Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1897, p. 4

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^wmmamm wwm 'mm"^ THI niSHllTON ADViNCS 7 'x,. â- â€¢TABLISIIBB 1881 ^A© Advance fVBLISItKD WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE. BYD- BNilAM KTItKET, KLEHHEKTciN, ONT., BY W. U. THURSTON $4 per uniiiiiii.slriftly in advance Adveitisiug Rates: #â- 0 Uoluma, 1 year, CM) : half col., 1 jear, t27 qaart«r ool., one year, SIS. Transient advertiKoinent charged a*; the rate •f 8 cents per line for flrst insertion aaJ 'A cents aaob eubsaquaut inertioo. EDITORIAL COMMENT Mr. Bell, e>litor of ttie Mining Bevidw, railtcr tliDwa cold water on the B. C. milling boom. In an inter- view lie said the whole country would bo Sony for it sooieday, and clain<ed that only two new^papcro had not lost their heads over It. It would be in- tureniing to know how many uieu outside the newspaper profesRioii have lost their pocketbooks as well an . their heads over it. Sir Ollie Mowat is huiitiug in the same forcut that hM hunted in while in the Ontario Lr^'isluture He will again place his ca.^e before tlie Privy Couucil. On ihie occasion be wishes to know the exact duties and pre- rogatives of the Doramiou and Provincial governments with regard to the iisheiies. Tliis has been a matter of dispute, and the laws have clashed iu more than one instance. For iuatanco, at <»ne time the Dominion Goverument Buid we could catch brook trout after the first of April ; the provincial season did not open until the iii'st of May. Of course every- body tislied under the Dominion Act It Oiuy be just as well to have this important question settled righ.t away, ap the item of licenses is becoming veil worth disputing for. liitely nothing is known of Ibein b«- yoiid the fact that they nie icebound and cuntsi'i aeiivs volcanoa. It is Ihonghtquiio possible thai native ant- arctic races may be discovered there, and •videnoe? that, there is siiincilliing of the kind it is believed haverece'.itly been found There havt been i<everal exjieditiuiis to these seas, but all su3h were by vessel alone and the interior lias never been viMted. The last im- poitaiit ezpediiiiiii was made in 184<i, and lioilung important liab been ailded to our kiiuwledg3 o( these regions since that tinie. It is to be hoped ilie proposed expt-dition will be iitiid our, as iniicli knowledge of interest and value to the world would no doubt re- sult therefrom. Arteniesia l^wuncil The new County Council will meet on Jan. liO. This meeting will be watclu-d with interest, being, as it is, a matter of experiment. There have bien prophecies that the new order of tLiiigN will mtet with failure and re- sult unsatipfactoiiiy. It can, however, gca''cely be so unKalisfuctory as was the old system, and one year's trial will discover any defects therein, when these can be leiUL-ditd. Speaking of this cliMige. wi- are led to note that iu township councils the positions of second and third deputy reeves are pow highly ornamental. A first dep uty IS a ncces.sity, more is unnecessary, but roauing the lu.w as it now stands one would be aliuosl led to susix-ct that the Duiclinian was correct in his iuiorpretalion when he said, "Enoot -tsii enoof, hut too mooch is shoost right." P.)a^ibly, for the preaont year tX least, too roiicli is just light. A new exi>eduiin) to the antarctic rcgiuuK IB now pioi;ose(l, by which important rtsnlta are expected for science and ootiiiuerce. The.se south- am legions aio comparatively un- known through vniioiis causes, prin- oipa ly (hat the clininlc is niiioh tnore •evere than the arcliu, but also from the fact that the aiciic has been mors Accessible and has better bases of gupD^y. The south polar rcgious lie far from any coniincnt. While ex- plorers have reached 84 degress north latitude, only 71 south has been reached, »iid no tniarctin lands have been (xploied,. although such are known to exist. On the maps of the present day souno of thesu <iro only dimly outlint'd, kuoIi as South Vic- torifi.EiiibrUy Laud and A(bliflLtnd. ThcBO have only been viewed from %Ui: ^7 pasring raariu.ors anti abso- Arteniesia Cnuucil inut in the Tovrn Hall nn Monday, acunriling to Inw, hII the iiirinlifrM |irfi>etit, the Keeve in the chuir. Minutt'S of 1h81 nieuiiiig rcail uiiU ciHitiriiiud. Si'VaTiil C'liiiiiiiinica icnia anii HucouiitD were ivad, aIho apphcatimiH fur aaHHiutiirNliip and audiiorM. Follnwiiiu i* the hudiiiUAH tritiifActed : Bylaw Ni> 5!il, H|i|ioiiiiinL' H iiieiiibi-ruf the local Itoard • •f lli'niih, w'tiH tilled in wuli the lliiiiieof C. J. Leituli. iiylaw Nn r>32. tn a|i|>i.iiii iisHneiut'ir, wiix tilled in with tliu idd iiSHt-tiHor's nHiiie, Mr J<i|in Wititifii. R. J. 8pri>ule and Jamea linxlin were apiiuiiilud audii'in ai a Halary uf $8. Ht;^tâ€" Th<>iii|int>M â€" That the com- mt-i-Miiiiiers of Watd 1 lit* pind 91 f"r le'l- iiiK and iiin|ie<;tiiig9 special woik, tlie SHiiie Ih-iii^ f'.r liridite i>ii ttiwnliiie. Priiioii and ArteiiieHin, and bridge I'li con. 2,8 D. R Can led. Tiioiiiptuii â€" MiM'l.iii â€" That thia .council meet on the tirst 8atu>day i.f ihu iiii'nth fur ilie diapaicli of liuaiiifS'i dur iiig 1897, rxut-|>t ill the moiuh of Deieuib'T. CirrieU. K'llH-Ufstâ€" Thai Mn. Wm. Wriaht he paid SIO ti> I o expHiidfctl hy hrr in pri>vidiii)( stove woiid fcr Mrs. Speiice, an iiidii:ci>t Carried. Kells--Tlioinp8iin--That JoM.-ph Strain lie refunded one dulUr, havin.' paul the Mine <»i the collectur'a ndl of '06, huiiiK a uhnrue iiia.le in ermr hy tile patliinaiiier fur one diiy'e Htatulc lalM>r, lot 188. co... 1, N. E. Carried. Thi>nip8(iii â€" McMillan â€" That the rueve and Mr. Kelts hi< a coinmillee to iii(|Uire into the validity of (he freasurer'a Huri-tiea. Carried. Kellsâ€" Beat â€" R nlvcd, that, Imving received a leit^-r from Donald Uova, Em), tolicitiir fur Mr*. Watteraon, re 'he un wiliintinea of Ilia cliiiit to accept tht- offir made by thin council in lieu of hI- l.-gtid daiiinuea 8u~taim'd on the Kravel rxud, north of the village of FleBJierion, tlienforo be it resoWed : lat. This council are luitiatitid their offbr waa a fair one and huh made tliroui^li Hyiiip.iihy. 2iid. This couitcil wialiea to do what- ever ia fair and li^ht in the mailer. 3rd. But owing to what we know and what wo lire prepaiod to pmvu, we d'l not con aidiT that ws are lui<ally liahlr. The cli-rk to forward a copy uf tliia resulutiun. Carried. U«-.t -lyicMillanâ€" That lliu auditora' now appoijilcd he instructed li> make out each waril'a rxpuiiditure SHparately in the auditor's report. Carried. Be.siâ€"McMillan â€" Tliat John YnuRO bo paiil 94,l>ulldiiig nppruach of hrid^e ovrr Sauueeii river, nppuHile lot 38, con. 2, S.. D. U. , and reeve issue order fur ssine. Curried. ThompwHâ€" Kellsâ€" That tho hill of John Bt'liiiny "f ?1.50 for stnrtinn lire and C'ii'c of hall for diviaion court pur- poHfR lie paid, alao hill of M. Ri harlaou for oil, T5c. Carried. McMil an- Bestâ€" That Joseph Philips lie paid 92G 25 for huildinu Lridw'u over Sanson River on townline butwi en Artuiiii'sin and Proton, opposite lot 34, Coll. 3, S. U. It., this hcii|){ ArleiiieHia's hharo f«r hiildiii'j aaiiie. Curriud. Rolls -McMillan-Thai tiaorge Ludlow be paid $!), heini; uluction expenses a.H d.'pu'y lotumiMg olHoor for Pi D. No. 6, and W. J. Bullaiiiy $7 as rdurning olfiiun' for pollini! diviaion No. 3 (or the current year, 1807 Carried. KoUs -Thoiups'in â€" That re the coni- niuiiicalioii from ihu council of the Township of Proton atikting their in- tention to build a certain bridge on townliiif, Arteni9.Hia aiid Proton, if this township is prepared to supploinrnl their â- hare, this council hvg leave to atato that they arif. not iu a position tu build aaid I ridgi> at present Carried. Kelli -McMilUn-That Oeo. Tliomp- SMii ho flrst an 1 Jtuiies Bust be second «4pnui^ rauve for tU,a ^oar 1,897.. Ci^rti^d. The CImt»w<rrth Banntfr reporu a frog as having l>fen hopping an und on an exploiiiiK exp.-ditt<>n last, we«k , • TIn-iiiaM Moody who was la«t summer CoiiiiiiittHd lo Uinn(E<-villH jail hy lungi* Irates IVItSL'ue and D'nwii of Mi'limcthon oa va.'rani. has died in the home f^r in- cur ihl.-s in Toroiitti. Thn coiiiiiy p.id 'ho C'-at <'f hin inaintenaiico, ahout 918 .At the time tho niai^istiatea were pretty aevi-rely pullfd over ili.< corIb hy the editor of tlin ()raitg>-\ ilie Advertiser will), l.owevi-r, afterw.irdi mitdi- the â- 'aoiendi! honoraiile." Fatuity. â€" Edwaid F-iitoo. who livo'" on lot 254. con. 1, S W., M-linytnoti. wn< hurocd to d^atli on Tiieadiy ino>ii- in;{. At an early h^iU' tli« hun w^s d .s covitimI to i.e on tire iui<l the younsj man hurrio'ily drcsned hiiu'cli and siirceedi-d ill guttiiik! Ilia horaes out. It. in Huppoaed that he then attempted to '.'et out aom â-  cows n\.i one of tliim fell on linn in scic'i a way that he coiiM n..t, ex'ricare him !<elF. and lieforu he w.vt f.<und he waa dead. It ix i-aid that the tir^ was startetl !•> an incuodiary. The young man wa- w<;ll kin'Wii here a d was higlily respect ••d. â€" Shelliiirne Fiee Press. llum. McNai,LTâ€" To Mr. Mrs, W. H. UcNally, Port Law, a daughter. IjTossâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons. I'oitLaw. a B II. ORJBY This Institute will ineot ill the Township Uall FLESBEBTIII, Jil. 211, '91 When the following suhjpcti will bein- troduced hy the ueiitlriuen named. PROGRAM : Flesherton, Jan. ao, at 10.30 a. m. President 'a Address. Corn and Clover, the heat crop for the Stock Raiaor, Co-operation ainon< the Farmers -Kinier Lick, U»q , Oshawa. Sheep Uncdinit «n^ Mainigement, Cm Growing. B«ya on the Farm â€" Muiiifo McNahh. Esi). LooNH 8ii>ut, The Apple Tree, Plant- ing. Pruning, Varieties, Packing, Mar keling, Parasiiea Injuring Fruit Trees and Fruita, and the Injuriea ihei pro- • luce portrayed hy the Mai-ic Lantern â€" D. W. B»a(llo, M. A., TonmU.. The Towns are expected to provide Music. Ail arc invited to attend and lake pait. JOHN IRWIN PieRident. I. GRAHAM Sccrelaiy. Notice to Creditors la th« MatUr ot the e«UU W JMcph Ftnwick Of the Township o Artemetia, In the County of QT^y» Farmer, Ineolvcnt. Nutico ill hereby Kivon th&t thu abovfi imiDel iiiHoIvviit haH made an aHsiuntunrt tu iiiu of all Ills efttari and olTDct^lor thA Koneral bunefltof hlvcreflitorfi, un<lor U.K.0. 1HH7, Chapter IM.aiul aineiirltnK ActH thorqU>. An adjoiirnad weolmKof the cretUtora will be \\*i\\\ vktt the olllce of Faiftt vV Hatftoii, Sproule'e Hlock H'ltjnhprtoii. on Thiirttilay. the UlD day of January, A, D. IBQT, at 1 o'clock |>. m., for the )>ui|K)Re of raooivingan ofTor from the insolvent aod giving tbu reintineratiot) of the inspect ra and orderlnK the nffaiis of the estate generally Creditors are refjueHted to Ilie their clainis with niH. duly i>vov«n, an loqtiirtHt by ntatiite, with voticlierH attached, on or hnforo the ntnt day of Fvbrufvry. JHU7, attor which date I Hhall 1>)-O('oed to (liH- 1 Urntu thv aMHuts of thn entato. iftVloR rt'Kard only to tho!)e claims of which I eliall tbun havo rroeivisl nutic**- MATTHi:\V HK^HARDHON, Uerchaut, t'lushurton. Out. AHsiijnt'o FnOST A BATftON. BoUcitora. for Asslgnoo. <.>w«n Sound, ('nt. Uateo thlii 3lKi dajr of Ddoeiiibor, 1(<0C. M. Richardson & Co J-A-N-U-A-R-Y • • • • • This month cuts deeply into prices and the slirewil buyer who has waited for a good opportiiiiitT now takes advantag' of it. Any peiRon who will look at our pile of O-V-E-R-C-O-A-T-S prices from $3.0U to $8.G0 stl >^ut down to 6ne figure IVill See inre ]VIea.n Business Come and look at our table of Ladies' .MANTLES and JACKETS FiKtn-fS cut riglit down. Your ciimce of the lot fui $3.95 iudicates what .luiiu try piices will be. riantle Cloths and Golf Cloakings We have a nice assortmHnt in these lines and are ofifeiing ilieni at cut puces. FUR5 BAROAIMTS IN FUR5 FURS are quite seasonable yet as the goiiuin.i wiuter weatlier ia ouly just comineucing, but we will refuse 110 reasonable offer for anything ill this line. Our fur saltj have been meouragint;â€" we have only 0114 Fur .Mantle and six Fur Capes left. These Are elegant goods â€" all uew, 8elect«d skins. Come and make us au o£fer for them. Men's Underwear ! Bargains in Staple Dry Qood5 Notwithntanding our large salea in thia hue we have still it splendid assort- ment of heavy weights f^^ Barvaui prices doring JANUARY. The nillinery Season la over, yet we have some nice troods left â€" we offer them at half prices during JANUARY. 40 dozen Bleached Towels 2c each or 20c d>'Zen. 10 dozen Linen Towels (red bord«»r) 7a each or 75c dozen. 20 White Red Qnilts, large sizea, »6«. 38-inch White Cotton, Co yiird. 34-inch Grey Cotton, 3c yard. Job Line Grey iMannels, 8c ynrd. Heavy Crash Towelling, extra w\i% 5c yaixl. Wuineii'a Wool Hose, full oizes, 16c pw. January Bargains in Footwear Felt Boots, 4 buckle, regular t2.50, selling for $1.75. Fait Boots, 4 buckle. No. 1 quality, regular $2.75, Helling for 82 25. MoccKsains, No. 1, hair lined oil tanned, regular Sl.GO, selling for SI. 20. Moccassins, No 1, oil tinned, reiiular SI. 35, nel.ing for (1.10. .Men's Genuine Gum Rubbers, $1.15 (lair. Men's Long Manitoba Overshoes, regular $2 85, s<>llin>{ for $2 25. Men's Lined Overshoes, $1.25. Women's Felt Lined Overshoes, 91.9S Child's Gum Rubbers, budded, 8Sc. hardware: DEPARXAIENrr Notice to Creditors Sn the Traitor o/ SSot/tr 9^c- ^ona/d, of M» Villayo of yiesherton, in tho County of Srey, T^orcAant. NOTICK In Iu roby clviui th*t tlie almre imiiuMl llovor .>tet)oiiiil(1 hau inailu tti as- HiKQuioiit to iiiy nf all hh ustAte anil i^tTui'ts for tho Kuneial buiitftit of liitt nru.litorfl, tiiiier tho iiruvUionn ot K. b. O. ISH7, cai>. IM aud aiiiuiKliiis avtx. A uieotlns ot tlin croditora of the ttalil ftRHinnor will be tield at my office 111 tbe Village ot K1«HluM'ton. Iu tho Coiintv of (Irpv, on Wednnday, tlw ijth day ot January, A. D.I8O7, at the boiir nf one o'oloitk In tlie aftei iMiiin. for tr.e apitointnuiiit of luKp^ctora anil thti glvhig of dtvootluua wUli itifui'tiiieo 10 Ibeittiil oHtRte. All crmHtam of tbe Raiil eatate are hereby roqiiirert to ftKi th»lr clainia. vorillert by »f- ftilavit. as requlrtul by fhI^I uctH, with ino on ur t>nfnrn ih« glh day iit Hebruary, A. D. 1897, aftor which laHt iiiuiitlonu'l dato i eba.t inouotid to ilintributo the fiaicl CHtatu. hnvliiK rai-aril only to »\k\\ claliiii- aa I thnn ahall liavu nutloo of, and 1 hhall ot bo lOHiionsiblo for tho uexuta of the aiiUl oatal* or any part thuioot to miy IierHon or peraoi.a whusu qialiu ahall not have leon eioil Uatad thia HOtli day of Dacember, A T>. 1S90 A. H. S'lKOuaBN, Aartiinea, I,uc»« & WiiioHT, Flmhcrtou, Out. bolluitara (or AselRues, Uwau Suuud^Oiil.. Without a Peer and Up=to-Date When decided to buy a STOVE onk cer ainly looks around to Hee wher* they CHU buy tho liest. It i.s the satna with us. We want the best and won't have any other. The CROWN PEARL and QOUD C^fEEK We picked out from am.'ng hiuiHreda of other stoves as the best BAKEKS and HEATEKS niHile. Thiy hav,- ext»a large FIRE BOXES, steel plate ovens, beautifully ornHiiionted and are made of very heavy metal of first quality. Next to tiiiding a STOVE, the cheapest way ia to buy from us. OUll MOITO: Boat article, lowest price. Fix Your Eyes Here : THESE PIUCES ON CROCKERY SHOULD INTEREST YOU Flat Pickle Dishes, worth fram 12c to 22o, for 60 each. , Oval Vege'able DLshes, worth 8c, 10c and 15c; for 4c, 6c and 10c each.. Sugar Howls in China Stone, worth 35c, fur 10*. I,«rge White BowIh, worth 10c, for 6c. (Jravy Pitchers, worth from 20o to 35c, for 10c. Butter Pads, in brown, blue and white, worth 35c, for 20c dozen. Covered Butter Dishes, worth 50c, for 20c. Sleigrll Bells and. Skates, X-Cu.t-Saw» and Axes at Lowest Priocs M. Richardson & Co J A t ^ 1 \

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