Chisholm, Bye and Read apeakiug in its favor. During the debate, Mr. Howe, chairman i>f flnaiice, slated that there was at present a deticit of $4960, which it seemed oad been aocumulatiiig for ytiuia. Mr. Bio nie took the view that the state of affairs wusiiot so aeri>'U9 as tins state- ment represented. The deficit whs a snidl(mefor such a lar^e county as (iiey and was not one bit more serious now than i( wna at this time la.st year Tliu report was Hnally adopted without ainenumont. Council went into cnmnnttoe of the wbide on repoit No. 1 of the Road and Bridge committee, Mr Boiiind cliair. The R.-poit was adopted and council adjourned till 2. p.m day. THUBSnAT JimRNOOK The warden read arepiOt fnnn Public School InspecKT Gordon of West Grey. Referred to Kduotion conimittfO. Mr. Howe presented Finance Report Nu. 2 recommending that the second aiiiinal report of the Owen Sound Cliildien's Aid Society be printed in the iiiinntes ; that the application of the chu'f ci'iiBial'le of Owen Sound for a â-  eward of $25 lor the arrest and convio- fieii of a hor'je thief bo ui>t entorlaioed, as the mott'T was dispoaed of at the June seRntKii ; that the sum of $100 be allowed as an annual aalaiy fur the office of hiuh constable ; that in reference lo the Hppliea>iuii oF M«ry Wood Mauley for a grant e(pial to imo year's salary of thn "~ Mauley, no ((rant be made ; that in the as read Thurs- account for postave, Slieopukins and all kinds of furs pur- obaaed, for which highest market price will be paid. Homnmade sausages on hand, aire all kinds of meats. IVI. mrilLiSOM^, Fleslierlou Meet Enipoiium pniCKVn.LR AND DURHAM HTAOE. Dnrbam Rtflffo leaven Floalierton Htatlon At 7.l.'> a in., rf^ternii 4.4.') p.m. rrioevillo itaKS leHVOs Uio tisnteplacn nt 13.H(V rutnrnioM at 4.i.\ FftrBtol'rl'.BvMloainU'ptiirn.SOoontB; Duihsir, %\.ff\ for ratarn. 7^u. single fare. I.ivery in oou- neotion, Ordsrima bo left atnltlier liotnl. A.UoCAULEY Pro Into Dr that the clerk's $11.44 be paid Mr. McD< uald presented County Properly report No 1, iTCommendiiiK payiiienl of a laive number of accountH ; m d tl at the tender of Robt. Morrow for St' me to bo delivered at jail yard at 27-i cents per yard be jwiid. Mr. Preaton presented rej)ort No. 1 on communications and memoriaU reconiniendink; that in accurdance with request of county Council of Huron a niumurial bo prepared and forwarded to the Inuislalure asking them to so amend 55 Vict., chiip. 32, see. 495, aa to make the ottering of a reward for the oikpturu of liorHo thieves permissive and not cnmpulsoiy as at present ; and that no action be taken on the request of the council uf Kent county to ineiuorialiise the House of Comuxms for curtain aniendmenls to the Railway Act reynrd iiiK damajio caused by 6re started from H(>arka from locomotives, Mr. Irwin preienled report of special cnininit'ee ro Horao Thief Bylaw ( No. 508.) The committee f<mnd that the bylaw was within the meaning; of the Act in refureiiro to otreins a reward for the nppreheiibioii and conviction of horse thieves, and convoy»il exactly what the couiieil intonded, viz. : n payment of $25 for the spprehensum and eoiiviction of horse iliieves. Tlurefore the c«nnuittee recommended that no action ho ti.kin. All t .e r<^port» we.e tinally adopted m read. Mr. Shute introduced bylaw 620 lo confirm bylaw No. 8 of 1806 of the town- ship of BQllaiid--a bylaw to close a part of an original madallowaiiee. The bylaw <rM read a Irat and saeoitd time. On metion heini; nude to re&d a third time bylaw 523 to appoint a jail surgeon, two amendments were offered, the Hrat to reduce the salary t« $20» and the second t4> reduce it to $150, but both amend- jnents were lost. Bylaws 524 and 526 were also read a third time. On motion of Messrs. Palmer . and Erakiie a speci.>l committee was appoint ed to prepare a petition Ui the Ontaro Legislature for certaia ainendinrnts to the County Council Act of 1896, and " to enact thai the County Councils rhall be cuuipoSed of the reevrs of all the mu- nicipalities in each county, givlns to each one votesaccordiui; to population, on the basis ruling before the last amendinunt. " On motion of Messrit. Williscrolt and Howe a special committee was appoiuted to take into consideration and report on the best possil^le means to he adopted for reducinu thv cost uf supporting vagrant* iu the jail. Council aajonrned till 3 p. m., Friday. rhiDAT Ama.sooa Mr. Raad reported verbally on behalf of tba committee appointed to prearut ibe rasolutlOD of condoleuce to Mra. .lonn Clark, The coiunnttee had preseniid toe reaolntinu to Mrs. Clark and fimiiy iu the furenocD. Mr. UeDonald prasentsl roport K». 2 ot CoUDiy property commi-.tee rooommending that iliu application 01 the Law Aa>sorla- lioB ior ailditiooal shelving for (he law library be laid over till January seisiim ; that the County Crown Attiiarv'a room be repaired and cleaned ; that tlie prexent- ment ol the grand jury at the 'fall assizes be tiled ; tnat the report of Mr Bu'rou^hea ou tbe heating system of the court boase be laid over ^till the .laoU'.rT session ; sud that .Jos, Stayiea, deputy reeve of Uleail^, be antnorised ' o puruhase wood for tbe S< utti Grey rsgisiry offlots. Mr. Qilray preaeoted rnport Ko. 1 of education committee recommending pny- roeni of ma accounts of tba •ulr.iuce aud public school leaving eiimiaatioa bcid at Chatswoitb. Mr. McGregor presfntod report Xo, 1 of printing oommiitoe rooomniaudog payment oi a number of aooouots lur adveriiaio)i ejid job work. KU tne reports werea<iaptod as read. Od motion of Messrs. McDonald and Brown the county tr asurer was authoriz- ed to pay to Kobe Morrow, cooiiactor for f nrniahmg ttoue to the jail y^r', 10 per cent, of eonrract price on certilicctta of eaanremenb of the jai or. Un motion of Messrs. Clark and Kells, the jail surgeon was requested lo report t â-  the couueil at the June and December sesaionn in eauh year on all matters in con- nection with his duties. Mr. Biniiio introducad bylaw SS7 filing tbe bigb ouu>tabla's salary at SlUOiii a<ldition to the feus ha would bi cntitlad to for tbo par~ foriuauca of tils dutittfi as ao ordinary constable â€" Bucb salary to Im paid quarterly sad to take efleot from aud after tba time ot bis appoiu.- me t. Iu tbe committee stage, Mr. McDonald in tbe chair, Uessrs. Kolaiiil and Kolla mcved au ameuiiment providing that a proper suit of un- iform shall be furnished tbe Ligb Ouustable every four years â€" cstriad Moved by Mr. Irwin, -ecoude<l by Mr. Morrce. that this council mamorlalizc the Ontario Kovurnniont praying thduj t ' pass a law com- pelling the use ottiree not less than tliree inchus wide for all wsguiia carrying a tou aud tliat Ihu width of tbo lira t>e iucresKed accuid- irg (u tbe loa<l. After a lively debate tbe motion was lost. aATCaClT MO»NIH« Council Diet at a. ni, Mr. iluwo prcsuutiHi finance report No. 3, re- comuiuniting payinout of several accounts. Sir. lliunie prvstuted report of special ccni- niitteus re va^rauts iu jail Tbo couiniittee found that not uiucb obango could bo ipude Iu tnu prestnt syateui of dealiuu with this claBa of prisuuera but deemed it advi'abio that pi, nty of wo. k be provide t aud recoiuineuded that ar'angeuieots Ih> made to procure stone to be iielivortKl at tlie jail yard ready fur work ai* aooo aa they ot aauiduce to eouje in every lall. Mi. Uilray |>r«faeutea report of special com- mittee re auieuumiiuts to County Couucila Act iWe. \\\ tile reporta were adopted as read, tlylaws sue and M7 ware ruad a third time and flually passed. On uiutiuu of Messrs. Doland and Kells a grant of liiift waa made to provides suitable uoiforiu (or ttie iiigb couKtable.iu accordauou with bylaw. Yeaa,yG, uaya ^l. Uu motion of Motsrs Howe and Smelser the money granted to tbe aist Hattalio.i was made pavahle to the captains of tue ditfurent com- liauitis to diaburaeâ€" tbo auiouut rotiuired tor Ottcii company to bo certifted to by Lt.-Col. Telford. Moved by Sir. Grior, seconded by Mr. Uorice. that this council batore we fceparato. doaire to exprusH sincere avinatby with our county clerk, Mr. Kutliorfurd, and blBfaiuity in tlicirl^te Bad bereavuineut iu tiio removal 'of an est^euied member of tbe fanni) by aeath.aud to return our buaity tbapkn to Ur. Hiithei'furd for tbe kluduuMK, geutleiuunly coiKluct tbe courtesy that be has iuvarittbly evteiidod to us while acting iu nia olllcal capacity in oonuuction with this council. Carried by a uiiuuIiuouh vote. on motion of .Uussrs. liowe aud Has the us- ual grant of YlOU was niarlu to tno warden, and the cuu.iCil expresforl appveciawiun ul his oouit- eons aud iuipartial conduct. Tbo warden made a brief but aiiproptiate reply. on motion of Messrs rimelaer and Wataou tue cbairiiian of ooinmitteea were vote t the following eniouptH ' t'inanue 910, County piopuity eiO, education aiO, road and britlge #10, piintiiig •d.ootuBiunicatioiia an-i memuriisl «,s.a|>ocial oomiQlttea re hoMting sounly build- ings «5. Anamenilment offered bjr Messrs Harnena aud Davis declaring such grants illegal waa lost on diviHuu of 99 tu6. UBHiiis. Head.Roiaud, Shute, Irwin. Chlahnim, Davis, HaiiieHH, Oilray and Biunif made i^bort apeecbus iu rot ertinco to the brenkiiiK up of ttiia old cout ty council. Clu uiotiou tbe council tiiBii arose aud aa tbe last strains of '* Auid Iiang Uyue" aud" (iod Have the (jnron " died away, the county parliamaat Iseoamea thing of the past. a lie x * Catherine Ilalk of CulrosR, an insane woiuun, aged 34, conriiteci in the Walker- ion jail Its a luiiatlc,ci>iiinutted suicide on Monday by hanging hervelf to the cell door with a rope made of her apron and night dress. th^^ The only food! v^ a that vill build \ i^^^Jj up a weak cons- \ , , ^^- * titution gradu- \ \ ; Chance aUy but surely is ; 11 Martin's i llCardinal Food! 4 I o < â-º a simple, scientific and highly < i I \ nutritive preparation for infants, \ \ delicate children and invalids. | \ * KER;«V WATSON a CO., Paemirreaa. \ ' MOHTneat. < i The Markets. Carchillv Corrected Each IVeeb Flour $3 80 to $4 40 Oats 17 to 19 Wheat 75 to 80 Barley 2U tu 30 I'eaa 38 to 39 Butter Yi to 13 Kj(i{S, fresh 15 to 15 Potatoes baif 25 Ul 26 fork 3 CO to 4bO Hay per tun 7 00 to tiOU Hides 4 00 to 500 ^iheepskina 25 to 60 (lee.'^e 6 to 5 Turkeys 7 tt 1 Cliicltei's per pair iO to •as Ducks per pair 40 to so Wool 17 to 20 Cheapest and Best Reading in Canada THE St7N Is the Canada Farmera' Sun re-or6«nlzed. j .. . It Is strictly indopendent, ana A Bynstander" is a regtilar cor.tilbutor to Us columns. « Ita market reports are acknowledr- ed to be tlie fullest and most accurate published In CanadA. It ffivea tbe best farnvers" page '.n tfhe Dominion. It containa a short atOTy from Lion- don Truth, weelolv. It srlveo an averafte of 40 columns w brig-ht reading In each Issue. lliiu paper will be* sent to ftiiy address In Cnnnda (outside of Toronto) to tbe end of 97 for .50 contH. Three copies v\\\ Oie aent to any three ad-dr««9e« (outside this otty). fo» ttie some pertod for a doUar. 'Ihe .-nil nn<1 Weekly Oloba combined will be aent to the end of 18»7 for One DoUttr. Adjdrefls an orders to mSUN PRINTING COMPANY, ltd. T- R'>NTa Agerrta Wanted. Write for terms, an* beer how to secure a goUl watch or parlOT clock, without the cost of a dollar. Specimen oopleg fr&e on appUcaUon ^ FlESHEBTlTTEilTilli:Diy. I have npeiifid tn> a uoiuplote steam laiindrj in Flethei'ton. aun am prepa ed to take in any quaiitity of laniulry work at lower pricAs than are chaiged elsewhere. I bave put In thelate«ft aud mo8t ituproved macliinvry to tbat eod. Knidly Rivti uie a call. Eutlre 8atiBfa«tloB guarautueU.abd ptices low. Mbs. Oko, MooKBHoraa Fiesherton Saw & Planing Mills The Miidersigned ar«> placing in |)0- sition a first olaRS sawtnill for custoni 8awint». wbicli will be ready for opera- tion iu .lanna'v. We have also added A CHOPPING niLI For tlie coiivenietice of farmers. Clioppiiis; dune at any time at 5 oents per 100 lbs. The sHsh and door factory, band and acroll sawint; bnsinoMa continued as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECROyT & TALBOT free: ! fre:c: : : Boar foi- Service w for Sale The unilersiitnod liaa a fine llerlmlilre near for Gervioo on l>la iiroiniiiua fur tliti season of IWIO'7. leiniB tl.iX). N. I).â€" This fiiiB uulmal is aUo offered \at A. WICKGNS, Floaherton. December 7, IHOO. BOAR FOR SERVICE I have a well bred Berkahire boar tor serf ice OH lot ITS, T. B. R., arteuiesia. Terms (SouulK. on; OBU n'KSTINQ Preserve your eyesiKht by having Dmih properly tested by W. A. ABMSTJRQNG, OpmouK I M I t â-  I

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