Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1897, p. 8

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W:' -^ ^ 51-f- s ,-/ »â- /- M. I ^^""^^ ct» T THE FLESHERTON ADVANpfe „; WINTER SALES ,,, ^/i\> NOW RUSHING I '^^ Bl This i^ tho seasun of year wlioii you want to Ijuy a cutter or nleigh. I havo themâ€" ))oautie8 â€" and will Bell on your own torms â€" if they are not all ono-HiJiHl. Painting and re-ti imniing done to order. Don't buy without looking in ujion my oamples and gutting prices. â- â€¢ R. T. WHITTEN ? %^/«/«/»/^^^k/^^^^'«^-%^'%%'^k'»^k'«y^^%^%'%^k^^v« Come and see! Heard's Cutters and Sleighs . . » OF THE BEST QUALITY We havo some fiiio Cutters and Sleighs to sell or excliange for t-^\ 'iVood, Lumber, Sawlogs or young Cattle. ^^! J. H. HEARD & SON, FLESHERTON ^tVl [>g ^j ^ :^ggsg^^ * -:: ^ :^ ' ^ ag5gzj^ ' ^^> ' ^^ ^ ^ J BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man Wishes to draw tlie nttention of the public to the foUowinji specialties : Lot For sale. DOGSKIN MITTS and LEGGINGS miulu to order, or wilt Hell out of Stock. For nalo cheap ami on easy t«rms In Flcuher- toii. Spteudid farge, Bolid briuk rlwelliiig, with Kood BtuuB cellar, tiiiuinier kitcben auil wood- liouse, also good (ramo fttable, brick liiiud. PreMiiRCH contains two large lotB and Kood young orchard, bearing. Houhc and outbiiildiligB are exceptionally wull flnithed and very conveui.* eatly laid out. Ai>ply to U.J. Spboule. Fle«bertoD. FEUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our bre»kf;wt CEREALS. Flour of all gradeH in stock. Boot and Shoe buainem *l8o attended k> a* usual. V/. Barnhouse. - Flesherton Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. Oj,rnageB made and Repaired, also Platilng and Matcljlng, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every das- orrptlon. Planing and Grain Cliop Oiugdone while you wait, for th«< Uaaver turns tiae wheel. f>. W. Wl L HOM MannKci- 80 VJU&*' CXPERIENOK. TRADI MARKSt DCBIONS, OOPVRICHT8 Ae. Anyone nondliiK n fketili «nil ilowrlpluin may pr«l.«hlT i.iilenlHl.lo. <oninmtilr«llo'H ilrl'-t'T lu A.u.Tlca. VV.. hnve a W »i.lilnii mi mc"- P.nliMiU InVon lliniuttlj Munu * IXi. -coolT* OJHlUlltl llUttCU ill tllO SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b«kjtl(ullr llUinirai"'!. Inrecut clrnilntlon of iSy .<!t8nllnc lourni.1, w.-. i.ly. terms W.iKiajoari 5lio«lI mimtliH. Kpecliii.'n oipleiiaiiilUAIHJ Book ok I'ATKNTd neut froo. AdUre»s MUNN A CO., Ml Broadway. N«w Yark. pRICEVIIiLE AND DUBHAM 8TAGE. Durham stage leares Floslicrton Station at T.15 a PI., returns 4.«5 p.m. Pricevillo stage leases tho same placu at li.;iO, retorniiig at iAj. Fare to Pricevillo and return, SO cents; Uurhani, $1.50 for return. 75o. single fare. I, ivory in con- uectiou. Orders lua be left at either hotel. A. MoCAULEY I'ro Qpen Air Rink I BEST OPEN AIM RINK In the countyâ€" S)xl30 ft. Bkatintiâ€" Uonday, Wodnosday, Friday •roii- ings and Saturday afiernoous. Admission only So. Wednesday eveningsâ€" Ladies and children free. Kink back of D. McTavisti's blaokBuiith shop. F. DEFOE, Preprletor. !Px*opeirfcles FOR - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. J. SPEOOIE, FIBHEBTOS OV/BN SOUND, ON TAKIO, PIi.\CE IN CANADA TO OBT A \\m^ B'jsiness EiiicatioQ. TakoaRoimd Trip •rwt.rm^JH <:ollcgeH and IK VOU WISH TO BUY PROPERTY CONSULT THIS HPACB. FOR S.\LE cheap and on diisy terms, olio mile fi'diu Floshertoii, Vt\ acres Iimd and (111 which is a nood 7 rooiu.s fraiiie ilwelling, well mul coiiifoiUbly tinished NtoiiO cullur underneath, and gimd well and pump iu kitchen, godd frame kUiIiIu and drivinij: hoiiNo, also brick lineil hen house, small orchanl c<mimeiieiiig to bear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD UAUGAIN if sold dunng present niontli. Two iiiiproved fnrnis, one a mile from I'ricuvillo niid the other samo di.it^iico from Warcliiim. Snuill payment down, Imlanco on VKRV^ on.sy terms. .Mso a hundred and tifty acre farm and mill sit^i one mile from FloKlior- toii, principiilly hanlwouil bush, 25 acres cleared and fiamo dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. Tak« the Hint Once a man had 1000 bushels of wheat which he aold, not lo a ningle merchant, but to 1000 different dealers. A eertaiii paper explains that 5 few of those paid him cash, but far the greater nuir.l>€r said it wan not convenient then, but they would jiay later. A' few monthi passed and tho man'a bank account run low. '• Hnw is this, " ho said, " my 1000 bushels of wheat should hayo kept mo in affluence uutil another crop is raided but lo 1 I have parted with the grain and have in its stead only a large am mm of small accouiits, snsmsll and numerous a;ul Rcnttcr'Mg that I cannot yet arouud and collect fast enough to pay expenses." So he posted a public notice and asked all who owed him to come and pay quick- ly. But only a few came. The rest said: "Mine is only a little and I will CO and pay one of these days," forgettif g that though each account is vary small, when all were put together they meant a larKo sum to the man. Things wore thus until the man got to feeling so badly and rolled and tossed about so in his efforts t,o collect that he fell out of bed and aw. ike, and quickly running to tho granary found his 1000 bushels of grain still safe. Ho had only been dreaming and had not sold his wheat at all. Moral â€" "The next day the man went to the publisher of hia home paper and said : " Here, sir, ii ttte pay foi yjiur paper and when the next year's sub- scription is duo, you can dopeiid on me to ])ay prompMy. I btood in the position of the editor last night and I know how it ftels to have one's hard earned dollars scattered all over the country in amall Bcconnts." And the editor smiled and said: " How straiijie, you are tho first man who ever leemed to look at this matter from my standpoint." Is your subscription due ? New rioney Order l-ian VainalorelKi ifeparsnient^in uunaiiit,Lii(in viaii Vna N.i.'tliHni l<it.<iiie«s(Jullogu ; exiihiiiie every- W,lug I'liroughly. If wo fall to priiiliiee the m-«4t t.Iiorottgti,oonipl<ite. priictleal and exten- â- iva eo'ii'so.if itiidv ; the b«<t colluge preuilses $id tlie best and iiioRt nomplete and most Hiflt- awlef nniitiire and ii.| | lianoen. wu will give you H fall eourse Klil^i:. Knr Annual .\iinouuoe. itiaal ,givtogfull parttcularB f mo. addre C. A. FLEMFNO, PriucipnI. Cash : for : Hides! Shee|mkiii8 and all kinds of furs pur ohanrd, for which lii^lioit market price wtll be paid. Homemadd sausages on hand, alte all kinds of meats. Fiesbet'ton Mcel Emporium Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery f are done in first-class slylo and at ^ liiweat rates. Sponinl nttention jP given lo copyiiifl. Habie.i' photos, jfe a fipecialty. I'ictuics framed, u, I MRS. BULMER | HER IWAJESTVS DIAHOND JIIBLEB Carries "Qunoii Victoria, lilto and lloign" in- to every home. Periions who never sold books take orders fant. r're'iice tho iiioflt eloquent of Lord DufÂ¥nriirs anlitovenionts. No book so lii«lil> prai;i<il. We need more oanvasRcrs. Kasy to nialio Q1S to il'ia a week. Uuoks on titno. l*roRpeetns free to oanvansers. A trial will coat nothing, and may fill your empty hoeknt-bniiks. Tha llradley-Clarretson V6, UA.. Toronto. Out. Postmaster General Mulock has re. arranged the tariff of caoiDiissions pay- able on poatoflice money orders. The changoa are designed to meet the competition of the express companies, which hare been effectively catering to the public as money sending mediums. For some time past the postotfice De- partment has been getting all the small orders and the express companies all the larger ones, and with a view t6 altering this stato of things the tariff en small orders is to be increased and that an larger ones decreaaed. While this change may on the face of it seem to bear more Heavily on the poor man than on the rich, the expedi- ency of alteration from a GoTornnient- I'uvonue standpoint is easly recogniz- ud. Heretofore the commission on post- ofKco orders up to 94 has been 2 cents ; on sums over 85 and up to $10, 6 cents ; over 910 and up to 820, 10 cents ; over 820 and up to 940, 20 cents; over $40 and up to 960, 3U cents ; over $60 and up to 980, 40 cents ; over 9^0 and up to 9100, 50 cents. After April 1st the tariff on postage orders up to 92.50 will be 3 rents; on ordoff' over 92 50 and up to 95. 4 cents; over 95 and up to 9IO1 •* cents ; over 910 and np to $20, 10 cents ; over $20 and up to $30, 12 cunts; over 930 and up to S40, 16 cenU ; over 940 and up to $50, 20 cents; over $50 and up to $60, 24 cents ; over $l>0 and up to 970, 28 cents ; over 970 and up to 980, 32 cents ; over 980 and up to $00, 36 cents ; over $90 and up to $100, 40 cents. The rates on orders are payable in the United Kingdom'atid in foreign countries and tho Uritish posaessiuns stand as they aro. For the sake of compariscm the tarilT charges by the express companies are appended, as follows : â€" $3 and under, 5 contH ; over 95 and up to $10, 8 cents ; over $10 and up to $20, 10 cents; over 920 and up to $30, 12 cents ; over 930 and up to $40, 15 cents; over $40 and up to 950, 20 cents ; over $50 at tho samn rales. ment for tha same reiuob. This state of things is a disgrace to a Christian country and shiiuld be stopped by amendint; the vagtancy law so thac no old persona can be set't to jail simply for tho purpose of relieving the municiiia'ity in which they reside of the cost of thoir care, Nu person requiring ho.spital treitment should be allowed to enter any of tl^e jails for that purpose. The hou.sing of old people in our j lili lertds to a lax state of niiin.i^te-iient bj' thi' officials, and nearly all tho e8capes of criminals are ailributa'olo to Ibis cause. In a number of the j:iii« there are oM poopU who have been inniatos for years, and they occupy the ceiU ai;d rooiii.s re- quired for crnuioal pris>uuis, cauding much inconvenimoe to the ofbuiaU. Like infants, they require special care and an entirely different dietary. It is due to some of the counties »>f the pro- vince to state that during the past two or three yearn they have provided comfurt- able county homes for the care <if their poor, and a few others are slowly moving along the same lines. But, notwith- standing the liberal pruvLsion omde by the goTernmei.t to assist counties in tt.e •reetion of such institutions, I fear that this v?ry necessary action will unt become general until there is a compul- sory law passed to that end. " " So far as we know," R:iy the Mitchell Advocate, " There i» only one man in Mitchell to-day who was (here thirty years ai;o, when the Advucate wisetarted by its present proprietor. Ami the re- markable thing is that n t one nf them retired with a dollar to bis credit, nearly all being bankrupts. The stiine thing applies to every town in Canada, and yet there are people who claioi that the busi- ness man's life is an easy one, and tliut be makes money where others fail. Keuuetb McDiarmid was killed by a boiler explosiuu at Glamniis, near Paisley. Dr. Chamberlain, inspector of prisons and public nbaritiea,, has something to say in his annual report anenl the need for hou.sos of refuge in many counties, includ- ing our own. " I have again to report, " sjiys the inspector, " that many of our "jails cnntinuo to be used as county houses of refuge and hospitals. O'd people, des- titute of home and friends, are coiiHtunt. ly being committed to juil by justices of tho peace, and [xilice magistrates, under the Vsgrnncy Act, in order to save some little expense to tho municipalities in which those unfortunate people havo been residing. In some placet the sick have been cuminittod to jail (or medical trei^t'. I Give ♦ ""• that will build The only food Baby up a weak cons- % • titution gradu- % Chance aHy but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food i a simple, scientific and highly nutiitive priparation Aor infants, delimtc children UJ-i invalids. ^ KtR.lV WATSON a CO A MONTRVAL. PNOPRIKTONa. i I Now is The Winter Of Our Discontent Says Shakespeare. There will bono discontent if you aealwith me, and Shakespeare won't be in il. XIMELY GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, Bells, Blankets, Circingles, W'hips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cow Chains, and everythiugiuharnessmakers' goods. An elegant GOAT ROBE from $750 to $9, other robes higher if you want them. Come and look at my things, anyway. Always glad to <(uute prices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in exchange. Harnessraaker - - - Flesherton. ; : LOGS : : WANTED ! In unlimited quantities at the I^CULLOUOH * TOUKO, Ban Vers, Varkdale. do a general kanklnff k«l- iness. Uouey loaned a* arsasoaabl* rate. I'all on as. A 8. VANDl'gKN, J. r. "â-  Clerk 5th Div Coart, Co Oray [ssner of Marriage Licenses, ConveyanesK Notary, fuhllo Auction, er, Money to loan « from Stoepercant. Charnsa lumlerate. f'LsrniaTr,]! Â¥. O. QKBT9 COLLBOTEO- Tlie underilxDod la prsfiareA to asdiiilata tho collection of atl kiiuU i.l dcbis. Neu« bo-.i,;ht. accounts collected, etc B. N. nEXDEU8CS - ri «aiii!»T** p CHI&LF.TT " * • flosuorton Btatioo Po^tniastei, CorMmfsBloLer in II. C.J.,Coa- yeyancor; deedr, mortgages, leasas and wiilv drawn, iloney to l»n.l at 5J per cent. »ud lj>- Tarda. Debts collcctod. Charges mtdtiat*. t> J. SPBOLLiT ~~ Postmaster, Flesherton, Cooimisslciier In B. U., X.lcuased /uutioueor, Courejancer. A • plainer aud Mcoey Lender, Un»l fclauiia anA Iu3uiaace Agent. Deeds, Moitja^es, LeaMM, aud Wills drawn up aud Valuations iua>le uU aliortent noUce. Auction tales attended to ia any port of the Connty. Money to loan at low- est i-ates of inter.:st. Collections atter,de<l tn with prcniptuess aud despatch Cliaiges low. Agent for th« Douiinion hteauuhip Company, cheap tickets from Flesherton to Livci-pool, Ulasgow, Loudon or any of the Urillsk pons. Pairties intendiug to visit Ejigland, t>col!and ta Ireland, will piuase ask rata* before piirokaai«| tbuir tickets elsewhere V Iligliost Cash Fiioes. only 5c Per Bag <^C»Ci?tifJJ. A O.U.W.-ineets every flrtt and third ilo»- r\_ day il, each mouth, in their lodge rooa Strain's Block, Flcilierton, at S p. B>. PrlceTeeter, M.W.; A. M.Gibson, Itecordet. W. J Bollaiay, fluacuier. Visiting UretbeiB . iavited. * PKINCBABTHUB LODGE, No SM. A F * AM, meet iu the Masoi;ie Hall, strain's Block, Flesherton, every Friday on ar before the fuUtmooo. Qoo. Mitchell, W M, W J tsellaiu] , secretary ^ DlTFKEniX LODGE, I»» IW. I O F. meets Ik Claytons Hall every Tu»»- day evenii.)! at • o'eloek. Viaitinf brvtbrao eordiail/ iavitsd ABTAKOrnii.N* Wh Mooaa.lOT §tnti$\x^. J F. MAKBBALL, L. D.B..U.D. B, Daatist. TIaita Markdato tha tit and .Vd Wednesday of each monlk, Flasbertooâ€" Kach trip oa the day ^bi.uwing. T O. CAMPBELL, L D B, DD 8, Dental Saigeoa, Uarkdale. Offlceover UcCullough A Touog'a baak. Houraâ€" 3.30 aai. to 6 p. ni. Visits Flesherton the second and fourth Thursday ol each month. Olllce at Uuusbaw'a hotel. nri HENDERSON D D S, M D S, Dentist of Torenlb (gold me<iallst) will visit Flesherton protessiua- ally the first Weilnesday of each uiontb aad Dundalktheday loUowlugtTbursdaj.l f»9«l. JOHK W. rK08T.L. L. B. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, »H. Officeâ€" Next to post office. Sproiile's bloak Flesherton.every Saturday and court days. J. W.FUOSTLL. M. N. B. â€"Owen Soaud elSee, Frost's bloak 30 Poulett St. Eaht. T UCA3&WBiaHT, Barristers, Bolicitara, Conveyauceri, ale., OwcQ Sound, Out. - - Uarkdale, Out. W. H. Wbioht. 1. U. LccAJ. N. B.â€" Floshovton office, Uitcbell'a Bask every Wednesday. TUCKER & PATTERWW. Barristeis, solicitors, etc. Molsuu'aBaua, Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. Patter«a« JfACKAY d H.\TTON Barristers, Bolieiton. oto. Offlces-.tOPoulette St. Owen Bound ; and Uala St. Duudalk, every Saturrlay. N.n.â€" AlwavH In attendance at Flesherton aud Duudalk Division Courts. A. U.MacKav, M. A.. County Crown Attoraey. W.J. Uattok I^Ieilii'Hl. imm s TJimT nK HUTTON MDCU, MPFi^B Out. IhriceviUa Of&ce next door to Brown's (tore; residenoa one door west ol Methodist ctnireli, Kinross bt. Otlico days, Tuesdosa and Saturday â- rVR CARTEH M C P Jk 8 Ont., FhyBlcian, Surgeon, eto Fleahertou offioe â€" Strains b^ook. Bosidenoaâ€" MunsLaw's Hotel JOHNASOOTT MB Member College Physic. A Snrgcons.Ontarta Qrnduato In Medicine of Torcj' UnivorsltJ b'oUowsbip Diploma, Post Qiaduato Medical Btfhool and Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eye oar, uoso aud throat specially treated. Kesi- dence. Maxwell, visits Fevorshaui Thnradavsl-^ J V OTTEWELL Vetorinaiy Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Oollego. Residence â€" Eeconl door south on west side Mary strse This street runs south Irpm Frcabytsriaa ohotob. i \

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