w ksb^tton ^iijana. <« TRUTH BEFORE FAVOIi " â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. m. XVI, NO. 828 FLBSEERTON, ONT , THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897 W.H. THURSTON, ^â- "^".Vopr.etc H!B » '»^»/*i/iit/»^%^t^,^/%/%%^/%^v%/»'%%^/m/%^%/%,»%%/%^%/%%-%,% « :;i 1 1 Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware W9 WATCHES t W(> are liPHilqnarteis, Santa pnrcliased his snpplips frciii no, hut we ui-h liko a ^ood wall llial never runs r'ly â€" plenty h-lt lo olioow from. Watch & Clock Repairing III all its biuueliea. W. A. ARMSTRONG Fleslxertoxi. f Jewrellex* Fort Lnw East Qrey Conservatives (^UT business ^irectorx^ ^\x%\nn$ €atili9. M CULLOUOH * YOfNO. B&n\«ri. M»rk't»l«. do a nenaral banking ba» Ina-H. Money loanoJ al » r«Monabl« rata. ».'»1 A8. VAXDLfWN. J. P. Clerk jib Div Court, Co Qrey tuunr of Maiiia8« Lioeaiwii. Coinmi«»ioii«r ii- B. C. of Juitics. Aacliou' er, rt«. FLilHBVRTall P. O. TVKBTS tXJI.LECTED Tlio uii'l«i-'«iKne<) l!< preiiarsd to onrlortik. tb« coProtion of all k'li.lK of debti. NcHttr bauxhc. aoBOiititu ^olloctixl, etc- B. N. HESDKUSON - Flbbbkbti ^ TCH18LF.TT • Kluaiierton Ktatloa l'o«tn>aatoi, Comiiilsiiioi.Br in n. C. J .Con- Te>«ucfi; (I«m1". mortgoK'W loanon aiirl wilii' 4rawj. Uoiiiy '.o Ifiil at SJ per c-oiit. and iip- war.)ti. DubM collected. OliarBaa mortarate. Jcutiistvu. ^ J. SPUvlULR, r>Hlina>ter. Kluahorton, Co-Jimi»aioti8r iu B. R., tiWeiisi-d /uotioueer, Conveyaniiir, A â- praiaer ami M iioy Loiidef, Heal Bstiito au'l Inauiaiice Ak- ',. Doodn, Moit»(a«o«. L«»b.'s, and Wlllll(lru^fcl lip uii.! V«lu.uioii9 niailu on (hcwdt notice Auction snlos attoluloil lu in aa> liart of the County. .Money to loan at low •at .utes of intm-ft. CoUfctioOrt nttauiled ti^ wilU iiroin tne«a and do«i.a5.;h CliarjiBs low. ASant lur the ;(oiuiniiin htuaniBhip t^umiiaOT. •b«ai> tickotrt iioiu ticshoitou to L...oriJ.> !. Ola, w ;.,o,iclun or any of the briliiih poiis firtlaa Intuu.linK to visit tniiland. bcotUml or Iralaii'l. will |. Btt«D a'-k ratea before purohaaiiiu (ftltir licliuia elsuwnore ^oci tu'$ AO.liW.â€" i.ieetHOvarv ttrat ami third Mon day i;i eiicli irionth, in tlmir ioi.go rooni Strain'" H'ock, KIbkIu.i loii, atHp. ni. V, WalK-v, M.W.; W..). li«lliiii,> . fliJ«ic:Mr w IrWlu Uocoidor. Vl«itinij Ityctberu invitee;. ROYAL TKMPLARH OP TKMPKKANOP.. â€" Uosiiliir Council meetn ovorv nmt and Ih'rl I'uoslav evciiiiiK in ciich mon^n. In Siuoule'B block at » v in. belcct iluRifu iuauiaiicKl nitot» "loutlily. 111'? WoduoBday proci^.liiiK tb« 2.!iii; of each month. SONS OK TKMPI'.BANOF..â€" This BoHety nicots in Or. Chrlstoe' fliill first We.l ncf'iav in eH«li niuntli ot 8 p.m. ViHllius brethi rcu invited, liisurunut iu couuociiou. ITP. B. A., meet in their ball, Chrlatoe'B J Block ever 11. st and third V' May in each mnnlb. J. J.Urowu, W. M., T CI ytou, Maerutary. PniNCKARTHl'BLOnc.R.No.i:!.!, A P A A M. inetit in the Miihol ic Hull, Sirain'H lllouk. Fl«!<h«rton, uvcry Fii.liy on or bsTore tho full njoon. Ono. Mitchell, W M, W J Hailaui} , sauretary ^ DUPFEHTN LOnCSR, Ko 180, loop. liiuetB in Clayton's Ha'l every Tuea dav i*v«niiif; at 8 o'clock. Viaitinit brethreucordially iuvitad A8 VanDubkn, no Wm Uoona.Sea I P. KAKSBALL, L. 0.8.,lf.D. 8, Dentiat. Vlalta Markdalf he lat and .trd Wedneaday of each month, 'leahortoaâ€" Eaeb trip on tha dar t..,«winH. r O. CAMPBKLL, I' O », DD S, Dental Surgeon, Markdale. OfUoeover McCullougb A Youut;'a bank, tloura â€" 9.J0 a.oi to 6 p. ni. V'iaita VIesherton the aecond and fourth I'huraaaT^ eacb muotb. OIBce at Uuuabaw'a hotel. p RENDISIWON D D H, M D 8, Dentint of Toronto ii^old tnecialiatl will vinit Pleeherton profeattiou •t ly the firat Wedneiidav of each luoutb and LIuuilaJk Iba day falluwiug (Tburnday I IKrpl. pUoST « BAT80N narriaters. Solicitora, Cnnveyancera. etc. Officeâ€" Next to poH office, hpronle's block Pli 8b«t.ton,evoryThuniday until further nofcice. C. A. UAT80N J. W h HOST LI-. B. N. B. â€"Owen SoonJ office, Frott'a block Pbulett St. Ea.'-t. I HCASAWRIGHT, Harristem, So icitora, ConTeyannera, ato.. Ow.>ti iound. Out. - • Markdale, Out. W. H. WlUOHT. 1. B. LUCAH. N. B.â€" FleshcrtCD office, Uitcbell'B Bank every Wcducsduy. TLCKKP. A PATTKKSON. * Ban iiitc I a. Hnlicitora, etc. Molbon'B Bank, Owen Sontnl. Rarry G. Tucker Cieu. W. Pattcraoii M ACICAY A HATTON BarriBtora, Solioitors. ato. OITiOBfi-SOPonlnttB Rt. Owen Bound ; and Main .St. Utinnalk, every Saturdav. N.I>. â€" .\lwa>f) in attendance at FtcBbortou and Dundalk Division Courte. A. G. .'Mai-Kay, M. A.. W.J.Hatton County Crown Attorney. Pertifnl jjKHUTTON M D C M, M P PAS ODt, PrlcbVille OfQi-o next dror to Prnwn'fl fitoru; rcsiaoiice uiiLMtoor wetit o' Methodiflt cliiiruh, KinroBSst. OltuMi (<o.ys, TiiutHlaytt and Saturday D il l-.iHTEU M P A S Ont,, PhyBicinn. SurReon, etc F1e«hurtou otUceâ€" Utraius b ock. liobidenceâ€" Mitnsltaw'a Hotel JOHN A SCOTT MB Member Collo)>oPhyBic.& SnrgoouB.Ontari Or.iiluate in Mvdiciuo of Toror Univorsily t'ellowBbip Diploma, Post Oiuduato Medical School and Hospital, Chicaf^o. DiBcasoBof eye ear, uoBe and throat apeciiLlly treated. Itesi. deuce, .Max we 1, visits Peversbam Tbursdaysl-d t'ri.m ()itr Own Correspondent Tlitr eli-ctii)nt fi^r tli« y«tr ai« Hg:\ii) a tliiiitf of i.li« I'HHt, jiiHjpi'g frmn 'h»- viii« CHMl lit-i'i- itmru thnii fwi» t.liirHa of r.lie p t"p'e li-a well '•iiiicd wiili ihc rH.sult of the el. ctii'ii. Tim reinai'iiiig tliiril »m\, " lu-vt-r mind, hn\s. our iirm i* all riyht ; ht) is n<ii to I e Huiffuil at ; hv'U cnuitt il a II iliH very fimt oip^riiiniiy ; we'll g :t him int<' H iiK-iliii'K y>-r, Uui I.8W iiiHil oariier, Mr. .I<ib<i Hai'cv, iiHB nsuniril h'S ilutng W'e liflieve that Mr. Uiiiify will n.nkf a first class mihiI Carrie", for ho is punctual ami ve.y hc .â- "iniHlniin'.^ im •bi'Mul. WiBh lie hail BO lie Hliighib!* In try his new csiiter. M.. JiiiiiiHTiin Wo d lian HRunieil I is duly »8 leaclier in nur si luiul. Juily'iiK iMiHi I lie vnice of ihf i-liililri-ii we li lit-ve Mr. WmckI has alremly hecMine a un^at favorite Hiniin-jrC thoni. W,- aUo wei- c me Miu inr.i our luidnt, Johiii't ai>d wiiili you fvery siice> im aa a toacher. Well, Mr. Eiiiior, wli«-ii «f ri'ud 'T lli'ar of ihH iron hut-1 i<f the l.iiiduiid in Irelaiiii ur £n.:lHn<t oe liunllv i-ealizu nliai It nieuiiH, I'Ut »lifii it c nirs home ill liur in dx' aa it uid in the uai.tt ol one of our Fleslieilnii men â€" a man who liiiaslH of Ilia chaiiiy and lim Hhh-bh tor thf kii gilnin tu ciuie â€" it lalily iiinkus nui bio'd lun cnid til tliii.k nf tlii>. Tliia man lia|i|iuiied to have a pii ce of land leiited III this neiglilmrhnnd ami his toi.ant w«« a piHir, liard-working man, hut hud tha luii'fnriuiie imt In' raise t'Uaii;;li cinp oil ihe place ill rile twn yrar« he has been on ii, even if lie i-old evriyihinif tliat lerew on the placo, to pay ihe lent fur nuo yi'nr. so he happened to lie tweniy-t^Te dollars behind this year. And what do yi.u think «f ibn lamilord, who lonk 'lie IhKt teim of Imrses the pnor iiihii bad forilie txciity- Hve diillara uniniid ai.d wnuld liavx .sol. I I hem if tlie ponr cenaiu had m t ledei Di- ed tlirui, whirb put liiiu in a uieai d>-al of expKiiNO and iroiilile. And lo nmke tl ii>i;H Morae, tliLs pour man's wife Inia 111 en under Ihe c»re i.f the dia-'tnts fnr the past nix iiionilis. aid he lia'* a liirt'e family of amall childien tn provide for. II that iH tlie cliaiity nf a rich Iniid'nid. iliankOi'd ynur mti' e a n.il hum Thm man hiiH lowered liiiiiKelf in tlieesiiin- :il|n|| nf Hi.tlie nf his lieKI fllellllH III I be xten' ni' almut niii'ty-iiint per ci iit. Ah, HiHiry Dottii'sH.ile laiiie ort'Tu. i- ilay, 5tli. We umli-roiand it waa i|U te a suuceH*. ^verylbilij sefin. d insell fa r y w. 11 up >o lis v;ilii<.. rii.i i> tikii'g li.e liaid limea inln cniiKi.leiatn n. We.lie iii-te Mr. Down imeina inovinif tu Hnrninu'a Mllla, were be JMeuds uoiitg inln ihu (IrOVinK I'llHllliKH wi h li<» l.i-niber 111 hiw, Mr. J-l ii HmliNnii. VV» â- lie Kniiy to li-HO Mr. Dion as b.'tli he and Mr« D.iWn were v. ry l.ghly iK'eein .'il ill ihJH Incali y, l>iii nur '' as will I-h the uaiii I'f others We wan them every g luci i< in tlieir new b iii". Address and Presentation. The following addreoa and presentation was iiiiide Mr. U. Down â- ii Satunbiy. 2iid 'i'»t., at hi» rebidence. The mat er wa« a complete nurpiso to Mr and .Virs. Down. Mrs. Down waH also presented with a copy of the Chr stiaii Guardian for one year. A very ploawiiit even ng was spent by the guutits in games, music, etc. Mi\ H. DiiwH. Dear Friend, â€" Wo, the olfioers and tciicbei-s of the 4th lino Sub' ath-achool, having! lieiinl with r gret tli .t you arc Bonii to go lioiii our luiiist, dcaiiu in i-omo little way ti show our appreciation of your faithful services a.s secretary of the school. V'e are sor y to part with you, for in so doing, wo feel we are hising a fiithful otticor. Then, too, we will miss your voice in our week-night services. In your departure f (iiii our midst our best wishes go witli you, and as a mkeii of our esteem, wo ask you to accept this Bibl-, believing aa you study its truth you will often be rumiiided of the many pleasant liours spent together in our Bust and Centre Gn y Cnnservaiivea held their annual meeiing in Ha-kei's hall, Miikdiile, nil Friday, 8(h in^'., w th Pn sid lit Kells in the chair. The pesiileni opened ihe meeting with a shnit. address to I hose a-sumliled. There Were s.jarcely as m my present as is u ual on similar uccaainiis, but the i-ondi'ioii of die mada wvi Hnswerable for this. MInntnH of inrnier aniiu d nieeiinis and Hpecial meeting iti July lasi weie re^d and approved, as »as alsn tlie aiidiinr^' re|M»rts. Tiiu fnluiwiiiii nltioenj were then I ppoiiitad loi the en-'uinv yeai : Presid. Ill, T. K-ells ; Vioe.-Pr««., T. Giliay ; Uec.-Sec , John L\»iim, Mark- dale ; Cor'esp.iudii'g Seoietaries â€" Uun- d.lk, 8 Be I i M.xwoll, Dr. Scott ; Cnaiaaor'h, Wm. ^l'ee^e : Thornnry, E Rfii'ke ; VandelHU â- , .J.is, Br nli •, Treas.; AuilitoiB,C. W. Ruihdue and Wui. Jack- so i, .Markdale. Vice PieS'd>-ni8 â€" Aitemesin, M. RichMrdHin, Flesln-rton ; EiinhraaiH, C. G Deavitt ; O.prey, D K. Pivstm, Maxwell ; Col.inuWn.^], F H. Siiielser, Caiksbui'u ; Thornbiiry, T. H. Dyro ; Meafi id, â- !> hn Lani! ; Hnllanil, Wni. Fnsiir. Mas-ie ; S'. Vinceiii, Niclmlaa Reiil, Uayview ; Prot.nii, .las. U'Thett, Dundslk ; .Vlidancibui, W C. R dieri. R'lii, Homiiiga MiIIh ; Sullivan, Jaa. Pringle, Clint-wnrth ; Dumialk, W. J. Hoi'Mw; Mirkila!e, I. B. Lue»8. Tile i|Ut.-sCinii of hnldinti a cnuwiifion to Select a candidate tn ointeat the seit ill ilia next Onisrio eleisiiiiii waa discu^s- ed shortly, when it wta di«dd>«l to leave the iiiaitHr with the preaident. Snine uiiimpnrtant elianues were mad â- in the coiiHiituiinu. The speakers were t'le [Ktpiilar iNeiiiOHr, Dr. Spmule, .Meaars. Richarilftnii. Smij. T. B. Liieaa. ami T. Gdiaynf Eupirasii. Ttie Dr's. address was pat'iculHily ImereMtin:; and w<-)l deliveied. He hh"wed that in eveiy i'ai.e where we had liisigrenl wirh the policy of Ilia pany and in which ibey persii-t-d. disHsiera hail Inllnwed, and hn set coiiipletoly ar real aoiiie iiiHi'iuationa that liail been maile with le-jat^l â- •> hs desireand anxiety In iii^rept s ca^net p 'Hitinn 111 tlie lalH Knwell ad ninistra' tion, showing emiihatnaHy that ihe same waa uiiiriia He al-n d precitod"si'alv" aidini.H III p'lli ica as ill e\eivtliiiiK else, and believed they wo ked Iihiiii in every instance. Sp-^akniy of tMe recent Niirili Grey electini he lejntted that >he aci >oii hail been dropped b^caiisn had it been p lsl^ted in it nmild have almwii upMie Kefnrin piirty fm anytliitiu bu what ihey piofesS' d t" b-. tlio |>ar'y of piiri'vaiid p'iiL^ipe. Nd'ther did he c>'iid>ine iiiifair actio s >n one party and cotiiieliin iheiii ill others. Tie Dr's a"li'ies< was inieiesiim;, oi "i)Ueiitly de livuiuil and warmly applauded. I*rn*fvill«* JPOTTBWBLIi Veterinary Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vetoi'Miary College, lleaidenceâ€" Second door joutb on weat side Mary atraet. This street ruua iontti (rgin Praabytarian aUurob. school. Praying thnt Heavi-n's choicest blessing may rest on you and yours, and that we may meet again where i>arting is unknown. F. W. Nicholson, Superintent. H. HiMPHiLL, Libraciao, FiDiii nti) oum ('iirri'iiimiiilt:iit. The scarcity of snow has iiiiped-d trutlic ennsidenibly, hence business has been at a standstill in this bui-g. How- ever, it is an ill wind that bl ws nobody goial, for the mild weather of the piuit few weeks is appreciated by many, Thyru cnuld not be more favorable con- ditjijii.s for -awlngs. tire wood, etc , than liiive existed for the past iiioiilh. When a tree falls it .s not buried up in two or three feet of snow outoiling an hour or two if hard work diggi g down lo it. The absence of snow ami the presence of ha d frost has boeii a boon also to the knight* of tb • forge, w Im, n doubt, feel tlmiiKful acc<irdin;;ly, except p. rhaiis when they get out of wootl. But not- withstanding the fact that there couldn't be a better time for preparing a stock of summer and winter fuel, some are wast- ing many hours in g ssiping in the vil- lage stores and shueshops instead of reaping the benefits of uxioting advant- ages. Mr. Donald McDonald has taken charge of the Alliui Park public school. Before leaving for his work the Presby- terian Sunday sehonl presented Mr. Mc- Donald witit three very haudsoma volumes, comiiosed of Moore's, Shake' BI)ear's and Scott's poems The present- ation was accompanied by a very kindly wntded aiUlress. Miss Alice V. Ross left for Stouffville lately, wh-re she takes a position on the public schiH>l statF of that town Mr. â- lohii McLeiai hits a-suraed cnntroJ. of (). D. R. public scho 1. The R. v J S Humphreys will preach a serm n on Temjierance next Sunday in the Methoilist church Last Saturday quire a number from th 8 village attendeil the funeral of the hue Milts Jennie O'Strander, who died after a very brief illness while vi itin«[ her si tur near Duudalk. We extend tu Mr. and Mrs O'Straider and faini y uur deepest s>iu[)atliies in their severe and sudden bereavement. TheS.O. T., Div. No. 348, has been pros)>irinj this winter. The last qiiarer- ly report shows a membership of 90. The following will officer the Uivisioit during the ensuing term : W, P. , Alex- aniler McLachlau ; W. A., .Miss Katie McArthur ; R S., Peter M c Arthur ; A. R. S , Mist Gertie McLe<Kl ; Treas., W J. Blakestun ; Chap., Peter Mc- Kechnie ; Con., Wiu. Miiir ; A. C, Miss M. E. McArthur ; O. S., M Scott ; J. S., Miss Lizzie Scott. Vote by Townships It will be inter<).-tiii<; to our many readers I o see the Kguiea of the County C lUncil elect'on by townships. These wu give as fndowa : DIVl^ION NO. 1 Owen Sound Sarawak Totals Clias. Gnrdnn 445 2t>0 UU& W.A.Binhop X>S 115 473 J. W. Fn. t 403 (i4 469 John Chishnlni 406 »7 44S J. S Kin.ilay 333 85 418 J. D Speers 2l;6 1119 o95 Eliaa Lemnii 270 22 292. DIVISION NO. 2 Keppul Deibv Hllivan Total W. A. Tntteii 1062 29 1 1083 Jaa. Aiideraoii IM 249 olG 949 Jiw. Pringle 1.1 97 647 759 Th<». Harness 237 372 10 619 DIVISION NO. 3 Hentinck Gleneli; Durham Total C. M.:Kiiinon 234 494 244 «»72 Geo. Binniu 108 606 20J) 874 H. Brighain 697 71 79 747 J.Messinuer 701 4 16 721 S, Peto.'^bnus.'h 2:» 07 13 323 DIVISION NO. 4 Noiniaiiby Egrtniont Total A. Schenk 8o<i 22 87S J. Allan «;} 722 7h5 D Morice 5X8 75 663 J. S,va> tint 36 629 604 .M. MePlieo 80 15 95 DIVISION NO. 5 iTiium Art, .Mrkdhi. Dnndlk. Ttl, Gen Walsni, 1024 l.'il 114 V3!i& M. Richar.ls..ii 158 899 1S3 97 1247 Tliorp Wright 7r439 (51 12 583 DlVlS:oN NO. « Opiirov (^oI'kwooiI Thorn bury Tola D K.Presmn 1064 .17 6 WM N.McColnian 47 65(1 298 9!)6 F Smelser 5 427 59 t91 P.Si.iuieniiur:< 88 Xifi 41 465 DIVISION NO. 7 Euphrasia tStVinoeutMaaford Total C R Si g 01 4)>(> 118 046 Gen. Bio.»n 14 237 367 C18 Thna.Gilrny 535 26 11 672 .LM. D.vis 4.'*5 48 12 545 A.U.Patersoii 2»3 89 82 454 R Amio* 25 105 118 248 J. Bowes 18 1',I3 28 239 Will. Moicalf 9 38 8 56 DIVISION NO. 8 Sydniil'am Hnl'aud Total F. Qunncn 8U7 118 985 .Inhn MiDnna'd 212 674 886 Thns. Wiiliscmft 10 671 687 R. P. Williams 347 48 396 . h >i» I â- . Clubbing List Advaneeniid daily World... $2 80 Newj 1 80 " Montreal Herald I.JO " Witness 1.80 •' Youtha' Cnmpanioii 2.36 »• Weekly Globe 1.65 •♦ 8iiu L4a ^: