Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -i- i^^O i "i> mm Vicinity Chips CiiarnrterisricM »r the Past VTeek €arefnlly C(iII«a far the C«ri«RS " I II UnlntM uutiees anunuj lucaU will h'. t chirged at the rate of fcw « lit* ♦ }'er liiie f>r rai:\ iiatrtum. A t relu tiim ivill he made on eon- t triicts fur 100 linrt or over. JText Mi.tt !ny Nvill W tlie 24th of May. FK'iiherti'ii cheese factory is ii'it ruti- ii^ig tliii SL'iuMin. SufHcii^ut patroiu coul-J iiot be »i>cured. If yio w.int really gnod slices you can got llioui at Claytdu's suitable for tUe •eaMiii and cheap. StnyntT will hive horso rtc's on the 2tih. Our thanks are hereby tendered fur c mipIimenViry ticket. Be sure and biini; your wool to W. J. McFarliiid A Sou, M.irklido, thpy will I.e sure and pay you tha hii^hest price. M'. Andrew Wichefis Was d'>wn town Ml Sui.day fi't the first time siiicu the ilerii us actiilsiit to his wtf. WcF.irla- d & Son, Miirkdile, oflFer you th » â- Â»uo'< 3 lb. b )\ »ii li bi^iaits and 2 cik-s whi'e caslile siap fiT 25c. Th'i new cheese factory near Maxwell will he<iin operations on June 1. The hiuildiiig is al:o\it rfniiy and a plant piirth.i.s^'d from a defunct factory at C'll^t^Wllrth. Rev. Mr. FoUis, of Dundalk, occupied the pulpit of the Kfethodist church both moriiii'^ and evening on Sunday last, nnd preached two very instructive and much appreciated sermons. Owinji to late ariival of "copy" last week, nnd conser^uent haste in make up, F. T. Hill t& Go's, advertisement yot somewhat mixed. The rankle has been straightened out this week, and it will pity the ladies tu eiamiiie it. We have received from Mr. C. J. Leitch a copy of a new paper just started at Waliigoon. It is (juite a respectable sheet, and from its advertising patronage wr> wuukl juJgo that the place has made great stiides since being reclaimed fruoi virgin forest a few months n^o. We neglected chronicling the fact last week that the Shelbunie Free IVss had passed its 23rd milestone. The Free Press has without doubt had its " ups nnd downs," and was burned out only a couple of months ago, but it is decidedly further "up " to-day than evei before. It is an honor to Slielburne. Ladies' visiting cards at thisofiics. See those 6ne straw ladies' sailors hata McFarl and is. Sun« Markda)«i, are selliag for 15», Will those owing for tliis paper and for job wotk kindly send in the amount of their iudebtednfss at once. W. .1. McF.ulaud & Son, Markdale, want •any quantity of wojI. Uighes>: priw'S paid On and after Monday, May 10th, mails going north will close at Flesher- con P. O. at 11.15 a. m. R. J. Spruule, P. M. Di*n't be in a hurry buying-jtmr shoes until you hai'e seen Clayton'.s. They are just what will suit you. You cannot gtt better. ' Yoor uiider:itatiding and appearance will be much imppo\-«d by purcba:<ini: your foot/rear from Clayton. Hundreds of paiiS to chooNe froin^ The trutitues ot Fl«*»heiton cemetery invite all the plothtlders to turn out on the 24th May to improve their plots and the grounds g«Reralty% Remember "The List Loaf" Eugenia on the evening of May under the au.«pices of the Mel In church thuru. Admi.'>sioa In tea eiitt.-rtaiunieiit only 25c. at 24, dist and The following society representatives to the quaitirly boaid of the Methodist church for the eiiBuing year were appoint- ed nil Thursday evening last : R. Waller, P. Uoimuii, R. Trimble and Jos. Siuith. A report has appeared in several papers that the 31st Grey battallion would go in- to camp in June â€" some jjapers said an Nigara and some said at Londou. The officers as yet knowuutbing of the matter. â€" O. S. Times. Cool weather, but growth is good though regetatioB is late. McFarlaod ft Son, Markdale, are sell- ing 1 Globe washboard, ^ lb. laundry blue and 1 bYoom for 23c. Mr. W. Trimble's 'bus was backed over the raibackiiient at the station an Tuesday, resulting in the breakage of some furniture belm^ging to Mrs. B. Mc- Donald, and uecesaitating a lay up to the 'bus for a few hours for repairs. The Melancthon arson c.^ses are bein g tried in Oran^eviUe this week, the Assizes having opened on Monday. True bills were returned by the 6i«ud Jury ia tho cases of -las. Ballard, Corbett and Smith. Mr. L B. Lucas, of the hiw Sriii of Lucas & Wright, is leading counsel for the Ballards. Five Oolkirs Reward The above rewArd will be paid to any one giTiiig such iuforniHt'on as shall lead to tho recoT.iry of a boi of household goods which was lo.st alxMit two weeks ago on the 10th con., Osprey. In the box were some roller blinds. 3 brass candle Slicks, some factory cotton and various other articles. Joa^i Douglas, Ferer- eham. It is Lacrosse It will bo lacrosse here this year, with Markdale. Flesherton, Dundalk and Shelburne in the le«gue. •\ meeting for purposes of organization was held on Tuesday evening resulting in the election of the fi>llowing officers : Pres., Geo. Mitchell ; Capt., A. McDougall, Sec- Treas., Dr. Mahan ; Committee. F. VanDusen, R. N. Henderson, J. Alhkn. Delugatctf from the four towns will meet in Dundalk to-day, Thuriday, to ar- range a schedule of gaiiios for the season. The Public Library Liquor has gone up instead of down during the past week. Mine host Muoshaw announces that brandy, rum, gin, old whi.sky and mixed drinks wdl be ten cents henceforth. Tobbacco has also been advanced in price. A. .1. Darroch, B. A., pastor of the Baptist church, l°aves on Monday next to attend the annual convention of the Baptist churches of Ontario and Quebec. The convention this year meets in the Talbot St. church, London, Ont. Pastor A. J. Darrocb, at the close of tho evening service last Sabbath, ad- ministered the ordinance of believers baptism after preaching to a large and ap- {ireciative audience on God's sovereignty from the text, "Christ is all and in all," CoL 3 11, coupled with Col. 2-9. The police trustees publi.<h el.scwhero a notice regarding stock running at larjje. With these animals browsing around the Bfreets it i.t impossible to keep sidewalks in repair, and it the same sidewalks get out of repair then the trusteea come in for censure because of their condition. For these rea.son8 our tru«tees are bound toKce tho laws respected, and appeal to citizens to comply so that it may bo un- necessary to creato any unpleasantness by enforcing the regulations respecling animals running at large. We hace reci'ivod a communication ro- 'ativoto ''pot" fishinsj, referring more particularly to the young man mentioned in last week's paper, but think it better to let the mattnr drop. Thosb who own the fishing grounds should look after theui. ^- Since Mrs. Trimble's return from the second millinery opening of the city her oflers have been coming in thick and fast. This week very novel designs in bats of fiiucy straws, chiffons and silk inccklins are meeting the aitistic eyes of the ladies in town. Tlio annual meeting of Centre Givy Farmei-s' Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday. June 1, coniinencirg at one o'clock p. m. Tho program will be as follows : 1 â€" • President's Address. 2- Debate tha-eou. 3â€" Report of the Executive presented in writing by the secretary. 4â€" Trtiisurer's Report, presented in writing. 5â€" Audi- tor's Report, presented ia writing. 6â€" Selection of places at which to held regular nicelinns. 7â€" Selection of places ttt which to hold supp'.enienlary meetings. t( - Election of Directors, election of Audi- tors. 9â€" Suggestions as to how the Institute can be improved or made more useful, if this has not already been con • didwed by the prestduut iu his opening Addr<«lk and discussed iu th« debute (p!lo»(iu^. Vandeleur Victoria Jubileeâ€" .\ jubilee entertainment will be given on Tuesday, June 22, by L. 0, L . No. 1383, on the spacious lawn of Mr. T. Kiells. A splendid program is promised. Tea snrved from C to 8 p. m. No pains will be spared to make this tho enteitai.iment of the season. Admission 2Dc. J. Bolaiid, sec. Many of our reaiUrs will' peru.so the following item from tho Chatswirlh 2«e.»s with picasuro : "Wo had a pleasant call on Saturday from our old esteemed faiend, Mr. Wm. Elder, with whuin wc enjoyed most pleasant associa- tions ill Fletsheiton years ago. For .some years Mr. Elder has been in failing health and last fall oaine up to spend the winter with his brother, Mr. George Elder of the second concession of Holland, and wo are pleased (o learn, that the o'lanje has proven ben/ficial and that he is enjoyiii)i; letter health than ho has for some time." The adjourned annual meeting of Flesherton public library was held on Tuesday evening, May 11th, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : \V. Cl»yt<jn, President ; J. E. Moore, Secretary ; W. Armstrong, librarian; .A. M. Gibson, 51. Richardson, directors. The hbrarian's report showed the library to be in a flourishing condi- tion, with a membership of 108. Volumes purchased duriiiK the year, 108 ; No, of books iu the library, 902, classed as follows :• history 160, biography 37, voyages and travels 125, science and art 42. general literature 75, poetry 4, religion 32, fiction 203, miscellaneous 224. Expended for readin.{ matters dur- ing the year, iucludin? reading room, 8149.35. A motion was carried ppjvid- ing that all subscriptions must end on May 1, and that nothing short of one year's subscription can be received by the libr&rian. As this is only 50 cents, there can be no reasonable grtjuiid for com- plaint. PERSONALS HILL & CO FLESHERTON Xad/es and Senitemen We have now got our new stock in position and invite your inspection of the loUowing lines this week. There are extra values in these goods, every one of them. We are to the front with Spring Prints Silkaline, Ginghams Crinkles, Einkles Crepons, Etc Hosiery Children's. 4 pairs for 25c. Lailios' Faut Dye, full sizes, 2 pairs for 25o. Gent's Cotton Sox, 5c pair, beat all. Gent's Sox, 10c jiair and upwaixls. Ladies' and Children's Vests, 5c each. Ladies' Vests, 15c and 25o. Dress Goods 15c to tLlOi Keady-XIdde ClotliiriQ' Men's be beat. Tweed Suite, $4 25, cao'k Men's Worsted Suits, soft veneiaaa finish, 911.00. Crockery Latest pattern colored 97-piece Dinner Sett, $7.50 ; tJ8- I Crate Crockery. Dress goodu, plain, per yard. , Cotton Shirtings, 6c to 14c per yard, i P»«=« "^"^ ^"' ^"'^ Cottonades, Denimes, etc. 1 Crate Gkssware, See our .3c Factory. j •'gns and patterns. beautiful de- Boots & shoeS"An sizes and kinds HOCSE CLEANING TIME is upon u«. White Wash Brushes and Whiting is needed. Wo have it. OUR GROCERY Is full of new and fresh goods. 1000 bars ECLIPSE SOAP, the largest and best bar in use, 1 box Dominoes given with every 5-bar purchase. Butter, Eggs, Wool. Hides, etc., taken as cash. space. It will pay you to do so. Watch this HILL & CO. FLE5HERT0N The license comniiiisioners of South Grey, at their annual meeting on April 20, granted the petitioi. of members of the W. C. T. U. of Durham that the hour of c'oiiing hotels bo 10 o'chtck in lead •f U 30 p. m., and that all sete.'iis and blinds be removed during i>roliibited hours. The commivsioners met ngain the other day and rescinded this. Those in- terested are now iii(|uiriDg into the legality of the boartl's latter action and will try tu havo the former resolution enforcied. Miss Thorp, of Bell's Comers, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. B. McDonald left this week to join her husband, who has secured a situation in Toronto. W. J. Mitchell, late editor of the Dur- ham Chronicle, left last week for the gold tieldsof British Columbia. Messrs. Arch. McDoi:gall, of The .\dvaiice staff, and Will Proctor, spent Suiidiiy with friends in Durham. Mies Watt, who h«8 been the guest of lier uncle, Rev. Mr. Thoni, returned to resutno her duties at the Buy'g home, Stratford, on Monday. Mrs D. S. Mauroe of D troit is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Win. Wright, for a few d.iys, Mr. D. E. Wright of New York, is also spending a week or 3o with his mother. Mr. E. White returned last week from Wab goon, whore ho went soiiiu liiii-,? ago in company with Mr. C. J. Leitch. Mr. Leitch (.till rnmains at Wabiijoon. Both gentlemen piu-cliased property there and still h'-dd it. Ez. ;-"-ofers Ontario for residential purposes. Mr. W. J. Cargo and family, of Barrie, drovo over hist week to visit friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Cargo (nee Miss Bowlei) has lately been overtaken by he awlul affliction of total blindness and oculists give her no encouragement that she will ever bo able to see ;igaiu. Mr. Cargo has returmd to his home in Barrie but Mrs. C. will spend n few mouths here with rolatives iu order to secure a change of air, which, it is hoped, will benetit her. Bought New Stock Furniture For Our flay Trade Bolter values, handsomer design and greater variety than ever before. .At this .ssason of the year everyone is house cleaning and rearranging. Don t fill those old ticks again with dirty straw and thistles, we are sellina line clear, healthy MATTRESSES and SPRINGS much lower in price th.-vn they used to be, and then our present cash system brings them still lower. We have a beautiful line of WINDOW SHAJJES and CURTAIN POLES away, away down in price. If you have a picture or photo lying around baing spoiled by handl- ing bring it in and got a frame for it, you will bo surprised at how liillo it will cost you and'tha excellency of our stock iu this line. f. €. T^oore, J'leaherton Furniture Dealer and Undertaker SPRINTG - mid - SUXIIVIEl^ ...FOOTWEAR... In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to at .^..^^ga. CLAYTOIST S . . Agent for the Dominion Money Order Express. Meaford UD.irket. is establishing a public Mrs. Thomas Plant, of Bat'oim, Not- tawasaga tiiwnsliip, was kicked^ by a horsij and diod from the eirecis. ,. FIE51EIIT5I SBHIlt PlJllia J^. Xoyard - - Proprietor Hairdressing in the Latest Style Agent for the Rolstin Laundry, Toronto. Scissors Sharpened and Raztrs Honed in fint-class Style. k v^>^<^^^« "V^a Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only aafe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the Hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary case* is by far the best dollar medicine known â€"sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. a for special cases â€" to degrees •trongerâ€" sold by druggists. One bos, Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. a, mailed on receipt of pric* and two 3-ceDt stamps. Th« Oook Company, Wladjor, OolartSk Bold ill Flesherton and everywhere in Cauada by aU re-poutibla druggists.

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