Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1897, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE > «^%/%^^^%^^»^«^%%«A^«/%^%^%^^^%^%%'«'l»'V*^'% WINTER 5ALES NOW RUSHING ! ThiH is the He<uion of your when you want to buy. a cutter or sleigh. I hnvu thornâ€" IwHutieHâ€" and will Hull on your own t«rm8â€" if they are not »U onu sirlod. Piiinting anil re-tiiininiiiK done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my sampleR and gutting pricuH. R. T. WHITTEN J a/%'%/%%^W%^%^%^'%%%^%''%^«^«^%^%^^^^^^%'%^%>^^ ^\r^^^^S^^^-.^f^fs&i:i><^^ Come and see! OF THE BEST QUALITY Heard's Cutters and Sleighs . . . We have gorfie fine Cutters and Sleighs to sell or exchange for Wood, Lui'uber, 8awlogs or young Cattle. J. H. HEARD & SON FLESHERION l«A"MVJVJI<>JI«J» l! ^ g g S 5 = ggggrg gJffiWy^ BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man WishHg to draw the atleniioii of th*> jiuh.ic to the f'dlowing spttcialtics : DOGSKIN MITTS and LEGGINGS madii to urdor, or » ill sell out of Stock. FRUITS AND CONFECTKJNERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our breakf iit CEHEALS. Flour of all v.radesin stock. Boot and Shoe business Also attended to ai usu»l. W. Barnhouse, - Flesherton Eageiiia Mills ASD Carnage Works Oaeria^oa ina4e and Repaired, alu Phi iiQ'? and Matobing, band Snw- In?. Vjod Curiiing of every daa sriDlio.i Pianius? and Grain Ohof.. Dini 1>'T0 v/lillo you wait, forth' Bja/er t.arna Mie wuoei. T. \V. rtlLSON Mniiutfir TRADE MARIClt DEOIONS, COPYRIGHTS &0. Anynnn -I'Mtltiy: a nkptrh hikI OcH<Tl|iltnn may qill(liln»»<:>5rUlll, fruo, wlintlur «li liivonlloh H prohiiMy ptttuiilnhlo. t'uiiiniuiilrattfins airtrtiy cmndi^ntlal. OUIeal aaewj fiirappurinn pateuU In Aiimrinii. Wh tmro a Wu»liliiiltmi olTlrfl. riitonlii tnlimi lliruUKb Muiiii & Co -oculT* ipuciul IllltiOi) 111 tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bt'u.nfiilly niiisffitr.t, I'lfLM'st rlmiUttfwi of any *'NontllI(! t'xiriml, weekly, Ivrmn $3.011 « year; IiJ.fi aix inniittis. HpectiiMMi citplt'ii uinl UaHO iUUt£ UN PATKNTH Htillt freu. AddluM MUNN & CO., 801 Urouilwnv. Nvw York* OW fil "f SOUND, OlnTA HIO, Is til -3 iroify !BGst I'l.VCli; IN CANADA TO (IKT A '\\m]\ B'jsli!3ss El'jcalion. Talio a Ruiiud Trip St',',w ll'^mo^jl â€" -- *',)IieMi!R Hinl CDiiinsroinl l)ii|)«rtinii«t,- in ('iinaila.tliiiii vliilt |Ki >(.>rHuirii Uii"liiiMii(!(>lliit!« ; nxiimliHi ovory- |iil i.j Ui i.oii((hly. If wa, full »>> |irr.iliit!ii Uio III li*. '.h<ii*<»imh.ooniii!i>te. orni:!!''"'' and i^itmi- 0/a M iraa if tn'lv : tlin liitxt collnMo prniiilMiH #i<1 rho iiiiKt \n(l inns' cnmpliitn ami moat aiilt- ^iln'iiriiHn'oaml ailllniiocH.wn will ((Ivn vmi t full 9'iiirku KKIOiO. I''i>r Aniinal Aiiiioiiui;u- nMUt .givinKfull particnluiK fii'O. aildro C. A, FLEMING. rrlnrlpni. Cash : for : flides! SlionpKlciiis and a'l kinds of furs pur oh-iaiid, for wjiich lii^liust lunrkot jiricu wilj hu paid. HoiiK'iDadii fAutages on hand, alvo all jliindK of iniaU. jtlosborton Meol Emporium lot For sale. For Rale ctioap and on easy terms In Floshor- tun. Spleiidir) latino, HoHd brirk dwolliiif;, wltli '4nod Ht>ne collar, Huininor kitchen and wood- houao, alfo f{ood frame fttblo, brick liuuil. 1* e'liiies containfi two large totbaiid coed yoiinK orchard, buariii({ Houkb and ontbiiildin({8 ate uxoeptiuuotly well nni^hud atid very conveni* t ully laid out. Apply to R.J. 8PBouLE.Pl»berton. pUICBVILLK AND DURHAM 8TAOB. Durham stof*'' leaves Flesherton Station at V.iri am., return« 4.45 p m. rricevillc Btayo ImivoH the saino place at \2M0, retu:nin(,' ftt 4 4.V Fare to Fricevillt* and vetnrg.SOcentH: Duiltam. $1.50 fur return 73w. i>inf*Ie fare. Livery in con- nectiou. Orders lua be left at either hotel. A. McCACbEY rro Qpen Air Rink I HRST Ol'F.N Allt RINK In the countyâ€" i)xl3U ft. KktttiUK- MoiKlay. WtMlnesday, Friday eveu- lliK^ and Kacurdav af^oriiouliH. AdiiiU^ion uuly 5c. Wi-dnenday I'Veuingsâ€" Ladies and children frue. ](ink back of D. McTaviKh'a blackHinith kIioji. F. DEFOE, Proprietor. IPr'oper'ties FOB - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. J. SPBOOLE, FLEJHEBTOII IF YOU WISH TO BUY TIIOPKRTY CONSULT THIS Hl'ACE FOR .S.\LE cheap i.nd on easy trrniH, oni! iiiilo from Fleshortoii, lUaccslau ami on which is a good 7 rooms fiaiii dwcUinn, well and ciuiifortahly tini.slicd stoiic ccllcr imdi'.nu'aHi, and good well and pump in kitchen, goiKl frame staid and driving house, id.so hrick lined hen house, sinull orchard comme cing to hear. Apply to R. .). SI'ROl'LE. Fleshertou. A DKAI) RARGAIN if sold during prcKent iniuith 'I'wo improved farms, onu a mile from Pricuville and the other same di~tiincu froni Wareham. Smiill payment down, Imlauce on \'1')UV easy terms. Also a hiiiidrrd and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Fleslior- toii, iirincipally hardvviMid hush, 2r> acn » cleared and fraiiw dw ling and stable. Any person wanting a decided Iwrgain apply i|uick to ahovu. 7is) m I Photos I â€"TAKEN f •^ â€"AT THE I I Flesherton ^- 1 Photograph I I Gallery I J^ are dime in first- clasa alylo and at £ h, h'West rales. Sperial nltentioii ^ M uiveii to copyinc. Rallies' pliotns. jfe ^ a tfpuoialty. Pictures fiiimed. B, MRS. BULMER 'Jl«=^y"'a?'WF^B?%«=%?W*yi«=^^i?'?R:'>i«' HER MAJCSTY'SDIAnOND JUBLEC rarri<'ii"Qneen Victoria, Ule and Hcl((ii" in- to rvoi y linntfl. I'erfioiiB wlio novorKolil l)(io)<A take .iidniH last. I'ro'iios tlie moat eUicjurnt of l.arri T)iitT?vitrs Htdiloyiaiiontp. No bixilt so IiIrI)1> praiRiid. Vn'o nued iiinra canvaHBevK. I'Jaiy ti> iiiakii Sin to t.K a wnuk. Keoktt on time. Pronptirtiia freo to ranvaHsiTH, A trial will ao>t noMiiiiR, and may nil >onr empty borkKt-bnokii. « Tbs Kradliiy-Oarrstsun o6. Ltd.. Toruuto. Out. fKi»t/eii •for Tlw. Advance. America's Greatest Inventors Nea' the villa. 'e "f W.-sihiiriiu.'li,Ma88., on thf Sth of Deci-inlier, ITfio, a 'ittle bahe waH horn. Th>Mmrent.i of iImk li'tln one, Mr. and ,Mr<. VVliiti.ey. deciiled lo name their child Eli. an old Hebrew n.Hiiie. Huiiig in great poverty, they ciiu.d n' t L'iie him ihe adyantHiies 'hey W'ulil have likeil t.i. Bu'. luveitheleSH, he wa« one i^f those uiuidy, Belf-iel:ant Mii-sacltu>uits hoys, who, like many other Yankee h..y». had woik>-d his way unaided through college. Having gra iiia^i'd fiomYalp ei'lleueai the .luo of 27, hi* went In Iji-orgia to â- Mc pt a iKxiiioii n.t teacher in one if her SjliiHiln, hut uimn re'c'dng ihere. much to liiadiBaiipi'iliiinent Mr. Whitney found tlie plac.- alieadv li^'eil IJeing a atmn- unr III tbai |iart of ilie country, without a friend mar, lieai la-t »MUi;lit r-niployiiient loin Mrs Gieeiie.wife of tlie fami>U'< Na- thaniel Green of levluiifnary liiiies. Mri. Greene thought die voui-g inan a very hiiglit and iiiie)ii<.'eiit |)erson, but ileciined liisseivices as a lu'Mr, though kinilly inviiiiiL him to luike Ms home at her I ouse (luuiig his ntay in Georgia. Ab Mr Wlini.ey felt O'liiewliat dis- cour.i'jed hy his failure in not iretting the [tiiiiiti-n as teacher, besides hein'j p'lyfi cally worn ou?, he thankful'y accepted the (lO'.d lad) '» invitaiioii. During his s'ay with her he made hera numliwr of h"iu.s«- hold siticles, includin:.' a lambnur Irame, hImcIi eo pleased Mr*. (>reene tha' the declared hini capalle uf dniinr anyihing. A short time after this a number nf phiirers called to see Mrs. Greene. Dur- xnt 'he evening after ihey lial on versed upon a number of well known put>ject« I'lie of .the gentlemen spoke of the de- pressed coiidiiioii of the southern siati'S since the cloae of the war. One p'anter giiid that, having met widi such ])"ur HUi;ce8s ill the line of cnttoii laiainu, he had about decided to '.^ive it up rniireiy. Nut that Cotton would not itrow on his land, he (.aid, but the cost of cleaiiini; ir from tlie .seeds was so great that, after selling i> he cou d no more than pay ex- penses. He was but oneanioiiL' hundiuds. Onu ifentleinau said he was contident that it WHS pussilile t.o invert a machine whici' would >tin the cotton, and thus save the gieat expense of picking it over by hand, if cliey Could but litid the inau capable of undertakinu this great Work. " Is it a macliine you want ?' said Mrs Greene. " Then, genileineii, you have hut to tell my xounu fiiend, Mr. Whit- ney, for he can make anything." Kli was ^elll lor at the rxpiu-t of the ucntlemen, and a:ter beiii<j int oduceil to tliem by Mrs. Uicine, the subject of tlie conversatuiii was stated to linn, and he Was ur^ed to Undeit.ike tlie makinu if tlie machine so uiuch needed He had never seen a cotton seed in his lile, he loUl tlieni, and dceiaied himsrlf unalde f^r the tai-k |>ropoMed. In apiie of all the dilUuullies hutan in the way die planters Uiged him to at leai>t make an att>'inpl, telling him that il he \>as succe^slut hu Would make Ins foriunu liy it. Let ls see how, true this aficiuaids proved. Ai last Ell ayie.d lo (liiuk die matt r over, and die piaiiti-rs, lilUd with hoi>e, took ihuir ileptriure. Mr. Whurey did caiefuliy and tiioUL:hifully ion id,^r die niatlei, and ai la>t decided toaiiempt it lor Ills own graiiliciktioii, it imt.ai.g ^ise lie went uuun to the wha f ui Sa\aiiiiHh, wliuti>lie otitailied a mi. all ipiantity of eoiioii fteStt fioiu tlie cotton lieid, ai d canyiiiM it lo Ins r<a'iu lie^an his e.<peri. niiiits. llavinu contiuuntly told ^^IM. (â- neiic of his I Kiis, nliu knitl^y allouid hiin theiixuot any room io her ^iMliir, wliuie hu carried on his work all tnat~ « inter, with the paiiei.ce and ener;.'y ^clâ-  oom gimi to any now auveiitur . Of ciuise, as Willi eveiythinc, (iifficnlliea arose before Uie yoinii' uian. Tools ilint »ei'e needed to uariy mi the work could bo loutid nowheie, not even in Charles- ton. Mcchaiiic.d skll, however, came at oiK-e lo hu le-cue. Thus he conipiered al! ddlicii ties by making his own tools, and even the wire he ti ed, and experi- enced the ph-asuio of seeing 1ii» woik â€" ihelutig-loiiked fur cotton uiiiâ€" couip'etid that spring. After •nittuig it in \u.rking order one moniiny, lie invited a number of plaiituis near by to comu in and see the iiiaeliiiie Woik. A few balls of cotton were tliiown in by mio of ihu men and Were ipiickly tloansod. The planters Wire wild with delight and uri;ed Mr. V\'hiiney to lose no time in putting it oil the ma ket, Rayini- that it was not only a uoinplotu 8UC0USB, and the lucky inventor would make a handsoino fortune, but that it would also he the niuans of mak- ing the South very wealthy. With the machine 1000 pounda could be cleaned in a single day by one man. Formerly it touk a negro ulave, and n Bumrt one kt thai, a whole (lay to pick uv«r oiie pound, ^wh ch made cortoii soextrHiiielyexprnsit'e that none hut the rich lould buy it. Now everydiiiia was chan:.'e-l with the invention of the coton gin. The iiisehine was so Kiiiiple, too, ihoi it seems at<aii'.:c that it had nrv^r before Iwen invented. It cons sted of II' thine but a number of panlle! wires placed like ihe bars in a grating, bu^ so close tojedier that the 8ee«l.< cou'd ii't pi.ss through tlnm. Under this lovolved -aws. »hich snatched tbe cotton fiorn the seeds. The »eeos. Ui able to past thio'ig'i tii- bars, were left behind ami, completely sir pned of the filrei, ran out in a stieaui through a spoilt at one end of the trmigli. The L'lHid ih!s iiiventmn did to £1 WliiMioy did not ainonni to the suap of oil's tiiiuer. Noi oi e cent did he make. Although the invention was patenlei'. ii »as .so siiiipte that io'riii.ii'meiit mi'hont liuml-er were mud" upon i . No Smi h em jury would l'Ivo Air Whitney a ver diet, as he was a Noitiiem man. In 1803 his patent e.^!iir<-d ami lie wiilidiew a pooler man than tlie day he c;irrieil ih.- few balls of Cotton to his loom m Mis. Greene's house. But M' Whitney wa one of those men who always renieni bered to "haik not mournfully into the psst," but "wisely iiopiove the present, it is ihiiie." His aiicceKi «hs yet to come, for, later, havinv m de some geat iinpr oveinents in fire a>ms, and al.<o having the honor of being die inaugurator of the system of pr gre^sive iuii>r >veiueiit in fire ai 1118, his genius was at last re warded. He made a for uno »h;ch nor only alhiweU hiin to lito in luxmy the remainder of Ilia life, but also to leaves handsome estate to his family. The lady whoni he nia'riod was Miss Edwaid>, a daughter ff. I ud.;e Pieipnnt Edward«,aiid a young lady of liigh character and many accuinplisl.ineiiis. Mr. Whitney died at the aee of 60 in New Haven, Conn, June 8, 1825. FRANK 'winiL, ^imwtu^ €;ar :i5. i^OULLOUGn *T0CNO, Haaiiera, Maj-kdale. do a ifauoral banking kan- ino^t. Idonsy loaoad at arsaaonablsrato. t •)< on us. A 8. VA.VDU8KN, i. Â¥. ' " ' "• Clerk 5tb Dir Court, Co Oroy ^»«!iBr of Marrlftd* Lieenaos. (,'Gnr»\aiiBrt. ...ilai-v, evibhe Aiiotioii or. Money to U^an IM rrorj 5 toaiwrcHnt. t'hai-K«B njodi-mtn. t taaBEMTos P. O. qi:bts coixecteo The and«r»igo»d ia prrparad to nndsrtak* tho LoPecIlon of all k Dtia cf irhu. Ni.tM l>CT'.i;lit. aceoTlirts collected, etc- . R. -N. KEIiDEliSON - Tj:r»n%f.T^ P CHISLRTT ^ â-  KlasaortoD HtJvtion Po'tiiiaater. CoiniaifBioMir in H. C. l.C.ntt- veyaneer; deods, mortgages luanea and wills diawii. Money to k-a i at SJ par leut. and up- wards. Dobrs collectod. t'hiirp.-s aiocleiata. u J.:>l^i.OL'i-li, â-  ' . Postmasier, Klesherton, Coujniihiiouur ia E. tt., Liut^;ied /• Lictioueer, Cour. ) ar.cer, A - i>,ais<iraua M'uey L.-uder, Ufa! I'.iiUca »u4 lasuiaico Agf >„ D.-ed», Mortja^ca. Leisea, ami yvilU (trowo up and Valuations uiado oa â- .noitB»t iiutice. Auutiou aaisa attunuisd lu ia »iiy pait of tbtj Co'.iutj. Money to loau at low- est rates of iutor^at. Co-loclions . ttoLdcl to with prom- tue»B aud rtespateti <'h irgas low. tceiit tor tho Doiuiniou StuaimliipCompauy, coi-ap tickuts from Fleshertou to Livoipoo!, l>1as,jOW, Louduu or any of the liritich pt>rt». Pi.rilua iuteudiug tu visit EnKlanJ. b-cutlam-. or Irulaud. will ii.uaso a^k ratas befora piu-ixkasiiiB tbuir tickuts elsowbar* <^od tins. VO.U.W.â€"meotH every flrst and third Mo»- day il. each i;jonth, in thoir Ioi;k« roooi fitraiu'b Block, t'lei hartoo. at » p. m. I'riL-o rcet.w. M.W.; A. U. Uib-on. ki-coidar. VV..I Boliaoiy. auaccfer. Vi»itii;g Ilrethora lavitcii. 1>ttISCKARTHUK LODGE, No .TOT, A P * -*M.nieet in the Masoi ic Hall, Stralirt Block. Hesheiton, urery Kri.'ny on or twfore tbe full niooa. Geo. Mitchell, W U W J Bdllaiu> , sacrebary ' Give the The only food f^ - that will build DH.Uji' up X weak cons- ^ • titution gradu- I Chance ally but stirely b I Martin's I Cardinal Food * a simple, scientific and highly % nutritive prtrparation hx infants, * delicate children »nH invalids. * KtR:lV WATSON * CO , MapmavMW, < > A MoNTnrAL. I I ^^ DLFPTIttN LCncK, Ka 1H«. I O n F. meets ia ( layton'k Hall avsrv rua»> lay eTeniufi at K o clock. Visitinc brattarec cordially iu7itad AS VAsnt-SFK. N « Wx iiloBB Saa grntijstiu. J p. MAltSHALL, L. D.B.^.D. 8, Dentist. Visits Markdala tha Itt and ^trd Weduesday of each njuuth, Plashartoa-.-Each trip on tb« day c..vWiU(. Now is The Winter Of Our Discontent Says Shakeapearo. There will bo nu discontent if you uealwith ine, and Shakespeare won't bo in it. TIMELY GOODS NOW ON HAND: Sleigh Robes, I>ellB,Blankels,Circing!e8, Whips, Cuiry Combs, Bni.shes, Cow Chains, and everything in harnessmakers' ^oods. An alegaiit GOAT ROBE from $7 50 to $i). other robes liig'ier if you want them. Co:oO aiil look at inf thiiiL'S, anyway. Always tdad to quote prices. Dry oordwood and stove f '>o4< take in exchange. " ' VSlVta. PvIOORE Haruessniaker - - - Flesherton. : ; ILiOOS : : WANTED! Ill unlimited qiiantilies at the fimii Highest Cash riices, CIXOPPIN^G only oc l^er iJa^j BEECBOFT & TiLBBT T O. CAMPBELL, I. D S, DD B, Daiital Surgeon, Markdala. OfBcaover McCullough A Young's bank. Hours~S.30 a.nj to C p. tu. Visits F.csbeitou the second and fourth ThuiaUay ot oacb uioutb. Offlce at Muustiaw's hotel. tp HKNDKKSON U 1) 8, M D S. Dantiat of ToronW i.;,)M ine.'alistl wiil visit Flesherton prQt,>ssioB- n ly the UrnC \Veilitesils> of uacli mouth aud Ouudalk tha day foUowiUK (Tbutsday J ffflal. JOHN W ritOST.L L It. Barrister, Solicitor, CouToyancer. eW. Olflceâ€" Noxc to po. t oiecti. Spronle J bloak Flcshviton.evary Satuidcya id couit days. J. V, FUO>TLl,.l!. N. H. â€" OwcQ Hound olLca, Front's block 30 foulatt St. Em-:-t. I IICA8 A WRIGHT, Barristers, Ho i-.-itors. Conveyancers. eW., (Iwi'u oouud. Out. • Maikdahi, Unt. W. H. WiUHU-r. I. It. I.icaa. N. b.â€" Flesherton office. Mitcbclls Bank every Wednesday. ' Han iKteis. solicitors, eto. MolsoN's Bank, Uwen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. PattarsOH iyT.\tKAY & HATTON HarrlHters, Solicitors, eto. Ofl'casâ€" ;iOPoiiletto St. Owen Sound ; and Main Ht. Dunilatk, every Saturdsv. Nilâ€" Always in attvuilanoo at FlesbortuB auil Dnndalk liivit.ion Courts. A. 0. MacKav, M. a.. W. J. HaTT«m County Crown Attorney. Pctlival D li HUTTON .M n C M, M P r it 8 Ont, Pricevllla OiHi-^ next d'lor to llrown's store; residauce onodooi^.wcst oi Alat'ioJist church, Kiurosa St. UlHcv daySv Tuesdays and Saturday D U CAUTKll M C V ,t S Ont., i'hysician, EurgcoD, tie l''U'uherton oiUceâ€" SHalua b'ock. Kebideuo«â€" Munshaw's Hotel JOHN A SepTT MB Mum^nkllcRo rhysio. & Surgeons.Ontariy Orailuat^^BHedieine ot Tovoe Uuivcrslty KellowsV.fPKploms. Post Giaduatu Medical School aurt Hospital, Chicano. Discasesof ayo ear, nose and throat specially treatod. Reai- deuce, Maxved, visits Foversbam Thursdays l-i J P (lTTEWF.IiL ^Veterinary Sui-kood. Oradoato of Onlari* VoTor'nary College. Retideuoeâ€" Second door ioutb on weal aide Mary aWoo Tliia ttre*^ tuui south from Presbytertau ohuxslt, V^,\ s«*> ii>»« » ilti i i

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