Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1897, p. 5

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«. ..«-. miAi THR FLESHERtON ADVANCE Vicinity Chips C ar.irtcristic.H of the Vast Week <',(rri'uii>' Culled for the <ki -ious T. . MttiTtett hoticet anunig locitia kUI h'. t chiv'jed at tlie rtiU nf ten c:uU + ffer 'ine for nich imertiuu, A f redtttim will iw mniie on con- + tncla for I'll) liiwn or ovtr. Rev. DM L"0»!, Piesl yturum minister •f Pt'CeTille, ilieJ <'ii Tiifsil«y uiiilit. Ii is liiuh liiii« that :i tru.iiii otiicer was appoin'cd III this luvrii A c:vr limd uf iiiii>'iis and putaties watiteii. T. Ciiok, Flusliirtiii Station. MrKar'aiid it Soil nre selling a tfinnl In.uui at5i't'U'K tha vvrek. O'IhI coliioi stove an.1 JWo l'v«d->tt;ails for sale. Gi) chi-ap Apnly to \V. A. Arm-'t.ri>i!-j. Hiirl-y Divldi.'U (wal Wcolner in a 2- Aiile sLa'i' g O'litist at Oiren Suuud last wCL-k. Time. 6 mm M i.stt-r CailHtcm Belitiny f<-ll and brokf his ^h•uld^â- r hUde some (Jays a:;ii while returning from sch"ol. This week ar Mcf'iirliiiKl A Son's, Mark.ia!e, 406 janJ» wo- 1 tweed, 2.ic, HCHxi value iit 40c. Rcv. Mr Siiiipsim of M:;ikdale will prtacli ill lliH Me hiijiht ciiurch i>a Sun- day ii.ijiuii't;aud evening u.-xt. (lood orai'gts hd>I lemons sellir-gat V2h cinis a doziii. Also 'ji<«il uiai iiiHl.n.ie iTau):es, at MiFurluridA' SonS.MorkJali; ThiTo was a cuse tried on Saturvlay liefoie S'la;.i.itrati» Vaiduseii ai>d Uioli ardsi'ii, t>ui wuh dismissed and is scarcely •iirth talkiug a^out Muo'i symp-uhy is eiprcs<e<l for Mr Juhii Siitll, who has by tlie hatid uf death lost two of his dauj^hters duiing the past four luontlis. Vandeleuralld Euijetiia items arrired to lr.tf that it is iiuiM.>ssible to put theiu ill type. Soiue of thciu will do for uext W9ek, however. H. T. Peierson, h.>r«o buyer of Water loo, will b" at Cairns' h. tel, KlesherUm Station, oil Thursday. Murch IS, to pur- abase sound horses rising 3 aud 4 yrs. old. When in MarUdalo he sure and SBe thosM lueii'.s tweed pauis McFarland & Son are selling at l*6c per pair, xnind Tatue at $1.50. Ml-. W. W. Trimble ha.s received the eoniiactof carryiun the laail between thi.i V 'Hgo ai;d the siai.jii for the next tour years. Mr. Frost's uext visit at Fleshetton will be on Saairday the 20i.li inst., and •ach successive S.'vturdny instead of Thursday. Rev. Mr. Thoiu will hold special swrvicesiii the Presbyurian church next week, assisted by Rev. Mr. Little oi Dornoch. Mr. Batsoa, ia:« of Kio.<t & b^i st.-i, 8.ilictoii«, has I'peiii'd an ofB e m Dur- j bum on hisown accoid. Mr. Baisoii ih ' a riwiig y..une harnst-r of con»id.-rtLle | pii'Kii.-'j and a y-un^,' in.<n of sierlnm j cloiracier, and will d"ul>ilei*s not hnd it ditiicult to Work Ui>a praitice wheie he | haa i;one. Two .voung men nf ibi.i vilUge led a p-.<>r old skeleton of a dog out to thi« the hush to di>-, "ii Satumay l.i-t. Tlie wenpon of slaughter »a< a levoUvr con- taii.in-j two caiTridiji-a O.ie of ihe youi g ni.-ii was <irea-ed in .t handB^ine liVi ry. and the nther had on a coat of man wl>ich he carries ro and froiu the Statii n every day And ii c^ine to hhi-h th.it ihe y. unt; man m Iit. r_v to..k the dog by the tail, while ihe other phiced a rovi.lvt-r wi:liiii three feet of the animnl a head and tirnl, but did not touch hiui. One iuor>- huilet I ulv was left, hut that was ([Uite sufSoienr if adiiiiiister^d scien- titjcally. This li.ne the executioner actually stiN^i over the dog's head Imld- iiii: the pis'ol within a few inches of liis Cray ihailer, and &re<i the last hullet. This "ue cfippe i a piece out of the can ine's eiir anil anipu>a'ed ons toe. but the d-g sfiil livrd. W Ht were they lo do ni>w. wiih the aiiiuniti'>n used up.md *he i-iecutioii sill incnipl.-te' Well, th'-se kiory-uiiiided warriors actually sirunu the old hulk up to a nearby saplini; in true weserii vi^iilante style; and sny. that aiiiniHl WHS CO utterally dis^iinied with the horrible aiarksitMDship exhihic>dtliat Im died withnui a kick. Had the youn;; men been hetter marksmen mayhap tins Item wi uld never have been written. As ii is we fear them not. ^> w ^^ â€" Announcements The Methi-dist. church at Priceville wil; vire a conundrum supper in Watson's Hall on the evening of Friday, March 19. AduiissiuD 10 cent». A grand time is ex[.>ecied. An oyster supper will be given at the Maxwell hotel on the evening of Friday, March 12 (to-iuorr<>w). Fifty cenis a couple. PGK50NAL5 The residence of Mr. John Boyce, 4th •on., Arteimsia, was burned on ihe e\- sniiig of Sunday, l*'cb. i'S. Tho orii;in of the tire is unknown, tut it is supposed to have oiiniuaiod from the stovepipe. All auction sale of farm st ^ck and im- 1 Ion. cms will ho held on lot ;!1, con n, .Arteiiiesia, on Saturday, March 20, the [iroporty uf Mr. Jas. S atlord. Salo at 1 o'clock. R. J. Sproule, auolioueer. Tho executors of iho Alfred Wmd •State will sell by auctuiu a quantity of farm slock and iuiplemeuts on Friday. March 12, at lot IKl, con. 1, N. E., T. A S. K. Sale at 1 o'ch'ck. U. N. Henderson, auctioneer. !y[r. Gauiey has reiiitioducetl his bill t lis sefsioii to prevent goveiniinciit i lb- eia's laUini; an active part in elections, but as the ^overniueut think of doing sotuclliiiig ill that line thenisolvts, Mr. Uaniey's hill will douiificss Oe sni'theicd. The Flesherton U. P. 15. A. lodne will ({ive a concert lu the Town Hall on the •Telling of Wednesday next March 17 .^ good piot;rani is lining arranged. Ad- mission only 15 cents. iS«e bills. The Eui;ciiia Hunt Club will hold a laeeting at the Eugenia hotel on Sutur day afternoon next for the purposo of dis:ussiHg huntii g matters and legis- lation thereon. All iiivit.d to be ^fo- seiii, whether ntombers of ihs club or Not. Mr. W. Sullivan of Wingham is spend- ing a few days in town. Tbos. Gaiuey, M. P. P., spent Sunday at bis hoiu*. Mr. and Mrs. Ge>irt:e Keefer are riait- ini; their son, the RcT. Robert Keefer. ot Lin Wood. Miss Frank Pickell of Markdale spent Sunday with friends in town, and sang in the Methodist church choir at the morninK service, rendering the beautiful Solo, " Tliert; is a itrecn hill far away," in her usual excellent manner. Miss Gertie Keefer returned last Thursday from Owrii S^iund where she spent four weeks visiting friends. Miss Uoardmau of Markdale, was the guest of Mrs. W. A. Arm.-tlrong last week. Miss X. Armstrong is visitint: her sis'er, Mrs. J. D. Cark of London. Miss L. Aruistionu; left last Wednesday to attend tho Conservatory -i Music. Mrs. Kelson of Brampton and Mrs. A. Graham of Toronto, who have been the guests of Mrs. W. J. Bellamy, returned home yesterday. I I i«i I I Remember the Date Nothing could btf fairer or more phil- anthropic or c rry moio j y than I'ur otter to the citi;{ous of Flesherton and vicinity. Conlidont that we have an ah- solute cure for catarrh, and to uiako its great uieriis known, we will L'ive all those who call on Saturday, March 20, a G-r- micide Inhaler aad medicine for the cure of thitt disease, without asking one cent tif p;iy ill advance. After a fair trial at your house, and the remedy is found to be i;e!iuiiie in every res;iect, %3 cm be sent to pay for same, if not the Iiih'k!i.r can be returned at our expense and uo chat go will be midi.'. Already this new scieniilic course of niedieine hus cured thousands of hopeless cas. s. This grand remedy givcii to all who apply at Rich- tvrdson's drug store, Fleshei ton, Saturday, March 20. This ^raiid olTor is good on that day uuly. Department Stores wiio lua^.ire'i tlie cUVfi Aniuncaii eii-erts who writ* adveri.semeu's for the deyart- m<-uia stores of Toionto He tells how he look cha ge of a nepaitDienial >tore'» adveriixiog hu iioss aoC uiade it bo>>m On p i-^e 344 lie s.iys : Tlie ret^joiises iu tiiti bouse fa-nlshinR de- pai uuaut brouifhc jfty to uiv boui In six uiouilis the aveiiij;* Oust wt^s itjcrua.tfd thirty or forty i-er ceuc. Ab tlie irect revulC of a vertisliifj a cer'tin "S',ie." tbe <li-i)&itii.uQt w<^ciowre,)to uvuiUnwiiig. au<l iu two da,, a aljout #a4) wottb of Koo.iii Wits soM, out of wntcti #*>• woitii wan of Uiu iitiois iLdvenined. snuui wliicb tile actual net lots w&» SU. Tite I e. t W8h Mjlil at reKUiU' pi ices at a ifo^J i profit Shade of ihe departed peddier ! In this case $!l was lost on the â- ' lu.en " wbiie 8710 worth of other goods waa .-old at "a u'-i^l i.rolit," not to an un- s"phiHiicaied tnrraerwi.ni.in, but lo the ciowils ill a lug i-ity * On page 362 he »ay« in reference t« the advertisements ot a big New York house : Tolook&irba a.lvertisoment9 evwy flay it wouiil Heew tliat they never bell aii\th<ut£ at re^ulai- piices. but Dla. of course, i- uui> scriuius tie says this Tith the ureaiest possible adniiiatioo, leading up to it with tbe srat. uient that "thi method of offering bargai.s is oue of the best tra.lebriog inu plans thai I know of.' , He hau al- ready shown in the extract from pane 3(4 I hat it cokts practically Uotliing. Here is au-Jther tip from prolific ps^e 344: t^uppose you ai^vertiso a ** five-incb glass napp. ." it doesn't t,;ll a reader uy thingâ€" a wotuau espeeially. Shi. can't te)l bow bit; ;tive iuchos aio ai.vway ; but ju^t saj, " large imitatiou cut^KlabS fruit saucers at thirty ceuts a .lozeii." auit get yuur paul(»*rs rL*a.^y. The womi-n who are deluded by these people become their sports .' There is no doui t about it ; iJie whole thin^ is organized iiioan exact science, this hotjd-winkingof the j^ople. They .study It ; they Ir.ide tricks. Here is another tip for wii'ers of d.-partmental store ad- veitisemeiit, page 345 : Be pleasant. Throw iu a littla joksâ€" a lifbt and piquaut seiiteace or sayiug occasioually jast to liveu tt^ugs tip a bit. Of Course. Why not 1 A joke, a liiSht and piquant sentence coat really less than even wooden iiuiuieiis. Throw a whole lot of 'em in. SpeakiUit about shoe "siles," he exposes the trick : We cut Che price from •1.36 to 96 eents and advertiseo it strouely. at tbe same time putting lu an item about tlie be^t-sellius oauvas shoe we hail at reKUlar price â€" #150. We diilo't lose auv luoiiev ou the first iteui, and it brought iu lots of people, to whom a great namber of tbe other style of cauvas shoes were iold The people are treated like a great shoal ot tish in the water. The man on the batik puts a worm on the hook and casu It in â€" the lish naturally rush at it, instead uf itetting the worm, are them- selves gathered in, carried away and fried at leisure. â€" Saturday Night. Charles Austin U.ites of New York is an advertising expert. Ue has just issued a book entitled Good Advertisiui,', which is intended tor tlmse who write adverliieineu's. He devotes a biij shaie of its paues to an explanation of " Advertising a Department Store.' He does not write in uppositiou to such in- etitulions, but as the prnniotor, aa the ,uiau «ko booms t hem. He i» the luuu Neil CamplH-ll and John Quavie of Biuce, while driting hmue from Paisley tell over a ten foot enihankment, the sieiiih box falliu-' over then'. When extric'ated stnno hours afierwiuxls Camp licit was dead and Quayle aliui st, bu will recover. Remember m^k*. the Date ! ^otix Tho^e who have Catarrh and who call od the abovw Jatv, will be given a Goruiiclde ln> haU'r, and uieniciut*. lor the cure of that uiiwase, without bavinic to pay oue oeat tn [^ii^C \. 1 ^ lull Li t.as >4l .'.!•' KI^U Ut..UiV. tul the rtiuevly I'ruvett (iiicL-t*s (ul ^i cau t>o i< ~ iiitCtutI us to pay thtf same. If not 8alit«fac-toi v PI evtffy rL>ppt>ct. thu luhaier can he rotiime *â-  at f .'xounsii, and no ch iri;« will bo uii-U*. Wi- have thouHaii(*M of lettt^rs f^onl all si>rtii ntn. conditi '>â- . o' •'. ^''Iwni'ti t .Pi-*.. of."' «». uot only remarkable, but iu uianv caH«8 luiraciilou;*. Ititiiti; no nioiiuy with vou . ju^t lea* e vour uaiiic* aud a>t>lres.s, anit our re** prcsotitrttive will tivu vou the roiiiedyou above libuial tt'rins bvcallm^jat OICHARDSON S Durgstore, **'' if'lesMe.Lo,' Marcii20ih. This oCer foot on alaovo data only. WANTED Iiitellipert men with pood ediioation to who *60ll(IOalia i.x!ieu?es forthe flii-t: vtai- woiihl he an iii.iiieeinelit. Write with full pa • iuuhu-it The Manager, 41) Kicbmoud St. AVeet. roroiilo, O. X. Our Stock is • Going Fast ! But our Gfreat Bargains are Still with ua. Onij/SU Weeks 77f ore During that time we will give extra special prices. LargeMilkPans,20c special for 10c 12 i cts special 8 cts 4 Gal. Cream Crock, 40c for 25c Butter Crock, 25c for 17c China Tea Sett, $7 for $4.50 Pitchers, 25c now 15c Glass Lamps, 55c now 30c Curtain Poles complete, 30c now 20c T. HILL, FLE5HERT0N .»t<, ^t^ ,y<!> j»t, •$('.• >>%â-  â- ^t<• â- &'>â- > .}'<• •^!|Câ-  •su-^'t- ^v, >^u• .9 ^V -/iy~/ig"<i^ '/i?'/i?'(T?'/iF^'S' 'ifF^i^'iii?7i?^^' w w "W" "»«v '/iv Yi^^if'as" ^/t^^ivf'' 3T0CK=TAK1NQ - - > 5ale of Furniture 5IXTEEN 1161 DAY5' SLAUQHTERINQ OF PRICES previous to S roCK-TAKING. During this sale wc have cut off all protit-s. Think what this nieaua to you our large and well assorted stiick of EVEKYTUINU IS liillS fn the 97^atier of the Csiate of J^ifred ti/ards late of the Village of ^undaLx in the Countj/ of Srey, farmer. Notice is hertby aive'i in piirsnanco of chapter no, section 36 of tho revise.l statiitifl of Out»rio,lf*t7 Slid sniemluioutu tbeieti , tba ailere litors ami other iiersouft having lI.aiuik SKsiust tho uttate ot the ubovo iiHnied Alfr.d \Vari], Uoeeaneil, who <iled ot) ur about tce tweutii th cla> of .Isiiuary, A. D l!<l>7, are re- miired to deliver or neud l^v pout n royal t to the unilersitfiieil. solicitors for Ward Harrison aud Alfred Harrison, exocutori. of the late will atiii tostiiiiiciit of the said .\lfred Ward. deceased, on or before tho :\fttt)iith day of .\l>i"il A. \y. 18,r?, their christian and suinatno , a 1 Ires'cs a"d -e criptous.with full parttcn'ars rf ihoirc'aiuis astateinetit of theii-ai-count.^aiid the i.ature of seotiritie««. t if any) held by thetii. Notice is hereby further Kiveli that after the said last mentioned date tlii» said e.xecetors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate atoonjr^t the jiartioe untitled theri^to, havinit regard onlv to the clatnis of wlitch notice has been received as shcvf required; and the said executors will not bo liable for the a'scts so distributei^l or any ii.irt thereof to any person or persons of wiio-e claims or detuaiids notice shall uot Jtave b.iea racoived at tne time of such distribution. Lt'C.*» * WKltiH r. Owen ftounil. Koticiire forthe Kxecuiors Dated UiU Ant day ot Uarsb, a. U. 1«7, Ot.:. "/ij» Furniture . . . PlCTrRES. BLINDS. CURTAIN PtiLES. In f.ict evcrythinR ncctlil in tho boine of rich or p<H)r, from the kitchen to the must artistio dniwing-rooni rcijnistes, at absolute cost for 10 days or till February l.st when \te commence to tiike stock. The People's House Turnisher, Picture Kramer mil L'adertaKer <• ^!». â- i'"' .}'«. >^'^• •?'«• ^'> "M'- â- }"' -s's- •»"' •>!<• -i"' •»'<• -"i"! â- ^'«• -sfi .»"- i";.J'ii"ii~'i ;> ^i^^i'^ i' vif '/,{• '/I? ^1? .^;^'5i?'/i'? •2i«^^i'?^i?'/i?'^ii?^? w '/;??i?^? w vit- â- >!*• •/,«• '/ ,f '<(^ 'fi? *v WANTUD Karnest men and Women to circulate ** Tb â- ;ko d of Islaiinor Su(T.. ii r \riuenia," a thril. (Ouastioii. tbetlurk. Ariucuiaii, Uobamuiedan :,1U Wltll IL> [lOltlbjO UlaMlHOIU.-. .MlUlcr U ^taiiliiiit ii,it..'t' i»i.ion t Kti. " ' tne sjiiil 4. ]>A^iii», onlv jil.iie. Atfents niak-.' *l.'i-(X) to ♦;fO,i weeklv. Boi'ks on tore. l*iospi.etus free I eanviv-isers. The Kru-'K-vâ€" liarietson Co., I.t.i Toronto, lint. FARM '10 RENT G od farm to reot, two miles from Fleshcr- tou. Apply to Jobs Wiuoht, Jr. Cook's Cotton Root Compoaad Is the onlv safe, reliable inouthly medicine on Mthich laJies can depend iu the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength, JJo. 1 for ordinttfy cases !s by far the best dollar medicine known â€"sold by druggisis, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special casesâ€" to degrees itronget^sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two r>oxe». Five Dollar*. No, I, or No. 1, Kjailed oa receipt <A â- ric* and two j-ceot atamps. Th* OMk C«mp«ny, Wlatoir. OotKlk Sold ill Flesherton au4 everywhere in Cauadtt by all r«spou(iUe dtu^isU. Public NoiKe NOTK^R is herebv Riven forbuidiiic kfvy •lersoii or persons tre-iims.siinj on or ciiftiiii;. i iterferiiiK with or removing any timber off lots â- ii, on the 9tb and tilth leiiosrio.,, t.u'liKsia, and lots Ul, 144 and UJasauy and a I persons doing to will bo prosecuted acuurdiuit to law. K. J. Sl'BOULF.. Ageut. VleeUertoa. December, IS, IS, (^|ien Tuesday, Tbuisdayand?aiuraa]r«v««- iag. Open to tiekatboldert »i«d •arnersoa Fridi y fr jDi I to 4 p. B. W. '. t*OWAItD, Pror WRl WANT tobuidle eBtablishad trade ia TTJJ nai^X this eouutv Canadiaa stook ARlfNTS Kuarai'teed to Kvo. rermsnent AUU111U |iosition, whole "r part tim*. I.it>erat ternis. You can uiako tt^n dollars a week or t>etter with us, for tvory week you work. No pxp».rian â- â-  'it'cessurv. Brown Brothers Company, C«Dtlseatal :«urs«ries, TOBOMTO, »inif ^i l»Uek. n â-  H.u fw *

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