THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE % Vicinity Chips C!!«r«rtcr:stlrs of the Past Wo«k Ciirernlly VttHed for tlie *iriors -»«â€" flhiacis luAwes among lucaU xcUl be t i-hirjoi at the rate of ten c nts + jifr line fjr each insfrtion. A t rrAxi, lion will be Kuide on con- t ti\>.ett fur 100 IhifH or owr. Divis'tm Ciurt will be belU in tlie Tiiwa Hall oil Friday, to morrow. Horse owners ahou'.d rumcinber that yiK liiiTC na iiiie ii^fock of cut's as can bu foitni], »ii(I oiir prices ore rglif. Frivate mniioy t» It-t out on first «iiiirr^v<^» cii.fiirm fioucrty. lu'orost fijo. A.-dres, X. Y Z .Fl.-siiertmi P. O. The speL'iuI aervioea which have bepn l.cid iu tiio FrKfbjt«'rii-.n cluircli liuniii^ tile nasr five or .-it wvekj weiebrougUt to a cl'ise Fii*hj- ni,<lit. Rer. W. Trioiupsoii oeoiipi-d llie puliiic of the liitptist church on Saudtvy moriiia'j, Rav. Mr. Dirroch hiviun to at- tend cxniiiiii'itiiins iiiToro!!ti. TTiu Markdalo StAiidiird c-xys it is tumored that J. D. M.-rgin, i-f Dundalli, i< like'j' to he tiie Libi ral cni.didnte iit the nest Cntiiri'i u'l ctioo. Will " lluHile'-," who sent in ti luitch <if ii»'w>( from llie 8h, Oiiprey, i:u>t w-.'flt, tiiid'y furnish his natno. We must piTsmialiy kiiow the naiutrs of our c<im'9i;oiiU'nts. Bdia liavo been i.ssuud nskini; for toiidiTS for iho ercctii-n nf a chiese faiTt'iry on l-it 20, con 6, 0»prey, about a ii.ileanda quarter south of M.ixwell. yiill pa; titulars C!i!i !>o seound from Mr. Wui. T. JI.:K«e, Flesherton P. O. Dotniiiiiu Bxpreiis money orders at re- ducted rati-«. Thcsrt are popular, ;is •,hej are cafe, cheap and reliable jiiid are cashed without^o at any exprass t>aico in 0"na<\i, the United States or Euro])0. W. Clayton, agent, FlesUerton. Good Friilay was spent very ijuietly in towji. It was a counterpart of Sunday without the church services. Scarcely that, either, for afternoon aud evening services were hold in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Jas. McMuUen met with a pain- ful accident on Saturday wliile luailing grain at Protcn Stjition. In attemptini; »o block a wheel his hand was oiught under the wheal and the tips of two were severed. Dr. Carter dressed the wounds. The Durham Chronicle says that Ja.s. Vaunhan of Glcnroaden " saw over a hundred sn.ikes sunning themselves side by side one day last week." Mr. James Vaughan of Cilenroadeu should join a temperance society ri^ht away. Everybody has had their choice of weather during the post week. From bright, warm sunshiiic to arctic frigidity has the garnet run. The cold snap of Monday was felt a.H severely as any during the past winter, while Sunday was ai. ideal balmy spring day, Mr.l!cn Scanlan, town line Aiteniesia and Euphrasia, informs The Advaticc that he and Goo. McCartney sawed 20 cords of 2 foot hardwood from lofjs averaging 10 ft. long in 8 hours and 25 minutes one day week. We ccMiIdn't have done bettor than that ourselves. There is a prospect of the Floshorton band securing the position of batallicu band, which is now vacant. An eil'ort is being made in that direction, and "e believe with good prospects of succef-s. Our band conld uphold the honor ol the batallion all tight, and wc hope plum will fall to I hem. The service iu the Methodist church Sunday evening partook of the nature of a 80fi;» service. Three short addre.i'<es were deliveredâ€" one by Mr. Dyer of CshuT;), another by t!io pastor, and one ou "Hymnologj" by Mr. M. Richards, n. The nnisic furnished by the choir was much appreciated. The church v.i.s Iieantifully decorated with flowering plants for the occasion. Why c.'umot some spot ts begotten up for the 2Hh of May this year! It is a long time since anything of this nature h.isbcen indulged in, and it would be a welcome relief from the hum drum of monotony that characterizes the goneral holiday hero. No doubt if a committee of two or throe were to take the thing np oor villagers would tak» kindly to the Ul^estion, Fi* saleâ€" good cow 111 calf. Will b iiiilkini' by Mny 1. A] ply to H. Flesher. There will be an auction sale of Mao- doniUd's bankrupt stnoU on Saturday, April 24, at 2 and 7 p.m. The at Oltava ou Monday passi-d an orderin-council uiaknig the 22nd vf June the date for the Diamond Jubilee celebration allovvr the Dominion. Harried iii Haste The board of LiceiiacConimissioners fur Centre Grey will meet at Dodson's hotel, Piocklyn, ou Monday, April 2(5, to con- sider applications f^ir licenses. Rehearsa's the play, "Thy Loaf,'" are proofediug nicely aud it is expected the drama wiil be rvidy for pripdnciion about May 3. Full announce- nieni will bo made within a few dajs. As this is under the ausincei of the Ep- worth Lnaguu of the Muthodist cbuich, no doubt a crowded ha 1 will greet its production. Mr James Russell, lot 3], Con. 6, Artvmusia, mot with a sal l)ereaveinent on Tluu.sihiy of ln.'-.t wei?i( by the dualh of his wife at the sge of -13. Mis. Russell, besides her luisbaiid, left a large family (,f n'r.e iliildreii, the eldest being about 18 year.-i. The funural look placo to Flesh- erton cen.eliry on Saturday, and notwith- standing the cold, stormy nature of the day, WHS very largely attendi-d by friends neighbors atid warm sytiipathizers with the family who were so suddenly bereav- ed. Mrs. Russell was highly respected by all who were acipiaintod with her. PnRS0N.\l.3 Clerk W. J. BuUair.y speut Easter holidays in Ton^nto. Dr. Sproule, M. P , wtus in town on Sunday. Mr. Dyer ai:d littlo daughter of Oshawa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jo8. Blackburn utrer E-wter Sunday. Mr. W. .Armstrong, jewol'er and optician, spent several d lys nf the week in Toronto, liis custoniera may look out fur souieluiiig nice in his line now. Mescrs. Will Harris, T. Carson, J. Lavello and Wdl MaiKarlano, of Dur- ham, drove over on Good Friday and spent theafternoiin with friends in town. We trust the boys enjoyed themselves. In fact wo had ocular evidence that they did. Come again, young gentlemen. Among the Fleshortonians who spent holiday at their homes here were: Mr. Fred Sproule, Prtrkdalo hi«h school ; Mr. Chas., Woodstock Baptist College ; Charley Munshaw, Business Cidlege, Owen Sound ; Mr. E. and Miss L. Armalioijg, Toronto ; Mi. Bert .Armstrong, Kimberli-y. A Poison Case A bench of magistrates consisting of Messrs. A. S. VunDusen, M. Ri;;hard8on and W. Stewart listened patiently all Wednesday afternoon of last week to a pi'ison case fn)m Eugenia. There were two charges, one against fl!r. Robert Gorley and the other against Mr. Jonathan LHlimor for putting out poieon. The complainant was Mr. R. Geiioc, who liad a hound poi.soned a short time aj^o. Mr. Gouiley admitted having put out poison for foxes and was fined 85 and costs. Mr Latimnr denied having had poison out during iho pist three mcnths, and the case ugaiiist him was ditmissed, each party, however, to pay their own costs. In connection with this it may be well 1 1 q-.iote the law ri^g.^irding poison fm- the benefit of the public at large. This offense is becoming allo- gethor too common iu our district and must be stamped out. Some petpple do not appear to under-stund the law in this matter, and â- >thors totally diiregardit. Soc. 5, chap. 1'.), .5i> tic, says : " It shall not be lawful for any person to kill or takeany aninml prctoct>d ly this act by the use of poiscai or poiiotious sub- stances, nor to expose poison, poisoned bait or other p lisoned substances in any place or locality »hv:re dog.i or cat;le may u.siially have to the same. ' The penally provided is from ?6 to f 25 with costs of prosecution, and in defaulli of p.ayinont three months in' jail. AUCTION SALE â€" OF- ]VIa,cclona»ldL-s Bankrupt . Stock SATURDAY, APRIL a^, AlaANDjP.n Rev. J. Mahau of this p'ace tells an interesting incident o jnnected witli his pastoral labors of a few years ago. While stationed at Mono Roid two men ran up from the Junction, about two miles away, on a hand oar, and inforni«d him that his p.esenco was required immedialely at the Junction to marry a couple. On arriv- ing there it was discovered that i o license had been secured, and paities were despjituhed in two different direc- tions, one on a handcar and one on foot, to secure this neci'Ssary document. As the couple desired to take the tram for Hamilton, nearly due, extreme haste was le-piired, and the train die?r in be- fore the men dispatched for the lice.nse had rotuined. A moment after- ward the man on the handcar carae in with the document, pufTing and blowing, and no time was wasted in beginning the ceremony. It was "iiiultum in parvo" in this case, and the p.istor says he never talked so fiist iu his life, while the bride- groom's father talked lo the conductor and tried to persuade him to hold the train. Before the last words were pronounc- ed, which made the couple man and wife, tbo train strated, and the young people maJo a bolt for tlieir car without the customary benediction. This, however, was tired after them as they ran, the certificate was forwarded by mail, and thus happily ended one of the speediest and most exciting weddinss on record. Obituary M.'H. Simmons, wife of tlie late John Simmous, 4:h line, Arleinesia, died on Mond.iy, 12ih inst., at the residence of her f>on in-law, Mr. Frank Chard, at the advanced a^e of 7-t year?. Deceosed passed away after a short illness, She leaves a large family behind to mourn her loss â€" one son aud SfVen daughters â€" all of whom reside in this township with the exceptions of two who live in W<Kidstock. She left the nssnrnnce behind that death to her was a gain, and was glad lo join the hived ones gone before, trustina in her Saviour. The funeral .sermon was pr.:ached in the Presbyterian chuc'i, Fleshirton, Easter Sunday, by tie pastor, Rev. Mr. Thoin, from the words : "He is not here for he is risen as hcs.iid. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." M.ilt.hew 28and 6. NOTICE Noiico feboruby glvou that P. HolRor.of tho villa<!« of Prieerille, liaR iinulo ai>plieati()M to tite Hoard of Licoii^H'^oimiiistiioni'rBfnrL'untre Uri*v fortr&UBfur of UcuUtiofrom Joa. McDonald to thu haifi V. UolKer. Crown Uot»l, Pricaville. j f rUTf '* The RoHt Popular D U L II 1 J Ma juBty I havo tvcr f lar tiifo of Hor scon," writo* Liurd ' Lonio, about " Quooti Victoria." Balos uupi-uuedontod. Eeny tu mako Atu dollars dally Big uouiUiiuaioii. Cutflt free to cauvasBurH. THIi IJUAULEY-GAIIEKTSON CO.. Toionto. ToacherB. Harridtorr.PbyicianB aud uiliurH of a ainiilnr traiuii g. for hi«h clfue eolic t D'. Wl.l pay forty dollars weukly and railway 'aro ou dumoustration of Utifot^^urN nhilit;-. Thu Hiadluy-oarretson Co., Ltd., Torouto. For Coughs, SDrilCG Colds, Bron- **!'•"«" «S,J.°" Gum \ KERRY, WATSON & CO., PnoMiKTe**. i Moufncnu ; : I^OGS : : WANTED ! Ill unlimitctJ quantities at tlie fiiil ii-illl Higliest Cash Prices. only Sc Per IBag. lEECBQFT & TiLBOT HILL & CO FLESHERTON Have just opened up this week cases of merchandise, placing in stock a large quantity of new goods fresh from the manufactures. Some specially seasonable lines as follows : SSoois and Shoes We have a splendid selection of these, bran new, in the latest shades of color or black for gents and ladies. Our prices compare favorably with the lowest, and our makes are the best on the market. We have a special line of women's glove grain boots at Si â€" e.xtra value â€" and a beautiful ladies' bull polish shoe at 85c. See them. jffats and Caps A large stock to choose from now, in the new- est anil nobbiest goods for boys and men. A nice woman's sailor hat for only 25c. Children's sailors, same price. NE^V GOODS ^" ^^ departments are ar- ^^^^^^^^^^ riving every day, and the public will be kept pcstcd from time to time as to the bargains to be secured. We purpose doing business strictly on a Caslx J3a>si5 and our piiccs are marked down accordingly. We have put these down to a figure where we feel assured it will pay the publi: to transact business with us. We want the public to be of the same opinion and invite them to come and test our assertion. Butter, Eggs, Wool, Hides, etc., t-ikcn as cash. Watch this si>ace. It will jjay you to do so. HILL & CO. FLESHERTON ^fllf"*!*^!.' ' AN EYE OPENER ll^ \it For Cash Purchasers ^ You have been helping u» to carry slow and bad paying W customers for a long time ^ M\ Now wo are going to help you, and this is tlie way we are going to do it ^ Hq More Credit, No More Bad Debts Everything at the Flcsherton Funiture VVnreroonis fi-om this out, will bo done on CASH li.V.SlS, that means to y(m a sjivin^ of fmin 1U% to 20"; on all von buy now in Fl'RXlTL'HB, WINDOW SHADES, PICTURE F.^AM- INti. Vi'e have some decided bnritins now in Sl'ITS, BEDR<K)M SriTS, and PARLOR SLITS. Our high back DININOROOM CHAIRS are causing quite a commotii^n. J. E. MOOI1I3, Furniture Fealer and Undertaker, Fieshcrtou Furniture Warerooras 4 ^^!i!/ <^ FARM TO RENT a o.l farm to rent, two milns from Fleslior- ton. Apply to Jons WlilouT, Jr. FARM TO RENT OR SELL Lot ITR.aml con. N. 15. T. * S. U.. 03 ocron . aooii frame house : f)0 aorua okfticd. 1-iu-y lariUB. W.A. .\KMSrnONG, Kleuliortou. jFLESlEBTOil MM PMl'll TiTp TO A\T toliHiiilIo ostttlilinhoO trailn in YYJJ Vrilliltliis oomity. Caiiaitian stock AP Li^rpO Rimvnnti-od tolivo, I'urmanunt tlfiniO jiueitioii, wliolo or nftit tiino. I^iberiil tornu. You rfti innka ti-u dullnrs k wookor l)oltor witli ii:<, for ovory wuek you worit. No ox|>orifinconoco»8ary. Brown Brothers Company, ContiBontal Nursories, TOUONTO, 0«.TX 15 Moll. I^ublic Notice NOTICE Is hereby ('ivon foibiflilinR kogr pGrHOi: or personfl troapaBHing on or oiittinn, interforing with or removiiic any timbor off lott il, on tbo 9tb and IflHi ooncusolon, .\rt«Tiieirf», and lots 143, 144 aud 14S an any and all porioni doing 80 will h« proaccatoil acoordiuR to law. K. J. 8PK0ULR. Afisut, ei«>k«ii»Mt. DMambtf. U, â- «& !Propriator Hairdressing in the Latest Style Agent for the Rolstin Laundv, Toronto, Scissors Sharpened and Razirs Honed in first class Style. Parm. for Sale Farm for sftio oboap. Ol ii^ron, well wftt rod 3) ni'IoB oast of thin villn^jo, known as tho Fon wick farm. A| -oiy to H. UiohardBOD, aesiiiEno i ^vA^a•ED Mao and Women who can w ork hnrd talking and writinu lix hourn dail>, for six days a ws^ek and will bo conisnt with ten dollarii weekW, Ad4r*u, NJiiW IDBAS CO:, Branttord. Cnk