Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i- f:. Vicinity Chips C lar.-icJoristU'S of the Past Week i'ari'fuJiy CMiled for the <-uri«iis â-  *»-r~ Bu .UKJ» KoUces among locals will b-; t ihtrged at the rain of ten c;iif« + per 'Lie f-ir each insertion. A t re-ln lion viU he made oh con- f trnf.ts for 100 Ihtis vr oi>er. FJwO! $2.S0 nt Kiinil.cuse's. TiMoks IiUt! tietil-td weaHiHr at l«sk. Qiiei-ii's .Jui.ilce hanilerchiffs 5, iiucl li-'i c.!nl4, at McFiirlarid's Markdale. CHijliajje anil tomato pUnla now ready »ti Bandiiiusu'.s. Diire your ri.; *irli vuur w»k)1 aiid jV..<!'.Ket.) McFrtiUnd & Son. It will J ny i'l u. BIi!« pink and buff ready-made diets VI sfutui-s hai.dsomely trimnit-tl with liraiH, lejiular pi ic? 81.70, now Z'3.25, at MfFariaiid'iS, Mark-d»le. T. Honderson, dentist, TiTunco, will l»e in Flosheit-ju i>i<ifc'6Ni'>ii«!ly on Wed- Ij«mI iy, June 2. ll.'jni'inlier the date. T. (). Currie, jrraiid vi>.'0'|tresidrnt of Hie I'afrons, has receivi'd the appoint- ii.ejit of iiuuiigiation a^eiit at St. Paul, Minn. McFiiil.iiid & Son ar» soiling the fMllowiu); {{â- â- ods at much bolow regular price*. 411 inch drtH^j atufft, 15 cunts a jfatd, worth 3il cents. Lost â€" Thirteen dolla-nâ€" two fives and tlirec ones, betwueii the village and the station. Fmi'er will kiiialy leave at this otttceur with Mr. McOillat the station. The Loyal District Oran;jH Lodge of Aiti-niCHia will meet in McKee's lodge r"oin, 4(h line, oii the first Tuesday in June, at 2 u'clutk p. oi. S. Sbeaidowu, W. D. M. Fiesherti/ti dramatic comjiany present- ed "The List Loaf" in the Orange Hall Ht Eugenia Monday evenint'to a crowded aud a|)|>recialive house. The proceeds amounted to thirty dollar!). The Osprey cheese and butter faoti.ry will cotuinence operations on Juno 1. The routes were let on Wednesday hist. A very C'-n:!i:t>d!ous and well fiiii"h"d building has been erected for the purpose. A coniiiilttee aii]iointed by the E. G. A«"l Society let a job of improving the tiack at the grounus on Friday for the sum of twenty dollars. The direclois expect to make this the beat track in the cointy whin coni_ let d. It was not good queen's weather on the Quviii's biithday ; intact it was dLs- agreeiibe. There was no excitement in town. Ill the afternoon number» ih-'ive over to Eugenia to a teameotinjj;, but the weathti fntcrftrtd very much with pleaeuru there. The Mcafurd Road cardeii party that was ti) liavo been ^'^''11 by the Ludies Aid of Wesley church, his. been postponed until Tutsi'ay the Ist of Juno. The Fleslieiton Dramatic Club will give''The Last Loaf" in the evening. Admission to tea etc., 10 cents, adulta lo cents. Fool ball etc. Mr Jns Chard purchased two valuable cows {-.oux Mr. Geo. Stowait a couple of v.eek.sago, paying thcr. fnr litty (hilars Hoth animals, shoitly iifler having bcnn driven hoii:e, took inilU fever and died. It vius sujipo.sed that a loni; walk on a hot diiy was the cnu.se. This is a serious tinanciiil blow to Mr Chard. The Owcu Sound Sun has < ha .ged haiid.", Mi;K.«rs. Jas. A. Tucker and J. Oously being the now propi ietor?. IVth gentU'inen are highly siioken of, and Mr. Tucker's literary ability ia widely rec.-g- iiized. The Sun will, node ubt, sliel more warmth under thtir m:inR!{ement than it did under the late piopittor. operating a rickety puuip, and he has half a dozen different names descripiivt* of his uninusicittl croak, in different localitieii. M/8. W. Trimble received a telegram oil Friday retjupsting her presence at the bedside of her blither James at Homing's Mills, who is seriously ill, and she left by the eveniujf train. Later â€" iMr. Jas. Ba.skerville died on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Dr. ReiJ, Horniny's Mills. On Wednesday of last week tliree Fletherton bicyebstk took a trip otll into Ofprey. On the return home in the evennig they were overtaken hy a heavy thunderstorm and took shelter at the residence of Mr. John Har-jrave, 6| miles from town, where they were hospitably entertained for an hour and a halt while the rain poured down. At i) o'clock at niijht they started for home over a road almost floaiiii!; in water and soft luud. Only a bicyclist can ap' preciate their conditiim, and it reijuires a man who ha'* experienced the " buck- ing " of a bicycle on soft mud roads tn lirasp the situation. As a faint des- cription for the uninitiated we may say that a bicycle is worse ihaii a pig or hen to drive under these ccmdiiions. It will bowl along all rij^ht for a short distance, when a sudden notion will overtake it to explore the fence cornei-", regardless of ditches and rocks. Again the hind wheel will slide clean out from under one, or slip around without shoving the wheel ahead, or the front wheel will sneak noiselessly into a ditch, and no power on earth can prevent these thiuijs. Added to other dithculties on this oc- casion the night was extremely dark. However, the 5i miles were made in one lumr. We coiKiole with the gentlemen who nudeiwent the oidtal, and know just how it felt â€" because we were there. Oh, Irwin, Irwin ! From the Durliain Cbrouicle "The Chronicle as an advertising medium ha« no equal in the County. Five Dollars Reward The above reward will be paid to any one giving such information as shall lead to the recov.!ry of a box of houseludd goods which was hist about two weeks a^o on the 10th cim., Osprey. In the box were some roller blinds, .'} brass candle slicks, some factory cotton and various other articles. Jobs Dui'ulas, Fever- sham. Tl\e Eovernnoont will issue a new sett «.f jnbileo pi.stiige s'am|-.s, p'jicing the tame on sale on June 20. The i-sue will consist, of .'>, 1, 2, ;3, 5, (5. 8, l'\ 15, 20, 50 cents, U, ?'.2, «3, $i aiel §5. \Vl,y the liiulicr vuluis will be i.sfiic 1 emi 1 Illy be ixi'laiucd by the fad th.u the jiiivenmient det-iris to make moi.ey out of pliil..te!i.stM who will buy them fnr inrio.sities. The d> sinn if theie sUunps is very bandsi'iiie, and c villains an early and later [icture of the (Ju. on on each 8'aiiip. The Meaford Minvr tells of the cap tureofa hve bittern and says "it is i-ehhim that a bittein is found inhabi'inc; this pait of the country." On the con traiy, ili<> bittern is ipii^e coiiiinon here of late yfais, and wo Inive seen mmy hpecinieiis, A gentlemen at EiK'enia sent us one the other day which ho had (thot. Whe have also seen nnd heard ♦hem in marshy inlets around the Oe»>riiian Bay. The bird is i.o niiity if jrouknow where to Wok forhiiii. His voice Jm« been likened to the uoise niade when The Lacrosse Schedule A meeting of la.^rosse delegates was held at the Connor house, Dundalk, on tTriday afternoon last, fur the purpose of forming a le,)guc ".'id arranging asciiedulu of games between Markd.-ile, Flesherton, Dundalk and Sholburiie clubs. Aftei the foreign delegates had waited an hour and a half fur ihe Dundalk di'Ie.'ate a note was couragiou.sly handed in by a little boy to the elk-cl that they could not get up a club and the other three elubs had better go ah-ad and count them imt, notwithstamling the lact that a few minutes before they had pi niistd to have their delegate on hand. This was done, with the result that only Markdale, Flesherton and Shelburiie are in the league, with four games to each team, and the complete schedule is as follov.s : BCHEUILE Markdale in Shelburne on June 11. Markdale in Fhahertun on June 25. Slulburne in Markdale on July 12. Flesherton in Shelbntn." m July 23. Flesherton in Markdale on August (5. Slielbnrne in Flesherton on August 1.3. Referees from Shelburiie, E. McKini, T. Rayburn ; Flesh, rion. H. N. Hender- son and Dr. Mahan ; Markdale, L. G. Campbell, D. D. S.,aiid W. J. Duiidas. Each club will hold its otvn {.'ate receipts and pay referee. all as parents to exercise a careful uuardianship in the proper intellectual development of those children, that the future condition of our country may be morally and intellectually better than the present. PERSOtSALS Teachers' Convention Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell took in the races at Toronto on the 24th. Ye editor was hospitably entertained over Sunday by friends in Durham. Mr. and Mi-s. John Osborne are visit- ing relatives iu Weston. M-isler Frat.k Irwin, Durham, spent the 21th in town. Miss Carriithers, of Creemore, is the guest of Mi-8. F. A. Hunt. Mr. Robert RichardRon, of Healhcote, Sundayed with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson spent the 24tli wiih Mr. Wm. Elder, Arnot. Miss Caasie Blakely returned tu To- ronto Monday last. Miits Haltie Colo, of Toronto, spent the 21th with her parents here. Mr. P. Henderson is home from Epping for a few days. Mr. W. Henderson was id Toronto for a few days this week. Miss Winnie Hamilton of Thoriibury is visiting the (micntal home. 5Ir. George Wickens spent the 24 th in TorontiK Woiider if ? My W. Irwin, proprietor of the Dur- ham Chronicle, di'^vo over on Monday, returning the same day, Mr. Bert McKay and Mr. Arthur Little, of Owen Si>unJ, were the guests of friends in town on Moud«y. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong aud Miss L. Armstrong returned on Saturday from visi'jng friends in the city. Mr. Archie and Miss Janet Gibson spent Her Mojestys birthday with friends in Toronto. Mr. D. White and Mr. John Duncan, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. \V. P. Ciossiey for the 24th. Mr. Wisloy Smith of tho Thoriibury Standard spent Sunday and Monday with his father, Mr. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. S Vandusen visited with their daughter, Mr?. W. J. Douglas, Collingwood, during the past week. Miss Ida Irwin spent a few days at the parental home, Markdale, re- turning Tuesday morning. Mr. Archie Brown, nf the Durham Chronicle staff, and hie »i8ter,iVli88 Nettie Brown, were guests of Mis. Gadd ou Monday. m *tm t t â-  â€" Wesley Warren of Keppol, who was struck by lightning, lias recovered. The freight traffic through the port of Owen Sound has been very heavy since navigatiuii opened. Died Skmplp. -In AiteraeHis, on Friday. May l-I, Molviua AJoIia ".Vidi.-.mi-ou, beloved wife of William Soniple, aged 2'.l years and S) mou-.hs. She leaves a husband and three small ohiidien, to whom she was a devot«d wife aud mother. Her Voice is now sileat her heart is now cold, I'he »mUe *nJ the welcome oft met me of old ; I misa her niul mourn her in silence un- seen , And live ni tho memory of joys that have been. * [ fain would have kept her and shrank from the stroke, But link after link o( the chain hath been broke ; In HDguish wattbad hei lost liiifioraig breath. When she Uy like a lily »o lovely in death. Mr.s. J.vMES Skmpi,k. Tlin teachers' convention meets in Maikdalc today and to-moriow, 27lh and28tli. Speaking on this subject last week tlia Durham Chronicle says : In some school sections we are in'oini cd that trustees are making objection to the teachers attending Ihe Iiistitiilp. To meet the wishes of ihono who olijected to tho u?o of two school days for convention purp (fen, the Mini^te^of Education fix<d Friday and Saturday, givin;; tho County Council power to sub.stitute Thursday and Friday therefor. This change was author'zed by the Gicy County Council at its January meetiig. and tlie schools of Ihe whole Cnnnty wdl therefore hold their nieeliiigs I'll Tluirsd.iy and Friday as formerly. As teachers are legally coinpHllt-d to be in attendance it is to be hi'pod that they will be sullicieiitly tact- ful to ppi;;t out thema'tor to the trustees if they aie nnfortnnaio enough to have at the hvail of their educiitioiiat affairs, R hoard who would try t>i prevent them from attending till- Iiisi'ute a'ul getting what ina|iirat:on they can by such atteiiil- ance. TluTo are unforiunately afew,and we are pleased to believe only a few cases where (riistcea are C()n!i;iually exercising th' ir high prer.isianve, in interfering wi;h the rights of the teacher. Ths dogmatic interference IS one of the mi>8t potent factors in kd'iiig a t.aclier's in- fluence, nnd it will be well when people will guard the educational interests of their chi'dien hy electing to the iffice of tru tec the most enlightened and liberal- minded men in the community Tho children of to day will be the men and wonnn of lo-nj'Tr'iw, and it be'.^jves ua HILL & CO FLESHERTON Xae//es and Seniiemen We have now got our new stock in position and invite your inspection of the following lines this week. There are extra values in these goods, every one of them. We are to the front with Spring Prints Silkaline, Ginghams Crinkles, Einkles Crepons, Etc Hosiery Children's, 4 pairs for 25c. Ladioii' Fast Dye, full sizes, 2 pairs foi- 25o. Gent's Cotton Sox, 5c pair, beat all. Gent's .Sox, 10c pair and upwards. Ladies' and Children's Vests, 5c eaoh. Ladies' Vests, 15c and 25o. Dress Goods Dress goods, plain, 15o to $1.10 per yanl. Cotton Shirtings, 8o to 14c per yard, Cottonades, Deniines, etc. See our 3c Factory. Ready-Ma, de ClotliirLgr Men's Tweed Suits, $4.25, can't be beat. Men's Worsted Suits, soft Venetian finUh, $11.00. Crockery I Crate Latest pattern culorud Crockery. 07- piece Dinner Sett, $7.50; 63- piece Tea Sett, $3.70 1 Crate Glassware, beautiful de- signs and x>atterns. Boots & shoes==Ail sizes and kinds HOUSE CLEANING TIME is tipon us. White Wash Brushes and Whiting is needed. We have it. OUR groc£:ry Is full of new and fresh goods. 1000 bars ECLIPSE SOAP, the largest and best bar in use, 1 box Dominoes given with every 5-bar purchase. Butter, Eggs, Wool, Hides, etc., taken as cash. Watcii this s{>ace. It will pay you to do so. HILL & CO. FLESHERTON . . Spring tPoetrt/, . If used in connection with proper subjects and handled in the right way should be just as interesting as summer or fall poetry. Onlinary poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is something more vnliinble. Something the po'ple cannot do without at this sea.son of the year. It is Marii ess and Fa rrq B u p lo lies I chiini to keep in st^ick the best goods to be got in the line of hor.se goods, such as harness, buggy dusters, axle gi-ciusy, sweat pads, hoof ointment, •vhips, rubber lap rugs, lined and un- lincd ; (la.sh aiirons, and pnoiiinaric horse collar.s. Always up to-to-dato in everything The POETRY of the THING Comes in tlio immense satisfaction you get in using our goods and the reiveonable prices you have to pay for them. Bought New Stock Furniture For Our Tlay Trade Butter values, handsomer design and greater variety thaii aver before. .\t this season of the year everyone is house cleaning and rearranging. Don't till those old ticks again with diity straw and thistles, wo are soiling line clear, healthy M.\TTHESSES and SPRINGS much lower in price than they imed to he, and then our present cash sjistein brings them still lo>ver. We have a beautiful lin« of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES away, away down in price. If you have a picture or photo lying around h?ing spoileil by handl- ing bring it iu and get a frame for it, you will be surprised at huw little it will cost you and thj excellency of our stock in this line. f, d*. 77/oore, " ^ ^/ej/ierton Furniture Dealer and Undertaker FULL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING and ;ltmmei>^ \ ...FOOTWEAR... en's wear. Custom W( itly attended to at CLAYTOM'S In Ladies', Gent's oml Children's wear. Custom work and ropairinj pronij'tly attended to at Agent for tho Dominion Money Order Express. WM. ]MIOOR£: Harnessmaker - - - nj8li(!j:tQn llopevillo postoflice ha.i changed bands. Mr. McKochnio, mail cairior httween H'.pevillo and Dundalk, is the new in- cumbent. FiESiEBTisaHiirpiaLi J?; jCe^fard - - S^roprieior Hairdressing in the Latest Style Agent for the Rolstin Laundry, Toronto. Scissors Sharpened and Bazars Honed in first eiass Stjle. â- WOOD'S I»HOSt»HODIWE. 'rhe Great EnKllBh Remedy. Six VackaQM (?t«ironf('ffJ to promptly and permanently euro all forms of AVt-vou* vrcabncw, ]Smi3tions,Spen<t- aforrAea, Jmitotcncu ami atl cfftcit of Alni96 or ICxccssca, JIfcntal Worry, eSMestive u8« Before a v d After. ,„„„_ ,,,,,,,., ^„ ,^„a to in- flrmilv, Intanitu, Cotuumption and on carlv grave. Has been prosorltjed over SSyeora In ttiousaiulj of ! coses; la tlio oiili/ Hcllablt and Honest Mtdlotno I knoun. Ask druggist for Wooil'i Plioophoilinoi If • booffcrBOoraa worthlofts nietllclno In pLico of tills, I Inclom price In loiter, and wo wlU scnU by return ninll. Price, one pookac«, ti; sJit. 86. Om wUt pleaâ€",r.r teiUcun. Pnmptalotsfroo toaayaddrea^ I The AVood Comvany, WIndRor. Out., Caaadiu Sold ill Plosheit"n and everywhere iit Caiiada bjr sU re>'p<>D*ible drug^sta. .

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