Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Vicinity Chips <yiarartcris(J<'s of th« Past Week C.ircrsilSj Cailed for tbe hi in tat nuli^n aotjiij fviiXi xciil ht t cKtrjfed ut the rtrft; ef ten e-nitt t ;•«.â-  line fur each tr.Vi-tiun. A t retitHion wUl be v.ide on coh- t trxctt for 100 ii»iM -cr veer. Fnow on Mutiday, atiil kitiJ •every <l:iy. Sjhio! i)-ie;ii;d uii MoaJ^y afti-r a week <i LcIiJays. Ir.jjector licpkirk was iu t.iwn one Caylnfit wctk. Eivst (Jrf y twkclsers' ciinjention will be l.cia l!uy eO anJ 21. A njov stock of lodus visitiui; carJa on l.u:nl »' t!ii» office. >rteir.e3ia township o^uticil will meet til Sutuiday, M«y 1. J. H. Keird & Sou ch;ui«;e tlieir ad- Vi-rtiacnici t thia »etk. Reml it. Tlie Owen Sou.id Times says it is likely a new baseball luao^'ie wiil tie furmed with Duniialk, Markdale, tleshertoiv, Sliclburiie and Owta Sound. That wijuld bti nice, but we duu't thmk Fluah- crtuii cau be counted un. f, Mr. C. Sftuiple of E'jgi-uia brought iu a liandscimo bird on Moailay. It was a created grebe <>f the drake persuasion, and «1)3 caught beaide the road where it had probably fal'i-n after beconiiftg exhausted in iis northern Ui-ht. A case of n.iatakefi idetitiiy occurcd in our liUi*; week's issue. In the poison case from Eugenia Axr. Jonathaii Latimer's name was j;iveii ai one of the defenilants, whereas it should have be en Mr. George L.-itinier. We did not norice the error uutilthe edition was nearly off, hence this â- correction. Flesherton Cemetery sued Jas. Stinaon Tor pasturage. Tliis action arose ««it ut a case iu the last court which went against plaintiff. Nuu suit. Sickling V. Hoi^per â€" Charles Hickliut; sued \V. C. Hopper for the price vf a -jun which he claimed to have sold him. Defendant denied having purchased the gun.and after both parties to the caaelhad been heard the judge entered a dod suit. An inipoftar.t case which did not coaie to trial was that of Mr. Walter Bell v. the Bell Telephcne Cocpany. It appears that the company injured or cut down some shade trees growing along the road in front of Mr. Bell's property on tbe gravel road, near Dundnik, and action was brou^iht for damages. The case, however, was settled before coming to court, the coiupaEy, we understand, pay- iri|z $40. We are privately informed that no telegraph or telephone company have any tight to interfere with shade trees in this manner, and they can be brought to book for so doin^; every lime. Ths annual nieetiux of the trustees an^ plotholders of Flesherton cemetery will be held in the Town Hall at 8 p. m. on Monday the lOih day of Miy. A full at- teudauce re«(H«stpd. Wm. Clayton, Sec. Daily ncrspapfrs have been nvide up for the ['•at wtck of ^ar and tariff. Quirt r'.y s--viee will be held iu the JUllud it church on Sin-.day next. XIt«ro wore six lawyers in town on I!-ivi:>io:i Court day. Thundor stof ;n8â€" the first of the sea- » -nâ€" arrived cu Thursday and Friday lik.t. S.die & Co. shipped tho bahinoe of the McDonald bankrupt stock to Gore Bay t'.is week. Don't you wautson.e notoheads' nicely l-rinttdl Or envelopes? Wo supply them at this office. Get your scissors or razors sharpened «t L' gard's bar'uer sluip. Done in the Lost style. Bem«m1)er "The Last Iniar' iu the Town Hall on Fridij, May 7. Admission ti'y and ID cents. McFarUnd * Son. Markd.ile, want 500 lbs. No. 1 gcesa feathers. 76 white granite tea pot.-', r<'gular 40o, now 15c. PERSONAL5 on first Interest Address X. Y Z., Flesherton P. O. Private money to let out mortgage on f.inn property Mr. J. Uick!ii>g, 8th con., Artemesia, l.aa ere-ted a shingle mill and is prepared to 8--11 or cxehuii'^o shingk-s in quantity. See his advertisement in another column. Trout fishing will not opoivuiitil M.m- day, May 3, this y>-«r, as tho moath begins OM Salurdiy and that day is in- clusive iu the close season. Mr. J. T. Beecroft visited trieuds in CulIiuKWood. Mr. T. Harris, license inspector, Dur- ham, was a caller on Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong in visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Fida Bowerman, Eugenia, spent last week iu town. Mr. and Mrs. G. VTalter, Homing's Mills, visited friends iu towu on Friday last. Mr. A. J. Chisholm, agent for the Excelsior lusuranc Co., mas a caller on Monday. Mi^s Ilia Ctane, Owen Sound, was the guest of lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Trimble. Mr. S. Daninde, inspector of the Farmers Loan and Saving Co., Toronto, was a welcome caller on Friday last. Miss Ida Irwin, teacher in the junior department of our schoi'l, visited friends at Kincardine during the Ea.ster holid-.iys. Mr. ^V'm. Heard, of Keinble, was the iiuest of his Lather, Mr. J. H. He.ird, of this town, for a few days during the past week. Miss Ida Wilson, of GugeuLi, spenc E:tster liolidays with friends iu town. Miss Rsenie aiid Master Lorrio Man shaw of the same place a'iO visited hero. Church Notes Mr. H. Sydie was up before M.igistrate VanDuson on Monday for ne'.ling goods by auction without a license. It cost him S13.00 including costs. Jlr. Wm. Neil cut bio hand nuite bad- ly or a lamp g^ass one d.iy i.^st week. Dr. Carter was obliged to put in severa stitches when dressing it. al Just eight bicycles have bech sold in town during the past two weeks. It will s.)«n pay some mechanic to start a repair shop. Mrs. TnmWo is showing some very elaliorate ht-adwear Ihij week, in ladies' tonnets dainty and stylishly trimmed, a'sosuaio very pretty chib'reu's hats. Hung Himself James P. Madden, of the 8th con., Osprej, committed suicide early M'jnday mnrniug by hanging himself in the barn with a plow line. The deed was com- mitted between 12 and 1 o'clock a. m. Deceased had been in poor health for some time, and tlie direct cause was con- sidered to be melancholia. He was .ibout 49 years of age and lived with his mother and two sisters. The suicide was most deliberately planned. Mr. S. Brownridge, a hired man on the place, went out to feed the horses about 5 a.m. and discovered the cold and lifeless body haiigiiig by a plow line from a beam in front of the horses, with nearly one half of tht) body resting upon tbe tiuor. There was no inquest. HILL & CO FLESHERTON jCadies and Sentiemen We have now got our new stock in position and invite your inspection of the following lines this week. There are extra values in these goods, every one of them. We are to the front with Spring' P.rints Silkaline, Ginghams Crinkles, Einkles Crepons, Etc Hosiery i Children's, 4 pairs for 25c. I Ladies' Fast Dye, full siises, 2 pairs i for 25o. ; Gent's Cotton Sox. 5e pair, beat all. j Gent's Sol, 10c pair and upwards. ] Ladies' aud Children's Vesu, 5c ', each. Ladies' Vests, 15c and 25c. Dress Goods Keady-Xlacie Clotliingf Men's Tweed Suits, $4.25, be beat. cau't Men's Worsted Suits, soft Toaetiait finish, 911.00. Crockery Latest pattern colored An Old Resident Dead Won't you sul scribe to the public libriry. More n vnu-s are requirctl this month oi about *150 govtrnment grant will be hist tills year. Tickets aic only DO cents. " T!»e last Loaf" will be given ~uiii!cr the au 'I ices of the Epworlh League, in the Town Hall, Fleshirton, on Friday, May 7. B>'-1* »'" ^^ circulated this weak. Aduiissiin 25 and 15 cents. On Tuesday evening the I'.h of Miy the Rev. Charltw LanijfnrJ T.ill lecture in the Fltshertoii Mctln.><.li<t church on tho" Reason why I left the Church of Rome." Admission, Children 5, adults 10 cents. Good music will bo fumi.shed 1>V 'he choir and otheis. Mr. Langford will lecture ill the Meaford Road church on Wednesday evening, the 5th of May. The p.vstur will preach in .Meaf. rd Road- church next Sunday evening. Subject " Choice of a husband." We are pleased to learn that Mr. .\. B. Diuroch, C. K., who has been gupplyinj the {lulpit of tho Baptist church here as missionary pastor for iho past twelve months, h:vs received and accepted the unanimous call to become its pastor, to lake full charge aud oversight of the church here ••and at Priceville. iVIr. Darroch has lately conipletetl his college course. He will, D. V., return from To.onto this week and occupy the pulpit of these churches next Sunday, .Miy 2. The ladies' .\id of the Baptist church here have, during the p.-w»t two weeks, done consid •.Table ill beautify! rg by way of piinting, calaoinining and carpeting, as well as having a new platform erectid, which adds considerably to tho neatness and comfort of this pUice of worship. One of tbe very oldest residents of this township died on Saturd.iy, in the person of Mr. Joseph Strain, Sr., who passed away at the advanc-ed age of S8 years. Mr. Strain was bom in the county of Mouaj;han, Ireland, and re- moved to this country with his family iu tlie year 18-49, settling on the farm where he has lived until his death. Mr. Strain raised raised a family of nine children, viz., Mrs W. Arnistrons, Markdale ; Mr. Wm. Strain, Flesher- ton ; Mr. J«seph Strain, and Miss C. Stniiu. w'oo Iiv» ou the homestead ; ihe late Mis. Fitd Armstrong ; Mrs. C. Briiwn, Collingwood ; Mrs. W. C. Rob- iuBoi), Mihitola ; Mrs. John Garton, Torofi'o ; and Richard Strain, BoisfO rain, Man. T!n.ro have tn'y been three dc.iths in the family during the past CO years. One sister â€" Mrs. Fteil .\rm- stronjâ€" died twelve or fourteen years a-o, and Mrs. Strain died" eight years a).o. Deceased was a man of sterling character, and was .ilways hisjhly resjKcf- ed. Ho was a consistent number of the Meth'd'.st church f.r et5 years, and was one of the eldest local preachers in this part of tb.e country. He was also col- IMiitcur for the Bible society for a number of years. He leaves over seventy children, graiidehildren and great grand- children. The funeral took place on Monday to the Flesherton cemetery. Previous to mtermont service was held in the Methodist church, con- ducted by Rev. Mr. FoUis of Dun- dalk, i»ha t.'ok for his subject •' Blessed are tho dead who die in the Lord from heuceforlh, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them." I Crate Crockery. Drcsa goods, plain. 15c to $1.10, . „. , .»_ ,„ ^^ paryanl. , 97-piece Dmner bett, f7.60; 08- 'Cotton Shirtings, 6c to 14c per yard. ?'«*« '^"'^ ^"- ^''^ Cottonades, Denimes, etc. I 1 Crate Glassware, beautiful de- See our 3c Factory. ) «gn8 "u^ patterns. Boots & ShoeS"AII Sizes and Kinds HOUSE CLEANING TIME is upon us V\Tiite Wash Brushes and Whiting is needed. We liave it. OUR GROCERY Is full of new and frcnh go.xls. 1000 bars ECLIPSE St).\P, the largest and best bar in use, 1 box D<'niinoe3 given with every 6-bar purchase. Butter, Eggs, Wool, Hide?", etc., taken iis c.tsli. ciiace. It will pay you to do so. Watch this HILL & CO. FLESHERTON are sill- 15 cents McFsrland & Son, Markdale ing Ittco curtains i\ y.irds f-'t p lip. 7 lbs. beat tapioca for £6 ccut.v \l b;us good uKip for 25 cents. Paper luedles 1 cent. Among tho appointmenta sanotiotied by tho Minister of Militia is the follow- ing :- 31st Civy Battalion â€" No. 4 comi'auy, Capt. Samuel J. McGirr is porm''tel to resign his couim'ssiou and to retain the rank of Ciptain on retire- ment. To be Captai:^ Secrnd Lieut. Ila!ryA!exan.Ur lluntc.-, vico M.Gir-, rvtised. Divlson C3urt Judge Morrison held Diviton Court in the Town Hall ouFiiJivy last. There were twentytivc cases before him, altogether. A largo number of theso wore insinniti- caiit. Two or throe of these cases, how- ever, wore of lathor more than oulinary interest, ajid among these wo might niontion McWilUanis v Stpmbâ€" An action on account for services rendered dcfendent's sister, \> ho wtts living with her biothcr. Defendant Straub claimed that he w;i« not respoivsible tor the„debt. Judgment for plaintiff. Deruslja v, Stinsou -Ch:«. Dorusha Provincial Delectivo Campeau and M.ahouey f'>llowcda couple of tramps. who lud robbed MeConnell's grocery in Chat- ham, to Bell River. The suspects were in a railway car, and when Mr. Mahoncy went in to arrest them Charles Brown, colored, shot him with a revolver, fatally wounding the officer. Detective Campeau bred and w.iuiuled Bro"-u, and tho two prisoners were taken to Chatham, where M.ihonoy's ante-mortem statement was taken. Before Chief Justice .\rmour atSimcoe, on Tuesday, J. Whale sued the township of Wingham for damages for injuries su-slained by being thrown out of his rig byah'gintho road. He was awarded $1,000. FiMBTi %mwi mm JT jCeyard - - S^ropriator Hairtlressing In the Latest Style Boug ^»t New Stock Furniture For Our flay Trade Better values, hai:d:iomer design and sreater variety than ever heforo. .Vt thiss*asonofthe yeireverv-u-J is houde cleaning and rearranging. D-m t nil those old ticks again witli dirtv straw atul thistles, we are sollina line clear, hea.thy MATTRESSES and SPRINGS much lower in price than they used to be, ai.d then our present cash system brings them still lo^er. We have a beautiful line of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES away, away down in price. It you Lave a picture or photo lying antund b«ing spoiled by h iHdl- ii.g bring it in and got a frame "for it, you will bo surprised at how lif.lo it will cost you and thj excellency of our stock iu this line. y. €. 9//oore, " " J^hcfherton Furniture Dealer and Undertaker FULL ASSORTMENT OF t SPKINO - unci - SLMXIEi;: ...FOOTWEAR... In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to at CLAYTON'S . . Agent for tho Dominion Money Order Express. Ltinwj" D. McTavish FLESHERTOX KEEP5 ON HAND Agent for the Rolstin Liundry, Toronto. Scissors Siiarpene^i autl Bb^ts HoEsd in first-class Style. ...REPAIRS For Mas.^ey Harris, Noxon. Fleury and Wilkinson farm imidomonts. Fleury and Verity plows on hand .ill the time, also »ll kinds of repairs for the siune. We manufacture Wsgons, Buggies. Cutter*, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand.

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