Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1897, p. 8

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V ''^^f. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE QSauj^yjjjJMfiUMJMyMUiujr^^ D. McTavish FLESHEKTON KBEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fur MasBey- Harris. Noxon, Fleury and WilkiiiBon fnrm impleineiits. Floury aiiJ Verity plutrs on hand all the time, alno all kiiidn of repairs for the saim. We inanufacturo Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleifihs, etc. Horseslioeiiig iinimutly attended to. Special attention to tendur cc'«- tracttfd feet. Ijogging and Plow Chaimi constantly on hand. 4% ^1^ ^lU ^l(. ^fe^vrg 'w vt? '4? ^BS'Ai' Buggies, Carts, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the beet kinds aud repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes and Corn Scufflers and repairs. Chains of all kinds. Ilorscshocing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^»»* '/.? "».? Vt? '/I^ •»!<• W W^t? <â- !«• "/if •»!«• %1^ •71^ Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLAQE IN CANADA TO GET A THOUOUGH BL'.SINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip aivl view all otliur HiitiinrpH ColloKtJB and Commercial Departmonts in Caria>la, then «i»it the Northern Itiiaiuusa Collui;e ; exaioiiiu ev.rytUlnu thorouiilily. If wo lail to produce tlie must tliorouKli. coniplotn, practical aud eitonHivo course of rtuily ; the bent coIIuk. prtiU)i^en and the bcHt aud most complete aud uioKt auitablo furniturti and appliauccH. we will (live you a full couma PKEli. For iiunual auuouucouiaotB, giving full partioulara, free, iddr.sa C. A. FLKMIKG, Princi|ml Summer..,. Fruits, Plants Garden Seeds i<{ all Roll Flour, Feed and Grociries kinds. £39" Bruakfabt bacon, bacon, Pirk sides. - â-  ' > . Everything Nice in Season Bfiots ind Shoes nltcniled to proiiiptly and in the neatest niunnur. BUQENIA Mills and Carriage Works Ciniagos niado and repaired, also Planing and Matcliing, liand Hawing, Wood Turning of every des- BciipLion. Pliiniug and (Jiuin Chop- ping done while you wuit, for ihn pciiver turns tiie whcfl. T. W. WILSON, Manager : : X^OGS : : WANTED ! In unlimited quantities at the nighust Cash Prices. CHOPPIN^O jI^j^:S|£,j|^^Ife^^:3J^jj£,^!^^!^.»t^.^««,..^ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE :ii^& 7K? ^ Flesherton Photograph Gallery | are done in first-cla8.s style and at % Kiwest rates. Special attention S (jiveo to copyina. I>ul>ies' photos. jj a specialty. Pictures fiianed. I MRS. BULMER , jj g" Px* opex*iies FOB - SALE â€"BY- B, ], SPBODIE, FlESHEBTOIl IF YOU WISH TO BUY PROPERTY CONSULT THIS SI'AC'R, FOR SALE choiij) and on eaKy terms, OIK! iiiilo from Flesherton, !(J aci es land anil on whirh in ii good 7 rooms friiine ihvelling, well and coiufi>rtiil)ly tiiiiNhed htooe culU'r iiiiileniciilli, nnil giHxl well and pnin|i in kitchen, good frame stalile and driving house, nlso hriuk lined hen hou.se, Kinalloivhnril eoiiiineicinL! to bear. Apply to U. J. SPKOl'LE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during |)resent month. Two improved farms, one a mile from Priceville and the other Hamo ilintHiieo from Warehiim. Small payment down, balance on VERY e.isy teiiim. Also a hiuidred and fifty acre f.iini and mill sitt- <niu mile from FleKlier- ton, principally hard A'ood bush, 25 acres eleaied and frame dwelling and stable. Any person w.uitiiig a decided barjjain apply qtiiak tu above. BO V.EAR8' RllNOt. t MA DiaiaNB, 0OPVRIOHT8 Ao. Anyone Bonding n Bkctch aiiil di'scHplinn may quickly aseiirtuin, free, wlietlii'r nn liiTitnll"" la rmlinlily pnleiitable. (yiniiiiuutcatlciiia hirlctly coliHilentlal. Oliloat ntienoy fiirmiourliuf paluuU lu America. Wo have a WmliliiRtim oBloe. I'nlctin inliim ilirouuh Muim ft Co. -.ooelTO special notice tu tho 8CIENTIFIG AMERICAN, betK.tirull? lllusiialiid, liirgcst clrculMlos of tiny HClentlSn Jovirniil, wepkiy,t(>rtnH$,H.(MI a vearj BUM) six montliH. Hpt'ctmvn copies and 11.1 ' tJuoK OH Patients aunt frcu. Address MUNN & CO., aOl llroatlwav. New Yark. iAHD only 5c F*er liag Beecroft & Talbot Cash : for : Hides! i^heopskins and all kinds of furs pnr- ehaFed, for which highest market price will bo paid. Iloinemada sausages on hknd, Mce H] kinds of meats. Sir Oliver's Criminal Code A do»p:ktch from Ottavra says that Sir Oliver Mowat, Minister of Juxtice, has completed hisanieudmentsto the criminal code and they are of the must drastic character. The most extreme moralist could demauil nothing more rigid than Sir Oliver's ainendojonts. It is doubt- ful, however, whether they will carry intact. One of tho most important sec- tions is designed to put an end to pugil- istic exhibitions by giving a newer and more sweeping detiiiitiim to tho words "prize light." Thia ia the new duHnition : " A prize tiuht iiieaiis an encounter or tight with tisCs or b^nds befween two persons who have met for such purpose by previous airangenient made by or for them." A second amendment will kill Mr. Cor- bett's profits un the kinetoscope in this country. The new section runs : " Every one Is guilty of an oll'ence and liallu uu suiii- inary conviction to a penilty not ex ceeding live th-jusand diJlUrs and not less than Hvu hundred dolUrs or to iiu- priiioninent not excLoding twelve months with or without hard labor or to both, S'ho "(a) Exhibits by means of a biogr&pli, vituscope, kinetoscope, kineniatograph or any kindred device or machine a picture or repiestntation of a prize tiuht, or "(t") Bring* into Canada or procnroa to be brou;;ht into Canada to or for him, or pos!» for trantniiiH.on or delivoiy by or throngh tho post, .luy picture or other niateiial or appliance to be used in such an exhibition." What is called "tho social evil" is stringently dealt with also. The cir- cu ation of indecent pictures or literatu e i< dealt with and the woid " publicly " struck uut BO that it now beuon.es a criminal oti'eiice to circulat privately or to privately display anything of un in- decent cbaructer whether it is written, t)pe written or printed. The inaximuin peiiahy i.s two years iniprLsonmunt. Vet another stringent clause is that which .lubjccts any ii'dividuals who live as Ujaii and wife for 12 ninths and are not niarrit-d. to ine ytars imprisonment and $1,000 tine. The age of consent is rsi.sed to 18 years in the case of girls and intercourse with any unmarried woman under 21 years ot s|;e is piatically made a criminal otfelico. Birds and the Farmers It has been noticeable by observera that birds are becoming more plentiful here each succeeding suuiiner aud nrw varieties aie arriving. Particularly is ibis nuticenb'.e of that brightly colored little songster, tho Baltimore oriole. A few years a;;o this bird wis never seen here, bu: now has become quite plentiful during the early summer months. We attribute this to the fact that they are allowed to remain uninulcsted and to laiso their broods in security. It is well that this is so. A writer in the Ladies' Home Jouriial for May, dealing with the value of birds to crops and vegetation, says : '•Anylhxly who has given oven the most cuisory at eniion or study tu bot- any knows tliiit all forms of life have their origin in plant life. Every animal which exists either lives directly on some plants, or on insects which destroy pliiits. Tho birds line their smteiiance mainly in tho insects that injure vegoN ation and i>fttimes kill it enlirely. A sidlioiently large number of insects will ki I a crop. It there are no biiila, natur ally the insects ha»e everything their ovMi way. 1 Inive recently gone U) Con- siderable pains to liiid out from f.irniers to what exiiiit tho docre».se of liuis is alb cting their crops, and I tind that t!ie condition is mi>ro ahirniiiig tlian wp, who In 111 the cities and lar;,'e ccntre.s, have any idea of. Ail the farniera to whom 1 KpiUe or wrote ai^re.d that la«t year the incieaae of injects was uiuisuaby great, while the decrease "f birds was evtii urealer. For oveiy hundred birds killed, about .sixty are born. Hence it i.s ea?y •o see that tho greater tho number of buds killed tho more exposed become the crops of ibo farmeia to the insects. Tl\e name may be sa'd of our trcis, for llro binl is really the balance of nature. To what extent this lalaiioo i.s being up- set by fasliion is easy to realizj fidin the htateinent that during 18iK> the phimaye of over three millions of birds w.vs ro reived in New York." ivr. ivix.soir. Don't kill tho little honey-bee. Now in tho course of a few days sprayin;; fruit trees will he tho order of the day. Great caro should bo lakoii by fiinners and fruit growers in Fprayiiig their fruit trees and plant.'?. It d >no while m full (â- loom, hundreds of iniiocont lives are des'roypd that have a very important part to porfonn in tho productiveness of (he nncl. Beds are in reality eiir boHt friends, snd nnything that tends to destrnv the life of bees, should ho strictly avoided. If npraying is done while the trees are in bloom tho poison falls on tho beesworkiiicron them. It not only kills those woikiii>{ on the blossom, but is gathored with the pollen and nectsr, con yeyed to the hive and the brood feed on it. Neeiless to say they novor reach ma- turity. Spraying is more efloetive if done just after tho bloom falls, and will then be of no harm to the hoes. Don't kill tho little honey-liee withinjudicious spraying. -Ex •f- P- Brown, proprietor of the Maplehurst hotel at Rossean, committed jrieslKftOn Weal Kmporiom suicide by nhooting himself , The Markets. CArefullY Corrected Carh Wceii Flour #» 80 to 85 2() Oats 16 to 17 Wheat .••• 80 to 85 Barley 20 to 30 Peas 87 to 37 Butter le to 11 Eggs, fresh ........ 8 ^ 8 Fotn-Uies bfM} 25 -o 25 p,.rk 4 00 to ATS Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides .. 4 00 to 5(Â¥) Sheepskins 25 to 60 Oeffsa 6 tt» Turkeys 7 re 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 Time Tabic OOINO SOUTH. M.irkdale-7 39 s. m. Fleahertouâ€" 7.48 a. ni. 4 40 p. 4.62 p. m. m. OOINC NORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. in. Maikdaleâ€" 12.20p. Di. 9.18 p 0.30 p. m. na. FOR SALE A quantity of sbinglns for t :», con. S. Artcinosia. .]o at my mill, lot ;il3. con. S. Artcnicsla. AIfo bill ncles cut ou Kbarts'. woiiM oxchaii^o a span of bnrbss for sbinulu timber. J. HIUKLING. Maxwell P. O. FARM TO RENT G - o'l farm to rent, two miloa from Flesher- tou. AiHily to John Wuiout, Jr. TI7P TI71l|0fn tohtintlle establlsbed irado in W IJ W nil 1 (^his coiiatv. (*an&'liaii stock AALWfpQ ^imrautee'l tolivo. Permanent AJil'iiiO poHitiuii, whole or part thuo. Liberal tnrin^. You ca<i niake t«^u dollars a woekor bolter with u». for evory wuc-k yoa work. No «'.xit*M-l«rice necessary. Brown Brothers Company, Contiaoiitttl Nuvtturica, TOUJNTO, ONT l.'i Mcb. Farra for Sale I'arm for sale cheap. 91 arres. woll wtitereJ -2^ inMus cast ot this vitlafie, kuowL »& the Fuu wickjfarm. Apply to M. Bichardson, assict;eo HCEITS *' TheBfl^t Popular Mfe of H***" MaJ'jiity [ havu ever teen," wrttu" Lord Lorne. about " Qu«uo Victoria." Hales unprcctfiltiutud. Kasy to n^aku livo (lutlarH daily liis coiumissiou. OuttVt two to cauvattMerH. TUl-; itUADLl::V-G<UaiETSaN CO..Toioiito. Tracbcru, narriBters.lMirsfcians. and (ithurs of a limilar traiiiiiiu* loi- Ingh i;Iau.s 8olicitln»{. Will pay fjrty dollars weekly and I aifway 'aro ou doiuoitiitration of ucroiStiry ability. The Uiadley-Garretftou Co.. Ltd.* Toronto. WANTED and writing Kix hours daily, fur idx days a wvuk aud will b« oniuent with tiu dullats weekly. Addrwsa. NrW lUKASCO:, Hrautford. Out. lot for S3I3. For Rale clieap ami on easy torms in Flesher- ton. Spluiiilid tar({t>, »oliil brirk <lwullin^. with Koo<l st^iio collar. Kinuiaer kitchcs and wood- houoe. sl>^o Kood frame ftnblu, brick lined. 1* u<i)t>«cH coiit&iUB twolar^e lota and ^'ood yoiniK orchard, beuria^. House aud ou^btinJin^H are rxct'idiunally woll lliiinluid aud very cuUTCui~ tiitly laid uut. Aii|ily to It, J. SpnouLE, FUiborton. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For t^alo very cheap nud on very easy torniH. rinibur farm, 150 aciu**, two inilu:) (roiii I'losh crt.ni, known hk llio \Vn». Hoi^)4 sawmill vio- (torty. and oii which i^t an excellent wutcr vower. fuuii>^!uli(>n uf saw mill, dam and |>c>!)4l and watiT whi'ol ill pluco ami all ready for putting mil' on. About b^.Hi'iuB cloftrea.ifO acres tluibui', uumt utT, StilriMcu well limbert-d, mixed tiiiibor. Thi't ftinn will ho t^old at a bai'Kaiu if void at ouce. Kiuall pikvaimit dowu, bulaucu od vary o.*Hytorms. Applj to It, J. 3i'»orr,F, t'lijbheiiou. Ont FARM TO RENT OR SELL I.ot 170, 2nd coo. N. eood fraiuo bouiio ; terms. K. T. & S, U..OT acres. 50 acres clenrod. t^a.'y W.A. AUMSrKONG, Floaberton. iliilliSH with foico of baractur.nood- vo eain can ow to do so lu u yui't caiisi', /idilress JAIU:/. Ci.VLlA»WAY, Toionto.Ont i^^snc? Public Notice NOTICE is heroby (jiven fortiddinR anv peraoi: t)r persons trospastiinfj on {<r cutting, niterferliif^ with or rennwinc any tiinboi- off lots ^1. on tho 9tb and 10th concosBion. ArtouioFiJa, and lot! I'll, lltaud Ua ns any ami n'l vorsonn doiuc bO will be |iroRoouttxl accordintj to law. K J. SrUOlMill. Agtut, I'losliertou. Dooembor, IS, '00. A P P KITQ 1 am rist ftartinR tho best n U L. Il I thiuK for nionoy making von have Keen for many a tlay. loiirnauieaud address will biiiiB the aoldeii iuformation. K.P. uiiASlioW, Toiouta. Ont, VlHTPIl '."'I'lBtrlons persons of either sex n nn 1 ItU *â- "> â- !o°'f cbaraoiur and rouamon Hohnol education. can obtain , ^Ploymeuttor two inontha in thin community B. M. FKT. TorowV>. Ont, s uisiiurjiS C!ard^ M'CULLOUOn A YOUNO "* Hankoia, Markdale Do a general Irankinu buniness. Ilouey loaaMl at a rcatooable rata. Call on as. A 8 VA5D17SEK, .7 P "• Cloi k ,>;b Dir Court, Co Groy iBtner of Uarriaf-e I.ifenscn, Coiii:t<yaneer, notary, rablic. Aujtioncer. Monayto loan at from 5 to Opor out. Cliir«<fti lojdjrate. FliESHEKTON P O TJEUTS COLl/ECTF.D â- ^ The uucUri.,Kn«d it prepared to undertake tba collection ot all liinun ol doljn, ^otes bought, ;iCcocniM coreeccd, ete. y. N ilKXDEKSijX, \nchhttinn. fP CHISLKTT * Flobborton Station Pnntmaster, (Jo niniiiitioDrr in H C J, Ccrrey- ancer. Dceda, :uo.ti{a),'Cs, l.:a<,tr9 lind will.4 drawn. Slou*>) to itzjd at SJ j.ei- cent und iip- warus. Debts ioilected. Cbaitim nioucrtto. Ri SPRCUI.B Poetmcstt r, FleohertoN ronimisBioucr in I: H, Li« «m.ed Aiiclicnrvr, Conveyancer, Appraiser and Loiioy L.^Lc^r, Kcal Eutate &li| lrlt^uial>co Aytnit. LeeitF. uioitKakes, leases and wilia driian rp au.i valuations >nnde tn chflitett Drtice. Ai.cti, m 8alo8 atteudt^d to in any ^ait ci the corLty. .Money to loan at lontiiit rates of intrre^t. < ol lectiuDS attended to with piLmpniiis ai.d despatch. Ch«r(»slow. Agent lor D<n:ll:i<n Steauibbip Cou>|>any. Chnap tiik<:ta io») Fletbertuu to Livfrprol, (Jla-Bow, londcn i,t any ol tba HritisU ports. }'anie» iutei.dii c to visit KiiKlaud, S.i.tlai;d or I e en.l. wil pl-jase ssk latcs befoe imchaaing tLtir tickets eibewherc. c^od-tifisi A U W meets every first and third Monthly "â-  in each uiontb. in their loi'go iccm. StraiiiB block. Fk>nerton, nt R i> iji. I'lico Teeter. W M ; AM (liljsoii, liecorcer; W .1 Hollaiuy,Fiua!:ci)r. Visiting brothrte invited. pniSCR ARTHTR LODUE, No Sa. A F * * A .M, uircts in the Masonic l.uil. Struiu's block. Flebherton. avvrv l-'rirlav on ov beftue tl'o full luoon. Oeo jiitcUo;!,' W JJ ; \V J llellanjy, Secretary. gctttiiitvil T P M.VKSH VI,L " L D S, M D S, Denti.t Visits Markdalethe 1st and 3rd Wedncsdav cf eaeh Uiouth. l! iohurtuuâ€" each trip ou tlw day following. LO CAMPnnrij L D b. D D S, Dental Surgeon. Markdalo OlHcb over McCullou>;h & Vounx's bank. IlouiSâ€" »:» a ni to C p ui. Visits Kl.nhjit n the «t.-ion>l and fourth Tluu'ilay of eucb u:outh. Udico at UuuaUaw s hotel. TnESDFRSON U D 8, U D S, DentUt of Toronto (Gold Uodalistl will visit Fleshurton pro- fessionally fbo first Wedneadav ul cact luoutli aad Duudalk the followiuft day (Tbumriav ) ffflal JOHN W FROST, L L M " Karrister, Hulicitur. Conveyancer, cto Officeâ€" Next to postofllce, S)'ronU» block, Fleshertou, every Batnr lay and court days. N Bâ€" Owen kicu-.d olLce, Frists block, 10 I'oalett street eaat. T UCAS <& WUIOIIT â- u llarribtors, Solicitors, ConTeyaiicers, sto Owen (ionnd, Ont llarkdale, Out W H WllIliHT 1 H LUCAS N U- 1' leshirton olSco, ilitchella Uauh. every Wtduejday. TUCKUK & PATTKRBON *â-  liarristors, bulicitors, etc ktoltiou's Hank, Owen Sound H.ABRY Q TUCIiEtt GEO W I'ATTliUSOS MACKAY & 11.VTTON '** Kartixiers, Solicitors, etc OD'.cesâ€" ;-X) I'luk'tt (street, Owcu !^cund;auil Alain street, Uniidalk, tveiy Saturday. N B--.\lwtt)s in attcLiiancu at tlctherton and Duinj.aik L'ivisiou Cuuita. A O WACKAV, MA W J HATTON County C^iowii Attorney glcrtital DU liLTTO:'! MUCM, MPPA8 Ont, Pricevnie. Ollice next door to lUowu's store ; rci idcnc* ono door west of -Vethodiit church. kiLrcka slieot. Ollico days, lutsdajs aud iSaiuiuay*. lUl OAUTKl'. ^ W CP i S Cnt, Physician, Suigcon.eto Hoahcrton uhlceâ€" ttruiu'u block. KubideucOâ€" Muuehuw s Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT. Nf B Mfinher C'ollc(^«'Pbyaic. & Surgeons, Ontario Uradnato in Mc.licino of Toionto LJniveisity, Fellowship Diploma, 1 ofct rirudg.* uto iMut.ical School and Hospital, Chi.oaui>. liisoaHcs of eye. ear, nose and ttirnac utH.ci^ly trcateit. liesidei ce, Aiaxwell, viuits FevorsbaiA ihursdyas 1-li JP OVTF.WELIj A'otcnnary Snrgoon Oradoate of Ontario Veterinary College. Itcsidtii ceâ€" Kccoi.d door south ou west side .Mary street. This btieets ruus south from I'rosbyterian chnroh. P ICEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE Duvham sta^ leaves Flesherton Station ot 7-15 am., returns 4.4.) p.in. Pvicovilie ste^'o leaves the Hauio place at lii.^\ rotariiin^ at 4 4'>. Fare to Priceville aud return, 30 cents ; Durham, »1.50 for return. 73e. siiiKle fare. I.lvcry in cou- ueotloD, Orders may bo left at either hotel. A.McCAULEY Prop I'avs for your Name on la Hei.iltilnt HIDHKN NAMK OAHU.><, lovely pictures, ov QOi Handeoni-ACallini: Cards. Casfc^ with order. Btainpa taken. Address, CANAd.\ CARD UOUbK, Ingeisvll Ou»%ife t o,«i?n.j

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