Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1897, p. 1

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PHP ^&mmm^msim^m. "rrr tsbtrtott Aiiiana, " TaUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XVI, NO S'i? Fleslacrton, Otit., ThjUrsday, May 2'^, ISG"? W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR * I'llurHIETOR . ".^•^^V M. BIG btocm: Love He Now J eweilery Nobby TbInKs (jr Laiilcs and Cents. On Ii«inl at! the time to choimo from at ihi; Fli.-slieiJuii Jewi.llory Slmt'. Cyes Tested Free for Defective VMon. W. A. ARnSTRONQ JeAvcller and Optician, Flesherton, Ontario Markdale, iM.iy 13th, 1897. It is now an understood mattci by all who know the values of different kinds of merchandise, and have had the advantage of comparing our CaOOI^S, and I^RICES, with what they have been accuslomed to pay elsewhere, that we are Our present system of buying in large quantities, paying spot cai^h, for every purchase, and selling only for cash or farm produce, justly protects the interest of every customer, and makes such values as these possible. Qozchle Fold (TDy^ess G-oods Sorgcs, Fiincy Tweeds liyht or dark | ciiloiN, ill clieek», lijuros, HliiiK-H, etc., I at J 2i, lOj, 19, 23, 26c, par yard. Q^ress (Paiiems A complete nssiM'tmcnt if all thut in fhRhioiwililo in alimst every bIkuIu nnd culoiii'jj;, uo two .liilie at from ?2.50 to $0.75 \>et dress. ^laol-c (2>ress G-oods In Cash morn, Stirj^e*, Crepons, French Satiiiettes HfDMi'tiis, Figures, etc.. at 18J, 2a, 25, 35. -12, 45, 49, 00. 00, 75,78, 85, 90c per yard. If 'amy CJiamc-raj/s Floral pntternK, culors fast, worth 10c. 500 ynida at per yard, 5c. @7'es6" G-oods CI e cubing Lot Worlli from 15o to 25c. All Buiumer weiglilH at p«^r ynrJ 10c. Cottoris Grey Cotton at 3c, 4c, 5c, Gjc, 8c, lOo. White Coitiin U7 iiicliea nitle at 5c per vard. IteltiT ((Uiiiitioa at Oc, 7c, 8c, l)c, and 12Jc. (Parascls Our .'\H8ortincnt I'f Paiaacls never be- ftiru wuH ^» couiplo^u iiiid lU tlio^e prices ii«viT so L'«>«>d, •tSc, 7.'ic, 81.00, %>1.15, SI 75, $1.95 each. Jjaoes In White, Crsiini, and Butter clor, frum one to ten inches wide, at from 2c to 10c per yard. Gloves and Hosiei^y Our stock of Gloves and Livce M.tfs is necessarily large, siik, Tall'eta etc. in Black, Tan, Cream, Whiiu, etc., at from l3o to OOc per pair. ^osiei^y Bhvck or Tan in perfectly fikst dyo at 5c to BOc per p >ir. Q^ahle Linena 47 inches wide at 14 cents. 48 inolies wide at IG ceiitsi. 54 inches wida at 24 cents. 58 inches widest 29 cents, 6(.) inches wide at 33 cents. t)4 incites wide al 38 cents. 4 pairs men's ciitton h'lse, 25 cents. 3 fiaiis tiion's Union Ucse, 25 cents. Men's wool or black caahnieie hose 20c. Men's Sweaters, 19 and 98 centos. Published l>y request tf you're cv#rRoini{ to lovo me, love mo now wliilo I ciLii llnow All tha bwett Hiid teiulfir feeJia^j wbicli from real iilT. c»i. ii tjow. Lovo uiu now wuilu 1 i.m liviug, do not wait till I Bin Ronu I And tbuii cUi^:ul it i:i marble warm luvo W'oid!), ou ice cold stui;o. I I U you've doar 9ive«t tlioucbts about me why not wbinpcr thcui to inu '/ I Don't you knun 'twould in i lit) mo happy, and ! as Kind 8H filed c-hu hv ? If you wait till ^ um tjleoiuutj. ue'er'to wakeo liuro Hfiaiii, Tharo'll ba walls of earth botweeu us and i couldu't bear yuu tbeu. ; If you know somooiia wns thirsting for a drop of water sweet Would you he so slow to hr'UK it ? Would you luovo on Iiit:^ar(l fuct ? There are teuiler hua:t« u!l rouud us who are tliitstiefi for our luvt*. Why wifholU from theiu what nature luakes tbcu^ cravu all ulsu abjve '/ t won't need your kinrl carosses wheL the grass Slows o'er my face, 1 won't crave your luvu and kisses la my las*. low resting pincu, So then, tf you lovo niu anv, if it's just a little bit. Lot mo know it now «vhilo I am living so j can owu sud treusuiv it. Swictun Park From our oi(-/i Cun-estKindmit. A numlier have linit.hed seeding, whil« otiieis ar- still availing an o[>i/ortuuity ' to tiiii&li l;etweeii ^lioweis, I .Misa M. Scnit was called away t? at- • tend rhe f umril of lur sinter last week. I Hornâ€" M.>y 10, to Mr. and Mrs. John : Haw, a da'jgtitcr. ] Firoâ€" Ou Saturday niorning about !ltir>e o'clock the E-plin church was { burned to the Kiuund. Cuuse of tiru is unknown. Weddings â€" On Weuue^Jay lartt Miss Caasie Uaw, uf Lli>peTille, and .Mr. Jake Smith, of E;,rt'iii<>iit, were united in iiiarriHge. The Rev, Mr. Humphreys lied tlie knot Also Mi.ss Siiah Hill and Mr. Wni, Mais^itdl weie niadu man and wife a few days before. Wo wish i!io y-iunK couples a pleasant journey through lifu. Mr. Wni. Knox is visiting anion^ friends here at present. Mr, ThoinpsiMi, student, has chfkrge of the services in the Prubbytciiiin church at present. MarkdalA From uur own Correnpomient Wo trust the word "real" will not bo taken literally. â€" Ed. Advance.] Min Keufer as Patty Jiine.s was oxoelleiit, idi, i Mrs, Armstioiii; as Mrs. Awhton, Mr. Mayor Jiicl!s<m, while nut bicycling, Lindsey as Dick Bustle, and M. SVilKru ran into a ouy^'y coiuin;: up the gravel at; Tommy Clnibljf. Mr. Pedlar ni:.do ;i r.iad, Inciting rather u bad fall but was Bt\i:u fatlicr, aiul Dr .Mahnn, his sou.wa.H not seriouslv hurr. widl shown, alno Mi.S;; iJjerdriiin as thj Master Willard Trniti w.is in Tomnto .ntfuctioniite ilaughter. In fi:ct all tho last week, umleriiolng an operation on jterforinanco so dehylittil the audieiii j his eye, \ lump growing ou his left thut it is hoped the club in the nei r eye was the Iroiihle. future will favor Eugenia v.itli a siiuilar Mr. Cimrlie lliu!<etts, of Weston, spent performance. Tho proceeds aianunte.l the 24th wiili his pureii-s here, tt) thirty dollars. Mr. Frank MeFarhind. of Cpper Can- ada Colh-ge, was home this week. Wo are glad tu heir of Franks success in the shouLing iiialeh recently held there ] Mrs. Biguar spent la»t week in Bramp- ton, i The Fire Bugs Sentenced Orangeville,May20â€" Aftera tiial lastiui; two days and ,'i half at()ian<;evil!etliecele- _ Mr, J, n, Dundas spent the 24th in biated Melai:cthon tiro cmsu came to aa Torontu. j abrupt terniination tliisafteriiooii, .lamci 1 tm â-  i Ballar.'l was found yuilty on VVeiinesJay, and Duvid Ballard, Wui, Ki id and Jame.-t C!orlictt withdiew the.r idea of "not guilty, " iiud subalitutul that of "guilty, ' ill the hope of some oliclit clemency fiuiii the court, Alonzo f^mitli hiu also Brrais;ued and ple.'idijj guilty. Thin Vandeleur Fiom oHr own ConcsjiondetJ . Mr. ami Mrs. Alex, Carson of Price- â-  tl viile spent 24:h with frieini.s here. A Few More Good Values Heavy Coftonade (special) 18c, Men's Suits, $2 50 up. L.idies' Glove Gmin Laced Boots, standanl screw (special) 98c. Gent's Fine Shoes, gaiter or laced, $1.13, Lace Curttiins per pair, 25o up. Henvy Tweeds, 20c up. Azure Silks, 10c yanl. Boiler Uliiid.i, complete with pulls, oil colors, 25c up, Nice Prints, 5 and Cc. Giivjhaiii.H, pretty (mtterus, 6c, Oatmeal and Castile Twin-bar Soap, 5c. Sewing Machine Oil, extra large bottles, lOe, Light Siigar,28 lbs. for If 1,00. Best Granulated Sugar, 22 Iba, for Jl.OO, Glass Tuiublcrs, large size, 45c per dozen, Kinkora Black Tea, 25c lb. 3-lb. bur Si ap, 10c, Rice, 4c lb. IHuxwcII. From our own CurreapondeiU. The morniiig of the 24th was opened by royal salutes of twenty cue nuns, SiMjii the villaiiers were al work eroetiii; tlags on all important points, Tho day was spent by traiiipi'-g thmuiili the bui.li aUjiia 'he Bjaver in search of the sieckled beaui'ies. The cheese f.ictory is completed and the uiacl.iiiciy will be placed in pcsitioii this week. Oi.eralioiis will coininonce 1st of June. For the last few days Mr. 0»x>rce Handin has been at w.iik on Dr. Scott's Inwii, Anyone who doubts Goorue's skdl <u< a gaideiior and tlural architect Inui only tu visit the same to be thorough- ly coiivinced, Bev. .M. M, Goldberg occupied the pulpit of St. Marys church last .Sunday tuoniiiitf. ThdU^v, .J, C. Ferricr took the Markdale and Beikley appuintnient Mr. Albert Nelson spent the 24iha' his parental home in Egreinonf, Dr. Scott, Mrs, Scott and Mr. Win, Gny, Sr., spent tho Queen's birthday ai M^Iijtyre, Mr. and Miss C.tirns spent Sunday at Mr. Si radian's. Maxwell is thiiik:ng of having n monstrous picnic 'on Jubilee Day, 22nd uf ,7uiiu. Dan declares ho can kick the kpg highei' than any otiier man in Ma.\wc!l Miss Neihe Ai.dera.'n .f Gleu«li{ is leaves only lliu" case ugaaist William visiiing her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, Delaney, wiiich will not Le pressed i.l ''''• , tile present .issizes. Tins was done after Mr. .John Boland raised a slr.-\w shed consnliatii.n anu.iig cnuiisi 1. All th.» on Tuesday of l.ist week. , ,,u>riiing tho piisoiieiV hopes of aiiiuittjtl The masons have coiiimei.ccd woik at Imve been Waiiiiii.', and the reading of Mr. Geo. Shannon's new house, letter sent bv Balls' d to Carey was .i Mr, Uob. Pittclmid ..f Mark-dale visit- ! htrLe of the'tlieatrital, which completod ed bis patents here on tlie'.Mth, ] their discmHture, Mr, .Myers, (J.C.an- Mr. Albert Hutchinson loft for Fever- ; nounctd at ten ini.iutes after two tlii.-« sham on Tm wlay morning to work in the iifternoon, that, liHvini; advised with tho cheese factory. , priaiji.eis, iiiid, in view of the develop- iho members of Christ church, Mark- j niei.ts in tho witness-box. hu wisliwl to dale, held a g,irden party at .Mr. Geo. | withdraw the plea of "n..t uuilty" for thut Hutchinson, sr, on the evening of the „tâ€" guUty. ' W. U. Uid.b ll, for tiio 24th. notwithstanding tho evening was ; crown, said he bad no objections :» thi » damp and chilly, there was a very laige course being puisued, and his Lordshi,. ra'beiing. ; formally reconled the pica of •gm.ty. ' Master Riy Nevins of Emery .^lent The coliapso of the case for the defence the 24th with his grandparents, Mr. and ; U attributed to the celerity of the crown Mis.Wm. HutchiiiB-m. oflieeis hi anosiin;; the witnessis on ; whimi the sisoiiists relied for a suhi<riied alibi. The crown, by iiottini; confessioi.t* from these men, and using them hs Ktt- iicsses, coiiipleie.'y wrecked tjie defenc. . Alon/xj Smith, when unalgiied on thd charge of setting tiru 'o his own fan,, on Encenia. Priccville INg l^sAYxt Your Produce and 50,000 libs, mrool R T. HILL & CO Markdale Ontario From our oxmi Correspondent The Queen's birth<hiy passed tdl" very quietly in this burg, A few of our citizens betook themselves to Dow's lake but did not meet with very wcnderful success except J. , who caught a bouncer with a silver hook. A few days ago some one helped him- self to about a ton of hay wliich was lying in a stable near tho .school house. The hay belonged to Mr. M, Srott and Mrs. Munii. As the building is somewhat isolated tho thieves got away with the feed unnoticed, but it was a tlaring trick nevertheless, Tho S, O, T. intend holding tb.eir annual picnic to Eugenia Falls on Sittur- day, .Juno 5. Mr. and Mrs, Lavgne, of Detri-l, are visiting the hitter's parents, Mr, and Mi-s, McAulay, Misses Eliza, Sara and Maiy Caniii- bell, of Guelph, are spending a few 1 olid.->,^-s with their parents. h'rom Our Own Correspoiiilent Tho country is looking lovely i Much niin hai f;illen this spiing and this ! Jtine 4tli, 1804, pleaded "uuilty" m n has c«use«l a rapid growth of grass, al- ' ^'•'ak and faltei ing voice. Tho prisoiieri though other vegiUtion is somewhat : y*''"'« *'''" f"''""''iy'ri'ig"c'l on ail thu litter than l:ist year at this time. Their indictments now against them, and tl,u was n slight frost on Friday night lust, j ciow.i went through the b riiml procedum but little if any diiumge was done by it to "f calling a jury and cub witness iii tacij the fruit trees, indictment, Mr. Moses Sherwixnl luut with a| the se.ntbnces rather severe accident at Mr. Portoous' | Orangeville, .May 21,â€" The clinmx of barn raising on Friday last Ono of the ; thoureat Melancthon Hie conspiracy was plates, when being niised, slipped and reached this inoriiiii!/ when J uJge I'Vrgu- struck Mr, .Sherwoiid on the head, com- I â- "" ""po-sed the fulhnvii.g Heiitences mi pletely scalping one side of his head, i '•'" I>'"<oi'«i's : L)«vid Hallard, 12 ye.-irs ; However, we am pleased to hear he is ^ •''"'"*'' l^"""!'*'. 12 yeais ; .Vlonzo Smith, getting along well under the circum- 1 '->'""â- * J \\ illiani Beid, 8 years ; Jaiiie» ,stanceH, Corbet t, 8 years. The prisoners. w:tli Mr. .John .Xrinstrong still remains in a j ''•* exception of Reid, spent the iiiaht in very precirious Condition, Hemorrhiigo weeping, Alonzo Sniih, tho dare dtvil of the lungs still c> ntinues. Tho special meetings now being held at the hall by the licv. Sir. Thorn and Mr. Rodgei-s of Toioiito are well attended. The hall iu hlh d to overtlowiiig at every meeting. Sir. Rudgers is a forcible of the lo;, was the tirst to break down afttr he had yixlded and pleadeil guilty. Yeaterday afteimoti he was ltd sobLing from I lie court, and his inoth'-f, who has not f pokeii to liini for montlm and was to have testilied .lu'ainHt hiin, also bl'oku speaker and a sweet .singer. It is imped • <'Own in her pl-ice in the gallery. gnat good »i:l result from tho meetings. Mi>i Gill. land met with a .severe acciilent on Sunday morning when bring- ing in tho cows to milk. She fell and ui- jurcd her lack. She had to bo cfirried home and is severely hurt. Miss LeGani of Flesherton was the guest of iMiss Meldniin on Stinduy lust. .Mr. Herb .Johnston of Fleshoiton was This morn iit> at 11 o'clock when, after 10 hours' deliberaliiiU, li,s Loid.slnp was prepared to pronounce st'iitenco, ilio couit room was crowdeil. His Lordship then asked the lirst prisoner if ho had anything to say. L'avc Ballaid .said that lie had iiotbiiiu to say moie thau that he would ask for njorcy. Davn Badaid was then seiitencul to twelve. home to FptiKl the 24th with his mother | y-""'" '" f'^inuston Penitentiary, Davu at ElK'eiiia. ' sobbed quietly to hiiiicelf. Hev. .^lr.Tllom and Mr. Uodgers had Wiiliai.i Red .said he hoped liis cuso an e.\citing I'dvintiiru last week wl would be a wariii>i:i to oiln rs. visiting at Mi: Goidon'r', on the 12 con, ! ^is Lordship said he hml f<iund dilfBt. When coining out of the bjie air Rmlgeis ence in 'be d.greo of nllViidiim betweeM. was pitched out of the buggy. Lie was hinif elf and Dave BalUrd and senteiicbd diivuig, and the lines in hishiiiiddioppcd, '''"' <'' e'gl't joits. Buid did not nn.ve a when the horse, a spirited aiiiina!, ran mtiscle. •tway, Mr, Thorn jumped from the buggy j Jmies Cerbttt had nothing to sny eX- oiitothe horses back to catch the line^ , "^^^ " p'oa for iiierey and was sentmced but the lior.se broke down the gate and 'o ''»""*'""" ^^'â- "' •"* 1^^'''' â-  Ho »'""»! throw Mr, Thorn ott" Fortunately : with bent head, but showed no emotion, neither of the gentlemen were hm"t Alonzo Smith bad nothing ti>- <^iy. His except a few bruises and a bad shaking L<'rii-'*iiM> though Idui cnlpnblu in a up. The hoise ran as far as Eugenin, hifger degiee tliaii ei'hiT Reid or Cor- whcre it was cuight. Tho animal was '*i''t'""l 'â- entenced him to twelve ycal-s. not injured nor the buggy br. ken. He .sit do»n and hid liiniself from tho say Ho Mrs, .Samuel Fisher htuj been very sick , ^y** ' f the court, the pa.'it week, i James B.ilhird had nothing to The 24th, as usu.tl, brought larsjo '•'"''••''' '!"^' **'>»i?'^'<'" '•'« si'""* 'cnn, numbers out to Eogoiii.i. Oiir romantic "'V", ''"''''' '"'P^f*-"*'^ *-" ihroniihout, little town still lioM.s a charm for ad The t.nti-nci.s were a surjiriBO to tho lovers of the beautiful. Tho soonory at pfi>-oners slid everyb dy else. Nc.body this time is charming. The Methodist 'hoiii-li! the Ballnrds anl Smith would g.Hdcii party was a decided success. Tho got loss ilian Hfteen or twenty yiais, or Ladies of the church had an elegant that Reid and Cortiett would (;tt iiioin supper laid at tho church, to wliich '^''"" "^'^ J'*^-'"* «ach. ample justice was done by a great many, I »..-•., and the splendid reiiderine of the L.'i.st 011 l c i-> 1 ., Loaf, by the Flesherton Dnmiati. Club, i „ J,' o„ "ers^ ""' " ^"^^ ''"' was a geiuiiiiu treat to ail who were '^ "^^ " fortunate enough 10 hojir it. 'Ihe lia.l Jas R, Thompson of M..nf,.ra nenlect.d was tilled to ov> rHowing. an.l many could to torn oil' the gas «t llio Paterson houst not uain admittance. All the obaraoters Owen Sound, with the result that threo lii the drama were true to hfo, Mr. physicians had to work over him for tineu Ihurstoninado a real specimen of the hours to restore hiiu to con8ciousne.i3 and druudard. [ Is this mteiided as praise ) he is yet in a critical ooudition.

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