Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1897, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â-ºâ€¢Â»--- ESTABLISHED ~/SS/- ^ho Advance M/BM.SItr.D WEKI;LY at the office. SYD- ENHAM STKEET, KLESHERToN, OST., BY W. U. TUUBSTON. $1 per aniitiui,striclly in advance AdvettiBing Rates: 4aa Column, 1 yuar, (50 ; half col., 1 year, (27 quarter cul., one year, £13. Transient advortUoiuout charged at the rate â-  ueuta i>or iiue (or first iuMirtion aaJ J cuuta each subd(K)iioiit iusertiuu. The anrigLteous bank uote and postage contract with an American liiiu waB iLrt'thtd out in parliumeni iiu Tliurstlay last and received a Kevore scoring froiii tbe Opposition, Lul not so severe as it deserved, li is enough to make every loyal Can- adian blush with shauie. For a 'foreign concern to assert that the art woik cannot be done in Cunada, is a iibcl, and to have tiiis repealed as fact by the government is addiii)^ (jiots insult to injury. Tht) new iasuc of jubilee postage stamps, which is to be placed on the raaiket on Juno 18, will be a direct refutation *i( this falsehood, they being the 'Workmanship of Canadians Ihrougii- out. The Advance had occasion to eay soinething on this queation a few weeks ago, and bir Obarlea Tupper look occasiun to rrpeat oui seuti- ueniB to a dot on the lloor of tbo lujr.Kc. Sir Charles during the course of his speech said : " If il:erL' ever wiis a time wlien Chip rdii xliiiu'd not iruat with untluo fiivui i>ii<i coiiRiileriitiMii n country ih:it tri!Mi-il (<niiH(lii and the CiiiiaaiHiix uit tliu >S(atci< dill, lliiit ti.iie WIIS now. (Hour, jmiir.) Kf)W, when lh« l-'nited States would ii -r ])truiit a Caiiadiitn l.ilMrer to d<> u diiyV voik tl.oni, wa< tlii.s it tiiirc wliuii the ]^liiiiiitfr Nhituld ^o dut of liin wiiy iti hr\>\\i into C.niicl.'i an Aiiuaiciiu coin- |>iiiiy ill Older to de.sltoy a lioino iiiiiiis- tiy I He liad Iroalud lliu AiuDriciiii ciMiipmiy with n congiderntioii lliat waa iiiVHiialily (Jellied to any (.'.iiialiaii cipii- Inicior. (Hear, htar ) Tlie lion, miiilu 11)111 took cr>-dil for the new liniMini.' of • he Aiiiorican Hank Note (yoiiipiiiiy tlmt V/HK lu'iiig eluded in (Jllawa. Did he jiluiiie liiiiinelf on tliu faut that thiMe could !«â-  seen hi side it tliu wn-ek of a Imlf Hiillioii dolLii.s rnpital of the peo|il>- I'f Caiuidi I lleiiiii not think thuru uas trny oilier (lo/erninunt tli.il wonlil ^o ton fori'i:.'!! ci'UiUiy to have a work exocutud wlun they liad a 0'>iii|iany dpalile of do i'ltf it ill their eoiiiiliy. (Huar, hear.) The letting of tin) contract to a foreign linn o|ii'neil the liel.l for fr.iud. wliieli might lie coniiiiiiiiKi liy the uinploycH in iiiaiiufiutiiriiii; false curri'iicy- He denied onip.iil.ically that tlio Djpiity Ministiir bail H|i|iiineil of the eontiact, fiiviii).; lliiit no one could leiid liia loiter wiilimil K.e ing thiit lie ooiiduini.ed in the t-trntii^t'Hl ti-riiiK tliecimr.-ie pufs led liy I lie iiiinmter. A i/nner iiijiiHtieeio the IliitiMli .Vnn'ii a Hank Noie Company, and to ('.in.ichi. Could int. ill hi.t ojtiiiioii havu been pi'ipotrated " â- Â«?«â-  â-ºe*9aWWBMBBa?BB! nami •^ffSSSB^ this the Rev, T. M. Campbell appears tu be playing something like tyranny towai'da his fam'ty, or exercising the function of Cavdinal Caraifa, who iuslitulfcd the " Libroium Prohibi- torum " of the Catholic church. Tbe world is continually changing, and conditions are ch'iii<.ing also, and more liberal interpretations are be- ing placed upon holy "vrit every day. Step back to the days of united Home and witness thu schism which took place ; go on to the days of the inquisition ; cross over to Puritan New England, and compare all these periods with our own times, and the marvellous changes in moral progress are apparent. The Blue Laws of Mus^iachnssetts are looked back upon with a shudder. Giles Coreys are no more. And jet, wo dare say, in those days had there been newspapers to protest against the iniquitiep prac- ticed in the name of religion they would have been very promptly '' stopped " or " iiide.ted " by those who had it in iheir power to dn so. A Wiaitoii mail captured a hoar cub not linger than a eat, and sold it to a hulel keiper f.>r $5. STRAYED Strayed from the pasture field of Mr. Ilewetc, Meaford road, a four-year-old eoit. Information aa to its wliereabuutH thankfully received. MRS. A. WARD Maxwell r. O., May i.'4. '97. NOTICE All peiHons allowing horseii and other •loiiirsiio aniinalK prohibited by lownsliip bylaw from ruiitiiiii! at largo are hereliy reqUHeted to keep them encluHud or the [leiialiieH of iliu liylaw will be put in force. J 11 Heard \ D. MtTAVisii VPoli W, J. llELLA.MvJ ice Truatoes. Everybody RSAD THIS CHANGE IN BUSINESS The uiiderfiigned wIhIi to annoillice to the people of thin Kuetion that they have puielia.S'jd the tailor- ing biiNiiieNN condiieted by Mr. C J. Leitcli in Kleshcrtoii. Wo tru.st the very liberal |mtroii- agu liehtowrd ti)ioii onr predeeo.s.sor in the past will be e.vteiuled to ua in the future. We Don't... Occupy thi.s Kp:iceti»ilo a litllo blow- ing, lait to iiitrmliico oitr.selves to the public U'u will iniike onr work do all the talking, and tlieruby hope to g^iii the goinl-wili and patroimgt) of the peopio of tliiH Neclioii. SVo giiaiaiitee yoii a per- fect lit ill thu Liteiit Ktyle.'i of the art. BAKfliri* OLl> STAND, FLESHERTON Proctor d jiUan The Toronto Btar '\% now being }ioyooltcd by loading ministris.of the Methodist chuich for its advnc.iey of Knnday siiett carp, and 11. v. T. M. Can.pbell of (Joderich slopped hi^ copy i.f the paper becauHC, an he said, le dt hired to protect the morals ol iiis fomily. It hlrikis iis that any (growing fiimily would be cxcteiliiigly weak iiitellectiiiilly to he injured by anything the bitar said or did during iliHt cunipaign. It prrfonted its cu.su from a slre-^t car point cf view in an < xcecdingly fair manner anil with a inodrratiim nf language such ii.) was not shown by many nf the anti car «! eakei'S. P<nt aside frciu this : are we all to take our nioritls from our foitfalheia or from tl.e Bible? Are we to allow otlitrs to do all the in- lerpitting of holy writ for iiii, or are We to think and read for oursolvea ? ]f we are not to be mete iutellecliiul fungus growths w« must read for our f^lvcB, and not alone only that wliicli ti^ aaid od ou« sid« o/ » questiou. lu Municipality of . . . OSPKEY Court of Revision Nolico is hereby (jiveii that the first sittiiiK of the Ci'Urt of Hevitioii fur the municipality ofOwpreyfor the year A D. 18!»7,will le held in lhe()rangeH»ll inlhe village of Mux "'ell, on Mondny.May olst, 18117, at 10 o'clock a m. All parties in- terested will govern iheiiiHeUes accord- ingly. TuoMAS ScoTT, Clerk uf said Municipality. Court of Revision riunicipality of Artemesia Notice is hereby givi^n that the first sittiiic; of the Court of Ituvisioii for the inuiiicipiiiity of Artenn'Nia for the year A. U. 18!)7, will bo held in the Town Hidl, Flesherton, on Haturday, June 5, 18!»7, at 10 o'clock a. in. All parties interested will govurn theinsehcK accord iiigly. W. J. IJEIXAMV, Clerk. COACH STALLION "Wild Jfany " No. 12C;-j, Vol. 2, A', C. H. S. I), cf KiiKlana. No. lU, Vol. 1, C. H. H. B. of CauaCtt. PRIZES WON IN CANADA Hocoml as a two \ear oUl at Toronto, 18ft8: Hrttt as a two year old at Hnitiiltoii, IKHH; tlrht at Toronto in a class nf tnenty and Mutlal ovor all othurH in 1H!K) ; fliHt and Kweepstakus at Toronto Kprlii^ litulUuii &how. IHOl ; tlrHt at III uKtrial. 18U1 ; nccood at Toronto fpnug Ktulliou Hhow. ItAhi. ii Milli Sn iho maiiar of iho {istaie of ^ancioiph Jfonry Ttfi'ddauqhj iate of the Vtiia^o of H^rt'cQ- viil,^, in tho County of Sroy, S^rovi'nce of Ontario^ yontio' man, deceasad, • Nnl'ICi: i^ h»M'c'>3 (Sven iinr^imnt to U H. O. UiJ)7. I tip. lin, Hvv.. Ill uu'ii iitiutni iui^ nttPl tlmt utl jiorh-tim IjavliiK riiiy rtalnis or liniiH (sneuiHl or tithiivwirti;) iii*.iiiiht thu HaM Kiriilnl|)li Htjiiry .Mi'ltiutigt), w)k; ilitid oil or tilnmt Mm liJth ihiy (if Alaich, l-si'V, or fti;ainft Iim «stut>» or any |M?tnr shiiie lljon^oi" or intortist tlu^rein nro itMitiir*:ii ti) v.!i;:l liy poft iiucpui'l) (-r to d, - )i\.- to ('(iriU'ii.i .>ii idtMinit, or tlu) Town of IMii li ni. ill lliu Coinitv of (iiov (i)mliiiiii 1'. O.t willow uf tlu) tXL'Ciitrix of tliw liit-t will utid ttiytaiDoht of lli»? Krtid drcL-asftl or to ii. I.tilroy » eCtiiit. of flm Kai'l Town of Uurlnun, ilio sfli(!i(iir for thr R-iiil rxr.iuti ix. i.n oi hoforo thi> i2tli day of June, IHyy, llKtir clnihtinn irrii) sttMiKliH'h^, (l(i'^Iâ- ^•^^t'H. iiimi dliKcrllrtU**.!?, Cliu full iiirt)citUv--4 of tiu-lr cLiinid, a HtiiCniMuiit of tlifi.- iirooiuitd or i-Inihif, uiui tlin imtiirL* o; tliu SIM iivctios {if nn>) lu'ld by Iht'in and tbtt af till fit; Htiid d.i y (lit* iti 1 I'.Xdonttix will proiitMid to >ii t itiUtCl tllO 09SUtS of thu H.lld dU' OtlKOcl iDDoiiM ihv \unx'wm <*ntiili>d Ihorncii. htivlit^ »(.j4iii-J oitly to Mio chiMii^ of wliitdi iintico shall huvu biiuii fjiviKi HH ul>ovo i8 rt'i|nii(>i'. And till! Huid>iN' ct.tiix Hliall not litt l-uHpoll^ihlu for lh«) a.^HcLr. or an V |uvt lli-tnot to any poison or iiDhnnM cf w)iohi. olaimn imtico Khali not havu bin It rucnlvuc' as afoiusald. Uatud at Durham tblu Gtb day of May A. i>. 18J7. a. LKKIIOY MoCAUL SoU^itur (or H^ld uxeoutrfi. â-  * UOUDELIA MIDDAUOH l-xwuutriJi. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIOREE WILD HAUKY ia a beautiful dark bay with black luKH, no wbito, btandH IC) handu hi^'h. wtd^hB IIUU iiouitdft. foaled in 1H86. bas t;raiid action, an exculluiit temper and haN pioven himself a Kiirti foal fiettor, and btiin^ Buoh a fashionably brud horHo, transmits his HUperioi (pialilit'H to liiH profjeny and will ^.-et horscH that aro in Kuch ^reat doniand iu both the Kijulish and Aujciiean uiaikets ana bring hlKii prices. \VlLr3 HAKKY. No. 12C.-», Vol. 2, Yorkshire Cnach ibrse 8tud Hook of Knclaiid. No. iV, Vol. 1, Coacli Hotso Stud liook of Canada, bay color, foaled lu IKH8. brmt by }lbiu-y t'ovurdale. Had Farm, Kiiby MoorcKido. York- Kbire ; property of IfaineH Hros., (iriersvtila, Ont. Siro Kuiperor l*2:m ; ho by Kinprror TM; liH bv KiiipetOrl-15; be by 'JeDeral linuuflt I7ii; ho by Itaylock tiTJ ; li.- by Hayloek M . he by liaylock :i*i; he by (Mianipiou 81. (who was foab-d ill ISJti.j Sire of iJaui Uallot, S. 11.; hu by I nderhaiid, ti. B . out of Adelaide, S. It.; by Melbouiuc, H. It.; G. I>aiti by Ituitondrof, S. H.; out of Ksuierelda. K It.; by Canada Itall, S. It.; (i. Ci. Diiiii by Itudlauiile H. It; out of Lady of thu Lake. 8. b. ROUTE FOR THE 5EASON OF 1897 MONDAY. May .Ird-VViUloavohis own Hthblo. lot I. L'oii. :J. St. Vlncunt. anil proct-ed by way of Third Ifiiie and '.i and 4 hide road to Uevere Hotel, Thornbury, for noon ; thencu by wav of ClarkhburK and llCh Liue to F. Uuii,luer'd f< r niKbt Tl'KKDAY-M'ill proceed alonp 10th Lino to lied WiuK. iheliee west ti> S. GoodfullowV for iiiiou ; thunce by way of Duncan Sideioal and Urd Line to ti anci 7 sideroud, thence to J. M. ThurHton'H. Kiiuboi'ley. for nijjbl. WKDNKSD.\Yâ€" Will proceed byway of 4th Line Konlh to 1'. MuiihIiuw'h hotel, l''uL'nnlii, for noon ; thenou to U. HovV, Morey eornerb, foi Olio hour ; theiii-eto A. iiluubliun'b uuvlI, I-leshertun. for niKiit. THUKSDAYâ€" Will pioeeedbywar of Vande- jnur to Geor^u lliitc Iiinoo'.s, Seventh Line KuohraHie, for nnon ; tluiiire tioith aloiii; Kovt-nMi Line to Jua, Bcott'a ueui Itocklyn, for ni^ht. FUIDAYâ€" Will pVooeed along 7th Line to 'luwn Line, thence went to Hd. Clai k*a lor nouu ; theucu west aluUK 'i'owu Line to Kleveiitb Line. St. Vliieeiit, thence norib to Itobt. Kerr'a lot 1j, con. 11, f^r niKht. SATIUDAYâ€" Will m.K-eed by way of 15 and 10 to Itoyal Hotel. Ali-aloiU, for noon, thiiice liy way of Foiuth Line ami the Mail Uuad to lll^ o\w) Htatdu. whnu bo will reiuuiu until the toUuwitifj ^il.lllday morning;. 'I he above lonte will be for tuu weeks, btaltb and >\e^tiier pernuti.iny. M. Richardson & Co TERM5_ To Insure. #f), sint;Ie luap 60 oa'^b. luKured mures uiUHt bu retiiiuud re({ulaily to the borsu or they will b.ich:iiKod the in-iUiance whether in fonl or iiot. r<M><onH trying uiaiun and not returniUK thtni regularly to the lioibe wtil bu (-liarL,M*d lor Ha>iie, I'ailie-i dibpohint; oi' tlieir mau'H I'tiforo to.illntj time uiUbt pay the in- suiuncc- wliitbur iu loal or nut. Ail acciiieutrt lit ilie ri>k of iwiiciN. ho hcceiid prices. (huinu'ii fo»!» >j\ic timo of Horvico. W. J. & J. A. HAINES. Proprietors . A. HAINI-S. rUnaiecr yS^UCTION SALE In the Township of Osprfy, iu ilie Ciniiity of tiixy. T: cro w.li be i ffered for eulo ly Publiu Auction, on Friday, h M Day Jans, 1831 Ai Miinrlur'n Hold, in t e \ i.lag : oi riotho.'ton, M 11 oVldck ill tlm foiiiniion, by viitue of Power of 8..I0 i^niaiiii. d iu « eortuin iiiort- giigp, whicli will bo produced ai. tliu sale, Uie following iiopurly : The mist htt'f of ot .>(iveii, hi tlis foiiitli floiiciajiii n of iho Hill 1 towi.Khiii of O.piey, iu eiiid county, cubtciuiug tif:y ncrtr« uioru or locB. The following iim r .veuieiitH lira said to bu uu tile jiruiiiiiicii. About 2 J mr 8 ciuiti', lii.ViO); ert'O eJ tii'-renii a hg di»e.liu2, IVjuie Rranmy ftiid li,|{ i.tab.e. Tlirie i8 a Hiimli moiiard uii iho projinrty. Ti-iins-'iO por CBut. of tbo pu ohiiEe inoiit'V In bu (jiiiil down on ihi d.iy of sa'e. For bulaure, lenus vid be niude known nt, the pii'e. For lurllitir pariiculura ujiply to JONES. m\ckrnz:e a LK0N.\RD bulioitur.', Turuuiu bvivut, Toruuio. Or u> R. J. SrnOULE, FM.linton. A FEW POINTERS No one can bo tunned " well dre.ssed " who i« uot we!! tdioil An ill fitting i)air of slic^es nmkcs one's existence a burden, and .in ill lool-.iiig par ef- fectually sjioils one's personal iipijeirance. When you conteinp ate buyiiii; your new sumnier Sli(<es consider your own comfort, think of trieir aiipearanou and wear resiiting qualities and then decide to cuius to us. The Shout we B.lt are eiiibodiinentH of theae re(|uisitcs. Reasonable Prices for Reliable Goods Women's Bn'ght BufT Oxfovl.i, pat. tip and f.-icd, 81 00 Women's Bright Dongola t)xiord.s pat. tip, 51.?:, §1.50, $1.75, $2.00. Womeii'ti Chocolate Oxfords, 61.;55. ^ Women's Bright Donj^ola Trilby, 2-button shoes, $1.50. Women's Bright Donj^ola Sanda », 81.40. Women's Bright Doligola Derby, kid lined, 82.25. Men'H Butr Ijico or Oaiter, $1 40, 81.75, 82.00. Men's Butf Oxfords Shoes, 81-35. Men's Dongola Oxfords sho'-s, 81.65. Men's Dongola Lace or Gaitt-r, 81.50 to $2.75. .Men's Ainiriean Calf Bals, t2 50. Men's Goodyear Box Calf Bals, 83.00. Mis.ses', Youths' and Children's Boots in all sizes and qualitie.i. Our assortineut of ipi.-dities, ^izea and styles is unexciUod. Summer 5uits ^ ^ ^ ^ Come and see the valuei we are offering in lloady-Mado Clothing for men, youths and boys. We have a sfileiidid as.sortnieut uf seasonable gu<i<.ls in tho newest styles and colorings, well tiimuied and well tailored. We cau tit anyune. Our tango of sizes is p;-rfect. Men's Blue So'ge Suits, well made and triimned, 83 75. Men's Grey Tweed SiiiiR, square or sack coat. 84 95. Men's Diat'onal Tweed Suits, light or dark colors, 80.OO. Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, any fashionable color or pattern, from 88.00. Men's Black Woisted Suits, Venetian finish, 8S.50. .\lso Ueady-Mado Suits in Fine Grey Worsteds, Black Diagonal Worstedo and Black Sergei in ^f^•n'^ and Youth's sizes. Dollar Pants â€" A lino of TWKED PANTS, good cilorn and jiatterns, all sizes, JJl. Ordered Clothingâ€" Leino your ordor with u.s. We gu inintee sitiafaction. Ilj- liablu good.s, g.iod triin:n:n;_fs and workmin:4hip. A Blue Serge Suit, well made A Felt Hat \ Pair Elastic Suvpentlers A Silk tie A Black Sateen or Ciilored Shirt Our J ubi'ee opening last week was a decided success. We are crowded with orders. Visit our sliow roonis the next time you are in town and see the newest and prettiest styles in Suinnior Millinery, Ladies Pai':isols, Shirt Wai.sts, lilousea, Belts, Etc., Etc. Every siasonable want foreseen and provided for in this deiMi'tinent. Wool â€" We want 100,000 pounds Fleece Washed Wool â€" Bring yours along 1 KAMJlftZARE I3EI>ART»<!IE:NT The WOODY ATT Lawn Mower A Good Thing Push it Alon^ I Triumph Corn I'lunturs â€" best iu the market â€" One dollir e.i-h O A cop "O A ears / Oheep'-Shears / We have them and have them right. John Soiby's full polished SHEABS at 75 cents pair. Waul & Pi.yne's ha:f polished 81IKARS at (it) cents pair.. Clieaper oii.s at 25 cents ami up. Garden Syringes & Spray Pumps Now is the time to spray your trees and bushes if you want iiice fruit. Solid Brass Syringes at 81.00 each. Bra.s tlio. lowest. 10 lb. Sled^jes for driving' Spray Pumps with ho.sc at 82.25. I stakes only 50 cents. Fence Wire &. Cast Sledges Fence Wire of all kinds is down iu pi ice. You will want some when 1 1 rough sueding. Conio to us for it. Our prices aiE ^2^Zit in ^xoo That is alwiit the way the NAIL BUSINESS is this year. Got our prices on thoiu and other hardware before buying. We can get any kinds ol Bicycle repair! lor you cheap M. Richardspn ^ Co i- f:

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