Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1897, p. 8

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i |-n'iin i ni i ww p THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ tnrvjntytj^ty^iyxnnnruyvmr Court of Revision D. McTavish FLESMKKXON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS \ For Masaey-Harris, Noxon, Fleury ancl Wilkinson farm iinplemerits. p. Floury ami Verily pluwn on hand all the time, alsu all kiiidn of repairs r*l for the Biune. We nianufHcturo Wagons, ISuggius, CutterB, Sleijjhs, etc. Hiitiieslioeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender cci- tracted feet. LoKgini> and Plow Chains coii.stantly on hand. Me- -iVt jfi> ^1'.. â- t-itf 'tu- ^*(« ">'«• Ot' â- if Ha vVb ^i^ ^ifr •&v< •$(<• ^^^i«. ^1^. ^<t, .iie, ^te. ,m«. ju, ,si«. .jt^ ^ ''1* i"4 •S'ix* Bngfj'ies, Carts, Waprons, Ilanows, Plows of the bost kinds and ifpairs. Biudfrs, Mowers, Horse Bakes uud Corn Scufflers and repairs. Cliaius of all kinds. lIorscBhofiug a spicialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms i^k ;"â- % :J?4 ^'4 •*"' S"k •*''• •''"â- ' "â- "'"' i'f' ^'â- ' •*'<> ••'''''• "*''!" •>"- â- Â»l' ^"' •>'*• •"'<• â- *'*" •'''^ »"*â-  ^*'*' ^''i :^'4 â- tit, â- Ss'll. •ill. ^^ ^.^ .V4. Vl'f^ii? Owen Sound, Ontario I.S THE VERY HEST PL.\CE IN C.\N.\D.\ TO (ilOT A THOROUGH m-SINK.S'.S KDIC.VTION. Take a Round Trip ZL'^^.i.'^, I'olli'Kcs rtkI Comnierclftl DcpRrtmcnta In <'an8«la, th.-n viHtt the Nor'M* rii MiHhiOAft Colli'^o ; itxfliniiiu tvwrythtnt* thoffiiij-hly. If we fall to pio(luc!i« th'j tno.<t thoroiiKh, roin|»lett', v^'**'^'*''** *•"' nxtenoivfj coiiisv of fttiidy ; tlit^ l>t>^t rollcro priniiHex fttnl thn txist nud iiioHt c'liiipl; tu ainl MOHt flult'i'ilo Ciirnititro anil iipitliHiircs, wti \rill fiivo yo>i a fill cotn-Hu FltKK. Kur atinuat .miiuuuncJriiout**, elviiiij full paiUctiUrH. frco C. A. riJvMINO, l»iii.ciiKil Symmer^ !*'&*!& sSfe*B»^'iiWfe^&iS!fe^",.Ji!«. vMt. ^14, ^% Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE AsTK/fslf I Flesherton I Photograph I Qa!!ery ^ aro dono in fjrst-cl.i»a stylo and at ^, l.iwfBt ralis. iM.c'i'ial att,i.rilii«ii ^! i;i\ en to i-opyinr;. Itahifs' photos. uially. Pictures fniniufl. MRS. BULMER â- <i^^5i?^iP^SP^fVii='/H'^i;=M»'^i^'>ii»'»iF^ii' Fruits, Plants Garden Seeds Fl'-u.", Frrd and Orocrics cf all kimiK. ^p' Bi-cakfatit hacoii, lloU bacon, I't-rli (idea. Everything Nice In Season Uools md Slioen ntlomlod to pioniplly and ill lliu iiiaiust niaiiiiur. Bilil, Hi EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Caniagos ma'lo niul rrpaireil, also rUiiiii;!^ ttiul Matcliin^', ILind b.iwiii^,', Wooil Tuniuif; of ivory dcs- Hi-iipliuii. riaiiiii;^' iinil (Jiaiii Cliop- piii;^ (lijiic whilo you w.iit, for tlu- Jjcavur turiiB tho wlitcl. T. W. WILSON, Manager FOE - SALE â€"BYâ€" i, ]. TMll, FLESIiESmS .OGS WANTED ! In unlimiti'd qiiantiticB ut the Mill »![[ Hi '!iu«t Casli Prices. only oo Per Bao Peccroft Si Talbot IK vol- WISU TO HtrY rROrCBTV CONSl'I.T THIS KI'ACE. FOR S.MiK I'licnp and on ^â- n^â- .y toriiis. oiiv inilo fioiii FIi'hIioi toll, \)\ aoii'H land iiu'l nil whi^h iii 11 -^ood 7 looms frani" ilwi'lliiii;, will and c.nnfoit.ihly liiiislu'il stoiio c'.'ller innliTinjilh, ami good well and pniiip in kitoluii, >;oim1 fniiie Klalile and driving house, iiIho hrick lined hen lioiiNo, Min.'illoirhai'd lonnnuiicinj; to hoar. .\pi.ly t.. It. .1. Sl'KDl'LE, Flcshciton. A DEAD IIAUOAIN if sold dnriiiH pre.suiit month. Two iini>rovod fariiiu, olio a iiiilo from I'rieovillt! anil the other lu'.iiio ili^tiinei) froiii Wai'eliaiii. Small liayiiiiMil down, l.nliinco on YEHV eaiy tiiriii.^. Also a hundred and fifty aere farm nnl mill silu one mile fioiii Flefiher- toii, piiiiciiwlly haiilwdod IhimIi, L'.") iicris elciiri.d and fiiinie ihvellini,' and hUihlo. .Any pui.s(jn Wiintiiij^ a deoiduvl bargain apply quick to abovo. â-º^Vii; TRADE MARKS, OOPVRiOHTS 40, AnTnno lenilliiff n nkrich antl iU'M(,iii.ti(»n may qtOcklv iu*i'tTttiln, free, wlipther nn liivenunn Is l'riii>at.Iy imtciiOihle. t'limimintoiillonfl ulrlrtly coiilliluiitlnl. OliUwl BKBiiiy fiTHi'iiirlnKi'iilinU In Amcrlui. Wo linvii n WnhliUmeciii (11:â„¢. I'.iKiiiH iBkcn tliruuKli Muim A to. 'euelT* tipcnirvl iintlcn In tlio SCIENTIFIG AMERICAN, h<>h,. 'ifiilly llluHtrritiMl, 1 uvTOt iilriMiIullim ol nil H.l,iiillllcl"m-iii4l, wiM'klv,U-nii<»3,(lll ii yn.irl >i...>Aix ctMithn. ^iu-chiii-n iHi)Tli<» ntul tlAMa jiouu ON PATicNTfl Muui trite. Adurtibtt MUNN A CO., 301 UrauUwuv, t\v\v York. Tho first nitting of the Court of Re- vision nu tliu abttesameiit roll uf the Township of Aituinesia for 1897, was held in the Town Hall, Fleshtrtoii, on Saturday, June 5, 18'J7. All tho niom- bers bttiiig present and having been sworn, the court opened when the lollow- iiig appeals were heard and Uispuaod off as follows : George Gorloy appealed against his as- aessineiit on W. i lot 28, con. 14, as he- i.ii; too high, reduced SlOO ; Josephine M. Uoss appealed against the asaessiuent of lots pt. \ii, 35, 1 S. D. R. and 35, yti, 1 N. U. R. as being too high, no person appearing tho app;?al was dismissed ; Will. McLttUghry appealed aaaiiist his assessiuent uf lots 111, 112, 113 as be- ing too hiiih, on account of suh"i>l and (jther acconmiodatioii, tho roll in this case was su^itained ; Robert Mercer ap- pi-aled ngninst bis Hssessnieut of lots HW, 110, 2 N. E , as being too hi'jb, etc., the roll was sustained in this case also ; upon aiiplication of Mrs. Beecroft, owner. Rev, S. L. Thoni wa.s entered on roll for lot.i 4 and .'), Peter street, Flesli- el toll, as teiunt ; Henry Wils-jii who was asse.saed tenant as'for lot.s 148, 14'J, 150, 3 N. E having left the pivini.ses appealed to have his name struck oif loll, request (iranted ; A. and D. Mo- Aithnr, tenant.^ of lot 14 and 15, 1 S l>. M., appe.did to have their iriiiies struck (â- tr loll as tciiaiii.s for said huid.t. appeal granted ; Joiin Hill was enten-d as o>vn,r for lots 11."), 110, 2 S. W. T. and S. road ; J. Alcoik was entered as tenant lot Ifi. con. 12 ; W. J Aloock was tered as M. 1'., lot 10, cm. 12 ; Herbeit Irwin assessed as F. S , lot 1I!I. 2 N. K.; Geo. Buehanan eiiter-d as M. F., lot S. h 21, cm. 10 ; Win. llenisworth en- tered as M. F., lot 134, 2 N. E.; Win. and .las. Cioper were aRi<ei>.sed as oc- cuiuintH pt. lot 10, con. 14 ; M. Gilles- pie w.i.s mtered as M. F., con. 4 ; Geo. Russell was iis8'8.-<ed as F. !S., lot 31, con. ; Chailes Wilkinson was entered tm M. F., lot 37, eon. 10; Tliom.ia lloyce was anKt'cned as F S , lot 40, con. 5 ; Samuel Moi-nav was a.>is<i.<8ed iis iM. F. pt. lot 111, 1 y. W.; Uobeit Me- Intyiv was asse.sed as tenant for h't S. ^ lilc.oii. f), at a v»l.i:itioii of j8i)0 ; Roheit lliiuey was eiiterid ,is .M F., lots 7o, 7'!, 1 N. D. IC ; Jidiii Little wa* ll.sse^s.•d a.s F. S., N. A 70, con. 1, S. D.^ R.; Win. Osborn was .'is-fesMd as tenant f'lr lot 31), Pon. 10; R. Mclniiis was eiitend a» M. v., and tJen. lV<llar, lAiijeni.i, was entered HH Jl F. ; (j«0. Fibber w.is entered as M. F., lot 8. A 3tJ, con. 1) ; Noblo Jjiwience was akSessed as teiinnt for lots 148 aid 14'J, con. 3 S. \V. in. .â- iiead of M. Felgus<iii ; .lobii JIc Faddyen was enteieil a» owner for lot N. pi. 21, con. 14 : W. J. Nelson, I'riciville, w«:. entered as M, F.; Win. M.ii>.!iall was assessed as tenant for part of lot I'.U 1 N. K. ; W. and J. Mc- Na'ly were a.si-ossed us teliaiiis for lot 170, J N E. ; tlidiii Gidbr.iith was as Ki"-H. (I as lei. ant fur lot l!t8, 1 N. E; .lidiii Kerr was aiKossod astiii.uit for h t» 173 and 174, 2 N. E. ; Wni. .Middiiu.di wa.H ansessed a.« tenant for lot 1!)0, 1 S. W.; Edward l>ost w.is ass.-ssed as F. S., lot lt>l, 1 .S. W.; Frank Ueiinio wa.s en- tered a« M. F., lot 187, 1 S. W. Kells--XIcMill.-»iiâ€" Tiiat the roll now reviaed by this court \m the "VM^esaiiieiit ii-U .if the Township of .\rtenu«ia for all purposes for the year 18117. The court closed. W. J. RtLLASlY, clerk. County Court and Qencrai Session Cash : for : Hides! Rliunpskiiis ami all kinds of fins pur- ehaMid, for wliiuli liiylioat market price will bo paid, Hompniadn aausages on hand, also all kinda of iiieats. riesliortou Meal Eunioriiim The .Tune Sit'iiii;.^ of these court.* com- meiieed Tuesday liiat at I he Couit House befiire .ludgo C'reaaor. Tho non-jury sittings of lliw lli.jli Conr; of .fiisticii in-e Kcheduled forTuifday and owing to ths silver. il of the oa.Hea w tr,' adjourned. The following weix up fi>r trial : â€" I'ago vs O'Neil â€" This is an action for iiifiii'.i^ineiit of li pati nt under what is known as " CrabliM Patent Fence," the defeiu'ant being a lieiitiiick farmer. Wo undeistai d that tlii.s ease lia.s been select- ed out of suver.il otlier.i ai a test c;ise and it will Iheicfoie be w.iLhod with eon- i-ideial hi concern by niiuiy farmers who are in tliosaino position lis the dofoiidant willi nferonee to using this fyiu-e. The eisi! which wdl bo tried without a jiny WIS adjonriu'd until Htli July ne.Kt. .MolviyA- Ibittoii for plaintill; Elliolt (l>;iih:viii) for liefendaiit. Smith vs. \\ illougliliyâ€"This was an appeal from Magistriito conviclioii and will li-.i heard on Monday ne.\t. MiieKay ,V Ibittoii for Appellant ; Houglis & \\ b tesido ri'proseiited by Mr. Wright, for Kespondi-nt. Fletcher \K. Kellyâ€" In this case Mrs. FUlehersued J'liiios Kelly a botelkeoper of Markdalc, fordani'ejes for having sup- plied bi|ii"r to bor hus'iaiid after noliee under The I.ii|Uor Liicni-^o Act that Fl, 'teller be refiisoil drinks. TIki ea.'io toik up almost a 'l.iy in ihe lie.irm^ and there was a eonsidoiable contlirt of to-timony. A verdict «as roturiied for 1 biiiitillfor &25, whieh, however, only c'.'iied Diiisiou Oonit coats. Lucis »^ \Vri'.;lit for pluintifl'; A. iJ, MacKay and P. Mct^'ulloiiL'h for defeiiihiiit. Qiii!en vs. iMacKiiy Tho defendant, a yoniiL' man of lityoiis of iiyu, was eharg oil withthift fioin hiHein))loyor,a buleher ill Sluillow Lihe. The jury relnriied a verdict of not unilty. A. (J. ManKay for thrown ; lUshop it Middlabio for deft, â€" .-Vilverti^er. A 12 year old Grand Valley boy will serve a term in the niiniioo Industrial »cho(d. He entered Dr. Skiiipon's stable, took out a horse and struck off, but was overtaken, brf>ii'.:ht back, and arri.igiied before a bench of magistrates, result above stated. I'revinu.^ duct bad quite a bit to do sentence. with ths bad con- with his Si.x dealers Imvo taken out licimsoti in Mount Finest in apeovilance with thu by- law recently passed by the town council, and paid live dollar's eaeli for theprivihgo of tlispuhini; (11 cigHiH, Tho eigiirelw lieeiipo, whiJi was lixed at $26, seoinrt too high lo eontiune business sml all voihIols of cigarotte.i have either dispesod of their stocks or bhippod tboni back to th« tiruis. The Markets. Carefuilr Corrected Each Flour $3 80 to Oats 18 to Wheat 80 to Barley 20 to Peas i;7 to Butter 10 to E'gga, fresh. ....... . 10 to Potatoes bag 25 to Pwrk . . 4 00 to Uay per ton 7 00 to Hides 4 00 to .Sheepskins 25 to (ieese 5 to Turkeys 7 to Cliickens per j)air.. . . 20 to Ducks per pair 40 t« Wixd 17 tu Week $5 2b 20 85 30 37 10 10 25 4 75 8 00 5 00 60 6 50 20 Time Table OOINO .SOt'TH. Markdalcâ€" 7 35 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Flesherlonâ€" 7.48 a. m. 4.52 p. m. GOINli NORTU. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. in. 9.18 pm. Markdale--12.20 p. m. i).30 p. in. Tan Bark Wanted Tho tim1entif;i?eil wislir-^ to buy anv quantitv of tj*n bark. Mu-t be4f-»'t lonj;. Hat and uoC curlod, and well saved. Piice •â- ^'â- i per cord. K1)\V.\UD SAUOhNT t'lubbortou Station , Juue 8' AnT^fTTK! ^ a"i j"«t startUia tho bent tbiiiR **"â- *-**' ^''^ for money iimk'nc you huva -'i.cM for liXitiy II I'ay. Your tmuio arnl ailtiies-»t'S ni'l i>riim t)i'.4^ol'lcu iuiaruiiiti.u. K* V. 01u^cow Turotito, O41C. FOR 5ALE A quniitity of hhiufjlcs for E>*]e at my mill, lot :m, CUM. H, Aitemeiiia. Also Khiti^jloHcut ou share:'. vo:iM cxcliangoa Bpaa of horbes for Hliiu^lu timber. J. UICKLING. MaxwoU V, 0. PASTURE TO LET The iniitsrslgncd but rooJ past arc to lot at rcasouable rates. Ai'ply to JOHN WKIUUT, Jr.. Fli-sUerton WP Tl/AN'T tohmello establisheil traitn in «> Jj II All 1 this eouiity. CHna<liaii strett AT, it NT? Buaraiiti'Cii tolivu. I'eriuanent Ijibi'tal terms. Yo'.i cat iii.iko tell dollars a week or bi'iur v.li'.i iw, for every ivoek you Work. No e.'tpei-i'-iK'n lUH-'ossary . Brown Brothers Company, Contiuoutikl Kiu.!cric8, ICi Mcb. TOUONTO, ONT I'^arm for Sale Farm for salo c)t»*fvp. 01 acrrrs. widl water*- 1 '2.} tii'tuH caht o< t!i)A vlllatjo, knowi^ hs t)iu Kuu wicK faiiu. AV2>>> to M. lUcliOitbou, asftt^Loo hm M U for kk For itftlo choap and on tanv torrns In KlcHhor- ton. SplunJid Iavho, solid brl,k dr.clliit;:. w ith Kvtod BC'inoctdiar. bimitiitir kitehen jind woo<l* hoiiRi*, uIpo pto*J (:iutio Ftablo, btiuk liti>!<l. 1*. c»i)i»;oft fontiiitiB two lai^o JotR aud^'od youns orchard, bcariini. Huu^o «iu! oii*bi)iiouii!H a.re f^xcoittinuHlIy v.tt'.l l^iiiAtu'd and vory couveni- eutl> Uidout. Apply to K.J. SrnouLB. FlMhorton. 3K *-r^^^â€" . <<-cs New eiUtion of Qitreii now ready. I'.iiliiiii'-'.i â€" thiry-two fiid p'»t;o phitBfl adtlc.i. iW'Mt liMtory of tho <0»UH*ti and t)i« Vk't(iri:in Kra publiHlu*-'. Thu oniv t'aimdUn book a«iCopli.'d bv llor Majesty. SuIoh iMionnouH. ('anvu?i!tors lin'M)kin>; ibo bottom oul id ull ro-^ ford. Many to iiiako thirty dollarii wct^kly from now until Dianiot.d Jul llee. I'luticulatti frc>'. Tbo bvadluy- Uarrottuu Co* Ltd., Turonto, Out. Farm and MHl Site for Sale Fnr Halo wry tdu-ap tind on very easy tonns. Timbin- ittim, VvJ iicros. two mllivs Irom Kl"*%!i orton, known a/* tho Wni. If o^<;RtLW(nill pt o I'ovtv.ftudou which Iahu i^xuollt-ni wntor powor, louiidatlou of Haw mill, daui and poiul and wi'-tor wluMd in placo atnl uli ri'ad> for putt ipr mill ou. Abont ir>arrvBcKmrod, ;iO(U'rfHliniln>r. nioHt otV. Imlmict! wt*] itiubi'Vi.'*!, nil.xt.J timber. This (arm will lH» fold ut u bHrKuiit if huUI nt oiiLV. Small pLtynuMitdowu. balance 011 vai'y OAdy turui3. Apply ti> R.J. Srnoiu.K, F*oti!u'rvon. Out WANTCD ?den and Wommj wiio om w>rU b\r.l t ilk . int; iiud wiitin^ ttisiunnsduily »or six iIuva a wi'ok. ttud wi;l bo. eoiiUMil with tt^ii ituUiiv» wtufkly. Addiosa. NoA- Idoaa Co., lUautXord. Out. FARM TO RENT OR SELL liOt tVil.Snd Qon. \. K. T. * S. H„iU acres, nooil liuiiio tunt^o', M> HOr..s eloiiriij. Eafv toruw. W. A. ABMSrilONlJ, '' l''luBhorton. gusiincsjj (Euv(l$ M'CUIXOUOH A TOCKO â- Â»"• Banlici-8, Maikdalo Do a general banking business. Money loikaed at a ruaaoDable rat*. Call oo aa. A 8 VANDUSEK, J P ** Clerk 5tb Div Coart, Co Grey IsFuer of Marriage Licenses, Convevtneer, Notary, Public, Auotioni>or. Moaoy to loan a* truiu 5 to 6 per oeut. Charges moderate. FLESHERTON P O rjKBTS COIXECTED *^ Tlio uudei-bisned is prepsrod to undertake tlie coiioutioii of all kiads of debta. Notes bought, uccouuts col'.tctvd. etc. K N HENDEBBOS, Flosbertoa. f CHISLETT * Flebiiertou Station Postmaster, Coaiiuisbioner iti H t" .1. Coiivpy- ancor. Di^eds, nioitiiaccs, ioaicfl auil willj» drawn. Mciey to lend ot r,\ per cent end up- wards. Debts culleeted. Cllurgab niodeiulu. Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee Canlos 'Queen Vletofia, liev life and reiflii" into evuvy homo. I'oikons who, iievor held btxikfl take oriUirs fie-t. Pie?ae:i tlui loo«t eloiiunalef l.erd llil'.tunn's nclonveieiiii's. No liook mi hitilil'T iMal'<i\l. VVi> iiiH- 1 more eanvnsi>dr». l.a-iv to inaUn ^l.'i to .f.W a yve.'k. Ilookd on tiiiio. IN-imjirotus free lo eanvassovs. A trial will cost rutluin;, and it aia. 111. your empty jjockot hmik Tliu il.udlvj .uuvretacu R J SPBOULE Postuiaeter, Fleslierton fommisfiioner in }J R, Licensed Anctionrcv, ronveyanc'r, Appraiser and :t!oney Lender, Keol Eetute nud Insurance Acent. Ueede. luoi tsates, Itasos an 1 wills drawn up an I valuations made on iliorte^t c ticn. Arctic-! sales attended to in any j-art of thectuntv. Money to loan at lone.-t rates "I ii.tercft. Col- lections atteiide<l to »itb pitninrniss an I despatch, tharais low. A«eut fi f Priuiiiioj Steamship Company. Cheap littits o i Flenhertnn to l.ivirjiool, (jlti ffow. I in Ion •;- any 0' tbo HiituU po:t». Parti, s !D'a:iuin; to viiilt KorUikI, Sci'iland or r a >ii «,l'l pl-^aso a^k latis before pnrci.aslai' tUcir tickets claewt;tre. c^ccirticKS A U W meets every first and third Krndhy **• ia each montli, in tiieir )c:i'^u riK!!!i. Srrain's block, Hleth^rton. at » p m. Piico Teeter. W M ; A H (iiisuo, Kitoioer; 'A' J >;ellaiuy,Fii:aaci.>r. Visiting brutUrcc iuvited. pRlNCK ARTHTH LODUE. No r33. A F & t AM, meets in Ibo »liin-.nic kail. Siiain's Meek. Klesbeiton. every Fri-la^ ou or Ivt-.ire the full uioon. It UcGlil, "W H; W J liellamy, Beeretary. Sf^ti^tvy JP MARSHALL L D ti, it D S, Deutiat Visits JIarkdale the iKt and Hrd Wctnesd:iv cf each UHiutli. f leBbertouâ€" eacli trip ou "tha dtty fo'.ioniug. LO CAMPItKI L L I) S, D U S, Cental SarRoon, Mttkdale Oflice over Mc('ullau:i'i A Tonns'ii bank, tlouisâ€" .â- ^;iu a ui toiipiji. Visiu l>'le<h<iit u the bi'cund and foi-.rtli Thtirsday cf each mouth. Uince at Muui-haws hotel TnESDrKSON 1> U S, U D S, Doiitist of Toronto (Crold Mouali.'.tl will visit Flesherton pro- fefsloually the (Irnt WedneS'l'v o! uoci; month and Uuudulk the foUowiun 'lay (Tbursday.) gm JOHN W FKOST, L L M " liaiiister, Scliciior, CcuTeyancer. cto onieeâ€" Next to postitBce. hriouto's lj;o<:k, Fiuflieiton. every SaCirbiy ami cnuit days. N H-Cwi'ii ISoniid etice, Krcst's blctU, Lt) Poulett sti'ouS cast. LUCAS A WniOHT hsn isters, Bolicitore, CoDTcymeers, eto Owen Sound, Out Maikiiale. init NV 11 \\UK-l!'l' I n J.ccAS N IIâ€" rii'shertou clilce. liitchclia Banlt, every Wediies.lay. TUCKi:i'. * PATTEP.SOX liarristors, hollei'vors, pto iloitfun's r-ank. (.'wen Sound MACKAY * HATTC:* r>arii;terK, Solicitors, eto (Iircos-;10 I'culett btroi't, Oir«n SouaJ ; and Main litreet, DcuOalk, ivery tiaturtiu;,. N IJâ€" Always in mtei.t'ttiico at >K'5bcrton and Dundalk Division Courts. A U MACK.VY, M A W J HATTOH County Ciown Attorney pfiliatt DK HUTTON U D v: M, M r P * 8 Out, PrleeTl'.le. Oliico next deor lo Id-ev.u's store ; residcDco one door wubt of Jiethu.Uit cburch. Kinrut-.< street. Ulttce days, 'iuesdai* aud Satuidays. DU CAIJTKK M (.' P & S Ont, Physician, Surr«on, eto hlosUertoii otilee â€" btiaiu'a bdock, Besideuusâ€" MuusUaw's Itolcl. JOHN A FCOTT. M 11 Mcnsber ColUco Physic. A SurReone, t)ntario i-lradiiato in Medicino ol 'l\itc>nt* I'niM'isity. Fellowship liij.k uiii. lout tiiami- ate Medical Uehonl and iiofuital, Cliioa>;-i. Diwasesof eye, car, uyio and ilno.it s-f^fcislly treated. Kc^tdoLce, Maxwell, visits Puver:»bani 'lliursdyas 1â€"^ Co, :u: T P OVTKWF.LT. " Veterinary Hurijoon (iiatnato of Ontario Veterinary CoH*; •. ttOHiileieoâ€" Secimd door coiitli on wtst si- e Mar^ Bticet. This ttioeta tuns routb ttcui Ptesbytveiaii ctiurch. pKlCimi.LK AND DVKHAM STAOK Pnvhani sts.f;) leaves Fle.sberton Station at T.l.i a in., rctntiis i.tCi p.io. Prioeville statiu leaves thu i-aiuo plseo at linO, vetuVnuip at l.&. Fare to Pi ieaville ami tef.irn. Ciii eoutf ; Dm ham, $1..M» for return'. 7'ic. fiiii.-lo ra.ro. Liven- in coli- ueetiou, Oint«rs may be U-ft at cither hotoK A.MoC-AULEY Prop Xoke^.ii'i Out, N* UOL'bK, lut;cisc\l

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