Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1897, p. 4

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UUiiSJHL ^B^HW THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- * j c a i E9TABLUHBD -I8S/' . 1 f rX>BLI8HEU WKEKLY AT TUK OFFICE. 8VD- BNHAM 8TUEBT, FLESUERToN, ONT., BY W. II. THUIWTOII f 1 per aiiiuiiu.Htrlctly in advnnce AdveiliBiug Rates: Oaa Columu, 1 year, tSO ; half col., 1 year, t21 , quarter vol., ono year, S15. Traosiont advertiseuient charged at the rate • oentn per Hue for first iu»urtioii and 3 cents each HubHuquunt iiixertioo. Incinerating Crime To the Edilur of The Advance. Deab Sie,â€" It has h«on a favorite cus- tom with l)urj{liir» to " tire " tlie proiiisuH tlii-y hiivo looted. thuH covering up tlieir trackn ; and if we may bulieve ihe evi- dence of our detective fore.-, nine-tenths of our firett are of incendiary origin, the object btjing to mislead inv>»tig«tion. The recent tire in the Parliament buildingN at Ottawa haw aroused fu-<i)ici"n iu the public mind indica'ive of the belief 4bat "tbore'a H'-mething rotten in the State of Denmark," and that the destruc- tion of the pul.lic reconU wim the mo.st facile nietlicMl of throwing dust in the •yea of the Public Accounts Comiiiittee at ihu coruing aeH^ion of Parliament. Fact* are thine" that wiiiiia diug, Nur daurna be diBputlt First â€" When L-iurirr & Co. took office hat July, one million and a qaaitcr dol- lara were rcfjuired for immediate use, and insteiul t Ley Ixjrrowod nine niillionH. A friend inquired of Tirtuou.< Tarte why they borrowed in excetwof requireuients V He coolly replied that "it was gout to haf •unie nioniea on hand." The bye-elec- tions have bei-n canicd by bribery with govemnit-nt money. North Grey, at our own door, furnmhcH an illuHtration of #!iameleH debauchery of which the politi- cal aiinalH of our county have no Niiiiil.ir cecori), except in the bye-election of Warch, 18<!1, when the Grits of that day â- pent one hundred thousjind dollars in Uiis county to defeat Mon. J. C. Morri- •jn, Solicitor-Gvneral in the Cartier- ftlacdoniild government. For proof of thiH,read lion. Win. Macdougald's speech in the Uoufle, 18*>3, which no Giit had Uie tcuieritjr t<i contradict, Macdougald being one of the Grit Kpouters on the oc- casion, in 1861, and editor-in-ohii f of the Toront«^> Globe at the same j)Oi io<l. To roaumo : On or about the months of March and April, 1891, Uonore Mer- cier (mercifully trnimlated to a more con- genial clime) with the aid of Pacuud and others of the Queliec Legi-slat ure, l)or- roweJ half a millon dollars on the credit of t le said province, for the use and ben- efit of Wilfrid Ijiurier in the then ap- (•roaching Dominion eltcti.'ns, upon the distinct understanding that he, Ijauner, ahould rejKvy sail sum, with inter.nt, out of the Dominion treasury, which he hoped to reach in 'fll That sum was not paiil eight m>nthH ago, f. r, alxiiit that timi- judgment was renewed ngainft Paeaud lor one hundred thousand of the forego- ing aniouiit. Liurierisiiow in full con- trol of the treasury at ( )ttawa, ami, as our Grit friends will coincide with me that Laurier is an himorablo man, he will reimburse the (Quebec treasuiy, even if it should he at the expen^<o of Ontario •nd the rest of the Dominion Second â€" Many persons have pninted out to mo the undeniitble fact that the lire originated immediately above Mr. Tarte's private otiice, between the ceilitig and the tlooriiig I'f tlie store room above ; that Mr. Tirto left 'ho office locked bo- t.w*<en two and three hours earlier i.ii that afterntion thati w.is his usual custom ; that frhen apprised of the lire he at once as- sumed a mock air of hysterical indigna- tion against t<jbaoco smokers, iiH being the authors of the calitmity. No doubt he knew. Doe.^ Tarte smoke tidmcco 1 Thirdâ€" The tried and efKcient aorvants who'e duky it wiui to keep the hydrants reiuly for e»ery emergency were diRinis- mtd and ivoorant •Johnny Crapcaiis in- stalled in their stead. When the lire en- gines arrivc<l on the ground erery hyd- rant was friizen asolM maaa of too, and a full half hour was lost l)efor« the hose «y>uld Inj connected with the «ity hydrsMt*. ^{^ WM a piece of avpfull|[ plauned. subtle enginoeriiig, and worthy • higher pofl'tion in a congenial circle thaa ths Public Wurka affords â€" for Tarte is an honorable man Fourthâ€" The plans and sjiecificotions of the Canada Pacific railway w-re com- |)leted early in the summer of 1873, and tenderi for the construction of the work were solicited by the Macdonald govern- ment, and, owing to the alandera r<ist;(l by the Grit |Nirty in connection therewith, the Macdonald administraticm lesigned, and the Mackenzie-Laurier coteiie took their place. Three Weeks aft.r*a d smoke was discovereil issuing from the arcliitect's room, wl<ich uas locked, and the clerk in charge could not be foU< d. Tim door resi8te<l all pressure which could be brought to l>ear U|Kjn it, and before a cn.w-bsr wa« brought and the d<H>r o[)ened the railway specifications were dobtroyad, while all the other docu- ments in the same room were untouched. Let us take a ]iage of CMutemporary his- tory : Jay Gould, of New Yoak, was the princi{ial promoter of the Yankee Ni-rtli- em Pacific railway ; but, with the pros- pect of the Canadian Pacific railway ItHiin- ing up in the near future, invesUirs in Jay Gould stock became alarineil. His road had reached Omal aina haf-fiiiished condition, with no funds to push it further â€" he had got to the • nd of his tether. The lunking house of McCul- lough & Co. of London, Eng., with which he had been ass ciated, cut him adrift, knowing tliat lankruptcy was inevitable. At the period when Mackenisie, Laurier & Co. took office Northern Pacific Isjnds stood on the New York stock exchange at 57, with no takers, (hi the moniin^ succeeding the d. struction of «ur railway speciticaticms the Now Yoik World inaile the following signilicjint remark : " The burning of the specifications, etc., has tlu'own a wet blanket on the building of the Caniultan Pitcihc niilway duiing the next twenty years." On the same day Northern Pacific bonds went u|) to (>8, and ni a few days to 8'J. It cost Canada four and a half inillinn dollars to make a second survey ; but the delay made Jay Gould a millionaire at our expense. The foregoing coincidences are current topics of conversation thruuyh(mt the farming community, and the conclusions arrived at by ihem are decidedly unfavor- able to Laurier, Tarte A Co. Ijiurii-r, a- I have ]H tinted out .to them, kept hnnsclf outside the law in the Quoliec steal ; but a cranky old Scotchman, who was iiresent, said that although he had kept himself clear of the law lie was etjually guilty, in a luorul sen^e, with the rest of the thieves, but I know the old man's liver is out of oixler, and he reipiires a blue pill. Not- witliHtaiuling all these proofs, Ijaurierand Tarte are honorable men â€" of their class ItespuclfuUy, S. L. M. Ll'KK Feb. 22nd, 1897. A Horrible Hurder A County Orey Family nurdcrcd In North Dakota Despatches from Bisni.irck,N. D., give particulars of tlio murder of nn entire laiiiily by some unknown fiend. The HI' iiihers of thin family all reiiiuved fr-uii this district about five years ago, Thos. !S|>icer liMin^ a^oiio time a lilackHiiiitii in Dunilalk. Kollowi.ig is the dispatch : Hi iiiaick, N D , Frb.l!).â€" The hv.r- liblu iJihcoiery of the iiiuider of six pcrsouH was niaile yesterday near \S i iioi.a. nil the MiH.i>'Uii Kuei, !iU iiiilrs liiliiw Itifinartk. The slaiiuliier oocuricd al llie fariiilii'Uw of U.v. TlimiiuH Sjiieer The atl'.iir ii shi'iiuili'd in inysteiy. It is iielieted tliiit Indians may liavii been thf iiiuideiei'H, altlii'iiL'ti tlie'e is notliiiig to Klitiatantiate the llitnl'y otliOl tliiiii that a iiuiiibur .>r iht'iii Hie SHid to have been seen Initeriiii! iikoiit tlie iieiLdil nrh<ii>d. The dead are : Mrs. Widiam UouAf, twill b'^sof Mia. Ilouse, Mra. Waldroli, the Kiiv. Thoiuos Sp cer and Mrs. Thus. Spioer. John S|>iocr, a well known lariiier, was drivinu' oui f'T a load of wood yecti'id.-ty and wli le pas^ini; ilie houseof liislirother Tl.oiinn*, a mile and a half fioin where lie lived, hr called to the occupants, an wan Ins cusuiin He reerived no reply, ami nfier rhoutmit voveral tiines hi iili<.>hted fi'iiii ilie wagon and knocked at the ih>oi . Theie was no re-pouse, and he puahid the d'lnr o|ien. He uas liMiiillud to And Mis. William Waidron, 'ho mother of M s. S|.iL-er, ly inu (lead up'ii I hr floor. Her skull had lei'li oiuslied and I'lmid Was HtreaiiilMg from the wound In the next rniiin he found Mrs. William Rouse, the daughter of Mrs Bpiucr, and Mrs. Rouse's twin baby lH>y;<, about a year and a hilf olil, lyinu dead the on lounge. Mrs. H use had been Ktrtiok iwieo in the l>a<k ot the head wi h the heavy nsk ledve of >he dining table. and the ihlhlren were kill- d, evnbiiily, by blows from the same weapon. In the iNirn aJnhn Spiuer fouai t' • b«>ily of Mrs. ThoiiKki Spiuef, his«isier- ill ls«. There was a ileep luile in her head and a gA.sh in her chin, evit'antly produced by an axe. John Upicec roturued tp WiuoDS, •nd a lat^H band of uitz-nx, Ifd bjr th» Deputj Counry Coronor, ncC'-mpanied liiiM to the scent* of the mui-der. The seaich was c jitinueil, and ihe lM«ty of riioiiian 8|iicei whs fouiui >ii a C'>wi<hr-d | horrilily inuiilatcd. The eniirn lanniy had been iiiurdertd, with tnu exce|itii'ii of two daunhters of Mr. hihI Mra 8|iice , ' » ho chanced to be away from holH" at that >iine. A Ooriiiu'i'rt jury was imnh <liately impane led hihI the wi»'k of n>-a ciiiii.: for a Clue was heyuii Just <ppi»it Winona IS F"rt yat<'K, where th.r- are sever- 1 coinpanus of United Slatis t''"0|i<, and ihey will bind ilieir,i8Histanc â-  in ruiinin;: iliiv\ II tile crniiinala. Spioer was a quiet in in, with n^ enfiiiira fo far as known, and no cause fol the deed I'sti be f' uid. He wan a Mi-ihodisl iireaclier. He and hia wife were ab-ui B2 yens of a'_'t-. Mr.". Wald loll was al out 80 year* "Id, and M(».- Rouse ab'iiut 22. All weie liii.'hly re- i<pec'»-d. Thomas Spices was born in EnL'lind. and came over to this coumrv a' the nuc of 3 yt-ars, and settled in Ontario, iKta- Ton nto. He was tiiiiilit the trade of blacksiiii'h. his father's trade, an'l siih-<»-ijueiitly mirricd Miks Waldron of Egerton, (hit. Hu tien settled in Dun dalU, Out. Five years a'.'o Tho* Spio-' wool to North Dakoti snil opened a b'arksinitli shop near Winona. H- tlo'ii changed hi? mind and t,olil ihe shop to his • Ider blither, Ji'hn. wh" was already es'aldished there. He tlm bi'ii';ht h farm and became a haal Methodic priTchfr. Henre the prefix "'Rev. " Jo'oi Spicer, thefa'l.erof the Win. na ' ict in, is a lepidelil at a cun'ry pltteii in Ontario, and the »d(lre*8 is as follows: '•John Spicer, R. bb P. () . Out " KlHilierlry. From our oini rurmi'iiitdeiit. The fanners in th s yicm ty have be-n busily eiigH'jed hauliny poles, Ii".'S and Wi»id to ditfiirent points, till within t' e latt few days. Bat on ai,-count u^tlie lack of sleiu'iini.' they hsve had to coma to a h d'. They are, ho*ever, only awa t- iiig another fall of'thc beaut ful sno»''to renew o[)erauons, and our weathei prophet Hays we are to have it sure. On Moi day of ibis week Mr. Rehil had his farm siockaiidiiiip'eiti«iitHSold| y public auction. Mostly eri-ryihing was Bold at a fair tignre. A largo iiuniber of the Kiniberluy people attended tlHyeiitertaiiinieiit L'iveii iiinier theaunpices .of the OrHn'.!eiiien of Euuenia. They re|M)ited the unteitain- m> nt as not bein'.; up to those of pror. ious yeais. The special sormons which are bei' n conducted by Rev Mr. lUlfour hi ye iieen \ery auccessful. Lar.;e crowds have been attetidini; them and already there are over seventy converts. Wu are v'tad to know that Mr. Jolin Stewart, who was tu badly injured a couple of weeks u.;o, is rocoverint; very rapidly. Mr. T. Taylor uf Mt. Zioii was a caller in our villa);e lust Friday. The Messrs, Curtes of Metford spent Sunday in the village, the uuests of Mrs. Rear. Miss Jennie Knott went to Owen Sound Tuei^day to attend the wedding of Iter friend, MissM. Breadiier. MiHH'.Maud Mr(juilUiu it the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. XfJV IIT A lUtr tohaiidle established trade in Vf£J YT Ail 1 tiiia county. Cauadiaii stock AdhNT^ Miiaraliteud tolivu I'uiiuaritiiit ^"^tilu jiuHitioij, wholH or part tiiiiB. l.ilituat tui iiiH. Yoti emu iiiiLku ttjii dollars A weok or heller with nv., lor »vury wuuk you wuils. No fxvu-ri'lice lufuoHHary. l>rown Brothers Company, Coutiaut-tal Nursurics, 16 Ucb. TOUONTO, ONT Tenders Wanted Kealed teDtters for the e ection of % ftohool tiuuHu tor tttxiiuu 15, ArtemttKi^. VIkiib and ttptiirincatioitbiitay buHveii at U. ik A. NuilHou'i} ^l^le, t'lutoi). atbui the Utb u( Kub. and u|> tu m o'cU>ck a. 111. UM Vvb, ^tb. Lowt»t>t tuiidvrs or uu toudiar u :coridai'ily aoceptud. Aidrubi btiurutaiy aoltuol 'iDard, Trotou Statiou. FARM TO RENT O od fariii to rent, two uiiloi from Fle'hor- tou. A|>i<i> to JnuN WuiouT, Jr, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only eafe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need, Ii prepered in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary case* ' I* by far the best dollar Kcdicine known I â€"sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. ' No. 8 fur special castaâ€" I o degree* , atrnnger â€" sold by druggist*. One box, I Three Dollars ; two boxes, Pive Dollar*. ' No. I, or No. *, aiailed cm receipt of yika and two 3-cent •taoipi. Th* C«ok Company, 8uld ill Flesherton and everywhera in Canada by all respou>ibl« druggist*. M. Richardson & Co GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES for - - - FEBRUARY BUYERS I I I I Oiock^TJa/cin^ Stock^uakin^^ Before our annual St- 'ck -Taking wo have dociiled to reduce our winter stock b» the west p<>.s«ibl<- limit, and to this end hive CUT PKICES right down on all winter goods to clear. 'A'e don't intend to Ciirry these lines over t'l next se:u>un â€" THEY MUST GO, and at the.ie tigures will go quickly. Siii â-  fll 11. ii MEN'S WEAR . . Full Cloth Pant.s, regular 81.75 selling l.'onliiroy Ves', regular i^l 75 selling (fushioiiaUe goods) .. . .\straklian Cufw, reju ar 6r>c sellius< Hare Seal Caps, regular Sl.nO sel!i"g . ... . IJeav>-r Oppossuni Caps, regular S.'f.OO selling Lined Overahoes, regular 81.50 selling Heavy All-wool Drawers (a special drive) regular 75c selling Heavy Flannelettes Shirt.s, regular (».}C selling ... Uiilaundored White Shirt-, regular 55c selling Heavy Suspenders, regular 15c selling Heavy All-wtatl Arctic Sox Heavy AU-wixd Sox Lined Kid Drivi- g Gl«ves, regular 75c selling . $1.25 1.26 .39 110 2.26 1.26 .4U .50 .35 .10 .29 .15 .4A WOHENS WEAR Felt Overshoe', regular $1.50 selling % .96 Felt Boots (foxed) regular 81 75 selling 1.50 Lined Uubhers, regular 55c selling 4U (/anligaii Kubhers, regular $1.50 selling . 1.2U Misses' Can I igan Rul>"e^a, legular 81 25 selling 1.03 Lined Kid Gloves, regular 81 25 selling .. .03 Lined Kid Mitts, regular 51.00 selling 60 ^^ WOOL SHAWLS. All colors, d ifferent sizoa, at bargaiu prices tu clear. \YINTER Dress Goods 3G-inch Double Fold Dies.s Goods, regular 16c selling % .12 J 40-inch Double Fold Dress Goods, regular 20c selling 15 42-inch Double Fold Dress Goods, regular 3Uc soiling .22 C=^ All WINTER DRESS GOODS at clearing prices. JWANTLES Wo have sold Winter Mantles this week as low as 81.00 each. We haTo some yet that cost us $6, 80 and 87 each, all selling at one price now . . $2.95 iia£^i>^ware: i>£:parxim[e:nt I Next to Nothing %** VV-.^ Ss what t»» are clearing off a»uora/ tinea ^^â- ^'^. ^^ Soocts at duriny Stack "Uakiny. Peerless Metal Polish for silver, brass or tin, worth 16 cents, for 10 cent' Stone's Genuine Lanterns, to clear at 35c, worth 50 cents. Carving Knife and Fork, won h 35 and 50 cents, for 25c a pair Asbestos S.td Iron Stand.'*, worth 15 cents, for 8 ccut« Michii;an Axes, cheap at 75 cents, for 60 cents Cake Plate Handles, regular price lOcents, for 6 cent* 50-cent Rodger Bread Knives for 26 cent* Soup Plates, any jiattern, worth 8I a dozen, for 6 cents each Knife Board and box of Polish, worth 25 cei^ts, for 16 ceut* No. 9 Pot Covers, speciil, at 5 cents each Al f\V' '^^ Fancy Tea Pots at 10 cents. Gravy Pitchers at 10 cents an^ L<vx 1 Clothes Brushes at 10 cents still left. PURSES, POCKETBOOKS, nnr/IIHI HAIU BRUSHES and VuM ii SPECTACLES OiLUIIIL COME TO US for anything you want in any line and we will give you it righk. M. Richardson, & Co ^ < ht-^jaSfflisua^ r.-i«gwwrig«ipwy'^y^ ftiitg'?ay*: jjiitf'' n - J w« i

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