Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1897, p. 3

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n THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD 0VEI6 latarestinz Itenu About Our Own Country, Qreat Britain, th« Unltad SUtM, and All PartJ ol tlM Globe, Coadcnsad and AMortad l«r Buy Rea^Uns, qA:N"AixA. 1\fr. W. Molson Ma;qi>berson haabeen Bla:t«dPreiudejit of this Mol^ioas Bank to aittxeed the late Hr. J.- U. &. Mol- mm. Israel Gravelle waa fined (10 and 0O613 by Kecorder Chaiapaaue, of Hull. on Wednesday for swearing ou the â- treeta. iAjq Indiun boy met death in Jasper Paai by falliai^j trom a tree! which over- Dunz a preciipice to the rocks and ice 2U0 feet telow. The Diana sailed tma Halifax on Thursday with the expedition sent out to inquire into tUe possibilities of the Hudson bay route. Hamilton Sooa of Scotland will light a bonfire on the mountain brow on the night of June tt2nd, and will carry the fiery croes in himor of i»er ilnjeaty's jubilee. The lAVianiiiiegf City Council haamade a grant of iriu.OOO tohvarite a fund to be raL°ed for the erectixn of a wing to the hue*.:>ital to be kaorwn a;a tb« vic- toria ;wLiig. I Joseiph Maloney of Grantham Town- Bhii> Ls in Lhe St. C^thaimea hoapiuJ suifering from a gunshot wound in- flicted by his father in a quarrel. Tba father has been oxredted. &ix Richard CUrtwright ia a busy man at present. He is Minister of Q'rade and Coinmeroe. Acting Minister of M'ilitia, Actijig i'resideut of the Council, and ActioB Premier. ila:. W.A. Craig, B.A., a graduate of Queen's University, and a well-known figure around Kingston, Ont., dropped dead on Ftiday ia a yard at the rear of the St. Lawrence hotel, in that city. There is a block of business in the Bbpreme Court, many of the Judges being unable to sit on cases with which Wtiej w'ere conneoted before being ap- pointed Judges. John Miie, an assistant engineer at the Ameri,can Rattan Company's fac- tory m Toronto, wus fatally stalled and choked on Sunday morning, by allow- ing in niistaJce some cold water to ninr OD lK>t ashes. On FUday night the Grand Trunk railway department of the Y.M.C.A. of Toronto formally opened their splen- did new^ building, which has been fit- ted up Ijy the G.r.R. General Manager Hays was present. ilrs. KJisha. M. Fulton, wife of Man- ager Fulton of the Ctmrurers' Cord- age Ojiiipany, has entered suit against the Montreal Park and Ulaud Railway Ootnpany for f6«,0CO damages for in- Jttriee< riM) jury in the caae of Mrs. Fisher of St. Cathaxtnes, wtio was found drowned in a cistern a week agv). re- turned a verdict this afternoon of found drowned. The husOand was discharg- ed Crom custody. T.he list of Jubilee houours to be recommended by lie Premier id not yet .ooiiileted, but it U said the list wiil include Lieutenant-Governor Kirk- nalriok. Hon. A. S. Hardy and Ohiei JUAtioe Taylor of iWiuioijjeg. (Mr. J. H. R. MJolNoev's will was pro- bated at Montreal, and dispoem of >in estate ot aU ut |J,' OO.ix 0. divided amojg relativee and friend-s. also a nuniljer of bequests to pubLio iinstitutions.Uncluji- in>i fltiOOOO to McGUl I nivBr.-*.ty. The London City Couu<:il peosed a by-law providing for ihia annexation to Lhe city of the VUlajje of London West. ThJe people of the village will vote on it. and if it Is carried the mun- icipuliiie;* will becuauo united on Decem- ber 20 next. Preanier Greenwny in an interview at Winnipeg expressed hU txmviction tixit the Winni{>eg & Duiluth Railway could lie made to |ay.vund that con- siderable American iraltic \%vuld be di- verted to Canadian territory by its conisitructioti. Harry Hatnilton. a fifteen-year-old eon' of Aid. HoimlUon of Guelpih, wti.< presetili-d an Mujuiiv with a parchment certificate of the R»\vu! Hwimane Aiw<o- oiatioo (or bravery in eavimir the life o< a lad named Perter Christie, w-ho wvo't thnough the ice. lAt a meeting of the Hamilton, Ont., branv'h ot the King's Daughters on Monday, it was deluded to sever con- nection with the International Assanii- titm. whoae headquarters are In New York city, and a n«>w organization call- ed the Canadian Indetpemlent Order of King's Daughteiis, has lien formed. The convict, Galian, who forged Hon K. R. nubeU's n;irae on a check for 31M recently, \vas sentenced by Judge Chaveau in the Quelwu Ptilk-e Court tu ten years in penitentiary. Ga- ban w-as rei-ently released Crom jwni- tentiary, %vherei he was serving a term tor vitriol tirowing. GRiEiVT BRrrAUr. > The new Ja{>anese loan was subacirlb- ed several times over va London. Among the ju'lilfe ivroijostvls the re- • - - ig- ested. The twonemes offeied as sul>- The son of the Rev. George Brooks. otherwise known as the " Prince of lieggini? I.«tter Writers," whose doings were exposed in the columns of Truth, attempted to horsewhip Mr. Labou- I'here, M.P., the editor, in London. Mr. ChambeirlaLu stated in the Im^ier- ial Houde of CommaoA on Xuesdaythall the Canadian Goviernment waa fillip satiified of the coraiw-t^iKjy of the firm of Petersen, Tait and Oo. to csurry out their engogenaenta for the faat AtLantio service. iUNTTED STATES. It is said G«orge Gould will go to England to live. Whitecaps are "admimistering jus- tice" in the district of Lamar county, near Birmingham, Ala. < The Ohio Supreme Court ha.s declared the law unconstitutional which last wimter accepted the Torrens system of recotrdlDg land titles. The Pr-jacesa Troubetakoy, formerly Amelia Hives Chanler, author of "The Quick and the Dead," is a patient: in a private sanitarium at Pbilade^hla. » GENERAL. Rumours are current in Paris of ser- LouB difisensions in the Meline Ositinet. President Faure will leave Paria on the 25th of Jtily to visit the Caar in St. Petersburg. The sea armistice was signed in Ath- ens on Saturday by the Tur^d«b and Greeb delegates. The King of Slam, who is now in Rcme^ is on his wa^y to England to at- MAT VICTORIA HAS SEEH. WONDERFUL CHANGES OOBING THE QUEEN'S BEIGN. Sixty Tears ef FrocrcM and Preaperllr electric power, the telegraph, electric educatioo in endless ways, and mad* oars, electric bells â€" tbe thousand appli- ' scenes in oontemporaxy life permanent cations of electricity to every-day life for posterity. belung to the past sixty years. Astronomy has made great advances during Victoria's reign. Powerful tele- scopes have revealed millions of un- known stars in space. Neptune was discovered by two astronomers, work- Science, Edacaiian, Wl*e JLcBUIailon. Ing separate and alone. The spectro- KclUclow Tolenutce. Kiraeles af la vca- j scope has shown the metals burning in tloa, t;<MMl Will Between Jialtoui, AU ; the sun. (Vbeatstone, Leverrier. Kir- Have Advancnl BarluKThU Hvarlleleat choff, Secchi, Lockyer and Bunsen are l^l^B, , among the world's great men who have ^ ^ helped astronomic progress ot the past In June 1837, Victoria, who was then j sixty years, a young girl of eighteen, ascended the j POLTTICAL UNITY; throne of England, on the death of her ^and goveriunent by the people have uncle William IV. ' Her sixty years' ' S^"!* great p^J1g^e^M in^Victoria's reign. GAS WAS UNTTRARD Off ox rather It was heard of, but there was strong prejudice against it. Candles were used In the churches in tbe early 'Victorian days. Two candles, stuck in tin caniil6-lloi<lers, were allotted to each pew. Uy judicious snuffing they were coaxed to bum during the service, while a diffused odor of smoking wicks pre- vaded the sanctuary. Eleven daily papers satisfied all Eng- land when y'lcioria was cruwneii. and these were in London. Their aggregate circulation was 4a(M)0. on&Kluarter ot which was held by tl*e ' rimes."iLon- don had fifty weeklies and il::irteert monthlies to su{iply its million and a reien the lomrast of anv Fnnlinh sov- ^^ ^^^ s®*" Prussia, Bavaria and over , â€" â€" ,. . reign tae longest ol any tngliah sov- ^^^^^^ ^^^^j g^^^^ consolidated into : half of oltizens^nd practuaUy aU oth- ereign has covered a period of progress the great German Empire. France has er parts of the k.-ngdom. The daUy pa- and prosperity unequaled in tbe annals passed through many changes, but. { pers were as heavy as dumb-l>eUs Tbera of history. No other sixty years have since 1870. has greatly strengthened her " ' "'' " ' seen st^h strUies of science, such marv- , r,-P^^-\?--^X^ on'lf ^w'^/nt^-^slS eious development m education, such years. Switzerland's squabbling can- wise legislation for the betterment of i tons were tinlfied into a strong and model republic in 1848. Great Britain humanity, such growth in religious tol- , , .... . .^ , , , , , . . . has had thixty-^jght wars un the last erance, such miracles of invention, such | ^^^^ yg^„. aid m every one she has strengthenjig of the bonds between na- | been victorious. tions, such universai advance toward higher living. And this progress ha« been attained during the reign of a woman â€" the wise and good Queen Vic- toria, writes William George Jordan in Ladies' Home Journal. lU'hen Victoria waa called to the Canals for the passage of great ships were unknown sixty years ago. To- day these modern engineering triumphs have made wondrous short-cuts in trav- el. Six of tbese great canals of the world, aggregating 240 miles, have cost tbe tremeodoos sum of $.550,000,000. Medicine and surgery have made wondrous strides since VL-toria became tend the jubilee ceremonies. throne the United Kingdom contain- \ Queen, lieatie from amputation have Tie CSipe Legielative Assembly has ^d 2tj,000,000 people. To-daj it has over | ''*«° reduced one-halft by Lister's an umanimously adopted a proposal to con- oommiKiii mi. .,_ T, t .i, ,.;_. 1 ^i^^P'i* treatment. The smallpox mor- tribute towardnhemai^teLince of the 38,000,000. The wise men of the time t^^ify ^^ ^een lessened seventy-five per Iinpexial navy. , said the nation would go to pieces. They 'cent, by the Compulsory Vaccination The Chinese-Belgium railway con- j <:laimed it could never govern its home j Act Anaesthetics have made daring naming of Great Britain has been sii itittttes are \\'isel;Un'il and Enwiscolia. Mr. Chamberlain states that Belgium and Germany have protested against British goods entering Cbnada at a lower tariff. • It is refKxrted that tl>e Dwblin alder- men at their coming m<>ieting will elect Mr. John RpUmond, the Pkrnellite deader, j^ord Mayor of Dublin. The Queen's abstention from visit ingi Ireland is said to be the result of tbe re-i fusal of t>iMiln in the sixties to grant a site in Phoenix pnrk for a n7-^nuiuent to tthe late Prilnce Consort. A resolutkm calling ui>on the Irish to abstain from talking l>arl in the dia- mond jubilee of Queen Victoria was car- ried at the annual meeting o( the Irish National League of Great Britaia, held at MMiNicetert Mr. Stead ma^es a verr bitter at< taok upon Mr. CibamberlaN for with- holding/ as be asserts, informatioil fmv tbe Conimittee ot Enquiry that waufd have d^own an antioipatoirf knowledge of U)» Jameson rud> tract was signed May 30. Under its terms the railway from Kau^Kau to PaotingSf u is to be completed in 1903. Japan has ordered a battleship of eleven thousand tons burden to be built on the Clyde. She will bo a duplicate of the British ship Jupiter. It is likely that the Spajiish Cabinet crisis will be arranged by calling Gen- eral Weyler from Cuba and Senor Cas- tillo remaining in office. It is the prevalent opiniroh in Con- stantinople that Germany is playing a bold game In order to force Russia to openly declare either for or against Tur4i;ey. A requiem ma» was celebrated on Friday in the Catholic church in Ath- ens for the repose of the souls of foreign voKunteexa killed during the war with TudTkisy. Tbe Berlin public were excluded from the great spring parade on the Temple- hof on Tuesday, and in consequence the Emperor was hooted on his way to the parade. The acquittal of Herr von Tauscb, the former chief ot the Berlin secret politi- cal jKjliee, amounts to the defeat of Baron von Bieberstein, the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Greeks are greatly encouraged by a. rumour that a tiavy contractor has received an order to provision the Brit- iiiii fleet of forty m(«i>-of-war to be con- cv<ntrated at Plialerum. The towm of Ball>hooly, twelve miles from SUisbury, Matabeleland. is sur- rounded by armed natives, and much fe;i.r of an uprising in that part British Africa is felt. Hierr vott Ttauaclx the former chief of the Berlin secret political police, who iKis lieenon trial for ne;irly two weeks, charged with prejujy, high tre;i»«, and forgery, wus acxiuitted on F'riday. 'The trouble still continues in the Spoinish cabinet. It is said that the Uuie i>f Miindao, the et»nish Ambas- satlor to Paris, will be recalled to take the place of the Du^re erf Tetuna, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Tbe Czar amd Czarina, attended a re- quiem rnaaa on Sunday at the Imperial church of Peterhof, iin memory of the terrilble panic in Moscow a year ago. when several thotasand persons were crushed to death. Huilja Mithnlis, as chief of the Cretan insurarnts, bus issued a proi-lamation calliing upon tiie Cietans to elect aGen- exal A^isemjbly to resume their ordinary e\-^Tydiy relations, and to resiw^-t the li/vesand property of the Mussulmans. The Sianish Premier, Senor t'anovas del Oistlllo, htus tendered to the Queen Regent the resiftnation ot the falinet owuig to tbe difficulty the M^'-'isters e-\- iwrien^e incarrying on the Government ittt view of the Parliajnentary situatiiMi caused l>y the refusal of tbe Liilierals ti> take pojt itt) the deli lie rat ions of the Cortes. The resignation wits ac- ceptted. WEAR WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. Beatawi Wby ton »kaal<l Do »« If Ton Klde a Rlrjcle. Now comes forward thie cycling phy- .«acuin and teils wheelmen and wheel- women what to wear and what not to do at this festive seasu'n of the year, in ordfvr that they may be spared from pnt'Uniouia and other aUments that snap oft youthful lives. "At this season warning against exposure to chills and other consequent evils cannot be too frequiently reiter- ated," he says, "more especially as they form a period to life rendered deadlier by far than the most dreaded of cycling accidetits, in that it is held far too lighily by the average of thoughtless boniiUiity. Bicycling is one of the most active exercises. It brings every mus- cle and organ into play and opens tbe pores of the body. After a brisk riding and overheating, there ia always a strong temptation on the part of the rider to cool off in the fresh air with- out taking anjr precautiona. Even in ordioary riding to descend a long hill in the brick draught ot one's own mak- ing, while heated by the previous strug- gle uphill is dangerous. "T%e wises* safeguard against all risks as to wnaar woollen undergax- meota." i i k ' » nam A snoeBSS. Almnlnum helmets biar* not proved entirely sucoe«fal In the German ar- my, tUe aaving in weight being more than offset by the metal's storing heat even to blistering ibe (QfelMatiii ot the wearers. * and colonial possessions. Under Vu>- torla the new territory acquired alone is one-sixth larger than all Europe. To- day Victoria rules over 40^514,000 peo- ple, or twentyf«even per cent, of the {lopulation of the globe. Her Empire extends over Il,3i)y,316 square miles, covering twenty-one per cent, of tba land of the world. Aui>tralia was chiefly important as a penal colony in those days. The great- er part of its territory was then unex- plored. Us total population in 1837 was ai5,UU0. Now it is over 3,30U,O0O. To- day its trade exceeds that of all Great Britain at the beginning of Victoria's re:gn. The city of Melbourne then con- sisted of a church, an inn, three shops, :wenty iiuts and a kangaroo-meat mar- ket. It is now Australia's largest city, with 500.000 people. Africa was an almost unknown ter- ritory. Maps of the period showed the interior of the country almost absolute- ly unexplored. In South Africa, Cape Colony alone was known. Victoria has seen one-tiurd of the country rescued from the natives and brought under civilization by Liv ingstone, Buker, Stan- ley, Speke, Du Cha.llu, Johnston and a host of other explorers. Plantations, farms and great cities are now on the sites of African deserts and forests of sixty years ago. IGNORANCE WAd GENERAL. Forty per cent, of the men and sixty- five per cent of the women ot Great Britain could not write their own names when Victoria became their Queen. The National education system was but three years old; its money grants am- otmted to only 9;M)0,UOO. Emigrants to America came in sail- ing vessels in the early days of the reign. They had to provide their own food, as the ship supplied only water. The trip usually took thirty days; some- times Sturm and contrary winds extend- ed the trip to two or three months. SJcliness. suffering and starvation often re:>ulted from look of adequate food am- ong the passengers. No Submarine Cableâ€" not even afoot â€"lay in tbe ocean sixty years ago. Now millions of messages are sent every year, and the waters ot the globe are threaded with over 170.000 miles of wire â€"sufficient to stretch thiee-qu-irterH of the distance from the earth to the moon. Seventy-eight Elements are now known to science. Twcniy-fuur of these have l>een discovered during Victoria's rc.gu. lhe instrument that made t hese discoveries possible is called the spec- troscope. It is so uurvelously delicate that it cau detect the presence of one tworhundred-uiUliuuih of a grain of salt. lUckens had published but one book; Uulwer was just L'ccoming popular; no one knew Roljert Browning. Darwin's life-wors was not begun; Herbert Spenc- er was a name unheard of; Teuuyson was known tp but few; Ruskm liad written nothing; Alfred Austin, ihe new I'lK-t Laureate, was h bal>e in the cridle. I'ew authors now living had written a line when Victoria became Queen. Most of the popular writers of our contemporary literature were un- born sixty years ago. GREAT SOCIAL RHUj'ORMS l)elong to Queen Victoria's reigu. The d.'gradiaig pr'icaice of flogging has been ai.>ol)cshed iu tbe armies and navies of .Vult^rica and England. Children are no longer (jermitted to work in the mines of Urilain. I*res3 gangs no longer fori-e men into the service of the Queen's navy. The Red Cross Society, approved by forty-nine nations has softened the horror of war. The transportation of criiuin.ils, with its many evil has l)e«'n suppressed. Exe».-utians are no longer conducted In public. The treatment of criminals has become humane. Factory laws and building acts make life easier fojr the poor. Trans-Atlantio steamers making reg- ular trips, did not exist in 1837; now there ore over ninety. Steamers ia those days were wooden affairs with paddle wheels. TTie iron steamer with tte -screw had not yet appeared. The aooommodations were poor; the "mod- em improvements" that make ocean travel a delight were undreamed of. Tbe time tor a transr-Atlantio trip was tlken about fourteen days. Now it o*a be made in five days and a quarter. Electricity was in its infancy when Viotoru heoaae Queea. Electric lighU^ surgical operations possible. Many so- called "incurable" diseases have been conquered. The ^erm theory has work- ed great reform m treating contagious diseases. Irreligion and Infidelity were the ord- er of tne day itt England sixty years ago. Nine out ot every ten working- mt^ were profsSEed nfidels. Those who could read at all read the works of Thomas Paine and Robert Taylor, men whoee writings were filled with dlsbe- liiet. Not Ode workings-man In a hun- dred ever opened a Bible. The number of church attendants was much less in 1837 than now. Music was practically ignored. Hymn- books were unknown. Musical educa- tion was without system. "The strug- gling Royal Academy of Music was the only British Institute that gave scien- tific teaching. The best music was difficult to secure, and was very ex- pensive. Churches were often without any music. In even the greatest cath- edrals the "scanty musical service rat- tled in tbe vast edifices like a dried ker- nel too small for its shell." i Steel was an expensive metal when Victoria was crowned. The Bessemer process of making steel by forcing cold a.r through liquid iroix. invented by one of her subjects, caused the price to fall at onoe from $300 to 330 a ton. The iinventor netted $,") OOO.UOO in royalties. In forty years his invention saved the world the inconceivable sum of one thousand million dollars! LIGHT AND AIR were taxed when Victoria became Eng- land's Queen. The tax on windows brought in £1,000.000 a year to the treasury. Poor people blocked up win- dows to eeoope payment. It was oom- mo<u practice to paint rows of windows on the solid wall of a house. This was done, so that hasty passcxa-by, misiok- i'Ug sembLonoe for reality, might not accuse tJie mmated of being) poor. Thirteen crimes were punishable with death when Victoria look up her duties OS sovere^^n. The number of capital crimes was later reduced to nine in England. Kow there are but twoâ€" high treason and willful murder. The death pen.ilty has practically tjeen abolished in Bavaria, Denmark, Belgium, Prussia .tnd Sweden, and in some ot the States in this country. Railways were just beginning in those days. The world's mileage wa.s only I tiUO miles; now it is over 420,000. In 1837 twenty miles an hour was consid- ered good time; now we have regular trains making over fifty miles an hour. Cars were then Ighted with candles and heated with cheap stoves. There were no double trtK'ka, no telegraph stations, no baggage obeoks. no print- ed ra Iway ticket-", uo modern sleepinjp- cars, no veetiJmle cars, no library cars, no air-brakes, no safe coupling appar- atus, no dining-cars, no smoking-cars. No telegrams of congratulation greet- ed the young Queen at her coronation, for telegrapJiy was unknown. To-day London receive* news ot a fire in India i'U less time thun tbe news could have been sent from one end of the "Strand" to the other, sixty years ago. The thrones of Europe have changed many times. Victoria has t)een con- temporary to twenty-eight Kings, six Emperors, four Czars, three Queen.s, thirteen Presidents, ten Princes, five Sultans and many petty rulers of small- er States of Europe and .\sia. INVENTIVE SCIENCE has made marvelous progress iin every department during Victoria's sixty years as Queent Cantiiever bridges have surprised the world, travel has f)«>en wonderfully quickened by street cars, cabs, trolleys, cable cars, elevated roads and other iriimiphs of invention. Irn 1837 there were no typewriters, no passenger elevators; no modern k>icy- cles, no soda-water fountains, no horse- less carriages, no chemical fire-exting- uishers, no ironclads, no pertei-ting, printing presses. Fully chronLling the inventive prcigress of the last sLx de- cades would make it seem as if nothing hod lieen done of real c-onsequence to man's comfort before 1837. Slavery existed throughout the world si.xly ye«ir8 ago. In the second year of Victoria's reign emancimitiou was com- plete in England. len years later France and South American republics freed their slaves. Russia and the Un- ited States followed in 18ti3. Then Brazil declared its slaves free in 1871, Portugal in 1878, and Cuba in 1886. To- day slavery has been abolished through- out all parts of the oivilixed world ex- cept in portions of Africa. No sn.ap-ahots were take<n of the cor- onation oeremoniae. Photography was then utOknown. In the past sixty years it has joined bands with all tbe sciences. It has revealed to the astronomer stars invisible through the meet powerful taleaoopes. It has shown the marvelous anatomy of micxoecopic forma of life. It has popularised the great paintings of the world, advanced U>terature and were no Lllusirated weeklies, no hum- orous papers, no war correspondents, no interviewing. There were very few ad- vertisements, and each had to pay an almost prohibitive tax. All great modern tunnels of tha world have Ijeeo built during Victoria's reign. The Hooeao, Mont Cenis, St. Go- thard. and Arlberg have been completed within the last twenty-six years. The world has 1142 noteworthy tunnels; ov- er one thousand have been built since 1837. HOME COMTORTS have Increased wonderfully during Vic- toria's reign. Before she ascended ths throne there was >no steam heating, Flint and tinder did duty for matcheOi f late gloss was a luxury nndreamed of. Eiivelopes had not been invented imd poetagefstamps had not been introduc- ed. Viilcanized rubber and celluloid hod not begun to appear In a hundred dainty forms. Stationary wash-tuba, and even waab-lxjard were unknown. Carpets, furniture and household acces- sories were expensive. Sewing mach- ines had not yet supplanted the needle. Aniline colors and ooal tar-producta were things of the future. Stemrwind- ing watohes had not appeared: there were no cheap watches of any kind. So it was with hundreds of the necessities of our present life. Queen Victoria has over seventy descendants, over sixty ot whom are living. She has had nine children, seven of whom are liv- ing, and innumerable grandohildrea and great-grandchildren. Her sons and daughters who :ir" living are: :he Prinos of Wales, the Duke of Connaught. the Duke of Edinburgh, the ex-Empreai Frederick, of Germany, the ilPrince* cirlBtian. the Marchioness of Lome, and the Princess Beatrice. Among her descendants ere Princes, Princesses, JDukee. Duchesses, one Emperor, two Empresses, one Marchioness and a Lady. A NEW BIFLE BEST. Eaglaad ExpertnirnllBS wilta an lavratlan Tfcai Way Mr »r «ireat Importance. The English army is now experiment- ing with a brand new invention in the way of a rifle rest attached to the ri- fle itself. By the use of this expert si. Its become perfect and indifferent shots expert. The invention promises to revolutionize the percentage of ac- curacy of aim in the British army. If war should come within a year, the Bri- tish forces, so far as the fire of the fc- fantry is concerned, would be super- ior to all others. i The new idea was oonceived by W. S. Simpson, of Pall Mall. It is a rod of steel nine inches long, fitted within a ball socket to the stock of the rifle. When not in use this rest, which weighs only three ounces, is held by a spring within a groove alonjg the stock and is not in the least degree an inconven- ience. 'The method of shooting with a rifle to w tiich the rest is attached Is that one so familiar to all armies, ihe soldier half kucels. and then, dropping one end of lhe rod tro«u the stoi-k of the rifle, it rests it as surely and stead- ily as 'if the lutrrel of bis piece were lying on the apex of a stonewall. There is no danger ot sudden and unexpected deflection of bullets, but the U-se of the rest makes a sharpshooter of ev- ery soldier and has tbe same resultant etteci that follows the fire of a body ot PICKED MARJiiSMAN. Of couxse, such a weapon as this would not be particularly useful in close quarters, but when the armies were separated by. say. 200 yards the advantage of the gun with a rest would < once become apparent. It has al- wavs been the case in uioderm warfare that the firing n.is t>een of the hit or miss sort. Line aiier line of men have fired either too nigh or too low, so that their bullets went into the air atwve the enemy or into the ground at their feet. With soldiers using the new rest nothing of this sort te likely to occur becau.-ie excitement will not make the rest tremble, even though the hands are inclined to waver. A rifle re-sl of some kind has long tieen a desideratum, but hitherto nothing ot tbe kind has boon invented lo torm a regular part of the rifle. The difficulty wiTB which the would be inventors lalmre*! was how to fit the rest to the we^ioon. Mr. Simpson has solved Ihe prooieiu with the ball socket. So favorable nas been the im- pression the rest tias cre;ited that the committee of the English Nation.al Ri- fle .\sso<-iatiou has decided to have the rifle rest competition at 900 y.irds range. In Scotlan<l the range is to be 600 vards. o^vprr.vi, .\-VD invention. Cnpiialistâ€" llUihi! What capital fco d&- veloq> a patent. e<if Well, vou've come lo tjie wrong place. 1 haven't any! monev to rl^^ on v^'*"'^- BiKness Manâ€" But iu thus case there is no risk at aU. 'like inventiun. tbougl) wonderfully oltracl^ivo. to blue averiige mjixt. is absoliuleJy impracl liable, ll won't wprit. What f You kbcAv it wion't work and yet vou c<^ine to me for capital toâ€" â€" Cairn ycuraelf, my diear sir. Ynu see if we klu'w at t^ etart that the thing wxai't work, we Mhoil expect no re- sults frotu it, (lAd Deed run no risk. Wesimpdy form a big company, sell alt tbe sto-k. pocket tbe proceeds, and let iihia KtAX ktiH^rrs do Ihr d(>vejci:s,ngt. ;^eiat 1 se<>. You sihnll have all t^ capital }tW WSAlt. ..nl^Ht

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