Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1897, p. 5

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THE rlSHllTOM ADVANCE A 1 Vioixiitsr Chips. i^ritctertseicii of the Pasi »«cli 4'areruily Culled for th<> CuriouH. ((.II ((MM iiouc-'^ anumy UieaU wilt he f./i'irjeil at ihf rntf of Ilk jter Uiif fur endi inxeititMi: A rnhictimi will U miiiU OH c-mtrneU fur lUO linen or o»r. B'ly wi^iieilâ€" to learn p.ll^r nnlliti.... Ad (resMO. H. ViiM-.r, Hi>riiiui{s Mill> D 1 I'UIk'* 'OG i^ou'icil were enfertaine- t» •^n c.yn. r aupfii r l-y t e hand. Hav" J..U iiiaUf »ur« of »hi) wp.kl\ »i8i»i.f The A'ivaiice duiiin! 18!)7 U p*>in'4y->ur.<iuh8cri(>iji>ii ? Rev. Mr Tmii «if Arthur nccnpie â-  ^ll^ Pr.f»liyteri:in puli-it mi Suiirfay. H- wl •Iho miiainf.ir Utfxr Sab!>ii>li. M-meyâ€" gooil iu-.>ntiy â€" and plcnly of i to lia I «t liv-.!, riva and a h.ilf and s\ pjr c.-ut. Apidy lo A S. VanDusbn. Flenherrnn. We D«,;iected t<> inriitioii List we. k thai al l|j« HUunuil hclifiol nieetmif M. Wiu. DavU mail uli< 'Sen tiu.Ntt-e in plac «f Mr. Swanci>ri, wIkim tiiiit:h;ul exp.rcu. As per ailveriiseiueiit; eUewhint*, il wil Im sc-tin ti.at riie Kiiinieia' Insluute wi;i mrur lute I'll VVidufbtlay uf iiexc wrCn, iatlieX.iAU UhII. Tlif EuphraKUi iiiiiiiiLi).>al eltictimi re tul'edin tiio ruiuiii uf Jaa. Erokii..-, Ret- vt) ; Jotin Eaton, lat V)vy.; Jolui Miller,2iid D,-p ; C. Knori and R. Waid, touiicnloiH. The MeiliudU*'. cliurcli olmir electrd offioi-rs on TliuraJay uh follows : L.-adtM, W. Bani!iou-.c ; as.:s aiiC, Dr. Maliaii ; •rgani.st, MiiM ChtiHuiti ; S«c.-Trra»., F. Bickling Misa Man Wriyht haa secured tliv , noioii acliool, tuwnline Artemesia ano Euplirstsia, and entered upo-i her duti<n «it> Monday. The teacher »hich haii (oruietiy leen eottaued Ci'U d not <|ualilV. A I. land Oraiigf Soiree will be held in t'.ie hail of L. O. L. 1132. 4th Iin,-, Arteiiiesia, on Wedlle^day, Jan. 20. A I'Hxi time IS always [irovlded by ^hi.- Indge On audi feaiive ocCMions. Reiuem- her it. See Bills. A clunge was made on Monday in the 4t>y of Oounoil meeting for 1897. Council will lieieaftur meet on the rir-r Saturday of each moiiih, inttead of the Irst Moiulay as heietoforu. This, in Mltr twtiinatioii, is a desirable clianuo. Mr. R Whitrt, who lives n»ar Mt. Zion, iutiert.s thai sotue evil disp<>.sed in- dividual plac-d paris i>reen in a well fioui which bis cattle dniilc. Fortuuately it •as di.-coveied in time to prevent serious •unscniuences. A suppleuK-niary calalo|{ue uf books in Ihe Fieshertoii public library is teini; itaued and will tie placid in the hands of â- leiiiU'is this week By the way, are you â-  uieiuber I Fifty cents i[ivea you a year's readiiiijr and the choice uf a thousand voluius. Mr. Howard expects to have the ri.ik in operation this vpeek if the present cold •nap coniliiuea. It \» reniarltalilH tliat (be wciiihoi- up until the present time ha-s been unfit fi>i" an ii-e rink. Tlie younu [people have bad o<>n.<jidt-rable skating on Hue pond, but the luxury of a closed rink will be appreciated. AsocJal will be.hoM at the handsnine Md coinniodii'us rusiduiice of Mrs, J. VV Armstrong, on the eTenin>: of Tue-d.'y. 19lb lust., under the auspices of the Methiidist church choir, Mrs. Arnjstroii'/ harini; kindly |ilac<id her residence at their di.'^po.sal. A good tini« may confi 4lently be expected, a%a grand musical program is now under prrpiiration. Admission 25 cents. Mr. A. Slierson of Proton Station and Miss Catharine Qnigg. daughter of Mr. P. Quigi?. west back line, were united in Watriniony on Dei-. 30nt the Pri>abyteriau parsonage, Dundalk. by the Rev. Mr. Harrison. We extend congratulations and .'\t the same time desire to inform «ur Proton Station cur. that we do n<it Vidcmtaiid what he was about in not in- forming us of this important event in time for last week's issue. Surely his «<.>8e for news failed him on thi« UR STOCK IS Going fast but our great bargains are st 11 with us. Our Genuine Clearing Sale is givintr the people of this section such opportunities as tJiey seldom get. It will not be wise to forget this point. We still take Trade or Cash and have put all prices away down. »•"•.. jts. -air, â- t,\u COHE IN AND PARTICIPATE IN THE GOOD THINGS GOING ! ! I It is useless to quote prices as everything is so far below usual selling prices that everybody is more than surprised. We beg to thank the many customers who have called upon us and would respectfully invite others to come in and share the bounties. T. HILL, Flesherton Mr. Jerry Thompson attenipre>l to cross a pond on the fourth line on Thurs- d.iy last with a team and hohsleiuh, when [.he ice gave way and precipiuitcd'the out- lif lilt > deep mud and water. Th» boises sunk in the mud up to their necks and were with great dirticulty pulled out by ^liaiiis and another bnr~e after being in ilieir uncomfortable position f^r sume nine. It was a sad looking on'tit as it wended its way hoine>vard in the frosty veather, and the aniuiaU required a long siege nf itrooniiiiir. Mr. John Jaques, a youii|{ man, while placing a gun in a wa^on at Mr. John English's, gravel road, the other day, came as near being sent to the spiiit world as be c«uld comfortably desire to be. He carelessly placed the gun in butt foremost, when the weapon was exploded, the charue of shot ripping â- la<|ues' Coat sleeve fiom wrist band to shoulder and not scratching the fle^h. This may, with emph.-isis, Ihj entiilwd a irlose call, and Mr. Jaquus will be more cautious in his handling of firearms in future. playing bowelaim (he green,andoii leam- inii that the Spanish Armada was in night, uking out this identical snuff box after surveying the enemy thnmiih his ulass, j and tickling Ills iilfactorirs preparatory I tobucklingon his sword. Could tbatj box but opeak, what stirring stones iti could tell of the Spanish Main and th>' : capture of thu £2(X),000 Sp.iniHh fieasuro' •ihip off the cost of Peru, and other s'lrr- j ing scenes ill that lirst Enybsh circum-j navigation uf the ylobe I It ia a rare old curiosity with many secrets locked in its breast. The uihir relic is a silver uiedal presented to Mr. Bradbury's uncle, couimeiiioraiive of the hattle.of Waterloo, in which he took [lart as a member of I the Life Guaids, 2u<l re)$imoiit. It has I stamped upon it "Frances Bradliury," and bearii the date of Waterloo, June 18,' 1815. Love or money wnuld ni>t pur ! oliase these rare old carius from their! present owner. gTOCK-TAKING - - = | Sale of Furniture $ SIXTEEN (i6) DAYS' SLAUQMTERINQ OF PRICES previous to STOCK-TAKING. Dui-ing this sale we have cut off all profits. Think what this means to you. EVERYTHING in our large and well assorted stock of Furniture . PICTURES, BLINDS, CURTAIN POLES, nced'-d in the homo <if rich or poor, from the In fact everything kitchen to thu most ^% artistic drawing-room requisites, at absolute cost for 16 days or till ^^ February 1st when we commence to take stock. Tho clouds of steam ari.sing from Mpssrs. Beecriift & Talboi's factory on Tuesday caused us to make au in- vistit'atioD. when we discivered that these i;eiitlemeii have just placed in p<>!>i- tion a bian new 40-horsepower boiler and engine whioli is workiii.; like a charm. They are now in poiition to saw an unlimited quantity of losis. do your sash and door wot k and i-hop your oroin. Tho Advance hojies the ^rge outlay will prove very renimunerative to these enterprising gentlemen. Mr. Luke Rradbury of thi.s place, show- ed The Advance one day Inst week a couple of rare old relics. The rarest and most valuable was a snuff box owned by Sir Frances Drake. This was pos«e»sed by a relative of Mr. Bradbuy's in Ena- laiid and banded down by him to the present owner. The box is oblong,â€" an inch in Ihii^kncss and 3 Inches louu â€" ni'd ws» carved out of horn. On tho cover it contains Sir Frances Drake's coat of arms, his name, crest and motto carved in base relief. The workmanship is very beautiful. While examining this rare old curiosity it did not require a vivid imaginalion to picture the oriuinal owner on that da/ in the summer of 1588,when A Sensational Arrest. There exists between Dundalk and Corbetton, and for a few iiiile« to the northeast, a community which lia-s be- come a terror to insurance ctiinpanie.«, so much so, indeed, that no company will allow a lisk to be placol on any property in that district. T^tiring five orsix yiars past it is said that nineteen fanners in the d strict have h.ul some foity-iuno lires or an anvenige of about nine n year, Thi.s will yive a goc«l idea of the condition of •iffairs. It is claimed that there was a regular gang of uupiincipled yeomen there who inmlo a scion'itic .study of how to fleece insurance conipanii s, and many yarns are spun descriptive of their tactics. La«t week a barn belongii'g to a young man named Fenton, living about throe miles from Dundalk, Wits fired, iiiul young Fenton wa.s burned to death - it w.ns said while atteniptiig to save his cattle Dnrk stories have been whispered about for the [last few days to the eflect that this young tii.in's death wii.i not accidental and that his death resulti d from the fact that he refu.sed to join the gang of firebugs, and was in a positiim to inform on them Whether there was anything in tiiese rumors reinains to be seen. .\t all events tho burning of his building was the act of one or more incendiaries, and it is allegoil that there is strong evidence pui*(;in^ to the criminal »)>, this caso. The last act <j. E. ivioore: The People's House PurnUher, Picture Franier and I'nJertaker ^ -Ji? W w Vi? •?»? '/,\^ W w -!»? W w -a? "ta- •««• W'nf ^ '<»«• ^ w '/i^w t^ ^s- ^B p'ayed in this terrible fiery drama opened 1st Lect.; Wui. Wright, 2nd Lee!. Tho on Saturday last when Detective Greer olHoers were instilled by M. W. County of Toronto and an as.sist.iint droppe<l off Master Bio. James Elliott, the uooii train at Dundalk, and drove out It wis moved by Bro. Jos. Beatrj) into the country. The result of that seconded by Bro. Jas. Elliot, That this jaunt w;is the arrest of James and David l»>dge exercise ita best endeavors to (•â-  Rillaixl, William Rj;id, Alonso Smith and cure a county deTiimstration at Markdala James Smith. These were all taken to next twelfth of July. Carried. Omiigcville and their preliminary trial •* resolution was also carried unani- >vii; take place on Monday next. In the mously thanking^ the members of 244 tjr me.intiu.e the rumor of something woise their couitesy, more particularly in sup: than barn burning is being investigated, ply''>g «up|ier for all the delegates, and the body of young Fent<^>n, who waa burned, haa been u\liumed for a po«t^ mortem. It is said that several other arretsU are likely to follow. PERS0NAL5 District L. O. L.. Mr. John Flushor of Parry Sound ia viaiting old friends here. Mr. Lou Karstcdtof Buffalo is tha Ruost of his brother, Mr. F. G. Me.^ists. Geo. and J. T. Sled, Culling- wood, werit,the guests of Mr. Guorg* A rteuiesia District Omnge Lodge met at Proton Station on Tuesday in the handsome new hall of No. 24-4, when the ' fol'owiiig officers were elected for the I ensuimr year : S. Shenrdown, D. M. N. Lawrence, W. M. ; IT. T. Carr, Chap.; I J. A. Dodds, Rec. Seo.;S. J. Bowles, Miss Hockley, who wm thro-r" out of Fin. Sec; Th.Mj. Elliott, Treas. ; H. J. 1 a rig al Roseiuont on Nsw Y«» da^, McLoughrey, D. of Cj S. J. ^ihoH, I di«d from the .fifccis. I WickeiiB during the pasl^ ««ek, Mr» Guy Miller of Miat»sNotth Dak.^, j is visiting with her cousin, Mr. F. G. Karat adt. tl(iiilili.lia|TMh

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