THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. latereatlng Items About Our Owa Couatry, Qraat Britain, the United Statu, and All Parta of the Qlobe, Cosdanaed and Aaaorted far Baay Reading. CAJ^ADA. Hamilloo lias dei'ided upon AugU84. 5 M th« date of it« civic huliday. The Cornwall Canal will b« ready tor nftvitfatioo by the last week of April. Over 100 buffalo have been seen in the vicinity of Fort Smith, Athabaeca. during the past winter. A deaimtch Irom Bomba^y says that the plague has brokeia out among the British troops at Calaba. It ie said that at the approachiug- convocation of Queen's Universiity, Lady Aberdeem will be made an LL.D. The total cost of the work done by tie Domianion Government for the im- provement of {Toronto harbour was 1356.034. Viita.1 Roy, aged 00, wa« asleep oa, the I.C.R. track one mile east of St. VaJer, Que., when tJtie Hr.lifax express killed hJOii. Mr. E. P. Hajinafard, late ohief' en- |iDeer ol tbe Grand Tnuolk ia suing ube company for damagea on accmmt at ihia dismuisal. The huge steel arches of the bridge that will take the place of the railway â- OBpension brid^ at Niagara have been placed in position. The Manitoba fund for the relief of tie India famine sufferers now reaches $17,560.73, of which neaxly 12.000 is Irom the school children. It is intiina.ted that the negotiations in connection witi the fast Atlantic ser- rice iave reacbed a shape that an an- notmcenwint may be expected before long. Senator Macdoaald of British Co- hsmbia has introduced a bill in the Benatte to make ths 21tb of May a per- â- ©Hukl holiday in honor of her Ma^ iBBty. Inepector Scarth left Ottawa on Sab- urday night for Hegina. From that flaoe he will take with him eome twen- y mounted policemen to tha Yukon district. Mr. J. A. Kinaella, iostruotor of but- Urmakiog At tha King«on Dairy School, has been ajjpoioled as asaiat^ Mit to Prof. Robertson, Dominion Da- iry Commissioner. 'ITie Canadian Pacific railway have fcpoeited plane for the Crow's Nest Pass railway with the Railway Depart- ment, which is an official Intimatioo that they ajv ready to construct tiM road. With the approval of many of tbe Boards of Trade, the Governjueut will Kin appoint commercial ag«nla to uth Africa, the Mediterranean coun- tries. Mexico adid other placas to pro- mote trade relatiooa. The Internal Ecomom/y Committee of the Dum^ nfon Uou.'w of Commons baa decided to txmuwimate Restaurant- keeper PanueU for tjie abolition o« Vbe Uoune of Cokumons bar last sea- â- ota. Trouble has arben between the Granil Trunk ajid Canadian Pacific railways owing to the new tariff of pCLSsejiger rates to tile Kooten&r dis- trict Insued by the Grand Trunk", and a rate war i.^ tlir.eatened. The union bricklayers of Montreal WFnt ixa .strike on I'riilay. They ara at present receiving 30 ceui.s an hour and working ten hours a day, and t|]»y aisk for a change to 85 cents an hour and nine hours a day. The Dominion Government's proposed ameodments 1o the Civil Service Act will be sweeping in their mitursL It la said that all new appoiuxmieiits will be daring pleasure, instead at during good bebaviour. as at present. Tbe (Jovwnitnypnl haa granted 9300,000 to the Grand Truulk for the ilmixrova- ment oi Victoria, bridaes tihe condition beitag that the latcrcdlanial ia to 'have runnitig powers ovur the road from I/evik to Mootm.1. ra^t. Yates of tihe Qre««n Asiatic Steamohit) Cbmpany i» «*i route to Ot- tawa to submit a proposition to thm Domitaion GovfeTinmrail for tIhe esta.b- Ushmeint of a line of steamers between firili^h Columbia ports and Central America. ii has been decided in Ottawa by a meeiing of mi/latary authorities that tte jubifee regitment will be made' up of vclujnteeira froun the different corps. They wiU Wave Montreal tm Jaime 1 by a troop»bjp for Liverpooli, wh*«nce a train wi'iil convey thoin to Aldershot. Two weeks will be spent there, and one iki London. GREAT BRITAIN. Arohbishop Pluaket of Dbblln is djeod. Major Siar John Willoughby, the only one 'of the Transvaal raidera to serve hns full asntenoe, has been discharged [rum ttie jaM. Mr. Kdward. Blaike's motion in the Britiah House of Conimonsi setting foinli that IreJIand was overtaxed was defeated on Wednesday by one huindred and sixty votes. The Lord Mayor of Dubliw, in full robes of o/floe, attended the bar of the ltnperiB.1 Hous«< of Commons on Mon- day and prpsented a petition praying t'he CiAinmans to take into consideration the financial relations of Great Britain and Ireland. In 'lh!e British House of Commons I he other day Mr. C!'berlain said he was uinable to slate 'ihe number of Colonial Premiers w^ho wuulcl visit Lon- don during the diamond jubilee. No formal confeipnce had been arranged. bu.1 tbe tJovermmeni would be gla(j lo hare the oo-opcraiioii of tbe Preonlers in al'l matters of common interest. UNITKD STATES. iNavigati«)(n has opcjicd at Chiicago. A Caaiudiiao .Society was formed in N. w York la si nfigTilt. GovcsTBior Adajiw lijas sigmed the biiH al loUishttig c•a!^^i)lul puniehluioj*. in Ckilo- rado. rib>e New York prase s«.tb Daniel 8. l.apipm(l may bccxime president of tile NcirthL'rii Pai'iflc Rniflw^y. Mrs. l/r'04>uld VeaviKalmlBie, at Nor- wicAu, Mich., batt giV'eW l>irth to five ckiiAdrea wiUun the pa|st 12 months. { Tabic han^H and finiahers in the Chi- |ago tanlocrieH bave decided that a gen- eral .strike sihould l»e declared.. Masked meai in tihe vit^inity of LanJ caAler, Ky., have tJireatened to kill to/llgate keepersi if they pre«iat in col- lecting tolls. [I'hij Balitimbore 4 Ohio Railway is to have a rail anfl lake li)ne< between Chi- cago antl Milwbuliee and l^be eastern pseaboard. Mile. Haritles Puthiri, a Greoiani lady at tiu- Buckiugliam Hiotdl. New York, is reported to .bave beeu robbed of dia- imonds worti. 95.000. Abraham Ephraim Elmer, df Utica, N. Y.. claimB to be on»» hundred and fif-i teeni years of age. a-nd, llhie dldesl man in th« ITnlied States. .Eastera tapitatists have, it is said. bande<l immense copper mines near Carson City, Nev.. and Will build a) mill and ittnelters a^. omce. fletweeni 30.000 a.nd 60,000 .steami fit- ters and pjujnibers are aa strike in New York ais a Pesmfit of a practical lockout on tbe pa.rt of tbe bosses. Ttoe breaks in) the levees in Missis- lifipi have allowed a vast tract of country to be flooded and tbe inhahi- tan/ts barely escaped with tbeir lives. Farmer Ambassador Bayard w*U re- turn to tbi United States May 15tb from Ejifeland. and former Ambassadof Wayne MacVeagti from Italy April lOthi. Represenltative Spalding, of Michigan, iuus introduoed a jodtit resolution in tiid Hwase a-t AVaj»hMstoo providing tor the annexation of EUuwaii to lb« United StateiS. At the annubJ meeting of the stock- boddera of the American Bell Telephone Cbmpany the directoira were re-elect- ed, and it wba vot4ed to inureoee tibe capital stock from •-<^,613,000 to t26,- 015,000. TIhe United StaJtes Senate has a.u^ tboirized the Secretary of the Navy to place a vesHei of wars ouvd a uharterad merohaint vessel at tJVe disposal of the collector of tha port of Now York for tjaosiiorting camtributioins of wheat, flour ajid corn to relieve tbe famiohins poor of India. The Supreme Ceurt at Washington bas decided tbtut the Oceanic Steam Naviaation Company waa responsible to cartaiin iiaasengers for dama^ done to baggage in creeping from Liverpool to New YrcM-k, adilwnigth tbe tickets off claim;uitt» txwitaiiied in fine type a waiv«r for damB4{ec> to persons or prop- erty. Commercial reports from the Unit- ed Stales indicate little, if any, change. Business is dull, and the out- look uncertain, but employment is more general in various lines of industry than was the case a few weektt back. Prints and woollens are in steady and aippreciativa request, and tbe wool mills are everywhere busy. The decision of the Supreme Court in regard to trusts has. for a time, detrimentally affect- ed the iron trade, but the check is only expected to be temporary. The politi- cal situation In Europe is affecting markets in the United States and else- where detrimentally, but in business circles prospects are considered good. GENIEKAL. President Kruger ho^ suspended tAt gB-andBob for ^m**ting Great BriUin and the Qiueb. It is ♦eportled u/t Bumibay that thi*f plaVue baii broken out amon^ the Brit- 1^ troops at Calaba.. A Paris de.spatch says that a new At- lantic cable is being manufactured at Calais and will shortly be laid. President Faure has heen afficially i'jiforme-l of tbie appmaohingi visit of the RAussiaai Ehni»eBy»r and t.he Czarina tio Frsnoe. The British brig Aeronaut, from Santa Fe, Decemlier 31. for Hamburg, has been abandoned at sea. Her crew have arrived at Barbadoee. Tbe Newfoundland Government has decided to enforce the act which pro- hibits French fishermen from St. Pierre taking bait in Newfoundland waters. |M. Hanotaux. the Minister for For- eign Affairs, and Onnte de M(un. the well-known clerical Deputy, have been elected members of the French Aca- The Cretan Committee Will not' accept thv fifty thousand roubles of faired by demy. the Czar far the families of the refu- gees .TTiey ask no aid from tbe Czar while Russian warships take part in the iDlockada. SPAIN'S DOWNFALL. Her Treepa t« be Wlllidrawn Fr.>m I'Hba Al an Earl;! Datr. A special from, Washington says:â€" "Sipain Ihas decided at to cease. offensive military operations in C^uba at the beginning of the wet season, now ODjly a f'.'W weeks away. She ia preparing to withdraw all her activel forces from the interior, and to send! back to Spain large nliimbers of men. Their occlupation of the iiorts and ofl strategic positions will be of a tenta-t tiva character. The three troehas wiJll be plraoticaHy abandoned. This is the downfall of Sjpdin in Cuba, but evert in her humiliation and bankruptcy she assumes the ro4e of a conqueror, be- stowing favors on the conquered. It has been given «.tl. by the Spanish Le- gation that thft meeting of the Cortes^ which was regularly set. for Iitisteit Monday, has been postponed untili some time in JpJy. This is because tha Ministeo-ial Council in Madrid dare nod attempt their Ckiban retreat with thei j Ooxtee In .session. lAotion is impera- tive., ami when the Ciootee does meat a bill of indemnity will be asked for- Tbe (lii'tc set. for (he cessation of ho.s- tilitieS is not to l>e later than April laib. General Wevler has been in- i »t!nuoted to retUTti to HUvana within, the. week, if possible, but certainly be- fore April 15th. Bf will find awaltinal him a Royal edii-t ppapared at Madrid ; to be promulgated, setting forth that ^ th» war is OP/er." DEATH IN THE CYCLOIIE. AN OKLAHOMA TOWN WRECKED AND BURNED. Fortr-rive Peraaas Hilled and Two Hnntl- red Injuredâ€" Many Sluwly laaitted ia Itealh. , A' despatch from Gutbrlw, O.T.,8ay8: â€" A terrific cyclone stnicik the towin <if Chandler, 4U mi'laa aatft of here, ac 'dock on Tuesday evening, and tbe liateait. news is tbat 45 peo'stona weore kille<i and mbj-e tthftn 200 injured, a dozen of fhjam fatial'iy. A despatch received alt 2 a. m. re- ported the ruins on Ifire, and many in- jured people burned to deaib. So far -4 dead iMdies have beeta taken from tbe ruined buildinigs. Chandler was a tJown of L,SOO un- babitants, and jn^as aiimuac oompletedy devastated, onily tfwo buiddings being left standing, tbe Grand Laland gitoceiry and tbe Mitobeli Hotdl. The kno^vn dead aiqe :>-M!r. and Mxa Woodman, Mr». Qemry MitcheU', Mrs. Tom Smith, Joba Dawson. Attorneiy ; F. Demaff, Emma Dressioiger, D. C. Johnston and wilte, Mins. Vihiilip Joho- aton and olhUd, Afire. Dr. Ueie, A. W. Kellar and wife, unldnown woman and baby, live unkkkown ohlildren, ax-Mayor A. Mcllhejtny and wife, George Pier- sbjt. Among tbe (ataHly injurad are Uâ€" Arthur Jewett, Peggy Johnston, Mrs. Frank McCann. D. C. Gooding, Maggie Reaves. Anarew Astor and wife, Mrs. CuUom, Jennie Woodsiwortb, Alex. Bis- hop, Arch. Sbepard, Mru. Frank Mc- Call, Mlra Emory FoHi«r and baby, Nettie Ulan, Wilson Kiii^f. Others injiured, m> far as known, number 16. The scenes were heartrending, people dying on ail sides, with buf one phy- 6icia<u on the gruund who wa^i not burt. Six persons in one buildiugwere pinned down and slowly roaaied to death. TJarkness came* on soon after the cy- clona struck and the work of reacue waa carried on under the greatest difficml- ties. The teiepbone of5ce was carried away, but at lU o'clock a telephone was connected wilb the wire two miies away and a message sant b«re (or as- sistancCi A number of pbyoLcians and ot/ber citizens have left for thie scene witJi surgical instrumenta, drags and otber supplies. A later message stated that a large number of peop.e known to iiave beeai in business Imildings are missing and it ik feared they are <^ad under tbe ruAiS. The exact state of affairs can- not be learned until daylight. â- • Chandler is tbe seat of the Oklahoona Agrricultural and Mechanical College, which, it ia re4>orle<l, hiui been ba<l- ly wrecked. Maaiy people are rei>orted injured in the wrecked court bouse, and tiha disaster is believed to be much worse tJian at first thought. The in- jured will rMicb over iwu btindred and bhere is no sbe> and no adequate madical attendanue, and it in feared THE CRETM_S_BOMBAEDEJ) THB TERRIBLE EFFECT OF THE CAMPERDOWN'S GONS. A RAISS. YbU told me llast week tbat you vmuld try to mis* my salary, said Urigga. Oh, yes, replied his emiployer. Well, I. did,." I raised it iifter some trouble. Believe me, 1 had a very hard time itiictimg it tiii:a week. â- â- sarscnls .411 ar king luedln Are Drivra Oir by Ibe Wnmblpii or tlM rawent, Tbe Canea correspondent of The Lon- don Standard describes tha fighting around I he fori at Izzedin. The gar- rison consisted of 300 Turks, who had twelve Krupp guns and two Norden- feldt guns. Tbe guns, however, were trained seaward, and were useless to repel an attack from the landside of the fort. The blockhouse above the fort contained three hundred more troops, with two Krupp and two Nordenleldt guna. Beyond this position there was a strong stone wall, where the insur- gents were massed under tbe Greek side. It was impossible tu say which side began tbe fighting, but the en- gagement was in full swing at 8 o'clock in the morning. Tbe Turkish guns in the block-house took but a small pai-t in the fighting, but a Tur- kish frigate shelled freely, though with small success. An hour later the for- eign warships wurs ordered to fire. Tbe eign warshiiw were ordei'ed to fire. The Prussian warship Groeiastohy opened. She was followed by the British warship Ardent and the Austrian warship Ti- ger. Each* fired in turn, aiming chief- ly at tbe Greek flag. The fire from the Russian war.ship gradually demolished tbe whole wall, every shot from ber taking effect. De- spite tbe heavy cannonade the iiisur- geats held their ground sloudy, throwing out skirmishers and driving back the Turkish outposts, although th«y were compelled to abandon Ibcir own principal p(«ition lx?liincl the stone wall. The llritisb battleship Camperdown began firing SIX-INCH .SHELLS at tbe in.surgents, who thpr^-upon re- tired a Jill tie distance but continued a heavy tire for a quarter of an hour. When the Camperdown was at the rang* of G.tOO yards she opened with range of 6,400 yards she opened withi raniffl <>f 6,400 yards she opened with b'r thirl een-inch guns. Tbe effect wa*( inntanlaneoius. Tfiree or four percus-i sion .sh»jlls i) right in the midst of tihiff inisurgenr canifl). causing ihem toi riun' for sihcHer in all diiireot ions. The gun> practice vd tbe Camperdown was perfect, wbile the noise of the e>nor- mous sht-iUs hurried through the still air was MiMiffh alone to frighten the efliiemly. Tunings weire now too hot to last anid tbi? flsug was speeidily lowered and tSht? inBurgenls hastily retreated, while the Russian and Au.slrian war- .sbips fired with extremie acouracy a .succession of sbarpnals. lbs last, ahell was fired at 10.15 o'dloek. The Russinn and Austrian warshiips then steamed away txni Hlockade .service and th« Ar- dent round lo Suda. The Turks quickly sallied fortb and e.stabl>shed themselves in! tihe insurgent position, amid dem- onntfations of deiig'ht. They advanced across tbe open solace wilb great coulr ne-ss under a continuous fiure from f<hie Cretan sharp shoolers. who stood their ground until tbe last moment. They never budged until further resistance was out of Ibe. question. At 11.30 o'clock the Turks were pouring a roar- ing rifle fire into tbe retreating masses of insurgents. The latter replied with great spirit. Thfiir grand defence ex- cited the admiration' of all witnesses. It is evident that they were not dis- couraged by the odds against them, for they sent a letter stating that they intended to attack tbe fort at But- .sunjlria. In tbe evening of tbat day the fort was occupied by Europeaib troops. PECULIAR, NOT VICIOUS, When that Roy Uraws rp He Will Be Safe In Any Inxane CrImnilnnI <'onrt. "Yes,. Jobnnie is considered a vi- (^ioUB hoy, but he isn't responsible for tbat." "Why notr "Because he is iwculiair." "In what way?" "In a great many ways. One day hSs father tnld him to go to the store and come right back. He didn't coma, and when his fatbar looked for him he was playing 4)all wicb Momie boys in tbe back lot." â- Undeed!" "Yest aytd thtut itan't tta« wKoat of it." "Nb I" "He faadb't been to tbe store at alll" "Hoiw ^trabgie I" "At another time iiis tiister .said he should not eat no n^iiy paiu»ke^; tbail eleven were enolug'h for any boy." "Well?' "Well, he ate thiirteen !" "Nol" "Yes. Not lobg after this his .Sun- day School teacber cautittned hinx agains.1 the sin of lying. The next day be liroke daiun the cuothe.s line and said it was .Timmie Uanrigooi that did it." "T want to know!" "Yesk it's a g:reat jpotnfort for me to remember that if Juihbnie ever gets, in a^y trouble it wi'll l)e so easy to pfove Ihflrt he was ' peculiar!' " ROYALTY AT WORK. It has been truly said tbat every charitable institution in Greece owes its prosperity to Queen Ulga. The great Evangelismoe Hospital at Ath- ens, which she founded, is managed by her in person. Not a day passes but ber majesty, accompanied by one of ber ladiea-in-waiting, spends at least two huurs in the hospital, supervising everything, and especially visiting those among tbe sick who are of foreign birth, and who might fael themselves abandoned in a strange land. £very contributionâ€" however insig- aif leant â€" to the funds of the hospital passes directly through her hands be- fore reaching the treasury, and no mat- ter bo^v, busy she may be. she m<ikes a point uf ucknDw>ledging in her own handwriting each donation received. As an instance of her kindness uf heart it may be mentioned tbat she keeps on band a .supply of earth brought from Russia on purpose to be sprinkled on the coffion of those Russians who die in Greece. The Jimprees Frederick, too, has not only founded, but also assists and su(>- eTvisee many charitable institutions in Germany, but she devotes .special .at- tention and money to tbe hospitals for sick children, tenderly caring for tbe little ones in memory of ber husband, whose heart was particularly tender toward infant sufferers. It is Mf this trait in tbe emperor's oharacler tbat the sciulptor has taken advantage in the statue erected at Dua- at^dorf. A neKv ward hud been builti to the hospital for crippled children at that iillacfc. and "I'n.ser Fritz" waa at the Opening. One little cripple forgot its sorrow. In admiration of the insignia of ih« orders tbat kdorned tbe emperor'si breast. To gratify the little one the emperor took it in his arms, and al- lowed the child to .sitisfy its curiosity, by handling the attractive ornamenlj This is the incident that tbe sculpton has perpetuated. LIVED THREE CENTURIES. .la EBBllHhnoninn Wkuitr Life Wan No tOBK thai 11 ionrhrd lii Ttarre t'cn- tarleii. At first thought it ap|)«ars well nigh bnpoissible thai one hunian life oouJd touch three centuries hefori; death came. The Krtglish pape"-- have recently been discussing longevity in its variou.s's and fiml at three well-a.utbentiiated cases of peo- ple who lived to l hree I imes change the last three numerals in the year date. Mrs. Klizahetih Hobbs, a Cambridge- shire lady (lid so. She was burn in Ui2il and died on March 23. 1803. in the I04tb year of hur iige, which fads are recorded on her gravestone in the south wcsi, corner of the churchyard of Little Wilhraihuin, about six miles from Cambridge. Thomas Parr, more familiarly known as "Old Parr," was iiorn in 1483 and died ini 1035, ,at I he age of l.')2 years and niiK' montibs, having lived seven- teen years in the fifteenth, 100 in the sixteewh and thirty-five years in the .^'Venleenih centuries. On a tombstone in Unndnff Centre, N. H., is the following; "Widow ,Su- sanna Brownson was born Aug. 31, 1699. and died June 12, 1802, aged 103 years." Sihe thus lived in the seven- teentih, eighteenth and nineteentb cen- turies. JUSTIFIED. Heâ€" Miss Bcliacour claims to belong to a very old family. Sheâ€" Well, she's justified. There are six of those fefirls, anil th« youngest of tbem uwKt be at Jeast 35. HEWS FROMJHE OEIENT. TALB OF CRUELTY FROM THB PBO- VINCE OF QUANQ-TUSd. Naa-KaUag TlBen Abraad-New Cralacn Var (he Chiaesc .Vavy. During the famine in Quang Tung, many sufferers were compell-vl to sell their children in order to save tbeir ilves. Among tbe pUxohaMirs was the secretary of the District Magistrate. He bought two girts, aged ten and twelve yea<re. lAs he was taking them to the passenger l>oat for transport ^o Canton he {waa set upon by soldiers and arrest- ed for kidnud>ping. He appealed to the ma<gistrate, with tbe reiruit tbat bis captors were in turu made captives, babooed and finally driven oat of the Yamau. Tbe soldiers complained to their ^ommandiug officer, wbo also took umbrage and allowed his men ta rettiru and inflict revenge on the' maa- islTate. After beating him the soldiers dragged faim to tbe tempi'.e uf Mara, and wbile some made him kneel down, otb- ers plucked out bis hair and moustache by tbo roots. The regiment then w ent into revodX and the troopers have aiuca mutinied. A TlGEll SCARE. , Great alarm prevails thraugbout tbe region of Foo Cbo«, where the rural liopulaiiou is lajige, on account of tbe Inrocious tigers which tbe hard winter bus drivein doivn from tbe uiu^ntaiDs. First dogs and pigs began disappear- ing with marVielloos rapidity, causing lht< natives to lock all their slock is iMiildings. Left without means of sub- sistence, the huugiiy beasts gradually grRw bolder, and have since been at- tacking laborers in the forest and even l>euple in I heir dooryards. A half doz- en natives are known to have tjeen devoured. A Foo Chow paper stated that two tigerrs made a uoisu about a bouse which sounded like a knocking at the dooa°. When the head uf tha fauuily went to tne door he waa seized and eaten. When be did not return his son wvnt out to look fur him and shared Lhe^omc fate. It is feared tbat, having tasted humun blood, the tigers will l>ecuuie a source of permanent dan- ger. The terror-stricken people have barricaded their bouses, and the men will not venture out to work' except in small parties. NEW WARSHIPS. '' The Chinese Government has decided lo order tour more armored cruiser^ two fast c-ruisers and several torpedo- destroyers, all of the E'nglish type. This is owing to the great increase recently made in Jaimn's navy. China will uMi order any vessel of over 10.000 tons, aa slie hai> neither harbor nor docks suit- able for Ihem. The programme for several years to come will be lo order ve«.sel8 of 8,000 tons. Voluntary re- trenchments made al Ibe palaces at the V;mi)eror, the t'uipreas and tb* Dowager l'iupres.s are lo Iw devoted, to- wards .stre^ngioeuiiis 'be new navy, A NEW ELDORADO. «ald Seekrrii' Kick Flndii la f nkoa Talley. A despatch from Ottawa says: â€" Mr. Ogilvie, the Dominion land surveyor, who baa been hliut up about Fort Cudaby all winier, being unable tu g«it out owing to ibe heavy snowfall, baa sent a nurolwr of reports to tbe <le- I>artmeflt during ibe last few monbha, iminiing out the iniiienU wealth of the Yukon territory. La»i fail* be su|g- geisted that additional in-oteclioni .shiuuld be given to the speeulatoia .mil thiiise entering the country. The rer^uii ui lihiM is I tiat an additionaJi coiiipajiy oX Mounted I'olice is now be- ing >!«ni <iu< I heire from Regina. i.Mj-. .Sifion h«» ju.^i received from Mr. Ogilvie a remark:ible report aa to the vaiit di.scoveriea of gold which ara made there. Mr. Og^illvie Kiiys that at Clondyke, which is some 00 luilea .souih-e..u<l of Fori Cudaby, an<l furthatr inl<j British territory, some mon are making from yi,0(HI lo 92,000 jier day. This is <Uin6 by pljiceir mining in tha most iiriniiiive methods. The report IK altogether a ni<r~l remarkable one, showing gold to be foun<l in abun- dance. STOUT HEARTS, THESE. 'Ilhe heart is not always the delicate organ it is generally believed to be. Dr. Wiaiiam Turner records in the Briliib -MtHlical Journal, a few cases which |.<iiiil to the fad that wound* of f hi' hear! are seldom, if ever, immed- iately fatal. A child two years old wns t)r«ugb)l to him with a sewing needle ilriven into its heart, and the needle was extracted witbout evident hnrm rtsmltinB to the heart of the child. Aiiiuther case descrilied is that of a solilier in whose heait a bullet was fouiitl imlvdiled n'lx years after he had Iieeiv woumled. he having died from quite onotuer cause. Several instances are afso given of person.s liv- ing for munlhs and years after their hvarts had been lerrilily lacerated. In- deed, neither gunshot injuiiejj nor penetrating wounds br'mg the hiarl ;it inite to a standstill; so that tJhis' f.'si^'^ of the animal oijfaniem is ajiparently not its most vital stnic- lure. LIEUr.-GOVERNOR KIRKPATRICK. The LoHdoii Siiraesii Wh» 4ttenilrd Hlai !llay.s Hie Oiiri-alloii tiave Keller but W;i«i nol a 4 iin", Th» Citizen iiublishes tha following: â€" "A private- loiter to a pro- fe.ssionail frieotl on this side from Mr. Herbert Alllingham, the famous Lon- don suirgeon »vho operatsd upon his Honor Xieultenant-Oovcrnor Kirkpat- rick, contains a very grave prognosis regarding bis diMiinguished patient's case. In fact, Mr. Allinghain l>elieves that, in spite of the relief afforded by tbe operation menaures, Mr. Kirkpat- rick's life cannot long be spored. "This will lio sad new.s for a iwiblir to .whlobl Ihei Governor has endeared himsel' by many general graces and solid virtiika." â- aw^^rasffi