Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1897, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SM > %%%1fc^%^%%%^^%/%%%%%W%%%%%^%^ ^^'^k^^V^ ,,, WINTER SALES ^/i:^ NOW RUSHING I â- :-^.»...».T......i â€" -â€" ^^1 -. TIiiK is tlio sciison of yu»r when you want to buy a cutter or sloigh. I Imve themâ€" bciiutios â€" liud will buU on your i>wn turiiiHâ€" if thoy are not nil <)iii)-.siilc(l. I'iiintiiig ami ru-tiimiiiiiii^ doiio to ordor. Don't buy without looking iu mwu my sjiniplus luid gutting pricoo. R. T. WHITTEN # ii^/^/^^%^%/%/%/%^'%/%,^/%,'%/%'^/%/^^^,^^^^,^,^t,^^^ Vi? WVi*? '/i? ^i? ''f? '/i^ W '/!«• W ^C!" "JJ*" •^1*' W '/i-i- 71? •71'i' ?!? "it? Ilt^- 'it mm .•At, 7 ^'. ;• 13iiggi('S, Carts, Wajjoiis, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds uiid r('])air9. Binders, UuwcrR, llorso llaki.'s and Corn Scuiilers and ripaiis. Chains of ail kiiidd. Iloi'scshoiinig a specially at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms â-  .v«. »vv- <i;^»v». .<"> »>'!. ^f. ^<. ^i'^ ^ti. ^!6i'<;^'/-^;4 j.i«. .x',!. .\t/> ^\f«. ^.1/5. ^f«. ,}t^ ,>to i.>* •jjc 'rtC '/i'i' •>»>;" V)«> "JiJ- • BARNHOUSE Tli3 Flour and Fruit Man \Vis!ics to draw tlio atlontioii of llio l^ubtic to the f>dluwiii<; sjiuiialticj : DOGSKIN MITTS and LEGGINGS 11.^1) lo oidur, or » ill hcU out of block. 4-IlUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OySFERS IN SEASON Try our bronk fast C'EllEALS. Flour of all I'r.iJeiiiii Ktock. Bo'>'. AiiJ Shoe buaiiifsa <tlso attended to •*â- > usual. VV. Darnliouse, Flesherton Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY UEST I'LACE IN CANADA iO (JET A THOllOUGIi llltJlNESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip ^^iLA\Z 'iow all HinttPH CollfXus Bixl l*omni<^iTial Deiiat-tinmitfi in Caiiiicla. then viftit thu North'Tii Btisiiiosn ('ol)e^o ; exniiiitit! ev«*ryc})int{ tbcirouu'lily. If w(i (ail tu iiroiliiuo tlio iiiurtt ttiui'otiuit, coiii|tIutn, practical aii'l fxtoiiajvo coinwo of tttiidy ; tlio bent coIIvk*) |(rt*iiiir-ui4 Kill) tlio IxTrit fiDil inobt coiiiphto uiid ui'fHt ^'iltalilu fuinitui'u iui<l iippllatic«iB. nn vill uivo yuii a fill otniiHO KKI".!;. Kor annual aiiuoiiiiciiiiiuutf, t;iviiitj full parliuiilars, froe. ililtlruhg C. A. FLE.\1ING, P.iuciiwl ' EUaENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works ('uninges niadi* niid repaired, also I'iaiiin^' and Matching', iiand buvvm},', Wood Tiiiiiiiif,' of evury dcB- boripti'jii. Pinning' and Grain Chop- )iii);{ done wl)ilo yon wait, for the Liuuvcr turns tlio wlicol. T. W. WILSON. Manager : ; ILiOGS : : WANTED \ In unlimited quantiiiefl at tlie Oil Photos ^i â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph Gallery Iligliest Gush Pi'iucB. onlv CSc Per IBag Beecroft & Talbot ^ are done in firat-cliins style and at % lowiist riilfH. hpucial attontion (jivcii to co],yiin;. liabifH* photos. u <i|>cci«lty. Pictures fianied. MRS. BULMER I FOB - SALE - DY- \. J, SPBOOIE, FlESBEBTOil IF YOf W18H TO UIIY rRDPEHTY CONSULT THIS BfACE. FOR S.VLE cheap and on easy ttrniH. ono nnlo from Floslicirton, !li ucreN l.ind imd on which is a goo<l 7 rootn.s frann' dwelling, well and conifortnhly linished stone eeller underneath, nml good well and pump in kitchen, go(Hl frame stahle and drivin|{ Iiouho. nlKo brick lined hen lioUNe, NUiall orchard eonunencingto bear. Apply to K. J. Sl'KOL'LE, FloBherton. A DEAD HAUGAIN if sold d>ning present month Two improved farms, one a mile from Prieeville and the oth-r same diatanco from Wareham. Smull payment down, balance on VERY easy I onus. Also a hundre<l and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Fle.sber- ton, principally hard wo(kI bush, 25 acres cleared ami frame dwelling and stable. .\ny person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. TRADK MARKS. DKSIONS, COPYRIGHTS Ao. AnTono HflnclliiR b slintdi nnO <lp»nrl|>linn ni»y quii'lily iwi^iTtnln, free, wlu'tlinr im liivoiilinti la piiiliiirpljr imtflitnlilo. t'.iEiiiimiili'iitlcinii striitlr ccinnilunllHl. oldoal adoniy fi>r8(wiirliii< luitonta In Ainvrka. \i» Imvo u W»»hlii«tnii ulllca. I'ntenta tnkHn thruuxh Utuin A Co. voewT* â- puulal aotlott III the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, t>Ck:5tlfiill)r llliisiratiMl. larireat circulation of niir iinluntino Jiiurnal. WBekl;,term«lil.lKI a reari fl.Himi mniifhs. Spoi'lmfln coplns mid UAND Book um Pa TKNTfl uent frua. Addruwi MUNN & CO., 301 Urouilwav, N«w Yark. Cash : for : HidesI Sluepakini ainl all kinds of fins jiur- •haf<ed, for which highest ranrket price will be paid. Honiomadu aausagea on hand, ftlie all kiiidi of meats. Floshcrlou Meat Einpotium The Sarsaparllla was Water The Toronto Star stil. oontiaei ta n«a iti lluutgbn ray in endearoi iiig to uuina»k lb* "way* that are d»ik aiid irioka thai nra vaiu" 'n dopartmeuul Btorei, and hii published itB iatereitinj e-xpci'icnca wi^h Kt/ard Iu paleuo insiiici.uK. "1 h»Te no heaitu ion ia dtclarire that no moio hear!,le»s fraud wag evtr jcr- petraied ou the public of Cana'la than thai perpetrated by the departmeu'ul atorei "f lids city, in re.liug the articla rcprciented to be a ?1 bu'tle of .Saraauarill^, and ulter- fd aH a (;reut bargiiiu at 35 cents, the public have become to como extent aruas- tniued 10 fakes of ooe sorter another, tiare the advent of the departmental store, and on the pi'iDc:pl<? that tlje puiilic ralhir Uk4 lo be hiiiiibiiKged, iippiirenily, are willing to be fleeced with tliuir eyes open in what they tliink are, uf'er all, only I'IUhII iiiaitera. In fact, vliey arc rather iiicliued \,'i give credit to cerlsiu slirewd men of buiiuc.^3, and altrdiiite tricks of trade to Bup'-iior "binartuess.' in wiiich one Lusi- uess man gets & litt e ahuud id anotnir. ihe sciciicii of lueditine is supposed to be pill sued at an ciiornius cott. and by the brightest iiitelli'cta of every age.with ulllhe resouicsii and the aecuniulaud kuoalndgo of centuries at tlieh- command â€" for what? For the alleviation if human BufTcrioi;. And what ia the piililio offered, as the re- snli of all lliis reaeiireh ? A modern dt- |ur:nuiii store comet along aud bobliy advertise a med. cine nhiCh it calls ssisa- panlln, iiii I for wi>i;:h tbo following virtues are claimed the c'aiins beini; set forth in largo piintod lyp« on the" c uisido of every bottle of this prtci'His remedy : 'lb.it it "iuvariabiy ciirea," among other evils, "ilheunuitigin, .xcrcfula, hnmcrs, ring worm, head&ches, catarrh, Coustip&tiun, paioa in the bick, female weaki;ea8, general debility, fevers, diarihoea, and all nervous comp'a.nts." E«p>cially is it noted iLol "lor female conipluuit it has no equal, and, being a purely vegetable prepanilion, it it a safe and reliable renia<ly for old or youug, m.riicdor siui(le, (t males iu every uoo- dition (d hialth or station iu life," These evils are all real Oncush, and are nut 4 matter for jesting aud jugglery. Sure- ly a r>-meilr that will alleviate or oare such huff^ruig touuld be worth its weight iu guM. The dispensers of such a medioine hhuuld be btiited us Leuefactt^rs of the liuinun race, and be bell worthy of wouu- meiits raised to their mem'>ry. But, alas for modern buMness methoils, and "lernaie wcakneBa" for bargains, what ilo we liud ? I will tell you what I found. I purchased a bottle o( this wondeifulSl remedy, for the sum < f Ho cents. He'ug curious as to what I had got for my money, I took the bottie to an expert cheniiit tu have its contenta carefully examined. I'ruceeiling under the mustaxact couuiiiunt the who'e 10 ouuoes uf this dark-colored niiiture was by tiiu regular ciieinicsl nieibud careully evtpnrated, with the ob- j< ct uf fluilii'.g out exaully how much so. id matter the liquid contained. From its appearance, aud knuwius the conditicns under whicji it waa iffured to tbo public.an estimate was prcvieurly formed that it â- night possibly ba louud tu coctaiu from 40 tu (iO ^'ranit of soliils, though this estimate was far shurt of irhat it shuulJ coutaiu if it was a gruuiiia article, aud all that was ehiiuied for it. The result turned out eveu worse than was anticipated, aud wai scarcely credible, but for the ocular demonstrat'.on to I be facta Alter every drop of water had been nvaporated all that remained was exactly, 10 grails in weight of solid matter, or one gra n loi eaih ounce uf water. Of this 10 .(raiiir, about ci grnini is c.imposad entirely of what is known to all chemists as coloring mutter, and is ii.sed in many ordinary me- dicines. The remaining two gra ns is eom- poBed of some substances of a bitter quality, but the iudiostioua shown in a teat aru tliat even this is not quinine, ucr aio tbirothe slightest indications of the presence of ary ul the substances common to tbo ordiuaiy 8.tisapaiilla preparations. It comet to this, then, that if this so call- ed medicina will cure, say, only one of the iu.iiiy il's uf life over which it is olaiiu^d to have power, thiro is more virlne in a liitle wati-r with iin iutinitesimal porlou of harm- less coloring ana. ter added than aver the must rahi.l pruhibitiouiat dioamsd of. ^'t e cost to the luarufacturur of ibis wuniUrful cure, tliu obeiuist who analiyzed it declared, would not be mnrs than at the rate of tive Cdiits ii gallon. Hold at H.'> cents a bottle, as a bargain, allowing live cents as the uutsiile cost of ll.o 10 ounce buttle, with its print uk Uliols end ;aci>a^e the piulit on each buttle of medx.ne ti close cu (iCO per cant. a a Spring !PoQtri/» . If usol in connection with proper siibjietH and haiulled in tho right way s'loiild lie just as interesting as summer ();• full poetry. ( )i\linary poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this akctuh. It is Komething more valiialile. Stnnething the people ejuinot do without at this aeasou of tlic yeitr. It is Harness and Karnn Hui:)plics I claim to keip in stock tho be.st goods to bo got in the lino of hoiso goods, such ns huriies'", buggy dusteis, axle grease, sweat piuls, h(H)f (dntinent, •vlii[>.s, rubber lap rugs, lined and un- lincd ; da.sh apiuns, and pnonmatic horso collars. Always up to-tu-datu in everything The POETRY of the THING CoiuuH in the iiuniense aatisfaction you got in u.sing our giKals and the roosonahlo prices you have tu pay for thoni. i ^WM. im:oore: Harncssmaker - • - Flesherton fc»i, iai i ij aua u a u s u a u sss mn sasi la u a n a u aos ri chitis, Sore throat, etc. KCRRY, WATSON & CO , PaeraiiTeaa. MONTRtAL. FOR SALE A ((uariMty ofshirn^loa for pain at mv miil, lot 3ri, c >ii. H. Avtfiit'isia. Aieo bluufttiM ;iii> ou Hlyii'tf-'. woiiM u:tu)iaiiKoa bi^an uf tiOi£Ci>lui' ttlilii;:l(» tiuibor. J mCKUNG, ifftxweUV. O. l^ublic Notice NOTICK is hereby given forbWdipR lih' p>:;rflOC or iiorsonii tre»i(aft!*ini; on or ciittinf;, intorforiii;,' wltb or iKinoviut; any timbci- i-fT lots 2:1, on thf 9tli an^l lOtti cuucession, Arti»nieKi», and lotft liJ. IU an<i li» as auy aO'l ai) periion^ duiug so wtll Lo proiiecitei-l aceor'ttng to law. K. J. RPUOULn. AK«ut, Kltfthi FARM TO RENT G. o^l ffiini to rent, two uiilon from F!e:;h«ra ton. Apply to Jnas Wuioiir, Jr. FARM TO RSNT OR SELL Lot l"«.2nil con. N. E.T.&B. K..'J3 seres. Rood fruiuo Louse ; 00 sores cleared, lla^y terms. W. A. AKM5in;0NG, Flestiurton. WPl WANT '"'x*'""" establls'iied trade in TiU "iitH this county. Oanadl:ui sleek AfrhNTN li'iaranU'ed tolivu. iVrloaiieut nui-lito jinsitioii, whole or part tiiue I-ilnTH:] torm^. Yoti (^ftii make ten dollars a week or bolter with uh. for every wuek you work. No i'\p<!ri'nieenflcoHsary. Brown Brothers Company, Contiaoutal Nmseries, TOU'JNTO, OKU 15 Meh. Farm, for Sale farm for sale i-hnap. 91 acres, well watered 2} lu'lus oast of tliis villasu, kuouru a: thu Fen wick fariu. Apply to M. KicbardsoQ, aiisi;;nee I u iiiaii I i>1l» irPIITf " The Bo'.t Popular life of Her fillLll 1 J Unji-sty t Uavo ever seen," writuS I.^tril I.urne, about " Queen Victoria." Sales iiuprocodeuted. Kasy tu riip.ke flvQ dollars daily lli^ oomuiissluii. Outfit Ire« to etoivftst^erH. TH1-; l«hADLKY-G.\RKETSON CO., Toioiito. Teachers, I)arristers,HiT!.icion«. an.) oitiorsof a siuiilar training, for liiah class Holicitiet{. \Vill pay forty dollars weekly aud I'liiiway fare ou douiuustrutiou of nev^eAsary aliility. Tno liiadley-tiarretsou Co., Ltd., Toronto. WANTED Man aad Women whncuu work haril t>lkln« aud wi itisK kU hxui's daily, for sit dafs a wutk tLii will be eiiiteut with tt-n dollar's weekly. Aildruss, NKW lUIAUCU:, HrantfurU. Uul. Hoose \\{ Lot for Sals. For sale cheap aud on easy terms !n jrieshei- ton. Si>Icudid lai'KO, solid brii?k dwuUiiif;, with cood stone cellar, itumiuor kitebou and wood- house, aleo yeod frame Ftahle, brick linwl. r OMiioes eontuiiis twolarfjo lots aii.i Knod youn^ orchard. iHinrini; Ilou'o aud ou'lii>ildirt;s are exceptionally Well ftuitbeJ and very couveni- tutly laid out. Apply to It. J. BpBouLa. Flajherton. Farm and Mill Site for Sale For Kale very cheap and on very oa^y tcrina, Tiiolier lann, ISUaei'es, two miles from Fle»n urton, known sa tl'.o Wui. (fof^K sawmill pro- perty, antlui. which is an excellent water power, fooinbitioii uf siiiv mill, dam and pond and water wheel ill placu and all ready fur puttint; mill on. .\ttout It Keresclesred.JtiacroH timber, most otf. 'i.ilaeee well timbered, uiixuil timber. This farm will bo sell at a larcuin if wld at once. Snmll payment down, baluuce ou very e^sy turuid, .Apply to R.J. SfitocLi, Fleshtriton. Out The Markets. Carefully Corrected Eaoh W«'« t Flour J4 1)0 to fo -to Outs Jt; Co 17 Wheat 80 to 85 llarley 20 to 30 Peas S7 to .S7 Butter 10 ni 11 Eggs, fresh 8 ,o 8 Potatoes bag 2;') .,0 25 I'ork .... .. 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 (X) Hides 4 00 to 5 (10 Sheepskins 25 to 00 Oeese 5 to Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair I'O to K Ducks per pair 40 to 5t) W(Kd 17 to 20 Time Table flOlNO SOUTH. Mark daleâ€" 7 35 a. m. 4 40 p. Fleshertonâ€" 7.18 a. m. 4.52 p. _>J OOINQ NQKTU. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 9.18 p m, MarkdalQ- 12.20 p. m. 9.80 p. m. Uijiufjjs ^uH "* ISaekei-d, ;>:aik.ial<i Do a goueral buQkirs busineiiS. llouey loaoa I at a reauoudble rate. Call ou \x^. A S VASDUSRN, J p '*â-  Cloik Sth £)iv Court, Co Grey ffsncr of M!.rri>i(;o Llcontes. CoDvevancer, N.jLnry, Publiu, Aucttouue,-. Mt^uev to loau at from ito Oporcout. CUtiRei oi.j.Ie.atB. rWCHHEHTON P O T)F.BT3 COLLECTED ^ The unoei»':gurd in prepared to undertake iliu coUboiiou o( all kii,i-ji of debu. Notes buugliC, a.i<;t uuts cvl'ectcj, etc. M N H2»DEK8aJf, Fl«slloi*»q. TI cniSLF.TT *• Flehheitou Stasl.oa Postmastei-, Commissioner In H C J, Convov- oneer. lufe.la, mu.-t«.>i;ns, leases a!.d wills oi-a-,vn. Munuj tu li-oj at 5j pur cent an.l up- u&ida. Debts collc-cted. Chai);»b uo<ior,.ie. RJ SFnmjLB Pomuiast.'r, Fleshoitou roiuo'lspinncr in JJ 1(, Lic«n>.ed Auctioneer. Cooveyarieer, Appraiser ami >ioio.*y Leiuier, Keai Kstf.te i»iHt iDtmrur.ue j^^eut. Deeds, mo)-tt;ni.os, leasts an-i wilje diiiwii i;p cud va.uaiious iiiatlo on tbciti'sr n'~t!ce. Ai.inii.u pp.'es attendf-d t/> in any psji of the couiiy. Moiioy to loan at lowcbt rates of interokt. Col- lbeti.,ns attendc I to «llli preujp:nt8S su.t despatch. Chorses low. AHSi.t for Dr.miLlrii Sioamtibip Con. 1 any. Ihcap tu ket« icsi Kl^khertou 10 l.iv>ipcol, 'Jla^Kow, 1 1 ijdcri or a-iy oi the lUitihL j.oUk. r.irties inltldil|{ to \i^it Ki-Rlaud, bcotlaitd or l.eT.mi. wi I pl-ii^o ask lates bcfcie i uichasii.g tL> ir tickets elsewhere. c^Dfi-tU,S A O U W rueets every first aud third MonOsy ** iu r.-ieb uieiith, iu tlu-ir hn .,0 luoiu. Sfrain*a hloek. F)e^>nerton, at H p ru, !*iieo Teeter, W M ; A M <ii:)«on. Uee.>iMer; W .1 Deiiamy, Fiuasciir. Visitiug bretbreu iuvlied. PHIXCH AllTHTB LODiiE, No tK'.. K V St A M. uteets iu tho ila-ionic ball. Stretn's blocn. Flesherton. every triilay on or before the full moon, (ieo Aiitcheil, W M ; W i bellamy, rjecrst&iy. JcutbUy JF MAU9HALL L D S, M D S, Dentiit Visits MarkJale tha InI and .fld Wednesday of HScb month. Flesbertouâ€" each tiiv ou tbj day followluf. LG CtMPnF.lL L O .s, D I) S. Cental Surgeon, Msrkdala Otllco over ItleCullouuh & Yuni'U's bank. Hoursâ€" M30 a Ul to« p m. Vilts Flesbeitn the Second and fourth Thursday ot taotl month. OlUbe at Muusbaws uotel. THENIIKKRON U 1> H, 11 D B, Dentist of Toronto lUold Med^listl will visit FleKhertoii pro- fe^.-ienaily rhe tlrr't Wudnesday ol oact: month and Dandalk the futlowluK day (Tharsda).) %^^^\ JOHN W FKOST, L L B " barrister, Solicitor. Conveyancer. 6to <i|f,e»â€" Next to poFtolllre. Sproulu's block. Kle».hortou. every bat'irUy and court il»\8. N B-Owun bound ctliee, Frests bloci, \;t> Poalctt street east. LUCAS ft WKIGHT baiiistbvs, Solicitors, Couveyaucors, eto Owen Sound, Out Uarkdale, Ont W H NVUIOHT 1 11 LLCA8 N 11-Klei.herton oiTce, Mitchells Uauk, evory WeducsUsy. rlCKtR A PATTEKSON tlsj'iinterb. ^oUciiors, etc Uelsou's liauk, Owen Sound H.USUY G TUCKKli GEO W PATTt,KSOS MACK.VY A HATTliN bartiacors, Soliuiturs. eto ()ttices-30 I'culett street. Owen ironud ; and .Nlion street, Duudalk, ev«:ry bututOay. N ll-Always in altei-danee at Flusbettou aiitl Uuuvialk Uivisiou Courts. A G JIACKAY, MA W J HATTON Couuly Ciown Attorney ^Ufrtiial DK HUTTON Mt>OM. MPPAS Ont. Pric«vIU«. C)tl;ct) r.uxt (luor to brownH &toit* ; ruf^ideuvo Olio <luur wc^t of MetUuilist chuiuii, KluiuM sliuoi. OtUct) OuyM, 1 Utibdayt) uuil SaiuiUa>b. D ,U CAUTKU - M C P <S: S Ont. rhysici&u, SnigtOD, «tu Kleshuiton ofllccâ€" btiaiu'a block. Kotlaeutu-^ AUinsiiuw's Itutul. JOHN A SCOTT, M B V MttUtLur ColleK^ Physio. <& Surgsonn, Ontario Giaduuto iu Meuiciiio uf Tuioutu UnivoiBity, tulloWHliii) Di]*U<uiii, I'ust Uradu- litu AJc'iieal School uml huovitul, CbioiiK'-^. l.iist'asob I'f *>>e, tar, nost and throat pp«ciaTly ti'imt^rl. l^usidei Co, Xiax\vvll,'Vi»itd i''c\t»iuUtiiu i liuisUyaB Lâ€" 2 JP OTTKVVElili Vbtt'iUiury Sur[;»on Oratlnaie of Ontario Vutoriunry Colleiju. HvniUo COâ€" Second oour Bcuth lid w«Bt uiuo Marv biiutt. TliiH liUetis runs boulU liuiii Fretibytttklau cUutch. JKIOEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE Durliam Btngo Icnvos Flosherton Station %% 7.1a a.m., returns 4.<i.> p-ui. Prieeville staK*^ luHVos the Huiue place at I'll.^Al. retn: niuK at 4.1.n Karu toPiicdvilU-auct votnrn.SOcenU; Uuiham. 1*1..^ (or rutuvn. 7jc. binglo laie. Livery iu cou- tiuctioii. Urdors may bu Iwft at eltliur bot»]. A.MoCAULEY Prop Pftva for vour Namo on lil Itoiintifol HIDDI.N NAMK CAliOS, lovely i>iuture«, or TO Hftv.dbonieCailitiKCarUfi. Cash _ _ _ _ wii,:i Older. Stanipa taken. ArldreH4. CANADA CA1U> UOUbi^, lugongU OuUiio. /^ <^\ .. ~.~i»

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