Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r^: j t ,l l >J I J Vicinity Chips Ciiaracteristif?! of the Past VrteU €:irclnl5y CuHed for the (Prions liiijiu-ss noti ea anwng lociUs xeill b". + cluirged at (he rate of t*n c^ita per line fu-r each iiineriitm. A redti,dion will be )nade on cod- trucU for 100 lines or over. + + + Wa have bad ore weather â€" llie first one. week of piinie Tuesfliiy next. Jubilee Pay, will be < lift rved as civic l'.'):i.l:iy in the vilUfje, (u d all [lacvs (f tusiness will be cKised A garden piirty will bo held on July li-r, D. minion Day, on the law n irf Sirs. J. W. Aiiiisiiona, undtrthe auFpicts of the Liidiea' A'u\ of the Methodist church. Bus'n-.'ss still bri.->k at Mrs. Trimble's nii'li'iery robins. Hats in the d.iintie.^t and Diidsuinuier s'ylos g"ii:g out each day. Great value in p.inisolu and bolts. In.'peptiir N. W. Caniid>ell was in town Mi'uday on his way to Osprey scliool.s. i'llr. Campbell leiiV'-iito visit Eii^ltnd and S?Ciit;:ind "H July 17, pir s-s. NumiUiaii from Mon'.real. '• Kit, " the clever l.idy writer on the Mail Empire h:is hem sent toEoL'land to write lip the Jubil.e. We may expect s uie laev and ii,terestintc sketches' fioiu her pen. Our Iticrii.sse boys play th«"ir fiist Ipai-uo match ill Sholburiio with tlie club of that town on Jubilee Day. The boya are pntc:icin>» hard and exjiect to sjivc a good account <.f themselves before the season is over. A special train on the Toronto Grey and IJviice couvi-yetl a party of American (.•api'alists fnmi Toronto to Owen Sound, 12;iA niilti*. in 2 hours and 33 minutes, mak'icijr tin? f;istu8t time ever made ou that rai'.way. Tlia Jubilee Gh'be, issued last week, was the iioest »peciiu"n of a newspaper ever L'<sU'd in (.Canada. Probably a cimilar iiiuount of money W4a nevjr he- fore sp^^nt ill this country in tho pro- duct :nu of a siuijle nuiul>er of a news- pftpir. Mr. Win. Wright, west back line, reveiveil a telegraphic messjige froui SpokMH'-, W.T, on Tu.-sJay, acipiaint- iiig hiin with the sad iiiteliisieiice that his son Fiaser, a youni: ni^in, who has been nut west for a few years, had died on Sund ly. No particulars are known. McFarland & Sod, Markdale, are sell- ing a good broom for cents, 20i \vhi«ks Scents each, 25 needles for 1 cent, 600 solid headed pins for .j cents. 2-handlcd hair curlers 5c each, 2 i;l>be wash boards for 25 cms, 7 lbs. le^t tapioca for 2.') cent', decorated »piini{ toiler bind, heavy cloth, 25 cents each. The directors of the East Grey agricuUui'd .locieiy will iiic^-t on June 24 for the purpose of vearran;iii',' the prize list and I'tlier ^u3iueKS. President Kells informs us that it is the purpose of tl e directorate to inake this one of tho best exhibitions in wtstein Ontario. They are deteiuiintd to do it. An a^'enf "f the road r.iichinewill have one on exhili'.iim here lo-day, Thursi'a;-. The UHicliiiie will be tesi.'-d o:i the gravel north of iliB vi;la;ie, ai d if it works to the satisfii-.-cion of all It will re purcliR.M'd f T tlie township. We ui.dersiaiul the terms are li2i.'o in two payments without interest. Triniato and cabbage plants for sale, W. Uatuhuuse. Iloiior loll, FleshoitoE public school, iienior department, for May: V class â€" B. Ham Itou, F. Richard on, C. Strain: IV classâ€" H. Stewart, V. Tomlinson, Ida Gjerdrnm, J. Richardson. Ill cla.ia â€" Win. Swanton. W Divis, Em. Bellamy. Ill cla.-s jr. â€" B. BarnhoU9e,F. Thurston, R. Haciiiltun, M. Mm re, S. Loucks, C. Hales. J. Tomlinson, Teacher. A very mjoyable social gathering was hehl at the residrnce of Mr. Geo Keefer, Sr., on Friday evening last, in honor of the visit of two of Mr Keefer'a sons and tlieir families. These consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Ja.s Kcefer of Minnesota and little son,. and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Keefer and son of Norwood. Mr. J. G. Keefer is editor and propriitur of the Norwood R.-L'istBr, one of our most valued ex changes. The eveninij was a most pleasant one to all of the large coropauy present. Alfred Scanlan, a young man about 22 years of ai'e, livinu' on the town line Arteniesia and Euphrasia, was accidental- ly shot ill the lejj on Wednesday last. He and a companion named Harhottle were examinin.r the inechani»m of a gun, when it waa accidentally discharged, the hullft piercii.g yoon^' Scanlan's ankle, V-reakiiig tho bone. It was a case of didn t know it was h iwled. Drs. Sheppard of Kiiulerley .and Ego of Markflaio were .iuninioned and dressed the wound. It is ntit yet known what the result will be, but theacc.dent was a serious one. â- 'Anyone who has a public school educa- tion can win a prize it he or she will only bo careful eiiouph. " This what 1 he Century Co., New York, publLfher I'f the Century Maanziiie, says about a ciiuipetiti. n they have organized, aii<i as the laroest prize is J5(X) and the .â- Â«iiia'lest SIO «e in-line to tiiiok that a consideradle number of public school araduaies will reve'd laroe bumps of care- fulness. The Cenlu-y people seem to think that the easie.st fjuostions in their examination tapers are likely to prove t he mi St insidious,liecause the competitors will try to answer them off hanil. Tliey disirihute the ipiestions, without charge, to applicants who write fur then:. The case of Watterson v. Township if Aitt ni^.sia was called at the ^cRsions last week ii> Owen Sound, but the pldntiS' was not ptejar.d to jiroceed with her rase anil lur lawyer asked f-T an ad- jouriiment, which was graiitod by Judu'o Meiedith u]" n piiyinpi.t of costs by plaiiit'li". It is thought this will po.fcibly end the case. Tho < thiia's wire out in full foice to defani the township hut their good otlices wore not rtquired. At the res>u!ar meeting of Prince Ar- thur la-.dgc, No 33;>, A. F. and .\. M., hold at their hall on llih inst., the fol lowiiia othceia wore iiistaU.a for t!ie eiLsuing twelve months : W. Bio. R McGill, W. M.; Ibo. J, A. Boytl, S. \V.; Bro. J. F. VaiiDusaii, J. W ; Bro. A. M. Gibsun, Chapliin ; W. Bro. A. S. VanDascn, Treasurer ; W. Bio. W. J. Beliainy, Secretary ; Bro. W. L. Mo- Farlaiul, S. D.; Bro. K.N. Henderscm, J. I).; Bro. J. A. Reseboro, J. G.; BrtJ. J. Sullivan, Tyler. Grand ptt'panitions are being made for a «ala tl.ay in Flesherton o-i Tuesday next, Jui.e 22, Jubilee d.ay. Several of the schools snriouiiding tho village have been invited to participate in a boilT. Th<» program will be about as fii'lows : The school children M'ill gather on the square at 2 p, ni., after having left their lunch b.iskets atid secured badges at the Town Hall, and in.srchto Kksher's sjrove in ti.e village, where patriotic speeches and music will be niven. Th.s program is oxpcctid to be very interestin.;. The p;'.rk will be titled up for reception of a large number. After the program a basket picnic will be held on tli^j grounds aud in the ov«iiing a tine display of tire- works given. There is no charge what- ever in connection with the demonstra- tion, as it is to be purely a hiyal demon- stration put (in foot by private donations to cover expeiises.aiid it is hoped parents •ind chil'ren of ihe surr^nniding country w'U a\ a 1 themaeh es of the day's pleasure. Fivo lemonade in ipiantity will be supplied to picnickers. Any school or schools desiring to participate areconlial- ly invited to do so without waiting for a formal invita-ion. No hills h;ive or will be issued, as all funds must go towards the general pleasure of those who attend. Villagers who can do so are expected to decorate their budiliiigi tor the occasion. Come and bring a 1 the little jjeople aiiil g.-t a sourenir of iliis wonderful day ii ti'.o hi-tory by Br^tiiis her Ccd. ni's ai.d have your l.iyaity lefieshed by the general enthusiasm of the tunes. PERSONALS this I'lace acted as supporters. Tho weddinii waa a perfectly quiet one, the happy young couple leaving per 4:40 train for thoirnew home at Oxford House Kewatin District, where Mr. Stevens has just been stationed. The bride will be much missed in our village and community and especially in the Methodist church where she U>ok a prominent part in Sun- day Schoid work and the choir. She is a pleasing and {xjpular vocalist and in last Sunday evenin'.;'8 service rendered a solo 'â-  Home at Last," which was very touch- ing and brou-.;ht the moisture to many an eye. Mr. Stevens is a highly resjjected and fallly consecrated young man aiiU the yoUH'.; couple carry with them the heartiest good wishes of a large circle of friends an<l acquaintances. â€" Standard. Good Roads A. M. Campbell, Provincial road instruc- tor, says that in Ontario there were expend- ed on roads each year ovsr a millioa hours statute labor, and three and a half milliun dollars iu money, an expenditure he olaim- ed, if properly utiiizeU, that rould be suffi'jient in ten years to macadamize every mile of road in the Province. Iu order to obtain tae b-!st results it. was iaJispen.nSlo tnst a proper system cf road coasiruclioQ be d.;ci<ied upoo aud fa.thiuliy cariied out. Tho councd of each muEicipality shocli be hehl responsible for the coodiiioa of the ruals, llie initiation and carrying out of tr.e plana lor their improvement, and the selectioD of competent road overseers to â- uperinieiid and direct operations. The council shoull also tix the gra<ie to be '»!- lowed, determiDu the class oi mttter al to be useii, an 1 the widtn tint (Japth of the same to be laid down on tl.e variuiis classes of roads. He clasBiJiei the roads under three divisions. Fi'"st, leading road?. For these he would recnuimuud a gra<l« oi iweu'y-fcnr feet for grade. Second, ueii;li- borhood or Itreding r> ads. For these he would recoiumend a siia.le of iwecty feet w'do ; aua tuird, divi-ini roads, used only by a few farms. Fir these a ^rade of eighteen fuet wide noiiid be sutBo.eiit. These should bu crown' d by a liso o( one inch ill tlio foDt. Where necessary, tne drains should be placed in lbs bottom i-f the ditches. On tne leaJi:ig roads a wi.ith OI eight f>iet and depth m 12 inches < f goot gravel ahoiibl be spread unJ thoroU(,'lily compacted by th" u^e of a roller. Waeu no roller is avsilabie, tiis gravel shouhi be kept well rak-d up until thoroughly com- pacted by pasting wheel-. For ueIgiibori:i« reads a width of seven feet aud a depth of ten inoiies of good L'ravil woii;d be •uflicieut. Any gravel containing a larxe percentage of "soil sh.iu'.d be lejtcttd. It was wisiioin to use only clean hard mater al. Whatever was done should be done with a view to durability. Finid stone broken to a cube of about two iiiebes made a mo^t durable material. A depth of ten lociiss l!iorou(:hly conipacted nude aroad pipial atiuiisi to one of solid stone. No n ad te t siiould be less than from three to live m;les in length. T'us iiiaijied pathmasK-rs to UDderiake the const iietiou ot roads of a du'uble character. These pathiuaslers should be sslected irom tho best available men in the township, aud their position should ba nermaueut. Wel: A grand Jubilee celebration under tho ausi itea of L. O. L. No. KiM, wijl be held on the ground- of Mr. 'I'hos. Kelh', .\lteiuisia, on tho afternoon aud evening id Tuesday, June 22. A procram is be^ iug pvep.'ired consisting of a football m-t.li between Vandelcur and Kimborlry teaMLS, sports, music, races for good piizo% «vldrosso.s by Or. Sproulo, I. H- liUciis,P. McOulh>ugh and others. Sports w;U coiuinence at 2.30 p. m. Tea served from to 8 p. in., after which music, addresses, i!amo.s, eto, wdl be the order of the evenuig. Adiuissioii li and 10 «enU. Dr. Scolt, of Maxwell, w â- Jailor on Fi iday. Mr. Charley Richardson has returned borne fri in Woodstock Baptist College for his vtication. Jlr. J. G. Ktiefer, Mrs. Koefer and little son, of Norwood, visited at the former's i>areiual home he e for a few days during tho past week, ,AIr. M. Richar<tsi n is absent at County Cini|»cil this week. Mr. John Lind.say and Mi.ss Miniiie Linds-iy ol Slull-uMie were cuestsifMr. and Mrs.-V. M. L'lio.say f»'r a few days during the past week. Mrs. Pes kins of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. E. Vanzaut. Mr. anj Mis. Jos. Parks of vi--ited with Mr. and Mrs. E. oil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs. J. P. Otfewell and Ivev. Mr. Darn cli are attundiiii! the Baptist cinvontion in Wiai ton this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Thompson, of Oo!- lingwoo 1, are tho guests of the former's mother hero. A Quiet Wedding A Straightforward Statement Dmidaik Vanzaut Uov. FredG. Stavens, a forim>r Slark- d do boy, but for .some years a niissioner a'uoiig tho Tiid'ans in tho Not th- West in connection with tin Moihodist church, and J!is,s Franc E. IMokoll, daughtjr of W. 0, I'lcko 1, Esq , of this place, were united in nialviinouy at the residence of the bride's parents on Mond\v last, Rcr. J. M. Smiwon officiating. Mi^s Norton oi HoUaua <;entreand Mr, A. Walk t of We are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cash and trade system. We save our trade discounts by paying cash. <Jur custoin-rs save 5 to 10 per cent, by i>aying for goods when purchasetl. It is not our intention tt» call your attention to a few lines below cost as baits t-i cttch your trade. The purchasing public will lind our whole stock selling at exceedingly low prices. Oi/r Stock is 2/ery Compiete We have added new lines in Drese Goods, Prints, Sateen Prints, Rustle Linings, Table Linens, .Mosquito Netting, Mmdins, Lawns, all over insertions. Embroid- eries, et<;. In order to increase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we will give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miss this opportunity to procure a cheap sett of dishes. Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Flesherton - * Ontario Couuty aud District ,Tohn Hamill on. Reeve of Shelburno, was tried last woeH at Oraiujeville for forgery. Tho case was found to be a weak one aud Mr. li.imdtou was acquitt ed. An order was made on Monday at Osgoo^le Hall for the payment out to the only child of the late Dr. Keid, of Uorniiii.'s Mills, of S1,000 on a policy on the life of I he deceased in the Canadian O.der of Chosen Friends, of Hamitton, payable to Dr. RJds "I gal hein. The court has decided that tl.is nuaii-s " children "and does not include the widow.â€" Sh<dburiie Free Pio.s. Mr. Gcorae Beatly, an old and weli known rfcHident of Fui.hri'.-ia townshit', dnd last Monday at his residence, Erskine post 1 nice, while undcrgoiig a surgical operation. Mr. Beatty had been ill for .s â- me time, and aai'gMiie .let in his foi t It was dei.ided by the doctor? that the al'Jicted man's only clian e, slight afi it appeared, was in a-nputatioti. The opor.ition was bein^' perforni.d last Mon- day under the superintendence of Dr. C- .M, Lani.' of Owen Sontnl, with Prs Sproule and Eg'i of Markdale, ai.d Dr. Bennt-tt of Ri'cklyn in Httendaiic •, \\\\v Mr. Boatty siKCumb. d Tho cUcti s d jiPiitleiiian was a man < f about (iO yi;>is of age, anJ liighly r spectod by all who knew him.â€" 't'hoinbui-y Siaiidaid. The Emmons County Record, publish ed at Widiaiiisporl, North D.ikctti, in its issue of .May 21~t entailed a report of the trial I'f live Indians for tiic lourder of thoSpicer f.iuiily «t Ibsaiark. Tho Indans wero f;om the S'lindimr R' ck A^jeiiey or Reseiv . An biierpnt^r h; d tl bo empi- ycd for the tita!. 'Ihe iiain acior io the horrible crime was an Indian nimod Paul Holy Track, aged It) years, who toid the court the wliolo stoiy of the nuirdcraiia h..w he had been the tool if his compinions, a 1 -t of druiikon. caitle- steaUns wretches, and ha.l shot Mr. and Mrs. Spieor, aft.-r which tie oilers mutilated their bodies with pitch forks and clubs. All but ene joined in the general butchery of the unfortunate household tnd clubbed Mr. Spicer's daughter and her babies to death. Ihe object of the raid was robbery and the Record says of the bloodcurdling cvid- cneo tli.it it is a story which eusur s wholesale work f.^r the hangniaii. Tho friends in this sec' ion of the murdered family will bo gratified to learn that the giilty paities havo boen brought to justice. . »M«M-a • D;cd L^ios -111 I-'stt w«l, on Tue^ilav afternoon, JuneSth. 1HI7. Bert, bnlovu 1 son \A John Larg", aged 10 years aud ] vuci^lhs. a«3 S^§ June 1837 = 3 Queen's Jubilee - Jjune 1897 g^ The best proof of h.yalty is in helping others to be hiyal. The Fleshtrtou Furniture Wareroouis will during this Jubilee month give you the full benefit of our special Jubilee purchases, which will enable you to place in your home some new piece • â- f furniture as .-t la.stiiig memento of this the world's greatest his- torical tvcut at wonderfully Reduced Special Jubilee Prices Sfwce forbids us giving anything like a fair intitxluctioii of the extensive ranne of goisls we carry or of the prices we are selling at. Cidl in and be convinced. Special Ju'rilee Onraiis, Baby Can-iiiges and Cmdles. Very special is oiu- line of Hain- uioeks, worth ?1.25 each selling tjiis uioutli at 90c. or. E, 3MOOR23 Furnisher «& Undertaker. Flesherton m cT FILL .ASSORT.MENT OF I SPRIXO - and - 3UAIXIKr>^ ...FOOTWEAR... Ill Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to at .C]Liii.YTOIvr'S Ag*?:it for tlie Oominioii Mt-nev Onl^r Ex;'ic?=s. rer: WOOT>»S I*T10»T»II01>XT»fK. i The Great Eaerllsh Ucniedy, i Six Pcici-ai^s Guaranteed to prom;-'tly and pormaaout!/ cure ail forms of Scn-iuM \ UVti.V:u:S5,L*wi«sitjn9,5iMrritt- ! atorr7iciit I»it>otcncyatii all ; cj^ccts 0/ Ji>w*» or £xccssf.'. Mental H'orry, excesitivc «« Before avd Jfter. ;,,„„ ,^. ;.., ^„ ^„j ,„ ;,.. | flrmit-j, Insi::iilj, CoiMMiiU'^iou uiiJ an ear!j aiait. | Has bet n pr.serihed over Siyonrs iu Uioutiuda cf 1 ca^es; !3 tbis on.'y rc-l.'uft.'o ani Jloncst SlttiUlna j inow.-?. .Askilrucirbt for Woo.I's Pho..phodine; II ! hooITerasoiTio worili!c«3 risitt.iaola pljco ct this, Incloso prlco In letter, and wo will send by return mtttl. l»ri(M, 0110 puekaCL', t'; r.\x, 8*. O^" «•" piciiM, nix tcitl etu-c Pamph'.cts free k> any o.ldrcs«, Tfcs VV'ooil Cunipany, Wlnd.wr, Oat. CauaJa. Sold ill Flesherton and everywhere in Canada by all respoiisible druggists. FLESMITOS SHJ'iliS PliSlBJ J^ J^ojard - " !Propriffior . . Spring S^oetri/. , It used ill connection with proper rubjecti; and hjuulkd in the right wa\- should !k' jtist as intercstiti or fall poclty. as .suiiiiiier Oriiin.'u'y poetry Hairdresstns: in the Latest Style IS NOT THE SLBJECT Of this sketch. It is something mor« valuable. Something the people cnnnot do without at this season of tiic vear. It is ilarnc^ss and \irni iSiipplic^i^ Scissors Sliarpeced aad Razors Honed in fii-st class Style. Horses Wanted A Rood team of hoiso**. aae be'woen flvo and olght, weight from fourteen to lUtHoii liiiiMrotl oach. Willi iiialeh luares profereJ. flo.vte sued full partioiilaj's to A. J. NOBTON t Vox. SS.. Buntavilla P.. 9., Ont. I elai-.n to keep in stock the best goixls to be got in the line of horse goods, such us harness, buggy dusters, axle grease, sweat lad.i, hoof ointment, •vhip.s. rubber lap rugs, lined and u;i- liiiod ; dash aprtms, and piiouinaiiij hiUTsie collars. Alwuys up to-to-date ui everything The POETRY of the TMINQ Comos in the iiiinien.se satisf.i«tion you get in using our goods ami tho reasoniiblo prices yovj luive to pay for them. Harntssn&ker - flesherloiLi

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