Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1897, p. 4

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' W.L . 1 li -,JBtaiarmBfSKmm BSTABLlSn^D -/SS/' ^Txe Advance rUBUSIICD WKEKLY AT THB OFITICE. SYD- KNHAM »TBEKT, FLKHIIEKTiiN, ONT., BV W. II. TUl'IUiTON •1 per auRuui.strictly tn adronce AdveztiBiDg Kates: Oae Ooluuiii, 1 yuar, fOO ; ball col., 1 ye&r, <27 quarter col., oiio year, f 16. Transiont adrortisoiiioiit charged at tbe rate oeiitH x*er Hue for flrtit iuttertiuri aud 3 ceutB each Bubsoquout iuHertiuu. Tlie war uews from Crete is de- eideljr spicy. Turkey and Crete are likeljr to Uave it out, aul if viijiory pcrcliea oil tlie bituuL-t of virtue it will not pose ou tbo lurkiuli banner, It IB extreme)}' mortify iug tuktiow tijat Greut Britain and tlie other Clirmt- iau p'jwers are arrayed with the Turk- jtli tyrant and threateu to crush Greece off the face cf the carlL if Rbepersista in lier attempts at the eoutrol of Crete. Greece could not die lu a better cause than that uf plucking the feailier^ out of this rank old biid that Hhoiild liave been be- lieadcd long ago, and naiimial iiiartyr- doni would piace ber au far above ftuy thing '<f a like nature in liiBtory lliat until the end of time she would hfi apoken of as tbe hero nation, ^he should be reckoned as such even VOW. for aUc has defied the ghoul, and Uiia none of tbo other great powers l^Vti dared to do. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HH-Me--H-H Th^ tcmperause legialation propos- •d ^y tbe ilardy-floss guvcrniueut is so dista.steful to the teinpuiance people that a dead set is being nmde u|>on it from all quarters, and the bcea are buzzing around .Mr. Hardy's ears to such au extent that he will probably aincrd it iu some degree before it be- comes law. If he does not it will amount to a straight deilaiice of tcin pciitnce people and teinpeianco prin cipl<'B. Tbe bill es befuie us is de- cidedly retrogrcHsive in its aciion.and iuxttad of granlnig reforms asked for it actually eliiiiinates certain existing privileges and siifeguards which tem- perance people fought (or and won in tbe past. Indigaiion meetings are being held and petitions ciiculateJ but we are duubtful if they v\ill Lave tba effect hoped for. lie who puts bill faith in the teniperanco proclivi'.es of the p'tMiit Ontario luenibers of tun Cabinet place then' bopea, wo fiiir, ujcii bitikcn reeds. Iu event of the bill as proposed be eoninig law it will be int(.'re.siitig to observe bow Bonio of our local Grit taiuporunco men will titku their mcd- icinc. ArtciiHsia <'oiiu«;ll Till! Mmiicipiil t'cpiiuc'l of till! Towii- xliiji ot .\rt('iiiuHiii. mt!l in tlio Tii» ii lliill ricMliurton, (111 H.tturdiiy, March Gtli, IhW. The iiiuiiibum wuru till proscut exvupt Mr. ItuHt. Til" iiiiniiti«iif HuKHioii of Ulli February wtii'i! I'uuii find udiiliriiiud. 'I'liu fi>ll(iwiiik{ coiiiiiiuiiioatidiis witro pruHuuted mill loiid : I). McTiivi.sli, acciiiiut fur wodil for liidl, iM 70 ; TrUHtouH .S. S. Ni. 10, iicuiiunt urioi- in S.t.SHtlMIIIUIlt 18'.)(), (W 01!lltH ; TIllllll.'IH •Sullivan, el id, n ptilitioii ru funning union Huliol, pirr.s of ArteinoNin itiiil (Jlunidi^, at Irisli lake ; Jaiiui.i Wal.suii, ot ul, in ruf(M'(Miu ' to .Mlittiilu lulior in Miu village of l'ri('ln'illl^ iihkinj; to hatu same coiiiiiiutiul at tiO ouiUn ptir day or optional lo piy or work iiiKtcad of M eunlM |H!r day an at priiHout ;TliutriiMliM'H, union Hcliool tSuc. Nu. 15, ArtiuiieHia and I'roion, asking for tliu iNHiii- ofdulHintnrcN to tlio HiiKiiiiit III |jil4llO fill tliu piirpom^H (if oroLtiii^; uiliool in Kaid suction ; ISyhkW No. 5115, Hppiiiiitin^ township ofliciua for 1H1)7, waH aint'iiiliMl liy appokiiliiig Aicli. Llojd oviirm.'or iiiNttiad otduo. SVnrdnilio for Div. 17 and np|H>ioliii„ dm. Iluddy ovciHour in Div. 4(2, mid Doimlil Mul.tian itnd M. Ililuy ovmscois for I'ricuviUo. The li.vJaw WHS tliiiii riMtda third time and liuttlly {tikmnd. KellH AIoMillan That bylaw No 53ft appoint iiig ofticcrK fur 18W aa lillud •p in ciiinmittuu and tt-poitud to this oounoil bo uuw read a third tiiiio, sigii- ed by the leeve and clerk and the seal of uf thit, curperutiun be uttauhud thereto. Carried. Tliompsou â€" McMillan â€" That Mr. GiUiland'H account of Hcven dollars for feeM re drain near Proton Station between thU townsi.ipand Proton be paid, and tliu IxkUnee ot ArtciiieHia'u Hhare accord- ing to llie award be fo. warded to tiiu truimurer ot I'lolon, viz. ylo, and that the clerk iiotily AlewrH. Wright and Meil- «on to iiay to tue trtmHurer ot tlio town- (ilii)! one dollar eacli, being ttieii' rcspuc- llve alMtres ot enjfiueer'H expenses us per awaixl. Carried. Kells - 'lliuiupsoii â€" That Jaiiieg Best, Councillor jf'aid No ',i , is hereby ajrjioint ed lo lo k alter and eiiipiiie into all cii'cuiii.stanccs in coir ctioii uitli the sick- nesH and indigence of one Jolin JackHou ol Pi'oton .itatioii Hlid do wtiat he may iieem bu->( in the iiiattur until next luuut- iiig of thi.s conncil. Carried. JloJiUan â€" i'lumipsoii â€" I'tiat fifteen dollars be grant d and exp iided to open jiart ol tiiiid conoe.H.sion, i>i O. ii. at lot Zi) and 'M, and comiaisMioiier of ward Nu.l Huppleinenl tlie tsanie i>y ten dollars •ul ot Ins wai-d appropriation of IS'JT. Carnud. Kells â€" Thompson â€"That Daniel Mc- T.>vi.sli be jiaiu <?4.70, woixl tor Town Hall. AlcMillau â€" Kells â€" That the trustees S. S. iNo. 10 be paid .sixty-nine ceiit.s, be- ing trustees' rate on A. McAule^ 's personal pi'oper<y, wlrcU should hav. been lllCiUtled 111 S. is. ^io. 10, but through eriiir ui MHseKKinelit wat> placed in iS >S No. 7, iUid that tno same be cliaigod to is. IS. iSo. 7. Carried Kells â€" Tliomi)«> n â€" Thai llie audit' a-s be paid eight doUaiH each tor then serviCi 8 ttccuidiiiK to bylaw. Carried Thonip.soii â€" .tieilillan â€" Tliat W. H Wriylil, holicitor, be retained by this Ci'Uncil iu detellcu ot the case, Watson vs Ai teinesut, tor allejjed uam.iges, and that the reeve and %ir. Kel.b are hereby aulli"l'ized to appear on behalf of ttie council. Carrieu. ThompKoi. â€" McMillan â€" That an J. Ilickling has applied tor the timber now ou roadway opposite lot M, con. 11, the coinisHioiiur oi wa d No. 4 examine the same and report to this couiicl , and all pel's' iiti u e lieieby torbiddeii to cut or itinove any tun ur on or tiom oti bjiid road allowance. Carried. â-  McMillanâ€" Kellsâ€" That the petition of James Watson et aire statute labor in Pricevillu village , he on the table until next meeting ot Ihii council. Carried. McMillan â€" Kells â€" That the petition of Thomas iSullivaii et ul in regard to forming a uiii 'ii schoul section between parta ot tills towiiKhip and Inu UiWuHhip of Lileneig be eiitcitjinied, and that John McArlhur be and lie is liereby appointed as urbitralur on oeliult oi llus inuincijul- ity in the niaitur. Curried. MciMiUaii - 'Ihonipson â€" That the applicalKin of IXmgall .McCorinack ut al for » lease of thirty three teeC along Queen 8li'eet in I'nceville, adjoining Itie school grounds in said village, l>e gr.iiited and thai tlie clerk prepare a lease ot same at the expense at the Arteuiesia <tgricul- tural Society, the yearly rate to be tweiity- (ivo cuiit.s per year, learned. Kells .Mciilllan â€" Tiiat the trojisurer bo re<|uired in tntur^- to charge the amount expended on roads and liridges to the various wards in which such Mpendituie is made, wlietlurby resolu- ton of councilor ward apprnpnation, and that each coiiiinis8i< 'Her in making; the oriler shad in all cases give the numlier of this ward, and where and for what piir- jiose tilt) expeiidilure liUH lieeu iiiuile. Cairied. Thouipsun â€" McMillan â€" That the application of the trustees uf union aehool sect. on No. 15, Aitcm.sui and Protion, for the isiiue of debentures to the amount ol |jil4U(), for pnrp»^es mentioned there- in oe eiilei'lained, and Ihul a bylaw be paHsed tortile same ill acconlaucu with the public scliiiol act of IS'.Hi. Carried Tiionipson â€" McMillan â€" That the mnnicipal ciniucil ot the towiuliip of At'temesia, in council a.sseinliled, do lieru- liy enter their solemn |irolesl against tiie li.iNiage lit all act, H'W ocfore inu I.ocal i,egiKlainre of the Province of Ontaiio, providing for the Hp|iiiiiiliiK'nt of a Prov.ncial .Viiditor, and that the dork forward Alf. ti.iiiiey, M. P. P. fur tJeiitre (iroy, a copy of ihis resolntion, to be by him pieseiitud to the Local Legisla- ture. Caiiied. Kells Mc.Millan-Tliat W. II. Thur- Hton'ii olt'ei' til do the Towiisliiii printing and piovide iiBCsissiiry statiiuieiy tor 1S'J7, be iiccepiol, lieint;the caiiiu us ho did it for in l.Slh). I'ariiud The uuuncd ndjouiiied. llitnni* Rolli. 11,I>UKUT0M riBLIO SCHOOL. IIoii'ii Roll, ill order of rank, of the Pimcipal's ruuiii fm February. V class -Kvu Uutli-du'i', M. Tanzant, Florence Richardson, Julni Hill. IV Claas- Alfred Moure, Ve.a Tom liinoii, llariild ir'.tewiut, lierlie Croaley, Eihel Tiiinble, T,'ii,i .Sniilli, lllclii'.s sr.â€" Will. ISHanton, Wesley David, Kmni.Tiiii llvllaniy, (Jeoruo McCor- inick, Keiiiirdd Stnitli. Ill cl.im jr. â€" FIiissIj Tlniistuii, Harold Sniiih, Sit'lla Luucks, M. Tliut^toii, W'ihla Cruss'iiy, Malilo Muiishaw, Ilert KariihouBi', Alex, (iilisuii, CIkis, Sullivan, Maliol Moiiie, May Halua, Uoy Uaut- ilfon. Number ou register 57, averat^e attend ancb 40. J. ToMUNSON, â- ?«?" ••ssf^^tmrvfa^ !â- Â»â-  II class ar. -Fred Lerer, Albert Le- Repurt of S. S. No. 9. Artenieeia IV class â€" Mary Cameron, iSaiah Paul, Ida Benson. Ill cla.-,s â€" Minnie Haidey, M> da Rndley, Mai;i;ie Murphy. II clans â€" â-  Victor Pliillipn, Teeni< H.iiiley, Li/.zie Miili^an, Geo Paul. Part IIâ€" .Janie Magee, Stanley Gamey, W,ilter llussell. Part I ur. â€" Bt rtie Janiiesuii, Charlie Hiinley. Pait I jr. â€" May JamiMion, George English. Average atteudance 43. JiiUM Coulter, Teacher. Maxwell honor roll. Com. class â€" Wni. Schennenian, M. Strachaii Sr .IV G. Buchinghani, J. Morrison, C. FerKuaun. Jr. IV â€" S. Lrgate, Fred Long, Annie Scutt. Sr. Illâ€" L. Kerton, R. Kinnear, W Le)>ate. Jr. Illâ€" Ja«. Guy, Chester Lung, A. D. Deavitt. Sr II â€" Minuie Scott, Alex. McEitchnie, L. Claik, I^rt Ifâ€" Kob. McEachnie, Harry Liiiley, John Fenwick. Sr. I-Wendell Phillips, P. Palli.ter, L. Meek. W MoWui.vNBY, Teacher. The Markets. CarcfuIIv Corrected Enrh Kluur 14 50 to Oan 10 lo Wheat 80 to Birk'y 20 lu I'eas 37 tu Butter !• â-º.o E,'i;", freiih 10 to Potatoes bag 25 1.0 f*rk 4 00 to Hay per ton 7 00 to Hides 4 00 to Sheep.skins 25 to ( Jeese , 5 to I'nrkeyii 7 to Cliiikeiis per pair -0 to Diieks per pair 40 to Wool 17 to 11'«-eh <5 40 17 86 9U n*. 10 10 26 4 75 8 (JO 5(X) SO 60 20 All.h-: (llitaliu Farm and MUl Site for Sale For Halp vory cheap and on very natty torniti. Tiiitbur runii, I5() ucic*, tw<) inili>M riuni Klt>»>ii oittMi, knowi* KH lliu Win. Mt.>^'KHtiwiiiilI ]iro |HM tv. miti 01. wliicli iti an iiM-t'llont wntor puwor. fotniiiatioii fif Hiiw mill, tiuni am) pund and watiii' whot^l 111 plaou ami til) n-at1y fov ptiiting mil on, A lion t I.'Vnertts c1>.<mi()(I, :M) licrcn tiniiKtr niDHt oiY. 'mlant-d well tin>l>tn til, luixod tiniticr. riuH ftirni will hu sojit ut a Ifiir^aiii if huld Ht oiicn Small paynima iluwn, bulanuo ou VL'ry i- -Ky ItJiUiH. Api'ly to R.J. Sl'HOPLE, I'luslivUon.Ont Time' Table aOINO SOt'TU. Mrtikdale--(i 40 a. m. Flesherttinâ€" (i.53 n. m. OOINU MOKTK. Klesherton â€" 11.48 a. m. Maikdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. 4.40 p. m. 4.5o p. m. 9.17 p. ra. O.SO p. m. WANTED Otil eatiiblliitisil vlinl«(ikln Hoimn wanto nnci nr twu ItiinHflt ttitil liiiluHtrhiiH raiu'flNtintAtlVHii for this iiAiitlnii. Can imv a hiiHtlar ftliotit $H a wuuk to utart wltli. Urawsr M, lliautlord, Uui, eard, Clielta McCalmun, Harry Sttteley , : Ethel WhitWn, Charlie Uitewell, .Id J Sullivan, Georgu McGruther.Rob Tho p- | son. Willie Hales, Walter L<iuci(8« ' Nellie Hopps, Effie Thoinpsuii, Percy Trimble, Einersmi Wickens, AUa Petch, Leviua Ciofr. II cliiHs jr. â€" Ella Barnhouse, Tom Davii, Will Williaiiison, Millie CruKsii y, Charlie Thoin|i8oii, Loitiu Moore, Katie T.iylor, Maiuie Sullivan. II pt.â€" Ij"U Teeter, Charlie McGrith- er; Stella McCahiion, Lily liaker, Uoy Kluslier, Harry Sloan. F. I. Irwin, Teacher. Honor roll of S. 8. No. 7. Arteinosia Based nil result of exauiinatioii, and o general proficicmy. IVcluHSâ€" Donald McMillan, Win. Turner, .lohii Gowland. III classâ€" Du.. can McPhail, Win. Me .Vlillan, Auuus McMillan 11 class â€" D â- iiiiall McPhail, L«n Ma»- \\e I, W m. Dinawell. Pt. 11 sr â€" J. Wliyte, H. Max»eII Jidiii O.iver. Pt. 11 jr.â€" Katie McPhail, M. Meads Will. Cuirie. 1 sr.â€" Bella Mi:Millaii, Robbie Ohver Janet Whyle. I jr. â€" Win. Wliyte, John M««dH. Names on roll, 32. Aveago for F^el 20. JoH.N A. MuLeoI", Teacher. M. Richardson & Co rt l'fty» f<'r your Name on I'J U Honiitifiil inODliN N \Mi: \ (AUUS. Inviiiy picturuB, or lil) 'â- â- â- V/wiih Older. HiauipH lakiui. CANAD.V CAUU HOlHK, Ingoraull. 1^1 A LAST SHOT at WINTER GOODS In order to clear out l«lance of (»ur winter stock and ra:ike room .for Spring 'loods now arriving, we are ofiering very special iuduceiiients to itJarck purchasers. Flannel Specials Irey Flannels. .. . .... -Vavy Fla'Hel Shirtini.'S ri-inch Flannel Shee i' g-"", grey and {2-inch Heavy Fiannelettia. . . rliite ... 7c to 10c a yaid 15c a yartl fiOc a yard 5c, Cc and 7c a yard Staple Specials t2-inch Grey Cottons 3^0 a yard .'U- inch Grey Cotton* . 4c a yard ir-inch Huck Towe lin^s .. 6c a yard 18-inch Linen Tnwellings Cc a yanl 15-11 ch Table Oilcloths . . h^^c a yar«l Dress Goods Specials â- {8-inch Double Fold Dre.ss GiHids 42-inch Double Fold Dres- GockIs 42-inch Navy, Myrtle and Maroon Dress Goods ~ Cashmere, .Serge and Twi^ed Dress (â- oo^ls Laces and Ribbons â€" A lot of .'^hort ends clearing at 6c a yard GLOVES ... lOc a yard .... 12ic a yani 15c a yaitl At 60c on the % IVIITTS- HOBIERY- WINTER - WEIGHTS, • ALL - AT - CLEARING - PRICES Boots Gurrj I^ubbers Felts Moccasins AT - BARGAIN - PRICES - TO - MAKE - ROOM - FOR - NEW - GOODS. Clothing Special A line of heavy All Wool Tweed Pants, all sizes, going at $1.0# Grocery Specials Pail Pure Sugar Syrup, 95 cents Baking Powder, 10 cents a (xiund 3 Boxes Sardines, choice, 25 cents 2 Bottles Pickles^ 25 cent* 3 Boxes Matches, Co cents Bars Richard's Pure Soap, 85 cents Prunes, 6c lb. ; liVii|«ir;ited apples, C«. Raisins 5c., Figs 5c. KIAUDlAriLRE DISP^RTlVIEl^'r For this month we will give extra Imrgaius in all lines of Winter and Sprint^ Goods. Large Covered Bread 'fins worth liOc for 45c Glass Table Sett», cheap at 3oc, for 23c Colored Cii)ifi and Saucers, worth 81.40 per doz., sptjcial ak 90c per dos. A few .Soup Plates still left, to clear at 5c each New Tinware Cheap. Every year our trade in tlus line has lioen increasing. This year we intend to'mak* it buund up \\e bought our spring stock when the manufactureia were hard up and got a better price, and now we will make it InterestiiH! for you. Sap Duckets and Spouts, flilk Pails and Pans, Creamery and Factory Cans, antl all other kinds of Tinware very cheap. PIT El. nOW?^ THK BT.I>CD We have got window shades fwr everyone and at prices to suit everyuuo. ||8 SlI.VDKS came our way at a Uugaiii. They are Stand.trd Linen, oil stained, newest patterns, and only 40c each. CURVELETTE The new fashioned Curtain Pole, is all the rage, fruui 25 cunts up. See them. Pricca run IT IS TIME To Ringeand clip ymir horses hefnro starting siting wwk. We Iiavo all kinds ot Horse Clippers and at lowest pos.sible prices M. Richardson & CO 4-

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