Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1897, p. 4

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^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tl. 1 h/' BSTABLISHBD ^/88/- Pl'OLIdltUl) WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE, 8TD- SMBAll HTllKET, FLESUEKTOK, OMT., BY W. H. THUBSTOK. $1 per annnuiistrlctly in advance AdveitiBing Bates: Oie Columa, 1 yuar, (50 ; half col., 1 year, IST quarter eol., ouo year, tlS. f ranalont advortliieiuout cbargod at tbo rate B cents per lino for first ioBortion and 3 ceuta each subsequent loHertlOD, Tliis country don't want an official nudilor. Is tLci'c never to be an end uf the creation of offices by the Ontario Government ? If it keeps on this way every Qrit will be an ofiice liolder and wo will bare another exaggerated family compact to ulruggle with. Mr. Biggar has introduced a bill into the Legislature ualiiug ons deer as the limit which any one person may kill in a suason, and prohibiting the sale or bartciing of venison in any way before Jan. 1, 1899. Mr. IJigf^ar might make tlio killing pro- hibitive altogether while he ia about it, as it practically amounts to that, li is scarcely likely to become law, as it would result in a serious loss to the government from licenses. Few in- dividuals would purchase a license and travel two to four hundred miles in order to kill one deer. President McKinley's inangaration is scarcely completed ere we hear the news that a pactically prohibitive tariff has been imposed on Canadian faini produce and lumber. As we paid before, hit 'era back, Mr. Laurier. There arc spots where the hair is Huorl. Place an export duty on saw logs, pass a labor bill similar to tlibirs, lux every commercial- traveller from across the linos $15 a head, and pro hibit Americaus from acquiring pro- perty here except they become nat- uralized. Tlicse are only a few of the (^ood things we could return (or the favors granted us, bat even they would he sufficent to make tho carrion bJid scream in his oyry. A micro- scopical grasshopper, as pictured in the Globe, 13 about tho si/.o of the Mc- Kiulcy insect. It has been practically demonstrat- ed this winter that tho valley road, which has beou allowed to grow up to bushes for some years, is of consid- erable benefit after all. It has been open through as far as Kimberley most of the winter as a timber road, and its advantages for winter travel have been thoroughly tested. Those who have used it in that capacity wonder at the neglect of those in au- thority in allowing tho road to re- main as it is, and say that with very little expenditure it could be placed in such condition that statute labor would make a good winter highway of it for general traffic. With our bluste ring, drifting winters this is the road -farmers in the valley require, being protected from drifts along its whole course. And we feel sure that the people of Fleshertou and those along the route would welcome any move in the direction of increased fa- cilities for farmers from the notth to visit us. With a good market such as we have, there is no reason why a large amount of trade could not be drawn from that section. We trust our Municipal Council will take the matter up th is coming .summer and do a little in this direction. â- HB^^HBi«BBfi ._iL!j-U."-^ i JJ ' JIIJ l i * * " <i L]lij >*« i«k hiA i?ay bonis, nnd juit itfter leaving Nuttlawa, he met two men in a cutter who made no attempt to Bhare the ruad with hiui. As they crowded him off the road into the ^ei-p snow, on* of the men exclaniied, "This is the man wo want,'' and immediately they both jump- ed into his cutter, and while one held a revolver at his head the other rifled his pockets. The whole thing vrai done bo quickly and Mr. Little was so completely taken by Burprise that hu had not time to collect his senses bnfire he found himself minus of §74. Fortunat«ly the robters overlooked an inside pocket in which he had 91C0. which they failed to get. After going through his pockets they got into their own rig again and drove off, leaving liim to pursue his way homeward without further harm. Mr. Little did not recognize his asiiailauts, and no clue to their identity has yet been establialied. â€" Creemore Star. Clubbing List Advance and daily World J2.80 " " News 1.80 " Montreal Herald 1.80 " Witness 1.80 " Youths' Companion 2.35 Wockly Globe 1.55 San 1.40 f A large and "influential" deputa- tion of temperance people waited upon Mr. Hardy on Thursday last to pio- test against the license bill now he- foie the house. It was cold comfort that Mr. Hardy gave them. He held that tho bill was a fair one and pro- gressive, but the temperance people cannot see it in that light. Perhaps they are obtuse and thisk-headed, but that their ideas of progress vary very materially from those of Mr. Hardy IS quite plain. The Advance protested against a plebiscite wlicnit was proposed, believing no good would result, and we are now in ft position to say " I told jon io." Tho fact of the uialter w, the temperance fOcieticB have too many politicians witliiu their ranks, who work tho sliings ill the interest of the govern- ment every time, and the great prin- ciples contended for by these societies vrill never bo successful until they purge themselves completely of this incubus. In fact in this latter day thare is a danger of temperance soci- eties becoming a laughing stock, and one can pcarcely contend with th« man who claims that they exist only to feed politioiaus an d officials, and tho fight is but a secondary matter. The wiie-pulliug politioiani are to blame iot ftll these £>lie oonooptione. The eyes of the world are to day centered upon the Island of Crete. Greece has not yet acceded to the re- quest of the powers to withdraw and gives no evidence of weakening. She wishes to temporize. In the mean- time fighting is going on in the inter- ior between Moslem and Christian. It is said in sodie quarters that Lord Salisbury will succumb to popular sentiment and in conjunction with France and Italy will cease champion- ing the Turkish cause. If this prove true the result may bo grave indeed. It would be England, France and Italy, against Eiissia, Austria and Germany. War between tlie.se powers would mean something more awful than the world has ever seen. It would mean Armagcdon without a doubt. " Great (ires fiom little sparks alight, " and the little island of Crete may be the little Bpark to set the world allamc. These nations wcro never better prepared for war, and in sporting pliiase they each and every one feel " cockey. " Tlie terrible Moslem massacres of the pa«t two years have strengthened tho hands of western empires and almost forced iliein through public sentiment to put an end to Turkish rule in the cast. Doubtjas to the divibion of spoils is actually tho only detlerent. There is only one good soup bmie to bo divid- ed â€" the Dardanellesâ€"and iUissia must have that. Better let the Turk continue to possess it, they say. Well it is a terribly mixed up affair, and who can weigh the amount of rcspou- sibility resting upon Christian powers in the matter of interference? And who can blame Great liritain for hes- itation where tho result may bo so lar reaching? Let us liopo that dip lomacy may yet win without the shedding of blood. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each IVeck Flour $4 i)0 to $5 4« Orits 16 to 17 Wheat 80 to 85 Barley 20 to 30 Peas ••••. 37 to 37 Butter . 1» to 10 E.;«s, fresh 10 to 10 Potatoes bag 25 tO 25 Pork 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 (» â- Sheepskins 25 to 90 (ieusu 6 to Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 8S Ducks per pair 40 to DC Wool 17 to 2« M. Richardson & Co It will liu ruinemberod thatllenderahr>tt nml Welter wlio woretrieJ, convicted and h.'inuud at St. Tlioiiiaa a year or ro iiyo, had their trial made somuwhat romantic hy tho |iivweiice of the diinghter of tho older prisoner, who was botrothod to tho youiiiier man. Thi.s young woman, Miss Mary Lily llciidt'iHli<ilt, was miuriod on M'tich 3 to "another" â€" Khowini; once auain that women are never inconsoliiblo. At a recent meeting; of the Mcmtrcal Scientific Association, Dr. Deeka report- ed tho finding of a jnw-boiio of a hippopotanuia by inou cngaifed in dru'lg- Ini; the St. Lawronco Kiver, off Wind- mill Point, It was discovorud in twenty-five feet, of water, four foot below the sui face of the river bed, and the (jue.sUnin of its origin ia interesting, especinlly aa it differs from the only kiiowni living genus, whose home is in Africa, 'llie find is rare and intorosting. A moat dariii;; act of highway robbery, such as wo aomctimea read about, was committed on Friday evening last short- ly after dark, on Mr. J. C. Little, tax colloctor furthe township of Nottawasaga. He had been to Cellingwood tod was oq New importations of Spring Goods now opening, con.^iist.ing of Dress Goodi in all the new materials, designs and colorings. Silks, Mohairs, Wools, Lineti and Cotton Fabrics, Hosiery, Gloves, Liices, Kit)b<iiis. Table Dama.skf<, Drapes, Tapestries, Curtains, r.ii-i)ctH, Linoleums, FhK^r Oilcloths. Table Gila, nnd everything pertaining to the dry gO'Kl.s ii!erchiuidi.se. Our Dress Gcjods are espfcially attractive, and being ioiportod diruct from the place (A production wo are able to place them at lowest prices. We have some very pretty things in Silk and Wool and Silk and Mohair mixtures, and a special value in Sprini( Tweed Dress O.Hxli, 50 inohas, 28 cents to 38 cents per yard. Our Prints, Muslins, Sateans, Creponnes nnd a variety of new 'hir.gs hi Fancy Cotton Goods offer a splendid range to choo.se from for BIjusos or Dresses. We have a very pretty range of Ladies' Blouses ranging ia price from 25c up. We show Tapostry Oirpetn lower than ever, ranging from 2.5c per yard, and some of the finest valueu in yard-wide carpets we ever had to ofi'cy. Lace Curtains and Art Muslins in great variety. Our Boots and Shoes are already making a sensatiojju In Spring goods we have had to repeat orders to manufactureni for sevcril lines. Every department of our store filled. Every branch of the business watched to procure the best values in reliiible goods. We have made extra efTorts to have the biggest valuee ua Men's and Boys' Clothing ever offered here. AH for Five Dollars! A Complete Suit in Men's Sizes A Felt Hat A Pail of Braces A Silk Tie A Linen Collar A Pair of Boots ^U . for . ^ivQ . dollars Dress Goods Specials 38-inch Double Fold Dress Gotxls 10c a yard 42-inch Double Fold Dre.M Gootls 12Jlc a yard 42-inch Navy, Myrtle and Maroon Dress Goods - loc a yanl Cashmere, Serge and Tweed Dress Goods At 60c on the 9 Lui'ub and Ribbonsâ€" A lot of short ends clearing at 5c a yard GLOVES- MIXXS- HOSIERY WISTEH â-  WEIGHTS, - ALL - AT - CLEARING - PRICES Boots Guirj I^ub'bers Eelts !Moccasins AT - BARGAIN - PRICES - TO - MAKE - ROOM - FOR - NEW - GOODS. Remember Mai,!*, the Date I ^otn Thoi-o wJto liftvoCatftirh and wlio call on tho abovo (Into, will be uiveu a Uoriiiicitlu Iii<- halor, and luudlcino, for tbo curu of that rlisonHO, without bavinft to pay oiio cent Ui advaiicu. After a (air trial at vuur own houio, and tbo roiiiocJy proves snccoHniul S'-i enu bo rti* mittetl UH to |)uy tlio Haiiu^ If nut Batisfactorv in evory roHpoct.tbo Inbatur can bo rotnriie } at our oxponHo, and no cbargo will bo luadu. Wo bavo tnouuaiulH of lottciH from all RortH aud conditions of ition and women, tulliug of cures, not only rumarkablo, btit in uiatiy caHoB miracnlou (. Itrin^ no money witli voii , Jubt loa^o your naniu and addrciiH, ant\ our ro- prnHtMitativo will «Ivo yoti tbo romody on aboro libural toriiiH. by calling at OICHARDSON'S Durgstore, *^*Fleskeiton; March m. Thia affur good on abovo data Duly. Pays for your Kame on lil lluautiful IllDDKN N.\MB <UU1)S, lovuly )>leturo«, or 120 llHiiiUuineCallMiKOarilfi. ('axb with order. Ktuinitn taken. AdihiHH, C.VNAD.V CAUU HOUbK, IiiBor«oll, Ontniii). Farm and Mill Site for Sale For Balo very olieap and on very easy terms. Timber farm, 150 aero.-*, two iniloH fiom I'lo^li oi'ton, known atn tho Win. lIo^i^Rawinill pro porty.and oii which in an cxcolloiit water powor. fouiKiatiou of Haw mill, dam and pond and wtttnr wheel in placu and all n-ady for putting mill on. About ISftcves cleared, SO ncres timber, moiit off, bribincu woll timbored, mixed timber, 'rbinfarm will bit B(>ld at a bar^aiu if sold at (Mice. Kiiiall paymont down, balanco on vury Oo-Hy toruia. Apply to R.J. PrRorr.K, Klosbcrton.Ont Clothing Special A line of heavy All Wool Tweed Pantu, all sizes, going at fl.OO ]ESA£lI>infARE: i>£:part]\i£:kt i,-^ Time Table OOINO SOUTH. Marltdaleâ€" 0.40 a. m. 4.40 x>. «n. Flcsherton â€" C.63 a. m. 4.53 p. m, OOINQ NOBTH. Flcshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. 9.00 p. m, WANTBD Old tatabllilied wboleaalo Hotiia wanti ona or two honfMt and luduatrloui refirsientatlTon (or thU aeotlnn. (!»â-  |iay a bnitUr abont (If a VMk to itMt vlkb. Drawer â- , BrasUora, Oat. CUPS and SAUCERS of the best Iron Stone China, Colr>r8 are Deep Blue and Grey. Grindley'sniake. Wo have sold inferior goods at $1.20 dot., these we will clear off at 7l CENTS EACH Without exception they are tho best g(xwls we have ever shown, and go out fast We have also received a largo asHortmeiit of TEA and DINNER SETTS in the latest spring colors and shapes. If in need come and examine. CLIP THEM CLOSE If you have a pair of Ih IIISK (.'LIPPEIIS you can do that, if you have not come to us iind v â- â-  will supply you. English Newmarket and Boker's Perfect ion are the very best WILL YOU NEED Any WALL PAPER or WINDOW SHADES this spring ? Wo are ofToring at 4, 6 and fl oonts a roll, papers that are worth nearly double. In Gilt effects they are correspondingly low. Our speeiid Window Shade.-! at 40 cents is u ^roat bargain. It is an Oil Colored shade with good spring rollers. The Dadoes on them are the very latest. SPECIAL 144 Lovely GLASS TUMBLERS, a SNAP at 5 cents. SAP BUCKETS arid SPOUTS are very low. M. Richardson & Co *i

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