Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1897, p. 1

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V trl0n Aiiiana <s " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR " â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, NO 8c4 PLESEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, PfiBRDARY 25. 1897 W.fl. THURSTON, >»ROPRiCT0R 'f f*' , ^<£ WATCHES J Clocks, Jewellery, ? Silverware We are lioadqnarlers, Santa pnicliased liia supplies fi'iiii IIS, but we are lilte a good well that uever runs c!ryâ€" plenty loft to choose from. Watch & Clock Repairing in all its bratiulios. W. A. ARMSTRONG i % dmm> •^/^â- ^^ 'k^u Announcement Id 1 Glim I RMi i \m Having given the Cash System Of Merchnnd'sing » thorough tost dur ng the past six months, wa are more th.-tn ever convincud tlmt it is tho PROPER SYSTEM of doing busiuefw, and results have b)on eminently siiiHfiictTy. Not only is this the fact conconiing ourselves, but it ia also an lulvHiitugo to every customer, whose interest we consider identical with ours. Wo have, notwithstanding tho ailmitt^d "hard tiiues," had a wonderful tncreuBd of trade, which we believe is attributable to ^J OUIi UOMfl PRICES ir]J The heavy and unnocoHsary expense of koepint; a book-keeper, tho extra prolits i«-iuired to cover the many bad accounts, and tho custom of adding intenst year Jifter year is now (hmo away with, wliile by receiving cash or its c<iuivuleul for our goods we are placed in a position to f urnisli them to our customers at the lowes' possible prices. So iiieourngtd are wo by the success of our CASH SYSTEM, we feel warranted in placing in stock for spring a much hirger and more varied assoituient of FASH- lONAULE GOODS. Imfividual profits here are very, very small ; it ia the largo •ggrogiUe of sail H. V^e U)ok to turning stocks over (juickly. Buy.ing in largo quan- tities at the lowest prieoH for «.\kA casii. Our system of doing business is respou- â-  blo. ft>r the cseelloub values we give you. Our new spring goods are now arrivin-,' in large consignhients daily ami custom, era can have a very select assortment to choao from, without being obliged to pay the old time f.uicy prices. P. S. Remember, we buy all kinds of Farm Pro. duf:«, for which we pay tlie highest maricet values. F. T. HILL & CO. riarkdale -^ ^ Ontario Engeniii. Friim o'lr niiui > orrtxtmiidnit EuL'enoi hai had h ri'<>ul.ar s>-ri^R of eiiteniiinmenta <luring ihe pnsr two weeks On 1'ue duy evennig of hist week the youi g pioplegiii up a "»iraw rid<-,' wlieu fu' eral rlei'jli loads dioVH over in (he r> Hiiii nee uf Mr Jolm English on the â- jiHvel load. Mr. Hn>l Mrx. Eiglish re- iH'iveil thi-m very coroially >nu pi u-eil hiar hiindH<<niH ruHideucf at tliu dispimHl â-  f till- parly, wlio f.ir a few houri HojnVfil tliriiiN-lvus lu a siicial uiainier and a vts'y pl«HS»nt I vBi ing wad spt-nr. MiHS Ella Stewant of Klnhhertoii has been cbe uuest nf her sister. Airs Wil- liams, (lurinu the pHxt w- el{. Tlii^ Oiaigt'inen of Eugenia I'.eld llieir annual concert < n Thurmiay uvuniig of lasi week. Tha liull was, as is UKUal nii ^uell oC' asioiiS, uio»de(l to tliu doms. Mr. Buiiiiul of Tor<iiil'< wa.H tlie coniic H'arof ihu evuiiiiiu Mi(.h Ediih Ricli- iird.Miti kiiiilly |irxKid>-il at tlie organ in » VIM) |ilcaH!iiL' nnoincr, nhili^ Mr. Mathew Uii'liarili-on i>ccU|iifd <h<- chair. TIim iu .'.tiiiiiieiitHi lllu^ie by M-»M'.-<. Peillar, Williauis, McDonald ancl Ca>r wait vi-ry g'»>il. Tlie pioceeiis amonnteil lo S<}0. .Mr. .]• hii Keiiuick aid faniily have icmovid I" Eldeisiif. Wo air Miriy to Inne nUCll UOOll lll'lgllb lis. » III! Iiive left many waiiii friends in tlim locality. Our best wishrH attrnd tlieiii in thi-ir new liOine. Tliu eiitirtainttionl given by llio cliil dun of the nubile scho'l at the liall "H Fiiiiay evvuiiig laiit leHecletl tliu grrmest civdit 'III 'lieii leachi'i. Alt!' lian. a, who iiiUKi liHvu gone t>'<a i,(ienr Seal ><f trouble in prt-pariiit,' tlie chililruii. «li" went tliroiigh ilicir diiil'gneN, nciiations xnd singinu ill excelleiii Myle 1 am xotiy thai theie ia n<>t H|iace to iiiencon the iianits>'f thi-ne whn wiuk P'iri, bud uiuxt say It was the lie^t I'liter'animeiu held in 'lie liall tins seasuii. Nn use gojuu to rmoiito foi cniiiic Hiiiuers when there is as u0i>il at lioiiio Tlitt tiiusic was exoi-l- Ifiit, and alLouflhei' it was an evening louu to be reinem'ifrud. Mr. Jimeiili IVdlarably acted lie purl ot cliairmaii. The hall was tilted t.. its uttiiost ca|iac.ty Hi>d niiiiibeis could not gain adniinance and had to be ct iilent with loukini,' tlirouu'li the wiiidoA's. Afier Hitiginu (joil S.IVO tho Qu-t-n and gutnu tlirte clioeia lor the teacher, tin- ehaiiiiiHii «iid all who aasisted inilie evniitii;'s «mu-e- inent, all separateil f r ilnir s. leral piacennf abode. uiuiiLurniK "Cniiie again, i>ir. Uanna," Port Lnw flour winch ho i^ retailim{ at S3.75 per hl>l. ami which seems to be giving great satiKfa>:tton, A |ihreiio!oi;iKt by the irame of Dun- can, who was hilled to It-ctiie ih our school niio night last week, had voiy poor "Ueeess, as we lielieve th<re were only four stiiall hoya turiit'd imc (o hear Inisiioue F^m (jiir oiini (,</rresp(nuinit Tile pleastmt weather this winter baa been much appreciated, especially by those who have been eng»ge<l iu the timber buNiness Rev Mr. Scott of Corbettai delivered hini. We believe it would he ''^etterU.r " """"y encoumging address here last Mr. Duncan to -end his bills ahead of ""'''""''• «>"'« the Rev. Folli., preached h .«tlepe,.plo.lon..tseem to fall , :""««'">""y««'>"ona at Mr. Scott's ap- with hisv ews WMoii he iviuaiiis a day or tW" in a tni'.dllMii Iniod. poiutinents. I Mr. Watsim is get'iug out timber for a />.,,. ^1 . 1 , . , I large frame barn which he purposes erect Out wi'itliy teacher ban introt'ticMl a 1 ' "^ I-.. â-  . , , , â-  1 ,1 I log next summer. Iiretniy society lit nur school which the yiinng penpln iieem to he jjreaily taken up with, and we bul'evu it will be a gteat adtMtitat;e t<> them. We are pleased to note that Mr. and Mrs. JiHoph Cornliehl nf Aetou are ab e to visit their pari-ntal homes at Mount Zi'-n after a lonu rniil s -vere iliness Mr aiil Mis. liaii. house of Plesher Ion weri' tho guests <•{ Mr. Geo. Tln.mp- soii xiiu day lai-t week. Mini MvOee of Kitnherhiy, also Miaa McG>'e of the Otii line, wen- tlm i^ttesta â-  if Mrs .lamies '11 of this nei^hbnrh<Mid dnriiiu the past we< k. We ate pi ar<ed t'lliear 'hat Mr. R T. White of this n<-i.-hl)orhoMd has depar ed from the Imchelni's list by tiikini; unto i . .. ^i .. , conduct them Miiii'<elf a "lie to iirigluen his new home. Wm tender "ur coiiKtatulatiuut to Mr. and Mis White. We iiri! pleasud to hear that Mrs. Murioti ia on a fair way t<i recovery afer a severe altack nf tht <!rip|ie. Mr Samuel Pedlar, .It-., Iina movvd to the farm la'ely xctupied by Mr John MeK'-b. We wehtMiuo Mr. Pedlar and family into our mnlHC. M 8H Ma'y Si.eets of 0«prey It is been visiting friends in this Incaliiy I'f late. Miss M. Meenagh, Hopeville, waa a guest at the home of Mr. Goo. LudluV last Sabbath. Airs. J. W'ukeley, who has l>een visitinf frienda heto for the past couple of wetka, j has leturned to her home tit Uolton. Mr. Herbert Nicholls, who had his lef I bruised some time ago, is able to b« I around again. I John Ludlow has returned to oanitoba. I The prairie auems to a:;reo with him. I Mr and Mrs. White.also Susie Taylor, Mt. Zion, were at Inistiot;e lasi Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Aieggct, bethel, visited frienda here recently. Revival services wil commence hereon the lirst of March Rev Mr. F.illis will Liii-ge cr-'wds are expect- ed and a giaid time is an'icipatetl. Mr. Geo. Foster of Toronto is the guest of his pirentM Mr. W. Johnston of Manitoba is at present visiting at the p.'U-eiital home. Bunessan From Our Ua-a ( 'or. espoit'ieut The fine weather ami ii"od roads of the past have niveii the penple ^•S this sect ion a goi.d opportunity lo eet out their M.iilii'r. We lie or lomumber seeing as iiiuuh work done heftiro in tho same lonuth of time. Forimtance, Mr. John Lyons i'\ thia iieighhi.rlntod, with one Kiiiiill te.ini of hotaeK, .'iiis taken from the stump mid delivered at Hr ton Stitioii iivei- sixty tivo cor' s i.f gieen wimd a| a disiai.ce of four inilis and a Ipilf in! tweiili.v-lliree days. Thi-<, we believe, is ihe li gust reC'ud in wod hauht.g ever ] made fo'tii this poit. I Mr. Ben llargiavonf Osprey moved to Mr. (ie'irue TlioiiipMiii s fnrni duimg the past week. We welO'tii.! Mr. and Mn. Hargrave into our mids . | Air. Krai'k Thompson of Euphrasia is nioviim to h'H motiiei's farm in this iieighhiirliood. We ate pleaseil to ^oo Ml. Thompson a»id wife comiig homo to lake care of his aged njotber in her di-cliniiig years, and wis!! them every success in their new home. Mr. John IJurk 8 sale came off a week ag«> Monday, and wo believe it was a great succeBS. Everylliing seemed to sell well up to value. Vi'o believe Mr. Burk intends moving to Toronto. Wo are sorry lo lose Mr. and Mrs. Burk, as they were very highly esteemed by all who knew them, but wo wish tlioin evoi7 sucnesa in their new home. Mr. Bell of Kimberljy is furnishing Mr. Geo. I^ompson with a tine grad« of IHaxwell From uur own Corif.ipoujrut. Mr. Th'S Haiiiblin anil family from Dui hat« visited a few da>s with friends here lately. Ml. Ricliaid Heron, Matder Miles Hi-r n and Miss Elza Hatnhlin re'urnvd h'lne last week alt.er visiliin; fiiends in Bel vie. Ml. F. T. Carr fiom Eiu'etiia ocuupied the pu pit in the Methodist cLurdi a week ago last Sunilny evening. The Uev. Ml Feriier, from here.npent a week in London recently. S'line of our Oratiye htelhern attended The ilojal Arch meeting at Sinuhamplt.n a wi uk ai;<> last Ab'iiday evening. M'.and Mrs. lii'lieitson Iroui Sing- bamp'oii spent Sui.day of Intt week in tins vicinity. ifTiie tea-meeting in connection with the Pi< st'ytt nan chnrili wis very well atendetl Pioceeds aliioiin'o'l to $'J3. Mr. Walter Orifli h and Miss Loui"a field of Uaveniin spo'U Siit'duy at tho home of Mis. Field. Mr. and Mis Couiins fr. in Sinj;- hainpt'tii viitited friends hist week in this vicii.i'y. Alias Kit.i S'liall, Irinii Fleshorton, jiave us a call l.itely. Mr. Will. Wliee.er of Ravanna gave us a call last >veek. Mr GeofiieBuik, M^-. Win. Beinrose and Mi-s Tilly Benii-oso spout last Sun- day at ilielK'tu. of Mr. J'dn.stou Little's, Piuton S .aiinn l<k>shcrtnn Station From (I SptciiU Correfpoudeni On Friday last, IKIi insf., a very suc- cessful public school eniertninmont was he'd, ridleciinu I'leat ctedit u|>on the teach-r, Mr. Dixon. Tho .senior trustee, Air. Filth, wa- called to the chair ly thtt Uliiiliiiiniiis viil,i ot the nildietice, which crowdid the liims,> to the doms, a t'leat number I'oitiu uniilitu to find sitting room. The cbairmaii opened ilm concert with a f'W fitting and apptopriato icmarks ai>4 sailed off the piouriiiii with a elnn us by the entre .school The part of the oven- iiiti's t.museiiioiil perforined by tho chil- dren was very erediiahln and much ap- preciatid, and also tho dialogues, solos and inrtrtiiiK ntaisof inviied friends took the cr>iwd with a grtat cheer. Editors Irwin and RaiiniuH of Diiihain gave in- teresting adilresses and good, soiinil ad- vice to tbote m the Hist and mii'dlo snd latter reuinii of life. Inspecttir Campbelt beuan a very plensant and practical «d- dri ss bj a very happy remark tlmt one peciili:irity of the audience was that a bivre ii'd a covoied head seeiind t'l bo in company and inierveiie hetwoeii eaih oiher light ftum the platForm to iho door. ,\ He spoke of the kind of hoys and giil> tlie country needed and the tiaiia I hat each mimt possess to ho that kind of )). rM.ti. Ho congtalulsied ihi! Itnsteea iip' n the noariiess anil general uppewr- nnoe of the ^ollool, the people upon their choice uf trnsices, tho children upon the diairitig sketcl od upon the hoatd, and tho teacher upon the general clliciency of the stholiiia. Rev. .1. S. Hiiniphiies of Pncevillo gave an addiess iipp|tii)^ivate to I he occasion and in'r< diiced l^nf^naiks by uigiiig the necessity of l^Mmtitinal Sjiii it, after which Mr. Ramnsio'iif Dro- nioro sang 'The Shamrock, Thistle and Rose." Tlio whoio affair was eiiiiiiontly Fri,m.<mro,i:n,o,,eM,im,yui. successful, and a very rousing ovoniiig Miss B. Siuwait, who has been spend- ^ hroko up with "God Save the Queen." iim a lew Weeks wii.li her sister in Mark- i ^ ~~" ,-.•.-. â€" d.ih!, has retuiiied home. | Tliolamihir signal, " all abosrd,'' used We undoistatid that the Globe hotel is ! f"r starting tiains, is b.'iiig <l..iio away chatigini.' bands. The new lesee will be 1 with hy the Giand Trunk Railway, and Mr. Connor. I substituted hy a small stoam wh stio Mr. and .Mrs. Cuinis left on Monday to | alongside the engineer in tho cab of tho a'tcnd the funeral of tho lalter's tiiicle. I locomotive, which isconncelod with each Misses Alillie and May Cook visited I passetiuer car by pipes stmiewb.U similar friends iu Markdale last week. i to the air brake pipes. It is not necessary Miss Edna Stono also spent a few days ' now for a conductor ol a trsin lo signal with friends in Markdale. tho ongineioan by this moth'id ; ho oaii R. Batiks of Durham visited our towns- blow ;lie little whistle without going out.. man, Mr. H. Tucker. side tho car. Tho whistle tak* tht place Miss Watson of Dromoro w.<m the guest of the hell coi-d as well as a means of of Misi Cushnw, our popular teacher, last drawing attention of tho driTOT to any ireek. ' bnakags in his train." *l -^_L

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