THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ia:r-. ai^ -d V V '' Vicinity Chips cuts about the head and taco aad bi« b-xly WM badly bruised. Jfo were br«keii, but stjl tha injuries are so severe that there ia danj;*! of faUil con- sequences. Characteristics of the Past i lV»ek Carefally Culled far the Carious Betineit uoticea among lucala tcHl b'. + charged at the rate of tew cent* t jur line for each inserOtm. A + reJuciion tciU be made on con- + tracti fof 100 linei or over. TowDohlp council will meet on Satur- day DtiXt, Cth iriot. Q'larterly services will be held in the HeiLodist church on Sabbath next begin- utD'' at 10 30 a. m. ColarellGrabiiui, Dundallc, aid C A. Fleming, Oweii Sound, were ap^oinccd cuuuty auditors last week. L cord of dry wood pivys for two aubscrii'ti'iiis at the public libnry. Apply to the hbr.irian, Mr. Armstpaig. Lost, a Brown Paisley «hawl, oa Tues- day ni-jhr, betwutu Bcatrie's corner and Fleshtrtoii. Finder will oblige by Wav- ing it at thia office. The Bell telei>U>>iie Compnoy have placed a n>'w lung di&tauce transuiiter in the central office hero. UuiiCreal is aa near a» Toronto now. R. M^vjirr's hotel and stablfS at Feversham were burned last week. Tlie furniture was saved. There was an iu- surauco of $S^un the buildin;{^. Sir. Jaiufs Allan ia Warden of the Couiity. Tl'.i^ is not the Patron candi- date at I;ist election as stated in the Markdale Standard, but a brother of that »eiitleiaan. Eu.rt!ni:k L. O. L. will hold their annual c^'nceit on Thursday eveuiui;, Feb. 18. -Mr. Beiinc t of Toionto has been engaged for the occasion. Lar^e bills will be issued this- wtek givini; full {>ar titulars. Mr. F. Defoe has buih a tine open air rink back '>f McTavi;jh's bL^ksmitb shop, »hich is now m full runtiini order. The rink is a laigeoueâ€" 60x130 ft. For full particulars see his advertiseiueut else- where. The Shelburne Free Press was burned out root and branch in the big fire last week, but nevertheless cauie out on tini4 with the help of t!ie Ecouomisb plaiit. Mr. M'irtimur's loss was about $1000, with $2100 insurance. AH the MfUncthon pris.ineis are now housed in Oraiigeville jail awaiting Ihoir trial, with the exception of Read, who got off. We are peisistently iuf ruieil that more arrcstes will take place, but there have been no °' extras" up to date. We have left about four hundred receipts, nicely printed, whivh we will cheerfully till out for one dollar each. Look at the label on your paper and see if you are not entitled to one of these. Wewt>ulJ hke to disp'.woof all of them before the I5th iitst. The practice of juinpin;; on loaded alei^hs which the little folk^ are s> prone to indu'ge in these days, shruld be dis couraged by pirents and teamsters. One little lad came very near havinj; his legs crusheil last week, the catastrophe beini/ prevented only by a hair's breadth by the driver stopping his team. Owing to ill health Mr. B. Hislop, barber, has been obliged to sell his busi ness here. Mr. Fred Legard is the purch:i.-?er. Jlr. Hi*l"p has, during the past five years, shi^wn himself to be a young man of s^erliiu; char&o'.er, and much regiet is espre.tsed by all at hi.» en- forced removal. Ben was ou» of the most hiably e.'ttcemed young men' in IVeob' lion, ;ind we voice the general jen- tiiuixit wluii we wish him a speedy return to hea'th and pivspority wherever in future his I't may be cast. We under stand it Ls his intention to vi-it California next sprinsf. At a coDgreaatioaal meeting held in the Presbyterian church on Friday after- noon !»8t, prawided over by Rev. Mr. McLeod, tuoderaior, it was decided to call Rev Mr. Thorn of Arthur to the Fleshertou and Eu^cenia charge. There were two names before (he meeting â€" Rev. Mr. Thoin and Rb*. Mr. Crozier nl Grand Valley. The first ballot was a tie, and the matter was decided only after a few ballots had been taken. Rev. Mr. Thom is not exactly a yoang man, al- though unmarried. He ia well lik«i in .\rthur and only removes from there bec.iu.-<e he beiieves he can do better Work for the Muter elsewhere. His salary here will not be aeariy so lan;e ^ what he has been receiving, but the rev. gintleiiian says that the question of salary does not weigh with him. TLe Cinadian Horticulturist for Jana- ary 1897 comes to hand very much en- liiTi^ed and improved. It haa a new and beau. if ul cover, a great many tine half- tone engravings and a colored plate of the raod^/deodron as frontispiece, with an edit' .rial eoncemii.g this shrub. The magiizice is enlarged both in number and size of pagi^s to allow for the addition of a special department for floriculture and window ga. dening for the benefit of amateur ijaideoers. This number con- tiiins a special article by Mr. K. B. WTiyto of Ottawa on '" Sweet Peas, " aad among artioies the following, the Variegated Cal!.-*, Hyacinths, B^gonibs for he Window, the Lilac, Amateur's (ireenhouse. Making Cider Vinegar, a Window Box Device, Cold Sturige for Fruit, etc. Wo advise all our reailers to subscribe for this Journal. Address L. V\oolTcrton, Grimsby, Ont. Caunty Orange Lodge The County Orange Lodge met in Markilale on Tuesday, when a large rep- resentation was present and a profitable meetuig hekL The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Co. Master, Simon Jelly, Shelburue ; Dep. Co. Master, John Lyons, Mankdale ; Co. Chapkin, Rev. Mr. Graham, Shelburae ; Co. Sec. , James Corbett, Dunda k ; Co. Fin. Svc, Joseph Stinson, Singhampton; Co. Treas , Thos. Uanbury, Duntlalk ; Co. D. of C, H. D. .McLoughrey, Mark- dale ; Co. Lee., H. E. Abbat Dundalk ; Jas, Brodie, Vandeleur ; Thomas Weir, Uromore. I I H I 1 I Orange Blos5oms Master Robert Stewart, son of Mr.Jaj. S'.ewartof Kimberloy, met with a serious accident near Eugenl.i on Monday while brioRinvf a load of poles to the station. The h(>rses took fright and ran away, rbrowim; the yuuiig man off. Hb was- caught by the hind bob and dragved aonio distance. He was carried to Mr. R. Genoe's residence and two doctors •umuKtucd. Tber« wcr^ scv«r»l. Iwl A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. James Brodio, town line Ar^emeaia, on Wednesday, January 27. It was the occasien of the marriage of his daughter, Mary .Melinda, to Mr. William R. Eili.s ot British Columbia. Sharp on time at 7 o'clock Miss Pickell of Mark dale proceeded to the organ, aad as she played the wedding laaivh the bridal party entered the parlor, the bride lean- ing on the arm of her father. She was tastefully attired in a brown and white suit trimmed with fur. Miss Nellie Elli». sister of the gtoom, who was also dressed in btowu with lace trimming, acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Eldon Bro^.ie, Ijrother of the bride, ably p>er- foruied the duties of groomsman. The solemn â- service of matrimony, in accord- ance with the rights of 'he Methodi.<t church, was now performed by the pastor of the bride. Rev. T. G. Scott of Markdale, in the presence of a select company of invit'.d guests, .\fter the usual ctuigratuiations at the completion of lie ceremony the company proceeded to 'he dinning room and sat down to an excellent supper provided for the occiision. The bride was the recipient of a large nuaibor of valuable and use'ul presents which testify to her popularity. -After spending a short time visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will leave for their western home in British Columbia Sent for Tri^ Shelburne, Jan. 29.â€" The preliminary iuvestigation into the .Melaucthon arson charges was oonctuded to-day, after per- haps the ujoet sensational day's proceed- iogs of the week. Confessions of in- human cruelty to animals were niado in the box by men who sniiluigly told how tht>y burned colts in their stables to se- cure 9~5 insurance money. An ingen- ious plan of Jas. Ballard's wu di^los d, by which h» built a large foundation around a small barn, and scatteriig the ruiut over the bogua foundation, olalmeii ins'irance on a baru of the size of the I foundation. Mr. Forsyth, Insurance ad- ! juater, mentioned an u^gan on which he has paid two insurances and which is still in ^oi? cniidiiioii. The evidence deduced at the invcstigati. n an 1 the Cor<.)ner'8 inquest has greatly strength- ened the position of tlie Crowu, and ehey are now in a position to proceed against 20 or 30 persons implicated in at least 43 Srcs, and the probaHility ia that such ac- tion will be taken. Detectives Greer and Roi;ers are still here working on strong clues brHught cut iu the evidence and have a statement which shows a connec- tion between the whole series of tires. The prisoners ate losing some of their conlidence, and even the Bailards, who are singularly strong ani^ handsome mulaitoes, are showing the effects of their anxiety and confinement. The pri- seuers will in all probability elect to be tried by the County Judge, in which e'ent their trial will take place within a m' 'iitfr. PEB30(SA1.3 Mrs. H. Legard of Holland Centre ia the the guest of friends in town. Miss Edith Carr, Eugenia, is the truest of Miss Ella Stewart. Mr, W. J Thompson, p<i»tniaster and merchant of Dobbiu'.itoa, ia spending a week with friends in this vicinity. Ttiis is Mr. Thompeoii's annual outing. Kev. Mr. Malian, Dr. Mahan, and Miss Keefer attended district meeting of the Epworth League of Christan Endeavor in Owen Sound on Tuesdsvy. The foUowiua item from the Chealey Enterprise refers to a graduate t'roiu this • •ffice. Harry'} many friends here will be glad to lean> that he is getting oa in tlie world : " Hsrry Davey, who prev- ious to last week was engaiied oa the Enterprise staff las secured a position with Mr. T. H. Rice, the racy editor of the Mitchell Recorder. Hairy is a good all round m mi and can take any position in the office from di<tributii.g typ« to tranacribin-.: shorthand uotea." l'«unty uud Disttrict Tb« Owen Sound Star says a poor house will soon be needed for the print- ers of Owen Sound. The Si;ht, it says, is like that between the kilkeuoy cats An exchange says : " There is no in- sect that will either eat root or (ti^k of buckwheat and sowing it on any piece of ground for two years in succession wUl kill wire w>rma by furnishing theu noth- ing to eat." Municipal life seems to be pretty stagnant in Fersus. After holding two ni'miuatious, only the reeve and two councillors were found willing to stand and the others had to be coerced into oBice. .An -Arrau lady recently took live turkeys to market, and at the some time her husband took out a load uf oats. On cuinparing proceeds it was found that the wuiran had received more for her five turkeys thaa the man hiul fur his oats. J. P. K'.empp, of Waikecton, killed a hou that Would be a choice morsel for tumbernieu. When dressed it was found tu weigh 510 pounds. It measured 7 feet 8 inches aiound the breast. It was weighed just before bein_:j butcliered, and registered a neat 720 pounds. A queer case of mistaken identity occured recently iu Meafi^rd. .\ citizen sold a fat steer to a local cattle dealer. The steer occupied » stall in the st-vo'e beside a milch cow, recently calved. The cattle buyer waa t»>ld where he would tiud the steer, the citizen not having time to accompany hint to the stable. In theevemnii the ciiizeu went out to the bam to milk his cow, but discovered to his astonishment that she was not there. Ue straightway made for (be slaughter house, where he found tho carca'is uf the cow dres-teJ and ready for the butcher shop. The buyer had luLifcikeii the ci'w for the steer and actually killed the wrong animal. Explanations were offer- ed and readily accepted. â€" Mirror. Miss Clara Evans and a mouse.tho one a teacher in a Baltimote public shotd and the other a resident of the same build- ing.ctdlided while traversing their respec- tive orbits one day this week, and so startling were the noises which ensued that a panic among tho children present was the result. They rusheil fwr the door and down stairs in wildest terror, and * citizen who saw them emerge tuiuultuously into the street promptly turned on an alarm of fire from (he near- est box. When the engine arrived the en- tire neighborhood was tilled with excite- ment but finally Miss Evans iuaDaK««l to explain most of tk« trottbl«.. Our Stock is Going Fast I But our G-reat Bargains are Still with u^ Our Genuine Clearing Sale is g^iving the people of this seciion such opportunities as they seldom get. It will not be wise to forsret this point. We still take TRADE or CASH and have put prices a^^ay djwn.- Come in and Participate in the Good Things Going It is useless to quote prices as everything is so far below usual selling prices that everybody is more than surprised. We beg to thank the many customers who have called upon us and would re- spectfully invite others to come in and share the bounties. T. HILL, FLE5HERT0N (J LAYTON BOOT and SHOE L^oaler HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTME.NT OF Rubbers. Overshoes Scots, Sh pers and Seaso cable Goods 5clUnz very Cheap. Castoai Work to Ortler. Rrpairins Pruaiptly tcfiUcO to. ^>K, -i"- <!":• -s"- vVA â- >'^tS"'^i^''.^'- i"> â- Mt' â- i'j' -He- •i't' v»w. -iit- jjfe ^* j'e. m'. a<>^ v^"- <â- '* .j". • 5T0CK=TAKINQ - - -] Sale of Furniture â- SI.XTEEN i6, DAYS* SL.AUQHTERlNa OF PRICES ^L previous to S>n)^'K-T.\.Kl>"G. During this sale we have cut olf '^ all pn.itits. Thiuk what this means to you. EYEKYXHI2«G in ^$ our large and well iktsortcd stix-k of Furniture . . . z? PICTURES. WJNDti. CinT.XlX POLES. Tn fact everything; needled in the home of rich or jxH)r, from the kitchen to the uio-si artistic drawing-rinmi retpii-sites, at absi>lute costr for 10 days or till February 1st when we cvmnionce to tnke stovk. a. E. I^OORE TtM People's House FumialMr, Picture Pramcr ami t'njertaker Public Notice! ^o^^ wanted NOTICB is hereby given (orbiddiug »ny lH»rsoii or iH'rsons tr*j«i>ftssin{{ nu or cttttiiiK iuterforiujj with or removiug any ttnibeir off lols ^, oti the t>tli MiA 10th <.<w';«-wS(un. .Ai-wuie«iA suit lots 14^1. IMsBd 14f> as Auy ami a'\ parscuo Uoiuit ao will be prosoouted sccoi-diiig to Uw. H. J. gPKOULK.i Agent, riMiterMB. DMwmlxr, 19, "Hk I Real Rock elui logs are »» follows ' li tn«h ' ia omall end uid cut 11 fe«k, 13 teot. U foet, IS ' fe«t and 16 feet. Price. $} per 1000 feet. WapU ^lot!s H inches ami upwarits. Small end oat IS i feet plump. Pricw of oiaple, tO per 1000 ft. Casti paid for lo(&- Logs must be perfect' â- DWAXD SASOBNtV . ' riMbwIoa BtaM»B-