Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1897, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^1 D. McTavish kbeps FLESHEKXON ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Slassey- Harris, Xoxoii, Fleary and Wilkiiisnn farm iniplemeiits. F'leury aixl Verity plnws <ni liniid »ll tlie time, bIso all kiiidH of repairB for the saiuH. Wh iiiaiiufactufe VV«gnn«, lUiggiea, Cutters, Sleiuha, etc. Horseshooiti^ promptly attended to. Spooi«l ntleiitioii to teixlur ct'>- tracted fuet. Lugging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. tfi^niinjiJutnithirinAmtnjErJulnJUt^ ,«{. J,!/. ,ju. J*"., ^'t. ,^»<. vV'.. »^'^ ,ji!. ^''"- :>''i^«fei^'«;i»"j vM«.^»«; vi? VI? -/iP'/<? ^i? v»? ^iv' 'ii? '/iJ' '/i;- ^i? ^»? w V^if ^ti" ^'«. .Mfc ^>«. ^'«. ^14 ,M«. ,jti. ^!4 ffil Mi Buggies, Carts, Wajjoiis, Harrow^, Plows of tiio best kinds mid repairs. Bindera, Mowers, Ilorso liukts and Corn ycufllers and repairs. Chains of ail kinds, llurscsliocing a specialty ut John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ;}!-!. ^i.%;};«. «^»^ ,j'4 .jfc ^f^ '/i?^i? W %' ^i?^? •»»«• •i'lS' Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VEUV HEST PL.^OE IN C.\NAD.V TO GET A THOROUGH lUSINESS EDrCATIOX. Take a Rouud Trip X.rn'srin'V Confcos anil Coin'norciftI Dipartniontu in Canailn, then visit Iho Northern KiMiueHg <;ollr),'o ; cianiinK ev.rytliinij thorouKtily. If wo fall to produce tba ii»08t tborouuli, couiplole, jiractickl anil oxtotiulvu courKe of (ittirly ; tho lju>t collej^e prutuisos and tlio be^t anil tnoHt cotiipU'te and uioKt suitable furniture and Hpiuianeos, we will Kivo you a full course Flini;. Kor annual auujunoeuiouts, yivint: full pirticu!ar>, troo, Add rem C. A. FLEMING, Piincipal Summer • ••• ^1? Photos Fruits, Plants Garden Seeds Fl'.tir, Feed and Orocerius of bU kindx. t^' Breakfuat bacuii, Hull bacon, I'ork sides. Everything: Nice in Season Uools ind Slioes atteinlid lo promptly and ill ihu neatust iiiannor. 3 â€"TAKEN ^ â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery 2 are done in firgtcln^s style and at ?, l.'wcst rates. ^peuial attention ^ (iivi'ii to copyina. I?.'iJiie»' photos. ;ji a jpeciahy. Pictures fi allied. I MRS. BULMER FOB - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. ]. SPBODLE, FIESHEBTOJ EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Caniagos inado and ropairod, a!so Planing; and Matc!iin<,', Band Hawing, Wood 'i'liriiiiig of every des- Boiiption. riiiniii^' and Giaiii t'liop piii^ done wliilo you WLiit, for the Ueavcr turns llic ulicel. T. VV. WILSON, Manager : : Z^OGS : WANTED ! IP TOir H'ISII TO BUY PROPEIITT CONSULT TUIH Hi-ACK. FOR SALE cheap and on ca«y ternis, one mile from Flesherton, '.ih acrea land and on which is a good 7 rooms frnnm dwellin/;, well and comfortalily linishetl stone celler undernentli, and goo<l well and pump in kitchen, good frame stahle and driving house, also lirick lined hen hoiiHi', Hiiiall orchard commencing to bear. Apiily to U. J. SPKOl'LE, Flesherton. A DEAD BAUOAIN if sold during present month. Two improved farns, one a mile from Piiceville and the other s,'imu distance from Warehain. Small ]i;iynient down, balance on VKUY ea.sy terms. Also a hmi<lred and fifty acre farm anl mill site one mile from tMcsher- toii, prii'.c'i|:ally hanlMood Imsli, 25 acres cleined and frame dwelling and stable. .\ny person wanting a decided Imrgain apjily quick to aboro. SO ygABfi' ixpiriInoi. In unlimited quantities at tlio ^8 Iligliest Cash Prices. CMOJPI>IMO only Qc F*er JBaQ Beecroft & Talbot TRAD! MARKf* DKSimtf COPYRIGHTS Ao. Anyone inndlnR ft nkotcli and dnacrl ption may qulolcly liHcurtuta, fruu, wIiuUut an tnvtintlniila prnhnttly pHtontnble. (Nniininnlcatliins strlntly ooiimientlul. Oiliest agency for BoourInK piituati In Anieriott. Wo have a \VB(ihln»tnn offloe. I'litHntt tnkon tliroUKh Munu A Co. ruoolTO Bi^uutal notldo In tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b«i*c<tl fully lUuntrfttfid, lartroHt olrmlatlon oi any BcUiiitltlu liMinml, w<M^kly,^o^I^H|l^.(VI a yoorj .Mtfiix nionthH. Siu-rluiiMi cupieH aiul llAMO K, fiix nio iUOK UM rATENTR Sent fr08. AddfUM MUNN A CO., 361 Uroftdwnv. Now York. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- elnviid, for which highest market price will be paid. Homomadu sausages on hand, alio all kinds of muatii. Fleslicrtou Meat Empoiiam Connty and District During the paet i»inter Mr. McrTntyre, of Durham, spent $40,000 in fi(iuare timber. Of this amount ^.WOO were paid in Durham, 4.000 at Flesliertcm Station 81,000 at Prot»n Station $4,000 at DunHalk, $4,000 in Ch;U»worth, and 44,000 ill Owen Sound. Th« remiiimler was spent aloiiT the O. T. R. I)etivi!ni Owen Sound and Elmwood, along the Credit Valley and other places. A Uore Bay, Manitoulin Island, duH- patch says : Schoolhouse No. 1, Gor- don, was struck by lightning during the storm on Sunday. Th» teachers and children had gathered and were rising to siiii! when the tlasli c.inio. Ii caum down the cbimnoy and knocked the doui oil' the stove. A number of the children weie stunnu 1 by tho violence of the con- cussion, and it was some time befuiu they could bo brought round. l''ire broke out at 2 o'clock Tuesday mcirning in the house ocjupioil Viy .las. McLean on the Itiih con., E^reinont, at Ilieck's mill, McLeun being tho lessee of the mill. The building was burned to the ground and as the flames had full possesaioii of the house before beiim noticed, the contents were all barned ami Mrs. McLean wo understand narrowly escaped in lier night clothes. Tiiere was no insurance.- -Ml. Forest Kep. From sixty nineâ€" the largest number of persons in ilio county jad during tlw pai-t wniterâ€" the number lias been D- duced to eleven. The vagrants have flitted in the balmy spring weather and will remain out of course until the frosty weather. There are imly seven of that class in the institution. The other four are serving sentenccH on the foUowinu charges : Kunning ait illicit atill, bur- glary, breach «f game l:iw and abusive langunge. â€" O.ven Sound Times. Mrs. Jainei Deant of Dundalk on Wediiesd.sy of la.it week underwent on operation for the removal of a tumor. About nine nnmths a^ii she unfortunatti- ly struck her leg agaiiwi a marble dress- (!r. It is supposed the tumor resulted from this. Tlie operation was perform- ed by Dr. McWilliams, asjisied by Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Carter of Fleshorton. Mrs Deans stood the severe ordeal much better than she or her friends anticipated. Good hopes are now entertuiiied by her pbysi.iaii and friends uf her uUiniatu re- covery.- Herald. The cry of dull li nes never stops an up to-dato merchant from advertising. He knows that the duKer the times the iiioru bustling, one way and aiiother, ho must do to keep up his sile-i. lie marks some yoids lower â€" be kee[)s hia store mr.rp Hitractive â€" he watches his cust'imers cbesB-ho keeps liii clerks lunier â€" hi.'jeye i« <ui every part of the bu.sini'SH â€" lie is thorou«lily wide-awake and makes every effort in lliii direction to get the dollars that must be spent iu stares somewhere, hence he advjrtisoi. This i^ one way and the best way to M.iract the people lo bis sloro; ho ca:i do business, if he has the right goods at the right prices. Tho Wingliam white-caps wltose sen- tence was some time ago cut down to one year, have lately been set at liberty. Their names are Charles Manser, Uobcrt Harrison, .\lbert Martin, Thomas Mont- t'omeiy and (ieorifo Phippen. On May 1.'} of last year they pleaded Ruilty to niansUughter, and Cliref Jastice Mere- dith sentenced Harrison and Ptiippen to three years each ; Charles Man.sur and Thomas Montgomery to two years each. Martin g'lt otr with six months and was long ago released It wi'd be remember cd that these men took an old man out of his bed when the thermoiuetcr was bo low zero and so maltreated him thai he died of his injuries and of exi>osuro. .•Vn action of rather nnusuul iinturo has been commenced by Ailam.Iones against Robert S, Mcllrile of Mono. It appears from the proceedings that Home time ago Mol)ri(b) wasdiivins a cow lothe Orange ville niaiket The cow seems to bo a de- scendeiit of the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed tho dog tlial worrietl the cat, that killed tho rat that ate the malt that was used in the house tbat .lack built, for when she came to Jonea' black- smith shop she burst into the premises like an ennmcd tigress and t^issed Jones about on her antlers until he was scarcely recognizable. He was, however, put to- gether, but it was weeks before he re- covered, and now feeks $2000 damages for his Unn of time, medical expenses and pain of body caused by tho enraged bo- ine. On Saturday last, wltilo Misa Ethel McCartney, youngest daughter of An- drew McCartney, farmer, was visiting at a neighbor's, Mrs. Wm. Boyd, she met with an accident which caused hur death. She and her young comrades were enjoy- ing themselves on a swing in the bam when she noticed the jiole lo which tho rope was fastened slipping from il» place. She called to those who were about her that the swing was about to fall, but before they ccuild stop it, the pole came duwn, striking her on the head, indicting a sevur* gash and causing almost instant death. Sbo was taken to her home on the 7ih line St. Vincent. Hor remains were interred in Dacks- liorry oemolery on tho Sunday foUowiiic, the funeral being largely attended. She was about 14 years. rt ni;o, and will bo niinaed by her younq associates.â€" Owen Sound Times. Roch Marien purchased a horse from an Adjala farmer on Thursday for $50. In paying tho purchase money, Roch, by mistake, garo the man a $50 bill instead of a $20, thus ovotiiaying him $30. Tho money was all in Bank of Hocholaga bills and the $50 bill was the only one of that denomination that Rooh had in his possession that day. Later on the Adjala man turned up at the Bank of CouKierce and had the %90 changed into that lnniit's money. Teller Kivull afterwarils beard of Roeli's lot's ami wis thus enabled to identify tlio mull who bad prolited by the mist.iko. Coimtablo Miir.-iliall dfove out to Aifjabi that evening and by md- iii^lit was b.ick with tho rnoiioy. The .\djali man a<lnii>tcd' t'lat be had been overi>aid but appealed to Ibiik that be wit^eniillid t<i keep the $30 until tho loss wai discoveied and the recipient of the nioiiey was luciited. This was his Ktinid.ud of honcsiy. â€" A'lvertiser Oran;,'o- ville. The Markets. C'arcriiUy Correct rd Enrh Woclt Klour f3 80 to ^5 20 f)vts 16 CO 17 Wheat 80 to «5 IJarley 20 tu SO Peas S7 '.o 37 Butter 10 to 10 Eu'ySi fresh 8 ,(• » Potatoes bag ♦& ;,o Uo Pork 400 to 4 75 May per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 (Kt Sbcejiskiiis 25 to 00 Geese 5 to Turkeys 7 tc Chickens per pnir 20 to 2t 1") licks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 TiiTie Tabic GOING SOUTH. Mark daleâ€" 7 -'iS a. m. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 a. ni. GOI.MJ .NOKTH. Flesherton â€" 13.07 p. in. Maikdaloâ€" 12.20p. ni. 4.40 p. m. 4.52 p. m. 0.18 p m. 9.30 p. m. Afil? Wr9 ' "*" '""' starting the best lliinu AUiJXl iO for uionuy iiiakiui: you have Hcen fur tn>iuv a day. Your iiama aud addres-^es will oriOijtIiuKolden iuformati d. Jli. 1*. Glosuow 'ro.<oiitu, Ont. FOR SALE A quantity of sliiuKlf^" f'J'* faloat mv Diill, lot 3*, COM. H. Arteimi«ia. Also t^hi'upk-ficiit on shares, would exchange a spau of lioihes for rthiaele timber. J. HICKLINO. Maxwell i\ O. PASTURE TO LET The nndersliined lias goo I paetnro (o lot at reabouablo laten. Aiipiy to JOHN WUItJIlT, Jr., FUshciton TnC] WIM'P tobBiiitle establisheil trade in 11 Li IT All 1 tiiia county. Cauu'liitii stock Afi IfNT^ Kuaraiiteeil to live Peruiani-tit AUU1110 jiohitiuii. wholH or part tiiiir. LiluTral teriu4. You can inaku t,*!! UollarH a weuk or hotter with utt, for uvury week you work. No expert eouo noe«HSAry. Brown Brothers Company, Contineutal Nurseries, TOUONTU, ONT 15 Mch. Parm for Sale Farm for nalo fheap, 01 orro«. well wiitorcl 2) iii'Uifl o.iat o( thlH vHlaK«. kuowti as the Feu wick farm. Ai>vly io M. Biohardson, aasitfiieo ss and Lot for Sale. T'or Kftle choap and on cany toriu*? In Floslior" ton. Ntilundtil lart^ti, soHl brirk iIwcUitiK. wiih ^oufl Hlono ctfllai', Hinninor kiU-ht-n and wood- houHe, ttl^o K'^"j frftint^ Htiblo. briclt Itneil. r oMiixrti contitina twolarj;^ h>tH and (^«>ud youn^ oiihaid. hoarinif. Houhu ftud ou»bi iidnn{» are cxcfptionnlly Wtill tlnishud and vtiry couvcni- tully laid out. Apply to B.J. SrftoriJi. FU^bertoo. TK ^^.^^ -m^ ^ ^B^ New prlltlon of " Quron -^^^â- S*^** l*a» Victoria" now leady. Knlnr^oil - Ihirv-two fu I pn^o idat«m ad'le.l. M'tst tiirtcory of Iht) Qiioon and tno Victorian ^ rn publlhhtMl. 'J ho only Canadian book a^coptud by Kor Majfintv. Salrs mormon"*. CahvaHsers knockinR thti bottom out of al)i(>-« cord. F.asy to niako thirty dollarfi weekly from now until l)iaiiu)L.d Jubilee. Tarticularff Ire*-. The Itradley iiarrotton Co. 1-td., Torouto, Out. Farm and Mill Site for Sale For (lalo very cheap and on very eauv tenna. 'I'ilnber rami, 150acroH, two miles* from i''IeBli ertnii, known as the Wui. Mo(,'i^ sawmill jtro- pertv, and on which ih an exculluiit water power, foundatiou of saw uiill, dam and pond and water wiieel 111 place aixl all ready for put-ting mill on. Aboat ISacres eloareil.viO acres tiuilier, most oil, balance well timbered, mixed tiuilmr. Thin farm will be sold at a hai'Kaiu if Kohl at once. Kuiall payment down, balance uu very cBy torms, .\pply to R.J. SpnoCLP, Flesherton. Cnt WANTED Men and Women who can w-irk hard talk- ing and writing six hours daily for hix days a week, and will be conHuit with ton d.ilars weekly. Address. New Ideas Co., Urautford, Out. FARM TO RENT OR SELL liOii 170,2iiacon. N. F,. T. * H. V.., (« acres. poo<t frauio bouse ; HO acres cleared. Ka^y terms. W. A, ARMSniONO, Flesherton. Her Maieity's Diimond Jubilee Carrios "Queen Victoria, her life and reign" into every homo. I'err.oiis who never sold hooks take orders fast, rrnface the most oloiiuentof Lord Dnflforin's aohiuvemonts. No hook BO highly praised. Wo need more oanvai-eers, Kasv to make VIS to tiW a week Hooks on tiino. I'roaiwotus free to canvasHnrs. A trial will cost notblug, and It aiav fll. lour empty pocket biok The Uradley-aarreisoa Co., Ltd., Toroulo, Out. ^ tmmemimiafm Sussincs.a (fardji .VrCULLOUOH * TOUKO " Haukuia, M»rkdal3 Do a Koiioral banking tm»tue»j>^ iloy.ay tciv.ei at a reasoaable rat*. Onllottaa. A S VANDUSEX, .f P "• Clerk :;ih DivCouit, Co Grey [sfucr of Uarii«Ro I.icciiiieB. rnnva}»nr«'. Notary. Public. .^uc:ion.ioi-. M.juovtj luaa »6 from a to por caut. cl>a.-({«» mo.Jarato. FLESH isi;tos p o rvEBTS COILEtTKS *' Tho uoaerslghud Is pTiperei (6 undertake tho coUntlon or all A'i'nU of dullt*. Notes bOBiilU, aCBpuiHii col vttfd, etc. M N Hi':.\lJl-:h!,(i;,-, ik^l.cito-:. Tl cniSLF.TT * li'lw>bertnii Station I'optmaEter, Co:;ii.;i»^.oi-.»r ia II C J, 'V.rvr y- uncer. Uecda, j,M),t-,'aKe.i, jtni'.s und wi l« 'OiiWn. Ji0l:uj to hurl at .").; jmr CKlit end iri wards. iJe bis coll dc ted. Cuui,;tM^ utOoMBip" RJ SPBOUliB PoatiuB.»tor, FlesJiarton rnmioistiontr in 11 H, 1 Jli i.-til .«. ntlloMf,''. Con7oyftii«.)r, AppnilKbr r.iici .'loney l*-iK.er, Keal Kttate li.u lubii::i.'-i-e ,A;-, i,t. 1. ♦<.,!«. nioi tcii.es, Uafos anl viliN dn .\:i up ivii i valnaiions cuade cu »hoii^^i ut i/n.t>, .\ rtn ii »uU» atti^ndod to in Bny laieoi t!ft um, .Money lo lOHii ai lowest r»'.es i..i u to.ipt. Ifl itcti^ns Rttended to »iUi prcL-jtoni fa ei.,j iltfpatch. (.â- h»»(;f 8 low. AWIU ••â- V I c M.il.ii II .steaaishii» Conpany. ( l^mp tii ktts nei KlckliertoQ to J-ivuryfOl, (,iu.-|;*>w, L,ii.(>ii or any o' the Ilritieb poiti,. ViiiiK* ii.uiciiK to visit KllRlaiiil, S-tollatd cr I c'lTi.', v.i I pl«a»e ask latis Letiiie luiel.atii.g ihiir tickets elt-cwhere. ^OKxiUa A O U W irtcots evory first sud third Slcnt'ry ** in oaeh uiouth. iti their loiVe itrni, Hirains block. I'lotnorton. at 8 p m. Pi lea Teeter, W M ; A 11 fiionon. Hcco;(.'oi; W J KoUamy, Kluaccior. S'iiiilei; brvtbroa iuYiteJi pniKCE AltTHTR LOmiE, No .1.11. A F .6 â- I AM. meets t-i l!.e Wa-^oiic bail', t »riiiu » hlotk. I'lefhorton. every Kuriav on or tefora the full moon. Geo Uitcluil, W M ; W J Pellauiy, Secretary. Scntijitva T P MAKSaALL " I. US. .M Df?, DoniUt Visits j:«rk.I»le tha !«t and :!rd Wod'iesdav f f each inentn. Kleshsitouâ€" each trlj> cu tha day tolluwlue. T G CAMPBEI.L â- " L D S, I) t) S, n.Mtal Suigcon, Markdale Dli'd- over lIi('i.l!oiti;h * Youhr's bank. Houisâ€" «:"0 a ni to« p li, Visiui r;c«bo:t u tho sicoiid and foutth rhuisilay of each muuth. umctt a: Mi.u:>baws hotel. T HENDERSON 1) D «, .M D S, Dentist of Tnronftf (Gold Mednlisti will Ti"it Kh'sherton pnt- fes^ionally the drst VVo.lDi'wl iv ol eaei; uioutb aud Dundalk the followiux day ( Tbux-soay.) frpl JOHN W FROST, L L B " Uarrister, Kolicitor, Conveyancer, eto Olfce-Noxt to i-oBtoflk-e. S|'u.'uti-» bloik. KI«»heiton, every KaturlKy mid convt days. N n-t)wen Hound oUlte, Krett's block, M I'oulett utroet east. LUCAS Sc WRIGHT liarribtors. holicitors, ConTojancera, oto Owen Somid, Out Maikilahi, Ont W H WKIOUT I H LUCAS N It- Klesbeiton oCJce, Mitchell's Uauk, every Wednesday. IUCKKR A PATTEBSON liai'i inters, boiicilors, etc UoUou's Dank, Oweu Sound HAKUY G TUCKIijU OliO W PATXliKSOS MACKAY A HATTC:^ llarrihters, Koliuitors, etc Otticesâ€" :» Pculett street, Owun b'oniid ; aud Maui btreet, Lundolk. every Suturouy. N lt--.\l»(iys in utCcLdancu at Irieshertou and Dundalk Divi.sion Courts. A « MACKAY, M A W J IIATTON County Ciuwu Attorney $\n\\u\\ Dn IIUTTON MDCM, MPP*S Cut, rricevllle. Otfice next door lo llrowu's store : rer.idencv one door went ol Methodist cbuieh, KibroiiM street. UlUco (lays, Tuesdays aud batuidays. DI! CAUTKK M C P « S Ont, Phytieian, Surgeon, oto !• Icsbcrton ofllcoâ€" iitraiu'a block. Kusideuveâ€" Muiishaw's Hotel. JOHN A 15COTT, M B Member Ccilo|.o rhysic. lit Burgeons, Ontario Qraduate iu Mediiiiiie uf 'i'uronto. University. Fellowship Dipkuia, I'oiit liradu- ate Motlical tiehool aud liospittil, Chicago. Uii.cases of eye, ear. noee hiuI throat specially tieiitwd. licsidei.ce, Muxwell, visits Fovershaiu Thuisdyiis Iâ€" il JP OXTEWELIi Veterinary Snrgoon Oradiiate of Ihitaiio Vutorinary Oollega. HuRidoieoâ€" Hecoiid door south on west side Marv street. This btioets ruus south from Freubyteriftii church. >1UCEVILLE AND DURHAM STAOK Durham stage leaven Flesherton Htatlon st T.l.'i a.m., returns 4.r,> p.m. Priceville stosei leaves the same place at 12.:i0, retumiiic at 1.40. Fare to Priceville aud return, 50 cents ; Durham, *1.30 for return, 7x). single fare. Liverv iu cou- nootion. Orders may bo left at either hotel. A. McCAULEY Prop Pays for your Nemo on IU Beautiful HIDDF..V NAMK tWUDS. lovely pictures, or SO Handsome Calling Cards. Cash â-  w -^wvvav with order. Htamps taken. Address, CANADA CARD HOUSE, Ingeraoll, Ontario ^ Tâ€"aB

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