Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1897, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Rnen^aa â- UWJ I II ' , I , L-, JIL - tt JilXJi . fmi m ^ m ESTABLISHED ~/SS/' fPBLISKKD WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE, SVD- ENUAM KTKEET, FLEdllEUTuM, ONT., UY W. 11. THUUHTON. ftl per iiuiiaiii,stricUy in advance evtr after tlio rainy Bea&oti, now at liand. However it may go, Spain will get litllo benefit for years to come by rctuiuing tliis devastated island. She is getting little from licr colonial possessions iiuder any circumstances these days. Costa Bica and the Phiiiipines are in open rebellion, Cuba is valticlcss, and the immense outlay to thrash these countries back to subjection exceeds all incume. Spain milks her colonies too much, and when the old cows get tired blanding they kick over the bucket, The Postoffices Adveitismg Rates: Ouo Column, 1 year, $50 ; b&lt col., 1 year, quarter col., one yoar, 813. $27 Trausiont advortUomeot obargei) at the rate it cu!:t4 per lluo for Qist insortion auJ 3 couts «iioh 8Ub3eqiiout iDHortioa. It is likely that Sonth Grey will Lave a visit fioiu Messrs. Whitney, Mngwood, Col. Wathewsou and ]Jr, \Vilioughby â€" one or all of theiu â€" timing th3 early summer. Tberc is •a BUfpiciou that Mr. Hardy may Bpiing the election before anotiicr session of the Legislature, and Mr. Whitney desires to make liiniseli known to the people. iCuglaud appears to be drifting into a war with the Transvaal, and up- l<ariully without any just cause, un Jets the ucquiEitiou of t?olJ teriitoiy Ly cciuiuest is a justification. Well, yes, there is another cause, too, and that is voiced in the words of Jerrrmc K. Jerome, who says it is lime to thow tlic Doers that England has a colored flag. Thrice, he says, have the I>oers seen the Biitish Hug, and each time it w«a a white one. He tiusts iu Mr. Chamberlain to kitp the white rug out of the baggage Ihut goes to the Transvaal. The Toronto World got mulcted last week in $500 and costs for pub- lishing an item of scandal some time ago regaidiug a French couple who were staying in Toronto. The gen- eral opinion throughout the country in that the World exceeded all bounds â- of legitimate newfpopcr comriHiil in pubiishiui; the item, and little sympathy is extended to it in its " beieavumcnt." There is too much of a tendency iu this country to follow the fust journalism of the United States iu pandering to the lowest instincts of humanity, auJ it is well that some of the papers who indulge in this sort of thing sl.-onld he brought up will; a ahorl jiik. Lut thcte are others. Tho Auditiir General's report sappUes the following figures regarding the post- oQicus iu thie cuunty : llevenuo Siilaiy Ajton 81581 85 e4;U 'J3 Ohat.sw..rth 730 20 443 48 Claiksbuig 01)5 32 41(5 67 Uealii ro 380 19 179 44 Uui.dalk 15f.(! 72 <560 65 Durham 22C7 17 967 93 riesheitou 1128 45 038 02 Hniiover 2C37 01 854 04 Hc.l«teiu 5.32 20 207 87 MarUUiiU) 1705 (W 711 70 .Maxwell 260 07 1S5 15 Miafoid 3087 89 1179 84 Nuustadi 708 95 303 28 Owen Sound... . 11C95 09 4459 73 I'ricev;lle 049 27 2C7 97 !sluill..wLiike.... 25103 107 93 Thornbury 1385 Gl £93 31 Unrrird. Elliottâ€" linowxâ€"Cn llio Hlli InEt.. by Eev. T. ].ciL;at<), at the reHidoiico of Tboniaa Hruwii, Hiq., IStli i.f OHproy, 111'. TboiuiiH Klliott to MUb Mary Brown, all of Csprey. Died SiHHoNs- In Arto'.iiusia, on Monday, 12th inat., EUzalittb Hiu<ii]uu>, agoJ 71 yi-ars. IleshELi,â€" In Artoiiit'hia, on TliursJay, IJtli Inst., Uinab beloved wife of Jauiuj ltut>svll, aeod 4j yearn. Everybody ..READ THIS.. CHANGE IN BUSINESS The uuder»igned wish t<> nnniiunce to tho punplo of this Hcction that thuy have purcliaHetl the tailiir- ing bu.siiiess conrtuctcJ by Mr. C J. Leitch in Flesherton. We tru.st the vory li!)cral patron- Bge bt-Htowed upon our predecessor in the past will be extomltiU to us in tha future. We Don't... Occupy this space t» do a little blow- ing, but to iutroducu ourselves to the public. \Vc will make our work do all the talking, and therehy hope to giiti the good-will and patronage of the jieople of this section. We guarantee you a per- fect tit iu the litest stylu.s of the art. BAKER'3 OLD STAND, FLESHERTON !Proctor & ^ilan CiOUiliiSifM JAl>i:Z CiALI.i'X\AYJToroulo.Out. kGEHn I am just ^taitins tlie bet*: tliiuR (ur iiiouu> uialaiiij{ vnu have H<f< n fnr many a (l:iy Your namo Ai.il a UU*tHs will b'in^ the (joldeu iuformation. B.P. ULABGOW, TorODio. Ont. Iti'^.Qfitrions porBona of oIth«r hex with cuod chaT'tuiLr and couimou fchcol ♦'(Uiftitian, cm obtain employ tiieulfur two mooths in this couiinuiiit, . H. M. KuV.'loroLto.Uiit.' Cook's Cotton Root Compound l3 the only safe, reliable mouthly medicine on which ladies can depend iu the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases h by far the best dollar medicine known â€"sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special casesâ€" lo degrees stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. I, or No. a, mailed on receipt of price and two 3-cent stamps. Th« Cook Company, Wlodaer, Ootartp. Sold In Fle^herton and vverywhure in Canada by aU rekponsiblo Uru;(Kiota. XIIK GREAT Tlio war between Greece uiul 1 ur- ley lias at last broken out in full fury, and all day Saturday and .Suu- duy tiK.'io was fijjliting betwrtn tlic two a; . jicrf. What the outcome of tbis war will be is only tlio vciitst conjucturs, but there is little chance that tlic two powers now engaged will Lo allowed to light it out lo the hitter end. Other I'Unopean powei.s have too many interests concerned. Tur- key, which is probably tho stronger power financially and nunuiically, will mvcr bo allowed to whip (in ice, 'I'hu liuiuauity of Europe could iii.ver brook that. In any event wo look ior tho destruction of Turkey bifore tLid war is ended, although it may be at terrible coBt. The torront bus broken loose at la.st and nothing can filcui it now. Wlitre its track of dc- Btructiou will lie remaiua to bo seen. La.^t month 101 (oiiS of wood H.«huK wore shipped from F\'r;,'U8, most of which went to tho I'ltitud Statoii. Tho price paid was ii3.60 per to.i. Tlio Yaukcun are not ^low lo roalizo a |>(»id thing and ashc'H find a ready market 011 the other siile of the line. No butter iiianuro can hu used, especially in a fall wheat district, thi'.n W( (id ashes, and coisderiiuf tht pi'opoitiouately Hiiiall auiouut of aahes it takes to tho acre in coiripnrison with other foitilizura, it eeeins stnuigu that it is not made use of nearer homo.- Skel- buriie Fruj Press. Mrs. Sainui'l Eagle, iiear Hay view, died on Wednesday under very di.Htress- ing «i cuui.statices. About tsvo weeks ago alio was found helpless in tho barn yard where she had been miiUing the cows. It is supposed either she wa.i struck by one of the cows or had taken a paralytic stroke. Shu uov-er gained conacioUHiierH Hulliciont to give any satis- factory explau.atioii of tho caae. Sho Description and Pedigree le.ivis a large family of chihlrenâ€" fouitecnâ€" and liusliniid t.i inouiii tlu lu.H of a kind wife Mid mother. â€" Mea .Lrd Monitor. [ iPrince Arthur NO. 1,852, Y. C. II. 8. I n:i ported. July, '02 .SEASON OF 1897, The rcvolntiou in Cuba apptara to bo blumboring, if not quelled. Hpiiiiclaiiiis thatitbaa been putdown This may bo so and it may not. All tho best known leaders liare been killed, and a temporary cessation is iiut unnatural, but should othois cuuio to the fore, aa they probably will, it is possible that the war will bu ruvivkd wilb greater vigor tliau , , Oprin^ Sroeiri/, . If used in connection with proper subjoots anil handleil iu thu right way should 1)0 just as interesting as Kumnicr or fall poetry. Oriliiiaiy poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT of this sketch. It is something nioni valiiiililo. Something the people cannot do V. ithout at this season of the year. It i.s Ilarnt^ss mid \^ t \ r ITT H 1 1 1 ) 1;) 1 u" s I claim to koep iu Block tlio best good.s to he got in llie lino of horso goods, .such lis hanie-s-, buggy dusters, iInIo grease, sweat pads, hoof ointuieut, 'vliips, rubber lap i ogs, lined and un- liued ; dash aprons, and pnouiuatic horsu collars. Always up to-lo-dato in everything The POETRY of the THINQ Oonius in tho iunnenso satisfaction yim get in using our goods and the reivionable prioos you have to pay for them. M. Ric hardso n &__Co Our Millinery Opening weeks have been ,a grcQt success and promises a larger traJ-? than furmcr seasons. Our cu'.tomcrs find our prices adapted to tlie times an^ our large assortment of Mats, Flowers and Ribbons fills every requirement in those lines. Harnessmaker - - - Flesherton riUNCK AllTlll'tt U a pure broil Vnilmhlre (loach liortiu atul iui>t>tt«rect Iu thu Voiktbiro Couch tiomo Hocitty o( Urnat llritain ami IrulHiiii No. 1,K.")8. Color, bay ; black Iurs. ijiaiio and tail, and tH'rfeetly fioti From whitf, iilie.l SyiioB. st»r^u:< W\ liaiulri hli;b. wi'liilia 1,-lOU IbH., Imii tb6 bu»t of nolluu aiiit la outU-ul> free froid bleininli. VKISt'H AUTHUR wci hroit by Honvy W»t. »oii, Iteuii'ton, \ork, t''.iif;lanil. FoaK-d IhdU. siio, I'riuce Victor No. itTii ; R s., I'rincu of WaloR, ^171 I K. K H., Kmiiiirvr, IK, f,',R.g.H., llurod. 21S; (jn.i;. K. B., Kuiporor u.) ; (j. «. k, 1;. g. H.. Moiit'jr *2M. Daui, Coiiute'iH of \Viltoii, No. i!6. C. 11 S. 1!.; y, ilaui. bv KUliun I>lni, No. l,5yJ; «. K ilttiii, by Womlorlul Lail. UU ; g.K.t'. (lam, by Ma^tor (ieoii^e, ilt'S ; u. g. g.);. dam. by naiuuby, G70. Winner at t'.ia Worlil'H Fair CliicaKO, New York uitfl Ottawa. Kiist ot Toionto biirinn Show and HweeimtokcH for best btalliou any ago, l»;.>:i Kiihtand HiUor Medal at Toronto liiiUikti'lal, lUUn. I'i Ht and SweepRtukei at loroiilii h|irlug Shov/. ISJi. KiiKt I'lizu and Silver &luili,i aUo hwoepatakos f..'r boat StrtiUon any aj^o at Toronto In.lnstrial, 1S.(*. Princo Aitbur rogint.iroi' No. Mr ) Y. C. H. S., No. KOO A.('. II, H. U'nliod Statea Btnd Itook. luipoil- ed, July lai'i, by Tlion. Irving, Winolieatur. ""â- '^° â- Â»â-  MaM>AY. May 3, will leavo lot IS, cou. 10, i:npbrasia, at iioimi, an,i pioce<*d by w.iy of lltb line, Knpliraalaaiid St. Viuoimt, to KiUionrn White a lot 5, con, 10, bt. Vincent. f.>r nit:lit. TUI".Si>.\Y, will proceed by way of Hay Vinw to WoGilferd ior noon, tbeuuu to Wairiluw a liotol, Uwtin huuuil, lor iiij^ht. WEDNKrillAY, will proceed by way of luRle'a Kallu to Ivilsytb for noon, tiionce to Tura, Uuy a liutijl, for iiig-it. THUUHDAY, will )>rooeoil by wiv o( uvarniay to Mr. Siiielair 1^6^11 a, lot ^, con. 1.1 lUdt.-rbiio, near l)oboi{jtuii, f'.>r iiooit,thceco to Ulioonial.or'B hotul Denitoro, lor ni;jl)t. FUllJAY, will prooeal to Wllilanjaford for uoon, tlunou to Holland Cc-iitrc lor uigbt 3ATI'U1JAY, will proceed to lis own stnlile where bu will remain until the foDuwiug Mouday uoou. To ioauro a foal, ei9, to be paid lat .lannarv, ISUH, for tliu Huaaou, $12. paviibln tlio tlrat two ronnda Hiiigle lonp ylO, to bo paiil at time o< aervice. InBnrcd m.iBS uinRt be re- tuiiiod ra|;tliiLrly to tho llorae (iuriUR tile Be,i>ou or they will bi) oharf,'ed full iusiuanee, in fi)al or uot. Peraoua trying itiaru4 to the li^aae aihl Dct returning them will bo aliaiKed for tho aeaaon, Partlea dlaposlug of their inarea bo- foie oollectiug tune will bo ri aponaible fur inaurance. Ail acoidouta to uiarea at rUli of owuere. Gioom'a feea flOe iu adfanca. Dress Goods Our apiing purchases and impoit- alion.) are on fxliibition. We havo an iuitnijiso rai go of new coods in correct .s;5lesand hoiutiful coloriiiys. Si>!ei.did values in fafhioi.alile gojds- Silk and Wool Novelties, Pers'ana, Fancy Mo hail's, .Sdk ^h't Luatren, Sioitians and Moliair.t, Sill: and Wool Scotch Pl.ids. Tartans and Ch'clv.';. A wlmlj raogv of 48 inch Dieas Tweeds in a vaiii-iy of shades from 28câ€" 38c |>er yard. Spfcial barg.iin â€" no hotter vaiues anyw.'iere I j Prints and Cotton Goods j In this cl.i.ia of go-nl-i we ha»« , exerci^i'-'d ureal c:»rB i 1 seloctlooa ani aa a ic-v-.iiC c.iii offer a collection of il..! l-a.>(t j values, Howes' de.i.iiifi aod Lttert color- ;ing<iliiir diailii jjVa c wii[.e*i" ii-n. En,'- lish. C.tn:idvi 1 and Aiii'.iri'.:-»ii Priiita, iDeliiooa. >iuslin3. Crepona, La-.vn, Gin«- haiiis. fJ.ilut- .ta. Ciiaiu^'rxj-s, CI;:diit-», •etc. <!i»- li'.oM of l;|i U3K rmJ Waia goi'd.i niii.si be ueeii â€" we caa'i do juatic« j iu deci.n'ption. Carpets aiid Cuj'iains This is the time that housekeepers think of a new Carpet or Kug, new Curtains or Drapeiies to brighten and de- corate the hon^e. We have just what you want and at prices th .t you have not been accustomed to see. -TAPESTRY CARPETS from 2ik per yard â€"WIDE REVERSIBLE UNIONS from Coo per ya d â€"BRUSSELS from 55o per yard - LACE CURTAINS, 25o, -lOo, 50.; and 75c per j»ir Clothing We aie j'i«' in receipt of A l.trge and varied C"n«iL'i>nie.it of Ready .Made Cloihini! Kuitiiijle for sjiring, purchased •iL especially low f:j;iires. We can eiiit any person in quality, color and style from «ur lar).'o a«sortuient at poj'ular prices. Wi '^n you want a tailor made euit come and see our stock. We guarantee s.itisfaction and make a specialty of relialilo cl<)tliiii<j. We carry the best stock in the district cf WorKteda, Sergeii, Venetians, Cheviots, Sojte'i and Canadian Tweeds and Troust-rin;.;s, and a full line of Gent's Eurnibhini^H suitable for the season. Boots and Shoes We're enrhuaii&tic over this hianch of our hu-iiiiess. Our new slock is mure conipleto and varied than over. We can fit anyone in any style and ipiality. Every do-jcritiiion of seasonable f.jotweir requirod by luan, woman, boy, yirl or baby at ri;<ht prices. Specral values in Ladies' Fnie lioota and Oxiutd.-i tbiti season. HATS AND CAPS AU our new FELT conds just iu and ready ta display. Latest styles aiKi reliable goods fiom the best makers. As tho season advanced vre shall thow a very fine and complete raiigo of STRAW HATS in all qualities. House Furnishings We sro ofTernif^ unexcelled values in CARPETS and LACE CURTAINS and devote a large show room to thi.i de- partment. Our spring display invites and will repay inspection. Grocery Dep't lU'liablo |!oods at popular prictts a special feature. Stock always fresh na wo have a lari?e turnover, VVe are doing splendid business in TEAS. Good valiM is our first consideration â€" you can rely on our TEAS K'^ini? satisfaction We're sellint; tho best 25c tea on the market to day. Try it and be convinced I We have a stock now that cannot fail to please every custom- er. Tweeds at 40c, 50c and 60C that are new in style and finer values than ever before offered. Suitings HARI31HARE: DEIPARTMENT ffllil â-  11 Bii PB Spades & Shovels Loui{ or short handles with either socket or strapped fixture at GOc to 70o. Garden Rakes Made from best nialleablo iron, 12 and 14 teeth, good handle, special at 26c, JAS. BRSKING, Pr*p, h. CelUctor. J. nANARBY, n«aag«r. Garden Tools For ladies and children. Spado, Rftko and Iloo at 25c and 50o a .sett. Fence Plyers Bilkers Genuine 10-in Fence Plyew, made from bust steel and well tempered at 45c pair. Black Wire For Fencing, very soft and very tough. No. 11, ti2.25 per 100 lbs. No. 12, 82,35 per 100 lbs. Barb Wire Safety or 4 Point, well ^nlvanizetl at $3 per 100 lbs. Main Twist at sitiue price. XHE I^KOPl^PJ WHO DON'T Know tho BEST and CHEAPEST PLACE to buy TINWARE aro very un- fortunate as they aro losing money on everything they buy. â€"2 Good DIPPERS for 5o â€" Good Strainer Pads 35c and 4Cc each -10 qt, PAILS, 2 for 25c -Croaniera at 75c and 85o (See our Factory Cans before Ordering WE HAVE ODT on the inside track for Building Hardware, Cut and Wire Nails, 3-in Wire Nails are down t« f2,60 a keg. Get our prices. We can save you money. Only 6c for a SCRUB BRUSH, worth 10c. See it, it is a dandy. Headquarters for CHURNS, CR0CK3 and all kinds of China and Wooden.- ware. M. Richardson & Co

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