Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1897, p. 1

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HP â- PBHMi m " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRIXCIPLEb NOT MEN," YOL. XVI, NO. 8i2 Flcslierton, Ont., Thursday, April 22, IBQT W. H. THURSTON, EDITOE A I'UOPltlETCn *S?! â- 73^ !?â- . -"•*• ' "»nirc • -nrswwni ^ i t 1 *•• I •• ' -^ Ik j^iG- ctocm: ^u^ -^ •, « « • •e^^ eweilery n'ritteii Fur The Advance. Encch On I'jiixl 111! lI;C liaie to ohooso from at tlie FUisl.t'itoii JfWellHry Ht<iro. NobSy Thinjj {or Laj.ci anj Oi.r!ti. Eyes Tested free for Defective Vision. W. A. ARilSTRONG JeweHer snd Optidfin, - _ - _ Ficsherton, Ontario % FULL ASSORTMEMT OF and - SUiN^IMEI^ ...FOOTWEAR ^'<. Gviit'o and Cliililrun's wi-nr. Cus'c prom.itiy iitiuiulvid to .-.t 111 wo'.k ami repairinjj A!;0:.t f»r tho D;)iiiliii()n Money OrJvr Express. <d c; nnrin -innjn rxnn nrmnrL rinnn ri-inrinririnnjvxp.rvirinruTr'jt rLiinn.-un.n>.vvp D. McTavish KLESMERTOrsT KEEPS ON HAND Genesie 5:21 Of huiiian character &ubliui», Whofie b<jautios laut tliroti^'h eiidloss time, Fow uoI>lpr oncH do wo buhoKl 'than that of which wo hero am toM, A >nuuutuf:i form boiomo aud hiyh. Whcmo top 18 blewdo 1 with tho sky â€" A stately shaft, a poliuhuil Koiu â€" \ poerlesH, {jlcnniinf^ diui^tin : On it wo trace tho path ho trod, It Btatup that "Enoch walked with Qol" And w!ioii liis niurtal race was run And all his labors hero woro douo, Ho dill not full on fiulds of fame Nor i>eritih in the Htorm or Mamo: He know nc shadows dark and dread ; For him thero waa no d>iiit; bod. Like anowafroui tho bowitriug Hout. He in Ills courao he onward wei.t. " He was iint"loft with lifoluaH ohiy : "God took him"Uoinu to roahus of day, ABchi'drou of tho Hcavuniy KiiiK Mny WQ to Christ in all thiuKS cJiiif; ; Hupportod by his woudronarod, Like Enoch, may ^e walk with God. Throi'.fih all th<j tiiaU of tho way May wo our Lord's comininaiijH uboy. Of u may^t bo truly said "They w<M'o n )t tiU'iibsrol with tho doa I When we from earth's d*iitra(licn» coaao May W3 bo'ta'«u" homj iu pdaca. C Iborno.Apiil.ieOT. T.WATSON. ...REPASRS Fnr Mi'sey-HiiriiH, Noxnn. Fleury nml Wilkinson farm impleineiits. Klpiiiy and Verity pli'WM uii liaiirl all the time, a'Ho nil kinds .if reijiiiis fnr the samf. Wh i)iaiuifncture Wngons, Vixif'^t^n; Cutteij*, SlriL;!ia, ore. ij lldr.iealmein^ prninptly attended tii. S|)eci»l iifteiiti..u to teiidur, con- tracted feet. LiiL"^iiiu and Plnw Chniis.H ciiistjiiitly mi liiidd. d'TlrJWJiInJTlnj iIn3C'QijuTjT>CnjuuuiiTinx -G . . E^STEI^ . . = = ATTRACTIONS = = Goods now, styles attractivj, viiluus special all ready for quick selling. Wo Bmphaize E;i.ster week with a lai nor spirit of liberality. Goods arc clienpnr out of coiii[)limeijt to the continued succosi of our business. There's an cn- thusia.siii »bout it that we like and with such values in evideuco v.'e are bound to do your tiade. Clottiingr 6 (inly Men's 4 Bubb Sacqua Suit«, Ml heavy all-wool Oxford Groy Tweeds, twill satin linings, well in:ulo, sixos 3(5 1» Li, regular *o. 00, special at $3 85 6 only Men's Navy Blue Serge Sacque SuitB, blatk Italian liniugs, regular $3.65, speoLil at . 2.60 Moil's all-wool Tweed Suits, in neat brown check patterns, ihravy Italian linings, silk stitched, all s.zes, rejiular $S.W, special at 6.75 15 only Men's Fine Black Clay Worsted in sacquo or morn- ing ciiat styles, in eveiy respect tbe best that's mode, special at . . 10.50 25 pairs only Tweed Pants, for men, fancy stripe patterns, regular 81.25 per pair, special at. . .90 25 pairs Boys' Blue Serge Pants, special at 19 Cottons 32-inch new patterns in Stripo Flannelettes, medium and light colorings, soft finish, regular Sc, Rpucial at 6 3-4-inch extra heavy Unbleach- ed Cotton, pure linish, full staud- aril cloth, regular 7c, special at. . . E.\tra heavy line of C<itton- ade, a number of patterns to choose from, regular 25c cloth, upecial at Frum our oivn CorrifiwiiiUnt A backwuid .^-prirg so fur; vtry cold xtid 8'ormy at lime of wrilin'^. Mr. J. W. Shore met widi a very pain- ful accident list Fiiday uioruiii<{, oiih of his l.oises kickin'j him in the face. Dr. Honiiett dres'ied tho v/iund and Sir. blioro in <;cttiii'^ along as well ba can be expected. Airs. ALiihuis and her dauKlit-cr, Mrs. McAiiIey, ara at present vis.tiiif; Mrs. .). W. Shore. Mr. Ciuy and Mis.s Todd, of Griera- viiie, sj>ent Sunday with Mr. Win. Guy. JlIuh Mng<,;it) Black ib honlo fur Eister holidays. Jlr. Gilray, Sr., who has Inun sick, Jh soireA'hat better. â-  }.!,•. and Mrs. .Jno. Malhewsoii spent Sunday in Heathcofe. Mr. W. Sinclair preached Sunday in the church licre. Ml'. S. J. McKniglit, who has b'jen on the sick lis';, is. better. Wis. Henry Wriulit has moved to the h'Uao lately occupied by Mr. Oiiia, Mr. Wright having' gone t» Manitoba. rivshcrtou 14taliou .18 Hosiery 121) pair.5 Ladies' plain Black Hose, m cotton, full fasiiiomd, perfectly seamless, rennlar loe pair, special at: , 75 pairs Ladies' full fa.shioncd perfectly seamle.-s Cotton Hose, reguhir 20c pair, special at Ladies' fine Merino Cashnioro Hobo, Npriiig weight, full fashion- ed special at Men's heavy coarse Cotton Hose, special per pair at Shoes 30 pairs only in Misses' Pol. Calf, laceil, sizes 11 to 2, regular 91.20 to 81.25, special at 30 [lairs Men's BufF Lacod or Gaitci-s, regular ^1.35, .special per pair at .10 .12i .23 . 5 .95 1.13 Frommtr otcn currcapundeut. Mr. U. Tucker, who we reported last week OS being on the meud, took a ro- lapse, and is very low at present. Dr. Carter is in atlendance. Mis. A. Gilchrist 's also very low with erysipelas in the face. Mr. J. McMullen met with a serious accident last week in Proton. It seems ho was placing a block under a car whm it gave a sudden jerk, striking his hand and taking of the tops of two of hit) lingers. The car tiien struck him on the face, which knocked him back and saved him from losing his arm. Dr. Ciirt«r drcBSi'd the wounds. We hope to see him around soon. Miss Cushnio and Miss JamcB visited Maikda'e friends last week. Miss Bridgewater, of Owen Sound, is visiting Mrs. J. EL;an and Mrs. Connor thii week. Mr. G. Cii.-ihiiio is spending his vacation with his parents h( lo. tt. Cook took a trip to the Queen city this wetk. Tcvershain. GROCERY DEPARTMENT 28 lbs Light Brown Sugar for SI. 00 25 lbs. German Eofined Granulated Sugar for 1.00 6 lbs. of a special line Japan Tea for 1.00 A special line of Brooms, each .5 . Christie Brown's or McLauchlan's Soila Biscuits iu 3 lbs. boxes, regular 25c, special at ^ 20 •e5 lbs. Best B. Rice for 100 50,000 Ibo. of wool wanted this season fiir which we will pay tho highest cash prices. F. T. Hill & Co. riarkdale From ovr own Correapundent. Tho farmers in this vicinity are pre- paring for spring work. Mr. Samuel Sample of O.-'proy passed peacefully awny on Friday morning, April IGth, aged 30 years, after about nine months illness from a cincor in tho stomach. Mr. Sample lived in our midst about thirteen years. He was a generous man and an excellent neighbor. Thfl funeral took place on Saturday at 2 p. m. to the Bethel oenietery. where he was buried by the Orangonjeu. The ssrmoii w.as preached by Uev. T. Legato. Mrs. a vi.-,ic to friends in Detroit and Chicago. Sample, who ii> left alone, has the Miss Maggie Derby, teacher in our P. syiniiatliy of friends and relatives in her S,, is spending her holidays with fiionds bereavement. ; in Normanby. Mrs. H. Heitnian, who has been ill fori Miss Mary A. Brown is visiting frioiir^s some time, is recovering nicely. : in tho Queen City at present. Mrs. Riiin, who spent the winter with ; The following students and teachers her daughter in Michigan, is at prasent are home for Easter, viz.: Miss Alioa visitini; her daughter, Mrs. Hoit mail. I Rns<<, StoutTviilo ; Jennie Jamca and Mra. B. S. Ktrr of Toronto, has been ! Flora McMillan, O. S. Coll. Inst.; Edna visiting her brother, Mr. .1. Hudson. j Stone, Mwiford ; Ida Stone, Melaiicthon; Jlr. William Hawton left last week f<ir ' Fanny James, Metz ; and Mr. Donald Rat Portaae. Muster Ern is thinkii.g I McDonald of Allan Park. about [lakinuup a subject at Flcshcrtin School. KinilM-rley Fiom oHr oiai Conespcndait. Last Sunday evening a well known resident on tho east hill noticed three or four young men strolliijjg around as if tliey were not going to church. It happens that tho same gentlemen owns a !>ugar bush, lie had grave sUBpicions, so he took a stroll out to the bush shortly aftiT dark when he had his suspicions coiilirmed, for lo 1 thc.-e same youi.g men were proceeding to boil down. The owner of the 8U"ar bush stretched his Sacramental services were held in tlio Piesby'erian church last Sunday. Tho Rev. Mr. Noaly of Homing's Mills presided. County uikI Di.strlct J. W. Blakeley, blacksmith, Duiidalk, has assigned. C. P. R. section men are now paid 8LiO per day. Duiidalk citizens band is having .t band erected on the main street. Chea. Hudson, of Ravenna, fell on nn oil can and punched a hole through his cLeek. full length (which is considerable) on the 1 The Commercial hotel, Tees«-a'er, wai ground and waited. By and by as tho ' burned last week. Loss estimated at nyrup point was reached the boys bcgaii to crowd around in anticipation of a ';lorious taffy pull. Then there was heaid a ciai:king of b<<uuhg and the proprietor was soon on the scene. The boys ran fi r desir life and despite the SIO.OCO ; insured for 85,000. Coilinswood will have a new postoffice, custom I'.ouso and elevator. Tlio haibor will also be dredged. D. MoGillivary, a farmer of the 10th ! lino, Noltawasaga, died suddenly wiiila fact that their pui-suer's steps were twice sitting in a chair, at the Arlington hotel. tho length of ordinary men's slejs, kept out of roach of the arm of the law. The proprietor Citlhd his hound and sent it iu pursuit but it has been unable at the time •I wriiiii'.j to overtake the otioiaUrs. It is believed that the boys are runnimi yet. Biiiiiâ€" On Sunday, .•\pril 12:h, to Mr. and Mrs. A.. B. Bell, a sou. rr9(oii Station Fiom Our Uwii Con-efpuudmit Mrs. S. STorrow, Owen Sound, is visit- ii^g at her fathers, Mr. J. Lyon's Mr. K. Ilenderhon, who has been visit- ing at Mr. Lyon's, has return-d to his homo in Toronto. Miss Alice Boyd of Cedarviile renewed aciiuain'aiices in Proton last SiinJay. Miss Diiiwoody of Fleshertoii is vioit- ing at .Mr. R. Hiwell's of this [ilaeo, CoiliiiKWiod. As the result of recent revival moetin:.^ in .Mount Ftircst £1 pet.sons wero lia;- li'/teil in the Methodist church there lai t S;inday night. Tho Dundalk Herald .says it is reporled that a very-niuch-waiited man and material witness in ihe Ballard cr..so lia:^ lift fot parts unknown. Rumor has it there are more to follow." Mr. Edward Br-td'ey living about one mile from Dundalk, on tho gravel, is probaldj' tho oldest man in the pnivincis. He is loO years old, and still able to caro for Iiinisclf. His vitality is reniarkable. ] To all appearance ho is good fora number of yeai s yet. â€" Herald. If the statements by tho fariner.i ari tnicâ€" and we have no roiison to doubt theiilwordâ€" thccountiy willhuff'-r thissoa Mrs. T. Lockait visited tho homo of •'On even worse than last fnim tho grass- Iior parents in Allihton recently. | hopper plaguu. It is said that the grouii'l Mr. L. Hodgina of Michigm is spend- ' is full "f the egsjs and that already tho his Eaiiter holidiiys at the parental homo. Mm. G. Allen is visiting at her mother's in Teeswater. Mr. A. Neilson is happy over a recent arriv.il in tho form of a little dnut:litor. Mrs. South of Hamilton is vihiting at her daughtor'.s, Mrs. Oeeuinn. young urasshoppcrs have bojjun to niakd their appearance. â€" Choaley Free Press, Tho Auditor-General's report shows that 45 candidates lost their deposits ii) the lastsjeneral election. They forfeited altogether 89,000. The amount claimed by tho returning ollicers for eh-ction ex- Friccville Fnitn (nir utvn Correspondent Thero will be a service in the Pfesby- j j,^.,,,^, „.,,, goy^cSfi, of which 81il],21'.> terian church next Sunday at 7.30 p. ni. j ^..^^ aWnviud. Tho inostccstly election was A load of Flesherlon young people j j„ ,^|ijerf,^ f„r ^.^jd, ti,g returning oflieer drove to Mr.Sh-rwo.id's ono evening last , p.-eeented a bill .if expenses fnr Sl.'i.SOf). week for a feed of maple tatfy. (jf ti,ia ti,o GoTcrummcnt alh.wed 87,495. • m •- The wage for farm hands this year in somewhat lower than last. Tho work seems to bo scarcer, many of tho fanners DuKt, brooms, whilowash, paint and i having determined to do witiiout hilji scrubbing brushes are very much in | except when absolutely necessary, when evidence this week. Wo are not ex.acily I they will hire mou by the day. Tho willing this on the piano, but tho next coiisenueiice is that good places are hard tiling to it. I to got and ve y few of the men who hira Jack Frost dropped around to sco us ' out for the season have yet secured oii- Mondny evenintr, and in honor of his gaL'einent-J. Wages range from 812 to visit tho fariner.i suspended spring ?lti a month, 814 being about the operations to '.he following day. | averano. â€" Orangevillo Advertiser. Tho Methodiat choir are busily engag- Here is the latest watered-milk story â€" ed preparing for the servigo of song to be A school teacher, who had received uii- held in the Methodist ohurcli to-morrow , aatiafactory answers from moat of bis evoning. We trust Iheir efforts will bo pupils as t<« the dilferenco between an appreciated. j iiiland and a peninsula, put tho question The managing committee of tho Bible . in despair, to tho last boy. " I can ex- Society met last Thursday ovoniiig and plain it, sir," ha said, " Get two glasses ; appointed di'posilory .in place of Misa till one with water and tho other with Brown, who has reni;;ned. ! milk. Catch a fly and placa it in tho Our 'V. S.,BI. L. Mclntyro, hai pur- 'water. That fly is m island, because it chased tho house a-id lot at present is entirely surrounded by water. But oceupioil by Mr. D. Muir. • now place the fly in the milk and it virill Miss Annie Simpsim of Toronto spent be a peninsula, becau.so it is nearly sur- Eivator holidays with hor parents. romided by water." Ho wout to the t -p Misi M»ry iyi::.-Vuley Ijft laut w^q'A for of the class. ^f

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