Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1897, p. 5

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THE FISHIITON ADVANGB Vicinity Chips. MaracterLsties of the P«8t Week CarefaMy Ciilied for the Curious. BHtiii'M ii'Hte^s amnng li.--tiU vrUl le Khnrge.l at the rate of 10c per lint for each iniiviiojv, J. reduction will l>r mniU oil cyixtraet* (or 100 line* or over. Forty t->n» eoi'I timothj hay fur sale. J. A. M«>l(lfii, Aiiixwrll. A.f>o:il(ing riiii »\\ day Siinii:iy filled U|i the Wf-IU, wliich Were becoming lo*. Mfneyâ€" g''od moneyâ€" and pleiity of it tw li'AM at five, tivH Hi>d it half »hd hix yr c-nt. Ap)Iy 'o A. S. VasDcsen, Fleuhertun. About sii'y [â- â€¢â€¢â€¢njle Hit«-iided fhechoi' ciifioirt nn Tutsi'ay vvriiixu at the resi- der.oe of Mrs. J. W. Arm»tr..|.g. A very I'leasiint tinir was »pfnl. Mr. W, J. Howard started h'» rink »ii Moi.d^ty ereniiiir for the t^rst time lhi« winter. For dwyH of tkaling. eic , see hii .idverlisuMK-nc eloewlere, »hithwill •tand duriu^ tlie s-^asMii for reference. AitemeHia Tt>«ii«liip Council have printed larj^ cards forhane^uit up in cou- •picuous p'ncen coiiiaining dHies of nii'ei- irgs for the present year, towuahip officers, nj«-uior.tnd^k, etc. Mrs. \V. W. Trimble received word on FridHy l:mr to aituod the »u;k hed of hei brother in law. Dr. Roid of Uoriiiu>('» MilU. and a nhort time afterward a tele- gram arrired staging that tlio Dr. w:»» 4*ad. Mu'^h •yiupathy is rxpreued for Mr*. Reid in iiur s«r * trial. A concert will be held at W.-ireham nii the evening uf Jan. 27, Maxwell on the i8th and Fevrrnhaiii •D the 29tli, uudtr the auspices of St. Mary's church. Mux- well. The p o.!rain will he au eiiterisin- ing one, euibiaciiig the serrict^a «f Mr. R. C. Pearce, a most successful ventriloquist. Admission only 15 CeQl^. 4m bills for, further psrticulaia. The Baptist Sunday-school of this flsce iiitei'il loddiint their annual itather- iag ui> Monday, January 25ih. The â- cbolars will be entertained to tea in the Te»try at 5 30. In the eveninij theie will be a public ineetiuK to which all are cord.aily inTited. A good pn>Kraiu has been pre^^iarrd l>y the school and Ibeir friiu.ls, coiuuienciiii: at 7.^0. .Thoaa who will riad "LaudlardV" latter in this issue will see that there are two Hides lo tliix qui'sti ^n as to uvt-ry other. We are gl.>d to publish >!iu •xplanallon, inasmach »s we were our telves very much surprised at the charfte" Isid at the dour of lliiHgenilouiaii and be- lieTed that they were culpable of siktisfac- tory explaiiutivn. As it is, the malicii>us whispeiiiigA g«ii<i; up and down our ron- oeasiuu.-i ill rutjard to this matter will lone much of their power for harm in view of the struightfoi Ward explanatinti giVeii. In addition to what wv print elsewhere legnrdiiig ihe Mvlanctliou iiicmdiaiiuK, itiastatid chat tlie constables arc hot after other culprit*. A h>ad uf funiiure and chiihini; was tskii g out of Alonzo Smith's residence in Collingwood Town- ship by constables Skeldiny and Caiiiiii..; on Saturdny. The pri-sooer's wive.'* and families â- vill suffer. Mr». Sniith is left vhh ihiee small cliildirn, and ia wilh-ut provisiuns. She has catile and horKos to look after, aiming 'h"in a vicious run nin|{ lioise, Ititvenh II. Two other persons, who have b*'cn in touch witli the K'lnL'.aiid who had boiiehei.il tire«, it it reported, have lurntd Queen's evidence Starilihi; evidence IR expected. The Meiiford Road Siiblmth school held their atJiitial anniversary teauiecini; on Wedne.Mlay l.vt. Ii *m a decided sue- CfM. Aftei tea Mr. Muhaii '-onk [io9.scs- •inn of tlie chair and prps dcd in his •Moal cheery inaiiiier. The progrsni w,is opened ly the siuving of a chorus hy ll,o •ch<M)l. A lHr.;o uumhor of rtieitatioin and di^ioyues wore well rendered liy the •bitdren. Misa Kells sunu a couple of •bios which wero highly a'lprefisteil. The chief feature of the p^>granl was the wruwuin.' of the 'SVIay Queen." This »M given by seventeoii of the smaller scholars. Mr. M. Richardaou, of Flesh- •rton, gave a short but interestiiia ad- dress. Tlio socrel'ary'.'* report showed the school to be in a good c'^udition Tfce proeeeds of the evening aiuo.ui^tt'l tu t^nty-foor dulluii. !**â-  UR STOCK IS Going fast but our great bargains are still with us. Our Genuine Clearing Sale is giving the people of this section such opportunities as they seldom get. Ic will not be wise to forget this point. We still take Trade or Cash and have put all prices away down. cone IN AND PARTICIPATE IN THE GOOD THINGS GOING ! ! ! It is useless to quote prices as everything is so far below usual selling prices that everybody is more than surprised. We beg to thank the many customers who have called upon us and would respectfully invite others to come in and share the bounties. T. HILL, Flesherton The reinaius of the Ut« Dr Harlan Reid of Horoiuus Mills were laid at rest in I he cemetery heieon Mondsy after- noon after the arrival of the noun train. The remains were rouiovea from tbs station to the Meih'dist church, wher« »e;viv:o was held, the serunui beiiigpreach- ed by Rev. Mr. Ki-inp of^Horni>it''s Mills from (ien. 12 siid 4tli verse: "So Abraham dt) arted, as the I/ord had 8|ioken unto hiiu." The lemains were then interred in the family buii.d ph>t. The p.ill lieftrors accoDip»ui-<d the body fr»ui deceasetl's l.it.- hooie, and the burial .services of the Choten Friends and Koresters' socieiio.t, of which deceased was a iiitmb.T, were read at the grave. Mrs. Kcid is the recipient uf much syii palhy, but theie is 8>iiiethiii« more Nubstantml in the k now ledge that she is left fairly well privided for. Ue is able to b« erysipelas m his foot aruuiid agkiii. R. CiKik is busy pressing hay. Miss lii:t Mc Mullen fell one day last Week and ii;jriiiied h-ac itnKLi. Uarried. PERSONALS Mr. Sam Scott, of Mclntyre. left on Wo.liiesday uf last week for Ksmloupa, B. Will S. F. kindly return the trace chsiiis which he t.K>k fmin my jJace by inistnke un the day of my salu t H. Dows. -Mr. B. McDonald returned home on Monday evctiinjj from Ripley, where he bud teen attendi'iK tho fuueral of his iiioiher, who died last week. In Mr. MiDousld's case, a« in every wthcr, misfortunes do nut coiue singly, Misfi Hattie Cole returned from Tor- onto Satunhiy last. LSVLETâ€" BAitMoMâ€" At 'ha r«»iJeno«^>f the bri itt's brutht^r-ih-l&w. Dr. KciKtborouich. KspiJ llivei, Miirh .oil Tuei>'ia>. I'iili lust., bt UtfKsv Mr. Cruutt, .\tr. Ltfuu.tr.1 Lu« Ludoy. tsMia^Kilitb t. Ilsiino... daiiiih-iir o( Ur Jobu UauL'Oii of Duiiilalk au-1 sinter of Mrs. W. A. Armstroiitf, b'lttbheitou. Uied Rkidâ€" .\t Horuius's Mills, on Frida.T, January 15(b. ISOT. Dr. Jaiuus H&rlap UuiJ, ai{tMl J5 >«Jkrs sad 10 Isv s. Cwauty ttud Ui-strict u .4t4. ^t!> ^1^ ^^^K. ^1^ ^!?;i!ii FIrsbrrtou Stution From our oif fur/'csj^oiideiit. Miss Corl)ett h-As liecn spending a few weeks with her (ister, Mrs. W. L. \> right. Mrs. Tucker, acconipniucd by Mrs. Duwn, is spending u few days with friends Ml Holstein. Miss Cushnie, Teiichcr of tho public Hchotd, treated her pupils tn a talfy pull htsk Friday night, which was very utuch sppveciated by the young folks. The yuung people of this place are hokliuu a young peoples' prayer meeting oil SMiiday evenings Mr. Sergeut ban Wn laid u(r with Huuh II. Barton, aged 75 years, died at his residence in Behiinck township,) from blo< d (Hiisoniu;.'. Two weeks ax.'0 Burton att..-iided a I104 killing. .\ dog buloiiifini{ tv a iieigiibo', Coi,!)i>iuring him an intruder. Hew ut liiin, biting him slightly in the wnst. The arm swelled up, Slid ill spi'u of two op«ralions, Bar- ton siiccuuilicd. Mr». A. Hicklin:;, of Flos township, was kicked at l>y a cow the other day. Li dodiiHig iho cow ihe hidy fell, injuring her back so badly that shj died from the eUvct«. There w*i a recount on Sitturdsy in th» Oseii Sound County Council division, nheii Mr. Bia!i»[i was eoolirmed in his seat by a niujoiiry of two over his oppon- ent, Mr. John Frost. It is ihouuht a protest will l>e eNtered i>M'n:ng lo certain alleged ine^ulari^es. They are telling a i;ood story around town «l the expense of h yoiinu l.idy in I the office of llie Craii^'e Sentiiitl. Rev. Father , a well known prost, i.s s subsciiher 10 tho Sentine! iind woi.t in the other il.iy to renew bis subscription. â-  The name, pl.iise," said tlie young lady in charue. " Failitr E ," responded the subscriber. The vounj; Udy looked distressed. " I'm ufisid," .*1k' said, '• you are in (ha wrong otiico." This is the (.>r«iiiie Sentinel muX the Tiuth office is downstairs. Isn't that what you w.iiit ? "Oh, no," (juoth his reveronco, whii bkesajoke. " Oh, n-., if I had wanted the truih I'd never have coatc here."' The young lady renewed the subeet>ptit>ii without further observatioiis. I gTOCK»TAKING - - Sale of Furniture ? SIXTEEN 16) DAYS* SLAUQHTERINa OF PRICES ^ ^ previous to S I OCK-T.-VKINO. During this ^«ule we have fiit otf ^ ^ alt pn^dtt*. Think what this ineau-s to yoii. EVERYTHING ui ^^ W uur large and well assorted stock of ^Ur Furniture . . . PICTURES. BLINDS. CURT.\IN POLES. In fact everything neeibd in the home i^f rich or p«<ir. from the kitchen to the most artistio drawing-room retpiisites. at absolut.e cost for Itt days or till February 1st when wo commence to take stock. The Peopte'5 House FurnUfcer, Picture Frsmcr and I'ndcrUker J.>% ,}!«. .»!«. i\U •,»«. <. i .5 '«. %'andeU'ur I Public Notice! f^roOT our uicu ('orre<j>on<ieiit. , „,„„„„ . , , , , , ,. 1 »» I T i-. 1. ' NOTICE 18 heraby sivoil fprbiilill'is snv To Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Oi*aham, a ^ perscio or por^ons trospAssini; ori or iMrrinR, J , ! interfuriiiK witb or reinoviiiK »i»v tiiii)>ef iif loM daUKllter. | ai. on th» '.itli sml lOlli concL'ssi.iii. Xrtiiiuusla, Mr. J. A. Wailing, who has been i V"' '"'"""?, V ""'"^'* 'V '^" '""'â- â- ' TT*"" S' doing so will bo tironocuteii accoptiiiK lo law. workingat Weston, visited relatives here ! EAacsmbsr, 15, tX). K J. SHKOILR. A^iit. KloBbsrtoB. last ,veek. There >«as no meetini! in the diurch huro an Sunday, on account of the rain. On Kiiiliiy the 8ili Mr. Wui. Hutchin- CJSiXn.© J^S't«X!*£l>'V Son received a teleg' am staiinsj that his » ... ;.. I.-, u.. TV ; > r* t.. _ Caiiio toths proiuises of the ua lor-iiiina-i. son-in law, Mr. DuMd Devins at Eiuery. ,„t ,;«, k. t. s. k.. .M-Miio«la. r„ or nboul Out., Inid died thai dKy of phenuniooia. I [''"*â- '•""'»">"â- '"" ''*"- Tb» iwnsr iYeipiest*! •^ ^ to prove pro|Nfrty. p»y e-iiisusos au I «aku tb« .Mrs. Wiu. Hutchinson and kon, W. J.T. , took the evening train iieit day to at- tend the Funeral. Collingwood John Rowland, proprietor of the Qlobe hotel, is dead. Burytsrs eiitend Brown Bros, bake- shop and sinle several Ixigs of Hour. Twenty dollars lewanl is otJeri-d for apprehension of the party who tore down churvh HOticea frmu the Baptist church bulletin iNiard. Collingwood ben* Barrie in hncksj lost w««k four ta one. same awsy. Flesherton P. O. W. STEWAKT Annual Meeting The annual meetiM)( of tho Svlenhain Mutual Kirn Iiisttr«net' (.'oiDpnnY will be haM in ths auuucU uUambsr, Uweu Snuml. Jsu. 9t, '97. at 10 a. m. HUGH RKID, Seoidtsrv. Thn anderoiKneil has a thoroiiKhbred B«ikshit« Boar lor service on I t 1, con. A, township of Osprey. Tnrnis.TSccntA at -liiia et service, C. W, CKOlfT, Prop.

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